Clockwise rotation. Clockwise means forward

Which of us in childhood did not try to spin like a spinning top, to the point of complete loss of balance and onset of nausea? Such a test of the vestibular apparatus for strength is a natural way of knowing the world and an intuitive need of a being who has not lost a special connection with nature and space. An inner voice tells the child that behind this rotation lies a certain secret that I really want to open, but there are no keys.

We spin, spin, fall, observe the rotation of the world around us and catch a short blissful state. As adults and on the path of finding female happiness, some of us have resurrected childhood memories, faced with esoteric practices that offer to repeat childhood experiences. Larisa Renard offers the practice of energy funnels, that is, rotational movements with arms raised up in the form of a funnel, to attract a successful man or financial well-being. At the same time, the greatest number of turns during regular exercises ensures the appearance in the life of a woman of the most wealthy man.

Another author, Oksana Sergunova, refers to the experience of our Slavic ancestors and recommends paying attention to twisting and twisting as a way to get energy. The author's argument is convincing: one of the most significant processes on a cosmic scale that structures matter is twisting. The DNA molecule has the shape of a double helix and serves as a template for assembling new molecules. Today, DNA is the main carrier of encrypted information about living matter. And in the restored "Gymnastics of the Slavic Enchantresses" torsion and rotation occupy a special place. Yes, and in Russian folk dances, many rotational movements have been preserved, and the round dance known to every Russian since childhood is nothing more than a variant of the twisting of an energy funnel.

Elements of human rotation around its own axis as part of folk art exist in all world cultures, in many esoteric teachings this technique is used as a powerful means of merging with higher powers. Let's try to figure out what is the secret of magical funnels, that is, sacred practices of rotation.

Let's start with the fact that rotation is the main movement of the universe: the planets, the solar system, the galaxy and everything that fills outer space rotate. The main human energy centers, which are called chakras in the Vedic tradition, and dantians in the Taoist tradition, are also characterized by the so-called "whirlwinds", that is, rotations of energy. The very word "chakra" in Sanskrit means "wheel" or "disk". Rotation can occur both to the right and to the left, that is, clockwise and in the opposite direction. Turning clockwise can be conditionally called masculine or yang. Since the energy "yang" is active, the activation of processes is stimulated by turns to the right. The yin energy is calm, feminine, and counterclockwise turns can compensate for the yang turns or calm down, reduce the activity of processes.

The most famous sacred practices that use the principle of rotation are the Tibetan practice "Five Pearls", the purpose of which is to rejuvenate the body and increase the energy potential of a person, and the famous Sufi whirling, "royal" meditation to achieve a state of trance, which consists in rotating people around their own axis half an hour to several hours. Curiously, Tibetan practitioners generally recommend clockwise rotation, while Sufis circle strictly counterclockwise.

As for space objects, for example, the Earth rotates from west to east, and when viewed from the North Star or the north pole of the ecliptic, the rotation occurs counterclockwise. The most amazing thing is that all the planets solar system, except for Venus, rotate in the same direction. This means that the universe also rotates in different directions. Practitioners working with chakra energy believe that clockwise rotation of chakra energy "sucks" external energy into the body, and reverse rotation draws energy, that is, allows it to radiate. This rotation property is the followers of some oriental esoteric schools they are used for pumping energy and for cleansing the chakras - if in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chakra you start rotating the palm counterclockwise, then the energy comes out, and thus the work of the energy center is harmonized. Accordingly, in order to make up energy potential chakras, you need to rotate your palm clockwise.

Our ancient Slavic ancestors had the same point of view, who chose the swastika as a symbol of healing power, or rather, the sign of the solstice. The direction of the swastika clockwise, salting, symbolized creation, and against it, called Kolovrat, was used in healing practices. Our ancestors led two circles of round dances: the male round dance was the outer ring, and the female round dance was the inner one. At the same time, men circled salting, and women - kolovrat.

Well, we have dealt with the historical and philosophical basis of this ritual and we can quite consciously proceed to the "magic dance" that will help us embark on the path of finding harmony in our personal lives and physical healing. Now it is clear why the authors of many women's practices strongly recommend that their students more often indulge in the most natural of women's movements - circling around their own axis. It should only be noted that such a rotation can be practiced as a form of qigong, that is, a kind of work with energy. In this case, the position of the hands does not play a significant role. The arms pointing upwards serve only as a visual symbol of the funnel, the effect will be exactly the same if the arms were spread apart during rotation. You can absorb energy and just standing, remaining motionless, in practice this option turns out to be even more effective, but as difficult as possible. Moreover, since the brain is able to control the direction of rotation of the "funnel", it is possible to rotate in both directions, but at the same time consciously turn on the "injection" or "radiation" mechanism.

Finally, let's talk about the number of rotations required for the fullness of female happiness. The authors of the trainings are convinced that the more rotations a woman makes every day, the more status a man will enter her life. This is a perfectly logical point of view. Rotation helps to increase the amount of energy. Successful and wealthy men are people with a high energy status, in the first place, and a harmonious union with them is possible only for those women whose energy level corresponds to the energy level of the chosen ones. That is why the number of rotations and the quality of the process are directly related to women's success in men. Just do not twist until you lose consciousness! Do not lose your mind, striving for a happy future! Everything needs moderation and gradualism.

We want to make one more important remark: do not flatter yourself about the impeccability of this practice. The fact is that in addition to the same level of energy, it is necessary to have high level spiritual development. Attracting a wealthy man with your excess energy is only half the battle. Save the relationship for long years- this is the most important task of a wise woman. Without the unity of the physical, energetic and spiritual, it is impossible. And yet, spin, dear women! The whole world is spinning - and we are with it!

The question is unusual and interesting. Try asking someone about it. I am sure that a smile will appear on the face of your interlocutor, and then some simple answer will follow. Something like: "Because the left leg is shorter than the right." Or like this: "Because counterclockwise is easier to run." Some even answer that this is how people are able to slow down time. Jokes are jokes, and that's why they actually run counterclockwise, only a few know. To be honest, I myself, until recently, was not aware of such interesting fact. And I never asked myself this question until it crept into my head on my morning run.

Option number 1. Running counterclockwise was invented in Ancient Greece.

Experts say that the answer is simple and logical.

The thing is that the ancient Greeks determined the time by the sun and, running exactly counterclockwise, it was easier for them to determine the time by their own shadow.

What is the ease of calculating the time, I, to be honest, do not really understand. But people talk about it and, therefore, this opinion has the right to exist.

In the same way, new things are being intensively discussed now.

Option number 2. Most people on the planet are right-handed.

That's why International Association The Athletics Federation has decided that all athletes must run counterclockwise.

According to the commission, if the athletes are right-handed, then their right leg is stronger, which means its place is on the outer circle, since the load on it will be greater.

I wonder what left-handers think about this? Injustice, however.

Option number 3. Because that's how horses run on the hippodrome.

When the rider whips the horse, holding it in right hand, she, frightened, heads to the left.

I do not know how you will react to this option, but I am extremely surprised by this assumption. People run like that because horses run like that - a funny absurdity.

Option number 4. The reason is pagan religious motives.

The pagans believed that the direction of movement while running should be directed towards the sun, or rather, towards the god they worshiped.

Interesting guess, isn't it?

Option number 5. During movement, our human body shifts to the right.

But how this shift occurs, I still do not understand. A strange hypothesis, but it also takes place among all the others.

If you need running shoes but don't know how to choose them, read on.

Option number 6. When turning to the left, a large and sufficient blood flow is provided to the main organ of the whole organism - the heart muscle.

I don’t know about you, but I consider this a kind of delusion, because the speed of blood movement through the vessels increases instantly at the slightest load on the body.

In this case, running itself is this very load. So that intensive blood circulation during running is ensured without turning to the left.

Option number 7. The right leg is longer than the left and its swing will be correspondingly larger.

This version of the answer made me not only smile, but also laugh.

Option number 8. Clinging to the laws of physics, one can fish out an assumption of the following kind.

When an athlete runs counterclockwise, then the angular velocity vector, which we all know about from school, is directed upwards and the athlete does not feel resistance to his movement when turning left.

All the same experts say that if he runs clockwise, then it is precisely due to this runner that he presses him to the ground in the direction of his movement. And it presses it because the vector of angular velocity while running clockwise is directed downwards, and when it turns to the right, it feels a noticeable resistance to its movement.

That's why people run counterclockwise. From myself I can say that it is the 8thI like this option better than the previous ones.

You know, I tried to run a couple of circles clockwise just for fun. He ran, turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

I was not comfortable and unusual due to the fact that I had to turn right. That's why I'm leaning more towards the last answer.

I think you should definitely ask a friend or a left-handed friend to run like that too, and if it is more convenient for them to run in a circle counterclockwise, then we can conclude that physics decides everything. Don't forget.

Related video

Here's what people say about running counterclockwise.

Denis Statsenko was with you. All HOS! See you

We are all astrologers involuntarily - says Pavel Voitovsky. He came to this conclusion by trying to answer a simple question: why do many of us imagine the movement of the annual cycle counterclockwise. This post is a prologue to a series of texts dedicated to the four elements and the most unexpected consequences of this ancient idea.

Year inside the head

Close your eyes and imagine 2017. What did you see? 12 calendar sheets? But after all, the year goes in a circle, but the calendar sheets do not. You may have imagined a circle, a dial. Do twelve months pass like twelve hours?

I'm willing to bet not. Such a representation is rather unnatural: the seasons have moved sideways. Then like this:

And perhaps like this:

Now the main question: in your internal representation of the year goes clockwise or counterclockwise?

I have always imagined the year as going counter-clockwise. Winter in my internal picture is usually on the bottom, spring on the right, summer on the top, autumn on the left:

On March 1, 2017, I distinctly felt that I was turning left past the lower right corner of a certain building or block. In a simplified form, the picture looks like this:

In summer, however, the picture is reversed, winter is on top, but the year still goes counterclockwise. Two versions of the picture can be called winter (summer on top) and summer (summer on bottom), while the second one seems more natural, because New Year is located in the same place where noon and midnight are on the clock:

The logic of my internal picture is as follows: every time we find ourselves at the bottom of the vessel, at the bottom of the circle - and in front lies its right half, which we have to climb. In winter, we wait for spring and summer, with difficulty we rise to it, and in the middle of summer, having overcome halfway, we switch our attention to autumn, which should always bear some fruit, and to the end of the year, before which we need to have time to finish certain things.

I'm not the only one

For most of my life, I was sure that such a representation is a feature of my consciousness. But I recently discovered that a lot of people are experiencing the same thing. They write on forums, as if confessing to illness, and find like-minded people.

I was very curious as to why this is happening? Where does this seemingly counterintuitive idea come from?

The hypotheses that are listed on the forums do not fit. For example: it all depends on whether you are right-handed or left-handed. Indeed, on Wikipedia they write that left-handed people often draw circles and go around the premises clockwise, while right-handed people are against it.

Research on this topic was carried out by Theodor Blau in the 70s. Empirically they seem to be correct, but the question is not very clear. And most importantly, the forums failed to confirm this theory. Another assumption: everything is explained by whether you are a humanist or a techie, in other words, a right hemisphere type or a left hemisphere type. But here, too, there are counterexamples. Perhaps the concept of time lies deeper than the mechanisms responsible for the formation of right-handedness and perceptual patterns.

In this post, I will tell you about my own version: in the mind of most of us there is a mythological idea of annual cycle. We are all unwitting astrologers in the sense that the year for us goes like the circle of the Zodiac - counterclockwise. (Of course, astrologers are in quotation marks: knowing the zodiac constellations does not make you believe that the positions of the stars and planets allow you to predict best time to buy shares.)

Apparent motion of the Sun

It would seem much more natural to imagine the annual cycle in the same way as an ordinary dial. The sun moves clockwise across the sky (for the majority of humanity that lives in the northern hemisphere). Therefore, the shadow from the gnomon on sundial crawled clockwise. Before the appearance of the word clockwise, there was a variant sunwise, and in Rus' they said “salting” (according to the sun, clockwise) and “anti-sun” (against the sun, counterclockwise).

Clockwise movement is associated with the right hand: when the wheel rolls to the right, it rotates clockwise. By folk beliefs, the dough must be mixed clockwise, otherwise the bread will be tasteless. The left-to-right reading direction in the Western tradition also seems to enhance the impression of the correctness of such a move.

So, clockwise is right, and right is good. And if this were the end of history, then it would be natural for all people to imagine the movement of the year in the same way as the movement of the hands on the dial:

However, there is another idea, just as deeply rooted, but contradicting the first.


The earth revolves around the sun in a counter-clockwise direction as viewed from the north celestial pole:

The solar system passed this direction of motion to all its "children": the Sun itself, all comets, asteroids and planets (except Venus) rotate counterclockwise. During the year, the visible path of the Sun runs through 12 zodiac constellations (today this number is 13, but at the time of the first astronomers it was 12):

The signs of the zodiac go around the year counterclockwise. Given that the ram is usually placed on the left, the picture looks exactly like the "summer" version of my intracranial annual cycle (here the dates are slightly shifted so that each sign corresponds to one month):

Interestingly, the dial is divided into 12 divisions due to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The Greeks seem to have borrowed this idea from the Babylonians. (Let me remind you that the division of the hour into 60 minutes, the circle into 360 degrees and the year into more than 360 days - also from the Babylonians, who had a 60-decimal number system.) Only the direction of movement had to be reversed so that the shadow of the gnomon on the sundial consistently passed marks. Anyway, this is the only explanation that came to my mind.

On medieval astronomical clocks, one can see the zodiac circle and the figures of the sun and moon, which moved counterclockwise along this circle. Here's how it looks on the famous Prague Astronomical Clock:

Enthusiasts created a copy of the watch in the Second Life game and wrote it down on this topic video. In GIF, every second is one day. You can see how the moon glides through the Zodiac, changing phases, and the sun slowly moves from Aries to Taurus - counterclockwise, as befits a self-respecting luminary.

The astrological idea of ​​the "correct" circumambulation cannot directly influence my internal picture of the annual cycle. I learned about the existence of a calendar dial and the direction of the Earth's movement around the Sun only while working on this post. And I looked at the usual hour and minute hands all my life. And yet these two pictures are somehow connected. I like to think that there is more deep reason, which links the direction of the annual cycle in space and in my head.

Dead end

In search of an answer, I turned to technology and science, to the question of spirals in nature, but found myself in a dead end. Right-handed DNA helixes, umbilical cords twisted counterclockwise, Chemical properties glucose and its mirror copy did not help in any way in matters of the intracranial calendar. It is, in general, understandable: technology and science appeared by evolutionary standards recently, and brains - a long time ago.

I was also interested in what cases in Western culture there is a departure from the "correct" rotation. For example, all our stadiums are "astrological": athletes run counterclockwise. The reason, most likely, is that the heart is displaced to the left. If you run clockwise, the centrifugal force will press the heart against the left lung, and this can make breathing difficult. If you run counterclockwise, the heart will move slightly to the center of the chest, and there will be no breathing problems. The forum runners offer another explanation: when running counterclockwise on left leg less load than on the right one - the outer circle is larger than the inner one - and it is more convenient for right-handed people. (In the same way, they write that the stairs in knight's castles descended counterclockwise, so that it would be more convenient for right-handed warriors to fight back. Flights of stairs in most modern houses going down clockwise.)

Forehead outside and inside

I found a hint of a solution in the work of psychologist Richard Wiseman. He suggested this test: close your eyes, put your finger to your forehead and draw the letter Q. There are two options for how your drawing will look from the side: in a direct version or in a mirror.

If you drew a direct version, it will be easier for others to read it, if a mirrored one, it will be easier for you to read it from the inside of your head. In the first case, you kind of keep the center outside, look at yourself through someone else's eyes. According to Wiseman, such people, whom he calls other-centered, focused on others, like to be in the spotlight, lie better, but are worse at detecting lies. In the second case, you are more self-centered, straightforward, bad at lying, but good at detecting lies. This is similar to the division between extroverts and introverts.

Suppose instead of the letter Q, you drew a clock face on your forehead and tracked how the hand makes a circle. If you belong to the second type, then an external observer will see how the arrow goes counterclockwise - against itself. An interesting exercise: continuing to mentally move the hand and without opening your eyes, try to cross the plane of the dial (pass "through the forehead") and see how the right, hourly movement was replaced by the left, astrological.

One can imagine that there are two times: internal and external, and they mirror each other. External is regular watch, and we used to measure them clockwise. But the internal is, as it were, cyclic time, the time of natural and mythological cycles, and they go counterclockwise.

mythological circle

The most famous mythological circle was drawn by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. And it goes counterclockwise:

Campbell's system is called the "hero's path". She is notorious for being turned into a template by Hollywood writers. If you enter “the path of the hero” on the Internet, then you will get something like this picture:

Clockwise! The original mythological circle is turned, subordinated to the "external" clock.

Let's plot the seasons from my intracranial picture (winter version) on Campbell's diagram:

In this view, summer is the starting point of the journey, in autumn we cross the line of uncertainty - and plunge into another world, into the world of winter trials, experience the death of nature - and return to life in spring.

My summer version can be explained in a similar way. This time, winter is the starting point, a familiar environment in which nothing happens, and summer is the time of adventure, the "little life".

I have already written that for me Campbell's circle is inverted: I feel that the adventure must be climbed, that some kind of revelation awaits at the top. But the essence of this does not change.


Perhaps one day it will turn out that the effect I have described is fully explained by the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres. Moving in a circle counterclockwise is just more convenient for a right-handed person.

My guess is simple interesting way think about the seasons and organize them in your head. This method helps me to connect the intuitive idea of ​​the annual cycle and the mythological circle of Joseph Campbell. .

But we are talking not only about the annual cycle, but in general about any natural and cosmic cycles. You can also think about one day and about your whole life in terms of a mythological circle:

And now the surprise: it was all a saying. The story starts next. I will tell you how you can apply the four elements of the ancient Greeks to the mythological circle: fire, water, earth and sky.

Rotation is the main movement of the universe: the planets, the solar system, the galaxy and everything that fills outer space rotate. The main human energy centers, which are called chakras in the Vedic tradition, and dantians in the Taoist tradition, are also characterized by the so-called "whirlwinds", that is, rotations of energy. The very word "chakra" in Sanskrit means "wheel" or "disk". Rotation can occur both to the right and to the left, that is, clockwise and in the opposite direction. Turning clockwise can be conditionally called masculine or yang. Since the energy "yang" is active, the activation of processes is stimulated by turns to the right. The yin energy is calm, feminine, and counterclockwise turns can compensate for the yang turns or calm down, reduce the activity of processes.

The most famous sacred practices that use the principle of rotation are the Tibetan practice "The Eye of the Renaissance. Five Tibetans." , the purpose of which is to rejuvenate the body and increase the energy potential of a person, and the famous Sufi whirling, "royal" meditation to achieve a state of trance, which consists in rotating people around their own axis from half an hour to several hours. Curiously, Tibetan practitioners generally recommend clockwise rotation, while Sufis circle strictly counterclockwise.

As for space objects, for example, the Earth rotates from west to east, and when viewed from the North Star or the north pole of the ecliptic, the rotation occurs counterclockwise. The most amazing thing is that all the planets of the solar system, except for Venus, rotate in the same direction. This means that the universe also rotates in different directions. Practitioners who work with chakra energy believe that clockwise rotation of the chakra energy "sucks" external energy into the body, and the reverse rotation draws energy, that is, allows it to radiate. Followers of some Eastern esoteric schools use this property of rotation for pumping energy and for cleansing the chakras - if you start rotating counterclockwise in the area where the chakra is located, then the energy comes out, and thus the work of the energy center is harmonized. Accordingly, in order to replenish the energy potential of the chakra, you need to rotate your palm clockwise.

If you feel bad at heart, you have no strength, you are tired, you do not have enough energy, or you want to attract something new into your own life, then try this ancient Himalayan energy practice. It will remove all existing indoor units, release stagnant negative energy, improve your physical condition, attract any pleasant changes into your life.

✨ It is best to perform this exercise on the street, in the yard, in the park, in the forest, in the clearing. But you can also at home in a spacious room or training room. The main thing - you have to like this place. Stand up straight, look at the sky, spread your arms to the sides. With these actions, you welcome the energy coming to you from space and from the earth. Now start spinning as fast as your health allows.

✨ But before that, choose the direction of rotation correctly. If you feel unwell and want to heal your body, then circle to the left side, this way you can clear your body of the energy blocking it.

✨ If you want to accumulate creative energy, tune in to any changes and new experience, then spin in right side absorbing the energy you need with your body. Spin around and repeat phrases that will help you get what you want from this practice. For example: "I am open to cosmic energy", "I am ready for a new experience", etc. They can be repeated mentally, whispered or even shouted. When you feel that it is time to end the spinning, then stop, cross your arms over your heart and stay like that for a few seconds.

✨ This practice is based on the opening of the 7th chakra of the head. It will fill your connecting channels between heaven and earth with the necessary strength, which will be able to open your subtle centers and draw energy to you. Do this practice as often as you like.

Remember that not everyone will immediately have a miracle, you need to be patient and continue this practice. Be open to everything new!

Original taken from

August 13 is the Day of the Athlete. We can safely say that 30-40 percent of School of readers have tried health jogging.

So, they have a full relationship to the holiday. I also entered into these “peppy” percentages, and not for the first time I decided to run for the sake of health. And here are my thoughts this summer, running on the treadmill led me.

Imagine the picture: the day promises to be hot, but so far the air is cool and light. Birds are chirping outside my window (well, they definitely are chirping behind mine). The sun just came out from behind the tops of the trees (or buildings, whoever was lucky with the place of residence). And here you are, still carrying the remnants of sleep on your shoulders, step on treadmill(even if it is a sidewalk, but since you run along it, it means that it is your running one!). And slowly, slowly, step by step, you begin to move towards health. Towards you - a fresh breeze and the joy of life!

It was with such feelings that for the second week I ran every morning at the nearest school stadium. And on this day everything was sunny and carefree like in summer. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a small, thin man appeared in front of me and slyly said: “But you need to run counterclockwise!” And he went on, planting doubts in my head.

You may have already guessed that I was running clockwise around the stadium without thinking about it at all. From the very first time she ran as the track lay down. It was comfortable for me to move like this - in a clockwise direction. The next day I ran counterclockwise - I didn’t like it. I started running again, as before, but I became interested in why all the other runners I met were moving towards me.

I found the following on a topic of interest...

International sports standards

There is the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). By her standards, athletes in all middle and long distance races run counterclockwise. Small - in a straight line.

This is explained by the fact that most athletes have a right leg - a jerk. It is stronger and a few millimeters longer than the left. Right foot the athlete takes a wider step, moving the body to the left. Therefore, it is more convenient to pass the rounded sections of the distance counterclockwise.

They also refer to the fact that such a tradition came from Ancient Greece, where sport was opposed to nature (artificial development of the body - natural development). Then we decided first Olympic Games run against the movement of the shadow in the sundial.

Runners have noticed that it really is more comfortable to run this way, and they still run counterclockwise.

Physiology of "right-handers"

In the study of "right-handers", and there are more than 90% of them, they paid attention to the fact that all actions associated with turning to the left turn out to be more effective and more accurate, especially when there is an object in the right hand (usually "right-handers" hold tools, weapons, etc.)

If the subjects were blindfolded and asked to walk straight, most of them turned slightly to the left.

Shooters-athletes, when performing special speed exercises on several targets, always start shooting from the rightmost target and turn counterclockwise, from right to left in the course of shooting.

This so-called "left-handed rule" is explained by the general psychophysical orientation nervous system a person, a certain asymmetry of the brain in "right-handers" and "left-handers".

For “left-handers”, on the contrary, there is a “right-handed rule”, that is, it is easier for them to perform actions with a turn to the right.

The next argument for running counterclockwise is that the human heart is tilted at an angle close to the tilt angle of the Earth's axis of rotation. This angle is also close to the angle of the athlete to the center of the circumference of the stadium's running track. Probably, running from right to left facilitates the work of the heart when moving.

Space phenomena and the rotation of the Earth

In relation to us Europeans, the planets revolve counterclockwise around the Sun. And our galaxy rotates to the left, that is, also counterclockwise. Taking into account the influence of space rhythms on a person, it is assumed that movement in the direction of movement of space objects is more harmonious.

Another argument in favor of running with a turn to the left on the treadmill is physical laws. When moving counterclockwise, the angular velocity vector is directed upwards.

Angular velocity is a vector quantity that affects the rotational speed of a body. The angular velocity vector is directed along the rotation axis according to the gimlet rule. When an athlete runs with a turn to the right, this vector is directed downward, as if he is pressing the runner to the ground. And vice versa: when turning to the left, the angular velocity vector is directed upwards, it helps the runner to get off the ground, facilitates movement.

In esoteric healing practices, I read that when rotating clockwise, energy is released, while in the reverse movement, energy is taken.

Here are the facts that I found. And for myself I decided that:

If you run for health and pleasure, then you need to run in the direction that is more pleasant.
If you participate in competitions, your opinion will not even be asked there, you will follow the established regulations.

Choose a path for your runs, guided by your feelings and common sense. It would be perfect if they match.

And run wherever you want!

Prepared by: Sergey Koval