Vladimir Knurov: "Bubafonya" - a miracle stove from a barrel. Do-it-yourself homemade CD for any life occasion How to make a stove from a barrel with your own hands

With the onset of cold weather, there is a problem of heating the premises. Especially it concerns country houses without central heating. However, any difficulty must be solved in time. In the post-Soviet space, a stove called "potbelly stove" is known. It is made from various metals, but sometimes improvised materials are also used. The article will discuss the process of how to make a stove from a barrel with your own hands.

Advantages of a homemade heating device

The stove-potbelly stove can be assembled from various materials. Craftsmen for this business use old cylinders or metal sheets, which are then connected using a welding machine. However, not everyone will find the things mentioned, all the more so to weld metal correctly is not an easy task. In addition, iron sheets will have to be bought, and their price is high. Therefore, the masters recommend making a stove from a 200-liter barrel. This is an inexpensive and affordable design from which you can make a heating device of any complexity.

Why is it recommended to use a barrel of this size? The answer is this: it will fit a lot of firewood or other raw materials, with which you can ensure long-term burning. In addition, there is enough space in a metal barrel to equip a roomy blower (ash pan). However, you need to know: the equipment cannot be heated with coal, since its walls will simply deteriorate due to the high combustion temperature of the mentioned raw materials.

A potbelly stove is an optimal heating device that can be installed in a small shed, garage or basement. In addition, you can quickly assemble it with your own hands. You need to know: making a stove from a barrel is allowed only from high-quality raw materials - the thicker the metal, the better the manufactured device will be. Therefore, it is recommended not to save on the source material.

The advantages of a potbelly stove from a barrel are as follows:

  • capacious ash pan;
  • the volume is enough for a long burning flame;
  • the device will instantly heat the room;
  • unpretentiousness to fuel;
  • ease of manufacture and operation.

But there are also disadvantages, namely:

  • low efficiency;
  • the case is very hot;
  • thin walls.

If you need to make heating equipment with your own hands, a barrel stove is an ideal device for heating a small room.

Necessary materials and tools

Before starting the assembly of the device, it is necessary to prepare the following construction devices:

To make a potbelly stove from a metal barrel, you must also purchase the following additional materials:

  • metal for legs and chimney;
  • door hinges;
  • pieces of sheet iron;
  • bolt;
  • fittings (for grating);
  • brick;
  • cement and sand (for mortar).

Making a heating device with your own hands is a simple task. The main thing is to comply with the technical conditions and strictly follow the instructions.

Initial stage: preparation of the barrel

The first thing to do is get it right metal container. The barrel is covered with paint, which means that this layer must be removed with grinder. If you neglect this point, you will have to inhale the toxic odors emanating from the heated metal.

After that, you need to carefully cut out two small rectangular holes with a grinder. In the future, the cut pieces of metal will be useful for making doors. The sharp edges of the barrel must be filed. The device will have two doors: under the firebox and an ash pan. The first must be greater than the second.

A grate will be placed inside the stove from the barrel, so top part containers are completely removed. The cover will later be welded together with the chimney.

Making a grate

Steel reinforcement - main material to complete this feature. Experts say that the diameter of a 200-liter barrel is 57.15 cm, so the grate must be made smaller, since it will need to be installed inside the heating device. To fix it, it is necessary to make ledges from steel sheets between the ash pan and the firebox and weld them to the inner walls of the barrel. The grate must be installed on the obtained support pins.

Preparing the doors

This process is an important step in the manufacture of a heating device. First of all, you need to make iron handles and weld them to the doors, which should be scalded with pieces of metal, the thickness of which is 20 mm. It is recommended to use the factory door for this purpose.

The next stage is the welding of steel hinges to the stove from old barrel using electric welding. Do not forget that the outside of the door must be equipped with a locking device (bolt).

Foundation preparation

Before installing the stove, it is necessary to make a safe and non-combustible place for it. Such a base can be made of brick laid on concrete screed. Important to know: the free space in front of the barrel is also made of non-combustible material, such as sheet metal. The best option is to make concrete floors, and then put iron on them and install a potbelly stove.

In no case should the barrel be placed near combustible materials and explosive objects. The first include linoleum, polystyrene, mounting foam and bitumen. And to the second - gas cylinders and cans of gasoline.

Craftsmen recommend making steel legs on the stove from a barrel. To do this, you need fittings or metal corners. If the bottom of the barrel is at a distance of 10 cm from the floor, then the device is located at a safe distance from the base.

Chimney making

A pipe is an indispensable element of a potbelly stove. Its diameter is from 10 to 15 cm. The pipe not only removes smoke, but also participates in heat transfer, so it is made of steel or cast iron.

The nozzle can be placed both on top and on the side of the furnace. However, it is the latter option that is considered optimal: in this way, gases are slowed down and space remains for arranging the brewing unit.

In order for the room to warm up faster, the pipe must be led to a far point, and not in a straight line to the nearest hole. It is recommended to install a damper on the chimney: with the help of this element, it is possible to regulate the removal of warm smoke. In addition, when the stove is not in use, it is recommended to block the chimney.

Final assembly of the furnace

The only thing left to do is to transfer the barrel to the prepared brick base. After that, install a grate in the stove. Next, you need to weld the top cover and make a hole in it for the pipe. When the chimney is installed, you can fire the stove with wood.

The next step is to lay paper on the grate and set it on fire. Dry firewood must be laid carefully, since there is a high probability of accidentally getting burned. The stove from the barrel will gradually heat up. All that needs to be done next is to throw up firewood so that the flame does not go out.

The blower of the device can become clogged with ash, so it must be periodically cleaned of burnt raw materials.

How to improve the oven: the best options

The question often arises of how to make a barrel stove more modernized. To do this, the device must be improved in the following way:

  1. Build a wall of refractory bricks on the right, left and back of the barrel.
  2. To get a kind of convector, the potbelly stove must be scalded with round 20 mm pipes. Due to this, warm air will circulate in the room.
  3. Run the chimney through the entire room.
  4. Lay out the inside of the stove with bricks.
  5. To get a hob for cooking, you need to install a cast-iron insert in the lid.

Garage long burning stove

This device is a good solution if you need to heat small room using as little wood as possible. If the question arises of how to make a garage stove out of a barrel, then for this you will need a welding machine and the ability to work with it.

To make a heating device with your own hands, you must perform the following simple work:

  1. Cut a hole for the loading window.
  2. Make a circle from a metal sheet, the thickness of which must be at least 4 mm. After that, make a 10-centimeter window for the chimney in it.
  3. Weld a steel pipe to the resulting circle, and 4 channels to its inner side.
  4. Lower the fabricated structure into the barrel.
  5. Weld the cut off cover, in the middle of which make a 10-centimeter hole for the pipe.
  6. Run a concrete or brick base on which the stove will stand.
  7. Weld all structural elements to the barrel: doors, hinges and valves.
  8. Install a chimney.
  9. Place the device on a concrete base.

The peculiarity of this design is that the firewood in it will not burn, but smolder. In addition, a circle with a pipe and channels installed inside the barrel will go down as the raw material burns out. The main advantage of this potbelly stove is that it is not necessary to control the operation of the device: it works almost autonomously, due to which the metal gradually heats up. The only thing to do is turn on the stove.


Making a simple potbelly stove from a barrel on your own is an easy task if you follow the instructions and listen to the recommendations of the masters. Another condition is the ability to make welds. However, do not forget about fire safety, since any home-made heating device is a subject of increased danger.

Colleagues, hands suddenly itch (growing you know where)!

There is a need sometimes to burn on garden plot some amount of combustible waste. Cardboard, branches, sticks and other rubbish. Use for this purpose brick barbecue- not comme il faut. A barrel was previously used, but it has two disadvantages:
1. Too much flame, sheaves of sparks and smoldering leaves flying away with streams of warm air.
2. Too nervous neighbors, whom point 1 is too annoying.

I thought about converting an already available 200-liter barrel with a lid into a kind of garden stove for recycling various cardboard, branches, sticks and other rubbish. The main idea of ​​the idea consists of the following:
A. Eliminate the howl of neighbors by eliminating streams of sparks and flying leaves.
B. Put on the site not a charred barrel, but a decent looking device.
D. Dispose of combustible fuel as efficiently as possible so that as little ash as possible remains.

At first there were ideas:
I. Make a gas-generating furnace (pyrolysis) out of a barrel. But all the models of stoves that I found on the Internet are too tricky to maintain, you need to load them in full, give firewood with lids, etc. I want to give up the idea, although I really like it, but I didn’t find any implementation options without dust and noise. In principle, there is only one version of the furnace on the network, but it is called differently.
II. Make a vertical oven. There are only two advantages here - you can easily pile branches on top, and it will take up little space. But it seems to me the approach is not very interesting.
III. Make a vertical tandoor oven. Cover the inside of the barrel with a brick with fireclay, sprinkle with pebbles. I want a tandoor, but I feel that there will be problems with efficiency, sparks, and a small volume of the furnace.
IV. Make a horizontal oven with a pipe. If then my hands itch again, then I’ll put a tandoor on top.

So far I figured out this option for the stove:

Everything seems to be simple. The only thing that fundamentally worries me now is how to make an oven. With grate or without?

The advantage of the option with a grate is that all the ashes remain in the furnace, but at the same time, the volume of the furnace decreases slightly and the amount of work is greater. If you make a furnace without a grate, then in the lower part of the furnace, I will weld several round holes, air will be sucked into the furnace through them. It is easier to do this, but efficiency may decrease due to the fact that some of the firewood will not be saturated with fresh air and they will not burn out completely. Yes, and the soil under the stove will be too saturated with ash, which can adversely affect plants growing nearby.

Now in detail on the stove itself. I will be glad to comments:
1. The firebox door will be made in the bottom of the barrel. I plan to cut around the perimeter with an electric jigsaw with metal files. I would cut it out with pleasure with a grinder, but I’ll never know how to saw a grinder in a circle and evenly. The lower part is sawn flush with the wall of the barrel, so that it would be convenient to remove the ash later. The cut out part sits on door hinge and screwed to the top not cut out part. That is, a small gap will remain around the perimeter of the door, about 1-1.5 mm.
2. The current cover will be put on from the side of the pipe and either clamped with a native clamp (if I find it), or stupidly welded (if I don’t find it). Better of course with a clamp, then you can do cleaning from both sides.
3. What is the height of the pipe?
4. I plan to make the grate from thin reinforcement by cutting it into slices, followed by welding into a mesh.
5. At what height should the grate be made? (if at all?)
6. What should be the ratio between the diameter ( throughput pipes) and openings for fresh air intake from outside? 1 to 1? Or should the fence be calculated less, in order to compensate for leakage due to leakage?
7. Welding the metal of the barrel with goats or something else (suddenly needed) given the thickness of the metal of the barrel ~ 1-1.5mm? I haven't made it this thick yet. Will there be holes? Or is it better not to take risks and rely on threaded connections and gravity?
8. I plan to paint the stove outside with heat-resistant paint. There are options up to 600 degrees based on silica for adequate money. But, interestingly, inside to paint or not? The purpose of painting is to give an aesthetic appearance and protection against increased corrosion.

Take a look at the prototype first, if I may say so about the factory long-burning boiler Stropuva of Lithuanian manufacturers.
In the home-made long-burning wood-burning stove we are describing, the principle of burning wood or other fuel from above is borrowed from the barrel, with the fire lowering down as the wood burns, which just gives the effect of prolonging the process. It was made for the first time a few years ago by a man named bubafonya ( bubafonja-his nickname on the forum where he presented his idea). Therefore, his design and stoves made by others following his example were called “bubafoni oven” or simply “bubafonya” in Internet discussions. The stove is really interesting and it is worth studying in more detail how the master created it. At the end of the article, videos with bubaphones of other masters will also be posted.

We make a stove from a barrel with our own hands

We will break the whole work into successive steps.

First we make the body:

1. At the top of the receptacle, remove the weld, align the sharp edges. So, we got a cylinder and a cover for it.

2. Using a hammer, we bend the edges of the structure inward, and the upper element outward.

3. Turn the cover over and put it on the cylinder.

4. Using a chisel in the middle of the cover, we cut an opening into which we insert the blower pipe. The hole diameter is 102 mm. This is quite enough for the free passage of a rolled metal product.

If the barrel had a cork, the hole needs to be welded. However, some prefer to leave it, creating the possibility of controlling the combustion process: unscrew the plug and look inside.

5. In the upper part of the barrel, we cut out an opening where we weld a piece of a chimney 25 cm long. An overflow damper must be installed inside the product.

For better rigidity, the edges of the pancake must be bent. So it will not deform under the influence of high temperatures.

In the middle of the circle, it is required to cut a hole into which the blower pipe is welded.

Channels are attached with bottom side pancake.

The air supply device is ready. Now we place it inside the cylinder.

Construction assembly

In the upper part of the blowing pipe, an adjusting damper is installed, the diameter of which coincides with the size of the rolled metal product. The threaded stud is welded into the pipe. It needs to be placed vertically. On the side of the damper, it is required to cut a hole in such a way that the valve, falling on the pin, tightly closes the pipe.

After the damper is installed, it is required to tighten it with a wing nut. By loosening this element, it can be moved. Loosening and tightening the fastener allows you to adjust the flow of air masses into the furnace.

The last step is to install the cover. Now the furnace structure is ready for operation.

Chimney installation

At the final stage, a channel with a diameter of 150 mm is installed. It is necessary to adhere to this value, otherwise there is a possibility of incomplete removal of combustion products.

A pipe with a length of more than 5 m provides good traction. It should be installed directly next to the oven. It is desirable that she stand on her feet. The lower part of the pipe is welded.

To provide for the drainage of condensate formed in the pipe, a ball valve must be welded under the knee. It should be noted that the presence of this element is prerequisite. If the condensate freezes, the weld seam may break. In addition, there is a possibility of liquid entering the combustion device.

How to drown

When the Bubafonya stove is assembled from the barrel, you can start heating the room. How to do it right? It is required to remove the cover, take out the device that supplies air, and put firewood, but not above the lower edge of the chimney elbow. If logs are placed in vertical position, more will fit, and even large firewood will burn to the end.

We lay a layer of chips on top, on them - a rag or paper, which needs to be lightly poured with kerosene.

After the fuel is laid, it is necessary to put a pancake on the air supply device, and then the stove cover. Next, we open the blower damper, throw inside the pipe supplying air, a set fire to a rag or paper. It will not be possible to ignite with matches because of the strong traction that extinguishes them.

When the firewood flares up well, it will begin to crackle. Then it is required to completely close the blower damper, which will provide the unit with a long burning.

How to legally burn garbage in the country

Now that we have dealt with the theory, let's find out what places and methods of burning garbage are available to an ordinary summer resident who wants to get rid of branches, leaves and other plant debris in compliance with the laws.

Waste burning barrel

Most often, summer residents use metal barrels with or without a bottom to burn garbage. It is not difficult to get such a container - they are inexpensive, and they can work for several seasons. Of course, in a couple of years the barrel will burn out and, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, will become unsuitable for burning garbage, but in this case it will always be possible to buy a new one.

Such a barrel should be installed 25 m from buildings and groups of trees, it is not necessary to prepare a mineralized fire strip, but something else will still have to be taken care of additionally. Firstly, according to the norms, the bottom of the barrel will have to be cut off and installed on a hole dug in the ground. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare a lid that can close the entire barrel and stop the draft. And finally, you will need to have water or sand on hand to quickly extinguish the fire.

Homemade garbage incinerator

For some, the barrel seems too sloppy and short-lived option. In this case, homemade metal ovens for burning garbage, made of steel tanks, waste gas cylinders, metal circles and other materials. The main task of such a furnace is to be roomy and airtight.

The easiest way to make a stove is by welding a capacious box with a lid, blower and chimney from thick metal sheets. You will need to install it on brick or block supports, and dig a hole under the bottom.

Stone or brick incinerator

A stone incinerator is durable, aesthetic, multifunctional and spacious. True, it will not work to move it, so immediately think about in which part of the site you do not plan to build buildings over time.

However, if you already have a stone oven, for example, in a summer kitchen or a bath, then you can burn plant residues in it, while preparing dinner or heating the room.

Branded incinerator

The easiest (but not cheapest) way is to buy and install a branded incinerator with a chimney. Similar stoves can be found in hardware and garden stores or at construction markets, and they cost from 9,000 to 16,000 rubles. There are also portable options without a chimney - they will cost the summer resident only 5000-7000 rubles.

Such a furnace allows not only to burn garbage on the site, but also to conveniently remove the ash, do without a fire strip, or change the location of the furnace several times a season. By the way, on some models there is also a special tile for cooking.

Waste incineration pit

If you don’t have a barrel or stove, and you need to burn the garbage, prepare a special pit according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Emergencies.

  1. Move away from buildings and groups of trees at 50 m.
  2. Dig a hole with a diameter of 1 m and a depth of at least 30 cm.
  3. Clear the area within a radius of 10 m from the pit from dry wood, logging residues, dry grass and other combustible materials.
  4. Prepare a 40 cm wide firebreak along the edge of the cleared area (remove the sod or fill it with sand).
  5. Prepare tools and water to put out the fire and then start burning garbage in the pit.

Of course, this is a rather laborious method, complicated by the fact that it is difficult to find a site on the territory of summer cottages where nothing has been built and nothing is growing. Therefore, a pit where garbage is burned can be organized together with neighbors, in a wasteland.

As you can see, there is no ban on burning garbage, there are only rules that must be followed. It is possible to equip a place in accordance with the requirements of the law in one day, and, having spent this time, you will look into the eyes of the fire inspector and neighbors with a clear conscience.

Barrel for burning garbage in the country

In practice, three variants of such furnace devices made from barrels that do not have a bottom have been used.

  • In the first option, first, a small fire is made on a metal pallet from some kind of dry waste (birch bark, wood chips, etc.). After our fire flares up, bricks or stones are placed next to it, on which our barrel-pipe without a bottom is placed on top. From below, air enters the holes formed, which helps combustion. Waste burning is intense and it is constantly necessary to ensure that our flame does not rise too high and does not throw sparks into the area. But there is also a drawback in this option, with each use it is necessary to put and remove the barrel.
  • The second option based on the same barrel is simpler, it does not have the disadvantages of the first option. For its device, you first need to prepare the site. Pour a layer of sand 10-15 centimeters thick on the chosen place, lay a metal sheet on it, on which a fence-support is made of bricks in the form of the letter P. On top we lay a metal grate-grate, and at the end we install our barrel (of course, also without a bottom) . So from above we fill our stove with waste, and we arrange a fire from below, between the bricks. The resulting ash, after burning the waste, we calmly rake out from below. During rains, so that the ashes do not get wet, the top of the barrel must be closed with a lid.
  • The third version of our device is a little close to the second, it is only necessary to cut a window about 450x200 mm in size at the bottom of the barrel, and additionally punch several side holes for blowing air. The bottom of the barrel also rests on bricks with a grate, which can be made from perforated metal sheet. Unlike the second option, here 40x60mm holes are cut out on top of the barrel and a metal lid is installed, where you can pre-dry the garden waste. All these minor additions provide more favorable conditions for burning garbage than the first or second option. And here the combustion occurs more evenly and intensively. At the same time, the time required for burning garbage is significantly reduced.

Whoever wants to tinker can make it more functional and more beautiful. If you do it well and for a long time, you can use a piece of used water pipe of large diameter and weld a reliable stove that will serve you long years. One thing - it's too expensive!

Garden fireplaces and waste incinerators (garden waste)

I would especially like to note - these are garden fireplaces, which can be increasingly found in our garden plots. Such fireplaces perform not only a utilitarian function, but also a decorative one, thus decorating. The designs of such fireplaces are very diverse, but, as a rule, each of them has three nodes that ensure safety in operation. This is a platform for burning waste, well protected from different winds, an arched vault and a high chimney that reliably extinguishes sparks.

In conclusion about burning garbage in the country

By the way, in many regions, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations often began to conduct raids and fine for burning household waste in the garden that emit TOXIC substances! Remember this and be careful!

However, it is better to dispose of garden waste in other ways, for example:

  • branches, foliage and other organic matter will go well for warm beds;
  • diseased plants or with signs of damage can be buried in a separate pit, if possible, then outside the site;
  • cardboard, paper - can be used for mulching beds;
  • well, polyethylene, plastic, cans and other trifles can be taken to the city, in a bag and disposed of in a garbage container.

These garden tricks are used by our gardeners to get rid of garden waste.

And remember, NEVER BURN PLASTIC PRODUCTS, as they release toxic substances that are very harmful to the environment, and your body too!

How do you dispose of any trash in your yards?

Interesting potbelly stove with stone masonry

A barrel of 200 liters can serve as the basis for another interesting stove - with masonry inside. To assemble it you will need:

  • the barrel itself;
  • thick metal wire or fittings;
  • large rounded river stones;
  • chimney pipes.

There is no ash pan in such a stove, so there will be some difficulties with cleaning. We immediately recommend that you make the firebox door at a level with the bottom of the barrel - it is more convenient to rake out the ashes. We make a kind of grate from reinforcement or thick metal wire. Only here it will fulfill a different role - it will support the masonry.

To assemble the stove, it is necessary to cut off the top cover from a 200-liter barrel and equip it with a pipe for connecting the chimney. In the lower part we cut out a door for laying firewood with a height of 150-200 mm. We fix a grate at a height of 250 mm, on which we pile stones to the top

Please note that it is precisely large stones that are needed so that combustion products pass quietly in the space between them.

The stove will need a solid non-combustible base with a metal sheet in front of the firebox - it will be quite weighty, so the legs must be strong or absent altogether. The barrel is placed on the base before stones are placed in it. Otherwise, you won't be able to move it later. After installing the stove in a regular place, weld the cover and connect the chimney - you can start kindling. To improve traction, it is recommended to drill several holes with a drill with a diameter of 4-5 mm - air will be sucked through them.

Ways to burn garden waste

To date, there are several ways to incinerate such waste.

Burning garden waste on an open fire

The first and predominant way of our summer residents is to burn garden waste on an open fire. This is especially noticeable in early spring and autumn. On garden plots, blazing fires can be regularly found, and columns of smoke rising high above the ground.

BUILDING AN OPEN FIRE IS VERY DANGEROUS, and also harmful to the soil, because under the influence of high temperatures from a fire, the earth loses its fertility, all soil microorganisms that are in the combustion center die.

And if you do not have the opportunity to make a fire in another place, then still arrange it on a thick metal pallet, which is best raised above the ground with the help of some kind of lining: stones, bricks and other improvised materials.

  • Do not light a large fire right away, as there is Great chance lose control over it.
  • It is better to toss in small portions, but more often, and the combustion will be more efficient this way.
  • In windy weather, it is better to refuse this event.

Burning garden waste in an old barrel

The second method is devoid of the disadvantages of the first and consists in the fact that a wide variety of containers are used for burning, which have already served their time and can no longer be used for their intended purpose.

  • The most suitable option for waste incineration is an old metal barrel.
  • Such a container will take up little space.
  • It can be installed on permanent place, away from trees and various buildings.

In order to use the barrel, it must first be prepared. Everything is simple, the bottom is removed with a chisel, and then all uneven and torn edges are bent with a hammer.

Crafting Instructions

During the operation of the stove, its body is strongly heated, therefore, such a heating device must be placed on a monolithic fire-resistant surface. It can be a layer of concrete, asphalt concrete, a metal sheet, or just earth. The stove must have its own chimney, connecting the appliance to the chimney of other heating devices prohibited.

There are two options for assembling such a furnace: with a horizontal and vertical arrangement of the barrel.

Vertical model

Vertical potbelly stove from a barrel

Scheme of a vertical potbelly stove from a barrel

The manufacturing process of a vertical furnace model looks like this:

  1. Prepare an opening on the side surface of the barrel to enable loading firewood;
  2. The door can be bought in advance or the cut-out part of the wall can be adapted: hinges and a handle can be welded to it, providing convenience when closing and opening the combustion chamber;

    A little lower than the furnace door, cut another hole for mounting the blower door. For the manufacture of the blower itself, a thick-walled pipe is used, cut along. It should be able to move along the metal rails, but not be removed completely;

    At a height of 20 cm from the bottom of the tank, install grates - a metal plate with holes or a welded cellular reinforcement structure. For their fixation, an ordinary steel corner is used.

    Option 1 - mesh grating

    Option 2 - fittings

    From the bottom of the barrel, you need to weld metal legs or simply install the structure on bricks;

    Role hob will be made of steel wire, which can be welded to the top cover of the furnace;

    Brick lining (optional)

    To protect the walls of the container from burning, inner surface fireboxes can be additionally lined with refractory bricks, giving it a semicircular shape with the help of a grinder. Masonry should be carried out on a furnace solution, which includes 1 part of oily clay and 2 parts of sand. The mixture is made with a minimum amount of water and should have a thick consistency;

  3. Next, we make a chimney (more details below).

Hole under chimney with a diameter of at least 15 cm is cut out from the side of the container in its upper part (or from the side). The height of the pipe must be at least 4 m. When installing it, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

    it is advisable not to install the pipe strictly vertically, the presence of horizontal and inclined sections increases the amount of heat received, however, the number of turns should not exceed 3 times;

    the bending angle should be 30 degrees, and only in exceptional cases reach 45 degrees;

    horizontally located chimney elements cannot be longer than 1 m;

    to prevent the appearance of condensate, the part of the chimney facing the street should be insulated with basalt wool;

    to reduce the load from the appliance body, the chimney must be attached to the wall.

On the chimney of the potbelly stove, you can install a rotary valve or a valve moving along the guides. With the help of this element, it is possible to adjust the intensity of the removal of heated smoke and completely block the chimney during the period when the stove is not heated.

Horizontal model

The efficiency of a potbelly stove stove from a 200-liter barrel will be higher if it is made and placed horizontally.

Potbelly stove from a barrel - horizontal version

Scheme horizontal potbelly stove from a barrel

The algorithm of actions for horizontal placement of the tank will be as follows:

    Set the barrel on its side;

    For the stability of the structure from the bottom of the tank, it is necessary to weld legs from a steel angle or pipes of small diameter;

    In the upper part, cut an opening for laying fuel in the full width of the barrel, so that it is more convenient to get the grate and reflector;

    Install a metal reflector inside the tank, which will separate the furnace section from the chimney and the grate (it can be made independently from reinforcement bars;

    Cut another opening lower for airflow to enter the furnace and clean the furnace from ash, or make it a separate structure by welding an ash pan. As a result, the design will look like this:

    Inside view

    Weld hinges on one side of each hole and install doors of the appropriate size. For tightness, it is recommended to cover them with an asbestos-cement cord;

    In the back of the tank, make a hole for the chimney and weld the pipe. Further installation of the chimney is carried out in the same way as for the vertical model.

  1. On top of the barrel, you can also weld a sheet of metal and use it as a hob.

The final version of the design

Two barrel oven

One of the highest quality barrel ovens made with my own hands, based on the large capacities available to us. The stove for kindling firewood consists of two barrels: one for 200 liters, the second for 100 liters. A certain novelty, which not everyone will think of, is to increase heat transfer due to an additional container, the walls of which are heated by hot air rising up to the pipe. In the second barrel, the fuel burns out as well.

Stainless steel pipe made from exhaust from truck. The pipe is specially made curved to increase heat transfer to the room.

Looking at the previous video, the thought arises: what if we use the second additional barrel as an oven? The next model just implemented such an opportunity!

What does the law say about burning trash in a barrel?

Before using a barrel for burning garbage in the country, it is better to carefully study the law.

Important! Russian legislation establishes a ban on burning garbage in the city and on summer cottages(ST 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). . Environmental services also talk about environmental damage caused by burning dried plants.

Burning plant waste, especially in spring, often leads to numerous fires, which sometimes cover vast areas and end very badly. Fires for burning grass, planted in the city, have a negative impact on many residents with hypertension, asthma and other diseases.

Environmental services are also talking about damage to the environment as a result of burning dried plants. Burning plant waste, especially in spring, often leads to numerous fires, which sometimes cover vast areas and end very badly. Fires for burning grass, planted in the city, have a negative impact on many residents with hypertension, asthma and other diseases.

Often, employees of various environmental services and fire safety inspectors carry out raids on household plots in order to identify violators of fire safety and conduct explanatory work with them. However, many "arsonists" neglect warnings up to the moment of bringing them to administrative responsibility.

The prohibition of waste incineration is prescribed in the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air".

Note! It is forbidden to burn plant and other waste in open areas of summer cottages, it is also forbidden to use barrels, bins, containers for burning garbage. . For non-compliance with the provisions of the law, a citizen can be held liable with the imposition of a fine on him.

For non-compliance with the provisions of the law, a citizen may be held liable with the imposition of a fine. The following fines are provided for different categories of persons:

  • for ordinary citizens - 2,000 - 3,000 rubles;
  • for citizens who are officials- 6,000 - 15,000 rubles;
  • For individual entrepreneurs- 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. (or suspension of business activities for up to 90 days);
  • for legal entities - 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. (or suspension of activities for 90 days).

The amount of fines may vary depending on the region of the country and the time of year (for example, during the established period of the fire regime in May, the amount of fines increases for all persons).

In addition to such monetary compensation, those whose garbage burning led to the fire will have to pay certain amounts of money for the environmental damage caused.

Employees of environmental services recommend summer residents for waste disposal plant origin use compost pits. For the disposal of other waste, it is necessary to resort to the services of specialized companies for the removal and / or processing of household waste.

About the ban on burning waste in summer cottages, about how violators are identified by service employees, they talk in this video

Having studied the legal aspects, we can say that it is still possible to burn plant debris in the country, but at the same time, all the requirements of the fire safety rules established by the Ministry of Emergencies must be met without fail, and the places for burning must be agreed with the fire department .

Structural modernization

A barrel with an internal volume of 200 liters can produce a decent amount of heat. But the heat transfer efficiency will be small. Part of the thermal energy will completely fly away into the pipe. Therefore, the stove needs to be slightly retrofitted. This is done in the following ways:

These steps will help you make your barrel stove more efficient. If you don’t find a sample for 200 liters, you can take 150 liters - there will be a little less space in it, so you will have to throw firewood more often.

  • Brick walls are being built to the right, left and behind the barrel - they will work as a kind of heat accumulator.
  • The stove is scalded round pipes small diameter (for example, ¾ inch) - a convector is formed, which will cause air circulation in the room and effectively remove heat from the stove.
  • By extending the horizontal part of the chimney - run it through the entire room in order to take away the maximum thermal energy from the combustion products.

We will offer you some more ideas for upgrading the stove from a 200 liter barrel. For example, you can line its inside with refractory bricks. For organization hob use the cast iron insert in the top cover. Try to make a stove with increased heat dissipation - weld two barrels together in height. There are also modifications with a horizontal arrangement of barrels.

Types of furnaces

Most often, you can make 2 simple models from a barrel with your own hands.

Vertical model

The barrel is installed on legs vertically.

  • For the door, it is advised to use the cut out part of the barrel. It is mounted on hinges that are attached to the barrel and to the door. The hinges are riveted as follows: one part on the barrel, the other on the door. Moreover, the loops are located outside. Door latch is prepared from two parts: a handle is welded onto the door, a valve is welded onto the barrel, made from corner.
  • Then comes the installation of grates: a metal plate with holes. Ordinary corners are suitable for fixing them. The blower should be made from a dense pipe into which a damper is inserted. She must move but not completely removed. The damper is adjustable with bolts, with a quarter turn turnover. The blower opens to maximum when ignited. Close the gate at night almost to the minimum, then the stove just heats up, but does not go out and does not increase the power of fire.
  • The top of the barrel is cut round hole, there welded chimney pipe. Better hole cut in the form of triangles, going at the corners from the center to the beginning of the cutout. When they are bent, a hole will appear, and metal remains for riveting.
  • A grate is installed inside the barrel - a grate. It is needed to maintain the integrity of the bottom. The grate will prevent it from burning out and help retain heat long time.

Additionally, steel wire is welded on top of the barrel. She will play the role hob. You can boil the kettle, heat up or cook food. The vertical model is quite simple to manufacture and has many options for use: in the country, in a private residential building, in a summer kitchen, in a hunting or fishing lodge.

The size of firewood is selected according to the size of the firebox. The entire manufacturing process is shown in the video. The master shows all the stages and reveals possible nuances arising at work. The video shows how a barrel that had color loses it. It will burn out quickly enough, almost immediately after the first firebox. The oven will have the color of metal. To strengthen the front, metal can be welded on top, the door can be made from a dense piece of metal.

Horizontal model

Barrel 200 liters is installed horizontally on the surface, in the prone position. It is recommended to immediately install the future oven on legs or on another support. The height of the racks on which the barrel will be installed, manufacturer chooses. It focuses on the size of the room where the potbelly stove will be used. How to do this model with your own hands, told and shown in the video. Almost most of the steps are similar to the vertical method.

  • In the bottom of the future furnace are drilled ash holes.
  • A container for ash is bent from a metal sheet - an ash pan, and welded at the bottom of the barrel. The size of the ash pan is approximately 1/3 of the height of the barrel.
  • At the ash container should must be a door to clean the ash, it will affect the strength of the fire in the furnace.
  • The doors for the furnace firebox are made of cut barrel bottoms.
  • The chimney pipe is installed on the back wall of the barrel or on the top. If for pipe insertion chimney chose the top of the barrel, it is better to place it closer to the back wall.

All difficult moments or issues of installing a horizontal model can also be considered on the video. They often seek to make it with their own hands for installation in garages. In addition, the stove is easy to heat in a car with an open awning, in a tent, on the street. Such a potbelly stove will heat the area about 30 sq. m. A good model for a camping bath, for a long stay in the forest.

How to make a potbelly stove from a barrel with your own hands

Probably more than one person is wondering how to make a potbelly stove with their own hands? and how to make a potbelly stove?

A do-it-yourself potbelly stove is a small oven, which is made of metal sheets. Such a stove can heat up a room very quickly (if it is not very large), but it also cools down just as quickly after the fuel stops burning.

If we talk about their shape, then they can be very different (round, square, rectangular, conical or in the form of something), it depends on the imagination of the person who makes it.

But in this article we will focus on a hexagonal potbelly stove from a barrel. Have you ever thought about how to make a potbelly stove out of a barrel?

1 - casing (barrel)

2 - fuel tank cap

3 - outlet pipe

5 - cover handle

6 - oven

7 - damper

8 - firebox

9 - blower compartment (ash pan)

10 - supporting bricks

11 - felt pad

12 - metal sheet.

In the picture you see a potbelly stove, in the development of which publicly available materials were used. First of all, we needed a barrel, the capacity of which is 200 liters, the height of the barrel is 850 millimeters. and the diameter is 600 millimeters. A hexagon, the side of which is equal to 290-300 millimeters. This makes it possible to practically additional work install standard ovens

This oven is very different from many homemade stoves the same class. It differs as follows:

  • the furnace has a volumetric firebox
  • has an increased area due to the fact that the fuel combustion chamber is hexagonal
  • volumetric ash pan with air regulator
  • volumetric oven with lining
  • the oven retains heat for a long time.

In addition, this oven has a good convection effect, which is the transfer of heat through the air that passes through the channels located between the fuel block and the casing.

Do-it-yourself potbelly stove - assembly procedure

We will cook the fuel block, therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to make a template that can be cut out of thick paper (cardboard) or plywood.

1 - oven

2 - lining compartment

3 - fuel tank body

4 - front panel of the blower compartment

5 - corner of the frame of the oven door

6 - upper plate of the lining compartment

7 - lining niche

8 - top stop

9 – side panel fuel block housing

10 - support rod

11 #8212 intermediate plate

12 - corner of the frame of the firebox door

13, 14, 15 - bottom plates of the firebox

16 - grate saddle

17 - asbestos gasket

18 - door shell

19 – side wall ash pan

20 - door fastening bolt

21 - bottom rack

22 - damper mounting bracket.

The template should be in the form of a regular hexagon, the sides of which are 290 millimeters. Having made a template, you will not have any problems with assembly, you will only need to assemble everything according to the template, bait, and you can start welding.

  • oven
  • lining compartment
  • blower compartment.

1 - bottom

  • It is necessary to burn garbage as far as possible from dry vegetation and combustible materials.
  • The hearth must not be left unattended.
  • Do not get carried away with burning plastic and polyethylene: combustion products emit toxic substances.
  • Do not burn garbage in dry, hot or windy weather.
  • Near the hearth there should be a “set” for extinguishing a fire - sand and water.
  • Do not place the hearth on dry grass, boards or other flammable materials.
  • Access of animals and young children to the hearth should be limited.

Burning should be carried out as far as possible from buildings, dry vegetation and combustible materials.

Operation features

During the operation of the furnace, it is necessary to alternate the cycles of its kindling, including:

    bookmark fuel;

    ignition of the furnace;

    directly furnace process with space heating;

    cleaning of ash products from the furnace and blower section.

The most responsible stage can be attributed to the stage of laying fuel, which must be laid in a certain order to facilitate the ignition process. First you need to put paper and thin dry firewood on the grate, light a fire and close the door.

After the kindling material has ignited, larger logs can be added.

The wood must be loaded carefully to prevent the fire from dying out. At the end of the full laying of firewood, you need to tightly close the furnace door

The draft in the potbelly stove can be adjusted with a valve on the chimney or by slightly opening the blower door.

In the process of burning the furnace, do not touch its body, so as not to burn yourself.

To restore draft after a long period of burning, it is necessary to periodically disassemble the chimney and clean its elements from accumulated soot.

Method one. Upgraded barrel

Agree, the options described above using a metal barrel are hardly able to decorate your site. Therefore, you can do it differently.

You need a schematic first. future design, compose it. It will look something like this.

Preparatory activities

As for the materials, they will need more than in any of the methods already known to us. So, in addition to the barrel, you need to prepare:

  • 5-meter metal profile (we will cut it into five equal segments);
  • 5 meter steel bar;
  • a pair of loops;
  • 1 m2 of welded mesh;
  • spark catcher (the diameter of its fasteners should be 11.5 centimeters);
  • 200 grams of wire;
  • 1.5-meter tin pipe with a diameter of 11.5 centimeters;
  • degreaser;
  • a handle on which a wooden nozzle is put on;
  • bolts - 6 pieces, the same number of nuts;
  • electric jigsaw, nail files for metal to it;
  • 20 self-tapping screws with wide caps;
  • drill for metal with a diameter of 1.2 centimeters;
  • grinder, circles to it - emery and for metal;
  • Bulgarian herself;
  • refractory paint;
  • brushes (as an option - we can use a spray);
  • electric drill;
  • jigsaw.

Having prepared everything you need, we begin to build a garbage stove in the country with our own hands.

The working process

  1. Cut out the door. To do this, draw a straight line on the bottom to which this door will be attached. We cut along the line with a grinder, while doing our best not to touch the side walls.

We make a hole in one of the corners of the formed cut. It is important that it is close to the side wall of the structure and directly on the cut line. From this point we will move forward with a jigsaw.

We insert the jigsaw saw into the hole and carefully cut out the bottom of the barrel. At the same time, we do not touch its upper part. We move extremely close to the edges of the barrel. Bulgarian, of course, will not work for this - only a jigsaw.

We make several holes in the door through which air will flow. We make them at the bottom, you can in any order.

If necessary, we clean the barrel of paint or rust using a grinder with an emery disc.

We build goats. We use five pieces of a metal profile for this. The goats will consist of a pair of crosses connected by a rod. We connect the profile strictly at an angle of 90 degrees, for which we make a pair of holes in each of them and tighten them with bolts.

We degrease and paint the barrel, while not forgetting about the elements of the goats. It is advisable to carry out these procedures in a disassembled state. We paint all the elements in several layers, after each layer we wait for the paint to dry completely.

Collecting goats. We start this a day after painting. Be sure to put washers under the nuts, securely tighten all structural elements. The resulting strength is quite enough for the barrel and the extra weight, which is garbage.
Install hinges and handles. To do this, we use a screwdriver and self-tapping screws with wide caps.

Note! It is advisable to install the hinges with an assistant, since the door will constantly fail. .

We form a hole for the chimney. At the top of the barrel, draw a circle with a diameter of 11.5 centimeters.

We equip our garbage stove to the cottage with our own hands with a chimney. We install it on the "petals" so that they are inside. After that, in several places we fasten the pipe to the “petals” with self-tapping screws so that it does not come off.

We mount the grate. We do everything as shown in the image below.

We install the cover. We fasten it with clamps, although we can resort to such a home-made construction from bolts.

As a result, we got such a design. Everything, the garbage stove is ready, you can start operating!

How to make a Russian stove with your own hands

Earlier we talked about how to make a real Russian stove on your own, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information.

Choosing a quality barrel

For the manufacture of a potbelly stove, you can use any steel barrel used in the petrochemical, paint and varnish, chemical, metallurgical industries for storing and transporting technical products:

    bulk - oils, solvents, paints, diesel fuel, sodium liquid glass;

    pasty - thick lubricants, bitumen;

    loose - caustic soda, various plasticizers.

They are produced in two types - with open and closed tops, they also differ in the thickness of the bottom, lid and shell.

Any of these containers can be adapted for a potbelly stove, if you first clean and rinse its inner surface well. However, the thinner the walls of the container, the faster they will burn out, and the stove will fail. Therefore, you need to choose a product with a metal thickness of more than 2 mm for a potbelly stove.

Expert opinion
Nikolai Davydov
Baker with 15 years of experience

Well, the best option is a stainless steel barrel. High-alloy stainless steel is the most resistant to high temperatures in the fuel combustion zone, which means that the furnace made from it will last longer.

Estonian barrel in a Kuban farm

Of the thousands of private farms in the Kuban, the farmstead of the pensioners Filippovsky in the Kalininsky district is one of the most visited. And not only because the spouses Vera Ivanovna and Vladimir Vasilyevich successfully grow a variety of fruits, vegetables, berries and all kinds of living creatures, from rabbits to ducks. The very ways of managing the household of these inhabitants of the Boikoponur farm arouse the interest of visitors - zealous and modern.

For example, drip irrigation has been established in greenhouses. And in order to save money on heating them, Estonian barrel technology is used. Once Vladimir Vasilievich read about her in a magazine. And now I remembered the advice and made a simple unit myself. The stove is made of a metal barrel with a capacity of 200 liters for 24 hours without additional loading. One load takes three small (from under bananas) boxes of firewood. Everything can burn, even raw logs, but the better the wood, the more heat.

Firewood is put into the barrel tightly, in a “well”, up to the chimney opening No. 2, where a pipe is installed to remove smoke into the chimney. If the connection in this place is loose, the gaps must be covered with clay or asbestos. Chimney draft should be checked with a match. If it is clogged, the stove will not work, the smoke will go in the opposite direction. Therefore, it is advisable to take a chimney larger diameter, from 150 to 250 mm, made of light steel, as for drainage or ventilation.

- For ignition, - says the owner of the farmstead, - you need to put wood chips or paper near the chimney. I myself water this place (in the drawing it is indicated by the number 3) with diesel fuel. When the smoke goes into the chimney, an air pipe with a cross is placed on the firewood, as for a Christmas tree. Air enters through pipe No. 1 with a diameter of 60-100 mm and is supplied to the sides through the crosspiece. The cross can be made from a channel, or it can be made from the corner of an old bed - two pieces per side to make a channel with the ribs down. A cover made of tin is put on and welded onto the crosspiece. The diameter of the lid should be 40-50 mm smaller than the inner diameter of the barrel to create a gap between the lid and the walls, through which the smoke rises and heats the barrel. Burning is slow, heat is given to the walls of the barrel. There is no open flame, so the stove is safe to use. It can be placed in a chicken coop, greenhouse, workshop.

According to Oleg Solovyov, manager of the Kalinin branch of Rosselkhozbank, the Filippovskiys are one of the Bank's best clients in the region. Three times they took out loans for the development of their economy, which financial support helped to grow in new directions. Their farmstead can be called exemplary. By the way, the regional deputies, who visited the Filippovsky farm before discussing the issue “On the state of development of small forms of management in the agro-industrial complex of the Kalinin region”, decided to generalize and promote their experience. And the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory, Vladimir Beketov, recommended that the deputy, head of the Krasnodar Compressor Plant, establish industrial production furnace based on the Estonian barrel technology. But Vladimir Vasilyevich continues to improve the design and soon, perhaps, its improved model will appear.

Dear readers, if you have invented or improved and successfully use any equipment or device in your household, share your experience. We will be happy to publish your invention in this section of the Agro-Sputnik website. Description, photos and necessarily the signature of the author are ready to accept on email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any equipment, the Bubafonya oven has both positive and negative sides. Among the advantages are the following:

  • long burning period;
  • uncomplicated operating conditions;
  • simplicity of design;
  • low cost of fuel raw materials;
  • cheap components;
  • the availability of self-assembly of equipment, subject to the availability of skills in working with a welding machine;
  • easy transportation due to small size and weight.

The disadvantages include the following points:

  1. Difficulties in care: it is inconvenient to clean the bottom of the tank, remove combustion products, namely soot, ash.
  2. The appearance of condensate on the walls of the pipes, which leads to a decrease in efficiency.
  3. The classic version of the furnace is characterized by insufficient heat accumulation. To correct this moment, it is necessary to construct an additional water jacket, sheathe the furnace with heat-insulating material or make brickwork.
  4. Heating the bottom of the fuel tank requires laying non-combustible material under it or building a small foundation.
  5. The need for ventilation in the room.

So, we examined the main points of operation and characteristics of the Bubafonya furnace. Now let's talk about how to make such a model with your own hands.

Rules for installing a potbelly stove

In order for you to have no problems with the stove and all sorts of troubles, it should be installed, adhering to certain safety rules:

  • The oven should only be installed on a fire-resistant surface. It is possible to make it yourself using tile tiles or using bricks. The walls located in the vicinity of the stove must also be protected from overheating. best effect can be achieved using specialized drywall, as well as any other non-combustible material;
  • In no case should flammable materials be placed near the firebox;
  • You should also equip an excellent ventilation system in the room in which the stove will be located. This is very important factor, since the concentration of carbon monoxide in the room must be reduced to zero;
  • In order to make a potbelly stove, you need to use only high-quality material.

Video: do-it-yourself potbelly stove from a barrel

Making a potbelly stove is absolutely simple, as you have seen. For such a thing, you only need improvised materials, which are often found in the garage or in the country house of almost every person. A potbelly stove will delight the eye if all the details are thought out to the smallest detail and made very carefully.

  1. The chimney is an important element of the entire furnace. It should consist of two parts: vertical and inclined (horizontal). In the inclined part of the chimney, the remains of smoke exhausts burn out. This part gives warmth to the room, it is calculated that almost a quarter of the heat comes from the pipe. To avoid burns from accidental contact with the chimney, it is separated by a grid or a cylinder. It is also recommended to close the pipe heat-insulating material.
  2. A grate in a barrel design. Due right approach to the grate you can regular model convert to design slow burning and efficient heat transfer. To do this, it is required to remove the grate during use of the furnace. Burning will become slow and even. If you plan such actions, the grate is made of light metal or from a set of cast iron small gratings.
  3. The simplest model of a potbelly stove is gas. A gas burner is installed in the furnace. A stove on such an economical fuel will be a profitable device. The products of combustion will fly away through the pipe, giving off heat to the room.

The appearance of the oven can be ennobled. There are a few various ways:

  1. Brick lining.
  2. Welded metal structures for finishing the barrel base with a specific pattern, carved legs and doors.

Potbelly stoves are a fairly simple product, but it is precisely for this quality that they are considered a brilliant creation of man. After watching a video on making a furnace, you can simply repeat everything that its authors offer. DIY work beneficial to the economy, will solve many problems and problems. The stove is useful for a fisherman, a hunter and just a summer resident. It is not only easy to make, but also easy to transport. The product will not be difficult to store and install.

First furnace

Well, when almost everything is ready, we make the first kindling of the stove, because you need to check if there is traction. We threw in some firewood, unscrewed the cork, it blew, after all, we will modernize it a little later. Of course, we are already beginning to understand that in vain we did not first burn the barrel of paint.

At first, the smoke poured into the garage, since the stove was not warmed up, and the draft was too weak, later, for kindling without smoke, I warm up the air inside the stove with a gas burner, and then I kindle the wood, and there is no smell of smoke inside the garage when kindling. So in the photo the first firebox of the stove, now it will start to burn from the paint. We put in sheets of iron to protect our unfinished walls in the garage.

After 15-20 minutes, the barrel of the stove heated up, and began to burn, terribly smelling of burnt paint, all doors and gates were wide open

Everything burned somewhere within 30-40 minutes, while it became warm in the garage, even with the gates open, excess heat from the stove on the face, although it was not cold outside. somewhere around -5 degrees.

Furnace assembly procedure

From the video film you can understand how to properly assemble the potbelly stove.

  1. Prepare a life-size cardboard product template. Sample is a hexagon.
  2. Gather all items in drawing.
  3. Carry out welding constituent parts ovens. There are 3 of them in the design: an oven, a lining and a blower compartment.

The lining compartment consists of a rear wall, two sidewalls, a bottom and diagonal inserts connecting the rear wall with the sidewalls. The oven has a box and 4 supports.

Blower compartment - more hard part ovens. It consists of the following parts:

  • 2 side walls;
  • back wall;
  • saddle for grate;
  • the bottom of the ash pan;
  • Front Panel;
  • frame for fixing the door.

All the details are easy to do with your own hands, having studied the recommendations and advice of the masters on the video instructions.

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Preparatory work for the production of the furnace

Initially, you need to prepare the necessary materials, equipment and tools.

Barrel selection

For such a design, it is better to use stainless steel cylinders or barrels with thick walls. But such materials are difficult to find, and they will be expensive. Therefore, we will consider the option of using the simplest 200-liter steel container with stiffeners on the body.

The thickness of their side walls is sufficient, and for the bottom we will use a grate made of reinforcement. Stiffeners will strengthen the walls. The simplicity of design and work will allow you to quickly replace a burned-out furnace after 7-10 years of its use, during which time all the work will pay off many times over.

But when buying at a metal recycling center or if you find a barrel in a landfill, be sure to make sure that gasoline or oil was not stored in it. Such a vessel will need to be pre-washed and cleaned of fuel residues. Only after making sure that there are no flammable liquids and gases, you can start working.

200l barrel

Consumables and their quantity

You will need to prepare a number of blanks for the grate and attaching the grate to the compartment with stones.

These are just the basic materials for the work. We will need to prepare a refractory brick for lining the inside of the firebox. A piece of pipe suitable for a sandwich - chimney pipe. All these materials can be purchased before installing the stove and bringing the chimney to the roof.


For the production of work, prepare:

  • welding machine:
  • welding mask and clothes;
  • electrodes for welding structural steel;
  • grinder with a cleaning and a supply of cutting discs;
  • metalwork tool;
  • trowel and container for mixing the solution.


The scheme of the furnace from the barrel for the bath

Many make such a stove with the ability to open the lid and pour over stones for steam. But in this case, the room goes carbon monoxide. We are making a variant where the lid of the furnace will be recessed into the body by 100 mm and a row of stones will be laid on top. In this case, steam lovers will be able to splash water from the bowl onto the bricks without opening the lid.

Attach the hot water tank to the side. Such a container can be found at a purchase or made independently from sheet steel. The container will be fixed on the side wall. A hole is made in it for pouring water and a pipe is welded for winding a water tap.

We make a stove from a barrel

So far, the pipe has been finished, it’s up to the stove, I took a 100 liter metal barrel for these purposes, I think it’s enough for the garage, the size is quite suitable for firewood. I will make a door, and in order not to take away the metal, I decided to make a frame for the door, and weld it to the barrel itself. In general, an estimate of the corner in the photo below.

I cut out the corners for the frame, it remains to adjust and file a little what is in the way.

I cut it in such a way that the corner was on the same level, and there was no gap between the frame and the barrel, because the door in the stove should close tightly.

I grabbed a corner right on the barrel itself, it remains to cut out the door, but first I scalded the frame from all sides to the barrel, including from the inside.

After that, they drank the opening of the stove with a grinder, the firewood should fit in without problems, and the ashes also have the opportunity to clean up.

Next, I took a piece of sheet iron 3-4 mm somewhere, cut it to fit the opening, and welded a loop, the usual one, which is used for interior doors. He welded it as if standing, rested it with its end against the corner, and scalded it.

General view of the door

Law on burning garbage and making fires on the site

Burning garbage in dachas, garden plots and territories adjacent to private houses is regulated by paragraph 218 of the Rules of the Fire Prevention Regime of the Russian Federation, article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated January 26, 2016. The last document is most important for summer residents, because it tells in detail, in in what situation it is forbidden to burn garbage, and when and how it is still possible. The full text of the order can be found on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and we will analyze the main postulates.

Burning tires, bags, plastic bottles, film and other materials of artificial origin is prohibited.

So, if you are going to burn garbage on or near the site, then you need to equip the place in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Emergencies and invite a representative of the Fire Inspection for approval. The place itself must comply with a number of standards.

When making an open fire, the following rules must be observed:

  • open fire can be made in a pit with a depth of at least 30 cm, with a diameter of not more than 1 m;
  • fire must be removed from all buildings by 50 m, from coniferous forest - by 100 m, from deciduous - by 30 m;
  • the site on which the fire is located must be cleared for 10 m from dry branches, logging residues, dry grass and other combustible materials;
  • along the edge of the site there should be a mineralized fire-prevention strip with a width of at least 40 cm;
  • the site must have the necessary tools and materials to extinguish the fire;

After burning, it is necessary to fill the site or container with water or cover it with sand until the burning / smoldering completely stops.

If you use a closed container made of non-combustible materials (barrel, stove, etc.) for waste incineration, then the requirements change:

  • the container for burning garbage should be 25 m away from all buildings, 50 m from coniferous forest, 15 m from deciduous forest;
  • the site on which the container is located must be cleared for 5 m from dry branches, logging residues, dry grass and other combustible materials;
  • there is no need to set up a firebreak;
  • next to the container there should be a metal sheet capable of blocking it from above and restricting air access to the fire;
  • the person controlling the burning must be on the site until the end of burning (smoldering).

An absolute ban on burning garbage and making fires applies: on peat soils; when a special fire regime is introduced in the relevant territory; under the crowns coniferous trees; in relation to containers whose walls have a through burnout; with wind gusts above 5 m/s (for open fire) and 10 m/s (for containers).

Other oven options

It is possible to make a potbelly stove from a barrel with your own hands more complex design, these include a hexagonal potbelly stove. For its basis is taken the same barrel of 200 liters. A hexagon from the components of the future potbelly stove is inserted into it.

If we describe the device of the furnace from the bottom up, then the order location will be as follows:

  1. Felt lining for softness and stability of the construction.
  2. Asbestos, or another that protects against fire.
  3. A metal sheet. It protects the floor from possible fire and heating.
  4. Support bricks. They are the legs of the potbelly stove.
  5. Blower compartment. This is a place where ash accumulates.
  6. Fuel tank. A place to kindle firewood, coal and other selected fuels.
  7. damper.
  8. Oven. Place for cooking, air heating.
  9. Lining compartment.
  10. Outlet pipe for the chimney.

All parts of the hexagon are inserted into the barrel. On the front panel (part) of the barrel, doors for the blower compartment, oven, lining compartment are welded or riveted.

Homemade stove from a metal 200 liter barrel: drawings, stove diagram, photo and video. A barrel stove can be used to heat garages, workrooms, greenhouses and other premises.

A standard metal 200 liter barrel has a height of 860 mm, a diameter of 590 mm and a weight of 20-26 kg.

The dimensions of the barrel are almost ideal for making a stove from it, the only caveat is the thin walls of the barrel 1 - 1.5 mm, which will quickly burn out from the high temperature. Alternatively, the firebox can be lined with refractory bricks from the inside.

To make an oven you will need:

  • Two 200 liter barrels.
  • Door for oven.
  • Grids.
  • Sheet metal, corners and rods.
  • Chimney pipe.
  • Refractory brick.
  • Bulgarian with a cutting wheel.
  • Welding machine.
  • Electric drill.

Stove from a 200 liter barrel: scheme.

We cut off the top of the barrel with a grinder and cut out a side opening under the furnace door.

We weld the furnace door to the barrel with a welding machine. At a height of 20 cm from the bottom of the barrel, we install grates for ash.

Under the ash pan, you can make a separate door, slightly opening it, you can adjust the traction force in the oven.

So that the metal walls of the barrel do not burn out over time, you need to lay out the inner surface of the firebox with refractory bricks. To fit the bricks more tightly, we file them with a grinder.

For laying the labyrinth of the chimney, it is necessary to weld from the corners of the crossbar under the bricks.

Bricks are laid out on the furnace mortar. The composition of the furnace solution is 1 part clay to 2 parts sand, the mixture is kneaded with a minimum amount of water to a very thick consistency.

The thickness of the joints for masonry should not exceed 5 mm.

To increase the heat transfer of the furnace, you can install another barrel on top. Under the chimney, you need to make a hole in the barrel and weld a piece of pipe under the chimney.

The chimney will have to be periodically cleaned of soot, so it is better to make it collapsible, I recommend reading the article - how to make a chimney for a potbelly stove.

For happy owners of summer cottages, a stove from a barrel of 200 liters is a panacea for many troubles that await them in housekeeping in difficult climatic conditions Russia. It can be used for heating a greenhouse and utility rooms, burning leaves and other debris, fumigating trees during frost, kindling a bathhouse.

The main advantage is that such a stove is made from a barrel with your own hands. This does not require special knowledge and large financial costs. Its other advantages are:

  • the use of improvised solid fuel - firewood, wood chips, sawdust, brushwood, etc.;
  • small size and weight, mobility;
  • simplicity and reliability of work.

The stove from a 200 l barrel has disadvantages that you need to know for safe operation:

  • the need for periodic removal of ash and ashes, cleaning the boiler from soot;
  • low heat accumulation;
  • a non-combustible base or pedestal is required, a safe distance from the walls;
  • the need for a high chimney pipe to provide draft;
  • periodic monitoring of the combustion process due to the possibility of reverse draft and smoke in the room.

Do-it-yourself oven from a 200 liter barrel for various purposes in the garden

Consider how you can make a stove from a 200 liter barrel with your own hands for various purposes in a summer cottage or garden plot.

Bubafonya - oven from a barrel long burning. It is an upper combustion stove, where the loaded solid fuel burns gradually from top to bottom, pressed down by a piston with a descending pipe for air supply. Due to the restriction of air access, combustion occurs for a long time. Pyrolysis gases, burning down above the surface of the piston, heat the body and go outside through the chimney.

The stove is made from a barrel of 200 liters, which is usually used to store fuels and lubricants or paint. An empty iron barrel can be bought at warehouses, metal depots, or found at a landfill. In addition to it, you will need:

  • a metal circle for the piston with a diameter several centimeters smaller than the inner diameter of the barrel;
  • a metal corner 5-6 cm wide for the base of the piston and legs;
  • an iron pipe with a diameter of 10 cm, 5 cm longer than the height of the barrel, which serves to supply air and is at the same time a guide piston rod;
  • 5 meters metal pipe chimney and tee with a diameter of 15 cm.

Do-it-yourself balloon stove

Case manufacturing:

  • The top of the barrel must be carefully dismantled, knocking down the weld. The drain hole with screw plug can be welded or left to be used as a viewing window.
  • Smooth out sharp edges by bending the edges of the cylinder inward around the circumference.
  • Align the edge of the cover in the same way, bending its edges outward with a hammer. As a result, the cover should overlap tightly on the edges of the cylinder.
  • In the center of the cover, cut a hole with a diameter of 10.2 cm for the free passage of the stem-pipe.
  • Cut a hole 15 cm in diameter in the upper part of the side surface of the cylinder and hermetically weld a 25 cm section of the chimney pipe for the elbow connection with the chimney by welding.
  • Make 4 legs from a corner and weld to the bottom of the cylinder for stable installation of the furnace on a pedestal or refractory base.

Piston manufacturing:

  • In the center of the metal circle that serves as the base of the piston, cut a hole into which the supply pipe should fit tightly.
  • On one side of the pancake, weld 4 segments of the corner symmetrically and radially from the hole to the outer circle. They will provide the rigidity of the piston base and the necessary air gap between piston and fuel.
  • On the reverse side of the pancake, put one end of the pipe into the hole and weld it tightly, observing the strict perpendicularity of the two parts.
  • Put the barrel lid on the pipe and, at the other end of the pipe, weld a bolt protruding beyond the end to it, on which to fix a metal plate that freely rotates and completely covers the hole. It is a damper that regulates the air supply.

A "long-playing" stove from a barrel with your own hands is ready. It remains to install it on a safe pedestal or base and connect it to the chimney.

A chimney pipe with a height of at least 5 m is mounted vertically on legs and fixed with braces.

The lower part should be plugged with a removable plug with a ball valve to drain the condensate. At the same height with the exhaust pipe of the barrel, a tee must be welded in to connect to the furnace. The chimney tee can be connected to the furnace outlet with a metal sheet and clamps.

How can a stove be used in a garden plot from a barrel with your own hands

The kindling of the furnace is carried out as follows:

  • Dry solid fuel is tightly packed into an empty cylinder to such a height that the upper plane of the piston is below the lower boundary of the chimney opening. Wet firewood should not be allowed, which can slow down the movement of the piston during the combustion process.
  • Put chips, a rag or paper sprinkled with diesel fuel or kerosene on top, close the lid with a piston.
  • Fully open the shutter, set fire to the rolled paper and throw it into the pipe. When the firewood flares up well, close the damper, setting the minimum clearance for air to enter.

On a household plot, a stove from a 200l barrel can be used to heat greenhouses, kindle a bathhouse or burn garbage.

Barrel stove for greenhouse, application options

A feature of heating greenhouses is the need for a uniform supply of heat over a large area. This is usually achieved in the following ways:

  • Natural convection method

A garden stove from a barrel is installed at the entrance to the greenhouse, and a chimney at the opposite end. A pipe with a slight upward slope runs along the entire greenhouse, connecting the stove to the chimney. Hot gases, passing through the pipe, heat it along its entire length, and the greenhouse is heated more evenly over the entire area due to the natural convection of warm air.

Bubafonya oven

  • Forced convection method

A do-it-yourself oven made from a barrel is placed in an even larger diameter metal cylinder, which is welded from sheet iron. The outer cylinder must have a cutout for placing the chimney elbow of the furnace and two holes with a diameter of 10-20 cm, located on opposite sides from below and above.

A branch pipe is welded into the lower hole for forced supply of outside air with the help of a fan, and a similar pipe is welded into the upper hole for the output of hot air.

The entire space between the outer cylinder and the inner oven must be hermetically sealed so that all the heated air enters the air duct system distributed over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse.

Do-it-yourself oven for a bath from a barrel, application features

  • In a 200-liter barrel, the top cover must be removed.
  • In the side part, cut three holes for standard oven doors for the ash pan, firebox and heater. The hole in the ash pan should be located above the bottom at the height of one layer of bricks, above it - the hole in the furnace, and the hole in the heater should be closer to the top cover of the barrel on the opposite side.
  • Lay out the bottom and lower part of the barrel up to 60 cm with a thick layer of refractory bricks, forming the volumes of the ash pan and the combustion chamber, dividing them with grates.
  • Weld the doors, sealing all the cracks with cement mortar.
  • Install a grate of metal profiles with a gap of 5-8 mm separating the heater from the firebox, and lay out the walls with a thin layer of refractory bricks to the top.
  • Lay granite stones on the grate in several layers, starting with large ones and ending with small ones. Smoke must pass freely between them. The upper border of the stones should end at the level of the beginning of the door.
  • Weld the door to the stove, sealing the cracks with cement mortar.
  • Drill a hole for the chimney in the top lid of the barrel and weld a drain pipe there.
  • Close and seal the lid of the barrel. A hot water tank connected to the plumbing system can be mounted on the side surface of the barrel or on the lid.

The stove is installed in the bath so that the firebox door looks into the dressing room, and the heater door into the steam room in compliance with all fire safety measures. It should be heated like an ordinary potbelly stove, using wood, pellets, coal, etc.

Steam is generated when heated stones are sprayed with warm water through the door of the heater.

Barrel garbage stove

A lot of waste and garbage is always collected on the garden plot, which is expensive to take out.

The best way out of this situation is a garbage stove from a 200 liter barrel, the device of which is the simplest and accessible to everyone.

To do this, you need to remove the top cover of the barrel, and make a lot of holes on the bottom and bottom side of the barrel for air to enter.

Set the barrel on a dug ditch or brick base that provides air from below, and light a small fire in the barrel to begin with. Then, as it ignites, report the rest of the garbage. The advantage is that you can lay large branches without additional pruning. It can also be used for fumigation. flowering trees in frost. The disadvantage is that you need to turn the barrel over to remove the ash after each use.

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