Types and types of alarms. Features of organizing security using technical means of security and fire alarms Based on the principle of operation of detectors, hazards are divided into


In this work we will consider the characteristics technical means security and security and fire alarm system permitted for use, and technical fire alarm equipment currently recommended for use by the Main Directorate of Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the technical security equipment most widely used previously.

We will also consider organizing the protection of property owners with the help burglar alarm in open areas, buildings, premises and individual objects. Let us describe the organization of transmission of information about the activation of an alarm. We list the types of control devices and conditions of use.

Technical means of security and fire alarm systems, their classification and purpose

Basic terms and definitions

Security fire alarm(OPS)- this is the receipt, processing, transmission and presentation in a given form to consumers of information about penetration into protected objects and fire on them using technical means. The consumer of information is the personnel who are entrusted with the functions of responding to alarm and service notifications coming from protected objects.

By notification In security technology, a message is called that carries information about controlled changes in the state of a protected object or technical means of security and is transmitted using electromagnetic, electrical, light and (or) sound signals. Notifications are divided into alarm and service notifications. An alarm notification contains information about intrusion or fire, a service notification contains information about arming, disarming, equipment malfunction, etc.

Protected object (OO) called separate room, containing material or other valuables, equipped with technical means of security guards, or a complex of premises dispersed within one or more buildings, united common territory and protected by security units. Places of possible intrusion into the PA or individual protected areas are equipped with various detectors, which are included in the alarm loop.

Protected area– this is a part of a protected object, controlled by one alarm loop or a combination of them.

Security and fire alarm complex- this is a set of jointly operating technical means of security, fire and (or) security and fire alarm systems installed at a protected facility and united by a system utility networks and communications.

Security (fire) detector– technical means of fire alarm system for detecting intrusion (fire), attempted intrusion or physical impact exceeding the normalized level, and generating a notification of intrusion (fire). The security and fire detector combines security and fire functions.

Reception and control device (PPK) is a technical means of security and fire alarm systems for receiving notifications from detectors (alarm loops) or other control panels, converting signals, issuing notifications for direct perception by a person, further transmitting notifications and issuing commands to turn on the sirens. Depending on the security system that includes the alarm system complex, another control panel can be connected to the control panel output (in the case of autonomous security if there is an autonomous security point) or an object terminal device (in the case of centralized security).

Security and fire alarm is a technical means of fire alarm system designed to notify people of intrusion, attempted intrusion and (or) fire.

Autonomous security system consists of alarm system complexes with access to sirens and (or) another control panel installed at an autonomous security point.

Autonomous Security Point (ASC)- this is a point located at a protected facility or in close proximity to it, serviced by the facility’s security service and equipped with technical means of displaying information about intrusion and (or) fire in each of the controlled premises (zones) of the facility for direct perception by a person.

Notification transmission system (SPI)- this is a set of jointly operating technical means for transmitting via communication channels and receiving at a centralized security point notifications about intrusion into protected objects and (or) a fire at them, service and control and diagnostic notifications, as well as for transmitting and receiving telecontrol commands (if available) return channel).

SPI provides for the installation of terminal devices (TD) at sites, repeaters (R) at PBX cross-connections, in residential buildings and other intermediate points and central monitoring panels (CMS) at centralized security points.

UO, R, monitoring station are components SPI. The MA is installed at a protected facility to receive notifications from the control panel.

Central security point (CSP)- This control center centralized protection of a number of dispersed objects from penetration and fire using SPI.

Depending on the characteristics of the facility (length, number of premises, number of floors, etc.) and the amount of material assets located at the facility, its protection can be implemented through one or more alarm loops. In the event that the security structure of an object includes several loops placed in such a way that when an intruder enters the facility and moves towards material assets, he needs to overcome several protected zones controlled by various loops with exits to separate monitoring station numbers, the security should be considered as multi-line . Thus, a loop or a set of loops that control protected zones along the path of the intruder to the material assets of the organization and have access to a separate monitoring station number is called a signaling line, and the set of protected zones controlled by a signaling line is a security line.

Classification of technical alarm systems, security and fire detectors

Technical means of security and fire alarm systems, designed to obtain information about the state of controlled parameters at a protected facility, receive, convert, transmit, store, display this information in the form of sound and light alarms, in accordance with OST 25 829–78 are classified into two characteristics: scope and functional purpose. According to the area of ​​application, vehicles are divided into security, fire and security and fire; by functional purpose - on technical detection means (detectors) designed to obtain information about the state of monitored parameters and warning systems intended for receiving, converting, transmitting, storing, processing and displaying information (SPI, PPK and annunciators).

In accordance with GOST 26342–84, security and fire detectors are classified according to the following parameters.

By purpose: for indoor spaces, for open areas and perimeters of objects.

By type of zone controlled by the detector: point, linear, surface, volumetric.

According to the principle of operation, security detectors are divided into: ohmic, magnetic contact, shock contact, piezoelectric, capacitive, ultrasonic, optical-electronic, radio wave, combined.

Fire is a terrible element that claims thousands of lives every year. No less problematic is the protection of property of organizations, enterprises and individuals. To prevent victims, death and theft of material assets, security and fire alarm systems, or, in short, fire alarm systems, are installed at facilities. With the help of the technical and hardware included in it, security and fire alarms are used to prevent and minimize losses of enterprises and organizations. With this approach, in addition to timely notification, the fact, place and time of violation of the protected area is additionally recorded.

Functions of a modern security system:

  • Perimeter security;
  • Fire warning;
  • Call for help (alarm function);
  • Warning about some emergency situations in life support systems of buildings (gas leaks, water supply, etc.).

The installation of fire alarms is required by law fire safety, installation of a security alarm at a facility is most often a mandatory requirement of enterprises providing security services, as well as insurance companies.

Development, design, installation and maintenance of security and fire alarm systems of any generation is one of the most popular services of our company GEFEST-ALARM LLC.

Why do you need a security and fire alarm system?

As mentioned above, the purpose of the security and fire alarm system is to timely notify responsible personnel and people present at the facility about emergency situations such as a fire or perimeter violation. This is one of the oldest, most effective and well-proven security systems.

The combination of security and fire alarms into one system is caused by purely economic considerations. After all, security and fire systems have much in common, besides the obvious purpose of saving lives and property. These are identical communication channels, algorithms for processing information received from sensors, sending alarms and signals, and many technical means are similar.

Composition and means of security and fire alarm systems

Technical means of security and fire alarm systems are quite diverse. The composition of a modern security system includes the following tools and components.

  • Sensors and alarm detectors, the purpose of which is to react (automatically trigger) to a given alarm event. They are infrared, vibration, optical, vibration, etc.
  • Communication lines – wired and wireless, including via the Internet;
  • Admissions and control devices(PKP, “controllers”) - the purpose of this OPS tool is to receive and process, according to given operating algorithms, signals coming from sensors and control actuators, that is, turning sensors on and off if they have triggered falsely, turning on an alert, etc.
  • Actuating devices are their purpose to perform a given job. This means - giving a signal, dialing rescue numbers, activating other systems, for example, fire extinguishing or smoke removal.

Modern means Security and fire alarm systems include complex electronic components, and they are often controlled by a computer, so they also include software.

Types of fire and security alarm systems

There are also quite a few types of OPS currently in use. Based on their operating principle, they can be divided into 3 main categories:

  • Non-addressable (analog) fire and security alarm systems are used today mainly in small facilities; when one sensor is triggered, a signal is sent along the entire cable;
  • Addressed fire alarm systems allow you to determine the location of a fire or perimeter violation using communication protocols; they can be polling or non-polling;
  • Combined OPS systems are the most common due to the universality of the price of the means and components.

The employees of Gefest-Alarm LLC have extensive experience in the design and installation of security and fire alarm systems and means; we can implement and help coordinate with the regulatory authorities any fire alarm systems at facilities of various sizes. We offer warranty and post-warranty service with all the necessary permits to carry out such work.

Classification of security and fire systems by types and types can be made according to a number of various parameters. The most obvious one is purpose. There are three large groups here:


Can also be used as part of security systems Various types sensors, which are wired and wireless, differ in the way they detect intrusion and process the signal. The principles of constructing security systems may vary depending on their purpose: for a house and cottage, apartment, objects of various organizational and legal forms.

An elementary option is an alarm system consisting of one motion sensor with a built-in GSM module. Despite its apparent simplicity, this type of security is quite reliable and is well suited for protecting small country houses.

In general, the security alarm system uses several types of detectors, which are classified according to their purpose and principle of operation. To ensure reliable security, sensors are used to monitor:

  • opening windows and doors;
  • breaking of glazed surfaces;
  • breach of walls, partitions and ceilings.

The listed equipment is used to protect the perimeter of the premises. In addition, there is a group of sensors that detect movement inside or on the approaches to the object. The selection of specific types of detectors is made taking into account individual characteristics object to be protected.

Security fire alarm (FS) is a technical complex for detecting alarm events and generating appropriate alerts. The operation algorithm of the OPS contains several stages:

  • detection of a factor accompanying unauthorized entry into an object (security component of the system - OS) or fire - fire - PS;
  • transfer of information to the control device;
  • turning on light and sound annunciators, transmitting information to the remote control.

Detectors are responsible for detection. The principle of their operation is to transform the impact on their sensors. The nature of the impact can be different: physical (shock, break), acoustic, temperature, etc. Depending on this, the types of fire alarm detectors are distinguished.

As an example, consider the operation of a maximum thermal fire detector (IP). Its two spring-loaded contacts are connected with low-melting solder. When heated to operating temperature the solder melts, the contacts move apart, electrical circuit opens.

It should be noted that the output of the fire alarm detector is always electrical. In the simplest case, this is a threshold signal (there is a contact - there is no contact), more complex systems OPS use digital transmission of information. Wires (cables) or a radio channel can be used as a communication line - wireless signaling.

The block diagram of the OPS is shown in Fig. 1.

  • I – detector (sensor);
  • LAN – communication line (wired or radio channel);
  • PKP – receiving and control device;
  • O – siren;
  • BP – power supply;
  • M – additional modules.

All this is included in the required equipment of the system.


We have already talked about what detectors are, sometimes they are called sensors. The operating principle of these means is determined by the purpose (type) of the sensor or detection method.

Main types of security alarm sensors:

  • magnetic contact;
  • acoustic (sound);
  • movements;
  • vibration.

Fire detectors are:

  • smoke;
  • thermal;
  • flame.

As already mentioned, regardless of what the sensors react to, they generate an electrical signal at the output that characterizes their state. This is analyzed by a monitoring device. Classification of PKP is made according to many parameters, including:

Information capacity - the number of loops (for addressable systems - detectors) that can be connected to the device.

Information content – ​​number and types of alerts generated. There are at least two of them: “norm” (“security”) and “alarm”. Modern equipment is more informative, capable of determining the malfunction of sensors, their addresses (localization of the response zone), etc.

Sounders include devices that generate sound and light signals depending on the state of the system. As a rule, this is necessary to control OPS with outside object.

The power supply to the fire alarm system must be uninterrupted and ensure operation of the alarm system in standby mode for at least 24 hours when the network is disconnected. For this purpose, power supplies are equipped with batteries and have the option of automatically switching to “reserve”. In addition, it is useful to monitor the condition of the battery, its protection from deep discharge, as well as protection from short circuits, overloads.

It should be noted that power supplies are not always a mandatory part of the system. There are receiving and control devices with built-in secondary voltage sources and batteries. Wireless sensors are powered by individual batteries. Thus, with a certain configuration of the fire and security alarm system, a separate power supply is not required.


It must be said that the capabilities of the OPS are not limited to the above. This especially applies to fire alarms. When a fire is detected, the ventilation should be turned off, the elevators should be switched on to lower, the warning system should be started, etc. Managing these engineering systems produced by special modules, relays.

Remote signal transmission, for example, to a security console, can be carried out:

  • via cable lines;
  • dedicated radio frequency channel;
  • networks of cellular operators.

For each case, appropriate interface and transmission modules are used.

Modern security and fire alarm systems can operate as a network system. Accordingly, interface converters and modules (boards) for coordination with a PC are required.


It is not entirely correct to consider the security system as a single system. From a hardware point of view at the detector level, the differences are dramatic. Security guards cannot be used to detect a fire, and firefighters cannot be used as guards.

The requirements for design and installation, licensing are different, and regulatory documentation is also specific for each type of alarm. The perception of an alarm system as a universal system is determined by the approach of many years ago, when even security and fire sensors were included in one loop.

Modern control devices (panels) have settings that allow them to be used for both “security” and “fire”, but it will not be possible to apply them to one loop at the same time. This is possible for different sections, so the control panel can act as common device. The same applies to light and sound alarms and power supplies.

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