How long will it take for the parcel to arrive? How long does it take for a registered letter?

Very often, while waiting for delivery, you want to know when the shipment will arrive. The question of how long a parcel costs by Russian Post can be answered based on official data. But this information is not a 100% guarantee, since various difficulties arise during transportation. Depending on what type of parcel was chosen for sending, the terms vary.

Fixed delivery times represent the time spent on shipment from the place of registration of the item by the sender to the place of receipt by the recipient. When determining fixed deadlines, the day of acceptance is not taken into account.

How many days does a parcel last?

First of all, the delivery time depends on the distance that must be covered for delivery. Data on terms are given in the table on the Russian Post website, where all administrative centers and delivery to them by ground transport are indicated. When delivering by air, the terms are the same as for sending written correspondence. If the shipment is carried out within the territory of one city, the parcel will be delivered within one day. When sending to administrative centers of Russia, as well as to regional ones, the delivery time should not exceed four days. When sending a parcel from the administrative center to the district center, as well as to populated areas of the district, the shipment also lasts no longer than four days. When sending between settlements different areas, the delivery time is determined by adding fixed delivery times for each item.

A calculator for calculating the delivery time of a parcel by Russian Post is available here

The time given for processing a parcel sent by land transport should be no more than 8 hours, and by air, no more than 4 hours. The regularity of transportation of parcels between cities, as well as administrative centers, districts, and settlements of districts, is carried out three days a week.

Based on all of the above, it is possible to determine how long a parcel takes to arrive only by knowing the point of departure and delivery, since everything depends on the distance and location. This depends on whether you send it within your city or to regional centers.

How much does a registered parcel cost?, also depends on delivery conditions. Since it has the only advantage that it is sent with a notice and requires mandatory signature by the recipient. The same thing applies to a valuable parcel post.

How much a valuable parcel goes is not affected by its estimated value. All Additional services are necessary only to protect yourself from unsuccessful delivery. When sending parcels internationally, the delivery time can range from one to several weeks. Therefore, many people think that their parcel will no longer arrive and begin to worry. It’s good that there is a track code, and you can track all this, whether the parcel is in the process of transportation or not.

If you want to speed up the delivery process, you must use 1st class shipping or express delivery. The cost is higher, but the shipping time is much shorter.

A huge number of letters in our time have turned from paper to electronic. Telegrams have almost disappeared from our lives altogether. But parcels remained one of the sources of income for Russian Post. Moreover, many companies engaged in courier delivery and cargo transportation have relied on this service. But it can be fully stated, based on many years of experience in the domestic market of Russian Post, that it is still trusted, and it is it that establishes regulations on forwarding.

Shipping between Russian cities

Shipping within Russia occurs according to the table of control deadlines for sending parcels between cities of Federal significance. You can use it to find out how long it takes for a package to travel across Russia from your city to its destination. For example, you live in Astrakhan. Then the parcel to Abakan will take 14 days, to Belgorod - 8, to Birobidzhan - 15, to Bryansk - 9, to Veliky Novgorod - 11. In the least, in 5 days, the parcel from Astrakhan should go to Saratov and Tambov. The table shows the maximum delivery time for your parcel, but in fact, everything can happen faster if there are no holidays, all delivery services are working as usual, and there is no overload transport lines. Keep in mind that in the table you can find out how long it takes for a parcel to travel across Russia, between central cities. And if you send a gift to relatives in the village, then take into account the delivery time to the regional center, plus to the district center, plus to the village. Therefore, parcels take a long time to reach distant and small settlements.

Air parcels

To find out how long it takes for a parcel sent by airmail to travel across Russia, you need to look at the text of Russian Government Decree No. 160 of 2006. The delivery times for written items are indicated there, but they also correspond to sending parcels by air. For example, a parcel from Vladivostok to Belgorod will take 6 days, from Kaluga to Astrakhan – 5 days. The day the parcel was sent, that is, the day it was received at the post office, is not included in the delivery time.

If a parcel comes from abroad to Moscow, then the standard for its delivery by airmail is 7 days, to St. Petersburg and large industrial cities - 18 days, to any other point in Russia - 20 days.

Internal parcel movements

If a parcel goes from a regional center to the center of a municipal district, then according to the standard it should travel no more than 2 days. And in turn, from the municipal center to any small settlement the parcel will travel in the same 3 days. The day the parcel arrives at the department is not included in this period, as is the order processing time. And at different main routes of communication different terms processing. When transferring a parcel to railway transport services, the processing time is 8 hours, and when transferring to airlines - 4 hours. Russian Post reports this on its website. How long does it take for a package to be sent by other shipping companies, you need to find out in their offices, but the state has its own views on these issues, we have already introduced you to them. If your parcel is lost, you will go to court with all the documents, and knowledge of the law in this regard will be very useful to you.

Express Mail Service

Recently Russian Post introduced a new service. You can send a letter or parcel to 190 countries. Express delivery occurs from the sender's door to the customer's door. You just need to call a single multi-channel number. This express delivery is implemented both in Russia and in foreign countries, in a very short time (from 1 to 5 days).

How to find out where the package is

If you sent a parcel with Russian Post, then you can track its movement on the website of this organization. Here all stages of the movement of your shipment are noted, at each intermediate point it is registered, its weight and the integrity of the packaging are checked. You can track your parcel using the number that was assigned to it at the time of receipt. Therefore, you will clearly be able to understand whether the delivery time of your shipment meets all standard standards. And if suddenly something doesn’t suit you, you can immediately call one toll free phone, which is also listed on the website.

When making purchases on foreign online sites, you want to get the desired items as soon as possible and enjoy successful purchases. The only difficulty is that parcels are sometimes not allowed through customs or the goods are lost without ever ending up in the hands of the buyer.

To find out how long it takes for a package to arrive from Aliexpress, you need to find out what type of delivery the seller sent it with. In order to clarify where the goods are located online, you need to enter the track specified in the order and click “track”. In the updated version of the electronic hypermarket website, the order is tracked in the “Delivery and Payment” section.

To find out approximately how long it takes for a package to arrive from the Aliexpress website, you can look at the name in the tracking column transport companies with the specified deadlines. The duration of delivery directly depends on the shipping method that you chose to purchase at the time of placing your order.

Each seller always has a choice of certain options for transport companies - free or with a set cost. Of course, the buyer is always interested in how long it takes to send a package from aliexpress to Russia. The customer can choose from several types of companies with services that provide express delivery for different terms and a certain payment.

Most buyers prefer free ways delivery. Aliexpress standard shipping falls into this category. In this case, how long the package takes is indicated in the order conditions. Usually the goods reach the addressee within 60 days. If the seller immediately sends the goods, then the buyer will have it after three to four weeks.

Possible delivery services on Aliexpress

  1. The most popular China Air Post. This is China Postal Service and does not require any additional fees. It is because of the huge number of shipments that the processing speed slows down. This service is considered the longest, since the order can take two months.
  2. Hong Kong, Switzerland, Singapore and Sweden Post are also common as delivery services for goods from Aliexpress. Suppliers indicate that the parcel should arrive within two months, but more often they arrive much faster (14 - 30 days).
  3. Via Finnish Post The parcel arrives after two to three weeks, but the deadline is 35 days.
  4. EMS Service– this is express delivery for money. If the buyer chooses this method, he can rest assured that after 2 weeks from the date of order, the parcel will be at the post office at the specified address.
  5. DHL, TNT– more expensive services for the supply of goods that guarantee delivery of the purchase within five days. But, unfortunately, the companies’ promises do not coincide with reality, and the goods arrive in 12-15 days. Despite the fact that the services are several times more expensive than the previous delivery service. There is no point in overpaying when the goods last almost the same number of days.

If the buyer does not want to wait and wants to receive the parcel as soon as possible, it makes sense to use paid postal services, since the purchase will be delivered in a week and a half. But if the parcel is not expensive and there is no need to pay for expensive shipping, then it is better to use free services.

The delivery time of the selected purchase will depend on the choice of service. It is worth noting that in recent months It became possible to order goods on Aliexpress from Russian suppliers. That is, delivery is carried out from domestic warehouses. Thus, the goods arrive in one and a half to two weeks, and sometimes even faster.

In order for customers to be able to check whether the seller has sent their goods and where they are currently located, the sender provides a track. You can view it in the information section about the purchased product. It also indicates on which service this track can be used.

You just need to enter the tracking number to get the necessary data, namely the date and place of arrival of the goods. This allows buyers to have no doubt that the goods have been sent and are moving through populated areas, both foreign and domestic. But the service shows that the specified number is unreliable.

This is due to the fact that when selling inexpensive items, sellers indicate “left” tracks. That is why, if this fact is discovered, it is necessary to write to the seller to provide correct information. It is also possible, since there is a risk that the parcel was not sent.

After updating the site, delivery and tracking information is available directly in the profile:

Any buyer has little chance of influencing the delivery time of his order. It happens that having completed an order with the wrong seller or at an inconvenient time for him, the parcel arrives a week and a half longer than if he was aware of some of the nuances.

When ordering, you must pay attention to the deadlines, within which the supplier undertakes to send the parcel. This is usually a one-week period, although if the seller has the item in stock, it will be shipped within 2 days. For some sellers, this period is extended to 15 and sometimes 20 days. That is why inattentive customers risk finding out after a couple of weeks that their goods have just been processed and have finally been shipped.

The largest number of orders occurs during the pre-holiday days, especially before the New Year's weekend. Branches postal items are overloaded, and workers do not have time to sort all the parcels. For this reason, the delivery time is extended for an indefinite period.

If you don’t want to wait months for your product, you should place your order several months before the hot sales period. This way you can receive your parcel much faster, without wasting unnecessary nerves when the protection period is coming to an end and the shipment has not yet arrived at the post office.

Delivery times for shipments depend on several factors. These include:

  • type of postal services;
  • post office workload;
  • pre-holiday days;
  • sales time.

You should pay attention to the period of the grand November sale on November 11, as well as the moment of Black Friday. It is these days that many sellers offer huge discounts on the assortment of their stores. As a result, the majority of hypermarket customers place an order at this time.

Due to the incredible number of purchases, sellers do not have time to prepare and ship goods to all customers. Buyers are waiting for their parcels, but the goods never arrive even after 3-4 months. Therefore, it is not recommended to make purchases during major sales. And at other times you can buy this product at the same discounts. The same applies to goods from the burning category.

Sellers indicate a certain number of units of goods to be sold. Buyers assume that the item is in stock and will be shipped within two to three days. In practice, this is not always the case. Last minute products on Aliexpress are always offered at a reduced cost, but are not always shipped.

What to do if the goods have not arrived?

It often happens that the buyer could not wait for his goods. There is no need to despair that the money is wasted and nothing can be done. First, do not forget to monitor the product protection period. A notification comes 5 days before the end of protection. The seller may, at its sole discretion, unilaterally extend the protection. The buyer can fully given period contact the supplier or open a dispute:

In order for a dispute to be confirmed, the necessary reasons must be indicated. This could be not only an undelivered product, but also a defect or a discrepancy between the purchase and the image on the website. During a dispute, the seller and buyer can resolve the problem. If the supplier does not accept the dispute and refuses to return the money, you can use the procedure to aggravate it.

Aggravated situations are resolved by the Aliexpress support service. If the supplier turned out to be a fraudster and did not send the goods, the service will return the money to the account from which the payment was made. Thus, making purchases online, namely on the Aliexpress website, is not scary.

Much more often, intermediaries who resell goods through social media. To avoid making a mistake when choosing a seller on a Chinese website, pay attention to its rating, product reviews and photo reports from real buyers.

How long does it take for a parcel from Aliexpress to arrive?

Many of us have been faced with the need to use the services of Russian Post at least once in our lives. It is important to imagine the time when How long does it take for a parcel to arrive in Russia? to get to the recipient.

Russian Post has established target dates that reflect the time it takes for a parcel to get from the place of departure to the place of issue. Usually these figures are calculated without taking into account the acceptance of the parcel. Between cities of federal significance, as well as administrative centers of constituent entities Russian Federation, if ground transport is used for shipment, the parcel must travel the number of days indicated in the table of control deadlines for sending parcels. In the case of using air transport for forwarding destinations with direct communication, the control deadlines for forwarding are set the same as for written correspondence.

Within cities of federal significance and the territory of administrative centers of regions, the delivery period is set to no more than 3 days. Additionally, the deadlines allocated for preparing the parcel for dispatch or delivery have been established. From the moment the parcel is received until it is full preparation before dispatch and from the moment the parcel is received by the exchange point with main routes until it arrives at the postal facility, no more than 24 hours should pass. At facilities that exchange mail with main routes, the processing time for parcels is set to no more than 8 hours for ground transport and no more than four hours for air transport. Parcels received directly at workplaces in post offices are sent immediately with the first transport.

The frequency of parcel transportation between populated areas is set at least 3 times a week. Parcels are transported less frequently only to hard-to-reach areas of our country - these are the regions of the Far North, Siberia, Far East. Within large cities, transportation between postal facilities is carried out daily.

Russian Post - how long does it take to send a package?

According to the standards, it will take no more than 4 days to deliver a parcel from the administrative center of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the center of a municipal district. If delivery from a municipal center to a settlement located on the territory of this municipal district is required, this will also take no more than 4 days.

The AliExpress service is used by people all over the world, and in Russia and the CIS countries it has gained particular popularity. But where can I get information about delivery times for orders, how long does it take for goods to arrive from AliExpress to Russia? Below you will find necessary information about the delivery time of orders.

What determines delivery time?

In order to understand how much a product costs from AliExpress, you need to figure out what the delivery time will depend on:

  • From the postal company that transports products.
  • From the type of transport to which the order was sent (air transport, Railway or water means).
  • There are also courier services for express delivery of goods, which transport goods much faster.

The delivery period for an AliExpress order from China to Russia, as well as Ukraine or Belarus, has always been approximately the same, but for Lately Russian Post entered into an agreement with the Chinese service China Post, which provides services for processing AliExpress goods. This agreement established that the number of days will be reduced to 10. But in fact, delivery from AliExpress still lasts from 2 weeks to Russia and up to a month to the CIS countries.

How to find out the location of a parcel

If you want to find out the delivery time of your order, first find out what transportation method is used. To receive such information online, simply enter the track number and click on the tracking button.

There is also another way to quickly find out the delivery service of your order:

Once you figure out how to transport a package from AliExpress, you can find out how many days it will take.

Postal services

China Post Air Mail

Almost 80-90% of all orders go through this service. China Post Air Mail is one of the most inexpensive, and most often free, methods of sending goods. But, despite the tangible benefits, this delivery method takes a long time. If your order is sent this way, you will have to wait. More than 2/3 of orders arrive in one month, and about 20% - in one and a half to two months. But there are times when goods only last a couple of weeks. What factors does this depend on? This is currently difficult to find out. But rest assured that the sellers themselves do not influence the operation of postal services in any way.

Don't forget about the order processing period. So, if the parcel was sent only when 10 days had passed after payment, you need to add at least another month. As a result, you will have to wait approximately 40 days.


This is one of the most convenient types of delivery for a fee. If you would like to receive the item in as soon as possible, do not hesitate to choose this type of transportation. On the 14th day you will most likely receive the parcel.

Swiss Post, Hong Hong Post, Singapore Post

Swiss, Hong Kong and Singapore postal services generally do not face as much congestion as China Post. Therefore, this type of delivery is also very convenient. A parcel delivered in this way will not arrive in a painful couple of months, but within two to a maximum of four weeks. As practice shows, almost 100% of orders end up in the hands of the buyer within one month.


DHL and TNT services claim that they deliver orders from China within a few days (5-6 days). But the price of such transportation of goods is too high. However, in fact, the goods still arrive in a couple of weeks. As a result, you will pay dearly for the service, but you will have to wait the same time as with less expensive paid services.

Stages of product delivery

  1. First, after the customer selects the product and pays the fee, suppliers check the status of the funds.
  2. The seller then selects the products you purchased from the warehouse and arranges for shipment. In general, the first and second stages last from 2 to 10 days.
  3. The goods go through a forwarding and sorting center in China, and then documents for the parcel are prepared.
  4. After this, the order enters the customs service and undergoes an inspection procedure before export. As a result, another 10 days pass after the second stage.
  5. Then, when the goods reach the recipient's country, they will be sent to the customs office of that country or the transit country. Thus, another 20 to 30 days will pass ( free shipping). When contacting a paid delivery service, final stage there will be less transportation.

As a result, the parcel can take from 40 to 60 days.

Delivery on holidays

Difficulties in delivering orders occur during winter holidays, namely Christmas and New Year. This also applies to Chinese New Year. Therefore, you should not complain about the work of the AliExpress service or postal services in such cases. Remember that you should order gifts much earlier before the holidays.