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Flowers made of colored epoxy resin. Photo master class

Flowers made of colored epoxy resin. Photo master class

IN Lately A two-component colored epoxy resin, produced in France by Gédéo Résine Couleur, appeared on the shelves of specialized stores for creativity. Colored epoxy is an excellent material for creating a completely new decorative object; with its help you can create various types models, architectural details, frames, table decorations, jewelry, hairpins and much more. If you purchase a color epoxy resin, I suggest you create such a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from it. Work and photo master class from the author: Diana Ash

Well, what do you think of the idea? Interested in purchasing epoxy? It can turn out very beautiful flower composition for interior decoration. Flowers made of epoxy resin are very similar to glass; they fascinate with their lightness, tenderness and fragility. By the way, about glass) On the website http://vitriny48.rf you can buy glass display cases in Voronezh. If you have your own store, then you should take the choice of display cases very seriously; it is the display window that will be able to present your product in all its glory. The company "Glass Lipetsk" has been manufacturing and installing various glass display cases and equipment for several years. On the company’s website you can order, as well as view a photo gallery of very beautiful display cases that could well decorate the interior of our apartment.

So, for work we need two-component colored epoxy resin, pink, lilac and green,

glassy topcoat varnish water based for decoupage No. 744,

wire, wire cutters,

floral tape in green, white and brown, for stems, pistils and stamens

kebab stick,

plastic or wooden cylinders,

pieces of foam

We wind the wire around the kebab stick, then remove it and pull it out a little. Get wavy wire for flower petals

Take a plastic or wooden cylinder with a diameter of 4 mm and prepare blanks for the petals, as shown in the photo below

We give the blanks the shape of petals:

We take two-component colored epoxy resin and dilute it in a container in a ratio of 80% to 20% dye. We lower the workpiece into it, then set it to dry on a piece of foam plastic

For the leaves you will need a cylinder with a diameter of 35 mm. We wrap the cylinder with wire, remove it and shape it into a leaf.

For flowers, you can make three windings at once, resulting in three petals:

Dip the petals with stems into a solution of water-based glassy topcoat varnish for decoupage No. 744

We make pistils with stamens from wire and floral tape

We wrap the flower stems with green floral tape

We offer you a master class on creating a very unusual hair decoration. This hairpin will definitely not go unnoticed by others.

And no one will most likely guess that it is made from ordinary wire and nail polish.

By the way, you can make flowers in any shade you like - the choice of nail polishes is now huge.

So let's get to work. For this we will need the following materials:

1. Jewelry wire 0.3 mm thick (any shade of your choice).
2. Nail polish (preferably thickened).
3. Green tape.
4. Scissors or wire cutters.
5. Automatic hairpin.
6. Pencil (or felt-tip pen), match (or toothpick).

Description of work

From a skein of wire, cut several pieces of wire - each about 15-20 cm long. The number of pieces depends on the size of your future hairpin and the expected number of flowers on it

Then we wrap a piece of wire around a pencil or felt-tip pen (the main thing is that it is round in cross-section, not ribbed), so that one of the ends of the wire is smaller, about 5 cm long

We cross the wire and rotate the pencil several times around its axis to secure the wire ring well.

Take out the pencil

Then we apply the pencil again and wrap it around it with a longer piece of wire

We repeat the same steps, and this way we get flower petals over and over again. Flowers can be made with 3, 4 and 5 petals

When all the petals have already been made, we intertwine the remaining ends of the wire with each other - we get a stem

We do the same for the rest of the flowers and move on to the most interesting, albeit labor-intensive stage of the work - applying nail polish.

To do this, the flowers need to be fixed vertically on some kind of substrate. To do this, you can use what you have on hand in the house - pieces of polystyrene foam, bath or kitchen foam sponges, you can even stick flowers into potatoes. Also, do not forget to lay down a newspaper so as not to stain the table with varnish.

So, let's start “stretching” the varnish onto the wire frame. How does the varnish manage to stick to the petals? The whole secret is in principle surface tension. Here you need to get used to it: at first it may not work out, and the varnish will simply flow down your fingers and not stay on the petals. Little advice: the petals should ideally be no larger than the brush of the varnish.

Apply varnish to the brush and move it very slowly over the petal, sometimes holding the brush a little so that the film does not tear

Paint all the petals and leave to dry for 1 hour

The second and subsequent layers are much easier to apply than the first.

Apply layers of varnish, maintaining an interval of at least half an hour. You can apply up to 4 layers depending on the thickness of the varnish. This gives strength to the petals. After the last coat of varnish, leave the flowers to dry for 3-4 hours.

Now they are ready for further work. We begin to wrap the stems with green tape, starting from the middle of the stems

Then we simply pull the winding up to the petals with our fingers, and wrap the stem to the bottom

This is what the flowers should look like

You can add a little decor to the flowers: we’ll make spiral branches. We take the same pieces of wire that were used for the flowers, fold them in half and intertwine them together

Wrap with tape

And we wrap about half of the resulting stem around a match

We take out the match and correct, if necessary, the turns

We will also decorate the automatic hairpin with tape, simply wrapping it around it top part hairpins

We remove the removable latch from the hairpin so that it does not interfere with securing the decor. Take 2-3 flowers, you can add a stem

We scroll them in the upper part between each other and, as it were, clasp the hairpin, twisting the ends of the stems under it

So we attach all the groups of flowers and twigs

This is such an unusual hair clip

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