The question of childbearing in astrology. Children in the natal chart


V house. And in general, about children.

Of course, one of the most important issues of the 5th house is our children, their presence, number, gender, our relationship with them.

You can’t determine the gender of the child by the 5th house, you can approximately estimate the number. V house is already born children. The circumstances of conception and gender must be looked at by the IV house and the Moon - in which signs (female or male) is the Moon and the cusp of the IV house, which planets (female or male) are in the IV house, in which sign (female or male) is the ruler; then all this is brought together and the probability of conceiving a boy or a girl is determined. For example, on the cusp of the IV house - Leo (male sign), the Sun (ruler of the IV field) in Cancer (female sign), the Moon in Gemini (male sign), in the IV house Venus (female planet) and Jupiter (male planet). It turns out 2 female and 3 male instructions. Thus, if a person has five children, then these will be two girls and three boys. It is the circumstances of conception that determine the sex of the child. When a person has already been born, it is too late to determine the sex, it is laid earlier, at conception.

For reference. Male signs - all related to the elements of fire and air. Female signs - related to the elements of water and earth. Male planets - Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto. Female planets - Moon, Venus, Neptune. Planets with unexpressed sexual characteristics - Mercury and Uranus (if they are related to the IV house, they can not be taken into consideration). Saturn is nominally a male planet, but, figuratively speaking, he "does not like" children so much that he can be excluded from consideration of the probability of sex.

But I will make a reservation, since you can only calculate the probability of the birth of girls and boys, this will not mean that the first child will necessarily be of a certain gender. There is no guarantee.

If you are approached with the question: “How can we give birth to a son?” - there is a technique that allows you to determine the sex of the child at the time of conception. This is determined by the position of the Moon at the time of conception - in which sign it was, in male or female. Those. if the Moon at the time of conception was in a female sign, then the sex of the unborn child is female. If the Moon was in a male sign at the time of conception, then the sex of the child is male.

Unfortunately, here, too, not everything is in order, if the Moon is at the end of the sign, then before the cells merge, the Moon can move into the next sign and, thereby, the sex will change. Therefore, for a greater guarantee, the position of the Moon in the 1st half of the sign should be taken into account. More guarantee that the desired gender will be born - the Moon in the 1st half of the sign. The moon in the 2nd half of the sign can move into the next sign before the moment of fertilization and thereby disrupt our plans. For a greater guarantee, you need to look for the Moon in the 1st half of the sign, but, unfortunately, there is another problem here, which is related to the fact that the conception of a child does not occur according to our desire, there is a certain cycle, there is a certain moment of ovulation, which depends on the hormonal cycle of a woman and it is necessary that ovulation coincides with the desired position of the moon. Here, unfortunately, there are problems.

But on the other hand, if you give a person a certain rhythm, let him decide what to do next, let him figure it out himself, you say: “This day a boy will be conceived, this day a girl, and work”, as they will order there, this depends on the woman's individual cycle.

True, I heard from one obstetrician here that spermatozoa can last up to three days in a woman’s body until conception, in some cases, and then conception occurs, and the Moon, as you know, is in one sign for about 2.5 days - in short, you can’t guess , apparently, what God pleases, you can’t turn away from that. But of course you can try.

So, the IV house and the Moon are related to the conception of children. If the Moon or IC (cusp IV of the house) are located in fertile signs (fertile are water and Taurus), then the ability to conceive is great, but there may be few children (miscarriages, abortions); if the Moon or IC are in infertile signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, and especially Capricorn), then there is difficulty in conceiving. And these rules work for both women and men. I have a lot of cases when a woman has all the indicators indicating fertility, and her husband, on the contrary, has the Moon in Capricorn, and IC in Virgo. They can't conceive, why? The woman's body is ready for reproduction, everything works as it should, but her husband has problems, spermatozoa are produced "frail" and in small quantities, conception is very difficult. Or the reverse situation. A man has both the Moon in Cancer, and IC in Taurus, but there is no way to give birth, his wife has the Moon in Aquarius, IC in Capricorn. By the way, the Moon or IC in Scorpio - there are many conceptions, but pregnancies are unfavorable, it rarely comes to the birth of a full-fledged child (although modern medicine quite successfully copes with this problem).

Well, we will talk about infertility as a disease in the course of Medical Astrology.

The desire to have (or not to have) children is determined by the V house of the natal chart. Those. the ability to conceive may be high, and children may not be at all (protected, abortion, etc.). How is it defined? If there are barren signs on the cusp of the fifth house (Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, and especially Capricorn), there may be no children at all (God forbid, one will be tortured). If there are fertile signs (water and Taurus) on the cusp of the fifth house, then there will be many children. What does "many" mean? A hundred years ago, five children were the norm, and now a family with three children is officially considered a large family, i.e. our "many" is three (more is rare). Similarly, planets in the 5th house. If there is Venus, the Moon or Jupiter, then this is "a lot", if Saturn, then not, or one and late. In other cases - "medium", i.e. in the context of modernity - two.

But this rule cannot be applied in isolation from the entire natal chart. Five minutes ago I gave an example, a woman has problems conceiving (Moon in Aquarius, IC in Capricorn), but this Moon is in the 5th house! Formally, she is a mother of many children, but she cannot conceive. What conclusion should we give in this case? That's right: a person wants to have many children, but cannot.

Planets that increase the number of children: the Moon, but the Moon, of course, it generally gives a predisposition to children, especially to small children, love for children. Moon, Venus, Jupiter, being in the V house, can talk about an increase in the number of children. Their aspects, especially Jupiter aspects to 5th house planets, can also increase the number of children, especially Jupiter aspects, Jupiter can even have tense aspects. Tense aspects of Jupiter: there may be a mother of many children, Venus in the V house, damaged by Jupiter, she has five children there, a mother of many children, that is, Jupiter through tense aspects can increase, even excessively, with excess, Jupiter is generally associated with excess, it gives everything a lot of.

Now the planets that are in the V house and reduce the number of children: the Sun and Saturn. The Sun in the 5th house gives love to children, but your child can be alone, but in general, children have a very good attitude, this is an excellent indication for a teacher. This love of his for children is realized through a profession, and he does not seek to increase the number of his own children. Saturn reduces the number of children, usually gives one.

Early or late children? Fire signs in the 5th house or the owner of the 5th house in a fire sign incline towards early children. Capricorn in the 5th house, Saturn in the 5th house tends towards late children, but there can be conflicting situations, for example, Saturn in Aries in the 5th house, early or late children? How do you think? One child and early, so in this case the sign is stronger than the planet. In this case, I am talking about undamaged Saturn, when Saturn in the 5th house is damaged, this is a completely different situation. When Saturn damages a planet or the ruler of the 5th house, it is an obstacle to having children at all. This is not related to the inability to have children, this does not mean infertility, the 5th house means an attitude towards children: a person wants to have children, he wants a lot or does not want at all.

When we analyze the 5th house, we analyze the attitude towards children and hence the number of children. If we consider the elements of the 5th house and their aspects, then we can conclude how children will grow up. Why? V house is also the quality of education. When we analyze the V house, we see if a person knows how to raise children, how he brings them up, what he invests in them and, accordingly, how they will turn out. We will talk about this in more detail, considering the planets in the 5th house.

So, the children have already been born. Obviously, they are all different in character (sometimes opposite) and have a different fate. The question is, is it really that they all go through one fifth house? No. Each child has, as it were, his own home in our natal chart. According to the V house, our general attitude towards children is determined and one of the children goes. Which?

The astrological literature says that the 11th house is also responsible for children. Why? Let's get acquainted with the system of relative houses, that is, when we are talking about circumstances not related to the subject, but we are talking about circumstances related to his environment: with parents, children, marriage partner, then we take the house that is responsible for this person and assign he is number I. Well, for example, if we are talking about the father, and we organize the circumstances related to the father: the IV house of the horoscope, we assign the first number to it, and then we consider all the houses - these will be the houses of the father. If we are talking about a marriage partner: we number the 7th house with the number I and then we consider and get that the 11th house is V from the 7th, that is, the children of the marriage partner go through the 11th house. Generally speaking, spouses have common children and therefore it turns out that the 5th and 11th houses are responsible for children. Although, of course, the XI house can indicate the children of a marriage partner if this is not the first marriage for him and he already has children, and therefore the XI house can be responsible for the children of a marriage partner, but the V and XI houses are responsible for children All in all. At the same time, if there are several children, then they can be separated, some can go along the V house, while others mainly along the XI, but I want to tell you that it is so strictly divided that this child only goes along the V, and this one only goes along the XI it turns out. Still, it turns out that one child, more instructions for him, is in the V house, and for the other in the XI. All the same, somehow the instructions remain in both houses. Naturally, if the children are common to the spouses, then, of course, there will be instructions for one child, maybe both here and there, but there may be more of them in one of these houses.

It is often said that the first child is the 5th house, the 2nd child is the 11th house, the 3rd is again the 5th house, and so on ... This, as a rule, depends on the gender of the child, the mother's 1st boy is in the 5th house, 2 -th son - according to the XIth, and daughters, on the contrary, the 1st daughter of the mother according to the XIth, and the 2nd - according to V. In this case, we are talking about children of the same sex, that is, we do not seem to count children of the opposite sex, well, for example, a woman has a boy and a girl - a son and a daughter, the son will be in V, the daughter will be her first, she is in XI, the other sex is ignored, we consider children of the same sex. If twins were born, they, of course, can go through the same house, because they have similar horoscopes and many circumstances will be similar, they will go through the same house.

The father has the opposite, the 1st daughter according to V, the 2nd - according to XI. The first son according to XI, the second according to V. As for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, the methodology has not yet been worked out, there are few families with three children of the same sex, empirical patterns have not yet been developed in this matter. I hope that you, my listeners, will someday understand this problem.

By the way, the very existence of the principle of relative houses allows us to extract the mass useful information without even looking at the horoscope. For example, remember the song "I asked the ash tree"? What did the friend say? "You were loved, but my wife became." Perfectly accurate astrological formulation; the beloved goes through the 5th house, and the friend goes through the 11th, but if you renumber the houses from the 11th, then my 5th house turns out to be the 7th house of my friend. Like this! It turns out that the woman I love is destined to be the wife of my friend. Here, I remembered another example, the film "Officers" - there is the same situation, similar things often happen in life.

And if we are talking about children, then even without a map you can learn a lot. Let's say you are a woman and you have a girl (first child), then she goes along the XIth house, your girlfriend goes through the same house - that's all, the indicators are the same (ruler, co-ruler, planets in the house, their aspects), those. look at your friend - your daughter will be the same when she grows up. A friend's husband is going through your 5th house, it's the 7th house from the 11th (by the way, women often fall in love with their friends' husbands) and you have a son (first son), he will go through your 5th house, again the same, look at your girlfriend's husband - this is how your son will grow up (character, level of education, career, income level - everything will be about the same, adjusted, of course, for general development mankind in a few decades).

If we are talking about children, similar judgments can be applied to the corresponding positions of the planets in the XI house.

Sun (Leo) in the 5th house.

Great artistic abilities, the desire to demonstrate oneself, a person is drawn to the stage, in the worst case, to the blackboard, to teach children. He is looking for a holiday, amorous, passionate.

There are few children (rather, one). He loves children, but more than strangers. Pampers and rules over them. If the Sun is in good aspects, the child is healthy, pleases the person with his successes, receiving a comprehensive and correct upbringing (physical, intellectual, cultural). If the Sun is damaged - a sick child (if the damage is from Saturn - a very sick child, chronics, or no children at all); damaged from Mars - there may be an accident with a child, premature death of a child.

Sports are attracted to sports that have elements of theatricality that put the athlete in the spotlight: figure skating, for example.

Moon (Cancer) in the 5th house.

Maternal attitude towards lovers. He likes quiet home entertainment, family holidays, is fond of cooking.

Fertility, many children, love and affection for children, good relations with children, everything is wonderful, a person brings up his children well. The damaged Moon still gives many children, but a person does not know how to raise children, he is weak-willed, indulges children, follows their lead, as a result, the child grows up weak-willed, infantile, not adapted to life. Affections from the Sun, Mars or Saturn mean serious illnesses in children.

Sports may involve activities such as swimming, diving, etc.

Lilith in the 5th house.

Exhibitionism, obscene entertainment, "dirty love." The sexual sphere of a person is very strong and original, often prone to perversion and bestiality.

He does not like children, sometimes he has a strong dislike for them or unmotivated anger. Mothers with this position Lilith constantly "shakes" from side to side: from painful attachment to the child to his rejection. Such mothers often leave their children in the hospital or throw them on strangers ("cuckoos").

In sports, a person can be attracted by such types as orienteering, cockroach racing, dog and cock fighting, etc.

Mercury (Gemini, Virgo) in the 5th house.

Creativity associated with mental activity, writing, speech. A person, having fun, seeks to combine the useful with the pleasant (therefore he often plays intellectual games, chess, checkers), find a rational grain in entertainment, can combine leisure with intellectual work (a writer writes a book at a resort). Almost not receptive to external information, does not listen to what they say to him. Caring for a loved one, writes letters, notes, makes phone calls. Romantic acquaintances in transport, during trips, at exhibitions and fairs. In love, it rather relies on reason.

Weak emotional contact with children. Not many children (if there are no aspects from Jupiter). If Mercury in good aspects is a good educator, gives great importance mental development of the child, does a lot of it, takes him to exhibitions, libraries, etc. With a damaged Mercury, a person is not always honest with a child, uses lies for educational purposes, and the child quickly adopts this manner of cunning and cunning, and already begins to lead the parent around his finger, causing a lot of trouble and trouble. The child grows up cunning, deceitful, thieving, sometimes a real swindler.

Team sports played with hands (Mercury is hands): volleyball, basketball, handball, and athletics. If Virgo is on the cusp, then tourism. If Gemini is on the cusp, then paired sports are tennis, badminton, billiards, etc.

Venus (Taurus, Libra) in the 5th house.

Expresses himself in art: painting, dancing, theater, fashion show, design, decoration.

He loves children and wants to have several. A good relationship with children, mutual sympathy. She pays a lot of attention to the aesthetic development of the child (music school, drawing circle, etc.), which grows up beautiful, talented, sophisticated, tactful and well-mannered. If Venus is damaged, a person is overly prone to luxury and entertainment, children are the same, they just need to have fun and beat the buckets, they grow up capricious, with great claims, the person follows the child’s lead and he quickly sits on his neck.

A person can be attracted to sports related to art or purely feminine: synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, women's figure skating, ballroom dancing (in the form of a sports competition), acrobatic rock and roll. If it is Taurus on the cusp - again tourism, weightlifting, kettlebell lifting.

Mars (Scorpio) in the 5th house.

Azarten, passionate, loves leisure and adventure. Adventurer. Sport games, especially risky (fire all-around, for example), as well as all types of wrestling and team competitions (hockey, football), some types of athletics (javelin throwing, for example). Loves hunting.

Struggling with children. There is a struggle for primacy between him and the child, the child is naughty, rude and pugnacious. With good aspects of Mars, attention is paid to it physical development, the child is sent to the sports section, the military-patriotic club, etc. The child grows up intelligent, active, strong, courageous. Damaged Mars means the danger of an accident and the death of a child. In the horoscope of women - premarital and illegitimate children.

Jupiter (Sagittarius) in the 5th house.

A man of a large scale in terms of entertainment - extravaganzas, mysteries, grandiose performances, large forms of art. In love, insatiable, a lot of lovers. For men - Don Juanism (if the rest of the card does not give conflicting indications).

Many children, including illegitimate ones. Relations with children are strong and patronizing. In good aspects - a person has wonderful children who give him support in old age. Defeats of Jupiter are not very terrible, in the worst case, the child is wasteful or has a diseased liver (especially if there are bad aspects from Mars or Saturn).

In sports, he can be attracted by archery, horseback riding (horse racing, polo, etc.). It may not get out of the hippodrome (at the same time play on the sweepstakes). Likes hunting for large animals (deer, elk, etc.) Saturn (Capricorn) in the V house.

In entertainment, he satisfies personal ambitions, rests only on the prescribed calendar holidays, his motto is "business - time, fun - hour"; love experiences are related to a career, maybe an office romance. In creativity, he prefers traditional and classical directions and forms. Shows responsibility and thoroughness in the performance of creative work.

Doesn't like children. Has one, if the second, then as a rule in another marriage and late. If Saturn is damaged, there are no children or the child is very seriously ill, disabled since childhood (cerebral palsy, for example).

Sports hobbies - weightlifting, triathlon, marathon, classical wrestling (in short, such types where you need to move weights or demonstrate great endurance at long time intervals).

Uranus (Aquarius) in the 5th house.

Love at first sight, and repeatedly. And in general, his life is a series of vivid love experiences, unexpected and strange. Adheres to the philosophy of "free" love, no conventions can keep him from betrayal and change, a lot of premarital and extramarital affairs.

Reckless and passionate. In games, he is not interested in a small win - "all or nothing" ( Super game, super lottery, super jackpot, etc.) early child or he abandons his child (often both together), the child is illegitimate, women with this position of Uranus have practically no maternal instinct, she does not understand what it means to "love" a child, she can only be friends with him or leave him (often abandon children, lose parental rights). If Uranusonlyin good aspects, then children are gifted, geeks, even geniuses, grow up early, accelerators.

In art and creativity, such a person prefers avant-garde and ultra-modern trends, often invents new genres, ways of expression, creative approaches(for example, a new drawing technique).

If he is fond of sports, then this is parachuting, hang gliding, technical types sports (for example, racing on radio-controlled boats, sports aircraft modeling), extreme sports (great slalom, etc.) Neptune (Pisces) in the V field.

Fertility is high, a person establishes a deep subconscious, almost mystical connection with children. A person can intuitively, without words, understand what is going on in a child’s soul. Education takes place on folk tales and examples from religious writings (various myths, folk epics, biblical stories, etc.), much attention is paid to the musical and aesthetic development of the child (music school, art school, literary circle - poetry). With this position of Neptune (or Pisces on the cusp), children are often adopted, a person is inclined in a fit of compassion to shelter other people's homeless children and adopt them (to take a child from home, etc.). If Neptune is damaged - secret grief, secret problems in raising a child who may be mentally ill or may fall into bad company (and become a thief, drug addict, etc.).

In love, such a person behaves like a hedgehog in a fog, taking bizarre visions for reality, he is often deceived in love, or he himself deceives (sometimes unwittingly) others. In the romantic relationships of such a person there is always a mystery, understatement, uncertainty.

Likes to relax seaside resorts, V sea ​​cruises and fishing. In sports, he gravitates toward marine species - scuba diving, underwater orientation, sailing regattas, catching marine animals and fish for the sake of sports interest.

In art and creativity, he is fond of music, painting (especially marine painters), cinema, cooking (especially loves to cook from seafood).

I.V. Kiryushin, Analysis and synthesis of a horoscope,

One of the most FAQ among my clients and girlfriends there is a question about the birth of children. Will they be at all? The answer to this question can give a birth horoscope. Unfortunately, not everything depends on us. If in this life, by fate, someone is not given to become parents, then most likely this will not happen. Of course, if your natal chart does not deny the appearance of a baby, then you will have it - either easily and naturally, or with the participation of doctors. And at your request. Often, girls who have not yet acquired children hear tactless questions addressed to them on the topic: “Why ?!” And even better: “What are you - childfree ?!” And then! Certainly. Be sure to insert a new learned foreign word in order to pass for an erudite. Or show a complete lack of education. It's not the same for everybody. Are there few reasons? It is unlikely that anyone, in response to such a clarification, will want to lay out a medical history or similar personal information that does not concern anyone. Suddenly, a person simply cannot have children or has not yet met a worthy father of the family. Or mother. Or met, but not that. Perhaps a person does not want children at all or is currently not ready for such a responsible step. Or maybe it's just not destiny. Our personal horoscope will tell us about fate or non-fate. The most important planet that is responsible for the birth of children is Jupiter.

It is he who is considered the significator of children. A natural significator, because relevant to all of us. There is also an individual significator - the ruler of the 5th House. This is the House of children, pleasures and entertainment. Those. everything fun and for someone nice. Cusp (boundary) 5 Houses necessarily falls into some sign of the Zodiac, and this sign of the Zodiac is controlled by some planet - this planet will be the individual significator of children in the birth horoscope. For example, if the cusp of our 5th House is in Virgo, then Mercury will rule our children. In addition, some planets may be located in the 5th House or some other sign may enter it, for example, Libra - the planet that controls Libra (Venus) will also have some significance and affect our ability to bear children. We will also be assisted in judgment by the Point of Children or the Lot of Children, as it is also called. All of the above applies to the natal charts of men, if we want to know about their future children. By the way, it would be nice to consider the cards and future mother, and a potential father, because it is possible that one of them will not be able to have children or that he may have difficulties on this topic, or difficulties with childbearing are likely in a given couple.

Consider Jupiter from all sides - what is its essential power, whether it is afflicted by malefics Saturn or Mars. Of particular importance is the defeat of Jupiter by Saturn. Next, we consider the individual significator of children for its merits and defeats.

It is very important to understand in which signs of the Zodiac the Ascendant and cusp of the 5th House are located, as well as in which signs Jupiter, the ruler of the 5th House and the Point of Children and the Moon, are located, because. signs are divided into fertile, barren and neutral.

According to traditional astrology according to V. Lilly:

Fertile signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Barren signs: Gemini, Leo, Virgo.

The rest of the signs are neutral. According to some teachings, Taurus, Libra and Capricorn are recognized as semi-fertile signs.

In the process of making a judgment, it is imperative to take into account aspects from the ruler of the Children's Point to the ruler of the horoscope and (or) to the cusp of the 5th House. It matters whether the ruling planet of the Point of Children is a pest or a benefactor, it will interfere or, conversely, help.

If the cusp of the 5th House is in a fertile sign, then this implies many children, Jupiter, which is in a fertile sign, will say the same. If Jupiter or the cusp of the 5th House is in a barren sign, there are few children or their absence in the presence of additional factors.

Saturn in the 5th House may indicate illegitimate children.

East Jupiter in the 1st or 10th House indicates that children will appear in the first half of life, West Jupiter in the 4th or 7th House gives children in the second half of life.

Venus in the 5th House, free from retrograde and burning, will give the desired number of children, from communication with which the parent will enjoy. If the 5th House is ruled by Mars, or if Mars is actually in the House of Children, then the baby will meet the characteristics of this planet.

If the Sun is seriously affected, then most likely there will be no marriage and children, but it is still extremely important to consider additional signs.

In any case, no matter what we ask the stars about, we look at the big picture.

Natal astrology allows you to learn a lot about the potencies of a person, for example, his ability to conceive and give birth to children. Children in the natal chart: their number, probable gender, your relationship with offspring, are determined by special astrological indicators.

You can clarify the issue of childbearing with a professional astrologer, but if you wish, you can really do it yourself. It is enough to find astrological indications regarding children in the natal chart, and this article is designed to help with this.

Children in the natal chart: data analysis

To determine the possibility of having children and their number with potential parents, you must first analyze the horoscopes of both partners, always taking into account the issue of their compatibility. It is these actions that will help to find out why partners have not been able to have children for a long time.

Modern astrology operates in many ways to read natal charts. However, in this case it is more appropriate to use traditional scheme data interpretation. In working with a horoscope, the master takes into account the signs of the zodiac, the features of their division into zones, aspects and the layout of astrological houses, planets related to children. The degrees of fertility and infertility are also taken into account, as well as the so-called parses or lots of children (special points in the horoscope).

What should I pay attention to when decrypting data?

First of all, these are the signs of the zodiac. It is believed that some signs increase fertility, while others, on the contrary, decrease.

The most prolific are all the signs of the water element: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, and also the earthly Taurus.

Signs of moderate fertility: Sagittarius and according to some astrologers, Capricorn and Libra.

Barren (sterile) signs: Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Aries.

Working on the topic of children, astrologers necessarily analyze the planets, which are also divided into fertile and sterile. They identify all the indicators of children in the natal chart, compare them with infertility indicators, if any, carry out similar work with the partner’s chart, and only then make some kind of forecast. Only the probability, the chance to conceive and have children, which is always there, is considered and evaluated if there is at least one important indication in the natal chart. Even when children are not visible in the natal chart, but there are many indicators of infertility, the current level of medicine allows you to work wonders. Therefore, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee of the reliability of the forecast!

Children in the natal chart: factors affecting fertility

Modern astrologers identify a number of the most prolific planets that everyone needs to watch - these are Jupiter, Venus and the Moon. The ruling planets of water signs are also important - Neptune for women, and Pluto and Mars for men. The remaining objects of the horoscope in classical astrology are considered infertile.

Why are these planets taken into account? It is believed that Jupiter, Venus and the Moon are humid, but the first two planets are also warm. It is these conditions that are most favorable for conceiving a child.

First of all, the location and aspects of the fertile planets in the horoscopes of partners are taken into account. They should have a connection with the fourth, fifth or eleventh houses of the horoscope, related to conception and childbearing.

The indicators of children in the natal chart are as follows:

  • 1st, 4th, 5th and 11th houses in fruitful signs;
  • the indicated houses and their rulers, as well as the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, fall into the fertile signs of the zodiac;
  • the planets listed above are located in the indicated houses;
  • fertile planets govern the signs of the zodiac in which the peaks of these houses are located;
  • there are harmonious aspects between the rulers of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 11th houses and the objects in these houses.

In addition, the location of the peaks of houses and planets in special degrees of fertility increases fertility, but first of all, the main factors are important. If there are at least two or three fertility indicators in the natal chart, children will almost certainly be. The more indications, the more large a person can be.

How to look for the answer to a question in the natal chart

To identify the possibility of having children between partners, it is necessary to follow a certain mechanism:

  • analyze the first, fourth, fifth and eleventh houses in the natal charts of partners. If such houses are placed in the fertile signs of the zodiac, then we can talk about the fertility of the couple. If placed in barren signs with only one partner, then the probability of conception will be lower than usual. If both have infertility, incompatibility between both partners is possible;
  • you need to look at exactly which planets are in the houses. The more prolific celestial bodies in homes, the greater the likelihood of multiple pregnancies;
  • calculate the strength of the planets and find out whether they retain their primary qualities while in right houses and signs, or have lost the necessary force of influence;
  • study all the major and minor aspects of the planets that are relevant to questions of progeny;
  • in order to establish the gender of children, it is necessary to analyze the natal chart for the involvement of male and female signs of the zodiac, as well as the degrees in which the planets fell, the peaks of the 4th, 5th, 11th houses and the lot of children.

The classification by gender type is as follows: Aries is a male sign, after it Taurus is female, then Gemini is male, Cancer is female, and so on in a circle up to the sign of Pisces. All odd degrees are masculine, all even degrees are feminine. If the ruling planets of the 4th, 5th, 11th houses, the houses themselves, are located predominantly in male signs and degrees, then there is a high probability of the birth of boys if female signs and degrees - girls.

It is this principle of work that allows us to systematize the data obtained and talk about the infertility of a couple or the possibility of having offspring.

But you should also take into account the special principles of working with the natal chart. The Sun and Moon located in the fifth house may not carry any information about the offspring, especially if the luminaries do not rule the 4th or 5th house. As a rule, they speak only about the internal qualities of the owner of the horoscope - his desire to have children and love for them.

Possible number of children

The potential number of children in the natal chart is often indicated by the number of progressive aspects that the ruler of the fifth house forms before he leaves the zodiac sign of his natal position. Major aspects are especially important: conjunction (0°), sextile (60°), square (90°), trine (120°) and opposition (180°).

If Jupiter is in the fifth house, then it increases the chance of not only having children, but also their number. Moreover, this planet does not always speak of blood offspring. For example, Steven Spielberg's horoscope, in which Jupiter is also placed in the fifth house, shows a large number of children. The director himself has seven children: two adopted, two from a previous marriage and three from his current wife.

Mercury is a fairly strong planet and often affects the birth of twins. If she is in any of the houses responsible for childbearing, this may indicate a multiple pregnancy or the birth of children from various people. Mercury can indicate childlessness if it is in the fifth house and only in conjunction with other unfertile planets.

If in the natal chart Saturn is in the fifth house, then we should expect the birth of the first-born only in more adulthood. At the same time, this planet can talk about the fear of the owner of the horoscope to have children, in more frequent cases indicates their small number (1-2 children).

If Uranus is located in any of the three houses responsible for offspring, then you should be extremely careful. He points to complications during childbearing, also talks about unplanned pregnancies. Uranus is the planet of extremes. He can speak both for the absence of children, and testify to a large number of them.

The planet Neptune talks about the adoption of a child, but does not tell you about his own children, you will have to focus on the location of other celestial bodies in the natal chart.

The nature of the child according to the natal chart

The astrological characteristic of the horoscope provides not only an analysis of the possibility of having children, but also their inner convictions and character. So Venus in the fifth house indicates that in the future a harmonious relationship will develop between the owner of the horoscope and his child.

Mars in the fifth house says that the children of the owner of the horoscope will be quite naughty and complex, you will have to make a lot of effort and work on them. These are impulsive children who gradually have to be accustomed to correct behavior and thinking.

The location of Uranus in the fifth house shows that the child of the owner of the horoscope can be capricious: nervous, unpredictable and independent, but at the same time extremely original and inquisitive.

What causes incorrect decoding of cards

In some cases, inattention can lead to quite negative consequences and undermine the authority of even a master of astrology.

There are several negative aspects of incorrect decoding of the natal chart:

  • telling a person the news that he will not be able to have children will entail lengthy medical examinations, expensive courses of treatment, and even operations, artificial insemination;
  • will cause nervous disorders, which will also negatively affect the rapid recovery of the body;
  • having read the card incorrectly and reporting the possibility of having children, the astrologer will set the partners in a positive way, but all their attempts will be fruitless.

Being engaged in astrological practice, it is extremely important not to be mistaken in your forecasts. It is impossible to pass a “sentence” on a client, since the work of an astrologer is not only the study of the influence of stars and planets on the fate of a person, but also the ability to support him in difficult times, direct or set him up for a positive result.

That is why most astrologers proceed from the principles of humanism. Even if the natal chart contains information that can become a source of stress for its owner, you should definitely find comforting information in the horoscope and report it. This will reduce the degree of decline in vitality and mood of the client. But, despite good intentions, you should always remember the principles of objectivism and in no case display deliberately false information in the horoscope.

In one of my articles, I have already considered such an important issue as having many children and childlessness from the point of view of astrology. But that article was more about the planets in the Fifth House, which is traditionally responsible for offspring. And yesterday a friend asked me to look at her map for the number of children. I thought that it was probably some kind of sign, and it would be nice to continue considering this issue, but with other astrological methods. Moreover, very often women who have certain problems with either conceiving or bearing a child apply, so there is already enough experience and a statistical base.

So, in order to make a correct judgment regarding a person having many children or childlessness, we need to consider his Fifth House, namely: the sign in which the cusp of this house is located, the Ruler of this house, its aspects, position in the house and so on. In traditional astrology, there is a division into the so-called fertile and barren signs. All signs of the water trine are fertile, that is, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, as well as the earth sign - Taurus. Gemini, Leo and Virgo are barren. All others are considered neutral. It is believed that the fact that the cusp of the Fifth House and the Ruler of this house fall into fertile signs is one of the indications of fertility. However, not everything is so simple. The ruling planet of the Fifth house can be seriously affected, both by falling into an unfavorable house, and by a tense aspect from Saturn, Uranus or Pluto. As for Neptune, they cannot say for sure, according to my statistics, it is these three planets that cause the maximum damage.

The favorable aspect of the Ruler of the Fifth House with Jupiter increases the number of possible children. This is due to the nature of Jupiter - the planet of expansion, which always increases what it comes into contact with. In addition to the Fifth House, one should always evaluate the position of the Moon in the sign. If she is in a fertile sign, this is also a strong indication of a sufficient number of children.

It is highly undesirable for the Ruler of the Fifth House to be burned or retrograde. Retrograde is always an accidental disadvantage for the planet, but I liked how the famous astrologer Konstantin Daragan explained the meaning of retrograde in the context of the Fifth House. Retrograde is known to be associated with return. The root itself "retro" in Latin means "back". So Daragan believes that retrograde indicates either an abortion, or a miscarriage, or other reasons for terminating a pregnancy. If we consider this position from a philosophical point of view, then the child returns to where he came from - to heaven.

Ruler of the Fifth House in the Eighth or Twelfth are bad indicators for a child. Both of these houses are associated with hardships, difficulties. Ruler of the Fifth in the Twelfth can give problems with conception or gestation. A woman contacted me for a consultation, who has such an arrangement of the planet: she had several miscarriages, she even tried IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), but, unfortunately, all attempts were in vain. Judging by the directions, she will still have a child, but only in a few years.

Here is another example. I propose to fully consider the girl’s card in order to determine whether she will have children, and if so, how many - many or few !? At the request of the girl, I expose only the card itself, without indicating her birth data.

So, the Ruler of the Fifth House is in a fertile sign - Scorpio, but the junior ruler Mars is located in the Eighth House in Aquarius, in the first degree, plus everything else in the mine, which is a strong accidental disadvantage. Senior ruler - Pluto, retrograde, is in a sign of exile, and has a tense aspect with Venus from the Sixth House.

For the sake of completeness, consider another co-ruler of the Fifth House - Jupiter. It is retrograde again, at zero degrees, in the Twelfth House. The Moon is in a fertility-neutral sign, Aries, and has a trine with Jupiter, albeit divergent.

Based on such an analysis, we can definitely say that the topic of children, pregnancy for a person will be quite painful. Miscarriages are not excluded. But the house cusp itself is in a fertile sign and the Moon is in aspect to Jupiter. Roughly speaking, not all is lost. From what I know, the woman gave birth to only one child. She repeatedly had miscarriages and abortions, which were extremely detrimental to her mental health.

Of course, there are other criteria by which the number of children can be determined, these are the Lots of the first child, the second child, etc. The position of the fictitious planets in the Fifth House also provides a wealth of information on this topic. Therefore, considering only (!) The fifth house is incorrect. One thing torn out of the chart will not bring much information and benefit to the interpreter, since any natal chart always has a bunch of aspects in which it is not surprising to get confused, it is for a competent judgment that an experienced astrologer is needed.

With love,
Your Sofia


In this article, we will look at how children are seen in the natal chart, and how to predict the birth of a child. Let's start right away with the main thing. To predict the birth of a child, you need to find the future parent of the planet in the natal chart, the distance between which in degrees approximately corresponds to the childbearing age in years. That is, we are looking for planets, the angular distance between which is 16 - 40 degrees. Next, you need to select suitable pairs of planets. In these pairs, the Moon, Sun, Jupiter and Venus should be represented mainly. Also, in a suitable pair, only one of these planets can be represented, but then the probability of making the forecast decreases, or rather, the possibility of an event of a different nature appears. In the end, we do the calculation for the selected pairs. For example, if in the natal chart the distance between the Sun and Venus is 27 degrees 10 minutes, then we can talk about a slightly higher probability of having a child at the age of 27 years and 2 months (10 minutes is one sixth of a degree, which corresponds to one sixth of a year, that is two months).

The cusps of houses can also participate in the formation of such pairs. In this context, of interest are primarily the ascendant, as well as the cusps of the fourth, fifth, seventh and eighth houses. Pairs involving fictitious points, such as the lunar nodes, Lilith and Selena, should also be looked at, especially the lunar nodes. It should be borne in mind that children in the natal chart are a karmic phenomenon, and Rahu, Ketu, Lilith and Selena are just present in pronounced karmic events. Some astrologers try to consider lots (Arabic dots). This is especially tempting because there are lots for the birth of children, and with an indication of gender. But the use of Arabic dots in practice does not give as brilliant results as we would like.

Children in the natal chart can be identified by the movement of heavy planets. Pluto is especially good in this sense, as it has a connection with Scorpio and the eighth house, responsible for the processes of birth and death. It is worth paying attention to the transit passage of Pluto on the Moon, Venus and the Sun, as well as on the nodes and cusps of the houses mentioned above.

But one should not think that children in the natal chart are determined with high accuracy. Firstly, any of the described aspects can be an indication of another event that is close in astrological meaning. For example, a distance of 27 degrees 10 minutes between the Sun and Venus can at 27 years and 2 months give with equal probability marriage, the appearance of a lover (lover) and the birth of a child, and the passage of transit Pluto on Venus can give both the formation of a love affair and its destruction. Secondly, the forecast takes into account a kind of orb plus or minus two or three months. And thirdly, the aspect can work both at the time of birth and at the time of conception.