Types of garden lilies. Lilies - growing, planting, care, varieties

With reverence. It is believed that this flower already grew in the Garden of Eden and the first people enjoyed its aroma. Many centuries later, the lily was associated with divine figures in Greek and Roman mythology. In nominal Christianity, the flower has become a symbol of purity and purity. And in the Holy Scriptures it is called the most beautiful of all wild flowers.

Often the lily was used to emphasize their power. In France, for a long time it appeared on the emblems of the great monarchs of antiquity. It later appeared on the royal coat of arms and banners. Even today, the lily is used on the coats of arms of some French provinces. In addition, lilies poured from gold decorated the famous Temple of Solomon. What is the secret of the popularity of a simple garden flower? Let's try to figure it out.

General description of a sophisticated beauty

Lilies grow almost all over Europe. They are familiar to residents of the northern part of the American continent and Asia. It decorates gardens and summer cottages in Russia. Its delicate aroma is liked not only by women, but also by men. Therefore, many poems and songs have been written about her.

Lily belongs to the Liliaceae family. Its close relatives are tulips, onions and hazel grouse. Like them, flowers are perennial plants that grow from bulbs. In nature, lilies come in different types. Biologists count about 80 options. Many of them became the basis for the emergence of new varieties and hybrids.

Lily bulbs are open, succulent scales. They are attached to the bottom of the plant, where the roots grow. Therefore they are considered loose. They vary in size. For example, tiny ones reach only 1 cm in diameter, and large ones can be about 30 cm. Most often, the bulbs are ovoid or spherical in shape.

Plant roots are:

  • basal;
  • retractors;
  • supra-bulbous.

The basal and retractor roots grow in the area of ​​the bulbous base. Supra-bulb roots form on the stems within one season. After the shoots dry out, the roots also die.

When transplanting lilies, it is advisable not to damage the main roots located at the base of the bulb.

The garden lily has a straight stem that grows to a maximum height of 250 cm. Some species reach only 15 cm, but this does not deprive them of their charm. The entire length of the shoots is decorated with lily leaves. Depending on the type, they can sit on it in the form of:

  • spirals;
  • whorls;
  • basal rosette.

There are lilies in which the leaves are pressed tightly against a vertical stem. There are much more of them at the base than at the top of the shoot. Other varieties of the flower are characterized by the appearance of air bulbs in the axils of the leaf plate. They are usually attached to the stem of the plant.

Straight shoots are decorated with original inflorescences in the form of:

  • cylinder;
  • cone;
  • umbrella

On each brush, on average, up to 16 buds grow. Royal varieties boast 30 flowers at a time. They are all released in order. First the lower ones, then the upper buds. Each of them does not fade within 9 days, so, in general, the lily blooms for about two weeks.

A lily flower includes 6 petals (some varieties have more). They surround the pistil and 6 stamens with large anthers located inside the bud. Flower shapes vary:

  • in the form of a bowl;
  • tubular;
  • like a large bell;
  • flat version of the bud;
  • funnel-shaped;
  • stellate;
  • turban-shaped.

Depending on this, the sizes of lily buds vary. For example, turban-shaped options can be about 10 cm in diameter. They are very reminiscent of Chinese lantern models. The funnel-shaped types of the flower have a diameter of 4 cm and a length of 15 cm. Flat buds grow up to 25 cm. A truly magnificent sight!

The colors of lily flowers simply amaze the imagination with their diversity. They come in orange and apricot, pale pink and bright red, snow-white and dark purple. Incredibly beautiful - two-color options with a rainbow tint. There are flowers with tiny spots, graceful strokes, and even with an original border at the tips of the petals. Blue lilies are not found in nature. When the buds fade, fruits form on the plant. Long neat boxes filled with flat seeds ripen in November. Thus ends the flowering season of charming garden beauties.

To consistently enjoy lilies, it is important to breed them correctly. What is the secret to planting these cute flowers? Just a few sequential operations.

Basic rules for planting lilies

In order for sophisticated and delicate lilies to appear at a country dacha, it is important to plant them correctly. Exotic species especially need this. There are several rules for planting and caring for lilies:

  • selection of a suitable site;
  • soil preparation;
  • bulb planting depth;
  • layout of lilies in the front garden.

Before choosing a place to plant flowers, you should think about how they will look in tandem with other plants. If you need to breed tall varieties, they can be planted in small groups. Another option is to place flowers at the back of the flowerbed to create a unique backdrop for miniature plants. Low-growing varieties go wonderfully with rose bushes or peonies.

The proximity of lilies to roses allows you to create reliable shelters from the winter cold. Under a joint cover, flowers are unlikely to suffer from severe frosts.

Most types of lilies love open sunny areas of the garden or partial shade. The main thing is not to plant them under spreading trees, where there is little light and dry soil. In view of this, when purchasing plant bulbs, you should familiarize yourself with the preferences of this type of flower.

In order for lilies in the garden to show off in the flowerbed for a long time, it is necessary to prepare the soil before planting. To do this, add a little ready-made humus, clean sand and natural peat. Such fertilized soil helps to strengthen the bulb and, as a result, the active development of the flower. In addition, depending on the variety of lilies, suitable soil is selected. Some prefer an acidic environment, others alkaline. For most flowers, neutral soil is suitable.

If the place is chosen and the ground is prepared, you should figure out how to plant lilies correctly. First of all, it is important to take into account the type of flower and the dimensions of its bulb. We also take into account the lily’s ability to produce roots on shoots.

Almost always, planting material is lowered into the ground to a depth that is 3 times greater than its diameter.

Depending on the nature of the soil, the depth of planting of lilies is determined. Bulbs are planted much deeper in sandy soil than in heavy soil. Thanks to this, during the hot summer the plant receives a sufficient amount of moisture. During the cold winter months, this depth allows the bulb to be at a suitable temperature. And in early spring, the plant is not afraid of unexpected frosts. In addition, a large number of young bulbs and stem roots are formed at depth.

To ensure comfortable care for lilies in the garden, choose a suitable scheme for planting plants in the flower garden. There are several options:

  1. Single line tape option. To do this, the bulbs with roots are planted at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. The width between rows is up to 50 cm.
  2. Two-line method. It is used for lilies of medium height. The gap between plants is within 15 or 25 cm. The gap between the lines is also 25 cm. The width of the space between the ribbons is at least 70 cm.
  3. Three-line planting method. It is most often used for dwarf lilies. Individual bulbs are laid out in holes at intervals of about 15 cm. The main rows and additional lines are placed in the same way as in the two-line version.

The process of planting cute flowers is done in this way. First, dig holes in the marked places. Their depth should be three times deeper than the diameter of the original planting material. A protective base made of clean sand and ash is poured onto the bottom of the funnel. Onions are placed on top. To make them sprout faster, the roots are carefully straightened and then lightly pressed into the sand. Then, the hole is covered with earth, watered with cold water and mulched with peat.

Lilies can be planted in spring, autumn and even summer. The spring option will help protect the plant bulbs from freezing. At this time, the root system develops especially actively, which contributes to successful survival. Lilies planted in the fall have time to firmly take root before the onset of winter. Thanks to this, the plant will be able to withstand spring frosts. And in winter it will be protected by additional shelter made by a caring owner.

To provide proper care for your garden lily, you should follow simple recommendations. First of all, it is important to fertilize the plants throughout the season. Special fertilizers are also used for this. For every square meter of soil, scatter 50 grams of this mixture. The process is repeated 3 times:

  • at the beginning of spring to strengthen the roots;
  • during the formation of buds;
  • after the lilies have bloomed.

For spring fertilizer, you can use a solution of ammonium nitrate at the rate of 40 grams per 10 liters of water. Pus diluted in liquid is also considered a good supplement. Proportion: 1 part cow pus per 10 liters of water.

It is important to ensure proper watering for lilies. As a rule, water should be poured at the root so that it does not fall on the leaves. Otherwise, the droplets will attract the sun's rays, which may cause burns. Despite the fact that lilies do not like excessive wetness, they need regular watering during dry periods.

Practice shows that bulbous plants do not like it when the soil overheats on summer days. This leads to disruption of plant growth and lush flowering. Using natural materials in the soil will help prevent the problem. It is especially important to use straw, mown grass and even sawdust.

Lily beetles and flies often appear on lily leaves or buds. Special chemicals designed for such pests will help get rid of them. Some flower lovers collect insect larvae by hand, which is also effective.

Planting and caring for lily flowers involves constant monitoring of the plant. If tall species are expected, then supports are prepared for them. When the stems grow, they are tied to them so that they do not break or fall. Experienced summer residents try to think in advance where it is best to place the supports.

To ensure that lilies always look attractive, faded buds should be removed on time. Peduncles are cut off after the plant has finished blooming. At the end of the season, it is advisable to mow the shoots so that in winter they do not become a conductor of cold air to the bulb. In addition, they would benefit from additional shelter from leaves, sawdust or coniferous spruce branches. As you can see, when you know everything about lilies: planting, care and external description, it is easier to choose the appropriate option. Are there many varieties of delicate flowers known in our territory? More than can be planted in one area.

Welcome to the kingdom of sophisticated lilies

Almost every flower lover can imagine a clearing in which hundreds of lilies grow. They are all different shapes, colors, heights and aroma. Is it easy to choose the most beautiful of them? Hardly. Perhaps the American botanist Jan de Graaf faced such a situation. To resolve the situation, he systematized lily varieties into groups. Each of them was based on the origin of the plant, since most of them require the same growing conditions.

All lily flowers were divided into the following groups:

  • Asian;
  • martagon;
  • candidum;
  • American;
  • long-flowered;
  • tubular and Orleans;
  • eastern;
  • interspecific;
  • decorative.

Having examined some of them, you can visit the enchanting kingdom of soda flowers.

Asian group of hybrids

This group includes lilies that do not require special attention. They are found in different places on the planet, even in Siberia and Alaska. Flowers tolerate harsh winters well. To do this, the shoots are cut at ground level so that the snow completely covers them. Asian lilies have small white bulbs that grow well in slightly acidic soil. All of them are quite hardy and unpretentious to growing conditions. They reproduce with the help of bulbous children. They bloom in mid-summer.

The Asian group includes hybrids that grow up to 1.5 m in height, as well as dwarf specimens - up to 40 cm in height. Some of them produce tiny bulbs in the axils of the leaf blade. For this they are called bulbous flowers.

According to coloring they are:

  • snow-white;
  • cream;
  • yellow and orange;
  • dark and bright red;
  • combinations of several shades.

The most famous varieties of lilies of the Asian group cause considerable admiration.

Variety Adeline

Charming flowers of the Asian group belong to the early garden plants. They grow to medium size. Most often the buds are yellow. Their shape resembles an oriental bowl. They are almost always distinguished by an abundant number of flowers per season.

Flora Pleno

Terry beauties grow up to a meter in height. Each inflorescence contains up to 30 buds, the diameter of which reaches 20 cm. They bloom, depending on the climate, from May to August. They tolerate harsh winters well.

Curly Martagons

Charming hybrids of this group are particularly hardy. The flowers are frost-resistant, can grow in one area for a long time, and are resistant to various diseases. They are even practiced in Siberia. In mid-latitudes, it is better to plant them in shady areas to protect them from the scorching rays of the sun.

Arabian Knight variety

Magnificent tall lilies of the martagon group are considered long-lived. They tolerate winter frosts without problems and bloom profusely during warm periods. Each stem produces a huge inflorescence of 50 buds. They are burgundy-yellow in color with small speckles and orange stamens. The shape of the flowers resembles an oriental turban.

Guinea Gold

Lilies of this variety have buds that are yellowish, sometimes with a pink tint. The base of the flower is orange or yellow, the edges are slightly lighter. All petals are covered with many dark spots on the inside. Up to 10 buds grow on the stem. They bloom gradually.

Snow white candidum

The ancestor of this group was the snow-white lily. Although it does not include many varieties, they all have a persistent aroma. The buds often resemble a wide funnel or tubes. Color – yellow, terracotta or snow-white.

Variety Apollo

The white lily of the candidum group grows up to a meter in height. The peculiarity of the variety is that it does not have stem leaves; they are collected at the base into a rosette. The lower leaf plates are much longer than the upper ones, which makes the plant stand out against the background of other flowers in the front garden. Delicate lily buds, about 7 cm in diameter, are collected in original clusters on the top of the shoot. The only drawback is that flowers are susceptible to diseases and therefore require special care.

Terracotta lily species

Most often, the flowers of such specimens have a wide open shape. They look up and smell nice. They amaze with their rich color. Causes a pleasant sensation during the flowering period.

American hybrid group

Plants of this group are distinguished by their amazing beauty and charm. Quite often there are two-color versions of American hybrids. If the buds are light, you can see red specks on the petals. These lilies love a lot of light, so growing in open areas, they need regular watering. During the winter, they should be covered to prevent the bulbs from being damaged by the cold.

Cherrywood - bright American hybrid

Many summer residents plant red lilies of this group on their plots. The rich color and pleasant aroma of the buds, which delight the eye in the middle of summer, amaze with their grace. They prefer non-acidic soils and require regular watering. They tolerate Russian winters well. When planting, drainage must be added to the holes so that the plants quickly adapt and do not get sick.

Cherrywood lilies do not like transplanting, so it is better to immediately choose a suitable place for such an elegant beauty.

Columnar varieties of lilies

Extraordinarily beautiful lilies of this variety are considered the most popular in Russia. They tolerate harsh winters and temperature changes well, and are resistant to various fungi and viruses. They bloom for 3 months, and in southern latitudes until mid-autumn.

Proper planting and care of the columnar lily gives good results to lovers of garden flowers. Typically, such plants are planted in April in prepared soil. If there is a lot of clay or sand in it, it is advisable to add a little homemade humus.

In a suitable area, dig holes at a distance of about 12 cm. The bottom is covered with drainage mixture. Lay out the bulbs and cover them with soil. At the end of planting, water the area generously.

Plant care includes:

  • moderate watering every two days;
  • pruning stems that have bloomed in mid-autumn;
  • additional shelter for the winter;
  • fertilizing 3 times a year (in early spring, during the appearance of buds, after flowering);
  • if necessary, make supports;
  • replant no more than once every 3 years.

By following these simple rules for caring for flowers, you can constantly enjoy their presence in your summer cottage.

Unfortunately, it happens that lilies are attacked by pests that devour buds, leaves or bulbs. These include lily flies, beetles, aphids, mole crickets, and larvae. To effectively combat them, it is best to use chemicals. Taking care of lilies in this way brings a lot of joy and satisfaction.

Amazing lilies in the garden - video

Lily (lat. Lilium)- a genus of plants in the Liliaceae family, which are perennial herbs growing from bulbs. There are about 80 species of lilies in nature, which in culture have given birth to many varieties and hybrids. Lilies grow in Asia, Europe and North America. It is said that in ancient Gaulish “li-li” means “white-white,” and although species with both pinkish and yellowish flowers are found in nature, the flower most likely received its name from a species known as the “snow-white lily.” There are many legends associated with the lily: the ancient Greeks said that the white flowers of the lily are drops of the milk of Hera, the wife of Zeus; a Jewish legend tells that of all the flowers of paradise, after the fall of Eve, only the lily retained purity and purity; In Christian culture, the white lily is a symbol of the Mother of God.

Very often the lily flower is used in heraldry. Poets and writers also paid attention to this flower. But besides beauty, lilies also have unique healing properties: the ancient Roman military doctor Dioscorides, in his treatise “On Medicines,” told his contemporaries and descendants that white and forest lilies heal wounds, treat bruises, burns and abrasions, help in the treatment of heart diseases and relieve toothache.

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Planting and caring for lilies (in brief)

  • Landing: early autumn (late September or early October). Snow white lily is planted in August. In spring, only late-flowering species and varieties can be planted.
  • Bloom: summer and autumn.
  • Excavation: before boarding.
  • Storage: Bulbs dug up in the fall are stored in a moderately dry, well-ventilated room at low above-zero temperatures.
  • Lighting: depending on the type - bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: loose, fertile, well moistened and drained.
  • Watering: moderate and regular, abundant in the first half of summer and after flowering.
  • Feeding: three times per season: 1st - in the snow, even before the shoots appear, 2nd - during budding, 3rd - after flowering.
  • Reproduction: usually vegetatively: by dividing nests, scales, bulbs, stem, and sometimes leaf cuttings. Seed propagation is possible.
  • Pests: lily beetles and their larvae, lily flies, spider mites, thrips, wireworms, beetles, mole crickets and rodents.
  • Diseases: onion rot (fusarium), wet (or bacterial) rot, brown spot, gray rot, cercospora, anthracnose, rhizoctonia, phytium, blue mold, penicillosis, rust, viral mosaic (cucumber and tobacco), variegation of tulips, rosette.

Read more about growing lilies below.

Lily flower - description

The lily plant is a bulbous perennial. The size of the bulbs can be tiny - 1 cm in diameter, or they can be more than large - up to 30 cm in diameter. They are spherical or ovoid in shape, the scales are attached to the bottom, where the point of root growth is located, on the side opposite the bottom the scales do not close, so the lily bulbs look loose. The stem of lilies is straight, leafy, with few branches at the top, depending on the species and variety, from 15 to 250 cm. In some species, lily leaves are wrapped in a spiral on the stem, while in other species they create a basal rosette.

Lily flowers are collected in cylindrical, cone-shaped or umbrella-shaped inflorescences of 8-16 flowers, but some varieties have up to 30 flowers in the inflorescence, which bloom gradually from lower to upper. Flowers live from 3 to 9 days. In the center of the flower there are a pistil and 6 stamens with large anthers, around which there are 6 petals (more in double varieties). Flower shapes are varied - star-shaped, turban-shaped, funnel-shaped, tubular, flat, cup-shaped, bell-shaped... Often the size of the flower depends on the shape: turban-shaped lilies reach a diameter of 5-10 cm and are very similar to Chinese lanterns; funnel-shaped flowers are only 4 cm in diameter, while 15 cm in length; Flat-shaped flowers can be up to 25 cm in diameter!

The color of the petals is also strikingly diverse: snow-white, orange, apricot, soft pink, bright scarlet, dark purple, two-colored, with iridescence, with spots, strokes or borders... there are not only blue lilies.

The fruits of lilies are long capsules that ripen in October-November, containing flat seeds.

Growing lilies in the garden

How to grow lilies

Since the lily grows in one place for several years and does not like transplants, you need to choose a place where the lilies will grow and bloom comfortably - a sunny area, protected from the wind. Lilies are very demanding when it comes to soil: the soil must be loose, fertile and with good drainage. As for the acid-base balance, different lilies prefer different compositions. American hybrids, for example, love acidic soil, and tubular– alkaline. All other species and varieties grow well in neutral soil. About 2-3 weeks before the start of planting, dig up the soil with ash (only if you are not going to plant oriental hybrids - they love acidic soil), peat and humus, adding a little mineral fertilizer. Then level the area, tamp lightly and water.

Lily bulbs

Before purchasing bulbs, try to find out more precisely what type of lilies they belong to, because the features of their agricultural technology depend on this. When purchasing, try to choose juicy, healthy and fleshy bulbs, with not overdried scales and an intact bottom. Pay attention to the length of the roots - they should be no shorter than 5 cm. If you purchased the bulbs in the fall, then until mid-October, when you need to plant them, keep them in damp moss, sand or sawdust in a dark room with good ventilation or store them directly in factory packaging in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Before planting, the bulbs are cleaned of rusty scales with brown spots, rotten or suspicious areas and wilted or too long roots are cut out, then kept for half an hour in a 0.2% solution of foundationazole or in the Maxim preparation.

Planting lilies

When to plant lilies

Lilies can be planted in both spring and autumn. You can plant lilies even in summer. Planting lilies in spring avoids the risk of the bulbs getting wet and freezing in the open ground. In spring, roots grow better, so the survival rate of plants is higher, this is especially important for late-flowering lilies, such as, for example, oriental hybrids. In March, you can plant Tibetan and tiger lilies, as well as other fall-blooming varieties. Oriental, Asian and trumpet hybrids are planted as soon as the snow melts. Terry lilies are also best planted in spring at a temperature of 11 ºC.

As a preventive measure, you need to annually burn all plant remains of lilies (stems, leaves), and also divide and plant nests of bulbs at least once every three years so that the plantings do not thicken. Also, mulch the soil between lilies to prevent weeds.

Lilies after flowering

When the lilies fade, do not rush to trim the flower stalks, but it is advisable to remove the seed pods if you do not need the seeds, and the leaves and stems will “work” until they wilt, delivering nutrients to the bulbs for the growth and flowering of the lily next year. In autumn, the peduncle can be cut, but not low (10-15 cm from the surface) and diagonally.

Continue watering, if necessary, until the time comes to divide and replant the lily bulbs.

After transplanting the bulbs and the end of the heavy autumn rains, it will be enough for frost-resistant lilies to be mulched with peat or coniferous shavings, while capricious oriental hybrids would be nice to be wrapped in spruce branches and covered with plastic wrap on top of the insulation. In the spring, the film and spruce branches will need to be removed so that it does not damage the hatching sprouts, and let the peat and sawdust remain as mulch.

Storing lily bulbs

It is undesirable to leave some varieties of lilies in the ground until spring, especially if winters are frosty and snowless. Thus, bulbs of oriental hybrids, Candidum varieties or royal lilies require extraction from the soil.

The storage location for lilies must meet the following requirements:

  • not be too dry so that the bulbs do not wrinkle over the winter;
  • be not too wet so that the bulbs do not become moldy or germinate prematurely;
  • the temperature should be moderate (not minus);
  • good ventilation is necessary.

Lily bulbs purchased or removed from the ground should be slightly dried and cleared of soil. Peat is poured into a wooden box, cardboard box or bag, bulbs are placed in it, which are then sprinkled with peat again, on which another layer of bulbs is placed. When the box is two-thirds full, it is stored in the refrigerator, basement or loggia. But don’t forget to check the condition of the bulbs from time to time: if the roots are dry, sprinkle the peat with water; if, on the contrary, mold has appeared here and there, wipe the bulbs with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

Second storage method: Place the bulbs in a plastic bag with damp peat moss, then inflate it, tie it and place it in a dark place at room temperature. After two to three months, the bulbs form babies. Without separating the children, transplant the bulbs into peat pots so that the tip of the scale is above the surface, and take them to a cool but frost-free basement. Two weeks before planting, bring them indoors and start watering.

Types and varieties of lilies

What lily?

There are a great variety of lilies in nature and culture, and all of them are of interest to gardeners. We offer you a classification of lilies according to the latest edition of the International Register of Lilies, which describes more than 3,500 varieties.

Asiatic lily

The group under this name includes garden forms and hybrids of such lilies: tiger and David lilies, drooping and pleasant lilies, Maksimovich and dwarf lilies, monochromatic and bulbous lilies, spotted lilies and Dutch lilies. The Asiatic lily and its varieties have bulbs that are small in size and white in color. These lilies are hardy, winter-hardy, completely unpretentious to growing conditions, reproduce well by children and scales, and bloom earlier than other lilies at the end of June.

Among the Asian hybrids there are dwarf varieties 20-40 cm in height, and there are also tall lilies up to one and a half meters tall. Some varieties form “bulbs” - aerial bulbs in the axils of the leaves, and for this they are called bulbous. The flowers are white, yellow, orange, cream, there are two- and three-color varieties, as well as red, dark red and almost black varieties. The lily flower is most often cup-shaped or turban-shaped, measuring from 8 to 20 cm, consisting of 6 petals, although there are several double varieties. Varieties of the Asian group:

  • Lily Adeline– medium-sized yellow lilies, early variety, blooming profusely;
  • Lily Blazing Dwarf– a dwarf variety that blooms early and profusely, can even be grown in pots;
  • Lily Flora Pleno– double lilies, medium-sized orange flowers, tall strong stem, blooms late.

In the photo: Asiatic Lily Adeline

In the photo: Asiatic lily Flora Pleno

Martagon hybrids

Or curly hybrids, which include lilies descended from the curly lily (or martagon lily), Hanson's lily and two-row lily, Tsingtaunt lily and honey-shaped lily. There are only about a hundred varieties of this group; they are characterized by tall growth, turban-like drooping flowers of delicate shades of different colors. Among the advantages of lilies of this group are frost resistance, unpretentiousness in the choice of soil and lighting, durability, high decorativeness, resistance to viruses and good resistance to all kinds of rot. But, unfortunately, martagon hybrids have not yet gained widespread popularity in our region.

Varieties of martagon hybrids:

  • Lily Manitoba Fox– tree lily 1.8-2.4 m high, multi-flowered lily with dark pink and fawn flowers and black and yellow specks;
  • Lily Martagon Album- tall, multi-flowered, snow-white turban-shaped flowers with yellow stamens. Up to 50 flowers bloom at a time;
  • Lily Mrs. R.O. Backhouse– pink lilies with a yellow tint, the specks on them are dark pink.

In the photo: Lilia Martagon Album

In the photo: Lily Martagon Manitoba Fox

In the photo: Lilia Martagon Mrs. R.O. Backhouse

Candidum hybrids

Garden forms that gave rise to the snow-white lily, or, as it is often called, the royal lily, crossed with the Chalcedony lily and other types of European lilies. The specimen species is the terracotta lily (Lilium x testaceum). There are very few varieties of this species, but they are all very fragrant, the flowers have the shape of a wide funnel or tubular, the color of the flowers is all shades of yellow or white. In varieties of this species, the scales of the bulbs turn into leaves that form a rosette. The disadvantage of this species is its susceptibility to fungal diseases; in addition, these hybrids do not set seeds well. Varieties:

  • Apollo Lily– white lily, fragrant bells 10-12 cm in diameter, collected 9-10 pieces in a brush;
  • terracotta lily (tiled, testaceum)- turban-shaped flowers of cream color.

American hybrids

Derived from crossing leopard lilies, Humboldt lilies, Canadian lilies, Columbian lilies, Bolander lilies, Parry lilies, etc. In addition to them, the group includes Bellingham hybrids and Burbank lilies - about 150 varieties in total. The flowers are varied in both shape and color. These hybrids require slightly acidic soil, abundant watering and good drainage, and do not tolerate transplantation. They bloom in July. Frost-resistant. Varieties:

  • variety Shuksan– golden lily with brown spots, the tips of the petals are pink;
  • variety Cherrywood- red lilies.

Long-flowered hybrids

Garden forms from long-flowered lily, Formolonga, Formosan, etc. The flowers of these hybrids are predominantly white or light shades. These lilies love warmth, so in winter they have to be well covered. In addition, they are easily infected by viruses. But they are ideal for forcing and growing at home. The best varieties:

  • variety White Fox– flowers up to 12 cm in diameter, directed to the side, white with yellowish tint. The length of the tube is 16 cm, the height of the plant reaches 130 cm;
  • variety White Haven– white flowers with a light green center, yellow-orange stamens.

Tubular hybrids

They come from Asian species of lilies (Henry lilies), but without participation in the selection of such species as golden, beautiful, Japanese and reddish lilies. These hybrids are frost-resistant, but love fertile soil, are not afraid of viruses and fungi, and are easily propagated by any means. These are the most common representatives of the genus in our gardens, blooming for three months until the end of September. Trumpet lilies are divided into four subgroups based on flower shape:

  • flowers tubular(groups “Black Dragon”, “Golden Clarion”, “Sulfur Queen”, etc.);
  • flowers cupped, or goblet-shaped, directed to the side (groups “Heart's Desire”, “New Era”, “Gwendolyn Anley”);
  • flowers drooping(groups “Christmas Day”, “Golden Showers”;
  • flowers star-shaped(groups “Mimosa Star”, “Mimosa Star”, “Havemeyer”).

Oriental hybrids

These are hybrids of East Asian species: reddish, beautiful, golden, Japanese and Henry lilies. Their flowers are tubular, cup-shaped, turban-shaped and flat. The oriental lily has all the advantages of the lily genus, as well as some of its disadvantages: its hybrids are difficult to grow, they reproduce poorly and are very susceptible to viral diseases and fusarium root blight. These hybrids bloom only in 5-6 years, the growth of bulbs annually is 3-5 pieces. Varieties:

  • Anais Anais– white lilies with a yellow central vein, yellow-green nectaries, purple stigma, wavy petals, curled tips, stems 1.25 m high;
  • Askari– lilac-raspberry color with a yellow center and dark specks, the edge of the petals is wavy, stem height is 105 cm;
  • Barbados– large lilies (flower diameter 22 cm) dark crimson with a white border along the edge of wavy petals with curved tips, dark specks and a white throat, dark purple stigma.

In the photo: Eastern Lily Anais Anais

In the photo: Eastern Lily Askari

In the photo: Lily of the East Barbados

LA (LA) hybrids

Hybrids of long-flowered and Asian hybrids. These double hybrids are very resistant to fungal diseases, winter-hardy, have a wide palette of shades from white to dark red in all sorts of combinations, their flowers are larger, more beautiful and denser than those of the “Asians”, and the aroma is more delicate. The stems of LA hybrids are strong, but without “bulbs”. Varieties:

  • Lily Brindisi– a large-flowered hybrid of pale pink color, blooms very profusely, tall;
  • Lily Eulinner– large-flowered hybrid of white color with cherry specks, tall;
  • Lily Freya– chameleon flower: large yellow flowers bloom first, then they become creamy white with a characteristic yellow pattern. Tall specimen.

OT (OR) hybrids, or orienpets

Results of crossing oriental and tubular hybrids. Their stems are tall, strong, the flowers are very large (up to 25 cm) in the shape of a wide cup or funnel-shaped, directed to the side or upward. The color is pink, yellow, red, orange, there are multi-colored varieties. OT-hybrid lilies are grown in floriculture farms and mainly for cutting, but breeders are actively working to develop varieties for open ground. Varieties:

  • Lily Beverly Dream– a very beautiful hybrid: star-shaped, white edge, wine-red throat;
  • Lily Big Brother– a very large flower (more than 25 cm) yellow-vanilla color with black stamens;
  • Lily Black Beauty- turban-shaped, downward-pointing, almost black lily (red-cherry with a lilac-violet tint), a thin white border along the edge, very long stamens.

In the photo: Lily OT-hybrid Big Brother

In the photo: Lilia OT-hybrid Black Beauty

And one more thing about lilies and more. In addition to the described species and their hybrids, the following hybrid groups have appeared in recent years: LO hybrids- the result of crossing long-flowered and oriental hybrids, OA hybrids 4.4747899159664 Back

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    Lily is one of the most famous flowers, distributed throughout the planet. In tsarist times, he was often depicted on the coats of arms of states, clans and other organizations.. This popularity is explained by the exquisite appearance of this plant. Below is a description of the most popular varieties of common and hybrid lilies and where they grow.

    Lilies are a group of perennial, bulbous plants belonging to the Liliaceae family. They are herbaceous plants with dense, straight stems ranging from 60 to 180 centimeters in length. The leaves fit tightly to the stem, there are no petioles. Their shape is linear-lanceolate, the width is on average 15-20 millimeters, and the length is 20 centimeters.

    The bulbs consist of several parts adjacent to each other. They can be oval or round in shape, and you can also find both bare and scaly bulbs.

    Flower structure. The flowers are located on perianths, consisting of 6 lobes and shaped like a funnel.. The flowers themselves grow singly or are collected in inflorescences. Thanks to the hard work of breeders, there are many options for their colors.

    The fruit of the flower is a capsule containing triangular-shaped seeds.

    In nature, they reproduce by air, that is, due to the light weight of the seeds, the wind easily carries them over long distances.

    The flowering period depends on the specific plant variety. Most often it occurs in late spring - early summer.

    Homeland of the plant

    Known to people since ancient times. It’s difficult to name your homeland. In nature it can be found in Europe, Asia and North America.

    In ancient Greece, it was believed that this flower symbolizes the milk of the goddess Gerda. For Christians, the lily was the personification of the Mother of God.

    Types and classification of varieties

    There are a huge number of not only varieties, but also types of lilies. They differ in different origins, sizes, colors, shapes, etc. Thanks to the information below, you will be able to conclude which species and varieties are suitable for you to plant in your summer cottage.

    Asian hybrids

    Such plants amaze with their diversity and interesting color variations. Unpretentious, winter-hardy, slightly susceptible to fungal diseases and do not suffer from viral infections. Asian hybrids, unlike other species, can be used for forcing.

    Barshmark hybrids are very popular, which are characterized by the presence of small strokes on each of the perianth lobes; they can be milky, brown, yellow or scarlet. The following varieties are considered the most popular:

    • Or me;
    • Rostani;
    • Delta;
    • Zorka Venus;
    • Crane.

    Rostani Zhuravinka

    In addition to barshmarks, Asiatic lilies are famous for their two-color hybrids.

    This group also includes miniature lilies of the Pixie family. Their height does not exceed 40 centimeters, which is why they are very often used for growing at home.

    1. Ellow- this variety is the most famous representative of this group. Its flowers are rich yellow with brown strokes. Another distinctive feature will be a long flowering period and winter hardiness;
    2. Batter- a miniature plant reaching 60 centimeters in height. Flowers of rich yellow color with a diameter of 15 centimeters appear in June-July. This variety boasts immunity to most diseases and pests;
    3. Sorbet- lilies of this variety are painted white, while at the edges of the petals the shade becomes bright crimson. The presence of contrasting specks is also characteristic. On average, the height of such a plant is 70 centimeters.

    Martagon or Curly hybrids

    They are distinguished by a large number of flowers on one plant. On average, their number is 30-50 pieces. It is also characterized by high resistance to adverse weather conditions, frost and disease.

    However, this group also has disadvantages that are expressed in a low probability of reproductive success. That is why many varieties are considered very rare.

    1. Terrace City— the height of such a lily can reach 1.5 meters, the flowers are bright yellow, with a diameter of 7 centimeters. There are 20-25 flowers on one plant;
    2. Early Bird— the buds of this lily are pink and medium in size. Flowering occurs much earlier than other plants in this group.

    Terrace City Early Bird

    Candidum or Snow White hybrids

    This group is widespread in the Balkans and Western Asia. Snow-white flowers are considered the founders of all existing varieties of this plant and have the following distinctive features:

    • their height can reach 100 centimeters;
    • flower diameter varies from 5 to 7 centimeters, they are also collected in a short cluster;
    • bloom lasts from June to July;
    • no stem roots, instead of them, a basal rosette of leaves is formed;
    • lower leaves several times longer than the upper ones;
    • bulbs painted white;
    • the negative trait is poor disease resistance and viruses.

    Apollo- the most popular variety of snow-white lily, a plant with dark green, strong stems grows up to 1.5 meters in height. The flowers are very large (10-12 centimeters in diameter), appear in mid-June and remain on the stems until the end of summer

    American lilies

    They are not widespread and grow in the mountains of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. They are accustomed to drought and warm winters. Plants reach a height of 2 meters. The flowers are large and two-colored. The most popular varieties are considered:

    • Del North;
    • Shuksan;
    • Cherry Wood;
    • San Gabriel.

    Shuksan San Gabriel Del Norte

    Longiflorum or Long-flowered hybrids

    These hybrids were bred in Japan. The plant can reach a height of 120 to 200 centimeters, the leaves are large, the flowers are tubular, growing at right angles from the stem. Characterized by double flowering in mid-summer and late October.

    This species is very often used as indoor plants. This is due to the fact that they are afraid of frost.

    White Elegance— the plant grows up to 1.5 meters in height, the flowers are large, white with a light light green tint.

    Tubular hybrids

    Such hybrids are of high value and are very popular among lily connoisseurs. In terms of the number of known varieties, this group is second only to Asian hybrids.

    The plants are very tall, their length can reach 190 centimeters. The stems are very powerful, and the basal leaves are large. The flowers are slightly twisted into a tube and can be painted in a huge variety of shades, with a contrasting, star-shaped throat coloring being characteristic. The average diameter is 17 centimeters.

    Tubular hybrids are resistant to temperature changes and can bloom from early summer to mid-autumn.

    African Queen- flowers are large in size and delicate, orange in color with bronze spots on the outside of the petals. They gather in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. The height of the strong and powerful stem can reach 90 centimeters.

    Oriental lilies

    A distinctive feature of the group will be the large size of the flowers (20-22 centimeters) and bright aroma.

    Such hybrids include miniature varieties whose height does not exceed 30 centimeters. That is why they are very often used for home growing. Oriental lilies bloom at the end of July - beginning of September.

    One of the most prominent representatives is the Marco Polo variety.. Its flowers are painted in a delicate, pink color with many small crimson specks. Up to 14 peduncles can form on one stem.

    LA hybrids

    This is the result of a combination of the Long-flowered and Asian groups, during which a huge number of varieties with varied petal colors were formed.

    La hybrids are not afraid of cold weather and disease. As a houseplant it can bloom in autumn and spring. The diameter of the flowers is 25 centimeters, so they are very often used for cutting. Germination of such plants occurs 75 days after planting.

    Algavre- stems grow up to 120 centimeters in height. Flowering occurs in mid-summer, the petals are colored deep pink.


    These hybrids were the result of crossing the Oriental and Tubular groups. The characteristic features of orienpets are the large size of peduncles, bright aroma and two-meter height of the stems.

    Black Beauty- large flowers, up to 12 centimeters in diameter, slightly drooping down. You can see up to 10 lilies on one stem. The petals are painted in a rich, crimson color. The variety is characterized by resistance to diseases and frost.

    Planting, caring for and growing indoor and garden flowers at home

    is similar in many ways to other colors and includes the following aspects:

    1. Neat loosening the soil around the plant will ensure the best permeability of air and moisture;
    2. It is recommended to water in the evening using warm, settled water. The frequency of watering will depend on the weather, the main thing is that the soil is always moist, and you should not pour water on the green part of the plant;
    3. During the growing season, flowering and before preparing for winter, the plant needs feed with organic fertilizers(humus diluted with water, mullein solution, etc.) and mineral fertilizers. You can also use a special fertile mixture for lilies, which you can buy in the store. All fertilizers are best applied in liquid form along with watering;
    4. In order to make the root system stronger, plants slightly hill up;
    5. It is also necessary regularly remove all weeds;
    6. To protect the plant from the winds, for it support;
    7. Another mandatory rule would be removing faded flowers.

    Caring for indoor lilies is slightly different from garden flowers. In order to grow a strong plant, you must follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners.:

    1. For one bulb it is best to use pot with a diameter of 20 centimeters;
    2. Loves sunlight, so her placed on a south windowsill;
    3. The soil is regularly moistened without allowing it to dry out;
    4. Mineral fertilizers apply before and during flowering, and organic after;
    5. The soil needs to be loosened periodically, it is advisable to add a little ash to it at the same time;
    6. Once the stem is dry, carefully break it off, and the bulb is transplanted into sandy soil. In winter, the soil is periodically watered;
    7. In spring the bulb is replanted back to fertile soil.

    Caring for both indoor and indoor lilies is quite simple, the main thing is not to let the soil dry out and carry out all the necessary work in time. Flower growers often ask the question, why doesn’t the lily bloom? The reason for this is improper care of the soil in the pot.

    The use of hybrid lilies in landscape design

    Most often they are used to create group plantings, decorate green perennial shrubs, and are placed along the perimeter of sites and along paths.

    When decorating a garden, some nuances are taken into account:

    • to create a border and framing the array of lilies, miniature varieties of plants are used;
    • should be done in advance think over the color combination of varieties, planted in one composition;
    • more often lilies are combined with delphiniums, roses, phlox and peonies.

    Also, lilies are often planted in tubs or pots and used to decorate a terrace, gazebo or balcony.

    Lily is an unusually beautiful flower with a rich history. It can be grown both in the garden and at home, while creating unique compositions.

    In this article you will learn what types of lilies there are and how many varieties there are in the Liliaceae family. We will look at the whole variety of lily hybrids that amaze and inspire, delight the eye and exude unique aromas.

    Lily belongs to the lily family. It is a perennial herbaceous plant with fleshy lower leaves and a bulb.

    Did you know? Leuchtlina lily is eaten in Japan and is considered an ordinary vegetable.

    Lily: family characteristics

    Wild lilies, as well as all species, varieties and hybrids belong to the Liliaceae family of the Liliaceae order. Lilies of various types and varieties are distributed almost throughout the world. There are more than 600 species of lilies alone, and there are so many varieties that they are registered by a special Royal Horticultural Society.

    The main feature of the family is the presence of a bulb (or corm), in which the plant accumulates nutrients.

    Did you know? The well-known tulips, snowdrops and hyacinths belong to the Liliaceae family.

    The stem of lilies is both leafless and leafy. Leaves are basal, entire. The flowers of most lilies are collected in a raceme inflorescence, less often - solitary. The fruits are presented in the form of a berry or a capsule. There are many forest species in the Liliaceae family, which are represented by lily of the valley, lily of the valley and crow's eye. This family also includes onions, which we use in cooking.

    The lily family is divided into several independent subfamilies:

    • Asphodel
    • Actually lilies
    • Scyllaceae
    • Onion
    • Asparagus
    • Sassaparilla

    The lily itself belongs to the lily family, the varieties and hybrids of which will be discussed further.

    Asian lily hybrids are considered the most diverse of all the hybrids of these flowers.

    Every new year new varieties of lilies are discovered. But barshmark hybrids are gaining great popularity. The flowers are distinguished by the fact that they have small strokes on each of the perianth leaves. The colors of the stroke can be different: light brown, light yellow, milky and dark scarlet.

    Did you know? About 30% of the world's assortment of lilies are Asian hybrids.

    Asian hybrids are known for such representatives as: Ilya, Vanguard, Rostani, Zhuravinka, Zorka Venus, Delta. But the most surprising thing is representative Ellow. The lily amazes with its deep yellow buds with brown strokes on the petals and long flowering.

    Two-color hybrids also keep up with barshmarks. These lilies of various colors surprise with their shades and tones. The Grand Cru and Sorbet varieties have proven themselves. If you like miniature plants, Pixie lilies come in flowers that are no more than 40cm tall.

    This variety has virtually no odor. The height reaches 60 cm, and the diameter of the flower is 15 cm. Lilies bloom in June and July. These lilies are resistant to pests and diseases. Cut flower stalks can stand at home for up to 12 days.

    Martagon, curly hybrids

    Curly hybrids are distinguished by their beauty, aroma, and multi-flowered nature (30-50 flowers). An important factor is resistance to cold, diseases and viruses.

    Important! The bulbs of this hybrid remain viable for up to 30 years!

    However, Martagon also has disadvantages: weak supra-bulb roots (complicate reproduction) and a low reproduction rate.

    Let's delve a little into history. The first hybrid Martagon was obtained in 1886 in Holland from crossing the Hanson lily with the curly white one. This hybrid group was called "Markhan". This group includes interesting varieties such as Hélène Wilmott, G.F. Wilson and E.I. Elvs.

    Curly hybrids have more than 200 varieties, which are distinguished by their diversity. Many of them are so rare that it is even doubtful whether they still exist.

    One of the representatives of the “rare group” is

    This is a domestic variety, which is distinguished by the contrast of flowers and their indescribable color. Unfortunately, such a rare variety has almost become a legend. What is known about it is that the plant is almost 2 meters high, the buds are densely pubescent, and the flowers are reddish-black.

    Let's move on to the beautiful Terrace City. The plant has a height of 1.5 m, the diameter of bright yellow flowers is 7 cm. During flowering, there will be about 20-25 flowers on one bush.

    Let's consider a beautiful variety with pink buds - Early Bird. This earliest lily. Early Bird buds have a diameter of 5 cm, and the height of the bush reaches 120 cm. “Early Bird” blooms in mid-June. This variety is quite rare and ancient, so it will be difficult to find.

    Thus, this hybrid is distinguished by the presence of a wide variety of color variations. However, many varieties are either very rare or endangered.

    Important! Despite their resistance to disease, Martagon hybrids are susceptible to the following diseases: fusarium, gray rot and gray botrytis.

    Candidum, snow-white hybrids

    This section will talk about lily candidum.

    This is a snow-white hybrid of lilies that looks very impressive and has a strong aroma.
    Candidum is the only species with a Mediterranean type of development. This hybrid is widespread in the Balkans and Western Asia.

    The snow-white lily grows on average up to 1 meter, has bisexual flowers with a diameter of 5-7 cm. The flowers are large, directed upward, collected in a short cluster. White lily blooms from mid-June to July.

    Important! After flowering, the candidum lily goes into a dormant state, after which the entire above-ground part dies off.

    Candidum lilies do not have natural resistance to diseases and viruses, and therefore require more care than the previous hybrid.

    A little history. The snow-white lily was the first cultivated in Europe. The name of the genus lilium itself translates as “whiteness”. In the countries of the Middle East, the white lily was used not only for decorative purposes, but also for medicinal purposes - oils and ointments were made from the petals. Thus, the variety of species and varieties of lilies owes its appearance to the candidum lily, which was loved in Europe, and then it was brought to America and Russia.

    Lily candidum forms a basal rosette of leaves and is distinguished by the absence of stem roots. This hybrid requires slightly alkaline soils in which water does not stagnate.

    The hybrid has huge (up to 25 cm) basal leaves, which are 4 times longer than the upper leaves. White lily bulbs are painted white and have a diameter of up to 15 cm.

    This hybrid comes from varieties of single-bred, chalcedony and snow-white lilies. Consider the Apollo variety.

    The beautiful Apollo lily has densely leafy, straight, dark green stems. Lilies of this variety grow up to 150 cm in height. Snow lily blooms from June to late summer. The diameter of the flowers is 10-12 cm. This variety has fragrant flowers and a very strong stem, but, like all candidum hybrids, it is susceptible to viruses and diseases.

    American hybrids

    American hybrids include leopard, Colombian, and Canada lilies, which grow in North America. They are common in the mountains of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. This variety is accustomed to dry summers and mild winters. American lilies, unfortunately, are not widely used. Plants of this hybrid have a height of up to 2 meters, turban-shaped flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm are collected in pyramidal inflorescences, prefer slightly acidic soil with good drainage. Yellow, orange or red bicolor flowers have distinct dark red or black spots. American hybrids are rhizomatous lilies.

    Important! American hybrids do not like transplants, so they need to be planted immediately in a permanent place in the garden.

    American hybrids include the varieties Del North, Buttercup, Shuksan (golden lilies), Cherry Wood (red lilies) and San Gabriel.

    Long-flowered hybrids, longiflorum

    Longiflorum is native to Japan. In Europe, these hybrids appeared only in the mid-19th century and were the only lilies that were bred on an industrial scale.

    Longiflorum has graceful large leaves and white tubular flowers located perpendicular to the trunk. The main difference of this hybrid is its double flowering - in summer and at the end of October.

    Important! Longiflorum lilies reproduce only vegetatively.

    The height of lilies varies from 120 cm to 2 m. This hybrid does not tolerate frost, so it is often planted in a pot as a houseplant. When planting in the ground, it requires thorough insulation.

    This variety of lily has a height of up to 1 meter, a flower diameter of about 20 cm and is resistant to frost. The trumpet lily blooms once a year, but very profusely (up to 10 large buds are formed on the bush). Flowering occurs at the end of June - July. The shape of the lily flower resembles a bell with a pleasant sweet aroma. This variety of lily is capable of maintaining a fresh appearance and strong aroma in a vase for a long time; a bouquet of gorgeous flowers will delight the eye for up to two weeks. White Haven is used for planting in flower beds and mixborders.

    White Elegance

    The white flowers of this variety have a light green tint; flower diameter is 15 cm. White Elegance grows up to 150 cm in height and has a strong dark green stem. The flowers of this variety have a wonderful aroma. Flowering occurs at the end of June.

    Trumpet and Orleans hybrids have complex hybrid origins and are among the most valuable groups of lilies. Currently, the number of varieties of tubular hybrids is second in number only to varieties of Asian hybrids.

    Did you know? The George C. Creelman variety was the first tubular hybrid, developed by Isabella Preston in 1919.

    The flowers of tubular hybrids have a variety of shapes and colors (white, cream, yellow to orange or pink, often with a contrasting star-shaped throat). The diameter of the fragrant flower is 17 cm.

    Trumpet lilies are flowers that grow from 120 to 190 cm in height, have a strong stem and large basal leaves.

    Resistant to temperature changes.

    Ribbed hybrids bloom for a very long time, flowering occurs from June to October. However, each year the flowering time may be different.

    The best varieties of trumpet hybrids include Lilium African Queen, Lilium Golden Splendour, Lilium Pink Perfection and Lilium Regale.

    Lilium African Queen

    Oriental hybrids

    The flowers are creamy orange with bronze markings on the outside of the flower. They have a very strong aroma. The diameter of the flower is 15-16 cm, it blooms in small clusters of 3-5 flowers. The height of the plant reaches 90 cm. The plant has a very strong stem and is excellent for cutting.

    Oriental hybrids are beautiful lilies with large flowers and an unsurpassed aroma.

    There are many varieties of oriental lilies.

    Lilies are one of the most popular flowers. The plant is widespread throughout the world and is represented by numerous species that differ in the shape, size and color of the flowers.

    Today, lilies are grown in gardens and indoors. It often plays the role of the main flower in bouquets. Colored, white and even black lilies often decorate flower beds and front gardens. Lily is considered a royal flower. Her image can be seen on the coats of arms of many countries.

    Description of the plant

    This perennial herbaceous bulbous plant belongs to the lily family. Europe, Asia and North America are rich in these flowers, of which there are more than 110 species.

    Breeders have managed to develop many varieties and hybrids of lilies.

    The perennial bulbs are spherical or ovoid in shape. The scaly leaves are attached to the bottom, from which roots develop. The scales do not close on the side of the growing point of the stem, which gives the bulb a loose appearance. The stems, leafy at the bottom and sparsely branched at the top, grow straight. In some species, the stems are short and reach no more than 10 cm. Others can grow up to 2.5 m. The leaves are usually located on the stem in a spiral.

    Flowers in the amount of 8–16 pieces form cylindrical, cone-shaped or umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Some species can contain up to three dozen flowers in one inflorescence. Flowers remain open for 4–10 days.

    Around the pistil there are 6 stamens with large hairy anthers. Simple types have 6 petals, terry specimens can have more. Flowers are star-shaped, bell-shaped, funnel-shaped, tubular, turban-shaped, cupped and flat in shape. The petals are distinguished by a variety of shades, and they can combine several tones, have a border or inclusions in the form of strokes or dots. Fruit ripening occurs in October - November.

    Popular types and varieties

    All existing lilies are divided into the following groups:

    • Asian;
    • American;
    • Snow-white;
    • Eastern;
    • Long-flowered;
    • Curly;
    • Interspecific;
    • Tubular;
    • OT hybrids.

    This international classification was established in 1982 and includes all species and hybrid forms of flowers.