Legal advice on mortgages. How is the loan repaid? What determines the interest rate on a loan?

On the official site Sberbank a potential borrower can receive online mortgage consultation.

How can you get online mortgage advice from Sberbank?

You can find this option as follows:
Go to the website, select the Loans section, and there Housing loans. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see the last line in the Extras menu: Order a consultation on a home loan.
By clicking on the button, you will find yourself inside a short questionnaire with the self-explanatory title “I want a mortgage!”
Enter the following information into it:
- own name;
- main and additional phone numbers;
- region of residence;
- City of residence;
- the nearest Sberbank office, or your area of ​​the city;
- assign optimal time for a call from a bank representative.
By submitting the form, you confirm your consent to receive consultation. At the specified time, the manager will dial your phone number to tell you about the bank’s programs and answer any questions related to applying for a home loan.

Sberbank programs

In order to narrow the range of questions and spend the time of consultation with a bank representative as efficiently as possible, it would be a good idea to first familiarize yourself with the bank’s basic programs.

"Construction of a residential building"

You have decided to build a home on our own, but don’t have enough money to implement your plan? This mortgage is designed specifically for such situations. The good news for borrowers is that it is not necessary to use a construction project as collateral: if desired, the borrower can use an apartment or other housing that he or she owns as collateral for the loan.
From what point of view might this be important? The size of the loan for the purchase of housing directly depends on the value of the collateral real estate (no more than 85% of it). Using a property other than a house under construction or purchased as collateral land plot, will allow you to get a larger loan.

Other loan terms are:
- minimum size loan 300 thousand rubles;
- down payment from 15%;
- the loan rate for clients receiving salaries into a Sberbank account or deposit is 12.5-13.5%. If the borrower is an employee of an accredited company, the rate will be 13-14% per annum. For all other clients the rate is 13.5-14.5%;
- loan term up to 30 years.

“Purchase of finished housing” and “Purchase of housing under construction”

Both programs are designed for the purchase of an apartment - ready or under construction. The proposals have a lot in common:
- minimum amount mortgage 45 thousand rubles, the maximum is equivalent to 85% of the cost of the purchased apartment;
- down payment 15%, in some cases can be reduced to 10%;
- loan term no more than 30 years;
- the loan rate for “salary earners” is 12-13%, for employees of accredited organizations the rate is 0.5% higher, for other bank clients it is 1% higher.

By clicking on any of these programs, you can calculate your mortgage parameters using a loan calculator (“Loan repayment schedule”). Read all about the loan calculator and its capabilities in the article

Monthly annuity payments in accordance with the payment schedule.

What commission should I pay to the Bank for providing a loan?

There is no fee for issuing a loan.

Is it possible to register an apartment purchased on credit as common property?

Yes, the purchased apartment can be registered as common property:

  • co-borrowers;
  • the borrower and his family members (children and parents);
  • the co-borrower and his spouse, as well as members of his (their) family (children and parents of spouses).

Will an apartment purchased with a mortgage be pledged to the Bank?

Yes, the purchased property is pledged to the Bank until the loan is fully repaid (if the terms of the loan provide for the registration of the loaned property as collateral). As part of the “Purchase of Finished Housing” programs, it is possible to register both the collateral of the purchased apartment and the collateral of an existing apartment as collateral for the loan.

Can the Bank provide a loan without taking into account solvency?

No, the maximum loan amount can only be determined based on the solvency of the borrower/co-borrowers. At the same time, individuals of no more than three people can act as co-borrowers on the loan.

I am a single mother, I am 30 years old. Can I count on preferential loan terms?

Yes, you can use the Young Family Bank loan program. For you, the maximum loan amount can be up to 80% of the value of the property.

What is the maximum loan amount the Bank can issue?

The loan amount is determined based on your solvency and depends on the collateral provided, and it cannot exceed the maximum values ​​​​established by the Bank in accordance with the terms of the loan you have chosen.

Is there any way to lower the interest rate?

Yes, the possibility of lowering the interest rate is provided for a loan, in accordance with the terms of which a mortgage is provided for the property being financed, after proper registration of which, as well as insurance of the property being financed in favor of the Bank, the rate can be reduced. You can see a detailed table of interest rates on the Bank's website.

What determines the interest rate on a loan?

The rate depends on the type and term of the loan, the size of the down payment, as well as the category to which the Bank’s client belongs.

I am 22 years old. Can I take out a housing loan from the Bank?

Yes, if you have verified monthly income.

I live in Samara, but I want to buy an apartment in Moscow. The house in which I have my eye on an apartment is being built with the participation of loan funds from the Bank. Where can I get a loan?

You can get a loan at the Bank branch at the location where this property is being built.

Where can I get a home loan?

You can get a loan at the Bank branch at the place of registration of the borrower or one of the co-borrowers, at the location of the real estate being financed. And if you work at an enterprise accredited or serviced by the Bank within the framework of the “Salary Project”, you can also receive a loan at the location of the employing company.

I already have one apartment, but I want to buy another one for my daughter. Which loan should I choose?

You can use the Bank’s loan program “Purchase of finished housing”, “Purchase of housing under construction”. In any case, as collateral for the loan, you can issue both a pledge for the apartment you are purchasing and a pledge for the apartment you already have. More detailed information You can find the terms and conditions for providing these loans on the Bank’s website.

What kind of property can be purchased with the money received from a home loan?

With a Bank loan you can purchase located on the territory Russian Federation and an apartment, residential building or other residential premises not encumbered by the rights of third parties on the secondary real estate market, as well as on the primary real estate market (new building).

Do I have to somehow coordinate with the Bank if I want to repay part of the housing loan using maternal (family) capital?

A borrower who wants to repay part of his home loan using maternal (family) capital must first coordinate this issue with the Pension Fund. He turns to the bank for a certificate about the balance of the loan debt, which is transferred to the Pension Fund to organize payments.

Have any special services been created at the Bank to help citizens prepare the necessary documents?

At the Bank, consultations with borrowers, as well as the preparation of necessary certificates, are carried out by loan officers at the place where the loan was received.

To direct maternal (family) capital funds to repay a housing loan, I must provide details of where to transfer money to repay the loan. What if the loan is issued in foreign currency?

Sberbank has developed and agreed with the Pension Fund two forms of certificates - for a ruble loan and for a foreign currency loan (for a foreign currency loan, its ruble equivalent as of the date the certificate is drawn up is also indicated). However, the Pension Fund transfers only rubles to the Bank, and the Bank independently converts them into the required currency and sends them to repay the foreign currency loan.

If the decision to repay a housing loan with maternal (family) capital is made, then where does the amount under the Bank's agreements go - to repay the principal debt or to reduce monthly payments?

The amount is sent to repay interest (accrued on the date of receipt of funds) and the principal debt in accordance with the procedure for sending payments established by the loan agreement (with the exception of penalties, penalties, fines for late fulfillment of obligations). Based on the results of loan repayment (if early repayment), a new loan repayment schedule is drawn up with the borrower, while total term the use of the loan and the repayment date do not change, and the amount of monthly payments naturally decreases.

If you have not yet purchased an apartment and want to ensure maximum safety transactions. In this case, the mortgage lawyer:

  1. He will carefully check the constituent documents of the organizations with which you plan to cooperate (developer, bank, insurance company). This will protect you from entering into a bad deal.
  2. Will help you choose legal entities with a good reputation, whose conditions best suit your needs.
  3. Will conduct a legal analysis of the documents that you will be offered to sign. Timely legal advice on a mortgage will allow the borrower to avoid unnecessary expenses. After all, they can imperceptibly impose on you Additional services or increase the interest rate. As a result, the signed agreement will be fundamentally different from the one you previously discussed.

Mortgage lawyers also provide advice on all the nuances of processing debt obligations. What property can be pledged as collateral, why you shouldn’t take a foreign currency mortgage, who will own the property in the event of a divorce married couple etc. Ask questions and receive comprehensive answers to them.

The assistance of a mortgage lawyer is also required to protect the interests of the borrower. Can't afford to pay the monthly fee? The bank unilaterally changed the terms of the agreement, filed a lawsuit and, perhaps, has already won? In any case, you shouldn’t give up. We will help you get out of the situation with minimal losses, because in every law you can find suitable clauses, you just have to study it well.

If you believe that your rights have been infringed, a mortgage lawyer will file a claim and get it recognized as lawful in the Moscow Arbitration Court.

What services do we provide?

The company "Kirichenko and Partners" offers all types of legal services. You can contact us for general legal advice, order a single service, for example, protecting your interests in a dispute over a foreign currency mortgage in court, comprehensive service or individual key stages. Typically this is an analysis constituent documents the partner organizations you have chosen, the presence of a specialist when completing the transaction and analysis of the papers issued for signature.

Did you know?

“If the pledgee is forced to bear costs associated with ensuring the safety of the pledged property, these costs are reimbursed from the pledged property,” the federal law 07/16/1998 No. 102-FZ “On mortgage (real estate pledge)”.

Applying for a mortgage loan is a complex multi-step procedure that requires financial knowledge and certain legal training. Mortgage advice at Sberbank is available 24 hours a day. Answers to many common questions can be found on forums and websites dedicated to banking topics. If this information is not enough, then you should talk to a Sberbank employee.

A person planning to take out a mortgage will have to analyze large volume information. He must study the conditions mortgage programs Sberbank and choose a developer involved in the sale of apartments in. Next, you need to calculate the total cost of the loan and the amount of the monthly payment. The bank will not consider a loan application without the appropriate package of documents. Not all applicants know what documents need to be presented to the manager. The list of documents indicated on the Sberbank website is not exhaustive.

There are many criminal schemes used to alienate real estate. If a person does not have proper legal training, then he is likely to become a victim of criminals. Many citizens think that they ideally meet Sberbank’s requirements and will be able to get a mortgage without any problems.

Dreams of a quick solution to the housing problem quickly dissipate after the application is rejected by the credit committee. Most Russian citizens are poorly versed in insurance products. Many people look only at the interest rate on the loan, forgetting that insurance services significantly increase the cost of borrowed funds.

Applying for a mortgage involves taking into account a large number of various nuances and little things. Preliminary consultation on a mortgage at Sberbank will help a person avoid typical mistakes, save nerves, time and money.

Mortgage advisors have to answer hundreds or thousands of calls every day. A bank employee must be able to find contact with any client. Some citizens see their interlocutor as a psychologist with whom they want to have a heart-to-heart talk. Others, on the contrary, behave inappropriately and scold bank specialists.

It is especially difficult to communicate with clients who do not speak Russian well or have severe speech impediments. Not all people know how to express their thoughts clearly. The consultant is forced to find out what the client's request is. The Sberbank website contains a list of questions that people most often ask employees financial organization. Let's look at the answers to some of them.

How is the loan repaid?

The mortgage loan is repaid in equal installments according to the approved payment schedule.

Indicate the amount of commission charged for providing a loan?

Sberbank does not charge a commission for issuing a housing loan.

Is it possible to register a mortgaged apartment as shared ownership?

Yes, this possibility is provided for by the terms of the contract. The property is registered as the common property of the loan recipient, co-borrowers and members of their families.

Whose property will the collateral apartment be located in?

The owner of the loaned object is the borrower. An encumbrance is placed on the apartment in the form of a mortgage, limiting the property rights of the owner of the premises. To carry out any transactions with a mortgaged apartment, the owner of the living space will need permission from Sberbank.

Does the bank check the solvency of potential counterparties?

The loan size is determined based on the financial situation of the borrower and co-borrowers.

I'm a single mom, I'm 30 years old. Can I get a preferential mortgage?

A single parent can take advantage of a special program called “Young Family”. This financial product is provided on preferential terms. Detailed advice on this program can be obtained at the Sberbank office.

How is the maximum loan amount determined?

The size of the loan depends on the applicant’s income and the value of the collateral.

Is there any way to reduce the overpayment on the loan?

There are many ways to lower your interest rate. The loan recipient should take advantage of preferential loan programs and apply. The loan will also save you a significant amount. Interest discounts are provided to participants in Sberbank salary projects and counterparties using the electronic service.

How is the mortgage interest rate calculated?

The rate depends on the type of loan program, contract term, amount of down payment and financial condition family budget applicant.

I am 21 years old. Can I get a mortgage?

Sberbank issues loans to citizens over the age of 21.

Where can I get a mortgage?

The loan is issued at one of the Sberbank branches located at the place of registration of the borrower or co-borrower. Participants in salary projects have the opportunity to sign a loan agreement at the location of the employing company.

What kind of living space can be purchased with borrowed funds?

A mortgage borrower can buy residential property on primary or. The object should not be in disrepair or have an encumbrance related to the rights of third parties.

How to get advice when applying for a mortgage at Sberbank

To receive qualified advice, the client can use the following communication channels:

  • Contact Center;
  • Email;
  • Groups on social networks;
  • Form feedback in system .

A client who does not want to talk on the phone can personally visit the nearest Sberbank office. If a counterparty has complaints about the work of a financial organization, he can leave a corresponding review on the website The customer service team responds fairly quickly to negative information appearing on the Internet. All problems of counterparties are usually resolved within as soon as possible. Consultation on mortgages at Sberbank is provided at any branch of the credit institution.

The need for mortgage advice arose when I decided to get a mortgage loan. After going through several banks, I realized how difficult everything is. And then I came across a seminar on mortgages, which I took. As a result, we managed to understand what is what and take the most profitable loan for ourselves.

Initially, I analyzed similar offers on the market, studied consumer demand, competition, pricing policy, etc. The circle of consumers is mainly individuals. As a conclusion: currently there is a niche in this type of business that can be filled.

So. There is a boom in the real estate market for the purchase of apartments using mortgage lending. A large number of people want to get a loan and buy a home. But in this area there are a lot of offers from banks, as well as many “pitfalls”, without knowing which, a person finds himself in very strict loan conditions. At the same time, everyone who wants to get a loan also has their own problems: citizenship, registration, income, etc. How to figure it all out and get a loan? A mortgage broker can help with this.

When resolving such an issue, a person usually has 2 options: contact a bank (several banks) or a real estate agency. There are disadvantages here: in order to understand the conditions provided by banks, you need to spend time, delve into existing programs(not everyone can understand this). Real estate agencies offer mortgage loan options, plus they undertake to find an apartment. It would seem very convenient. What in practice? A person is cheated out of a larger loan than he would like to receive (since the commission when buying an apartment for a large amount increases accordingly), and to conditions that he is not even aware of. At the same time they offer (in Lately paid - from 100 to 700 rubles. for selection) only programs of those banks with which the agency has an agreement under which these banks pay interest to the agency.

An independent mortgage consultant, by its very definition, does not depend on either a real estate agency or banks, and this is its advantage for those who want to get a loan. Because the consultant will help you choose the most suitable one for specific person banking program, will reliably (independently) be able to tell about the procedure for obtaining a loan, about the restrictions that will arise (“pitfalls”) in the future.

Now the business itself.

Organization of individual consultations individuals for residential mortgage lending, country houses, for obtaining consumer loans - for a fee, 500-1000 rubles per hour of consultation.

Organization of group consultations (no licensing required) - from 1000 rubles. per person. Recruiting
groups (by number, so that it is cost-effective), office space is rented one-time.

Cooperation with real estate agencies in terms of providing consultations to agency clients (at a certain time), as well as consulting (read - training (quite general, without unnecessary details)) of agency employees - the cost is cheaper than if the agency sends its employees to specialized seminars. In this case, you can use the office of the agency itself. This is the first part of your earnings.

What else can a broker make money on?

Preparation and selection of borrower’s documents, assistance in filling out the borrower’s application form, recommendations on the borrower’s behavior in the bank, delivery of documents to the bank, etc. - from 500 rubles.

Concluding agreements with some banks - receiving commissions.

Arrival for consultation at the client’s office - from 200 rubles.

Engagement in real estate activities (if you are engaged in this business) - commission from 1000 USD.

Separately: assistance in obtaining business loans for legal entities, private legal entities - here the prices for services may be higher.

As a specialization, it can (with existing contacts) help foreign citizens obtain loans.

Consultations and answers to emerging questions can also be carried out via the Internet, payment via electronic views payments, banks.

For more profitable business It is possible to involve several consultants in this work on a piece-by-piece basis. Here, of course, you need a full-fledged office, with a secretary.

What is needed?

Of course, you must first understand the mortgage yourself. There are also 2 options: attending a specialized seminar (from 1 to 5 days, costing from 100 to 300 USD and obtaining a mortgage broker certificate); independently, reading the relevant literature, and as a client, go around several banks, ask around, collect advertising and program materials, create a base. There is nothing complicated about it.

The issue of premises can be resolved at first: renting a workplace, renting a small office (room, 10 sq.m.) with a telephone, Internet, as well as visiting clients.

Business marketing should focus on the independence of the mortgage broker and convenience for clients. Advertising of services is carried out through the Internet (website creation, participation in forums, etc.), direct marketing, advertising in the media.