Japanese inventions in technology. Ingenious inventions from Japan for life

Japan is a country that sets the fashion for gadgets all over the world. It was here that many devices from weapons to electronics that the whole world uses were invented. Japanese inventions have permeated modern culture, entertainment and daily life. It is safe to say that the world would not be what it is without the inventions of the Country rising sun.

1. Rickshaw

Japanese invention: the rickshaw.

Everyone has seen these carts, which are pulled by a man holding the shafts. This clever and simple invention is called a rickshaw, and it was first invented by the Japanese in 1860. At that time it was an inexpensive and popular form of transport. What about taxis? It appeared much later.

2. Roman

Japanese invention: a novel.

The Tale of Genji, written in Japan in the 11th century, is considered the first novel in history. It was written by a woman named Murasaki Shikibu and is about a handsome aristocrat and his many affairs.

3. Microcomputer

Japanese invention: microcomputer.

Sord SMP80/08, invented and developed in 1972, was the first microcomputer. Although it never went into mass production, it was a big step in the development of computers.

4. Player

Japanese invention: the player.

Although similar technology had already existed for some time, Sony figured out how to "package" a cassette tape into a compact box, allowing you to listen to music on the go. The company called its device "Walkman" and released it in 1979.

5. CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays

A Japanese invention: CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays.

Compact discs were invented by the Japanese at Sony and the Dutch at Philips. The companies discussed their developments together and came to the decision to produce unified 115 mm discs, which contained 74 minutes of music. Sony later continued its development with the release of DVD, and also entered the technology war against HD-DVD with its Blu-Ray disc.

6. Emoji

Japanese invention: emoji.

It is the Japanese who need to be thanked for the emoji emoticons on their phones. Created by Shigetaka Kurita and his team at NTT DoCoMo, the language of ideograms and emoticons was used as a way to convey information and emotions.

7. Video camera

Japanese invention: the video camera.

Although handheld video recorders have been around since the 1950s, Sony released the very first camcorder in 1983. It recorded everything on Betamax tape and was much simpler than previous methods of recording films.

8. Phone camera

Japanese invention: phone camera.

Today the presence of a camera on mobile phone is commonplace, but back in 1999 it was something unheard of. The Japanese company Kyocera Corporation released the first cellular telephone with a VisualPhone VP-210 camera, which could store up to 20 images in JPEG format.

9. Pocket calculator

Japanese invention: the pocket calculator.

Calculators have been around for a long time. But the first microchip-based pocket calculator was invented by the Japanese company Busicom in 1970. It was called Busicom LE-120 Handy.

10. QR code

Japanese invention: QR code.

Today, anyone can use a QR code to get information about a company or product. This technology was originally invented in 1994 by a Toyota subsidiary called Denso Wave.

11. Li-ion battery

Japanese invention: lithium-ion battery.

In Japan, Asahi Kasei has done significant work on rechargeable lithium-ion battery technology, revolutionizing previous research. With the help of Sony Corporation, it brought this technology to the consumer market.


Japanese invention: CRISPR.

Although technically no one "invented" universal method CRISPR gene editing was first discovered in 1987 by Yoshizumi Ishino and his team at Osaka University. Unfortunately, at the time they did not realize what they had discovered. However, their research laid the groundwork for the future.

13. 3D printing

Japanese invention: 3D printing.

3D printing may seem like a new invention, but the technology has been around for 37 years. In 1981, at the Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute, Hideo Kodama published his idea of ​​a rapid prototyping system using photopolymers. This was the first 3D printer concept.

14. Flash memory

Japanese invention: flash memory.

Flash memory allows modern smartphones to store data such as music, photos and videos. Fujio Masuoka, who was working at Toshiba at the time, invented flash memory in 1984 to solve the problem of storing data even when the device is turned off.

15. High-speed train

Japanese invention: high-speed train.

Trains in Europe and the United States lost some of their importance after the mass production of automobiles began. However, this was not the case in Japan. The first high-speed rail line was invented and opened in Japan, and the first “bullet train” traveled from Tokyo to Osaka in 1964. This invention has gained worldwide popularity, especially in densely populated areas requiring rapid mass transit.

Apr 2, 2018 Gennady

Japan has long been recognized as the most technologically advanced power on the planet. Inventions are born here that influence the development of all mankind, real breakthroughs in engineering are made - the only pity is that outside the country these innovations appear with a significant delay. Meanwhile, in Russia we would like to see a lot of things available to the ordinary Japanese.

Perhaps one of the most ingenious inventions of Japanese psychologists. Pets can actually help relieve stress, but many people can't afford to have a pet. And why, if you can just go to a cat cafe and pet cats until they turn blue.

Lift parking
Instead of adding floor after floor to parking lots, the Japanese are smarter: elevator parking is very common here, compact and convenient.

Rest at work
There is a cult of work in Japan. It is customary here to arrive early and leave late, which of course negatively affected the productivity of employees. It did - because ten years ago, most corporations officially allowed people to sleep right at their workplace. We wish we could!

Food vending machines
We have vending machines with snacks in every office building, but the Japanese went much further. In the land of the rising sun, in such a machine you can buy yourself a full meal, with fried potatoes, fish and boiled eggs - moreover, everything is of fairly good quality.

Today, any Japanese (okay, any rich Japanese) can buy himself a real exoskeleton: Panasonic’s development was previously used only for military purposes and only recently entered the market. The Powerloader suit costs about $7,000 and can carry loads of up to 40 kilograms.

Capsule hotels
Fortunately, we are also starting to establish production of such mini-hotels. Capsules are quite comfortable for relaxation, and you can rent them for the whole night in Japan very cheaply. The ideal way sleep in a foreign city.

Packaging for the blind
On tin cans With drinks and other packaging, many Japanese manufacturers make inscriptions in Braille - a simple and ingenious solution.

Mind Reading Camera
Telepathy in Japan is no longer something out of science fiction: the Neurocam camera records brain waves and creates GIF animation on the screen. Of course, so far the invention conveys human emotions extremely inaccurately, but soon the manufacturing company promises to make a more advanced version of Neurocam.

Hanging chairs
This would be very useful for almost every cafe in the world - see how a small detail once and for all solves the problem of a bag falling from the back of a chair. Why did they think of making such chairs only in Japan?

Automatic doors
You can't slam a door if it's automated, right? This is how the Japanese resolved the eternal confrontation between taxi drivers and passengers, who do not care about other people’s property.

Japan deservedly has a reputation as an innovative country, especially in the world of technology. In fact, many things have been created in the country that make almost no sense. Yes, you may have a crooked nose, but is this household gadget really The best way straightening it?

Obviously, someone in the country thinks the answer to this question is “yes”, since this product, like many other equally strange products, is on store shelves. So take a look and you will see the many strange items Japan has to offer to stun the world.

Face expander

Not only does the device look more like a torture device than a health product, but even its intended use is not entirely clear. Judging by the name, this invention simply has to expand the face. I wonder what reasons there should be for this? I think the Japanese have a market...

Template for applying lipstick

Even if it is difficult for you to apply lipstick in the usual way, this device most likely will not help. It looks like it was rented from Hannibal Lecter's collection.

Armpit scratcher

It's hard to say why an ordinary human hand can't scratch so easily accessible location like armpits. But if your movements are limited, then this product is for you.

Foot scraper for shower

Again, this product is for those who may not be able to reach this part of the body. To clean your feet well, you just need to move your feet in the shower using this wonderful invention. However, do not forget that you can easily slip.

I don't know how this strange device will help you change your voice, but if you look at its details, it becomes clear that it can penetrate quite deep into your throat. It may be effective, but it's damn scary to use.

Donut camera

Sometimes, maybe someone wants to take a photo with a donut instead of a camera. When such a desire arises, you can safely take this miracle into your hands.

Lip balm with wasabi

Of course, you can use your usual lip balm. But without the burn and taste of horseradish, it will certainly be boring. A very specific Japanese product...

Earrings made of beetles

Sometimes fashion looks terrible. But its elements are not mutually exclusive. It is unlikely that these “jewels” will be appropriate except for Halloween.

Shoe repellent

If you wear summer shoes with open toes, you may be bitten by insects. To prevent this from happening, you can attach such an original device to your shoes. Or, alternatively, stay home.

Portable washing machine

When you don’t have time, but you need to do laundry, you can get out of the situation using such an original device

Umbrella tie

This is a tie. No, it's an umbrella! Doesn't matter. But if it accidentally opens, you can get quite serious injury.

Wedding bra

It looks like a bomb, but this device is just counting down the days left until the wedding

Drying clothes on the roof of the car

I wonder what is the point of washing if the laundry then collects dust on the street? A small plus: you can accidentally get a pet bird...

A book on very unusual needlework

Handicrafts are a hobby for many. How about original items made from cat hair? This book is probably very popular in Japan.

Bubble wrap simulator

The dream of millions has come true! Now you can click these bubbles endlessly!

Book-pillow (or pillow-book?)

It's nice to take a nap buried in a cozy book...

"Hand" hiding teeth picking

Using toothpicks is considered uncivil in Japan. Therefore, you can use this “third hand” to hide the process from prying eyes.

Nose straightener

When the nose is unsightly, its shape is usually corrected with the help of a plastic surgeon. but not the Japanese! I wonder if THIS helps?

News and articles

Original Japanese inventions

Japan has always been a world leader in latest technologies and modern electronic developments. Due to its ancient traditions, geographical location and not always favorable climatic conditions The population of the Middle Kingdom is an incredibly hardworking, inventive and original nation.

Japan has given the world many creative and unusual inventions, some of which are not always understandable to the typical resident of Europe or America. We bring to your attention a review of the 25 strangest and craziest inventions of the Japanese, common to residents of the Land of the Rising Sun and shocking to the Western population.

1. Crowns imitating sharp fangs

The younger generation of Japanese are delighted with their pointed teeth. Many dental and cosmetic clinics offer mini-canine teeth and crown installation services. This procedure costs hundreds of dollars per tooth.

2. Toilet slippers

The strict requirements of cleanliness and hygiene, elevated to a cult by the Japanese, oblige them to use special toilet slippers when visiting the bathroom, even at home. This ensures minimal human contact with the unclean toilet area and maintains hygienic cleanliness throughout the entire house.

3. Unusual parking spaces

Given Japan's multi-million population, it goes without saying that there is a natural shortage of space and free space. Parking areas are no exception. Many shopping and entertainment centers are equipped with two-tier parking mechanisms.

4. Japanese mayonnaise

Japanese mayonnaise differs from European mayonnaise only in the way it is used. Despite the standard composition, designed to improve the taste of sandwiches and salads, the Japanese use mayonnaise with ice cream, chips, pancakes, and donuts.

5. Super umbrella

During particularly heavy downpours in windy weather, a standard umbrella is of no use. The Japanese have improved the umbrella with a long transparent screen, which is attached along the contour of the umbrella with Velcro and saves from rain flows of any intensity.

6. Girls lifters

Don’t be surprised if, while going up or down in the elevators of Japanese shopping centers and hotels, you will be accompanied by a charming girl elevator operator. This service, long forgotten in the West, is still very popular in Japan.

7. Warming dog

An original way to stay warm was developed by creative Japanese inventors. You can put this cute puppy in the microwave for a few minutes and it will give you its warmth for a long time.

8. Daytime nap in the office

Considering the incredible workload of the Japanese at work, where they sometimes spend up to 14-16 hours a day, employers allow employees to take a nap break - “inemuri”. Therefore, the picture of Japanese people dozing at their desks is very typical, in contrast to Western business culture, where sleeping in work time you may get a reprimand.

9. Whiskey, made in Japan

Do you think you know everything about whiskey varieties? What about Japanese? The new Suntory's Hibiki brand is considered one of the best in its taste qualities. More recently, he won several awards and is recognized as a world connoisseur of this noble drink.

10. Subway head holder

We already know what tireless workaholics the Japanese are. Some of them take every opportunity to sleep. For example, in the subway, resting your head on such a holder, you can take a short nap during the trip, even while standing.

11. Original toppings for ice cream

Japanese cuisine is loved by many gourmets, but even they do not always dare to try the original Japanese ice cream filled with cactus, octopus, garnished with charcoal or horse meat. But the Japanese don’t see anything strange in this.

12. Home ear examination device

Do you think examining the ear canals is a matter only for an otolaryngologist? Thanks to a Japanese invention, you can find out what your inner ear looks like. A micro video camera is inserted into the ear canal, and an image is transmitted to the screen. An incredibly interesting sight for a Japanese!

13. Vending machines

Street vending machines for selling drinks, snacks or cigarettes are understandable and in demand among Europeans. But the Japanese do not stand still! In their vending machines you can buy literally everything, from souvenirs and religious objects from ancient tombs, to chicken eggs, noodles, umbrellas and batteries. Vending machines for selling used underwear are in particular demand.

14. Dust Collector Child

An original children's sleepsuit "decorated" with several mops and your child can usefully spend time on the floor, collecting dust and polishing the parquet. This crazy invention was also first developed in Japan.

15. Bubbles from packaging

Who can safely throw away packaging film containing air bubbles without scooping them all up? For fans of this pastime, the Japanese have developed a device with endless bubbles, you can pop them around the clock!

16. Mini escalator

The desire to mechanize all the space around us led to the creation of the smallest escalator in the world. It consists of only five steps, and the height is no more than 85 cm. It is installed in the More's supermarket in the city of Kawasaki.

17. Best forest for suicide

Even the Japanese forest cannot remain a banal area for walking and relaxing, as in the rest of the world. The Aokigahara Forest, located near Mount Fuji, has the original name “Suicide Forest”. The frightening silence and densely growing trees creating a constant darkness have made it the most popular place for suicide. City statistics confirm that every 3 days one person says goodbye to his life here.

18. Wasabi Kit Kat bar

The world-famous Kit Kat chocolate bar had no idea what the Japanese could do with it. These famous lovers of everything unusual and original came up with the idea to release a candy bar with the taste fried potatoes, filled with soy sauce and even wasabi. All these slightly unexpected tastes and smells in combination with chocolate are a great success among the residents of the Land of the Rising Sun.

19. Men's pillow

A soft, comfortable pillow that imitates women's legs is intended for real Japanese men who are deprived of female attention. An excellent development of the textile industry will invite a man to rest on his lap at any time.

20. Pillow for women

And a pillow that gently hugs the waist with a strong “man’s hand” will not allow a Japanese woman to feel lonely in bed.

21. Beer labeled in Braille

In Japan, each product must have a duplicate name on the packaging in Braille, designed for blind customers. Even on a can of beer you will find unusual symbols that allow a blind person to recognize the contents of identical product packages. This marking should be used throughout the world.

22. Bicycles

The lack of free space and extremely high overpopulation have led the majority of the Japanese to bicycles. Small two-wheelers vehicles They have long been very popular when moving around the city. Therefore, crowded bicycle parking lots near shopping and entertainment centers are a typical sight in Japan and do not cause surprise.

23. Smart toilets

Another original Japanese development is a toilet equipped with a warm water supply function. This unusual device will carefully wash your organs after you have recovered from your natural needs. The Japanese are not accustomed to such surprises, but to a European a stream of water from the toilet may seem unexpected.

24. Gas Island

Located on the Japanese island of Miyakejima active volcano Oyama. It erupts periodically poisonous gas. This process began in 2005 and continues to this day. Therefore, residents of this island are required to carry gas masks with them. Upon an alarm indicating an increased content harmful substances in the air, everyone puts it on protective agent and continue their business wearing a gas mask.

25. Micro hotels

This Japanese invention was appreciated by residents of many countries. This hotel is a complex of capsules that are equipped with everything necessary for an overnight stay or a short period of time. The first capsule hotels appeared back in 1979; they showed high demand among a wide variety of segments of the population. Since then they have been designed and successfully operated in many countries.

Everyone knows that Japan, as the land of the rising sun, always strives to be ahead of the rest. This also applies to the craziest and most incredible inventions. Amazing facts about the Japanese.

1. Japan is accustomed to not looking towards the West on many issues, including beauty standards. In Japan, it is highly valued and considered incredibly attractive if a girl has pointed teeth, which are called “yabea”. Japanese women are willing to spend a lot of money on dental procedures to increase fangs. Eh, beauty requires sacrifice.

2. The Japanese are already accustomed to the so-called touchless toilets (smart toilets). These miracles of hygiene not only self-clean the toilet seat, but also after a person has relieved himself, the toilet itself washes and dries the affected areas. Although this has long been the norm for the Japanese, such a service still continues to amuse, and even frighten some guests of the Middle Kingdom.

3. If it’s cold outside and you want warmth and cuddles in front of the TV, forget about blankets and blankets. The Japanese have invented a special bear, which you just need to warm in the microwave for 5 minutes, after which you can hug the warm bear to your heart's content.

4. K sanitary standards and hygiene in Japan is taken extremely seriously, so it is not surprising that the Japanese have special slippers at home for going to the toilet.

5. Surely everyone has heard about, to put it mildly, the specific taste of the Japanese, only here you can find on supermarket shelves ice cream with the flavors of octopus, horse meat, cactus and even coal.

6. There is no person who does not like to burst air bubbles on packaging film, but the Japanese have made a device that allows you to burst air bubbles endlessly.

7. Although they say that Americans are the laziest, there is one fact that does not show the Japanese in the best light. In the city of Kawasaki, one of the shopping centers has the world's smallest escalator. This escalator is only 5 steps and takes visitors up shopping center to a height of as much as 83 cm.

8. The Japanese also love chocolate very much, they especially liked KitKat, and as we have already found out, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire have a “special” taste, and here they prefer chocolate with the taste of wassabi, corn, and even with the taste baked potatoes and soy sauce.

9. Apparently the Japanese hate being alone, so they created special pillows for lonely men and women. The male version is in the form of female knees, and the female version is in the form of a powerful male chest and arm.

10. A lip-shaped face trainer, popular in Japan, was created to help women train and maintain the correct oval face. To do this, you need to insert the exercise machine into your mouth and perform the exercises indicated in the pictures daily for 3 minutes.

11. And finally, an invention that went far beyond Japan. Capsule hotels first appeared in Japan in 1979 and quickly gained popularity among all social classes. In these hotels you can meet both businessmen and tipsy revelers who did not dare to go home. The capsule room is 2m long and 1m high, equipped with a TV and climate control. The cost of living in such a hotel costs approximately $30.