We cut out funny crafts with a jigsaw. Sawing plywood with a jigsaw according to drawings - detailed instructions

Patterned cutting of plywood is one of the most beautiful works of art, which contains grace and lightness. At the same time, in order to translate your ideas into a finished product, you practically do not need to resort to any expensive equipment - in most cases, having a jigsaw and the desire to create is quite enough. At the right approach— acquiring initial skills is not as complicated a procedure as it might seem at first glance.

The main role in the process of cutting patterns from plywood is played by the ability to use a jigsaw, as well as the properties of the material used. Also, a lot depends on how well the drawings for cutting out of plywood are copied - only through a correctly transferred sketch can you turn an ordinary sheet of plywood into a real work of art.

Sides - drawings for cutting out a box from plywood with a jigsaw

This article will provide you with detailed instructions on how to learn how to cut basic shapes from plywood with your own hands. Having mastered cutting simple drawing lines, you will understand the basic principles of this process - in the future you will not have any difficulties mastering the next levels of skill. It will also describe the most common methods of transferring drawings to workpieces.

Basic shape cutting skills

There is also an electric modification of the jigsaw, which runs on a 220W network - its use is also acceptable, which significantly speeds up the cutting process. However, the increased weight of the tool makes it more difficult to cut smooth lines, which can be a serious drawback for a non-professional - if you are learning the basics from scratch, then it is much more convenient to use a manual analogue.

Body positioning

The most optimal position for cutting is a sitting position - cutting while standing is quite tiring. The workbench (work table) should be low enough so that you can sit with a straight back.

To reduce the load on working hand her elbow can be placed on her knee - this way she will get less tired. Ideally - workplace must be fully adapted to the above requirements.


To implement figure cutting you will need:

  • Jigsaw complete with file– the main tool for cutting;
  • Awl or drill with a fine tip– to create initial holes;
  • Set of files, needle files and sandpaper– for processing edges;

Basic moments

Before you seriously think about the question: what can you cut out of plywood with a jigsaw? — you should pay attention to the main features of this process, failure to comply with which can lead to damage to the tool and uneven cuts.

  • The position of the jigsaw must be strictly vertical - the sawing movements must be carried out up and down. Even a slight tilt of the jigsaw will make the cut oblique and the file will “lead”;
  • The sawing movement should be carried out smoothly, without excessive force and pressure - this can damage the file and cause it to break;
  • When cutting out the internal contours using an awl or drill, an initial hole is created into which the file is installed and only after that it is fixed. IN correct position the teeth should point towards the bottom of the holder;

  • The file must be well secured and tensioned - this required condition normal operation of a hand jigsaw. If the blade is not tensioned enough, the cut will have a wavy structure, which will make the work impossible;
  • Vibrating the plywood during the cutting process is unacceptable - this will lead to chips and breakage of the blade. If the sheet is thin and small size– it is necessary to use a wooden block with a cut, which is fixed on the workbench;
  • As the teeth of the blade cut through the wood, the sheet of plywood should be moved towards the jigsaw. The jigsaw must be kept in a strictly vertical position throughout the entire cutting process.

Sawing simple shapes

Smooth lines

There is no need to apply additional effort or create pressure - continue to cut smoothly, returning the jigsaw to vertical position until the canvas straightens on its own.

Acute and obtuse angles

Obtuse corners - drawings for beginners for cutting out plywood with a jigsaw

To cut obtuse corners, you need to master the “turn on the spot” technique - after cutting to the corner, stop moving the plywood and start turning it, without ceasing to cut, until you reach the required degree. You can cut sharp corners in the same way, but in some cases this is not possible - in this case, the method described below is used.

One of the sides of the angle is formed, then a small loop is cut along the outer contour of the line, through which an acute angle is formed as in the figure below.

Internal corners cut out like this:

  • A hole is made with an awl or drill - the cut begins from there, which continues to the top of the corner.
  • Then the blade returns along the cut to its original position.
  • After which it is cut out small hole, in which the file is rotated to form the second side of the angle.
Plywood drawings for cutting with a jigsaw - sharp corners

Transferring a drawing

Almost all patterns are transferred to plywood from a paper sketch - in most cases this process cannot be avoided. Most cheap option This is the use of tracing paper - with its help, a drawing is transferred from paper to a workpiece.

Its price is quite affordable, but the process itself is quite labor-intensive, since each line has to be traced with your own hands.

A less labor-intensive way to transfer drawings for cutting out plywood with a jigsaw is to use a projector, through which the image will be projected onto the workpiece. This option is also suitable for cases where the original image size is not large enough and cannot be transferred without first enlarging it.

Although this method takes place in modern practice, is obsolete.

One of the most modern options is the use of self-adhesive sheets of paper, onto which the desired sketch is applied using a printer, after which they are glued to the workpiece.

The paper adheres quite tightly to the plywood, and its presence has practically no effect on the cutting process. The only disadvantage of this method is the relatively high cost.

Bottom line

Our guide will help you master the basics of this skill, which will later allow you to move to a more professional level. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Similar materials

Wood and sheets (plates) based on it are one of the cheapest and most pliable materials. For those who like to work with a jigsaw, plywood is primarily of interest.

It is precisely this that home craftsmen most often choose to make various crafts. If you organize your work correctly, you can create real masterpieces.

Crafts made from this material are made for various purposes, but basically they can be divided into two groups - for decorating premises or areas (for example, fencing on the inside, garden plot and so on).

Type of plywood

If you focus on the optimal combination of indicators such as quality and price, then FSF or FC products are selected. It is characterized by resistance to dampness and temperature changes. This alone is enough to ensure the durability of a handmade craft. But there is a fundamental difference between these types of plywood - in the component composition of the glue that holds the veneer layers together.

In the first case, it is toxic, so FSF sheets are used only for outdoor work. But for crafts intended to be placed in the house, FC plywood is quite suitable. Its analogues are much more expensive, and therefore are not considered as a material for simple, easy-to-make crafts.

Type of sheet sanding

It’s not difficult to figure it out: Ш1 and Ш2 – respectively, one- and two-sided; NSh – rough-processed plywood. That is, the craft will still have to be “brought to mind” and polished. The choice of this parameter depends on how it is planned to be designed and placed in the future. A sample mounted on the wall and, for example, a figurine (stand, vase, toy, or other) that is visible from all sides are different things.

Plywood texture

A lot depends on personal preference here. If planned during application protective coating If you want to preserve the natural look of wood, then it is better to purchase birch veneer plywood for varnish. But for subsequent painting it is advisable to choose pine.

For various crafts made from plywood, it is advisable to focus on oil or acrylic based ones. The explanation is simple - they are less susceptible to fading in the sun, and therefore do not have to be updated frequently outer covering; it won't change original appearance for several years.

Plywood grade

When choosing a sheet for crafts, you must first inspect it for knots and inclusions. Significant defects will not only complicate the cutting of the material, but also initiate the appearance of cracks or “holes” (as a result of the same knots falling out). Next is an inspection of the end surfaces. During the cutting process, plywood is subjected to dynamic loads (vibrations). If at least signs of veneer peeling are noticeable on the side parts, you should not purchase such material, even if its price is too tempting.

In the future, in the process of making crafts, many problems will arise. As a result, plywood is rejected and its consumption increases. In total terms, the money will be approximately the same compared to purchasing high-grade material, but in terms of time spent and quality of work, it will be a big minus.

Sheet thickness

If crafts are cut out with an electric tool, then it is limited to 30 mm. For a hand jigsaw, it is advisable to use relatively thin plywood; maximum three layers. That is, no more than 9 mm thick.

What you need for work


This is a priori, since we're talking about about making crafts using such a tool. The question is different - which one is better to work with. Electric models They are much more expensive than manual analogues, but have many advantages. About in .

For example, high speed and cutting accuracy, clean edges, the ability to change cutting parameters and a number of others. If crafting from plywood is not a one-time, short-term hobby, then it’s worth spending money on an electric jigsaw. It is universal and will come in handy on the farm more than once, since depending on the type of file it can “work” not only with wood, but also with non-ferrous metals, plastics, and plexiglass.

It is somewhat more difficult with a hand jigsaw. Its design is quite simple - a frame with screw clamps and a handle + a file.

The nuance is that cutting blades break quite easily (from excessive pressure, changes in position hand tools), and therefore it is advisable to purchase them with a reserve; Fortunately, they are cheap.


It is needed only at one stage - when cutting a dimensional sheet into separate fragments. Doing so with a hand jigsaw– an occupation with little prospects and unprofitability; A lot of time and files will be wasted.


No one will cut plywood by weight; It's clear. Cutting out parts by laying the sheet on the tabletop risks damaging it. It is precisely in order to ensure the “safety” of the latter that the stand is needed. You can make it yourself from scrap boards. What such a device looks like (one of the options) can be seen in the figure.

The stand is fixed to the base using clamps (on a non-working table) or self-tapping screws (if there are carpentry workbench). Although these are not the only mounting options. It is not difficult to understand what to do, depending on local conditions.


The ideal tool for fine woodworking is the . But for crafts made from plywood that do not have large areas, it is not suitable. Therefore, only sandpaper; medium-fraction - for primary grinding of workpieces and with fine grain - for finishing.


  • Files and needle files.
  • Awl.
  • A simple pencil and carbon paper.
  • Glue, if the craft is created as a composite or multi-level one, that is, with the fixation of two or more shaped fragments in separate areas.
  • Varnishes, paints, stains.

Examples of drawings and sketches of plywood crafts

Copying “one to one” in this case is hardly advisable. Any work done with your own hands is a process with a creative component. That is why the dimensions should be determined independently, depending on where you intend to place (or how to use) the craft. For example, will it “look” in a particular place, will it fit organically into the interior of the room.

Even if you liked the drawing, it is not difficult to change the geometry of the figure by applying the scaling rules. Especially when it comes to drawing a contour on plywood with a simple pencil; It’s quite easy to correct any mistake, or to correct anything in certain areas. It is not much more difficult to modify any sketch, introducing something of your own, original into the sample.

There is another solution - you can download any picture you like from the Internet. Printing it to the required scale is not a problem. All that remains is to transfer it onto the plywood using carbon paper and shade the areas that need to be cut out. This is if we are talking about curly crafts. It's even easier with a contour pattern; cut exactly along the line - and that’s it, you’re done. All that's left to do is get busy decoration products.

Basic rules for cutting with a jigsaw

  • Laying under a sheet of rigid backing. It is to ensure the hardness of the surface under the plywood that a stand is used. A sheet, even a small one, bends quite easily (under pressure), so without this device a high-quality cut, strictly along the line, will not work.
  • The working body of the jigsaw (file) must be strictly perpendicular to the end of the sheet. And constantly, throughout the entire process of cutting the material.
  • The tool is fed along the line in a forward motion, but without effort. Otherwise, the file will break immediately. The same goes for when it deviates from the “vertical”.
  • Sawing out “blind” holes, that is, somewhere along a sheet of plywood, indented from its edge, is done as follows. A “hole” is drilled at any point on the outlined contour with a slight offset towards the center of the fragment. The diameter is chosen so that the file can easily fit into it. After attaching it to the tool frame, you can cut in any convenient direction.
  • A figured cut in plywood involves sharp turns, smooth bends, and so on. First, at the point of change of direction with a jigsaw, without changing its position, you need to make a small hole in the material. To do this, you need to continue cutting with a saw, strictly maintaining the orientation of the tool, and at the same time rotate the piece of plywood. As soon as the plane of the cutting part coincides with the required direction for further cutting, it can be carried out along the intended line.

Having mastered production sufficiently simple crafts made of plywood, you can take on more complex options. As an example - self-assembly furniture (racks, bookcases, original hanging shelves). With a skillful approach to business, plywood produces excellent countertops, cutting boards, window frames and so on. It’s easy to make a folding chair from this material, in various modifications. Who is interested in this?

Plywood also makes excellent frames for paintings and photographs. Those who have a plot of land will be able to engage in artistic design of outbuildings; the same gazebo, a house over a well or something else. There are many options. The main thing is to want to learn.

In the process of preparing for cutting with a jigsaw, you should not forget that all drawings and drawings are nothing more than the basis for developing your project. A little imagination, time, effort, and you can make a truly real masterpiece from plywood.

Plywood is very affordable, comparatively inexpensive material for various crafts. Things made from it can have not only decorative value, but also be useful in our Everyday life, at home.

Plywood is an easily processed building material, which is produced by gluing together several layers of veneer and specially treated wood chips.


These sheets, which can be used for making crafts and structures, may differ:

  • number of layers of veneer - three-layer, five-layer and multi-layer;
  • the type of wood from which the multilayer sheet is made (deciduous or coniferous);
  • according to the degree of processing (polished on one or both sides, not polished).

Building codes and standards

To learn more about the subject in question building material(on the classification of the entire plywood nomenclature, grade, standard sizes produced), which can be purchased for the manufacture of many products and crafts, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following documents:

  • GOST 3916.1-96 “General purpose plywood with outer layers of hardwood veneer.”
  • GOST 3916.2-96 “General purpose plywood with outer layers of softwood veneer.”

Schemes, drawings and patterns for products made from plywood sheets

Computer drawing programs

Today you can easily find a diagram, a pattern for a plywood structure, so that you can then prepare any drawing using computer-aided design systems (including the above cat pattern). Next, use a plotter to print it onto a paper sheet of the required format.

Drawing popular programs are the easiest to learn and can be used in 2D and 3D modeling, including plywood structures:

  • "KOMPAS" - complex automated systems, with the possibility of drawing up drawings in accordance with the standards of the ESKDI and SPDS series;
  • AutoCAD is a two- and three-dimensional computer-aided design and drawing system.

So, if you cannot find a detailed drawing of the plywood product you need, then the application capabilities of the given software will help you make a full-fledged drawing using any diagrams and patterns posted on the Internet.


The price of the construction plywood from which the kayak is made is simply incommensurate with the pleasure that the person who made it with his own hands and who loves rowing boats will receive.

The Eskimo kayak is the same kayak among the Aleuts - a traditional rowing boat of the Arctic peoples. This boat can be single, double or triple. Let's post drawings of a plywood kayak for one person.

Construction algorithm rowing boat made from plywood sheets is, in principle, general, with the exception of some nuances. Step by step order Actions for cutting, processing and assembling a kayak can be seen in the video in this article.

Plywood table - simple and functional

Clear drawings of a plywood table with your own hands, which will be easy to implement even for a person without special carpentry skills and experience. Table cover (1 sheet) - 1300 x 600 x 16 (mm) Inner wall (1 sheet) - 1170 x 400 x 16 (mm)

Plywood constructor

Various plywood construction kit drawings are now gaining more and more popularity. Assembling such models from safe material is a very useful activity for children and teenagers. Such crafts will become good examples of collections and will decorate the modellers' corner.


The stages of work on installing a tank model are as follows:

  1. The plywood is sanded (first with medium-grain sandpaper and then with fine-grain sandpaper);
  2. The drawings are carefully transferred through carbon paper onto sheet plywood material sanded with fine-grained abrasive.
  3. In the corners of the contour transfer, through holes are drilled with a drill (drill 3 mm or more);
  4. Attach the file to the jigsaw and start cutting out the elements of the tank;

Cutting out parts must begin inside the contours of the tank blanks, and only then around the office itself.

When assembling plywood assemblies, have models at hand Various types needle files to fit the elements to each other at any time.

  1. After adjusting all the parts, you can start gluing them (for example, with PVA glue, “Titan”);

In order for the components and elements of the tank to grip each other more firmly and reliably, you can tie them with thread or rope for a while after gluing them.

  1. A cannon can be made by cutting wooden handle brushes for watercolor paint or other auxiliary material;
  2. If desired, you can apply a side number or other inscriptions and patterns to a tank, or any other model, using an electric burner;
  3. For greater preservation and decoration of the model, they can be coated with varnishes and paints.

Car – retro (old Mercedes)

When you transfer these drawings of a plywood machine with your own hands onto the plywood sheets themselves, do not forget to transfer the numbers.

When assembling the model itself, look carefully at the numbers.

In this case, the process is carried out according to the following algorithm, in accordance with digital notations:

  • the part or assembly numbered 1 must be connected to another number 1;
  • and part number 2 is attached accordingly to the next number 2 and so on until the machine is assembled.


Drawings of a pistol made of plywood model "Bulldog". When assembling, we follow the same rules as when assembling a machine: the same numbers must be mounted with each other.

This model It is better to cover the pistol from a bottle of spray paint; for a better resemblance to the original, you can apply layers of black paint.


When designing, drawings of dinosaurs made from plywood, for example, those presented below, can be made in any scale you need according to the presented pattern in a drawing program for a computer.

Preparing the material, model elements and the assembly itself is not difficult, but you will have to have some patience when working with a jigsaw and adjusting the model components to each other.

Napkin holder – “Grape leaves”

This item is in the form grape leaves will always come in handy household for its intended purpose - for napkins, and for storing, for example, sheets of paper of the selected format:

Vase, stand for pencils, pens, brushes

Drawings of a plywood vase, from which you can easily cut out a craft of the size you need:

Plywood panel

It is the ease and simplicity of cutting out plywood sheets of various configurations with a jigsaw with different sizes, installation of them various designs, allows you to perform a variety of decorative panels for the walls of our home. Any panel made carefully - great gift to relatives and friends.

Drawings of a plywood panel, which also serves as a shelf in the household:

Some useful tips and warnings:

  • When transferring patterns and drawings onto plywood, use the thinnest and sharpest pencil lead. It's even better to use a used ballpoint pen, then the lines will always be the same and the copy paper won't be torn by the ballpoint. It is convenient to transfer drawings to plywood using a laser printer.
  • For better fastening parts, where possible, it is recommended that the width of the grooves correspond to .
  • There are two types of files with large and small teeth. It is more convenient for beginners to learn how to use a thick file, and cut out a thin one small parts, already having some experience and skills in using a jigsaw.
  • The files must cut from top to bottom, so pay special attention to the correct fastening of the file in the jigsaw.
  • Files can easily break, so cut carefully and do not allow parts to hang on the saw blade.
  • When purchasing a file, make sure that the teeth are sharp, and that the file itself should not bend easily, but rather be firm. It’s not the flat ones that are easy to use, but the so-called “twisted” files – they can be used to make cuts in any direction.
  • For those who enjoy cutting out structures from plywood sheets as a hobby, there is no need to purchase a band saw; it is enough to purchase a jigsaw. Although everyone is an amateur, some craftsmen still often resort to a hand jigsaw when they “need to get a feel for the material.”


  1. Before choosing, purchasing and directly working with the material from which you will cut models, panels, construction kits and structures, familiarize yourself with its types and classification according to construction documents (GOST).
  2. For sawing, purchase quality tool, equipment and accessories for it.
  3. Take a responsible approach to choosing high-quality plywood. Do not limit yourself to a visual inspection, tap it for internal voids and delaminations due to poor gluing of the veneer layers.
  4. Before working with a jigsaw, optimally equip your workplace. Special attention give it some time good lighting so that the cut and markings are clearly visible and your eyes don’t get tired. It’s not a bad idea to use a strobe light to illuminate the area where you’re working with a jigsaw. Convenient and comfortable sawing!

If your new hobby is sawing out various decorative elements, burning or wood carving, then our advice would be to start with a material such as plywood.

There are several significant reasons for this:

Plywood is quite easy to work with.

If it's in your hands good tool, and you start with small figurines, then making them will only take you a couple of hours.

The material is universal in use, so you can make literally anything you want from it: furniture, toys, small decorative elements.

All this can be a wonderful addition to the interior of your home.

Features of working with the material

What does it represent plywood sheet. It consists of several sheets of veneer, which are connected to each other using glue.

Important: plywood can be of different types: based on beech, birch, pine.

Not only the quality depends on which sheet you choose. finished product, but even its structure and color.

If you are going to cut out various figures using a jigsaw, then you need to choose the highest quality types of plywood.

They are particularly durable, which guarantees that the plywood will not crack, ruining the entire appearance products at the most unpredictable moment.

If you are going to start working immediately, immediately on the day of purchase, then choose only dry sheets of wood.

They won't break the jigsaw blade every 10 minutes.

To work with plywood, you will need to acquire a number of tools.

In principle, they are always the same for all types of products, so you only need a one-time investment:

  • Jigsaw
  • Jigsaw files
  • Hand or electric drill
  • Ruler
  • Grinding machine
  • Burner.


If you want to beautifully decorate your home or give it to someone close to you original gift, make your own plywood frame.

The preparation process will not take you much time, because you just need to get the necessary materials.


They are standard for all cases, and we have already mentioned them before.

We will offer you master classes on light plywood crafts. You can make either a regular straight frame or plan various patterns and figures on it.

First you need to make a template, and after that you can cut it out, trace the contours with a pencil on the plywood and begin the manufacturing process.

This stage is not only the most responsible, but also the most exciting. If you put a piece of your soul into your work, everything will definitely work out. Ready design must be opened with varnish. Ready!

Doll furniture

This task will be a real test for parents.


The so-called test of acquired design skills.

The peculiarity of creating doll furniture is that children do not tolerate falsehood at all.

If they see that the furniture is not worked out in detail, and instead of a kitchen stove for your favorite doll you brought an ordinary rectangular block, then you simply cannot avoid serious grievances and childhood disappointments.

The second feature of making such a craft from plywood using a jigsaw is that all this furniture must be carefully worked out sandpaper or a grinding machine.

Your child will constantly come into contact with these self-made toys, and if the edges are poorly processed, they may get hurt.


Well, the last feature of crafts made from plywood and the house is that the materials for such furniture must be absolutely non-toxic and normal for constant contact with the child, because he can drag it into his mouth or take it to bed with him.

This is not a simple applique or paper craft, so you need to take the matter seriously, following a whole list of actions that need to be completed.

Carrying out work from plywood

How simple furniture is made in detail, and then assembled into one piece of furniture, so do-it-yourself plywood crafts should be done separately.

To do this, first of all, prepare special drawings of plywood crafts, on which you will specify the dimensions of all parts and their fastenings.

Take a ready-made plywood sheet and attach a paper part template to it.

Trace the part with a pencil and plan out the outline with a jigsaw.

After this, each part must be cleaned with sandpaper or a grinding machine and only then the piece of furniture must be assembled.

When you are done with the entire set, open it with varnish.

Below are provided different variants and photos of plywood crafts. Choose the one you like.

Photos of plywood crafts

Interior and exterior decorations, carved shelves and photo frames, window frames, decorative elements and entire paintings can be created independently - cut out using tools. Wood carving with a jigsaw is accessible to everyone - you just need to have a little patience. Below we will talk in detail about this type of art - about the tools that will be required for the work, about the stages, and we will analyze the mistakes of novice masters. Let's touch on safety precautions, and also take a step-by-step look at the stages of making a cutting board.

Description of the tool

According to the principle of operation, a jigsaw can be compared to regular saw. But it is designed to make figured and through cuts, and with the help of a saw only straight rough cuts are made. The jigsaw frame, shaped like a bow saw, allows you to make precise deep cuts from the end of the material.

The special design of this tool allows you to cut from the inside of the workpiece, making it possible to make through cuts.

A jigsaw is used to process the most different materials- wood, non-ferrous and soft metals, plastic, ceramic tiles.

There are two types of jigsaws - manual and electric.

Hand jigsaw

A hand jigsaw is a saw blade clamped into an arc-shaped frame. The tool is equipped with a handle. The file reaches 130 mm in length and is attached to the handle with the teeth down. The saw element must be taut. If the blade is tensioned and secured correctly, the instrument will produce a subtle sound when operating. Without proper tension, the file will quickly break.

Despite the fact that many consider it outdated, because there are modern electric ones, it has a number of advantages. However, as well as shortcomings. The pros and cons of the tool are shown in the table:


  • suitable for beginners and children;
  • affordable price compared to an electric jigsaw;
  • compactness;
  • A hand jigsaw is indispensable when you need to make intricate wooden patterns. Only with its help is it possible, having reached a certain point, to radically;
  • change the cutting angle;
  • develops fine motor skills and perseverance.


  • small frame size;
  • saw blades quickly fail;
  • The cutting process is slow.

Thus, hand tools have only three disadvantages and many advantages.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a manual jigsaw, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The material from which the frame is made. It must be durable, preferably metal. With force, the material should bend just a little. Ideally it should be steel or titanium.
  2. When purchasing, you should try to squeeze the ends of the frame - if they almost meet, it is better to refuse the purchase.
  3. Choose a flat frame. But before that, check it for elasticity, as described in the previous paragraph.
  4. It is important to pay attention to the handle - it should be comfortable, made of wood.
  5. The fastener that connects the file to the frame should be convenient and fixed without the help of pliers.


The main advantage of a jigsaw is its versatility. Due to the fact that a wide range of products is available for it saw blades, it is used for working on wood, plastic, soft metals. Files rarely break. The cutting depth reaches 1.35 m, due to this the speed of work is accelerated compared to a mechanical tool.

The disadvantages include its risk of injury, so it is not suitable for children. The power tool has a short blade stroke, so it cuts thick materials slowly. And also, due to the thicker canvas compared to mechanical, it does not allow for very small patterns.

Electric jigsaws are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Household. They have a power of up to 550 W. Suitable for deep cuts, up to 45 mm., soft materials– plywood, plastic. And for working with metal – here the cutting depth is up to 4 mm. Suitable for household and small finishing work.
  2. Professional. Usually equipped with a pendulum mechanism, they have a power of up to 900 W. The tool can be used in both vertical and horizontal planes. Has a high speed of operation, allows you to perform deep, minimum percentage chips, saw cuts. Created for long work, large volume.

A wide range of saw blades are sold for jigsaws:

  • shank having a T-shape, or “Boshevsky”- universal, suitable for almost all jigsaws, for example, Bosch, Makita, Skill, Metabo;
  • with U-shape shank- second most popular. Suitable for tools with screw and block clamps;
  • shank from Makita- only for instruments of this company;
  • Bosch shank- only for old people Bosch tools. Rarely found in stores.

Files also differ according to the type of material being processed:

Different types files for electric jigsaw
  1. For the tree. There are several types of files for wood carving using a jigsaw:
    • saw blades for quick cutting. They have a long blade with large teeth and a large opening width;
    • for a clean cut. They have medium-sized teeth and a small set;
    • for figured cutting. This is a narrow canvas with small teeth and a beveled back side.
  2. For metal. They are made of durable metal, have small teeth, and a wavy pattern.
  3. For polymer materials. They only have small teeth.
  4. Universal.

Additional tools

To make it easier to work with a jigsaw, there are additional tools and accessories:

  • guide ruler;
  • additional nozzles;
  • universal miter box - it is convenient to cut parquet flooring, cut narrow slats, aluminum profiles;
  • rip fence for parallel cutting;
  • compass;
  • LED lighting for the cutting line.

Stages of work

The work of cutting wood with a jigsaw follows a certain pattern, several stages are followed.


We start by inspecting the plywood - it should be smooth, without knots or nicks. It should be dry, without detachments and swelling.

Then they create a sketch of the work - the stencil is attached with tape or buttons to the surface. Punctures are made at the beginnings and ends of lines, at key points and intersections. Complex designs and patterns are transferred to plywood through copying.

When transferring the pattern, the direction of the fibers should be taken into account - the cuts should be perpendicular to them.

Sawing with a hand jigsaw

A hand jigsaw is held straight by the handle, positioning the file perpendicular to the surface. When working, do not press the tool hard on the surface - the pressure should be minimal. Movements should be smooth, effortless - the instrument sinks down almost under its own weight. When the jigsaw moves upward, sawdust is released, so you should not bring the surface close to your face.

Basic concepts needed to get started with a hand jigsaw.

Sawing with a jigsaw

Work occurs according to certain rules:

  • the saw blade is attached to the switched off tool;
  • before work, the tool is set up - the frequency and amplitude of movement of the blade is selected;
  • sketches are attached at eye level. the workplace must be equipped so that your arms and back do not become numb when working;
  • cut out the outline of the product;
  • move the jigsaw smoothly, without strong pressure or jerking;
  • for through cuts, holes are made with a drill and after that we insert a jigsaw file into it;
  • for cuts at an angle, the jigsaw platform is shifted to the desired angle;
  • To cut a circle, turn off the pendulum stroke, drill a hole for the file and work using a stop compass.

Working with a jigsaw is dangerous. For beginning craftsmen, simple plywood projects are suitable.

Mistakes of beginners

The main mistake of novice craftsmen is failure to follow the steps of work:

  • often choose unprepared wood, with nails and knots;
  • they don’t check the tools and don’t have spare saw blades on hand;
  • do not secure the work surface well or hold the part in their hands. Without firmly fixing the part, an accurate cut cannot be made;
  • choosing unsuitable files - the shank must fit the jigsaw;
  • inexperienced craftsmen, when faced with difficulties, press on the tool instead of changing the file;
  • The cut is made along the intended line, but you need to cut next to it - this way the saw will be accurate;
  • do not take breaks in work and allow the tool to overheat;
  • do not select a jigsaw in accordance with the material - for hard materials you should choose a more powerful tool.

When working with a jigsaw, it is important to follow all stages and rules of work.

Safety precautions

To preserve the tool and your own health, you must follow safety precautions.

  • Before starting to work with a new tool, you must carefully study the instructions, check its completeness and serviceability;
  • Do not use faulty saw blades;
  • When working with a hand jigsaw, it is held by a special handle. Do not hold by the frame;
  • Before starting work, the electric jigsaw is checked for the integrity of the electrical insulation;
  • use during work protective equipment– goggles, gloves, respirator or mask. Glasses are required even when working with a hand jigsaw - if the file is damaged, its pieces can damage your eyes;
  • during operation, hold the jigsaw with both hands;
  • the cutting part of the jigsaw should be limited to specialized devices;
  • the workplace must be ventilated or ventilated;
  • After finishing work, you must disconnect the jigsaw from the network.

It is important to remember that following safety precautions will ensure the safety of the tool, but will also help avoid injury.

Master class on creating a cutting board

Beginning craftsmen should start working with a jigsaw with simple work. A cutting board would be an excellent option.

To work you will need:

  • a piece of sawn wood;
  • jigsaw - both manual and mechanical are suitable;
  • Sander. You can also use sandpaper.
  • mineral oil for impregnating the finished board.

The work is carried out in several stages:

    1. You should start working with the choice of material. Any piece of wood will do - the type is not important here. It is important to pay attention to the following aspects:
      • The tree must be dry.
      • The workpieces should not be stained with technical liquids.
      • Knots and cracks on the surface are not desirable.
    2. Design selection. It is determined by the shape of the future product and decorative patterns.
      A template or stencil is created in accordance with the chosen design. It is transferred to plywood.

    1. Using a jigsaw, carefully cut out the future product in one continuous cut along the contour of the template. This is necessary for smooth, easy-to-process ends.

    1. A through hole is made in a predetermined place so that the board can be hung. To do this, use a drill to drill a hole, insert a file into it and use a jigsaw to cut out a cavity along the intended contour.

    1. Using a grinding machine or sandpaper, carefully process the ends and, if necessary, the entire surface of the board. For processing hard to reach places use a file.

  1. If desired, you can make a recess along the contour of the board. For this you will need a milling machine. After making the grooves, the product is carefully polished.
  2. The non-working surface of the board can be decorated with decorative elements, for example, using pyrography or painting.
  3. The final stage is treatment with specialized solutions. Mineral oil is suitable for this. This can be done by immersing the board in the solution. Or by applying the oil in several layers - apply it with a brush, let it absorb, then apply another layer. Repeat until the oil stops being absorbed.

As you can see, having at hand necessary tools, creating a cutting board with your own hands is not at all difficult.

You will learn the secrets of mastery of working with a jigsaw from the video.

Examples of finished works

Since ancient times, craftsmen have used the art of wood carving to create jewelry and decorative elements. A jigsaw is used to create paintings and portraits, toys, dishes and much more.

For home

Folk craftsmen create real masterpieces from wood - these are boxes, lampshades,

and decorative shelves,

exclusive furniture and toys.

For garden

There is also room for a flight of fancy. These can be decorative figures,

garden furniture.

It could also be decorative ornaments for flower beds and front gardens, wooden flowerpots and fences.


Toys are a separate type of creativity; craftsmen approach it with special trepidation and love. Wooden puzzles are cut out with a jigsaw,

rocking toys and many others.


Until recently, the art of wood carving with a jigsaw was undeservedly forgotten. But, to the joy of many craftsmen, in recent decades, thanks to the availability of tools and materials, it has found a second life. Both adults and children are passionate about this and create real masterpieces from wood.

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