The internal state of a person. Reflection of the soul, or how the internal state affects our actions Shine reflecting the internal state of a person

The internal state of a person, as is known, plays the most important role in achieving a goal. If you are depressed and downtrodden, then nothing will force you to act. On the contrary, you will give up, hide your head in the sand, withdraw into yourself and, instead of doing something, develop pessimism within yourself and engage in introspection and analysis of your life. Such mental activity will not bring any positive results, rather the opposite. You will dive even deeper into yourself.

If you are worried about something, constantly worrying about something, if you are nervous, then you will also be inactive. Your problems and worries will consume you, your nerves will be on edge, you will not be able to concentrate on anything, because you will always be distracted by extraneous noises. While in this state, you will not be able to concentrate on any activity.

Conclusion: your future depends on your inner state. Today you are depressed, tomorrow you laugh for no reason, and the day after tomorrow you choke in tears. Nothing good should be expected from such changes. All week you had a severe headache that haunted you, constantly reminding you of itself, because of which you did nothing.

Unlike external circumstances, which you cannot control, you can control your internal state. In the event that you have a goal for which you want to take control of your internal state. Only people influence how you feel. Pest people have a negative impact on your psyche, causing irreparable damage to it; Once you fall under their influence, it is very difficult to get out from under this influence. They kill you slowly and watch with pleasure as you break, become flexible plasticine in their hands. But it depends on you: whether they will kill you or only wound you. Will you allow them to take over your internal state or will you give a strong rebuff, taking control of your internal state?

I've been feeling really, really bad the last couple of weeks. This continues to this day. However, I learned to control my internal state. As soon as I feel like I'm ready to give up, to lay the trophy at the feet of the pest people, I remember my goal and take it and do it. The easiest thing to say is: “I can’t do this anymore. I'm tired. I don’t want anything.”, and much more difficult - “I can do it!” I will succeed! I will achieve this, no matter what it costs me!” You need to constantly remind yourself of what awaits you if you do this right now, no matter what or no one. This is especially vital when pest people appear, ready to envelop you in their webs at any moment. Your internal state will greatly depend on whether you are moving forward/backward or standing still.

It is useless to fight human pests - there are too many of them, and you are alone. Instead, put all your energy (whatever it is) into something that will bring you satisfaction and success. Try, if possible, to filter everything that affects your internal state. But, if you want to cry, cry; if you want to sleep, sleep; if you want to scream, scream. Just don’t let such desires drag on for long – it’s in your own interests!

10/12/2012 - 10:42

Questions for the cyclocrossword:
. US astronaut, participant in the first ever flight to the Moon. 2 . Punched hole. 3 . Non-motorized aircraft. 4 . Galya. 5 . In sports: high-speed movement along a given winding route. 6 . Abbreviated name for members of the Russian Constitutional Democratic (CD) Party (in the Russian state in 1905 - 1917). 7 . Theologian. 8 . Execution of multiple sounds is smooth and coherent. 9 . The name of one of the islands in the Neva delta. 10 . And Brezhnev, and Chernenko, and Andropov, and Gorbachev. 11 . Benefit, advantage. 12 . Title of the highest nobility. 13 . Secret. 14 . A piece of furniture. 15 . The remains of an unburnt candle. 16 . A water stream cascading down in ledges. 17 . He will be the first to hand over the foreigner. 18 . A shine that reflects some kind of internal state of a person (about eyes, glance, glance). 19 . Miner. 20 . One of the two external nasal openings. 21 . Salary amount; salary. 22 . Historical region of Greece. 23 . St. Petersburg metro station. 24 . Something that cuts into or is embedded. 25 . First month of the year.

Answers to the cyclocrossword:
. Aldrin. 2 . Break. 3 . Glider. 4 . Galina. 5 . Slalom. 6 . Cadets. 7 . Theologian. 8 . Legato. 9 . Elagin. 10 . Secretary General 11 . Benefit. 12 . Duke. 13 . Secret. 14 . Armchair. 15 . Cigarette. 16 . Cascade. 17 . Accent. 18 . Ogonyok. 19 . Miner. 20 . Nostril. 21 . Bid. 22 . Attica. 23 . Ozerki. 24 . Inset. 25 . January.

Cyclocrossword grid:

This section contains free cyclic crosswords for publication in the media. A cyclocrossword (cyclic crossword) is a type of crossword puzzle in which words consisting of 6 letters are arranged around a cell with a number corresponding to the number of the question for a given word(see articleWhat is a cyclocrossword (cyclic crossword) and how to solve it? ) .
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It should be noted that we provide the opportunity to receive vector cyclic crosswords. About how to get this cyclic crossword in vector, cm. .

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How often we scold our children for their sloppiness, but sometimes we don’t notice how our usual neatness and cleanliness disappear somewhere. Citing too much work and lack of time, we turn a blind eye to this.

A sloppy lifestyle leads to a deterioration in mood and numerous troubles in your personal life. Some believe that it is the internal state of a person that pushes him to pay less and less attention to cleanliness and order. Is it so? Let's put this into perspective.

I have one drawback - a sudden change in mood, practically independent of external circumstances. And lately, unfortunately, bad moods have begun to prevail over good ones. I noticed that the worse my mood, the dirtier my mood became. When it improves, I, feeling an incredible disgust for the mess in the apartment, immediately begin to restore perfect order, promising myself to always be neat. As soon as the mood deteriorates again, the room gradually turns into ruins.

Noticing this pattern, I wanted to check how others were doing. Having visited several acquaintances and asked them about their lives, I came to the conclusion that two of them lived quite well (their rooms sparkled with cleanliness and were filled with some kind of extraordinary harmony, completely corresponding to the inner state of their owners). But the rooms of the other two friends, alas, were not pleasing to the eye - the state of the apartments revealed a hidden internal imbalance in the souls of the owners.

I came to the following conclusion: quarrels with loved ones, problems with communication, and bad mood destroy our internal balance. After all, how often, spoiling our mood because of some stupidity, we begin to wrap things up in our heads that everything is bad, that no one understands us, etc., thereby “making mountains out of molehills.” This is exactly how a “chain reaction” occurs - we receive more and more slaps in the face from life, lowering us even before everyday affairs.

We call such periods a black streak or the bandwagon of fate... But in fact, it is not fate that is to blame for life’s failures, but ourselves, our desire to indulge our weaknesses and self-pity. This contributes to a disruption of internal balance, the body succumbs to negative circumstances, which contributes to irritation, nervousness and, moreover, can lead to various kinds.

So you shouldn’t scold your children for being sloppy and look at unscrupulous people with contempt. Better support them and help them solve life problems.

In general, take things more simply. Keep in mind that nervousness cannot solve any problem. You must be able to accept the challenges of life with dignity, looking it in the eye, without getting scared, without becoming unstuck, and without feeling sorry for yourself. By treating everything with calm and understanding, you will preserve not only your nerves, but also your health, well-being and much more.

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light- Ogonek, "Hook", Nasalization Hook (Ogonek) From Polish ogonek tail One of the lower accents [superscript or subscript]. A small crescent-shaped hook on the right under the letter, open to the right. As a rule, it is connected with... ... Font terminology

light- , nka, m. An entertaining collective event with refreshments, a musical part, and amateur performances. ◘ One day Galin’s class decided to set up a “light” in their home (for some reason it turned out not to be possible at school). SSH, 1984, No. 3, 28.… … Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

Ogonyok see enthusiasm Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. spark noun, number of synonyms: 28 ... Synonym dictionary

light- Lighter, matches. Do you have a spark? Youth slang … Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

An illustrated weekly magazine of literature, sciences and arts (and then politics and social life), published in St. Petersburg, from 1879 to 1883. Publisher G. Goppe, editor N. P. Alovert. Employees: G. Danilevsky, Count E. Salias, V. Krestovsky,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Ogonyok I m. 1. Sparkle. 2. transfer A shine that reflects some kind of internal state of a person (about the eyes, look, look). II m. 1. decrease to noun fire 2., 3. 2. caress. to noun fire 2., 3... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Ogonyok (Yakutia) village of Ust Maysky district (ulus) of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Ogonyok magazine is a Soviet and Russian national weekly illustrated magazine. “Blue Light” Soviet festive entertainment program (first... ... Wikipedia

LIGHT nyka; m. 1. only units. Decrease caress. to Fire (1 digit). Light up o. O. was barely warm in the oven. Fr. flushed faintly. // Unwind Something that burns, something that can be used to ignite something. O. Do you have a light? Give me a light, I want to smoke! / About the emergence, origin... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

light- 1) match; 2) a den for playing cards; 3) weapons... Thieves' jargon


  • Ogonyok - 110 years (set of 3 books), Ogonyok - 110 years: Favorites. Ogonyok magazine is 110 years old! It is difficult to find at least one family in our country where files of this magazine are not stored, which over such a long period of time has become a part of not only culture, but also everyday life...