All people want to be happy. Collection of ideal social studies essays

CHAPTER 1. Happiness with honor

CHAPTER 2. Do it yourself

CHAPTER 3. “I want”, “I can’t” and “I must”

CHAPTER 4. By someone else's hands

CHAPTER 6. The Great Turning

CHAPTER 8. Seven-year step

CHAPTER 9. Fire, good and evil

CHAPTER 10. About sweets

CHAPTER 11. How will it all happen?

CHAPTER 12. Charter of Goodwill

CHAPTER 13. Conveniences, joys, worries

CHAPTER 14. Time for business, time for fun

CHAPTER 15. What to do with lazy people?

CHAPTER 16. Out of old habit

CHAPTER 17. By great initiative

CHAPTER 18. All and some

CHAPTER 19. Fun time is coming

And life, comrades... is very good! Ark. Gaidar

Happiness with Honor

This book was written for those who want to grow up happy and help everyone become happy.

So it's for you too. I am sure that you, my friend, dream that you and other people have a very good life. Is it true? Who doesn't want that?

I have heard a lot of different debates about happiness. Some said: “Strength, health - all happiness lies in them.” Others disagreed: “Living richly, having everything - that’s what happiness is!” Still others argued: “Happiness is glory: so that everyone knows you!” “Knowing your business well in life means being happy,” many argued. And others added: “The main thing for happiness is a clear conscience, so that you are not ashamed to look people in the eye.”

And I have heard many other discussions about happiness.

I just haven’t heard anyone say: “I don’t want happiness. I don’t want a good life! I want to be unhappy.”

I have never met such eccentrics.

All people want to be happy.

But how do we understand happiness? What is it?

Here lies in front of me a letter that came from Belarus. It was written by a schoolboy. His name is Vitaly Kolyadich.

“I ask for your advice on what to do to become very happy, and how to figure out who is happy and who is not.” Yes, it’s not easy to answer such a letter right away! So, some said, happiness is wealth, money. Of course, the rich have always lived better than the poor. But real happiness, for example, true friendship, cannot be bought with money. If, say, a person knows that he got money dishonestly, deprived someone, took it from others, and people around him are living poorly and they curse him, then no matter how rich the person is, he still feels a little uneasy. Conscience is sharp. But no amount of money can pay off your conscience.

Of course, it is very important to be healthy, strong, and cope with any task. But what to do if a person cannot find something to do, they do not give him work for his strong, skillful hands? But this is what happens to millions of people in America, in all capitalist countries. This means that happiness does not lie in force alone!

Those who believe that all happiness is in glory are also mistaken; as if the one everyone knows is happy. Glory to glory is different. Good fame really makes a person happy. And he doesn’t know how to get rid of bad fame... The fame of a person’s bad deeds follows him everywhere, disgraces him, reproaches him. What kind of joy is there?! No, that means not all fame is happiness. A person must live, work and treat people in such a way as to honestly earn real glory.

There are also those who believe in random, blind happiness, which goes indiscriminately to those who are simply, as they say, lucky in life. But this is an unfaithful, short and fragile happiness. Today a person accidentally succeeded in something, but if he blindly stumbled upon luck, tomorrow his luck may change him...

Yes, not every happiness you and I agree on. Happiness that is dishonest, greedy, blind, unscrupulous, and lonely is not good for us. Well, for example, is it possible to be truly happy if everyone else around you is unhappy? If, because of laziness, fear or greed, you have not done what you should have done in life?..

We stand for happiness with honor!

In our opinion, happy is the one who creates happiness not only for himself, but for everyone. Who loves people and whom they respect and love. Who feels that he has enough strength, knowledge and skills to make life better together with all people. He who knows and loves his work enjoys life and boldly thinks about tomorrow, is not afraid of difficulties, feels like a needed person among other people and gives them all his strength. After all, happiness is not only about having, taking, receiving. Don’t you, for example, rejoice when you can give something to your father and mother, a friend or friend, to help them in some way? This means that happiness lies in giving, helping others, sharing joy with them. He is the only one who is truly happy who can tell people: “My happiness is a piece of our great common happiness.”

But has there ever been a completely happy life on earth?

And can it even exist?

Let's talk about all this!

This book talks about how people have been searching for the path to happiness for thousands of years. How they finally understood what was preventing them from being happy. How they dared to make life very good. And what it will be like, this very good life.

To look into the future and see this already very close good life, you need to know what happened to people in the old days, what is happening today. So let's figure it out in order.

With your own hands

Look, my friend, at your hands, look at them with respect and hope. After all, everything that surrounds you, everything that has been built, erected, mined in the world - the table at which you sit, and the desk in the classroom where you study, and the window through which you look at the white light, and the roof above your head, and everything you are wearing, and the page on which these words are printed, and the bread, without which you cannot live a day - everything, absolutely everything was made by human hands. They operate with a pen and a hammer. They hold the steering wheels of ships and the steering wheels of cars, shovels and microscopes. They are able to carefully place a piece of sugar in your cup of tea and a heavy brick in the foundation of a new house, extract a pearl from depths of the sea and a splinter from your finger. Both a baby's rattle and a soldier's rifle can be handled by human hands. They can throw the ball accurately basketball basket and a rocket to the moon.

How many books have you read in Lately for self-development? A lot of? How has your life changed after reading them? But everyone answers this question differently. Someone read one book and changed their life. And someone constantly reads, but... suffering remains in his life, and life remains without significant changes.

Interesting fact. Not all people want to be happy. Why is this so?

The reason is simple. The secret lies in applying the knowledge that people gain from books and lectures on self-development. If you learn something, by all means apply it. Knowledge without application is empty. By how a person applies knowledge in life, one can understand whether he wants to live happily or prefers to suffer. Happy life- This Full time job on yourself, the work is quite difficult at times. Not everyone wants to do this, because it is difficult, you have to change yourself. Suffering is the desire to make someone “happy”, without internal work above oneself.

At one time, I re-read mountains of literature on personal development. I was looking for that “magic key” that would open the door to a country where dreams come true. But the amount of literature did not change the quality of life. Everything remained at the same level. The problems didn't want to go away.

And then one day I realized that the secret lies in the actions themselves. It’s in the thoughts and feelings with which we commit them. I realized that in order to become happy man you don’t need to make a lot of “body movements” and fuss, you don’t need to work your ass off at work, you don’t need to see happiness only in earning money or an apartment.

It is enough to pay attention to what the soul wants. It’s surprising, but all the answers already exist within ourselves. We ourselves already subconsciously know where this or that action will lead us. The answer to this question will tell you the feeling of inner comfort or discomfort when making decisions.

Sometimes you can listen to friends, they are a reflection of ourselves in this world, and if they all unanimously say that something does not need to be done, then think about why such an answer.

Remember that by your actions and deeds you yourself choose what they will lead to, to happiness or suffering. And the path that at first glance seems easy does not always lead you to your desired goal. Suffering, like happiness, is a choice. Your choice: listen to your soul or not. And if there is a situation in your life that has not been resolved for years, then this means that you are taking the wrong actions. This means that you need to change your thoughts, listen to what your soul wants. And act in accordance with it.

There is such a thing famous saying: “A person has two motives for action: the true one and the one that looks good.” Therefore, stop deceiving yourself and listen to your true feelings and motives. This way you will learn to understand yourself better and, over time, build a life in which you will be more happy.

Each of us has at least once thought about what happiness is. And everyone has their own answer to this question. And few people understand that happiness is always near us, that we are already happy people because we live here and now.

It’s strange, but you rarely meet a person who would say: “I am completely happy!” Often we lack something to be happy. For some - money, for others - extreme sports, for others - emotions... We often do not realize that happiness is in the family, in the singing understanding of loved ones, in the freshness of a spring morning, in the end, in the fact that your loved ones are alive and healthy. We strive for that abstract, incomprehensible happiness, the meaning of which we ourselves do not understand...

What do I need to be happy? Today I have everything to consider myself a happy person. I have a loving family: parents who support me in everything and appreciate me. I can turn to them with any problem, knowing that they will always understand me and calm my grief. I have wonderful friends who will never leave me in trouble. They are fun and interesting, we have a great time. I also have many hobbies: I like to read interesting books and play sports. It also helps me develop and be happy...

Just like for me, happiness is a dream come true. But for your dreams to come true, you need to constantly work on it. Hence it turns out that happiness is also constant work, first of all, work on yourself. Happiness rarely comes to the lazy and passive, although perhaps they have their own happiness?.. As for me, happiness lies in self-development and self-improvement. I dream of entering a certain university, so I have to constantly deepen my knowledge and prepare for exams. This way I learn more information, become more educated, and this is the path to happiness. A person who is self-sufficient can realize himself has more opportunities to become happy...

Today the spring sun finally came out. It’s warm outside, the buds will soon begin to open, the first spring flowers will bloom... A light breeze tickles my face, it smells like spring... And suddenly I realized - but I’m so happy! I have everything I need for happiness: parents, friends, dreams, the house in which I and my family live... this spring, which intoxicates and drives me crazy, this sky, which rises above me with clear blue... I am happy here today, in this unique and unsurpassed moment! Therefore, everything in life is very simple: if you want to be happy people, be them! Don't wait until you win the lottery or Johnny Dep falls in love with you - this, alas, may never happen, but this is not a reason to deprive yourself of the opportunity to be happy!

help shorten the text is very urgently needed People want to be happy - this is their natural need. But where is the very core?

happiness? (Let me note right away that I am only thinking, and not expressing the truths that I myself am only striving for.) Is it hidden in comfortable apartment, good food, smart clothes? Yes and no. No - according to that the reason is that, having all these prosperity, a person can suffer from various mental adversities. Does it lie in health? Of course yes, but at the same time no.

Gorky wisely and slyly noted that life will always be bad enough for the desire for the best not to fade away in humanity. And Chekhov wrote: “If you want to be an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe and delve into it yourself.” Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase: “If you want to be an optimist...” And also, “look into it yourself.”

In the hospital I lay in a cast up to my chest for almost six months on my back, but when the unbearable pain passed, I was cheerful. The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?” And I answered: “What? It’s my leg that hurts, but I’m healthy.” My spirit was healthy.

Happiness lies precisely in the harmony of the individual; they used to say: “The Kingdom of God is within us.” The harmonious structure of this “kingdom” largely depends on the individual himself, although, I repeat, the external conditions of a person’s existence play a role important role in its formation. But not the most important one. With all the calls to fight the shortcomings of our life, which have accumulated in abundance, I will still first of all highlight the fight with ourselves. You can’t expect someone from the outside to come and make your life good. You have to fight for the “honest fellow” in yourself, otherwise there will be trouble.

Please help me compose a concise summary)))

Now on my table, in crystal vases under electric lights, this fragrant, sweet, aromatic and healing substance is playing with reflections, known to man a long time ago. But it was brought to us from a place where bees had never been - from the tundra. This honey was created not only by bees, but also by the efforts of people who arranged for our native Russian bees of the Trans-Oka meadows to work in the Arctic.
In the north beyond the Arctic Circle, sometimes there are whole mountains of flowers: there is a mountain all white - cloudberries and blueberries are blooming. And then, it happens that in July the mountain is all pink - fireweed has begun to bloom, or rowan, or wild rosemary, geranium, and who knows what! And just think, every flower here has two to three times more nectar than ours, and every flower was waiting for a bee, and there were no bees in the Arctic Circle.
What is attractive is that we discovered polar honey, not at a loss to nature, that millions of pounds of honey were then in flowers to attract bees for pollination, but there were no bees and we brought them.
There are things in the world, original in their goodness and understandable to everyone, uniting nature and man in an ancient union, and among these things is bread. But you just have to be very hungry to feel the sun in bread, and it’s easier for us to see this in the substance of honey.
Please help me prepare a concise summary C:

title the text so that the title reflects its main idea.... make a plan and write a concise summary... guys please

help title the text, write a concise summary and plan....


very necessary

someone before the evening, when we were returning home, suddenly lost his temper strong wind and drove us straight onto the breakwater, and the wild waves that were rampant seemed to have a special goal of slamming us with all their might against the granite of the breakwater and smashing our little boat into pieces. We rowed with all our strength; We saw our only salvation in getting to the harbor before we were hit by the rocks. This turned out to be impossible, and so we were lifted so high that for a moment we saw the sea on the other side of the pier, then it was thrown down, as if from a five-story building, then it was doused with a huge waterfall, then with furious force it began to hit our boat against the pier, now with its stern, now bow, then side. I tried to push myself away from the breakwater with an oar, but it immediately broke. I became numb with despair and suddenly noticed, or rather felt, that Zhitkov was no longer behind me. There was a moment when I was sure that he had drowned. But then I heard his voice. It turned out that at that moment when we were lifted up, Zhitkov, with amazing presence of mind, jumped from the boat onto the pier, onto its sloping, wet, slippery wall and climbed to the very ridge. From there he shouted to me: “It’s over!” “The end” is a nautical rope. Zhitkov demanded that I throw him the rope that lay curled up in a ring on the bow, but since I was still very unsteady in the maritime vocabulary, I understood the word “end” in its general meaning and screamed in death anguish. Fortunately, the lighthouse keeper saw the disaster and rushed to my aid. With terrible curses, which even the howling of the storm could not drown out, with his face distorted with anger, he threw me the end of the rope and, together with Zhitkov, dragged me, trembling, but inexpressibly joyful, onto the wet stones of the pier and immediately took care of our boat: he hooked it with a long hook and ordered the assistant to lead her into the harbor, after which he attacked me and Zhitkov with a new assortment of curses, demanding that we follow him to the lighthouse. I expected extraordinary ferocity, but he, without ceasing to scold, gave us a glass of pepper, ordered us to take off our wet clothes and run naked along the breakwater to quickly warm up. Then he put us on a bed in his kennel, covered us with a blanket and, sitting down behind an overturned box, took a pen to draw up a report on what happened. And I was amazed at the courage of my faithful and reliable comrade...


fill in the missing letters and open the brackets. indicate the type, person, and number of different conjugated verbs to want, to run. sample: wants cumshot

(non-sov.sp., 3 l. units)

1. If you try, everything may work out. 2. The tongue is soft, whatever (to want) it babbles.3. skinny tackle and rest (not) (give). 4. what you (not) want, do not do to others.5. good the glory lies, and the bad (to run). 6. Pasha is not lazy if you (want) to live happily.

1. Restore the sequence of actions when writing a concise summary based on a text that can be understood by ear. 1. Lock

sequence of events, reasoning and make an outline of the text.

2. Select compression methods for each part of the text and shorten the text, preserving the main information and all micro-topics.

3. Write a concise summary.

4. Listen to the original text and formulate the main theme and idea of ​​the text.

5. Check the connection between the parts of the presentation and the presence of the author's intention.

Which Russian scientist? we're talking about? Write the surname in the nominative case without initials.

“He laid the foundations for the scientific study of phraseology of the Russian language, established three types phraseological units(phraseological fusions, phraseological unities, phraseological combinations).”

Determine which branch of linguistics is being discussed in the following statements. Enter the correct answer in the nominative case into the answer table.

[She] “studies the emotional expression of elements of the language system, as well as the interaction of speech facts that contribute to the formation expressive means one language or another” (Sh. Bally).

[It should be defined as a science not only] “about the means of speech expressiveness,” but also “about the patterns of language functioning, determined by the most appropriate use of linguistic units depending on the content of the statement, goals, situation and sphere of communication” (M.N. Kozhina) .

What word is being discussed in the text?

The word ... is formed from the name of two Cyrillic letters. In modern Russian, this word means the same as the Greek word.... At the same time, there is a tendency to distinguish between these concepts: ... often only a set of letters is named, but not necessarily in order ...

About one of the letters of the Russian alphabet M.V. Lomonosov said: “ The dumb man took his place, like a fifth wheel" Write the correct answer as a letter in the answer table.

Happiness... Every person strives to feel this state of mind. What is happiness built on? Does it depend on external conditions? It is this problem that V. S. Rozov is thinking about.

This question has always interested humanity and to this day has not lost its relevance, because a state of happiness gives rise to the desire to live. The problem raised belongs to the category of philosophical ones.

This conclusion can be drawn due to the fact that the text talks about internal harmony, the perception of life by an individual. Reflecting on this problem, the author cites an example from the life of the narrator: even being almost immobilized physically, he felt full spiritually. The author draws attention to the fact that the state of happiness directly depends on how the person himself perceives the world. Razov notes that it is pointless to sit back and wait for support or some sign from the outside. Viktor Sergeevich insists that the main stage of the path to happiness is a strong-willed “struggle with oneself.”

One cannot but agree with V.S. Rozov. Really, internal state a person depends mainly on himself.

My position is confirmed by experience fiction. Many authors have raised this problem in their works. One cannot help but recall M. Gorky’s drama “At the Depths,” where the wanderer Luke says that one must learn to be happy, despite external circumstances. Probably, this hero is one of the main preachers calling for the strength to live within oneself in Russian literature.

Another striking example is the figure of Natasha Rostova from L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” The heroine rejoiced at everything that surrounded her and felt happiness for no apparent reason. Natasha enjoyed her life.

So, exactly inner harmony allows a person not to feel deprived. Happiness does not depend on a person’s living conditions, but on how he perceives the world around him.

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Updated: 2014-06-17

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