Alumni meeting - why is it necessary? Holiday scenarios for children. children's school prom scenarios

Good words, a solemn farewell message to dear school graduates in prose, text from the class teacher, from teachers,

wishes from parents last call and graduation party.

Dear friends! Our dear graduates! This holiday is a bright and exciting event for all those present.

It is important for us, teachers, for whom every graduation is a milestone. After all, we have been through so much together. When we part with you, we feel sadness, but at the same time we feel proud for each of you.

This holiday is important for parents who for 11 years rejoiced at the successes of their children, worried about them, supported them in failures, and who did a lot to make this evening truly festive.

And, of course, it is important for the heroes of this holiday. I say heroes, not culprits. After all, you have overcome a lot important stage on the long journey called life.

A person makes his own path in life, even if he follows someone else. You've been on the road for many years, and prom is like a crossroads. The meeting place from where a new countdown will begin - the countdown of kilometers-days of independent adult life.

We, your teachers and parents, tried to help you pave your own path, helped you in your search for knowledge, supported you in moments of difficult choice, and sometimes even laid straw to soften the blows.

We are confident that the knowledge you gain at school will be in demand. We hope that your thirst for knowledge, determination and desire for self-improvement will help you become successful people.

May the path you choose lead you to success. Of course, you can stop along the way because you’re tired, or cry because it’s difficult. But success will not come any closer. Therefore, just go ahead! Don't go off the route!

And when you achieve success, do not forget to share it with your loved ones. After all, success increases through division.

But all this is in the future, and today here, at the crossroads of our roads, is a wonderful holiday - graduation party. A holiday of friendship and fidelity, beauty and youth. Let this evening remain in the heart of everyone present as a good and bright memory.

Beautiful words, parting words to school graduates in prose, wishes from the class teacher

Dear graduates! The day that we both waited for and feared at the same time has arrived. This is a solemn and slightly sad day when the last bell rings for you at our school. On the one hand, this is the moment of separation. On the other hand, the beginning of your road to adult life.

Remember how quite recently you, so small and curious, came to your first line. Funny white bows, huge bouquets, joyful smiles... And now before us are young men and women with serious views, with their own plans for life.

Over the years, the school has turned into a second home for all of you. School is a small Universe. Here you learned to be friends and love, to be responsible, to understand others.

You grew up and became a little smarter and wiser every day. Now you remember with a smile your first bad grade, how you didn’t want to get up in the morning and study homework in the evening. Years will pass, certain moments of your school time will be forgotten, but your memories of school will always be warm and full of love.

Now you are at the very door leading to adulthood. Nobody knows what's behind them. Of course, there will be joys with victories and disappointments with defeats. There will be life. Life, the beauty of which lies in the decision complex tasks. But, no matter how difficult it may be for you, I would like to wish each of you, first of all, to always remain human.

Remaining a person with a capital “H”, you will definitely find your happiness, love, calling. We believe that everything will work out for you in life, and all your cherished dreams will come true. Don't be afraid to live; Let kindness, self-confidence and mental strength help you constantly move forward.

Dear Guys!

We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become family to us. We hope that you also fell in love with this house and will miss it. And we will be very glad if at least sometimes you come back here for a short time to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams.

The school doors will always be open for you.

Be happy!

1. He reads, knows a lot -
This surprises everyone.
And in studies without problems -
We all know this.
He's also a comedian...
He will tell a joke about the topic.
If our Sergei is nearby -
It will immediately become more fun!

2. You couldn’t find a better genius,
Than our Evgenia.
She draws just great
And he will compose poems for you
I need to knit a jacket,
And he will sing and dance.
And how he weaves from beads -
I'm already envious!

3. Look at Kirill,
How he drives a Zhiguli
And this guy is on stage
Definitely ahead.
I haven't lagged behind in sports either -
He ran, jumped and galloped, -
Class honor and even school
Every now and then he defended

4. Ksyusha loves sports since childhood,
And she also sings
And with younger guys
The conversation will quickly find.
Class for Ksyusha - home,
She makes him feel comfortable.
Loves if beauty -
And she herself is always fashionable.

5. He controls the car deftly,
Vanya knows a lot about housekeeping.
In the family, for the mother, there is a worthwhile worker
And he is not the last fisherman and hunter.
Let him not sing on stage,
But he loves sports.

6.Quiet and modest,
Very, very kind.
The girl is inconspicuous
Not very noticeable.
Well, I’m used to work,
The hostess is excellent.
Keeps the classroom clean, comfortable,
And her sisters are waiting for her at home.

7.Strong, dexterous and skillful,
And he is always brave in business.
Not afraid of work either -
Nature has given it strength.
Vova fell in love with sports
He easily breaks records.


1.Listen, guys.
We'll sing for you now
Saying goodbye to ninth grade
And eleventh grade.

2.Our 11th grade
It's easy to dance top class,
And in sports relay races
Everyone runs faster than the wind.

3.We worked hard
And we went to Kurgan,
There's a pies rally there
The townspeople were surprised.

4. The ninth grade loves sports,
Keeps up with the times,
And besides, very friendly,
They say they are the people.

5. Don’t worry about school,
Trust us with everything:
We'll keep an eye on everyone here.
Yes, we’ll let you down too!

First-graders read poems to graduates:
1.I want to dress fashionably like Mahabat
And how Valya Skipina plays sports.

2. Let Alena show us
How to perform on stage
And Christina will teach everyone
Fashionable things to knit.

3. In Lyuba’s class as always
Gets started on everything:
Both an athlete and an artist -
In a word - activist.

4.And I will be like Aizhan
Study well,
After all, her efforts
It will be useful in life.

5. And Masha is very slim,
The girl is worthy.

6. Stop praising girls -
There is a man in the class
And it is clear that Andrey
Just great.
Nothing that's not an artist
But there will be a programmer.

7.I want to go to 9th grade-
They don't hurt girls there
And they study without books,
But they only send SMS.

8. Marina is studying with a “5” -
She is an example for us
And Yulia and Nikita
Don't let your class down:
They read poetry well - they even know them in Kataysk.

1. Let’s now tell a story about 11th grade.
They are all amazingly smart
Cheerful, always beautiful.
And we'll tell you a secret:
There are no stronger people in sports.

2. For example, Maxim Morzhov
Always ready to answer.
He is the class leader
And a champion in studies.
All the guys already know:
Applying to become a lawyer.

3. Well, and Tanya, and Tanya!
Look how he draws!
And in her studies too
Definitely ahead!

4. Sasha distinguished himself in sports
And in love with history.
Smart, strong and healthy -
He will be a military man!

5.Lucy is an activist in class
And a leading artist.
Succeeds here and there,
The pedagogical institute is waiting for her.

6. Alyosha Lobov loves exact sciences,
And he doesn’t ride a motorcycle out of boredom.
We think that soon he will discover the law of physics.

7. Learn from Olesya how to write beautifully,
Well, Dina will show you how she can draw.
And he starts it like a concoction,
It will feed the whole family.

8. Zhenya is always polite,
And I haven’t fallen behind in sports either.
If only he was on a motorcycle
Ride it at least once!

9. And Natasha in the evenings
Is interested in poetry
Sings wonderfully
He'll go to computer science.

10. Glory with technology on you,
Twists nuts and bolts.
Collects electrical circuits
And he dreams of becoming a military man.

11.Well, Vanya is just right
Can enroll in foreign language.
Into English without difficulty
He translates the words.

12. Aizhan knits well
And he knows how to design.
You can trust her with everything
He wants to become a teacher.

13.A Mineev, for example,
There will be a policeman.
Alyosha knows a lot
And he writes poetry himself.
About 9th grade
1. Sly eyes, long braid.
She herself is quiet, always modest.
There is no better craftswoman -
Deftly knits a warm blanket.
2. Our presenter is known to everyone
And he studies without problems.
He reads poetry and composes himself
And he was also the first in sports.
3. She is a cheerful person
Friends forever with the computer.
She taught poetry well,
I really fell in love with German.
4.Golden hands, very pretty
And besides, she studies well.
It’s not for nothing that our elder is respected -
She prepares skits and evenings.
5.Look: this is him
Our cute Anton.
For his kindness
Girls run towards him from a mile away.

6. Witty and cheerful,
Loves jokes and gags.
He has no equal in football,
He is aware of all matches and victories.
7.A wonderful assistant for parents
And attentive to his classmates.
Loves competitions and sports
He also bakes pancakes.

Classroom teacher.

She was a second mother for us,
Everywhere I took care of and looked after,
And if she scolded, then for the matter,
But she always praised me boldly.
I taught the girls how to do needlework,
She tried to wean us from idleness.
In a word, she is simply beautiful
Our mom is awesome!

About 11th grade.

1.We’ll tell you now
About 11th grade.
They are all amazingly smart
Both capable and beautiful,
They love to play chess
Win in KVN
How will they go to the tourist rally?
People will be happy there.

2. Kolya is in love with technology,
You know, he will be the mechanic.
And Alyosha and Seryozha
They understand this too.

3. In their class they have Lena,
That you can't take your eyes off.
The hostess is excellent
And very pretty.

4.Tall, cute and slender
And I took it with my mind and with everyone.
Sings and dances well
I need to knit myself a jacket.
Doesn't sit idle
The village takes charge of everything.

5.How modest and beautiful she is.
A little proud, a little obstinate
To everyone's surprise he knows handicrafts,
And he starts it like a concoction,
This will feed the whole family.

6. Our Natalya lives
Among the mirror lakes.
The family is large and friendly
Everyone needs to work.
She loves cleanliness, is modest and sees everything through to the end.

Today is a significant day for you, a solemn and touching event - a school graduation party. This is a holiday of the best time in a person’s life - a holiday of youth. With all my heart I congratulate you on graduating from school and starting your adult life. Behind is the courtyard of my native school, ahead are the uncharted roads of the future. However, you are the happy owners of a powerful force that will take you to the desired heights. This strength is youthful enthusiasm and self-confidence. You are destined to live during big changes, when education, intelligence, creativity and talent became decisive. I believe that love for your native land, deep respect for the achievements of previous generations, high ideals, and creative work will make your life happy, glorifying your hometown and Russia throughout the world.
I sincerely wish each of you to be confident in your abilities and your chosen path. Feel free to make your choice. Study, work, create and dare.
May your destiny be generous with goodness and joy!

Dear graduates! WITH today A new world opens up before you, completely different, unlike the one that was before. Now you are independent individuals who are responsible for their actions. Don’t forget your favorite school and the teachers who taught you everything!

I sincerely congratulate you on completing your school course.
Graduating from school is a special holiday, because this event happens only once in the life of every person.
The school fulfilled its high mission with honor - it attracted you to the sources of culture and spirituality, enriched you with treasures native language and humanistic values, pointed to high horizons of national consciousness and civic conscience.
Graduation is only the first step on the path to adulthood, followed by obtaining a profession. I wish you that the chosen one future profession really became a favorite thing, inspired and brought real pleasure.
I wish that you define the highest life and professional heights for yourself, and that each of you say: I have achieved the highest plans.
When setting off on a distant and unknown road, take with you the blessings of your parents and teachers - eternal, like your native land, parting words that will give you faith in the future, hope for own strength, determination and courage in achieving high ideals and desired goals of your happy future. Not only your future, but also the happiness, well-being of your families, and the prospects of Russia depend on this choice.

Expensive _____________!
Congratulations on graduating from school and wishing that the road to adulthood follows blooming garden so that the carriage of life carries you easily and happily along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need is nearby. Good luck and prosperity to you!

Dear students, dear graduates!
I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of the last bell, which symbolizes the end school year. For many students, this means successfully overcoming the next milestone in school life, moving to the next grade, and for almost 12 thousand graduates, today is a particularly joyful and memorable day. After all, they are saying goodbye to school and heading off to independent adult life.
I sincerely wish you, dear graduates, good health, success, personal victories, and the implementation of your plans and creative plans!
Let the knowledge gained at school certainly become the key to significant achievements and help you reach maximum heights in your future activities!
God's blessing to you, generous fate, true friends, inspiration, optimism and inexhaustible energy!
Good luck in everything! Good luck!

Graduate, today I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, which is both sad and joyful - the day of graduation. You will no longer enter a school as a student, so don’t forget your favorite teachers!

Nothing lasts forever, so school years have come to an end. They flew by unnoticed for both you and your parents. Not only other people's children grow up quickly, but also our own. It seems like just yesterday we took you to first grade with a bouquet of flowers, and suddenly - graduation party. Throughout all these years, we have helped you as best we could and experienced failures together and rejoiced in successes. So let each of you continue to have a reliable shoulder next to you, capable of helping in difficult times. Take care of your friends and don’t forget your loved ones, then luck will definitely smile on you in life!

My beloved son! Today is the first graduation in your life! So may the atmosphere of this holiday never leave you! Always walk boldly along your path in life, and luck will always be nearby!

Dear Parents!
Your children have grown up! Only you know how many difficulties and sleepless nights are behind you! Graduates feel wings behind their backs, they want to reach heights where they will be adults, successful, free... And it is unknown what will come true and what is an illusion. And parents know how quickly reality will want to clip those wings, they guess how many battles the children will have to participate in, if not to win, then at least not to allow themselves to be destroyed. And it is parents who are always ready to help and support in extreme situations. This is the parent's share - to be close to the child while we live! I want to wish you all true parental happiness!

Today I would like to congratulate not only teachers, but also our dear people - our parents. You were with us throughout all these school years, giving us your affection and care. Therefore, first of all, we congratulate all of you, dear parents, on this wonderful day.

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Last call script "Real graduates"

Last call script "Real graduates"

This script was written in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, 05/25/2011. School 40

(Music sounds, spectators take their seats)
Assistant: Attention, dear Dzerzhinsk residents! Starting today in your city, filming will take place for the continuation of the film novel “Burnt by Dzerzhinsk-2” of the film “Real Graduates”. The master of film directing, the famous film playwright Oleg Mikhalkov-Lavrov invites everyone to star in the film. I repeat, we invite everyone those wishing to star in the film "Real Graduates".
(Director comes out)
Director: Natusik, let's invite the artists.

(11 representatives of different subcultures and movements come out. All in chorus ask to act in films)

11s: Take us! We are the real graduates! You won't find anything better.
Director: Okay! It'll do! Natusik, give me a list of artists. So, are the teachers ready to star in the film?
(Teachers answer that they are ready)
Director: Are parents and friends of graduates ready to star in the film?

(Parents answer that they are ready)
Director: Where are they?
Assistant: Who are they?
Director: Real graduates of school No. 40?
Assistant: So let's go! Meet!
Director: Attention! Motor! The shooting has begun!

(The music “Plague Spring” sounds. 11s are coming out)
Chernyaeva T.N.: Amid a general murmur of rejoicing, greet us joyfully now
Worthy of everyone's attention
Our brave 11th "B" class.
The guys are leaders by right,
School organizers
And thus they gained fame,
Fun and celebration are their destiny.
That's probably not the point,
The fact is that among the guys
There are no lazy, inept,
No matter the personality, there is talent!

(Applause to 11th "B" class)

Gorbunova M.A.: Summer outside the windows, the school yard in the greenery,
The new growth is pleasing to the eye!
Here it is, the spirit of a new time,
Our graduating medical class.
The feminine principle predominates
But there are also young men in the team.
The class has a lot of things to do,
They know collective honor.
Specialists worked with them
Practiced centuries-old medicine,
The girls are beautiful, and the guys are broad-shouldered.
And, of course, everything with your head!
(Applause to 11th "A" class)

Director: Open the treasured page for you,
For those who spent 10 years not in vain
He held the titmouse tightly in his hands.
But I didn’t forget about the crane
Assistant: Who has been saving up his dream for years,
And I always worked so that now
They were smart and successful.
The pride of the school, graduates, we are talking about YOU!

(Music sounds: "Real boys")
We are not sent to study in London,
We don't dress in fashion boutiques,
We study at our favorite school No. 40,
And we are reluctant to leave until it hurts.

We don't vacation at southern resorts,
Sunbathing on the field in sneakers and shorts.
We don't eat in expensive restaurants,
Oddly enough, we eat in the school canteen.

To some this life will seem dull,
But real feelings are in full swing here.
The doors will open, we will move all the mountains...
What opportunities are open to graduates?!

Time flies so quickly
Years pass by.
They became graduates so quickly
But we can't stay here forever!

Check it out, we are real graduates. We are for the development of the minds of our nation!
(They continue to read to the music of “Real Graduates.” They present the teachers with the symbol of the film - a baseball cap)

11-k: Please look at these young people.
When else will the opportunity arise:
Clothes, speech and manners all the way!
At the age of 17, teachers will be taught!
11-k: Yes, here in front of you we are real graduates.

(There is applause for the graduates)

Director: We would like to express our gratitude to those without whose help the shooting of our film could not take place. These are the beloved school administration, friends of the school, beloved and generous sponsors.

(Gypsy music sounds. A gypsy woman appears)

Director: What kind of strangers are these in the frame! Natusya!! I'll fire you!!
Gypsy: Eh, gadja, don’t swear! My appearance will brighten up yours famous movie. Moreover, only I can accurately tell about them, about these lovely women, about my beloved administration.
I'll guess their names: Elena Yuryevna, school director; Larisa Alexandrovna, Irina Alexandrovna, Olga Mikhailovna, Olga Ivanovna.
So, before you is the flower of the Russian intelligentsia. Let's look at them carefully.
Wide eyes indicate their openness and sociability,
Nothing human is alien to them. And what a Mona Lisa smile they have. The hands of Venus de Milo speak of their hard work: tirelessly printing, printing orders, and then writing and signing them.
Gypsy (addressing the director): Tell me, dear Elena Yuryevna, how in such a difficult time were you able to keep such a wonderful teaching staff around you?

(Director answers)
Gypsy (addressing Larisa Alexandrovna): Oh, I see, through your hands, Larisa Alexandrovna, so many students have passed through, and sometimes very difficult ones. I see the police are your assistant. So tell me, how did you manage to keep a kind and sweet smile on your face?
(Larisa Alexandrovna answers)
Gypsy (addressing Irina Alexandrovna and Olga Ivanovna): I see all the hardships of your work. Tell me, dear Irina Aleksandrovna and Olga Ivanovna, are you familiar with the phrase “Call on the carpet”? How often have you used this at work? (nerds answer)
Do you have such a carpet, and at what cost? (nerds answer)
Assistant: That's enough, dear. I also found a “Gypsy King”! Go already, otherwise I will be fired because of you! Thanks, it's removed!

(Gypsy leaves)

Director: According to the tradition of the artistic genre of cinema, the floor goes to the director of the film and to our favorite sponsors and patrons of the arts. Elena Yuryevna, you have the floor.

(Director's speech)
Director: Allow me to introduce our dear friends of the school, those who have contributed to the education of the younger generation. Your applause:

11-k: At the beginning began forever mother and father,
And family, friends and colleagues - all after.
And the laurel wreath and the crown of thorns
Some people teach you how to wear it, and some people wear it.
How many joyful meetings are there in human life?
Prepared for everyone. However, please note:
There is a special person in our life.
Whose high rank is first teacher.
(Parents come out in disguise with their children to enter 1st grade. They are met by the first teacher)
Parent1: Dear, please tell me, is this a school for gifted children?
Teacher: Yeah, for both the stupid and the gifted!
Parent2: At what age do you teach children?
Teacher: We teach from the maternity hospital to the madhouse. Are your children creative?
Parent3: Oh, terribly creative!
Parent1: They do this!
Parent: Mine, for example, recently made cubes from a computer.
Parent: And my frying pan and iron.
Parent: And mine, just as soon as I was born, I immediately learned to cry in English (pushes my daughter in the side)
Daughter (drawn): Wow-wow.
Parent: And mine is reading more and more in English. Here I took 100 dollars from my father, I read it all the way down, and we can’t find it anywhere.
Teacher: So he probably already translated them.
Parent (looks hopefully at his son): In English?
Son (fingers fan): No, in pounds, in euros and back!
Parent (proud): Yes, he is capable! (Strokes his head)
Teacher: Can your children count?
Parent: Of course they can! These are the new Russian children!
Parent: Mine has learned to count to three million. Sonny, count it!
Son: 1 million, 2 million, 3 million!
Teacher: Okay, my talented ones! I invite everyone to study! Let's go to school in first grade!

Director (thoughtfully): Thank you, but for the overall picture of childhood memories there are not enough real kids - first graders. Come on, first-graders, get everything into the frame!

(Music sounds. First graders come out)
1st: We are good guys.
Take us seriously.
To you - graduates, of course,
First-graders have questions.
2nd: You have become big in stature,
Men, not boys,
Questions arise here:
How much Rastishki should you eat?
3rd: To look beautiful,
You tried really hard.
I have a naive question:
Have you already fallen in love?
4th: Glamorous girl
I'll be there in 10 years.
Potential among you
Are there any suitors by any chance?
5th: I want to know about one thing:
If you were freeloading,
Dads beat you with a belt
Or did they put it in a corner?
6th: You wrote the tests
At 4 and 5.
Wouldn't you have told us
What's the best way to write it off?
7th: Boys, boys,
I need answers:
How to solve mathematics?
How to seduce girls?
8th: I have 200 questions,
And you have 100 answers.
Somewhere in the future, I hope
We'll see you again.
9th: This May day is radiant
We want to wish you
For any question from life
Just answer correctly!

Director: The shooting has started, it's started! in real time, real first-grader Igor Ryabkov will perform school hip-hop for us.

(Performed by “School Hip-Hop” Igor Ryabkov)

First grader: On any long journey into adulthood you need supplies, necessary items. We have prepared them for you. Souvenirs, on stage!

(The 1sts come out to the music and give souvenirs to the 11ths. Then everyone lines up in the middle of the stage)

(Music sounds: “Captain, captain...”)
Once upon a time there lived a graduate
He read a lot of books.
Feel free to show your diary.
He passed the exams
I fell and got up again,
But I didn’t lose hope for the best.
On the Unified State Exam and in battle
He sang his song everywhere.

Graduate, graduate, smile!
And may you be lucky in life.
Graduate, graduate, pull yourself up!
Let your heart sing with happiness!
(To the music "Captain" the 1st team leaves the hall)

Director: Thank you, it’s filmed! Next take: “They were known not only by sight.” I'm sure you remember your first teachers. Now they will share why they remember you for so long. Who was loved the most, and who was the most naughty?! We invite Vargina Elena Yakovlevna and Tsarkova Larisa Aleksandrovna.

(The first teachers come on stage. They give parting words to the 11th)

(Music sounds, the Russian language teacher and students come out)
Teacher: Katya Chichkina, it’s simply incredible that one person could make so many mistakes in his homework!
Student (proudly): Why alone? Four: mom, dad, grandparents!
Teacher: Why do they do your homework for you?
Student: Because I have no time!
Teacher: Too bad! Morozov, what work of Gorky did we study in the last lesson?
Student (makes a scary face): Old Woman Baskerville.
Teacher: Well, what is it talking about?
Student: Oh, Lyudmila Yuryevna, I didn’t read this old woman, but translated it.
Teacher: How is this possible?
Student: Well, he took the old lady and took her across the road.
Teacher: Okay, I’ll add one point for a good deed, you get a two, not a one!
So, let's check your homework. Almieva, what can you say about
"A hero of our time?"
Student: Oh, I would like to be as cool, outgoing, stylish, mannered, and as good at computers!
Teacher: Wait, wait, who do you mean?
(Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" music plays)
Student: Alexandra Vadimych Vargina! What a cutie!
Teacher: And I meant Pechorin. Well, how is this? Don't read classical literature? After all, you can take something good and kind from the classics! For example, from Pierre Bezukhov, what can we take for ourselves, Chichkin?
Student: Well, I don’t know!
Teacher: Well, what are you missing?
Student: Money!
Teacher: Yes, you all lack a conscience! Has anyone even read War and Peace?
Students in chorus: No, we all read poems about love, about love for you, dear Lyudmila Yuryevna, Tatyana Gennadievna, Tatyana Borisovna and Irina Alexandrovna!!!

(Music sounds: “Why do the birch trees make so much noise?”)
Why are children so noisy in class?
Because my loved ones don’t go out much!
They write essays on free topics,
And then they read them out loud in class!

Let us cram so many poems about love,
Maybe this is all we learn in life?
And we will keep all our lessons in our souls,
- We don’t burn bridges behind us!

Everyone knows (any student will tell you)
That Russia is striving for Europe.
But the great, mighty Russian language
We will always and everywhere need it!

Director: Thank you everyone! Cut! It's advertising time!

(The music from the “Carry” advertisement sounds, where people are dancing. The 11th grade comes out. A teacher, grandmother and grandson are walking along the corridor, the 11th graders are standing talking. The hero holds an oxygen cocktail in his hands. He takes a sip, cheered up. With gestures he invites everyone to dance. He makes a gesture of invitation to the hall. The parents come out. Everyone dances.)

Director: Charge yourself with an oxygen cocktail during recess. An oxygen cocktail is your boost of energy for the whole day at school!

(Music "Kolyan" from the film "Real Boys" sounds. Airs at 11)

11-k (imposing and mannered): A few words about us about real graduates: girls and boys. We are active, athletic, moderately aggressive and progressive. My favorite school subject is recess, when life hits you in full swing, though sometimes over the head. During lessons we fall into a long hibernation, or indulge in deep thoughts on the topic “Where can I get money?” We are likely to become great scientists and inventors, since it has long been known that laziness is the main engine of scientific and technological progress.

11th grade (imposing and mannered): A really cool math teacher, Galina Mikhailovna, has already taken care of our mental abilities.
Dear, answer the question: “If from total number girls in our class subtract the total number of boys, then what result of mathematical abilities will we get?

(Galina Mikhailovna answers)
11th grade (imposing and mannered): Cool graduates have cool teachers. And how wonderfully Galina Mikhailovna can sing, we will hear now.

(Music “Vologda” sounds. Galina Mikhailovna sings in Russian folk style)
I see, I see children sitting frozen,
This means they got the wrong option.
They draw a graph, a graph, as if in delirium
I urgently go to their aid

Whatever happens,
I'll come to the rescue
And I’ll take the derivative right away,
I'll tell the children the answer!

Assistant: Thank you, filmed!

(The physics teacher and students come out)
Teacher: Hello, sit down! Let's start the review lesson. Who knows Archimedes' law?
All I!
Crammer (pulls his hand): A body immersed in a liquid pushes out a volume equal to the volume of this body.
Lazy Guy: It doesn't push anything out! I checked yesterday!
Teacher: And how did you check?
Lazy Guy: Well, I put my body in the bath, sat there for 3 hours, got cold and got out.
Teacher: And what observation did you make?
Lazy: I made the observation that the housing office turned off the water: both cold and hot.
Teacher: What does Archimedes have to do with it?
Lazy Guy: Very much so. Let him come to me!
Zumbrilka: What bad did he do to you?
Lazy Guy: Well, I took a full bath, immersed my body in it...
All in unison: So what?
Lazy: The neighbors came running and said that 5 buckets of water had leaked from their ceiling!
Teacher (perking up): Here! So what can we conclude?
Lazy: And the conclusion is that let this Archimedes do the repairs himself!
Crammer (sticking out tongue): Yes, Ivanov! You don't understand anything about physics!
Teacher: Petrov! Well, do you even know anything? After all, you’re taking the Unified State Exam?!
Lazy 2: Yes, I remember everything, Elena Yuryevna, but I don’t know anything!
Teacher: Answer a simple question: At what temperature does water boil?
Lazy2: I don’t remember, but I know for sure that at a temperature of 40 degrees...
All in unison: Water turns into vodka!
Teacher: I can’t talk to you anymore. I give you both two!
The students all in chorus (addressing the physics teachers in the hall):
Lyubov Vyacheslavovna! Elena Yurievna! Before you
We are ready to stand for hours!
And ready to teach physics
We are every day! As long as you're healthy!
(The 11s leave. The director comes out)

Director: To create a complete still life, the painting needs to be brought to life. Members of the exemplary dance group "Surprise" are dancing for you. And with them is a real graduate of Almieva Evgenia. Meet!

(Dances "Surprise")
Assistant: Thank you, filmed! Now "Attention": filming a lesson foreign language. Are teachers and real graduates ready? Motor! The shooting has begun!

(The foreign language teacher, the school principal and the 11th grade come out. The skit is performed in pantomime)
Teacher: So, I warn you in our lesson, the director (smiles at her), she doesn’t understand anything in English. But he wants to listen to how you answer (menacingly)! Checking your homework. (Everyone lowered their heads). So I knew that no one is ready, you don’t know anything! Lazy people, loafers, quitters, blush now because of you! (Smiles sweetly to the director). Ivanov! Why are you looking at me like a rabbit at a boa constrictor! Answer in English, what do you know about the English Parliament?
Ivanov: My name is Dima. I am in 11th grade. I'm on duty today.
Teacher: Enough! We opened the books to page 55. Petrova, read aloud!
Pertova: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!
Teacher: Sidorov, continue!
Sidorov: To be or not to be, To be or not to be, To be or not to be!
Teacher: And now brief retelling text. _______________, babble something!
Student: Gentlemen! Give it to the former member of the State Duma, I haven’t eaten for 5 days!
Teacher: Why are you babbling? You're yelling in French! (Bell rings) Thank God! The lesson is over!
Director: I liked the lesson! Everyone reads them fluently and quotes the classics in English. We will not be lost in Europe!
All: Yes!

(Everybody leaves)

OR poetry
11-k: Unforeseen, uninvited,
He came into my life.
Lived together with a German
We live our lives at school.
11-k: And we are more familiar than Russian
English is now.
Goodbye, all the best!
Lip bye, may love, good bye!
11-k: Now connected with German
Further fate
And in our thoughts they spin
German words.
11th grade: English teachers
we will invite you to the ball.
Goodbye! Best wishes!
Lip bye, may love, good bye!

(Music sounds. " Migrant". 11 comes out with a guitar)
You didn't understand me - that's very cute!
I said in English:
I know the alphabet just thoroughly!
Why is there no mutual understanding?

If you want to be a free bird in the world,
That foreigner might come in handy!

Director: Thanks for filming, it’s filmed!
In real time, it's time for you, graduates, to talk about something more serious. In difficult times of disasters and natural disasters, you need to know how to survive in an extreme situation. Moreover, you were taught this in class. So, get ready for filming.

(Music sounds: “Hey, sailor!”)
We would like (4 times) for a lesson
If only the bell rang (4 times).
Leafing through the textbooks
We wear OZK,
We are waiting for you, honey!

Our idol
Priceless Yuri Sanych!
We follow you into the water and into the taiga!
You are not afraid of either tornadoes or tsunamis!
You are cooler than Shoigu!

Assistant: Thank you, filmed! Get ready to shoot the next shot!

(The music of the advertisement "Jacobs Monarch Coffee" sounds. The teacher goes to the class. She sees that there are no students. An idea comes to her mind: she takes a flask with alcohol, and its smell directs in one direction, then the other. As if stupefied, the students leave - backstage to the smell, they sit down at their desks. Holding the flask in their hands, the teacher guides with a pointer, the children obediently turn their heads. The teacher is pleased.)
Assistant: The smell of a warm drink attracts students to lessons!
(The artists leave)
Director: That’s not bad, but for the authenticity of the scene I would like to ask questions to the teachers of the natural science cycle. Margarita Anatolyevna, please tell me which of today’s real graduates would you recommend cloning in order to improve the human race?
(Margarita Anatolyevna answers)
Director: Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, would you advise graduates to drink before exams to improve their memory?
(Svetlana Vyacheslavovna answers)
Director: Dear Nina Fedorovna, please tell me which ones are mainly chemical reactions flow in the brains of our real graduates?
(Nina Fedorovna answers)
Director: Agree, Russia is famous for its graduates, graduates bring glory to it! A real graduate of school No. 40, Mustafin Damir, will speak to you. Meet!

(Speaking by Mustafin Damir)

(Two real cool 11s come out)
1st: Hello, friend! Listen, if you dreamed of a goldfish, what would you ask for?
2nd: I would ask her: “Goldfish, what do you need! Come on, ask, I’ll buy everything!”
1st: Oh, why are you bragging about your coolness! You need to stand out with your intellect! (Shakes his fat wallet)
2nd: Yes, I finally took first place in the intellectual game “What, where, how much!”
1st (Philosophically): I listened to Beethoven’s 5th symphony on my mobile phone. Such a thing!
2nd: I’ve been reading a book starting with the letter “X” for a whole month. Yesterday I finally finished the cover! (Looks at the book, reads syllables) He-ming-gu-hey!
1st: Yes, finally, if it weren’t for our teachers at school, we would have been finished. They are covered people!
2nd: I would like to ask Natalya Viktorovna (a cool history teacher, in our opinion, she understands that “SHA” will tell you everything in its place!). Natalya Viktorovna, tell us, real boys, how to enter history and then get out of it?

(Natalya Viktorovna answers)
1st: I agree with you, Vovan! Cool is not the right word. For example, Tatyana Nikolaevna is a specialist in geography, and in other issues. She looks so quiet, but like our foreman: her name is known throughout the area, right up to Moscow!
Tatyana Nikolaevna, how can you find your way home without a compass at night, in complete darkness?
(Tatyana Nikolaevna answers)
2nd: Well, ____________, shall we sing a shtol?
(Music "Oriental Tales" sounds)
Hey beautiful girls
The exam is approaching!
Who will solve algebra for me,
I'll give him a gift!
(shows a box with a ring)
Your speeches are so funny
And gifts are not needed
Why do we need a groom like that?
If ignorant from big!
(Girls) It’s so important to study,
To achieve everything in life,

We will try,
We don’t want to seem stupid

Girls are good
Why am I abandoned?
Any all desire
I will fulfill yours in no time.
How can you not understand
That studying is not a trifle?!
Go study for two
Our annoying groom!
(Girls) It’s so important to study,
To achieve everything in life,
Well, being a dunce is a small honor!
We will try,
We don’t want to seem stupid
And we’ll show you all the knowledge we have!

(The artists leave)

Assistant: Thank you, canceled!

(Music from the program “Let Them Talk” plays. Malakhov and the show participants come out)

Malakhov: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! I'm Andrey Malakhov, I welcome you to the studio of the "Let Them Talk" program. We discuss real stories here, stories of our lives. The topic of today's program is "Life without computers."
Our guests are employees and students of school No. 40 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Our first guest is the school caretaker. Olga Mikhailovna, tell me, who deserves censure at school and why?
Caretaker: Who, who, up to, of course, computer science teachers: Olga Ivanovna and Vera Mikhailovna. They are to blame for everything along with their young hackers. The electricity is burning, they have bred mice, the mice have chewed all their carpets!
Computer science teacher (joining the conversation): Yes, these are not carpets, but mouse pads!
Caretaker: Yes, your mice need strychnine and not rugs.
Malakhov: Yes, the situation is heating up. Let's turn to another guest of our talk show, school nurse Anna Vladimirovna.
Nurse: Look at our children? (The 11s stared at their laptops). Where are they now, where?
Teacher: They're chatting!
Nurse: Everything is clear, there is an epidemic at school! Computer fever! Ugliness! The cobwebs have been blown!
Teacher: Yes, this is the World Wide Web, global!
Nurse: I don’t know anything! Your office needs to be sealed, your computers must be soaked in alcohol, your children must be sterilized!
Caretaker: Or vice versa: sterilize the computers and sterilize the children with alcohol!
Malakhov: Please be quiet! Let's ask the students.
Student (looking away from her netbook): Olga Mikhailovna, I just met such a guy! Can I give him some school soap?
Caretaker: I'll give you school money! And I keep thinking, something soap is constantly disappearing, they gave it to all the grooms from the Internet!
Student: Yes, you misunderstood me! Soap is an e-mail, there is a lot of it on the Internet!
Nurse: Ivanova! And who is this with you in an embrace?
Student (the virus hugs her): Yes, some kind of virus has latched on! (Strokes his head)
Nurse: Attention! Biological alert! And you say, Andrey, that there are benefits from a computer!! There is only one harm!
Malakhov: So, a word to the students: is there life without computers?! Let's listen!
(The music sounds. “La-la-la” (Zhanna Friske)
It is clear to every child in our century,
What a person cannot do without a computer - technology has come a long way!
If you want to make your dreams come true, you must be on friendly terms with the computer,
And then life in the world will become easy!
Our teacher was able to teach us!

We hang out on the Internet and play different games!
We will create a presentation and fix the layer in Photoshop!
We will build graphs in Excel and any text in Verde, believe me,
We can do it now - the computer has become our friend!
He became a friend to us!
Assistant: Thank you, filmed! Time is running out! Don't relax! Shooting the next shot!
Dear friends, allow me, the genius of filmmaking, to start a conversation about those who truly care about today’s real graduates, who have suffered through suffering.
(11s come out)
11-k: Moving towards the cherished goal, without knowing any doubts,
You have turned your dream into reality more than once.
And we owe every victory
To the people who believed in us.
11-k: Let them envy us - we believe and know
(Our envious people are right about this)
In our success, among other components
The main thing is that your loved ones were with us!
(The music “Without You” by Stas Mikhailov sounds. 11 young men with bouquets of flowers go to invite class leaders to dance)

And without you, and without you,
It will be very difficult for us in life without you,
Only now we will come to visit our class,
But we will remember your concern many times... (2 times)

Assistant: The teachers are all wonderful.
Everyone is good in some way.
Only better than a cool mother -
Don't try, you won't find it!
Margarita Anatolyevna, Tatyana Nikolaevna, graduates are waiting for parting words from you.
(Speech by class teachers)
(11s come out)
Director: In general, we are slowly approaching the end of filming. And the final coda should be words of gratitude to the entire teaching staff who raised a new real tribe! The shooting has begun!

11-k: Ah, dear physical education.
We reach out to you with our souls,
But to strain the muscles -
It’s such a big job for us!
Let's not forget Larisa Evgenievna
We will never do anything!
Thanks to her we will be healthy
Probably another hundred years!
11-k: Ekaterina is just a treasure!
Our secretary is irreplaceable.
Always smile guys
She met very nice1
11-k: We loved the psychologist,
Elena Vasilievna was greatly respected.
And they invited me to meetings,
To communicate more closely with him.
11th grade: The social worker is simply talented!
Everyone was happy to meet him!
He dedicated himself to service
He was a reliable defender.
11-k: The nurse is our faithful friend:
You came into the office in pain -
She was throwing a life ring
And I always tried to help everyone!
11-k: And these are our cooks
Let's tell them: "Gib-Gib "HURRAY"!
They'll fry pancakes in the morning,
Delicious borscht will be cooked for lunch,
Why can't you leave the dining room?
11-k: Huge card index
Kept in the library.
Elena Viktorovna is an important figure
And even somewhat brave!
11-k: You knew no peace from us
And sometimes you scolded us.
But you and I have always been friends.
We appreciated you for many things.
After all, you dragged dirt on us.
Everything was washed until the morning.
For this, honor and praise to you.
To the technical staff: "Hurray."
11-k: We say to all school employees: “Hurray”
And words of gratitude!
Director: For you, dear ones, on stage is a real graduate, member of the exemplary dance group "Caramel" Olesya Mostolygina and her talented partner Alexey Morozov. Let's meet!

(Olesya Mostolygina dances)

Assistant: Thank you, filmed!

(The music “Kostroma” by the group “Ivan Kupala” plays. The 10s come out dressed in Russian folk costumes.)
(Appeal to teachers)
Hello, teachers!
What you are doing? Are you teaching?
Well, study for your health!
(Address 11th)
Hello, guys!
Are you studying?
(Instructive) Study well!
(Address 11th)
Well, smokers,
Do you all smoke?
Do you all smoke?
If you are sick, get treatment!
(Appeal to the director)
Well, Elena Yurievna,
Are we preparing for the Unified State Exam?
God help you!

We come here
Every year, every time
Never forget
Each of our school classes.
So let's be friends -
And success will come to you.
School is our second home,
And we love you all!

(They dance. They start a round dance)

10-k: There is a wonderful city in the world
It's called Dzerzhinsky.
Stands on the Oka Bank
Everyone speaks kindly of him.
10-k: And this is our school - Fortieth!
She's the best we have.
The school is the best in the country
Can't find one like this anywhere!
10-k: If you didn’t study there -
We have lost everything in life.
Graduates here have achieved a lot,
Now almost everyone knows.
10-k: Teaches children at school
teachers are the best color!
Come to our school -
All in unison: We give you practical advice!
10-k: We know that you love gifts,
We didn't come empty-handed
School is the first and last bell
A big lesson for your life!
10-k: Fly the bells into the hall
School life is your mascot!
(Music sounds. 10s are awarded with bells)

Director: Thank you! Cut!
Today I say goodbye to you
I decided to reveal one secret.
Having gathered here those who diligently
He studied for us for ten years.
Assistant (with a sigh): We are talking about you, beloved parents!

(Vaeng’s introduction “Smoke” sounds, 11s come out)

11th: Parents! We are nowhere without you!
Any trouble is no problem with you!
We say thank you,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything!
11-k: And we wish you patience,
Gain strength for further study,
After all, we will remain a burden,
After all, next are technical schools and universities!

If only I knew my ticket,
If only I knew what kind of test this is,
Then I would calmly celebrate our graduation
I didn’t think about the competition for 100 places.
Yes, it doesn't matter what you do
It is very important where and where,
You said it yourself, mom, 100 times,
That life is complicated, and this is not nonsense!

I'm sitting alone with a book.
I'm teaching again, mom, again!
When will you regret it, when?
After all, in life, connections and pull are the basis!

Oh, what a sad moment!
It's a pity that my dad is not a dean!
We studied well at school
But the chance of getting in is half!
Yes, it doesn't matter what you do
It is very important where and where,
You, mom, entered the university yourself.
Now this is trifle and nonsense!

Director: Thank you! Cut! A response to parents. Please, our dears, go on stage!
(Parents' speech)
Director: Well, now the last scene. Separation. But I think there is no need to hide your tears, let your school years remain in your and our memories!
11-k: Forever, you understand? Forever
The bells have rung for us.
Never, do you understand? Never
We can no longer stand at the school board.
11th: And a school dress above the knees
We can no longer wear it.
There is no need to wait with hope for change,
No need to learn lessons.
11-k: Now the bells will ring not for us,
The teacher will not come to us.
And another list in a cool magazine
He will calmly lift it with his hand.
11-k: And silence! What silence!
Should I cry? Scream? Or laugh?
And spins in its farewell waltz
Last academic spring!
(Music sounds) A little prince". The soloists sing. Year 11 students present flowers to teachers and invite them to dance)
Who invented you, school country?
You will dream about her more than once,
Your loved ones, cherished in your heart,
The best teachers?

On a windy evening the cries of birds will fall silent,
And in a flock of white we fly up.
We misbehaved, we were wrong,
Still, you will remember the light of our faces!

The most important thing is not to scare away childhood,
Open your soul to the endless world.
The way they taught us, they kept us with their hearts,
We are setting off on our long journey.

Where are you, where are you from childhood islands
Where is the coast of light and goodness,
Where we were loved
Where they taught us
The kindest teachers!

(Year 11 students escort teachers to their places. Thank them)

11-k: The saddest and most anxious
Your last call will now ring.
May you not leave school yet,
But you stepped over the threshold with one foot.

11-k: Graduates solemnly quieted down
Moms quietly wiped away a tear,
Different calls in the world,
Now the main one will ring!
11-k: Three seconds. Two, one!
Well, ring, bell, it's time!
The right to give the Last Call is granted to the student of the 11th "B" class, Alexander Rogulev, and the student of the 1st "A" class

(Last Bell Rings)
Director: "The World is a Theater" -
Shakespeare said.
The film is over.
Childhood, youth -
The secret to success.
An 11 year long school play!
Assistant: Everything we had in life
Everything we remember now
Everything that was happiness and destiny is connected, school, with you!
(Music "Last Call" by Lera plays)

The spring wind is going crazy
Warm nights.
You answered the main question,
School behind us.
The day of memories is full,
All friends are with you!
You feel and know
What's behind you!


Last call, empty tears.
We give roses to teachers,

You know, you understand, you see.
Everyone who was with you -
They'll run away from each other
A new world will be opened.
All textbooks have been handed in,
You take the photo.
First holidays
You miss everyone...

Last call, empty tears.
Adult life has replaced school dreams.
You’re a little sad, you’re a little worried!
Last call, empty tears.
We give roses to teachers,
And yet it’s difficult to forget, not for a year or two...

Last call, empty tears.
Adult life has replaced school dreams.
You’re a little sad, you’re a little worried!
Last call, empty tears.
We give roses to teachers,
And yet, school, we will love you...
Larisa Alexandrovna: Dear parents, colleagues, guests, I invite you outside to finish today’s holiday. I ask you to be the first to escort our graduates out into the street.

(Everyone goes outside)
(11s hold doves in their hands and read poetry)

11-k: We release a flock of pigeons into the sky,
Children's dreams, let them fly away.
We have now become more serious and smarter,
More reasonable than even a year ago.
11-k: Let the doves fly, let the children dream,
They have many school days ahead of them.
Well, today we are saying goodbye to childhood,
We release a flock of pigeons into the sky.

(With the words “Childhood, goodbye,” the 11s release doves into the sky) (The school anthem plays)

"School is your second home!" - Isn’t this what teachers always tirelessly repeated to us in the first grade, in order to force us, first-graders, to go to the trash can, and not throw garbage everywhere!? I first heard these words from Zinaida Mikhailovna, my first teacher, an unusually wise and kind person. House?! However, time changes, and we change with it. From small and shy first-graders, we turned into teenagers, clearly aware of the meaning of the words once spoken by our beloved teacher... Now I understand: the best thing in my life at the moment is school, my favorite school, my second home! It is school life that fills the world with colors. There is never a dull moment at school, because there are so many interesting activities around! Clubs, sports sections, competitions, competitions, hikes, evenings, holidays. And the most interesting things happen in the lessons! Just look at Tatyana Viktorovna Zhalnirovskaya’s half-glance, which makes the class incredibly quiet. I immediately remember the expression on Lyudmila Anatolyevna Popova’s face, which makes me want to pass the running standard with an A+. And Svetlana Anatolyevna Brykova calls her by name so much that even though you know this topic by heart, goosebumps begin to run all over your body... Vera Viktorovna Ryzhakova, the class teacher, energizes the whole class with her energy and moves us forward. I will never forget my teachers! I am proud of my school No. 1, which, indeed, is always first in everything, that I study there and am part of it. I am proud of the students of our school who contribute to its victories. Thanks to the teachers who love their work, us, the students, and give all their knowledge and energy to the development of the school, its prosperity, and advancement. We, graduates of 2013, leaving our beloved school, say to everyone: “Thank you!” We wish our director G.P. Afanasyeva, class teachers - Ryzhakova V.V. and Zhalnirovskaya T.V., to all teachers and students, health, fulfillment of desires, good luck and new victories!

Olga Palamarchuk,

from all graduates of grade 11 "B"

*** Over the past school years, teachers have become so close to us that we don’t want to leave school at all. After all, they not only invested in us knowledge, but also a piece of their soul, they were always ready to listen, give advice, and help. But one teacher is closer and dearer than everyone else. Our class teacher, second mother, Tatyana Viktorovna Zhalnirovskaya. Despite the fact that we are all very different, she managed to unite us into a friendly team. We are sincerely grateful to her for what she did for us, for her affection, kindness and understanding. She was able to instill in us a love of work and tolerance. Thank you to her for her restless heart, warmth and love. We will be very sad to part with her, we will never forget her. Tatyana Viktorovna, we love you very much! We would also like to thank all our teachers. Thanks to the geography teacher Varvara Anatolyevna Lebedok for the fascinating lessons and trips to different parts of our planet. Lyudmila Anatolyevna Popova, a physical education teacher, helped us always stay cheerful, athletic and healthy. Running, jumping, volleyball, push-ups... We didn’t do anything in class! Although we did not become Mendeleevs, we would like to express our gratitude to the chemistry teacher Tatyana Leonidovna Eremina for very interesting lessons. What to do in case of fire? During an earthquake? How to make a fire? Save a person? The answers to all these questions were given to us by life safety teacher Alexander Gennadievich Kosyrev. Svetlana Anatolyevna Brykova helped us understand the basics of such an important subject as biology. Russian language is one of the most complex subjects. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Kirik helped us understand all its features and overcome all difficulties, who always explained it very clearly new material. Many thanks to her for this! We were taught to distinguish “revolution” from “war” by Olga Nikolaevna Mikheeva and Elena Yuryevna Kondrashina. One of my favorite subjects was physics. It was very interesting for us to study atomic reactions, the laws of refraction and much more. And all this thanks to Vera Viktorovna Ryzhakova. Elistratova Elena Anatolyevna introduced us to the economic situation in the country and the world. And the knowledge that foreign language teachers gave us - Nina Grigorievna Mordovskaya and Irina Viktorovna Arzamasova will help us feel more confident in our present life. Elena Viktorovna Zakharova taught us to be on friendly terms with a computer. We are proud of our director, Galina Petrovna Afanasyeva, and grateful for her care and patience. She is a talented teacher and a skillful organizer, an enterprising leader, deeply knowledgeable about the job schools. He passionately loves his job and cares deeply for each student. Our school is the best!

Graduates of 11 "A" class

And to parents Such was the fate of our family that we moved to Shimanovsk from Kazakhstan. We immediately found a job, and our son Sergei went to school No. 1 in the 8th grade. It was exciting, we were very worried about whether his relationships with his peers and teachers would work out. But from the first day, Sergei immediately joined the team. I made friends with all my classmates, especially Alexey Vyatkin, Olga Palamarchuk, Ilya Shabelnikov. The class is very friendly. Sergei and the boys began to actively participate in the social and sports life of the class and school. They organized hikes, holidays, won sports competitions and competitions. With the support of the class and the class teacher Vera Viktorovna Ryzhakova, Sergei became the winner of the competitions - “Student of the Year”, “We are the future of Russia”, “Guys for everything “100”. We were lucky: our son studied at a school where experienced, responsive, highly qualified people work teachers Sergei studied well, he has solid knowledge, he is able to find things. right decisions difficult tasks, elective courses he was engaged in additional in-depth preparation for entering the medical academy. And I believe that my son’s dream of becoming a surgeon will certainly come true! We want to express our deep gratitude and gratitude to the entire staff of school No. 1. Many thanks to the director - Galina Petrovna Afanasyeva, the class teacher - Vera Viktorovna Ryzhakova, that from the very first day they warmly welcomed us and our son and accepted us into their school family, always supporting us in everything. Thank you to all the teachers who spared no effort and time in teaching our children, passing on knowledge and experience to them. Our children have difficult exams ahead. We wish them nothing but success!

M.A. Pernitskaya,

mother of a 2013 graduate

*** Very soon the last bell will ring for all graduates of 2013. This will be the last call for my son and his classmates, students of 11 "A". It is he who will announce to them that childhood is over and adulthood begins. That's how quickly the school years flew by, and yet, it would seem, just recently our children first came to school, where they were greeted by the warm gaze of the first teacher, Svetlana Ivanovna Farewell. They made their first discoveries with a man who has the most wonderful title on Earth - the First Teacher. And people remember their first teacher all their lives, remember them with gratitude. Their class teacher Tatyana Viktorovna Zhalnirovskaya was a guardian angel for our children. Her support and advice always helped them in difficult times. I would like to tell our children with all my heart: “We believe that it is you who will bring faith in goodness into this world, and you yourself will be immensely happy! We wish you love, smiles, joy. And just a little bit - tears of disappointment. Let each of you He will find himself in a good and necessary business, so that he can fearlessly look to the future!” I want to express my gratitude on behalf of all the parents of class 11 "A" of MOAU Secondary School No. 1 to the school administration, the entire teaching staff for their patient work, for their care and warm smile. For all 11 years you have given our children knowledge, the warmth of your soul, life experience, taught me to believe in myself and overcome difficulties, to go all the way towards my intended goal. Thank you for your cooperation and warmth!

Sincerely, Routenberg G.V.

*** 2013 is a very significant year for our family. Our eldest daughter Katerina defended her diploma from the Moscow Financial Academy in March, and in May younger son Alexey successfully completes 11th grade. We all hope that Alexey will do well in his exams and fulfill all his dreams. It’s very nice that not only we, the parents, but also our teachers worry about our children. Many thanks to all the teachers of the school and, of course, to the director - Galina Petrovna Afanasyeva. Every year, coming to school-wide reporting conferences, we clearly saw the success of our children and the work of the entire teaching staff. Special and huge thanks to our “cool” teacher - Vera Viktorovna Ryzhakova. This is a person who truly cares about his students, both at school and outside their walls. It’s a pity that our children have grown up so quickly, and we will no longer communicate so often, but I am sure that Vera Viktorovna will be interested in the successes of our children for a long time. ...We wish you, our dear children, that you will not be afraid of anything in the world. After all, living life is not crossing a field, And only the one who walks can go through everything. Thank your teachers, you sincerely say “thank you” to them. Over so many years they have gotten to know you all - They have become like your second parents. T.Yu. Vyatkina And now the word is to the class teachers It seems like it all happened yesterday. September 1, 2006. I'm excitedly rushing to meet my 5 "A". I see their festive mood, smiles and wide-open eyes, full of joyful, mischievous lights. Your soul becomes warm and calm. At that moment, no one suspected that in seven years we would become one big family, that we would not want to leave. A little time will pass and I will understand: my class is a sea of ​​talent, enthusiasm, and creativity. My class is a friendly team of children and parents. My class is a part of my life. I cultivated humanity, kindness, sincerity, confidence, and tolerance in my students. I wanted them to become cultural, spiritually moral, worthy citizens of Russia. At the same time, I myself learned every day from the guys creativity, optimism, and the ability to find positive points in any situation. But time flies. And now the time has come to say goodbye to our beloved students. I remember with pleasure our events - tourist rallies, “Health Days”, “Autumn Ball”, cool hours with games, competitions - you can’t list everything! And my colleagues and students were always nearby. I will be happy to name their names and organizers extracurricular activities, hikes, classes, competitions: these are Akulov Vladislav, Bolotova Maria, Gorbunova Anastasia, Dudenko Semyon, Dudukina Alena, Elistratova Daria, Kiseleva Olga, Krasilnikova Anastasia, Momotenko Sergey, Nakonechnikova Renata, Poloshkov Anton, Sidorov Igor, Simonenko Sergey, Kiseleva Tatyana , Zharkevich Alexey, Palchik Victor. The children are active participants in school, city, and regional competitions. Anastasia Gorbunova, Renata Nakonechnikova - winners of the regional school league KVN-2012, 2013. Alena Dudukina - winner of the city and regional photography competition. Olga Kiseleva is a third-degree diploma winner in the city patriotic song competition, winner in the regional competition "Palette of Children's Voices." Five students graduate from school with excellent marks: Anastasia Gorbunova, Anastasia Krasilnikova, Olga Kiseleva, Renata Nakonechnikova, Angelina Sadokhina. There are many athletes in the class who defended the honor of the school at city and regional competitions: Vladislav Akulov, Timofey Demyankov, Semyon Dudenko, Alexey Zharkevich, Sergey Momotenko, Anton Poloshkov, Sergey Simonenko, Kirill Shutov. These are my graduates! And I am proud that I invested a piece of my heart, the warmth of my soul, into each of them! Thank you guys for your active life position! I want to say special words of gratitude to all parents. All these years we have been one team. I was confident in your support. We have wonderful children! Thank you, dear parents, for your cooperation, for your love and patience!

T.V. Zhalnirovskaya, class teacher

11 "A" class

*** ...I look carefully at each of my graduates, analyze their successes and calmly release them into adulthood. I believe that they will be able to achieve their goal, find answers to difficult questions, overcome difficulties, help a friend, and be able to take responsibility. Once upon a time, in the 8th grade, children dreamed of being written about in the newspaper. And this dream came true. Alexey Vyatkin, Sergey Pernitsky, Kirill Korolev, Olga Palamarchuk over these three years have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of city and regional competitions in football, volleyball, basketball, weight lifting, and in school and city Olympiads. They were interviewed and written about in the newspapers... They will definitely succeed in everything in life! Every eleventh grader has his own hobby, to which he devotes his all. free time. For some, it’s singing, like Nadezhda Makerova, a member of the CDT vocal ensemble, Kristina Pykhtina, soloist of the Ovation vocal group, for others, it’s a motorcycle, like Ilya Shabelnikov, or the study of history and law, like Yuri Tavartkiladze. All these hobbies are perhaps the first step into a profession. You always admire versatile people, you respect children who study in sports, music, art schools or attend the Central Children's Center. And they achieve victories there. Kristina Makarova successfully graduated from music school and even thought about connecting her future life with music, but over the summer she grew up, thought about it and decided to enter police school. And she knows that for this she needs to work hard, achieve the impossible, overcome herself. Burlak Olesya, Lozhnikova Valentina, Perekhozheva Ekaterina studied simultaneously at school No. 1 and at the cooperative college in Svobodny for two years. They had to master the curriculum of high school and secondary special education. My dear girls! I really want everything in your life to turn out the way you want! Believe in yourself and you will succeed! My dear graduates! When you enter adulthood, you will need to demonstrate not only your knowledge and skills acquired with the help of your teachers, but also your own will, character, energy, and desire to achieve your goal. It's not easy, but it's possible. Let me, as your class teacher, senior friend, second mother, give instructions to everyone. Don't forget the people who helped you grow up and always gave you a helping hand and support. In difficult moments of life, do not despair, do not be angry, but go to your family and friends who want the best for you. Rejoice in the success of your classmates, support them in times of trouble and joy. After all, they are part of your life. Be attentive to other people's grief. Show sympathy not in words, but in deeds. Remember all the people close to you when making a responsible decision. Be responsible for your actions yourself, do not blame other people for them and do not complain about your fate. Remember that the black streak of life is always replaced by a white one. There is always harmony in life. Your happiness is in your hands. Try not to miss it. Justify the trust of the people who love you. Dear parents! The hour of our parting has come. But I hope that we will remember each other, because your child unites us. Let this memory be good. I hope that your dreams and hopes for your daughter or son will come true!

With love to you, Vera Viktorovna Ryzhakova,

class teacher 11 "B class