Harm from solarium. How to sunbathe properly in a solarium

Tanned skin favorably emphasizes the beauty of a healthy person. And in the 21st century, a beautiful tan can be acquired regardless of the time of year and weather - if the sun does not pamper you with attention, a solarium will replace it. But you should visit it with an understanding of how to tan properly so that the desired skin color does not result in health problems.

The benefits and harms of solarium

It seemed that the effect of ultraviolet radiation (it is thanks to it that the solarium “colors” our skin) has been fully studied. But battles continue among experts about whether solariums are harmful. Some dermatologists uncompromisingly advise running away from it, and cosmetologists argue that the effect of a solarium is no more harmful than the effect of the natural luminary. suggests sticking to the golden mean. And puts forward arguments.

“Disadvantages” of a solarium in comparison with natural tanning:

"Pros" of a solarium:

  • according to research, visiting a solarium helps improve mood, which can be explained by the psychotherapeutic effect of the procedure;
  • to tan, we need to spend much less time under lamps than under the sun - this reduces the time spent under ultraviolet rays and reduces health risks (not excluding skin cancer).

Who can use the solarium services?

There are two good reasons when visiting a solarium is not prohibited, and even advisable:

  • chronic lack of sunny days (when living in northern latitudes, in gloomy weather);
  • gradual preparation of the skin for a beach holiday (so that, being “pale-faced,” you do not get sunburned by the abundance of the southern sun).

There are a number of clear criteria when visiting a solarium is not prohibited:

  • there is no diagnosis of any skin diseases;
  • there were no common serious diseases in the anamnesis (life history);
  • neoplasms are not diagnosed;
  • the acute disease that was observed was completely cured (, acute);
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease is stopped (exacerbation of a chronic disease, exacerbation of a chronic disease).

If all the points apply to you, you can go to the solarium, but do not forget to follow the rules for visiting it (more about them below).

In other cases, it is better to postpone visiting the solarium or completely abandon it.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

They are divided into:

  • absolute– uncompromising, when visiting the solarium is prohibited due to a threat to the work of strategically important organs and systems;
  • relative– if they are present, visiting a solarium is not prohibited, but it is not recommended, as it can cause a deterioration in well-being, or requires special care and observation.

Absolute contraindications to visiting a solarium:

Relative contraindications:

A separate relative contraindication to visiting a solarium is increased pigmentation - more intense than normal “painting” of certain areas of the skin with natural pigment. This is a borderline skin condition that is not considered a disease, but in which the skin is prone to cancer. Hyperpigmentation can manifest as:

  • so-called (small pigment spots that have a clear round shape and do not exceed 0.5 cm in diameter);
  • extensive pigmentation of irregular shape and arbitrary size (more than 0.5 cm in diameter).

If you have such pigmentation, you can visit a solarium if the risk area is sealed with special stickers. They are provided free of charge in beauty salons that have a solarium. It’s another matter if such an area is extensive, and the aesthetic effect of tanning remains questionable, since all the skin will not be “painted” with ultraviolet light - the tanned areas will alternate with white spots due to the fact that fragments of the skin were covered from the action of ultraviolet rays.

The exact percentage of clients who become ill as a result of solarium abuse is unknown, since there is no established cooperation between beauty salons and clinical institutions. But the risks of too much passion for solarium are known:

  • provocation;
  • if there is no pause after suffering a serious illness, and the patient immediately goes to the solarium, there may be a deterioration in the general condition and a recurrence (return) of some symptoms of the illnesses suffered;
  • visiting a solarium during an exacerbation of chronic diseases can provoke not only a deterioration in the general condition, but also the appearance of complications;
  • ultraviolet radiation can cause pregnancy disorders and changes in the composition and quantity of milk during breastfeeding;
  • even 1-2-3 visits to the solarium during menstruation can increase their duration, cause pain and affect regularity in the future;
  • UV irradiation during time can affect their pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics (respectively, movement in the bloodstream and effect on the body).

Rules for visiting the solarium

In order not to pay for a beautiful tan with illnesses, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists regarding visiting solariums. In different beauty salons, artificial tanning equipment may differ in technical characteristics. But the rules when visiting them are the same:

The regime of going to the solarium, thanks to which a beautiful tan would appear, but which would not harm your health, is individual. Therefore, very average recommendations for the duration of a visit to a solarium are 10 visits with the following regularity:

  • in the first half of the course - every other day or two (if the skin is dark, you don’t need to take a pause of two days, one day as a break is enough);
  • in the second - every day.

Maintenance sessions are carried out once every 10 days, no more than 6-8 in total. During maintenance sessions, thanks to which the skin will “hold” the acquired tan for a long time, it is recommended to sunbathe in the solarium for a few minutes less in comparison with the session that was the last within the accepted course. For sensitive skin, maintenance sessions should last no more than 5-6 minutes. The next course is recommended no earlier than six months later.

The characteristic smell of skin (like slightly burnt animal fur) after a tanning session in a solarium should not cause panic. In this case you need:

  • reduce the duration of the session by 1-2 minutes;
  • do not increase the time for at least 2-3 subsequent sessions.

Age restrictions for visiting the solarium

In natural conditions, children sunbathe and tan almost from the age of one. But in a solarium (contrary to thoughts that, they say, ultraviolet radiation here and in nature is the same) they are allowed to sunbathe no earlier than from the age of 16.

Some cosmetologists lower this bar to 12 years of age - but in the event that parents go to a hot country: a solarium will help the skin lightly tan, the child will not burn under the scorching tropical sun. The closer to the equator the country of family holidays is, the more advisable it is for a child to visit a solarium. It is allowed to take a tanning course in the amount of 5-6 sessions, starting from 1 minute and ending with a 3-4 minute duration of stay in the solarium. But if it is possible to strictly control how a child will sunbathe under natural conditions, it is better to cancel the solarium. Also, you should not take a child whose production is low to a solarium - there are more effective methods for this.

With age, the skin loses its elasticity, and its age (loss of water) is observed. Melanin (skin pigment) is produced in increased quantities, but the substances elastane and collagen, which ensure the durability of the skin matrix, begin to be produced in smaller quantities and are destroyed more and more intensively.

Such changes begin to take effect after 40-45 years - at this age you need to sunbathe in a solarium carefully, because ultraviolet radiation can act mercilessly on poorly protected skin . At a minimum, it will accelerate her aging, at a maximum, it can provoke oncological processes. For 1 course it is recommended to undergo 7-8 tanning sessions. The rules for dosing artificial ultraviolet light are as follows:

  • start with 1 minute of sunbathing;
  • add 1 minute to the duration of stay not every next session, but after one session - that is, the maximum time spent in the solarium can be up to 5 minutes;
  • Go to the solarium no more often than every other day.
  • Starting from the age of 50, it is better to avoid solariums.

Combination of natural tan and tan acquired under lamps

They also go to the solarium after returning from the sea - in order to even out the uneven tan. Cosmetologists say that in this case, the time spent in the solarium should not exceed 10 minutes per session. Some experts allow a 15-minute stay under the lamps, citing the fact that the skin has adapted to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and is already tanned.

Hello everyone, friends!

Do you like to sunbathe? Do you prefer to bask in the rays of the real sun or only sunbathe in a solarium? I have been avoiding such procedures for several years now and believe that white skin is in no way inferior to tanned skin.

The benefits and harms of solariums are one of the most controversial topics in the beauty industry. Some believe that tanning is undoubtedly beneficial for the human body, while adherents of a different opinion insist that UV rays are dangerous to life. Who to believe? Let's figure it out together.

The fashion for tanning came to us from European countries, where golden skin is a sign of wealth, success, and self-confidence for both women and men of different ages.

But in Asia it’s the other way around; for them, snow-white skin is the ultimate dream to which they strive; almost all their lives they avoid direct sunlight.

In Russia, many girls still want to get tanned skin, without knowing or listening to anyone who is against it. To quickly achieve a tan, special devices called solariums were invented. They operate on electricity due to UV lamps located around the perimeter of the capsule.

The first such lamps began to appear after the end of the Second World War, and the production of solariums began to spread everywhere only in 1976. Now they are available in many:

  1. beauty salons;
  2. SPA and fitness centers;
  3. hotels and sanatoriums.

And their models are amazing. So there are the following types of booths:

  • Horizontal - they have low power lamps, but are located at a fairly close distance to the body, plus - low risk of burning, minus - white spots remain on the skin.
  • Vertical - they have powerful lamps that are located further from the body; among the disadvantages, one can highlight the rapid burning of the skin, and the advantage is obtaining a more uniform tan.
  • Mirrored - have a mirror floor that reflects the rays and contributes to the rapid development of solar pigment on the skin.
  • Turbo - equipped with a ventilation system, this allows you to better tolerate solar treatments.
  • With a vibration platform - it will help you get a tan and get rid of cellulite deposits at the same time.
  • Increased comfort - there is a cooling system, music and even air aromatization.
  • Infrared - equipped with infrared lamps, which allow you to not only tan, but also improve the condition of the skin due to heating.

It is mainly women who strive to achieve a bronze tan, although men are no exception, hence their increased interest in the positive and negative effects of solariums. I won't torment you for long. So let's begin.

The benefits of artificial UV rays

Visiting a solarium has become a real norm for many women around the world. In turn, scientists do not stop conducting research on the effects of solariums on human health.

Artificial irradiation began to be used even for medical purposes. Therefore, we can say with confidence that there are still certain advantages from visiting it.

Among the positive aspects of a solarium are:

Yes and no. On the one hand, the skin really must gradually get used to the sun's rays. This will reduce the risk of burning. And maybe for our latitudes this will be really useful and acceptable.

But the WHO thinks otherwise, they say that this is not enough for a stay in hot tropical countries, comparing visiting a solarium with using sun cream with a low level of UV protection.

Therefore, is the game worth the candle? Wouldn't it be better to get a sunscreen with SPF 50?

What other benefits can you get from a solarium? It turns out that UV rays help:

  • reduce blood sugar and prevent diabetes;
  • reduce cholesterol and eliminate the occurrence of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases;
  • in the prevention of hypertension.

But if diseases are already present, then a solarium will, on the contrary, be a contraindication. Now let's move on to the negative aspects.

Harm from visiting a solarium

This is where the scary stories begin, and there is something to be afraid of. But, I believe that everyone should know about the dangers of artificial tanning. Forewarned is forearmed.

So what can happen if you are an avid tanning enthusiast?

This is the lesser of two evils. Tanorexia is a psychological dependence on solarium. You will get so used to seeing yourself tanned that you will constantly want to visit the solarium again. White skin will simply become unacceptable to you. It turns out that this happens too.

For whom is solarium contraindicated?

Now let’s consider in what cases it is not recommended to visit a solarium. According to the authoritative opinion of doctors, people with the following diseases should not get carried away with artificial sunbathing:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • Disruption of the nervous system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gynecological;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • Rosacea, rosacea;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Bronchial asthma.

But that is not all. You should also exclude the solarium:

  1. Pregnant and nursing mothers due to changes in their hormonal levels.
  2. For women on menstrual periods, so as not to cause excessive bleeding.
  3. People taking medications: tranquilizers, non-steroidal and painkillers, some antidepressants.
  4. Individuals with very sensitive skin, freckles, moles and age spots.
  5. Children under 15 years of age.
  6. If you have had laser hair removal, skin resurfacing or chemical peeling before.
  7. If you visited a bathhouse or sauna the day before.
  8. People in the postoperative period.

The best decision before going to the solarium is to visit a doctor. You should not neglect his consultation, so as not to regret it for the rest of your life.

I think that among you there will be people who will ignore all this or simply not believe it. Therefore, for those who still want to sunbathe in a solarium or are just planning to visit one, I recommend listening to the following advice.

  • Take a shower a couple of hours beforehand, maybe with soap, so that your tan goes on evenly and quickly.
  • Do not use any cosmetics, either for the face or body, except lip balm.
  • Get special creams; regular sunscreens will not work here.
  • For beginners, it is better to purchase tanning developers; they will help you tan smoothly and gradually without burning.
  • After three visits, you can switch to activators; they improve and fix the pigment on the skin.
  • It is best to sunbathe in a bikini; be sure to wear special glasses to protect your eyes from UV rays and cover your hair. Also remove all jewelry.
  • It is best to start tanning from 2 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 10. If the skin is not too light from birth, you can increase it to 20.
  • You can’t visit a solarium every day; your skin needs to be given time to recover.
  • Once you have the desired skin color, going to the solarium can be reduced to once a week.
  • After sunbathing, you should drink juice with vitamin C or plenty of clean water to replenish moisture in the body.
  • Use a fixative cream. It will help soothe and sufficiently moisturize the skin.
  • Do not shower after sunbathing, and do not disturb your skin with scrubs.

That's all for me. Of course, the decision to visit a solarium is up to you. But for myself, I decided not to favor this device, no matter how attractive it may seem. As for me, it is best to sunbathe not under direct rays, but in the shade with diffused light. It's safer this way.

Good health to you! See you!

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A solarium is a modern analogue of a natural tan, acquired as a result of the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. About the benefits of solariums for women and the dangers there are many myths. Some believe that such an event has a negative effect on the skin and body. Others believe that spending a few minutes under the ultraviolet sun is even beneficial for the body, after which you can become the owner of a uniform and bronze skin color. So, is solarium harmful??

Distinctive characteristics of the solarium

A modern solarium consists of horizontal and vertical panels. Each of them is equipped with special light bulbs that send out alpha and beta rays that produce melanin in the upper epithelium of the skin. The rays independently adapt to the skin tone, determining the tan tone intended for a specific skin type. The tanning process in the cabin allows a person to acquire an even and attractive skin color in a short time. Moreover, specialists monitor the process to avoid burns and allergic reactions. Under the influence of special rays in the cabin, a person feels warmth throughout the body. If you are in this state and dream a little, you can imagine that you are at sea.

Each type of solarium has its own advantages:

  1. If you sunbathe in a horizontal cabin, the tanning process is faster, but it has its own disadvantage: you have to touch the walls of the cabin, which is not always hygienic.
  2. With the vertical type, you can move in any direction, but you will hardly be able to completely relax and enjoy it.

But in any case, the demand for solariums is high. A huge number of women tan under ultraviolet lamps. But this service is in demand among men who keep up with women and become regular clients of the solarium. In every self-respecting beauty salon you can see booths with special light bulbs. But before that, it is important to know Is solarium harmful to health?.

The benefits of solarium

Today, a huge number of facts arise in favor of solariums, so it becomes clear why such a service is in enormous demand among all categories of the population. With the help of tanning in a cabin, you can not only make your face and body attractive, but also cure many diseases. If you constantly tan artificially, you can protect yourself from the appearance of malignant cells. Is it so?

The main advantage for which people sunbathe in a cabin with great pleasure is the acquisition of a uniform and attractive tan. After the session, the skin becomes velvety, acquiring a healthy glow. The solarium is the ideal preparation for the coming summer. To prevent the skin from being subjected to severe stress under the influence of the hot rays of the sun, many people prefer artificial tanning. It strengthens the immune system and eliminates acne from the skin. Using artificial tanning, vitamin D is produced, which has a positive effect on the condition of bones and muscles. The hormone endorphin is produced, which helps fight lethargy and depression.

Despite a number of advantages, the question arises: Is solarium harmful for women? In fact?

Harm from solarium

Before you decide to sunbathe in the artificial sun, it is important to learn about contraindications:

  • The main damage is that it accelerates the aging effect of the skin. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, natural collagen and elastin, which are responsible for firmness and a healthy complexion, are deformed in the upper epithelium of the skin.
  • Even after one session, the skin and hair become dry. In order not to harm yourself, you need to constantly use protective cosmetics. The myth that tanning beds fight cancer cells is wrong. This process activates malignant cells, especially in people who suffer from weak immunity.
  • Active interest in artificial tanning provokes the occurrence of gene mutations.
  • With regular visits, you become addicted to receiving pleasant emotions. At the time of tanning, the hormone endorphins is produced, which, with regular hiking, makes a person dependent on constant artificial tanning.
  • Possibility of mastopathy.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Possibility of skin allergies. Of course, you can get rid of such tumors with the help of bleaching agents, but such a symptom indicates a total contraindication.

As it turned out, harm of solarium for women more than good. Therefore, before you go sunbathing, it is better to consult a doctor. He will give useful recommendations in the presence of chronic diseases.

The fashion for tanning appeared in European countries relatively recently, about 40 years ago. But since the summer season is limited almost everywhere, various artificial methods of obtaining it began to be used. One of the main ones is the solarium. It gives a lasting and beautiful tan all year round, which cannot but attract attention. At the same time, the benefits and harms of solariums have not been fully studied. But facts are already emerging that speak for themselves.

What is a solarium

This is a specially equipped booth for artificial tanning. Most often it is equipped with low-pressure ultraviolet lamps coated with phosphor. This allows you to achieve a tan that is close to natural. The principle of operation is based on the effect of rays on different layers of the skin, under the influence of which the pigment melanin begins to be produced. It gives our skin a bronze tint.

There are 2 varieties:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

The latter are more like large capsules where a person lies down. Each type has its pros and cons, which determines the degree of preference.

Sunbathing in a vertical solarium is liked by those who do not like the contact of their body with a surface where someone has already lay before them. Modern vertical cabins are equipped with cooling systems that prevent the body from overheating. Many beauty salons have music centers and aroma complexes in the solarium.

Preference for vertical options is given to those who like an even tan. Here you can raise your arms and tan equally on all sides. In addition, the door can be kept slightly open. This is suitable for those who do not like to be in a confined space.

Sunbathing in a horizontal solarium is enjoyed by those who want to get a portion of ultraviolet radiation and lie down. This is the main advantage of such a modification. You can relax and forget about your problems, and at the same time get a tan. Anyone who doubts the purity of the capsule can use the vertical option.

What are the benefits of a solarium?

We must not forget that at first the lamps that are used in modern booths began to be produced for health procedures. Such lamps have been indicated for certain diseases of the bones or skin, such as psoriasis. If the rules for visiting a solarium are followed, then you can only get benefits from the procedure. The following advantages can be listed:

  1. Many people note a psychological lift after the sessions. It is used by some as a remedy for seasonal depression. Thanks to the widespread claim that ultraviolet light helps increase serotonin levels, artificial tanning has become popular in countries with low insolation.
  2. It is known that under the influence of ultraviolet rays vitamin D is synthesized faster, long-term deficiency of which can affect health and even cause cancer.
  3. The benefits of solarium for the skin have been proven for a long time. Problems such as psoriasis, fungal skin infections and acne are successfully treated using complex methods. These also include exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. The immune system is strengthened by proper tanning. If you do not overuse the procedure, the person will get sick less. This is especially noticeable during periods of outbreaks of flu and colds.
  5. Useful for chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Ultraviolet rays will heal and strengthen the body, help it fight inflammatory processes.
  6. Small doses of ultraviolet light help improve the absorption of oxygen by cells.
  7. Before traveling to sunny countries and an active tanning period, it is recommended to undergo several procedures to prepare the body for stress.

Everyone must answer the question whether there is any benefit from a solarium. Doctors' opinions about the benefits of solariums depend on various factors. If there are no contraindications, and the number and duration of sessions is moderate, then it can be regarded as a health procedure.

The benefits of solarium for women

Solarium is useful for girls and women, but in moderation, like all cosmetic or health procedures. It helps you feel confident thanks to a beautiful and even tan.

Attention! The production of vitamin D helps slow down the aging process, the skin smoothes and becomes matte. This is especially important for those with oily skin.

The danger of tanorexia for women is the risk of tanorexia. This is a person’s painful dependence on ultraviolet rays. Because of this, the number of procedures is not regulated. Everything is done to lift your spirits.

But excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation harms the skin. Recently, doctors have been sounding the alarm about the spread of skin cancer - melanoma. More and more people die from it every year. The annual increase in cases is about 40%. Because of the fashion for tanning, women often do not listen to the recommendations of specialists who recommend carrying out procedures with a certain frequency.

The benefits of solarium for men

Tanning in a solarium is useful not only for women. General health procedures are also beneficial for men. To benefit from ultraviolet rays, it is enough to visit the solarium for at least 2 sessions. An even tan will decorate the male body, which is no less important for some representatives of the stronger half than for women.

Can children go to the solarium?

In 2005, the WHO (World Health Organization) issued a statement emphasizing the particular dangers of using artificial tanning for children under 18 years of age. In many northern countries, solariums have become very popular among teenagers. Meanwhile, over the past 40 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased sharply.

For example, in Sweden - 3 times. This jump is associated with uncontrolled visits by young people to artificial tanning places. It is believed that the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the developing child’s body is especially dangerous. Although, most likely, the fact is that it is more difficult to convince children that only short-term procedures are useful.

Many European countries and some American states have banned minors from visiting solariums. In Germany, a fine of 50 thousand euros has been introduced for violating the ban. There are no such restrictions in Russia yet.

Is it possible for pregnant women to visit a solarium?

A pregnant woman can sunbathe in a solarium only on the recommendation of a doctor. Expecting a child leaves its mark on the body of the expectant mother. Many processes are not yet fully understood. There are different opinions, often contradictory, about visiting a solarium during early pregnancy. It is better to trust the advice of a specialist who accompanies pregnancy.

Solarium while breastfeeding

A solarium for a nursing mother is recommended with a lot of “buts”. They concern the protection of the breast and uterine area with foil and creams with a high degree of effectiveness. There is undoubtedly a benefit from the procedure, but it does not outweigh the risk for the lactation process. Therefore, during breastfeeding, it is better to temporarily abandon the procedure.

Solarium during menstruation

It is not recommended to visit the solarium on critical days. The temperature in the capsule can rise to +40 O C. This affects blood circulation and may lead to increased discharge. In addition, often during such periods a woman feels unwell, and receiving such a procedure can increase the discomfort.

The benefits and harms of solariums for psoriasis

During exacerbation of psoriasis, ultraviolet rays are useful. Depending on the degree of the disease, the doctor prescribes a time limit. We must not forget that the lamps used today were first created for the treatment of skin diseases. To avoid harm to the body, you should first consult with your doctor.

How to sunbathe properly in a solarium

In order to sunbathe without harming your health, you must follow the following rules:

  • immediately before the procedure you should not wash with alkaline products;
  • Before the session, wash off all decorative cosmetics;
  • protect eyes with special glasses;
  • the hair is covered with a cap or scarf so that it does not become dry and brittle;
  • sensitive areas are covered with a layer of sunscreen;
  • Stikini is used for the chest, and special lipstick is used for tattoos and lips;
  • After the session, a cold shower is not recommended.

Attention! Whether to follow the rules or not is up to each individual to decide. But don’t forget that 10 minutes in a cabin or capsule corresponds to 2.5 hours in the sun.

What to take with you to the solarium

Before visiting you need to prepare and purchase:

  • light cap to protect hair;
  • sandals for standing tanning;
  • suntan cream;
  • sunscreen;
  • lipstick;
  • stikini (purchased at the solarium);
  • a towel to remove any remaining cream.

You can add the rest to the list yourself. For example, some people prefer to wipe the horizontal flask before the procedure.

How long can you sunbathe in a solarium?

Every day you can increase the duration by 1 minute, bringing the time to a maximum of 10-11 minutes. 10-15 sessions will be enough for the skin to acquire a chocolate-bronze tan. This is an average, let's see what is recommended for each skin type.

Celtic type

It includes those with the lightest skin tone. They most often have light eyes and red or blond hair. Representatives of this skin type burn even in the dimmest sun. They are contraindicated from sunbathing or using the strongest sunscreens in combination with time restrictions. Maximum - 3-4 minutes once a week.

Nordic type

These are fair-skinned, blond-haired Europeans. They are also not subject to strong tanning, but can burn. Therefore, the time is selected individually, approximately 4-5 minutes 2 times a week.

Central European type

The most common type. The skin is a little dark, tans easily, sometimes burns. Hair color is light brown, brown or dark brown. With this type, the duration of artificial tanning procedures starts from 3-4 minutes and is gradually increased to 10-11.

Mediterranean type

People with this skin type tend to have dark hair and dark eyes. The danger of burns is minimized, so they can sunbathe in a solarium for up to 15 minutes per session. By this time you need to prepare your body. It's best to start with 4-5 minutes.

Harm from solarium

Harm from visiting a solarium is most often observed if a person acts on the principle “the more, the better.” For example, with small doses of ultraviolet radiation, the functioning of the adrenal glands improves and the absorption of oxygen by cells increases. With excessive visits to the solarium, the opposite is true.

It is harmful to the body to use old lamps in solariums that have served their purpose. Before you take the bait in an unknown solarium, you should ask what prompted this move and when the equipment was purchased.

Advice! There is no point in saving on such a procedure; it is better to choose reputable, proven offices.

Contraindications to visiting a solarium

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • people with excessive pigmentation on the skin, as well as an abundance of moles and papillomas;
  • patients with tuberculosis;
  • people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • those suffering from liver and kidney diseases;
  • while taking strong medications and antibiotics.

In other difficult cases, you need to decide whether to visit a solarium or not with a doctor who is a specialist in this field.


Scientists have found that the benefits and harms of solariums are a consequence of limited or too frequent visits. To get a beautiful tan and not harm your health, you need to listen to the advice of experts and not break the basic rules.

Nowadays, a craze for tanning is already beginning to take place, but many girls still strive to look “more chocolatey.”

As you know, there are different ways to get a tan: some use self-tanning creams, some get the desired skin tone just by being in the sun, and some resort to the services of a solarium without really asking the question. Is solarium dangerous for health? .

Not everyone knows that going to a solarium is harmful, and even more so, not everyone realizes what kind of harm a solarium can cause. Without further ado, let's move on to a description of this harm.

What's wrong with solariums? Why is a solarium dangerous?

You all know that tanning is the body’s reaction to a certain type of radiation that is harmful to it.

The body “protects itself” from this radiation by producing a protective enzyme, which pigments the skin.

So, the radiation from lamps in a solarium is much more intense than the radiation that reaches us from the sun (if you do not live on the equator). That is why you can tan in a solarium much faster than just in the sun.

A cream with a high level of protection can build a more or less tolerable barrier against this radiation, but who will use it in a solarium? After all, if you use it, the skin will remain white.

So it turns out that girls deliberately subject their health to severe tests for the sake of tanning. Any radiation for the body is not bullshit.

What does this mean and how harmful is a solarium?

Firstly, the skin becomes dry and lethargic, ages faster, and moisturizers won’t help much here.

Secondly, when the skin takes on radiation from lamps (or from strong sun) over and over again, it becomes weaker, which is why risk of skin cancer. And this is scary.

Thirdly, many girls do not even suspect that they belong to high risk group(weak heart, predisposition to the development of cancer, skin type that gets tanned through a burn, blood pressure problems, vegetative-vascular dystonia...)

In addition, visiting a solarium is contraindicated during menstruation or if there are any diseases in the female part (even if it is just thrush).

Remember: everything hot is the enemy of gynecology, because it promotes inflammatory processes and helps the proliferation of unnecessary bacteria. So solarium is even more harmful for women than for men.

So the question is: “is solarium harmful or not?” It's not even worth it. Tanning in a solarium is harmful to the skin, health, and subsequently – to beauty .

First, you should consider whether it is worth sunbathing in a solarium.

Beauty sometimes requires sacrifice, but in this case, is it worth it? Compromising your beauty and health for the sake of wanting to look darker than you really are? Hm…

Or does anyone really think that a tan is something a girl cannot be beautiful without? (I understand that this article will anger many representatives of the fair sex, but seriously - does anyone think so?..).

Girls look especially ridiculous when a tan doesn’t suit them at all due to a certain type of appearance, but still the herd instinct (or something else) encourages them to keep up with fashion ().

They may even know that sunbathing in a solarium is harmful, they may even know exactly how dangerous a solarium is for health, but they still go there with enviable consistency.

By the way, I belong to that small category of girls who are proud of their white skin. I'm not a racist, no, but apparently something remains in my subconscious from the times when white skin was considered a sign of an intelligent, educated lady from high society)))

By the way, in many southern countries they still think so and use various means to whiten their skin. What do you think: is white skin bad?

However, there are cases when going to a solarium won't hurt. For example, before a wedding (because tanned skin and a snow-white dress look great) or at the beginning of summer, so that your skin doesn’t look unhealthy when you wear shorts and a T-shirt or sundress.

But in the latter case, it is worth thinking about this, rather, for those girls whose skin has not fully recovered after winter and looks greenish-whitish (I wrote about this in the article “”).

So you can sunbathe in a solarium, but very rarely and carefully. And in good salons, because old or cheap lamps are harmful beyond description. Take care of your health, take care of your skin's youth!