Types of wells for drinking water. Sewage wells: their types and types - confined aquifer

Sewage systems are designed to drain liquid waste from places where people live and work. Structurally, the sewerage system consists of two main parts: pipelines and wells. Wells are intended primarily for inspection, cleaning or repair of sewer pipe sections. Designs are classified into several types: by purpose, type of material, device.

Types of sewage drains

Types of wells are classified according to the type of wastewater required for disposal:

  • Industrial wastes. These include waters that have changed chemical composition as a result of production activities. Typically the sewer of this type has special collection, drainage and treatment systems.
  • Domestic waste. This is water mixed with various wastes from residential complexes. Pollution can be divided into household and fecal. In the private sector, both types of wells are often installed in a spaced pattern: fecal wells are closer to the roadway for pumping and removal, and utility wells are located in the back of the yard or garden. Subsequently, the gray waste can be pumped out independently, for example, to a compost heap.
  • Atmospheric and drainage effluents. These are rain, melt, flood waters, and sometimes groundwater. The familiar gutters on the roof are the sewage system for atmospheric wastewater. Water can be centrally collected in special containers for watering the garden or distributed to low-lying areas of the site, arranging there, for example, small pond for ducks. Drainage drains are installed at a high level groundwater, in order to protect the underground structures of buildings as much as possible.

The sewer systems themselves are divided into floating and export. The floaters move wastewater into wastewater treatment plants or city collector. The latter are intended for collecting wastewater into an autonomous well with subsequent removal by special ATX transport.

Classification of wells by purpose

Different wells and purposes:

  • Cumulative. These are, as a rule, tanks with a capacity of 3 cubic meters. m or more, intended for direct collection and short-term storage of wastewater with subsequent removal. Pumping is carried out either with special equipment or independently. Most of the storage wells are domestic and atmospheric.
  • Collector. Designed to collect wastewater from several sewer systems and distribute it to a common collector or to city wastewater treatment plants. Usually they include floating and storage systems of a microdistrict or residential complex.
  • Filtering. The design of the well bottom provides for the release of gray water (not contaminated with toxic waste) directly into the ground in a natural way. These small treatment facilities can be cleaned of accumulated dense fractions once every year or two. They are installed mainly in sandy and sandy loam soils, in the absence or low location of groundwater. This type of rafting sewer well is quite economical and does not require frequent maintenance and cleaning.
  • Observations. They are constructed on sections longer than 50 m, as well as at turning points and junctions of highways. Necessary for work revision sewer system, for cleaning and possible repairs. Installed in both types of sewer systems.
  • Drops. They are installed in areas with large differences in elevation, when it is necessary to reduce the natural slope of the pipe. Such wells are installed in waste and float sewers.

Separate from everyone else are the so-called septic wells. They have a filter and storage element of the system. Modern septic tanks capable of processing organic waste. They are reluctant to use due to their high cost.

Types of materials for wells

Wells are made from various materials. Most often used:

  • ceramic brick;
  • cinder blocks;
  • limestone;
  • stone;
  • reinforced concrete structures;
  • sheet steel;
  • plastic and composite materials.

From ceramic bricks, cinder blocks, limestone-shell rock or any stone make round wells. They are suitable for small volumes. One person can build such a well.

Brick wells in Lately are becoming less and less popular due to their labor intensity. Distributed in autonomous systems sewerage, mainly in the private sector.

Iron concrete wells there are two types: from monolithic concrete and prefabricated concrete rings. Monolithic wells are designed for small volumes. They can be done without the use of special equipment. They are quite labor-intensive to perform - it is necessary to set up the formwork and reinforcement, prepare it, lay it correctly in layers and cure it concrete mixture, remove the formwork, arrange the ceiling. If the depth is shallow, the shape of the well can be any.

In urban areas, prefabricated wells are the most common. They consist of standard prefabricated rings of a meter in height and diameter, bottom plates and a covering with an opening for a hatch. The advantages of wells of this type are quick installation and significant depth. Disadvantage: involving equipment for transportation and installation of concrete elements.

Metal wells are a container made of sheet steel. For such purposes, old tanks, large-diameter pipes with welded ends, and welded rectangular structures are often used. Before installation, the metal is carefully primed inside and out, entrance holes and hatches for inspection are cut out. Main disadvantage such a well means that the iron is susceptible to corrosion and cannot be repaired. Metal wells are used very rarely in everyday life, because installation requires special equipment, and the cost of iron on the secondary market is quite high.

Plastic or composite wells tolerate temperature fluctuations well, are sealed and durable. Such structures are functional, durable, light in weight, easy to install, and resistant to chemical influences.

Storage well: example of a device

For example, you can consider detailed device storage and filter wells, as the most common in the private sector of the city and country cottages.

The volume of the well depends on the number of people living and the equipment installed in the house. In modern two-story cottage, as a rule, is located kitchen sink, bathroom with sink, toilet, washing machine and a dishwasher on the first floor and a toilet with a sink or shower on the second. Such equipment is optimal for comfortable stay families with an average of 5 people. As stated above, it is best to arrange both types of wells: storage for collecting fecal waste and filtering for household waste.

A storage well is installed in the lowest part of the site to ensure the best movement of water through the pipeline. This well is intended only for collecting fecal matter from toilets and must be made of concrete rings or plastic container factory made.

Before installation, reinforced concrete rings must be coated with a special waterproofing compound, and the joints are sealed. Plastic wells, despite the higher cost, is preferable because it is more convenient to install and operate. It is better to entrust the selection and installation of such a well to a special organization. The well must be accessible for a tank truck to pump out sewage.

Filter well: example of a device

The filter well has similar functions and design, but it does not have a bottom. The base of the well is a multilayer filter made of layers of sand and gravel of various sizes. You can make such a well from concrete rings or brickwork - in the lower part, several rows are laid with holes in a checkerboard pattern for water to escape. Wastewater does not linger in the well and flows freely into the ground. It is best to direct slightly polluted water into this well, for example, from a bath or kitchen. After installation, line the bottom of the well with crushed stone from the outside so that the soil does not penetrate inside the trunk.

Perhaps in the near future, robotic systems for repairing and cleaning pipelines will appear. But until this wonderful time comes, people will need to climb into sewer wells day and night, winter and summer and perform difficult, dirty, but the right job to ensure cleanliness in homes.

Despite the growing popularity of wells, a well for drinking and/or process water still occupies a significant place among hydraulic structures used for water supply to suburban and village houses, as well as summer cottages. Such popularity of a village ordinary well is due to the possibility of combining the function of a water source and a storage tank that retains a significant volume, which, if necessary, can be used at a high rate and replenished when there is no consumption. The most common water wells are made of concrete rings, combining simplicity and efficiency of installation with practicality and durability of operation.

Existing types of wells

Classification into species is usually carried out based on material performance shaft walls, which can be:

  • wooden;
  • brick;
  • stone;
  • from concrete rings;
  • made of monolithic reinforced concrete;
  • from polymer rings.

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as indications and restrictions on use, depending on the size and depth of the hydraulic structure.

One of the first artificial structures, due to the availability, low cost and ease of processing of the material, was wooden well, which, despite the variety of construction materials produced by construction industry enterprises, remains the most affordable, especially if there is a forest next to the dacha or country house. As structural elements For wells made of wood, sanded solid logs, timber, round timber split in two or thick boards can be used. The final choice is made for reasons of economy and labor-intensive processing and assembly of a log house from one material or another, which in turn is determined by the availability of suitable tools and skills of the craftsman who decided to build a water intake.

Wood has long been used as a material for wells

The size of the structural elements is selected depending on the depth of the well, based on the following considerations:

  • log diameter – 120 – 180 mm;
  • the thickness of timber, boards or cuts is from 100 to 150 mm.

Wood species have different hardness and resistance to moisture, so when packing it is recommended to take:

  • for the lower part immersed in water - alder, elm or oak;
  • for the surface part not subject to contact with water - pine.

Mine made of stone

A hydraulic structure capable of challenging the palm in the matter of priority for the appearance of wooden log house, is a stone well. It is quite possible that the first well was made entirely of natural material, representing stones selected to size, collected in a cylindrical shaft and fastened together with clay. Today, the construction of stone wells for drinking water implies the use of thick binder material sand-cement mixture with a high content of Portland cement to ensure waterproofness of the structure, which is also achieved by using granite, rubble stone or dolomite as the main material, which, unlike limestone and sandstone, do not allow water to pass through from the outside, which guarantees its supply exclusively from the aquifer.

Stone mine

A reliable construction of a well made of natural stone involves the manufacture of a reinforced concrete support frame at the bottom of the shaft, which is a massive base for the entire structure and ensures its stable positioning in connection with the intermediate and upper wooden element, which, in combination with reinforcing rods, acts as a skeleton. The metal rods connecting the elements of stone wells to each other are equipped with threads at the ends, which allow them to be secured to wooden round frames using nuts, screwed on both sides and tightened until they make firm contact. The number of intermediate frames is determined by the depth of the structure, but there must be at least one when excavating up to 2 meters and located at a distance of 1 to 1.5 meters at a lower bottom level. To strengthen the structure, every 5 - 6 rows of masonry should be equipped with a closed ring gasket made of double-row steel wire with a diameter of 0.5 - 1 mm.

Brickwork instead of stone

Development construction technologies and the appearance of artificial stone, which after firing acquires water-repellent properties, made it possible to build the first brick well, which is still in use today. The structure of a brick well is similar to that described for a structure made of natural stone, while the thickness of the supporting frame must be at least 100 mm and the width exceed a quarter of a meter, which will allow laying one or one and a half bricks, depending on the chosen scheme. Wooden elements wells made of bricks must be 80 mm thick and their width exceeds the width of the masonry by 20 mm or more.

Start of bricklaying

To ensure that the section of a brick well in the horizontal plane has the shape of a ring, when laying, specially prepared templates are used, made in the form of a circle segment and ensuring required profile mines. The gaps between the last row of bricks and the intermediate or upper frame are filled masonry mortar, which is rammed.

An alternative material for constructing a brick well for water is iron ore brick, obtained by burning the workpiece and is practically impermeable to moisture.

Assembling a shaft from concrete rings

The most practical in terms of installation time and ease of use is a well made of concrete rings, which can have a diameter of 800 to 1500 mm and a height of 300 to 900 mm. The construction of a well, assembled from concrete rings, provides for careful sealing of the joints of structural elements using special waterproofing mixtures, by filling and coating on both sides. If the depth of the well does not exceed 6 meters, then it is practiced to use concrete pipes having a diameter of 600 - 700 mm and a length of 3 - 4 meters.

The rigidity of the structure of a water well assembled from concrete pipes is achieved by installing external plank formwork, which protects the structure from the shearing effects of soil layers, or by welding metal pieces of reinforcement or other profiles to the external embedded plates.

Monolithic concrete wells

The greatest depth of installation of a water well can be achieved by installing a completely monolithic reinforced concrete structure obtained from:

  • method of gradual build-up by rearranging the formwork from bottom to top;
  • sequential pouring of rings to the height of the enclosing form, undermining and lowering it deeper, after which the reinforcing frame is built up and the formwork is reinstalled. The operations are repeated as many times as necessary to reach the aquifer.

The construction of reinforced concrete monolithic wells for drinking water is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming activity, which can be rationally used only if it is possible to perform the work one-time by arranging continuous double-sided formwork and reinforcement cage to the full height, followed by periodic pouring of the entire volume, at intervals necessary for compacting the concrete using deep vibrators. With this process organization, the external formwork elements of the wells are non-removable and must be backfilled together with the monolithic shaft.

Assembling a shaft from plastic elements

Polymer wells are an innovation on the market of dacha hydraulic structures and have not yet become quite widespread, although they have the entire set of positive properties necessary for this:

  • the final cost is comparable to water wells constructed from concrete rings;
  • an order of magnitude smaller mass of structural elements, which at the same time have a greater length (1500 mm);
  • high tightness of the assembly, achieved due to threaded connection elements and even exceeds the indicator that reinforced concrete wells have, due to the complete waterproofness of the walls;
  • acceptable operating pressure on external and internal walls – 50 kPa;
  • operating temperature from -70 to +50 0 C;
  • service life over 50 years.

Polymer wells

An alternative to plastic corrugated pipes, with the ability to absorb external loads comparable to that of concrete wells, can be a polymer-sand composition used for the manufacture of rings with a height of 200 mm and a wall thickness of 45 mm. The diameter of a water well made from such parts can only be 970 or 1060 mm, since the manufactured elements have only these dimensions. The assembly scheme for a well made of sand-polymer rings involves fixing the links using special locks that ensure structural rigidity.

Well construction

All considered types of wells equipped for water extraction include:

  • a bottom with a filter layer, which is a base made of geotextile and/or gravel backfill, the thickness of which determines the degree of purification of the incoming water, but must be at least 100 mm;
  • a trunk having windows in the lower part, filled with porous concrete, if the well is located on a water-resistant layer and not on sand;
  • a head that rises 0.6 - 0.8 m above the ground and serves to install equipment, a canopy and/or a cover;
  • a clay castle obtained by excavating 25–50 cm of soil and filling it back with clay, which is a waterproof barrier to surface runoff. Necessary for types of water intake wells that do not have waterproof walls.

Some authors, answering the question: “What types of wells are there?”, supplement the existing classification with pipe hydraulic structures, which is not correct, since due to the ratio of the diameter of the hole in the ground to its depth, it would be more correct to classify them as wells.

Sewage wells are always used for cleaning, flushing and pumping wastewater. Their absence leads to difficult situations in which it is impossible to find the blockage and eliminate the malfunction in the system located underground.

Classification of sewer wells

Sewage wells are distinguished according to several parameters:

  • by type of network - stormwater, wastewater, drainage, industrial;
  • by material of manufacture - concrete, plastic, brick;
  • by purpose - observation, differential.

The main task of any well is to monitor the condition of the sewer system. In addition, it allows you to overcome the difference in height between the inlet and outlet pipes, clean the pipes if they are clogged, and collect the contaminants accumulated in the drains.

Manholes are also divided into types.

  1. Linear - the simplest structures installed on straight sections of pipelines every 35-300 m.
  2. Rotary - to change the direction of flow. They are installed on all bends of the sewer pipe.
  3. Nodal - connecting branches of pipes at the points of connection to sewer systems.
  4. Control - in places where the sewer system of a house, block, street is connected to the central system.


Drop wells

The devices are designed to connect pipelines of different heights and change the speed of movement of wastewater. They are installed in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to reduce the depth of the input pipeline;
  • if there is a danger of a sudden change in flow speed;
  • nearby there are intersections with underground structures;
  • at the last stage of the flooded discharge of wastewater into the reservoir.

The design of the well depends on the type of drop.

Materials for making wells

According to SNIP, sewer wells are assembled from reinforced concrete rings, cubes or slabs. In suburban construction, brick, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, and fiberglass are often used. An important requirement for any design is to create a tight seal so that wastewater does not enter environment.

Construction of concrete wells

Concrete ring well designs remain popular for suburban construction due to the advantages:

  • low cost;
  • speed of installation;
  • strength and durability;
  • convenient form for maintenance;
  • possibility of creating a sealed structure.

Disadvantages include;

  • heavy weight, requiring increased transportation and installation costs;
  • fragility, requiring careful handling until installation;
  • need for special equipment.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows.

  1. At the junction of two sewer pipes a pit is dug 40 cm deeper than the place where the pipelines are laid. According to the project, the slope of the walls is formed.
  2. If necessary, the bottom of the shaft is waterproofed. To do this, crushed stone is poured onto the bottom, compacted tightly and filled with bitumen mastic.
  3. A concrete slab is installed or poured at the bottom and equipped with a tray with reinforcement.
  4. After the bottom settles, reinforced concrete rings are installed on the cement mortar. For pipes, holes are made in advance, after which the joints are sealed with cement mortar.
  5. At the junction of the input pipeline, a clay lock is installed outside. All seams are sealed with bitumen or other sealing agent.
  6. The container should be checked for leaks by sealing the pipes with temporary plugs and filling with water.
  7. The structure is filled with soil from the outside using a tamper.
  8. The structure is covered from above with a concrete slab with a hole into which a hatch is inserted.

Plastic inspection wells

In private country house for preventive work with sewer and drainage systems inspection wells are often required. In a simple system where the slope, direction and diameter of the pipes do not change, they may not be needed.

In practice, plastic containers are widely used. It is advisable to choose them corrugated, since with seasonal temperature fluctuations the dimensions of the shafts change.

Finished products are expensive, so components can be assembled separately. To do this, you will need a plastic bottom, a pipe with a diameter of about 460 mm and rubber seals. If it is necessary to go down inside, the diameter is chosen to be at least 925 mm.

Installation of a plastic inspection well

The sequence of installation operations is as follows.

  1. To make a container to specified dimensions, it is cut corrugated pipe and holes are made on the side for pipes. They are equipped with sealing cuffs.
  2. A pit is dug and equipped with a crushed stone backfill. It should be filled cement mortar and after hardening, cover with geotextiles.
  3. The bottom is laid. A pipe is installed on it, the input is connected to the output through sealed couplings. For large well heights, the pipe diameter is selected to be at least 1 m so that you can go down to service communications.
  4. The free space outside is filled with fine crushed stone so as not to damage the pipe with the sharp edges of the fragments. Before this, plugs are inserted into the pipes and the shaft is filled with water so that it does not deform from soil pressure. Sometimes it's done around him brickwork to increase strength.
  5. A lid is installed on top.

You can arrange the structure of the well yourself. You can purchase a ready-made one made of plastic with all the components, but its cost is high. Wells made of polypropylene with a volume of 3 m 3 cost 65 thousand rubles. Installation is carried out in the same way.

Note! To manhole has not displaced groundwater, it should be secured to the concrete slab with straps or chains.

Features of installing a rotary plastic well

In essence, the structure performs the function of an inspection room, but is installed at the point where the pipe turns. Installation is carried out in the same way. The input is connected to the output using fittings. A plug is installed at the connection point for access during repairs and inspections.

How to install a drop well

Unlike other structures, in differential wells the inlet and outlet pipes are located at different levels. They allow you to reduce the speed of wastewater flow. They are usually installed in front of the septic tank to normalize its operation.

All installation work is no different from other types of wells. The only difference is the installation of a lowering that directs the flow from top to bottom.

The lowering is connected to the inlet pipe with a tee, the horizontal hole of which is temporarily plugged. The device is then attached vertically to the wall of the well. An elbow is installed at the bottom of the lowering, dampening the flow, so that the drains exit at an angle of 45°. If the height of the well is less than 500 mm, it may not be equipped with a flow rate damper.

Well selection

A large number of types of wells and manufacturing methods allows you to choose the one that suits the price and characteristics. Concrete structures are bulky and not always convenient to install on a personal plot.

Plastic products are much easier to install. In addition, they are durable and strong. The tubular structure is easy to assemble.

Each polymer from which the well is made has its own characteristics:

  • PVC - non-flammable and resistant to chemical influences;
  • polyethylene - sealed structures, due to their high plasticity, do not burst when water freezes;
  • polypropylene - has high ductility.

Nowadays, combined structures are being produced, where the positive properties of each polymer are used to the maximum.

It is preferable to choose wells with a corrugated surface. A smooth-walled pipe has lower strength. The tray part must have thickened walls.

It is important to choose the right hatch. If it is located on a pedestrian path, the A15 standard is suitable. To park a car you need a stronger product - standard B125.

The structures are either monolithic or collapsible. The former are cheaper, but more difficult to install.


Plastic wells are a reliable replacement for reinforced concrete and brick structures. They are easy to install and last a long time. To prevent the structure from floating, it should be securely fastened. In one case, it is enough to compact the soil, and in the other, use concrete slab as a bottom anchor.

Almost every suburban area Where there is a residential building, water wells are built. They help ensure proper water supply and ensure normal life activities away from the city.

Types of wells in a suburban area

Water wells can come in different sizes and shapes. It all depends on the free space in the suburban area and on what type of water supply will be used.
Types of water wells:

  • Rising.
  • Tubular.
  • Shakhtny.

Let's take a closer look at the designs:

  • The ascending type can only be used in a place where a spring or any other source of water comes to the surface.
  • Most often it is used in nature reserves rich in springs and other bodies of water. He doesn't look like much complex design, which comes out to the ground surface in the form of a small pipe.
  • A filter station is installed on it; a pump (see) may not be needed, since the water itself rises to the surface.

Advice. It makes no sense to install this type of well in modern suburban areas.
It will take quite a lot of effort to get to a certain layer of earth. In some cases, rising sources can be located at depths of up to 150 m.

Shaft and tube wells are considered more in demand for water supply to suburban areas. There are examples of them in the photo.

Mine structure and its functions

Functional Features

This type is the very first one that was used by man to supply water to his home.
Its size and shape can be varied:

  • Square.
  • Round.
  • Oval.
  • Rectangular.

Water enters through the bottom or partially through the walls.

Advice. If the groundwater in a suburban area does not lie too deep, then it is most rational to use a mine well for water supply.

It can be built on any soil, as it is reliably strengthened from the inside of the structure.
Walls can be:

  • Wooden beams.
  • Stone (rubble or brick).

Application of materials:

  • Wood was used when no other materials were available. Nowadays, water wells are often laid out using bricks or rubble stones.
  • For a longer period of use of the structure, concrete rings are used, which also have different sizes and thicknesses.

It will be mandatory to use natural filter materials on the bottom and walls of such a structure:

  • Sand.
  • Crushed stone.

The depth of such a well can reach 8-16 m. It all depends on the quality of water you need.
The video in this article shows the process of digging and constructing a mine well. It will also be necessary to finish the mine structure.

Mine well finishing

Types of structures

Such work is necessary because in appearance the well resembles a deep hole and for safety reasons it will be necessary to limit it with any modern building material.
For this purpose, houses are built, which can be from:

  • Brick.
  • Tree.
  • Foam blocks.
  • Foam concrete.

Let's take a closer look:

  • If brick or other similar material requires additional decoration, then wood does not.
  • Brick is almost always finished with natural agglomerate or artificial stone. For such work it is necessary to prepare a flat surface.
    The wood is simply varnished.

Advice. To add sophistication and attractiveness appearance external structure mine well, quite often various patterns are cut out on the wood, which looks original.

It will be necessary to build a roof, which is made from:

  • Wood.
  • Corrugated sheeting.
  • Metal tiles and other roofing materials.

Advice. To prevent debris from getting inside, you need to cover it with a lid made of wood or corrugated board.

tube well

This type is a borehole. It is not large in size, but its depth can be quite impressive.
Used for its arrangement:

  • Concrete pipes.
  • Plastic pipes.


  • If a mine well is dug with a shovel, then a tubular well is drilled using a special drill. The most important thing when choosing this type of well is to determine the location of the groundwater so that it does not clog the water supply source.
  • The tube well must be well equipped as water will not collect in it. Various automatic devices are used to lift water outward.
  • The well can be simple or artesian. What is the difference? The latter type of water is purer and healthier.
    It lies quite deep underground and very often this depth is at least 15-20 m.

The price for a tube well is much more modest than for a shaft well. In the process of its construction, much less building material and effort are spent.

How to choose a place to build a well

Both options for a water source can be built with your own hands. You just need to choose the right place for it in a suburban area.
Let's take a closer look:

  • There are specific instructions for this. According to it, the reservoir with the water supply should not be too close to the residential building, since if the well itself is flooded with groundwater, the structure may begin to deform (destruction of the foundation, walls will crack, and so on).
    All this can lead to complete destruction of the house.
  • It is also worth considering that a well of any type should not be located near sewage pits, compost pits and other things that can pollute groundwater. The distance from them should be at least 20 m.
  • How to determine the water level? To do this, you can analyze the reservoirs that are located near the suburban area.
    You can ask your neighbors about the depth of their well. But it’s worth considering that everyone needs their own type of water.

Advice. This method can only help if it is planned to build a tube well with artesian water on the site.

How to detect water

How to find water

Water detection for a well can be performed different ways. You can use any desiccant that is first buried in the place where you plan to build the well.
The burial depth must be at least 0.5 m.

Advice. Brick or silica gel can be used as a desiccant. They are pre-dried and weighed.


  • After 24 hours, the desiccant is dug out and weighed again. If it has acquired quite a lot of weight compared to its original value, then a well can be built in such a place.
  • The second method is based on natural phenomena. After a hot day during twilight, you need to carefully inspect the site.
    If there is a gray haze (fog) in any place, then that is where the well will need to be built.

Advice. According to legend, if the smoke rises in a column or swirls, then this is the place where the most fertile structure will be.

  • You can discover water for a well by studying the topography of the area. If there are hills or hills on it, then there is definitely a lot of water between them, since the water underground topography accurately follows the topography of the soil.

Advice. If the area is flat, then there will probably be quite a few places with a sufficient amount of water.

  • There may also be various plants that require quite a lot of liquid to grow. These are sedge, spruce, birch, alder.
    Please note that if a pine tree grows in a suburban area, and in order to be saturated with water, it has a rather long taproot, which means that the water is very deep.
  • They help determine the location of water and nearby bodies of water. You need to take a special device and use it to measure the pressure right on the shore of the reservoir.
    Then the same actions are performed on the site. If the pressure has a deviation of 0.5 mm Hg, then the water will be at a depth of 6-8 m.
  • Pets are also good at locating water. In most cases, on hot days, they dig holes in a place where there is water and lie down in it.
    Water is very close to the surface and in sufficient quantity.
  • There is another way to detect water - exploratory drilling. To do this, a well is drilled and as soon as water appears in the well, drilling can be stopped.
    But here it is already worth deciding what is better, leaving a well or building a well.

Advice. Exploration drilling is carried out at a depth of 5-10 meters.

There is a certain conditional depth. It is 10-15 m.
If the water is at greater depth, then it is most rational to make a well.

Automation to ensure the normal functioning of a well or well

Water stations play an important role in the water supply of residential buildings in a suburban area. They help pump water into certain reservoirs and thereby store it.

  • They also ensure normal water supply to the house and with their help, irrigation is carried out on the site.
  • At the moment, pumping stations are of different sizes. They can be installed directly in the well or outside it (in the house or in any utility room).

Advice. To ensure the supply of water to the house, you need to run pipes from the well.

The main task will be to provide electricity to the site, since without it the pumps will not work.
There are several types of pumping stations:

  • Superficial.
  • In-depth.
  • Deep.

The first two types are used to provide shallow wells. And the latter is capable of extracting water from a very great depth, which reaches 80 m. Pumping stations can be turned on automatically or using special remote controls.
It all depends on the water consumption in the area. If your fluid consumption is high, it is best to opt for automatic pumping stations.

What types of water wells are in demand today? Which ones are better, and which ones have certain characteristic disadvantages? These and similar questions interest many compatriots, country houses and whose dachas were built far from centralized water supply mains.

Classification of wells

In accordance with design features, all wells can be divided into the following categories:

  • key;
  • mine;
  • pipe;
  • tubular.

Key well

A key well for water is considered the simplest and most economical both in construction and in subsequent operation. There are two types of such structures: descending and ascending.

The instructions for constructing an ascending well are as follows:

  • The place where the ascending key comes to the surface is leveled and deepened. We strengthen the resulting depression with stones or bricks.
  • We install a well frame in the recess. The log house can be made of wood in the shape of a barrel or box without a bottom. If possible, the log house is made of concrete. We install the well frame so that the lower edge is located below the water level.
  • If the height of the log house is greater than the upper level of water rise, then a drain hole needs to be made in it.
  • Because drain water we need to move it away from the well as far as possible, we dig a ditch under the drain. We coat the walls of the ditch with a layer of clay and wait until the clay is completely dry. For reliability, the inside of the ditch can be lined with flagstone.
  • Next, we make a thick solution of clay and cover the gaps between the walls of the log house and the walls of the recess.
  • Around the frame we fill the top layer of clay with crushed stone or gravel.
  • At the bottom of the well we arrange bottom, crushed stone or coarse river sand. The filter thickness should be from 15 to 30 cm.
  • Around the entire well we make a blind area of ​​clay covered with flagstone, brick or concrete.

Important: After drawing water from the well, be sure to close it with a tight lid so that precipitation and debris do not get inside.

The design features of the descending key well largely explain the low quality of water and high level the content of particles of silt, soil, etc.

Just as in the case of an ascending well, we install a frame in the recess, which can be made of any materials. The bottom of the log house must be lined with stone, brick, concrete or wood.

The frame of such a well must be equipped with a transverse partition so that the water below can settle and flow up purified. Instead of traditional log house You can use a concrete pipe of the appropriate diameter. A partition is also installed in the pipe for water purification. On the side from which the water comes, crushed stone or gravel is poured.

Mine wells

Despite the fact that key wells are economical and easy to use, their location is determined by the presence of ascending or descending keys, the search for which is difficult. Therefore, in some areas it is preferable to use shaft wells.

Such structures are a mine with a depth of 10 to 30 meters. The cross-sectional diameter of the shaft can reach one and a half meters.

Shaft-type wells can be made in various configurations.

For example, according to the type building materials, mine wells can be:

  • concrete;
  • stone;
  • brick;
  • wooden.

In the photo - a trunk made of reinforced concrete rings

In addition, the shape of the structure shaft can be round, square, or rectangular.

In accordance with the method of water supply, mine wells are divided into the following modifications:

  • key (water is collected from the bottom);
  • prefabricated (water seeps through side walls and to a lesser extent through the bottom).

The part of the shaft located above the ground surface is called the head. Title, provided correct device, protects the shaft from clogging with debris and foreign objects. In addition, during the cold season, the cap prevents freezing and icing of the inside of the well. For this purpose, the design of the head includes a more or less fully closed lid.

The underground part of the water intake shaft is called the shaft. The trunks differ in the shape of the peppered section. For example, they can be round, square, rectangular and hexagonal.

The middle part of the trunk - the log house can be made of dry dense wood. In this case, the crowns are laid as tightly as possible, so that water and small particles of soil do not pass between them. IN modern designs Wood is being replaced everywhere by reinforced concrete or brick and stone masonry.

The lower part - the sump - performs the function of a water intake, that is, it is used to store water. This part of the barrel is made using the most durable materials.

Important: The size of the trunk is determined by the volume of daily water consumption.
If the dimensions of the water intake shaft are too large and the contents of the shaft for a long time is not consumed, stagnation occurs, as a result of which the original consumer properties water.

Tube wells

This type of well is a well drilled to groundwater. The structure is called a pipe structure because round shape. Wells for constructing such wells are drilled using special equipment, since the water lies at a depth of about 30 meters. However, if there are no access roads to the site, it is necessary to drill manually using the percussion-rope method.

As a rule, manual drilling begins with digging a square shaft or hole with an average depth of up to 2 m and a width of up to 1.5 m. In order to prevent the walls of the hole from collapsing, we additionally line them with slabs or unnecessary boards. By removing the fragile soil layer before starting work, it is possible to avoid the collapse of the barrel when removing the drill from the well.

More details about drilling and constructing wells manually are described in the relevant articles on our portal.

tube well

If you wish, you can build a tube well with your own hands. There are several modifications of this structure and all of them are easy to implement and easy to maintain.

Among tube-type wells, the following modifications are widespread:

  • Abyssinian (driving) wells;
  • deep wells;
  • structures based on asbestos-cement pipes.

Of greatest interest is Abyssinian well. This method of constructing a water intake shaft is optimal for use in areas with unknown parameters of the aquifer. Using this method, during the day you can check the entire dacha or garden plot for the presence of water.

The fact is that the diameter of the trunk is only 1.5-2.5 cm, and therefore finding water for a well is not difficult. The trunk is literally squeezed into the ground by a narrow hollow pipe with a sharpened cut edge.

The pipe is clogged to its full depth, then removed and freed from the soil clogged inside. Then the pipe is reinserted into the hole, extended with a removable rod and buried again, and so on until water is detected.


The cost of a professionally designed and constructed well is high. It is much more profitable to cope with this work yourself, without involving professional specialists.

As you can see, the range of water intake structures is wide, and therefore everyone can choose the most suitable option. More interesting and useful information can be found by watching the video in this article.