Interior decoration of a wooden house - the right approach is important. How to inexpensively cover the walls inside a house made of timber? Cover the interior walls of a wooden house

Carrying out interior finishing work is the final stage in the construction of private houses. The finishing of a wooden house depends on the material of the walls. That is why before starting work it is necessary to process all wooden elements antiseptic agents. In this article we will tell you in detail what to sheathe wooden house from the inside and how to choose the right material.

Basic requirements for facing material

Walls in a wooden house should be clad taking into account the shrinkage of the structure. The shrinkage process directly affects the selected material. Before cladding a building, pay attention to the following points:

  • Seasonality of residence. The house is not always used for permanent residence. When covering inexpensive materials there is a possibility of their deformation or cracking, because V winter period the temperature inside the house will not be comfortable.
  • Design parameters. Weight load-bearing structures is of great importance, because when they shrink, they can significantly deform the decorative coating.
  • Environmental standards of the material. Not all products meet environmental standards; even the most expensive product can release toxins or formaldehyde compounds.
  • Cost and appearance. Cheap doesn't mean bad. Expensive material is not always capable of making a difference high quality and fit harmoniously into the overall interior.

When choosing a material, consult with experts and study reviews, then you can clearly answer the question of how to cover the walls in a wooden house.

Material characteristics

A timber house can be sheathed using the following products:

  • lining;
  • drywall;
  • block house;
  • PVC panel;
  • MDF panel;
  • wood material: OSB, chipboard or plywood.

Now let’s look at each cladding material in more detail.

Using lining

The lining is simple boards, with built-in special grooves, due to which the wood fits tightly against each other. The photo shows the floor and walls finished with clapboard

The disadvantage of using lining is its stereotyped nature, such interior design It looks good, but it’s unlikely that it will be possible to give some individuality to the premises. The advantages of lining include:

  • huge selection of wood species;
  • various types of product processing;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • pleasant aroma inside the house.

For information! Before covering the rooms with clapboard, it is necessary to assemble a frame from wooden or metal bars. This method will help eliminate all kinds of surface irregularities.

Using a block house

If you like rounded logs, but you don’t know how to cover the inside of a house made of timber, block house will ideal option. This material is widely used in the decoration of cottages; wood can not only decorate a room, but also provide maximum comfort and coziness. Among the advantages of this material it is worth noting:

  • high environmental friendliness, products are made from natural types of wood that undergo special drying;
  • mechanical strength allows the product not to lose its appearance and positive characteristics;
  • has an aesthetic appearance and can decorate any home;
  • easy way to attach.

For information! Block house from coniferous species wood allows you to maintain a favorable microclimate inside the building, and hardwood products are highly resistant to moisture.

The disadvantages include:

  • low vapor permeability;
  • high flammability of the material.

Block house looks great inside a wooden house

Using drywall

IN Lately Drywall is often used to finish wooden buildings. However, experts do not recommend using gypsum, because it has a number of disadvantages. If you carry out interior work immediately after building a house, drywall may crack or become deformed during shrinkage. It is also worth noting that after attaching the gypsum sheets, they must be plastered and painted. The joints are sealed, which makes the space in the house sealed.

PVC panel

If you want to save money, but don’t know how to sheathe the inside of a timber house, a plastic panel is the most economical option. The advantages include:

  • ease of installation;
  • high resistance to moisture;
  • large selection of panel color palettes.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • low environmental friendliness;
  • the panels are not capable of passing steam and air;
  • When ignited, they quickly melt and release dangerous and harmful substances to human health.

According to reviews from home owners, the main area of ​​application plastic panels- non-residential or utility premises.

Using MDF panels

MDF panels are made from a more environmentally friendly material than plastic. The surface of the product is quite smooth and does not require complex finishing. The panels can be fastened either directly to the wall or using a frame. Manufacturers produce MDF panels various designs, colors and textures, you can use them to decorate any room in the house.

It is worth noting that the MDF panel can additionally insulate and soundproof the walls.

Important! In rooms where heating is not provided or there is high humidity, it is strictly forbidden to use MDF!

Thanks to interesting colors You can make your premises unique and stylish. The photo shows a room covered with MDF

Use of wood material

All products from wood material(OSB, plywood and chipboard) are used to perform rough work, but they are practically not used for final finishing work. In addition, during the production process, wood products are treated with special adhesives and impregnations, which evaporate and negatively affect human health.

For information! Sheet plywood is considered the safest wood product used for finishing work. It is used as a base to level the wall for wallpapering.

We carry out interior cladding of the house

Most often, owners of private wooden houses use clapboard as cladding. As a rule, for rooms with high humidity it is used plastic lining, and for the rest of the rooms they use wooden cladding panels. Wooden lining perfectly soundproofs, insulates and has a beneficial effect on the microclimate. Before sheathing a house made of timber, the lining is prepared, i.e. treated with a special bioprotective agent. Wood processing allows you to protect the material from rotting, mold and various insects. Next, all products are thoroughly dried. Installation of the lining is carried out on the sheathing. The frame is assembled from ready-made slats and the sheathing is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws at a distance of 50 cm. A small gap is left between the wall and the cladding, which serves as ventilation. If the structure requires additional insulation, lay a special material and cover it with a vapor barrier. Finally, a sheathing is built on which wooden cladding panels will be mounted.

Installation of the lining is carried out in two ways:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

The horizontal method begins with laying from the ceiling to the floor, with the grooves facing down. This arrangement will prevent debris, dust and other foreign objects from getting into the grooves of the boards. To obtain smooth and high-quality masonry, we recommend checking the evenness of the wall every 10-15 panels.

The vertical method begins with laying the panels from the corner. A clamp is fixed into the groove of the rear wall, which is carefully nailed to the sheathing slats. The first panel is secured with nails, the head of which is closed decorative corner. Installation of the lining is carried out as in horizontal method with the obligatory insertion of planks into each other. Fasteners carefully press the material, and as a result it is lined up into a single fabric. The last facing panel is also fixed with nails. The final stage will be decorating the interior, external joints using decorative plinth, slats and corners. If desired, the panels can be coated with a special varnish, which will provide protection from moisture and temperature changes. The photo shows the final finishing inside the house

The presented characteristics of materials will allow you to take into account the features of the structure, its interior design, and will also help you easily answer the question of what is the best way to sheathe your house.

The final stage of construction is finishing the inside of a wooden house, and in this case, photos can help the owners decide on the style of their future home, but they will have to choose the materials themselves, as well as carry out a series of preparatory work. Wood has special requirements for subsequent finishing, so when carrying out interior work its properties and characteristics should be taken into account. In addition, do not forget that a house made of wood is not only beautiful and warm, but also has a special energy. Its interior design can either emphasize unity and harmony with nature, creating an atmosphere of unique comfort, or be ultra-modern, but no less comfortable.

When should interior finishing work be carried out?

The interior decoration of a house made of wood should be carried out only after the main shrinkage has passed (this only applies to “fresh” log houses). At this stage, active shrinkage of the tree occurs, the beams or logs change their dimensions downward, and the insulation is pressed. If the interior finishing is done before the shrinkage is completed, the result can be a curved coating, which may also fall off and you will have to start all over again.

The duration of shrinkage is affected by:

  • Type of house construction.
  • Material (timber, log, etc.), its initial moisture content.
  • Climatic zone of construction.
  • Construction time.

In particular, a house made of laminated veneer lumber shows the main shrinkage 3-4 weeks after construction, this is the most fast deadline. Other types of wooden houses require several months or even years to shrink. On average, finishing inside a house can begin only 10-12 months after the completion of construction itself.

Houses made of wood have unique splendor and beauty. Natural texture of the array with original patterns creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Properly completed finishing of a wooden house inside, photo examples of which can be seen in the selection, will preserve the attractive appearance of the building for a long time and ensure comfortable living.

The choice of materials for the interior decoration of a wooden house must take into account a lot of individual factors and indicators. It is important to determine the time of residence and weather conditions of the region in which the building is located.

Using a house during the warm season does not require additional insulation or facing materials, it is enough to simply cover the wood with stain, varnish, and tinting solutions.

A wooden house is capable of maintaining a unique temperature regime and humidity level, so when choosing finishing materials it is important to preserve the advantages of the microclimate and the naturalness of the structure. The design of walls and other surfaces should be environmentally friendly and safe. According to experts, the optimal finishing options should be similar to the wood species of the main structure.

The influence of temperature and humidity during the operation of the house can affect the material, causing expansion or contraction, so it is better to ensure that the coefficients of the base and interior decoration match as much as possible. It is not recommended to use coniferous wood during wet areas and strong heating, due to the release of resins. It is important to save individual approach upon registration different rooms home, taking into account the characteristics of each room.


Decorating the interior cladding of a wooden house using plasterboard is in most cases used to eliminate various defects, uneven walls, or to hide communications. In some cases, plasterboard materials are used to finish ceiling surfaces, or as additional interior partitions with imitation of natural textures.

In rooms with high humidity levels, it is recommended to use materials with a moisture-resistant coating, with high temperatures– fire-resistant. It is better to install drywall on a timber sheathing. For houses made of wood, it is not recommended to use structures made of metal profiles.


Modern types of clapboard cladding photo are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance, simplicity and ease of installation. Special fastenings on the lamellas allow you to create a beautiful, smooth surface. Color palette The material will act as an excellent imitation of wood. The optimal area of ​​application would be rooms with high humidity: kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

The main advantages of the lining material:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • wide selection of colors and shades;
  • variety of varieties.

Disadvantages include the high cost of the material and its high maintenance requirements. Cladding the walls with clapboard is carried out after preliminary work has been carried out and the sheathing has been created from timber.

Before installation, the slats are thoroughly cleaned and dried. If necessary, solutions of ammonia or hydrogen peroxide are used to eliminate defects in the form of spots and streaks. At the final stage, the surface lined with lining is varnished, sanded and again treated with a varnish composition.

Block house

  • environmental friendliness;
  • Using a house block for wall cladding will preserve the style and microclimate of a wooden house. The main advantages of the material include:
  • mechanical strength;
  • aesthetics;
  • a light weight;

ease of assembly. Although the material has few disadvantages, it does have them, including low vapor permeability and high flammability. The material is a good imitation of texture natural wood

, as in the photo, having a high degree of decorativeness. For interior finishing, it is recommended to use lamellas with a thickness of about 25 mm. Massive options will require a more durable sheathing made of timber, which will result in a noticeable reduction in the free space of the room. After calculating the quantity required material

, experts recommend adding about another 10 percent of the reserve. The color of the lamellas from another batch may differ, which will negatively affect the appearance of the cladding. Before starting work, the block house must reach room temperature after lying in the room for about two days.

  • Stages of the main work:
  • installation of the material is carried out on a pre-prepared timber sheathing, in increments of 50 cm;
  • the boards of the block house are connected using special protrusions on their surface, as in the photo;
  • materials will require some care in the form of cleaning, periodic painting, or varnishing.

Clean log house

The interior design of a wooden house using a clean frame will allow you to preserve the style and naturalness of the residential building, ensuring exceptional environmental friendliness and cleanliness of finishing. The coating will require systematic maintenance, updating the coating, removing dust and dirt.

It is also recommended to repeat sanding and finishing with varnish compounds once every five years. The walls of a wooden house can be subject to shrinkage under the influence of moisture, temperature changes, drying of the timber, and shrinkage. Finishing with a clean frame will not be able to hide this defect.

Recently, more and more people prefer finishing private houses with clean logs, which is due to the fact that such finishing is environmentally friendly, natural beauty, and durable. As for the disadvantages, this is a fairly large volume of material, which makes it difficult to dry, easy flammability and possible rotting.


In wooden houses, this type of finishing such as plaster is used very rarely. As an exception, it can be used for decorative covering certain zones. Plaster finishing is done using textured versions of the material.

The advantage of this type of coating is the ability to quickly and available alignment surfaces, as can be seen in the photo. The advantages of the material also include:

  • elasticity;
  • preservation of original properties for a long time;
  • resistance to various mechanical influences;
  • does not require careful care;
  • does not absorb dirt;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • variety of colors and textures.

The main disadvantages include the high cost of high-quality decorative materials. The specifics of a wooden house, taking into account periodic shrinkage and expansion under the influence of temperatures, will require repeating the finishing with putty every five years.


The surface of the timber without flaws with a flat, smooth surface can not be hidden behind the skin, emphasizing the natural beauty, style, decorative painting. You will first need to sand and paint the walls. Minor defects The seams can be easily hidden under a special cord, which will create an additional seal, protecting against drafts.

Covering the walls and ceiling is done using a colored antiseptic, or paint on water based. This treatment will provide an aesthetic appearance to the surface and allow the base to breathe. Colored antiseptics have many advantages:

  • provide reliable protection from the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms (fungus, mold);
  • preserve the structure of the wood, aesthetic appearance, prevent darkening;
  • favorably emphasize the natural texture of the log house;
  • create a beautiful tone, highlighting the natural patterns of wood.

You can treat the surfaces with a colorless antiseptic compound, completing the coating with a tinting solution, adjusting the color intensity by the number of layers applied. Choosing a color as in the photo will help set the style of the room. Exists huge variety shades of tinting composition with various types coatings from exquisite gloss to silky matte texture.


Emphasize individual style The interior will be decorated with wall panels. Materials are selected depending on personal preferences and interior design of the rooms. The panels can be made of laminated, veneered MDF with a good imitation of the pattern of wood, plastic, bamboo, natural wood, leather, plaster.

The advantages of any wall panels include the following:

  • relatively simple installation;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation properties;
  • attractive look.

In addition to the listed advantages, each of the specific types of panels has additional advantages. The same can be said about the disadvantages, which are individual for each type of material.

The size of the panels is selected individually. Installation of the elements is very simple and is carried out using a tongue and groove system. You will first need to make a sheathing of timber on which the panels are installed. The result is a smooth, seamless coating, optionally imitating wood, which will easily fit into even the most intricate interior.

Floor surface design

The choice of floor covering for a wooden house should be durable and reliable. Natural boards are able to emphasize the style of the room, acting as a harmonious addition to it. Special treatment with varnish and antiseptic will protect the coating from moisture and prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Finishing the floor with laminate has a number of advantages, reducing installation time and providing a high degree of decorativeness.

Experts recommend using insulation that is laid on rough coating before finishing. Thermal insulation will reliably protect you from the cold. Foil insulators are successfully used, mineral wool, or bulk materials photo. Laying is carried out between the main beams. A gap of about two centimeters should be left between the subfloor with insulation and the finishing finish.

Ceiling finishing

Decor ceiling surface has many variations. The interior decoration of a wooden coffered house looks elegant and beautiful, thanks to the original combination of decorative inserts and wooden beams. A variant of painted ceilings is used in interiors to create a national style in ethno style.

The ceilings of wooden houses can also be covered with clapboard, creating a flat surface. The play of shades and textures of the material allows the color of the ceiling to stand out against the background of the wall cladding. Connoisseurs of natural beauty, using the country or loft style, can leave the ceiling unchanged, preserving the pristine beauty of the wood with natural chips, cracks in the timber, and beams.

The Scandinavian style in the photo for wooden houses is especially popular, characterized by laconicism and restraint in design. Minimalistic furnishings harmoniously convey warmth and beauty natural materials. Wood, as the main material, is present in decoration and decoration. Original Scandinavian style will emphasize the individuality of the building and give it a complete look.

Rooms with high humidity levels will require attention Special attention finishing coating of the ceiling. In this case, it is not recommended to leave the wood uncoated. In the bathroom, in the kitchen it is rational to use tensile structures. PVC coating resistant to moisture and steam and will reliably protect wooden surfaces. Species variety of textures, color solutions suspended ceilings allow you to perform high-quality and stylish finishing.

The best options for finishing ceilings in a wooden house are the following materials:

  • laminate - looks great as a ceiling finish;
  • tension coverings - will save you if the house shrinks;
  • veneer panels - go well with wooden walls.

Stretch ceiling
Veneered panels

Wall cladding options

The interior finishing of a wooden house can be done different ways using modern materials with excellent quality characteristics. The choice of wall surface design in the photo is based on individual preferences and the stylistic decision of the interior of the room. Materials with a realistic imitation of timber and clapboard cladding are successfully used.

Wall cladding is carried out after installation of communication systems and electrical wiring. Initially, you should check the surfaces for level, making sure they are level. If there are irregularities, you will need to install a frame or lathing to lay the finishing material. The distance between the slats of the timber sheathing should be from 40 to 70 cm. The space between them should be carefully filled with insulating material.

After fixing the insulation, you can begin finishing the cladding. Finishing with lining with imitation of natural timber will emphasize the style, original look, will fill the atmosphere of the room with warmth and comfort. Before laying, it is important to check the material for defects and make sure there are no chips, knots or damage. On final stage the surface is treated with a special putty, sanded, covered with stain and paint and varnish compositions. Experts recommend giving preference to a semi-matte varnish coating in interiors with wood trim Glossy compounds acquire an unnatural shine after several treatments.

If we talk about which material is better for finishing walls, then in the case of a wooden house you can leave the natural appearance of the log house by first sanding it and tinting it. It is also worth applying an antiseptic or water-based paint to protect the wood. Also excellent option Any materials on a natural wood base will become suitable. If your financial situation allows, then you should pay attention to cork covering

, which has a lot of undeniable advantages.

Main stages of finishing work

  • The finishing of a wooden house must be carried out in stages in compliance with all the rules for carrying out work. The main stages of finishing activities are:
  • caulking;
  • finishing of walls;
  • headliner;
  • laying flooring;
  • stain treatment;


Caulking the seams of a log house

Before starting finishing work, mandatory measures should be taken to treat the base of the walls for biosecurity and fire protection of the house. Special compounds are used to protect the surface from various influences. High-quality processing can also provide a decorative finish. A lot of materials are used for construction, but residential buildings built from wood continue to be popular. The atmosphere in a wooden house is characterized by positive energy and comfort. However interior decoration

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Start of finishing work

It’s worth noting right away that starting Finishing work from the inside of the house, immediately after its construction is not worth it. The structure is made of wood and must stand for some time and shrink. For houses built from laminated veneer lumber, this period is about a month. Other wooden houses must stand for at least ten months before finishing work begins. The exact timing is determined based on the moisture content of the material, the climatic conditions of the region and the time of year. During this time, the wood that served as the material for construction dries out. Accordingly, the timber or logs are reduced in size, and at the same time the insulation laid between the rows of the log house is compressed. Premature start of finishing work in a wooden house will lead to the fact that the cladding will be distorted or will not stay on the wall at all. In other words, haste in finishing a wooden house will lead to additional costs of time and money.

Log crowns and their tightness

You can ensure the tightness of the wooden walls of the house with the help of tow; jute material is sometimes used with moss. The process of sealing the cracks between the crowns of a log house is called caulking. As a rule, caulk a log house in two approaches. The first time this happens 1-1.5 months after completion of construction, and the second time after 6-8 months. The cracks between the rows of timber or logs are caulked, immediately from the outside and from the inside. Otherwise, the structure may warp. Therefore, in the process, the caulks move along the walls of the house and seal them alternately on both sides. Caulking starts from the lowest crowns.

It is worth noting that after caulking the log house becomes 5-7 centimeters higher. Then, the weight of the walls of the log house makes itself felt and it settles. As a result, insulation laid between rows of timber or logs reliably seals the walls. The temperature in the house depends on the quality of this work. In addition to preserving heat, the second caulk allows you to eliminate small distortions that arose during the process of settling the log house.

Interior decoration of the walls begins only after they are finally caulked and the house itself has settled. The shrinkage process of the building is checked using control measurements of the height of the walls. A wooden house is considered ready for interior decoration if, after the second caulking, the height of its walls has not changed for 90 days.

Sanding walls inside a wooden house

In some cases, finishing work inside a wooden house is not required. This is true for houses built from quality material and as a result having a pleasant appearance, both outside and inside. In this case, you can significantly save money. The walls of such a house just need to be sanded and painted. It is better to use a varnish coating to protect the floor from abrasion. Walls and ceilings can be treated with special paints and water-based antiseptics. The surfaces treated with them will not lose their natural appearance, but on the contrary, the texture of wooden walls will become more expressive. The use of antiseptics is necessary in any case, if, of course, you want to maintain the pleasant external design of wooden walls.

A caulking seam between rows of timber or logs can spoil the impression of any wooden walls. Therefore, to refine such a seam, a twisted cord is used. He not only acts as decorative decoration, but also additionally protects the premises from drafts.

Lathing and its significance in the interior decoration of a wooden house

Sanding the walls of some houses will no longer bring any benefit. This applies to overly old or crooked buildings. For the interior decoration of such houses, options such as products made from plasterboard, lining, decorative panels, etc. are used.

Installation of any such finishing material involves the use of a frame or sheathing that will help level out the curvature of the walls. In addition, the presence of the lathing will allow air to circulate freely. For a wooden structure, this is an important factor. As a result of natural air movement, the wall material will not change color and will not rot. Only dry wood is not subject to these processes. Circulating air between the walls and finishing materials will allow the wood of the walls to maintain its normal condition.

The distance between the wall and the finish is also used for laying cables and wires of various communications: electricity or household appliances. Electrical wiring, by the way, in wooden houses should only be installed in pipes made of non-flammable material(the most common are corrugated stainless steel tubes). If necessary, a material providing thermal insulation is placed in the gap provided by the sheathing. However, if the house keeps comfortable temperature, you should not use any additional materials. Wood itself does an excellent job of maintaining the required humidity in a room, and excess materials can do harm rather than good.

However, fixation finishing materials lathing also has its drawbacks. For example, if insects or rodents appear between the wall and the cladding, it will be quite difficult to eliminate them. However, before attaching finishing materials to the wall, it will need to be leveled. An absolutely flat surface of wooden walls can be difficult to achieve, but with the right approach, it is quite possible. In order to seal the gaps and cracks remaining between the wall and the cladding, special mastics are used. Once upon a time, clay was used instead, and in some places it is still used.

Regardless of the finishing materials, it is necessary that a gap of at least 20-40 millimeters be maintained between the cladding and the ceiling. This will play the role of insurance in case of additional shrinkage of the new house. For an old building, the gap will compensate for changes in the wooden walls. A material such as wood “breathes” throughout its entire service life. It changes accordingly: it swells when it takes on water, or it dries out. A gap left under the ceiling in time will allow the metamorphosis of wooden walls to remain without consequences for the facing materials. The absence of such precautions can lead to deformation or the appearance of cracks in finishing materials. To ensure that the gap does not stand out against the general background, it is used ceiling plinth, it is rigidly fixed only to the ceiling.

Lining for interior decoration of a wooden house

Manufacturers offer the most different variants facing materials for interior decoration. However, to decorate a wooden house they often resort to lining. It allows you to save general style and the atmosphere of a wooden building. Such material can be used both for exterior finishing, and for internal ones (only the methods of processing them differ). The lining can be the most different types. Moreover, we are not talking about the wood from which it is made and not about its size. The profile of the lining, depending on the wishes of the customer, can be modified. There are wavy or even design of the material, as well as imitation of timber or logs (block house).

To finish the walls inside a wooden house, lining 15-20 millimeters thick is used. Its cost is less than that of thicker analogues, but such material fulfills its tasks. You can arrange the lining boards in any order: horizontally, vertically, at an angle. Those with remarkable patience and hard work are able to create entire paintings from lining.

When fixing the lining to the sheathing or to the walls, do not forget about possible shrinkage of the house. To compensate for possible changes in wooden walls, leave a gap of 20-40 millimeters near the floor and ceiling.

Decorative wall panels

Often, decorative panels are used for interior decoration of houses and apartments. There are claddings made from different materials and imitating a variety of surfaces:

  • MDF panels (veneered or laminated).
  • Glass panels: smooth, corrugated, colored, matte, transparent.
  • Polymer panels.
  • Panels made of wood or bamboo.
  • Leather panels.

The panels also differ in size; they are produced in the form of slats assembled together or directly in the form of a shield (sizes vary). The lining, by the way, is the same panels, but it stands apart because this material was used for finishing work long before the appearance of other similar products.

Decorative panels are fixed to the wall, usually using lathing. The thickness and location of the bars, which depends on the type and size of the selected decorative panels. This finishing material is popular among designers and homeowners because the abundance of colors, sizes and materials allows you to create unusual, memorable interiors. Decorative panels They also differ in price. For example, panels made of polymers and MDF are significantly cheaper than leather products.

Some types of panels are mounted only with glue (gypsum products), so to fix them to the sheathing they resort to additional slabs from gypsum fiber board or plywood. These are called backing panels and are attached to the sheathing first. The main facing panels are already glued to them.

Drywall in a wooden house

The interior decoration of walls with plasterboard is no different from the decoration of rooms made of other materials. Drywall is attached in advance assembled frame. True, as in other cases, it is necessary to leave a safety gap.

The main condition under which it is permissible to finish walls with plasterboard is the operation of the house for several years, i.e. the house must be warmed up and undergo final shrinkage. This is due to the fact that plasterboard is fragile, and with significant changes in the geometry of the walls, it will become unusable. Such metamorphoses of wall surfaces can be ignored if the frame is movable. To do this, its profiles are not fixed too rigidly to the walls.

When finishing walls with plasterboard, there is one more nuance: all joints and seams, as well as in the corners, must use reinforcing mesh. The use of such a mesh will prevent or slow down the occurrence of cracks in problem areas.

Interior decoration of an old wooden house

If the age of the wooden house in which finishing work is planned is several decades, then the first step is to assess the safety of the wood. To do this, you will need to dismantle all the old cladding. After which, carefully examine all places that differ from the general background of the wall surface in color or texture of the pattern. If necessary, suspicious areas should be checked by trying to damage them with a knife, screwdriver or chisel. If the tree has a dense structure everywhere and has no signs of mold or fungi, then you can begin finishing work. In some cases, it is recommended to treat the wood with special impregnations. When using them, remember that such impregnations are based on chemical elements.

However, if the wall material crumbles due to mechanical stress, then it is necessary to identify the causes of destruction. The most likely options are the appearance of insects, mold and other microorganisms. Sometimes, an outside specialist is invited to determine treatment methods for the infected section of the wall. Damaged areas of wooden walls must be dismantled and replaced; areas adjacent to these elements will need to be intensively treated with special compounds.

After assessing the condition of the walls of the old house, and carrying out, if necessary, repair work, you can begin interior decoration. Work on decorating the premises of an old wooden house is carried out in the same order as described above. The only difference is that the safety gap should not be left.

When and how is the interior of the walls of a wooden house finished? And in general, is this really necessary, since the tree itself looks good?

These questions are of considerable interest to owners country cottages and dachas. Indeed, according to statistics, about a third of residential construction projects in rural areas built from lumber.

So, let's try to figure out why finishing the interior walls of a wooden house is needed.

What caused the need for finishing

As already mentioned, about a third of low-rise buildings outside the city are built using lumber. In this case, it is a rounded log or beam.

According to some lovers of rustic aesthetics, a log wall looks original and attractive. But if you set out to give your living space the appearance of a room in a city apartment, you cannot do without additional finishing.

In addition, high-quality wall finishing inside a wooden house, in addition to aesthetic advantages, guarantees practical benefits. For example, by leveling log walls from the inside with sheet material, a layer can be integrated into the resulting gaps thermal insulation material and thus reduce the thermal conductivity of the entire structure.

We list the main options for finishing walls in a wooden house and tell you about ways to implement them.

Sheathing with OSB boards

The walls of a log cabin can be easily leveled using oriented strand boards (OSB).

The technology of facing work is as follows:

  • Using a water level and a flat plank, we determine the relief on the walls;
  • We make a lathing from wooden slats with a step between adjacent slats of 0.6-1 m;
  • we lay the battens in the gaps insulating materials, such as stone wool;
  • fasten on top of the sheathing waterproofing materials, for example glassine;
  • Next we install oriented strand boards.

Installation of OSB is carried out with some offset of one row of slabs relative to the other. This is done to give the finish the greatest strength.

After interior lining walls are completed, the gaps between the slabs are filled polymer putties and polished. Further, walls finished with OSB can be used as a rough base for wallpapering, painting, tiling, etc.

The advantages of the method include the following:

  • affordable price of material;
  • ease of finishing work;
  • versatility of using finished cladding;
  • environmental safety of finishing;
  • the possibility of using heat-insulating and sound-proofing materials;
  • possibility of laying utilities under the finishing layer.

Sheathing with plasterboard

If you are faced with the question of how to decorate the walls in a wooden house, it’s time to think about using drywall. GVL sheets are a universal solution for covering various surfaces, provided the degree of humidity in the room does not exceed 60% .

Installation of sheets is simple; moreover, due to the use of this finishing material, various complex architectural solutions can be implemented in a wooden house. The technology for installing plasterboard sheets is in many ways similar to installing OSB boards, only an order of magnitude simpler.

To work you will need:

  • GVL slabs (standard sizes are determined in accordance with the characteristics of the room and the budget allocated for the project);
  • metallic profile;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • gypsum-based putty;
  • screwdriver;
  • “glass” nozzle for drilling holes for switches and sockets;
  • mounting knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • water level;
  • roulette;
  • cord;
  • container for diluting putty;
  • spatulas (rubber and metal).

The instructions for carrying out the work are as follows:

  • We cut the profile into strips of the required length and fasten it to the wall surface with self-tapping screws in increments 60 cm from each other;
  • If necessary, we supplement the vertical profiles with horizontal jumpers;
  • In the intervals between the profile we immediately place engineering Communication and a layer of heat and sound insulating material;

Important: The use of sound insulation is mandatory, since the empty space between the walls and the cladding will cause resonances, which will increase the perception of noise in the room.

  • Next, we attach the sheets of drywall. We do this so that the screws are recessed flush with the surface, but not too deep so that the finishing material does not crack;
  • After the drywall is installed, we drill holes for sockets and switches and route the corresponding cables into them;
  • We fill all joints, reliefs and recesses under the heads of self-tapping screws with putty mixture and level them;
  • After the putty has dried, carefully sand the surface to a perfectly smooth state.

The advantages of the method include:

  • tight deadlines for installation work;
  • durability of the finished result;
  • the ability to carry out installation work with your own hands from start to finish;
  • fire safety of wall cladding;
  • environmental safety of the solution due to the zero content of toxins and allergens.

However, there is also a drawback - the finishing material does not tolerate excess moisture, and therefore installation of drywall is advisable only in dry rooms with the obligatory use of high-quality waterproofing.

Installation of wall panels

Wall panels- a wide range of finishing materials from which you can choose best option in relation to the features of the construction site.

The entire range of wall panels can be divided into two categories:

  • moisture-resistant modifications– made using natural solid wood, plastic or plywood, laminated on both sides;
  • non-moisture resistant modifications– made using cork or chipboard.

Let's look at the main points of installation of the most common ones:

  • On wooden wall we stuff horizontal slats in increments 60 cm;

Important: You need to make sure that all slats protrude forward the same distance (this is checked by a level beam and a water level).

  • In the corner in vertical position we attach the internal corner element;
  • We install horizontal finishing elements at the lower and upper points of the wall;
  • The first is in the corner element on the side where the tenon is located, while the groove is fixed with shoe nails or a stapler;
  • We continue installation around the perimeter of the room until the desired result is achieved.

When to start finishing work

Undoubtedly, the question of how to decorate the walls in a wooden house is very important, but it is no less important to take into account optimal timing start of finishing work.

Just erected log house will undergo shrinkage within 1-3 years. If finishing work is completed earlier than necessary, Wall panels may get caught or bent.

To prevent this from happening, the interior of a wooden house should be clad no sooner than a year and a half after the completion of construction.


Cladding the walls of a wooden house is not difficult. Achieving optimal results will be achieved by following technological requirements and observing the deadlines for the start of finishing work.