All about massage tables. Choosing a massage table: according to each person’s needs Weak points of folding massage tables

Which massage table is better? Only a massage specialist or researchers at the rehabilitation center for exercise therapy and massage can answer this question correctly.

Elena, massage therapist at the Valeria center. Work experience 15 years.

“A professional massage table should be convenient not only for the specialist, but also for the client, so you need to have a good understanding of what types of massage will be practiced and the needs of the client: type of massage (children, adults, etc.), diseases, duration of the procedure. The first thing you need to pay attention to is:

  • Strength and stability of the structure (portable tables are convenient, but their weight should not be too light);
  • Weight and dimensions (it is important to understand whether the table will move and move, the optimal weight is 13-15 kg);
  • Comfortable rest for the arms (the armrests should be rotated and moved forward of the table - it is the armrests that create the image and feeling of comfort)
  • Unimportant parameters: table bendability (it’s easier to use bolsters and pillows)”;
  • In and d massage (for classic massage, 1-2 section massage couches with a medium-hard surface are suitable).

Height, width and length of the massage table

  • Height. Usually they choose from 50 to 80 cm according to their height. So for a height of 170-180 cm, a model with a height of 70-80 cm is suitable. Roughly speaking, subtract 100 cm from the height and get the desired height of the couch. You can immediately order a model of the required dimensions and dimensions from the manufacturer, or you can actually file the legs.

According to research by Professor of the Department of Exercise Therapy, Massage and Rehabilitation Biryukov A.A. and Savina D.N. The height of the massage table should be at the level of the phalangeal or finger point, and the tilt of the body should not exceed 15-20 cm - this requires the correct width - 55-65 cm.

IN modern models you can change the height - this function most likely will not be useful, because it can only be changed before the massage. It is better to immediately select a table that suits the height of the massage therapist. Another question is, if specialists can quit, then height adjustment is a necessary parameter.

  • Width. In order not to reach for the client and not overstrain your back, it is better to choose a table no more than 70 cm wide. But if the massage table is intended for athletes, it can be a little wider - since the client’s build must also be taken into account. Optimal width from 55 to 65 cm. The picture clearly shows the working position relative to the table.
  • D Lina. From 170 to 190 cm – You can’t go wrong if you choose a length of 2 meters with a headrest. In general, massage tables with headrests are more versatile because they fold smaller. It’s great if you can raise the level of the headrest higher than the table, this creates comfort for women with large breasts and large clients.

Purpose of the massage table and types

When choosing, it is better to immediately decide on the purpose and type of massage couch. They are mainly divided into stationary and portable and differ in the presence or absence of additional options and functions (headrest, armrests, height adjustment, bendability, additional functions such as the electric drive and the material from which the frame and upholstery are made). By and large, correctly selected in height, width and length of the simplest robust construction will completely satisfy almost any client, another question is if you need to create an image - then you can choose models with bells and whistles. The feeling of greater comfort is created primarily by the armrests and the adjustable headrest.

  • P A portable table is necessary for massage therapists working at home. A folding massage table is convenient at home when clients sometimes come to the house, and at other times it can be folded and put away. This is especially true for osteopaths who often conduct consultations at home. It’s convenient when it has wheels - suddenly you want to put it in another place in the room.
  • A professional massage table should be comfortable for the client and the massage therapist. In a salon or massage center it can be stationary - but models with wheels are convenient in any case, as they make it easier to move.
  • M Assemblage tables with electric drives weigh a lot, so you need to purchase them somewhere where they can be placed permanently, although some models have wheels.

An electric massage table is best if the motor is quiet and moves up and down quickly.

  • D a wooden massage table can last as long as with metal frame, it is important that there are no plastic parts in it.

Accessories for massage couches: which ones to choose?

  • P The sheets can be either disposable or creating a massage effect - terry. It is more convenient to buy sheets in a roll.

When choosing disposable sheets for massage, you need to consider what additional products are used during massage. So, there are oil-waterproof sheets made of laminated spunbond; if there are high requirements for cleanliness, it is better to use SMS fabric made of composite, it has high antibacterial properties (used in the production of diapers).

  • WITH device for a massage table. This accessory must meet two basic requirements - easy to wash and have wheels.
  • The cover can be either disposable or reusable, but it is most convenient to have an elastic band with fasteners.
  • Va It is better to purchase a massage table face together with the table.

The scope of application of massage tables today is really wide. In addition to the medical institutions themselves, these include beauty salons, fitness centers, and specialized massage rooms... Therefore, the question the right choice the table is now key. The relaxation and comfort of your patients, as well as the performance of your massage therapists, depends on a well-chosen couch.

At first glance, the design of the table is simple; models from different manufacturers often seem similar in appearance, but in fact, to choose a high-quality massage table, you need to take into account some features.

In order for a table to serve faithfully for a long time, it must be easy to use, safe, resistant to wear and possible external influences. For example, the table material should not be afraid of oils used in aroma massage sessions. The surface should be of medium softness - a hard table can cause discomfort to the patient, and too soft can make it difficult to carry out the massage as necessary. A large number of sections and accessories will allow you to “customize” the table to almost any wishes of the massage therapist and patients. Best option massage table – three-section with headrest and armrests. It's best if the accessories are already included. Tables come with mechanical and electrical adjustment - the main thing is that it is smooth and stepless. Almost all models have eyelets - holes for the face. In many models they are closed with special plugs. It's definitely more convenient.

An important issue in choosing is the factor of its reliability. After all, it must withstand peak loads reaching up to 200 kg! Leading brands make their products from durable aluminum frames.

The color of the table also matters. Many models of massage tables are available in several versions color scheme, so you can always choose a table that harmonizes with the interior.

How to choose a portable table?

Separately, you need to dwell on the features of choosing a portable massage table. IN Lately This type is becoming increasingly popular. The massage therapist is no longer tied to the massage parlor; he can perform massage on the patient’s premises, at a time convenient for him. When choosing a portable table, of course, first of all, other things being equal, the folded dimensions and weight matter. Usually it does not exceed 15 kg. To strengthen the structure, folding tables use a cable system, which allows them to withstand heavy weight. The quality of the connecting fittings and fasteners is also important, so that over time there is no play or squeaking when using the table. A useful addition to folding table There will also be a special carrying bag - reputable manufacturers have it included in the kit.

Folding couches for massage have become extremely popular recently. After all, the folding design is convenient for massage therapists due to the ease of carrying the table during field service and simple assembly. In terms of reliability and functionality, many folding models of massage tables are not much different from stationary ones. So, permissible load usually 200-240 kg. The folding design, in addition to the presence of a grommet (hole for the face) in the stock, fully allows for the placement of an adjustable headrest and armrests installed both in the front and on the sides of the stock, expanding it. For the convenience of specialists, folding models sometimes provide the ability to manually adjust the table height, and for cosmetologists - an additional adjustable section for the back.

Portable couches are also convenient for patients: there are models on the market designed for patients with different body types. And after the procedures, the table simply folds up like a suitcase and is put away in a closet or under the bed, without taking up much space at home.

However, the most important advantage of portable massage tables is their price, which usually ranges from 7 to 29 thousand rubles. (domestic tables mostly cost up to 10-12 thousand rubles). This is significantly lower than the price of even simple two-section models of stationary tables, not to mention models with electric or hydraulic height adjustment.

What parameters are most important when choosing a folding table for massage?

First of all, do not forget about the main purpose of the massage couch - to stand securely on the floor, and not swaying. The patient should completely relax, and the massage therapist should not adjust the movements to the rocking of the table and not worry about whether the table will turn over or fold if the movement is incorrect. Neglecting this main criterion for the reliability of the couch, massage sessions will be practically useless due to the tense state of the client and the high fatigue of the specialist. The useful life of such a table will most likely be minimal. In the worst case scenario, the client may be seriously injured by falling from an overturned or broken table.

Headrest, armrests, adjustable back section, covers - these are not the most necessary accessories of a massage table. Rarely do specialists actually use them in their work. In this regard, be careful when choosing, look, first of all, at the reliability of the table design, and not at the presence of “pleasant little things”. Moreover, there are many actively promoted but frankly low-quality tables on sale on the market that do not meet the requirements of strength and reliability, but are often supplied with a “rich set”. Buying a table with weak strength elements and loose fastenings due to the fact that few people really need a rising back or headrest, hygienic covers, which, by the way, cost a penny, armrests, sometimes attached to two wooden sticks as thick as a pencil (Fig. 1), is akin to buying a used car in disrepair, but with powerful speakers, including which you can’t hear the rattling and noise of “dying” units. At the same time, many similar, usually Chinese, models, actively promoted in Russia and sometimes passed off as Japanese or Italian by unscrupulous sellers, are much more expensive than well-made and high-quality products from some worthy domestic manufacturers. And sometimes their price is comparable to the cost of proven Finnish-made models, such as Lojer or Fysioline, the strength and durability of which is obvious (Fig. 2) and time-tested.

The second parameter that you need to pay attention to is the weight of the table. This parameter is especially important if you plan to frequently transport the couch with you. After all, the meaning of the name “portable” is lost if it is impossible to walk with a table in your hands, let alone climb the stairs. Agree, even a physically strong man will find it difficult to carry or lift a 25-kilogram suitcase with impressive dimensions up the stairs. And then what can we say about the fair half of humanity, because not only men are massage therapists. Therefore, we advise you not to consider models weighing more than twenty kilograms. Moreover, unreasonably high weight is not at all associated with increased strength, but, on the contrary, speaks of the irresponsible, outdated attitude of manufacturers (unfortunately, mostly Russian) and to appearance, and to reliability, because Among such models there are many defects.

But don't go to extremes. You need to understand that durable and reliable table cannot weigh very much. Therefore, do not think that a table weighing less than 12-13 kg will be reliable and durable.

All portable massage tables sold on the domestic market are divided into models with and without height adjustment. Models with a stationary height are developed for specialists with a height of 175-180 cm and are usually 70 or 75 cm high. If the couch is intended for a specialist whose height differs significantly from the average, then it is better to consider models with adjustable height. In order for a massage therapist to work without increased fatigue, the surface of the massage table bed should be lower than the end of the hand clenched into a fist with the arms lowered along the body, but not lower than the end of the fingers of the open palm.

Changing the height in folding couches is realized in two ways: by telescopic extension of the inner part from the outer one with a button on the spring (Fig. 3) or by moving one section of the leg relative to the other and then screwing it in (Fig. 4). Telescopic height adjustment, at first glance, is more convenient: press the locking button and pull out the inner part to the next locking position. However, this design has a significant drawback: because There is always a small gap between the inner and outer parts of the leg; a portable massage table with such a mechanism is less stable. The instability of couches of this design is especially noticeable at maximum height.

When purchasing models with legs screwed to each other with special nuts, the main thing to consider is whether the suitcase will close smoothly at its maximum height. Otherwise, the height of the couch will need to be adjusted constantly when unfolding the couch.

The size of the table is also important. Many experiences suggest that the most suitable width of a massage table is 60-65 centimeters. Despite this, the most popular are portable massage couches with a width of 70 cm. However, it is necessary to understand that the wider the table, the more difficult it will be to move it when folded, since the width of the table is the height of the suitcase when folded, and even for a person tall 180-185 cm, the base of the suitcase can cling to the floor or steps, wearing out the upholstery.

If you analyze the length of the couch, then usually 180-190 cm is quite enough. Keep in mind that it is much more profitable to have a special massage roller and, if necessary, place it under the client’s knees or feet than to take a portable couch of greater length “just in case.” Otherwise, as mentioned above, the word “portable” will not fit your table, because... its transportation becomes difficult.

As already mentioned in the article, the presence of a headrest, armrests and an adjustable backrest is not at all a necessary condition carrying out effective massage procedures.

Thus, the rising section for the back is used mainly by cosmetologists. Sometimes massage therapists use it when performing lymphatic drainage, however, in our opinion, a multifunctional massage roller is quite suitable for this.

The headrest, if it is really necessary, should be tightly attached to the frame and be able to adjust the tilt, firmly locking in each position. It is highly undesirable to have seams in the areas of the covering in contact with the face (Fig. 5), so as not to leave marks after the massage and not cause discomfort.

Armrests make it possible to use folding tables with a narrow bed for “oversized” clients, but then they must provide a solid base and be tightly attached to the table frame.

Some give enough great importance the color of the massage table upholstery. Because We are still reviewing portable couches; it is assumed that they are not permanently in the unfolded position and are not a piece of furniture. In addition, the bed of the massage couch during sessions is often covered with a disposable sheet, under which the color of the table does not matter. In this regard, we do not recommend paying much attention to this parameter, but only for reasons of practicality: darker colors are likely to be less easily soiled, especially in conditions of frequent transportation.

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Massage is used for rehabilitation, prolonging youth and solving problems with the musculoskeletal system. From the patient's point of view, the massage table helps ensure comfort throughout the entire procedure. However, this piece of furniture is needed to an even greater extent by doctors - massage therapists and chiropractors. Given the diversity of today's range of medical furniture, it makes sense to talk about the principles of good choice.

Couch or professional massage table?

A price comparison shows that a regular couch, which many people use for massage, is cheaper than a massage table. As a result, the classic question arises: “Why pay more?” However, there are reasons for this - primarily among doctors who value their image and the comfort of their clients. Agree, this is a more powerful argument than diplomas and certificates.

When the patient is able to relax better, the therapeutic effect of the massage increases. In addition, patients have different anthropometric parameters. Massage tables adapt well to a person’s height and weight, which cannot be said about a couch. Another factor is to facilitate the work of a massage therapist, who is exposed to significant stress during the day. The work of engineers and clinical trials make the designs more ergonomic.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a manufacturer?

Since there are many types of massage, it is not surprising that there are many manufacturing companies. Each of them talks about its advantages and makes arguments that are logical at first glance. However, objectively speaking, the recognized leaders of the world market are 2 brands - US MEDICA and YAMAGUCHI.

US Medica produces the most complete line of massage tables, which is attractive in terms of functionality, price and quality. The Japanese manufacturer YAMAGUCHI focuses on versatility, and makes both stationary and folding models.

Pay attention to weight and mobility

Some massage tables are designed to hold around 350 kg. This may seem strange, but keep in mind that the table takes on the load from the mass of not only the patient, but also the doctor. Such models are especially relevant for doctors with an impressive build. On the other hand, sometimes a massage therapist needs to go to the patient’s home. In this case, mobility comes to the fore.

Today there are many options for lightweight models that are easy to transport and put into working condition. One of the best options in this sense is US Medica Super Light, weighing only 10.68 kg. When folded it is very compact. The transformation system is convenient and reliable: the model unfolds without any effort and very quickly. There's also a removable headrest with a face cutout. And in addition - smooth stepless adjustment of the angle of inclination, plus the ability to change the height of the table within 60-80 cm.

Pay attention to the following features of mobile massage tables:

  • They have legs with plastic attachments, so the floors are not damaged.
  • When assembled, they are so compact that they can be easily transported even on public transport.
  • The legs in these models allow you to secure the table even on uneven floors. An adjustment system is provided for this.

Among the stationary options, it is worth highlighting Olimp and Bali from US Medica. American designers have learned to combine functionality, ergonomics and image characteristics. However, their price is higher.

Massage tables for pregnant women

Previously, some types of massage were not available to pregnant women. During this period, a woman’s spine experiences constant stress. However, American developers managed to find a solution to the problem. The US Medica Panda model is suitable for comfortable acupuncture, lymphatic drainage, reflexology and many other procedures.

Externally, the model looks extremely laconic and strict, which was the result of careful mathematical modeling. Even in lighter models - Samurai or Master - the design and material allow you to withstand high load(220-250 kg). It's about about dynamic, or active, load, which during procedures exceeds static. The models are also equipped with convenient bags-covers where you can store the assembled structure.

Note! The roller joints use a special polymer that does not break or crack under any circumstances, and the transformation occurs almost silently.

Factors that will help you make a choice

Let's summarize. Here are factors to help you make a smart choice:

  • First of all, the convenience and comfort of the patient.
  • Strength of the material. Noticeable at first glance Beautiful design, however, it is more important to make sure that the material is not prone to abrasion and does not lose original appearance over long periods of use.
  • Even the most small parts are distinguished by impeccable environmental friendliness.

More specifically, the upholstery should be “breathable”. Classic example - faux leather with high strength. Its color can be selected in accordance with the design of the office. And to ensure comfort, conscientious manufacturers use gas-filled foam materials - foam rubber and polyurethane, which are both elastic and soft. Great option premium class - Arpatek. It is used for upholstery of seats in luxury cars. These parameters were taken into account by US Medica and Yamaguchi.

After you have decided on the choice of a massage table and perhaps even had time, it is important to know how to care for your new acquisition. Even the best massage table will last longer if you take good care of it. Of course, he is not a Stradivarius violin and does not need an ideal microclimate. However certain rules There are still massage table care products! Read further in the article about how to handle and process these devices.

1. Installation of the massage table

A stationary desk is installed in the office, if not once and for all, then at least for a very long time. But the portable one will have to be folded and unfolded at each session. Therefore, it is important to master this procedure with a solid “A”. Then it will take no more than a minute.

After removing the folded table from its cover, place it end-to-end on the floor and open the latches. Open the tabletop. Separate accessories (headrest, hand rests) from the table. If all 4 legs are perpendicular to the tabletop, it means that the table has been successfully opened and can be placed on the floor.

When folding the table, we do the same, but in reverse order: disconnect the accessories, lay the table on its side, fold the legs, close the table and snap the locks.

2. Inspection of the massage table

Any equipment will wear out sooner or later, so the table must be inspected before each session.

First, check whether the anti-corrosion coating of the metal elements is damaged. This is especially true in conditions of high humidity.

Inspect the frame and legs, check the cables. Look to see if fasteners and connections are loose, tighten loose bolts, nuts, etc. Once every three months, it is worth conducting a thorough inspection of the table.

The moving elements of the frame and cable system must be lubricated regularly. For this purpose, use exclusively machine oil (no edible oils are suitable), and then wipe off excess lubricant with a rag.

3. Sanitizing the massage table

The massage table must be cleaned after each session. To do this, use soft detergents and/or antiseptic sprays. Take the time to carefully read the ingredients listed on the label! It should not contain alcohol or chlorine, otherwise the working surface will quickly crack.

Disinfect headrests with face openings especially carefully so that microflora is not transmitted from one patient to another.

Wipe the cleaned countertop with a paper towel and dry thoroughly.

  • A massage table should only be installed on flat surfaces. Of course, the length of the telescopic legs can be varied, adjusting them to uneven floors so that the tabletop will still be horizontal. However, distortions will occur in the cable system, causing premature wear.
  • Only one person can be on the table at a time! You cannot knock on the tabletop forcefully or stand on it with your feet. You cannot put all your weight on the armrests or headrest, otherwise the result will be sad.
  • You also need to skillfully place the client on the table. First, a person must sit on the tabletop, and then lie down on it with his whole body - gently, without jerking.
  • Do not exceed the maximum dynamic load on the massage table (this is the indicator that manufacturers indicate in the operating instructions). To calculate it, you need to add the client’s weight with the pressure that the massage therapist’s hands exert on him.

This pressure with certain massage techniques (for example, deep tissue treatment) reaches 80 - 100 kg. This means that if the documentation indicates a maximum dynamic load of 250 kg, the client’s weight should not exceed 150 kg.

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