Types of garages Metal and brick garages: pros and cons

Any owner of his own car sooner or later faces the need to purchase or build his own garage for long-term safe storage of vehicles and Maintenance. In this article, we will tell you what size a garage should be, how to choose a garage material or type.

The main types of garages

All garages can be divided into two main types by location:

  • Attached(cm. ). This type of garage is part of the main residential or production building. This type also includes built-in garages, which are located in the basement or basements private houses. The same type can be production shops or similar premises that have garage boxes.

For your information. All types of built-in car garages usually have already ready system communications in the form of heating, plumbing and lighting, a well-organized entrance and often there is a security system for the complex. In such garages there is enough space not only for storage, but also for full service. However, the price of renting or buying such premises is significantly higher than that of detached buildings.

  • Freestanding. This type of garage can be installed in any area where there is space for this. Such garages can be stationary or collapsible. Most often, such garages are combined into garage cooperatives, which are found in almost every district of the city and can also have electricity and a security system. You can find free-standing garages that the owners built with their own hands next to the house or in the courtyard of an apartment building.

For your information. The advantage of detached garages is lower rental costs and close proximity. However, not always in such premises there is electricity, moreover, they are distinguished by a small area, not suitable for a full repair.

The best option, of course, is to build your own garage as close as possible to your place of residence own project. The structure can be either collapsible (see), or foundation.

However, here it is worth considering that any building that has a foundation is considered capital and requires special permits. When deciding which garage to build, consider the factors mentioned above.

material for building a garage

An important criterion is the choice of material for building a garage. It is necessary to immediately determine which garage will be based on what type of material, since this will affect not only the cost, but also the performance of the premises.

Modern garages can be made from materials such as:

  • Metal.
  • Brick.
  • Concrete.
  • Tree.

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss further.

metal garage

Metal types of garages (see) can be installed both on a foundation basis and in a mobile version. Usually used in construction metallic profile to create a frame and corrugated board for its sheathing.

These types of garages allow you to create rooms of different sizes and shapes, which, if necessary, can be rebuilt or moved to another location.

For your information. metal garage relatively inexpensive, however, to ensure comfortable operation, it is necessary to install additional insulation, since in winter time years, the metal does not retain heat, and in summer time gets very hot.

brick garages

Brick garages are the most practical and durable buildings. An example of such a garage is shown in the photo above.

Brick is an ideal material for building a garage on your own territory, since it is a capital non-collapsible structure. This material also allows you to build a room of any shape and size, and is also safe for car storage.

The material is able to retain heat in frost and keep cool in the hot season.

For your information. Brick construction requires large financial investments and time costs. Wall thickness plays an important role in providing comfort. A brick structure can be ideally fit into any landscape and additionally decorated with finishing materials.

concrete garages

Concrete types of factory garages can have both a monolithic and a collapsible structure (see). It is almost impossible to make such a garage with your own hands, since this requires special equipment.

Concrete concrete factories produce ready-made concrete blocks, which are delivered to the site using trucks, and the garage is assembled using a truck crane. The garage can be assembled independently, for this there is a special instruction from the manufacturer, however, heavy equipment will be required to deliver the elements and installation, which results in a considerable penny.

For your information. Monolithic reinforced concrete garage can be considered a mobile structure since it does not require a foundation for a temporary installation and can be moved to another location if necessary. Prefabricated structures can also be disassembled and transported.

Wooden garages

Wooden types of garages (see) have a collapsible design and are lightweight, which allows them to be installed without using a massive foundation. The advantage of a tree is the possibility quick repair, high construction speed and thermal insulation characteristics.

However, wooden structures require additional wood treatment with antiseptic solutions to prevent decay and resistance to moisture.

Note: as roofing material For wooden structures usually used metal decking, decorative PVC panels can be used for wall cladding, and for interior cladding The floor is covered with rubber tiles. It is also worth remembering the increased fire hazard tree.

Using the described data, you can choose which one is better to build a garage in your particular case, taking into account the available site and financial capabilities. For help with the choice, we recommend watching the thematic video material at the end of the article.

Chapter 2. Types and dimensions of the garage

Having decided on a site for construction, you need to decide what kind of garage you want to build. It is necessary to consider for which car or cars the garage is intended. It is hardly necessary to focus only on the dimensions of your current car. After all, no one is immune from the possibility or need to change the car to a more spacious one, both in a year and in 10 years. In addition, the more spacious the garage, the more tools you can store in it. You will be able to freely walk between the wall and the car and repair it in the garage, and not in the open air.

There are no mandatory standards for the size of a personal garage. However, for most cars a garage with a length of 6 m, a width of 4 m and a height of 2.5 m is suitable. These dimensions, judging by their prevalence, claim to become the unofficial standard for garage construction.

If funds allow, you can arrange a garage with a canopy (Fig. 2.1). This improvement will allow more comfortable conditions to repair and maintain the car, as well as provide an additional parking space for a second car. On fig. 2.2 presents a variant of the plan of such a garage.

If you intend to place two cars in the garage, or a minibus, or a jeep, then the dimensions of the garage should be increased. On fig. 2.3 shows a variant of the plan for a garage for two cars. In such a garage, a single combined volume for two cars is provided. If necessary, you can build a separate garage, which, of course, will cost more.

In addition to size, the layout of the garage is also important. In order to be able to conveniently repair your car and store food, it is recommended to build a garage with viewing hole and basement (Fig. 2.4). If there is no need for additional utility space, then, of course, it is cheaper to build a single-level garage, without a basement and mezzanines.

Rice. 2.1. Option plan for a garage with a canopy

Rice. 2.2. Plan of a combined garage for two cars: 1 - parking lot; 2 - utility room; 3 - stairs to the cellar; 4 - entrance vestibule

Rice. 2.3. Plan of a separate garage for two cars with utility rooms

When deciding on the size of the garage, it should also be taken into account that, in addition to ventilation and good lighting, indoors it will be necessary to provide a device for safe parking, a washbasin, a drain grate for draining water, fire alarm sensors, fire-fighting equipment(fire extinguisher and sand box), enough electrical sockets, work clothes, racks for storing tools, spare parts and appliances used for car repair.

Regardless of the size of the building, there are several planning options for garages for building on the site. So, there are stand-alone, attached and built-in options for capital garages. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

built-in the type of garages is provided for at the design stage of the house and is being built along with the house. In other cases, the construction of such a garage will require redevelopment of the entire house and large material and labor costs. But this type of garage building will save the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site by using the usable area for a lawn or garden. In addition, occupying the basement space or part of the first floor, such a garage can accommodate several cars.

Rice. 2.4. Garage with a viewing hole and a basement: 1 - facing board; 2- roll roofing(roofing material, etc.); 3 - floor beam; 4 - suspended ceiling beam; 5 - mezzanine shield; 6 - hinge hinge of the mezzanine; 7 - blind area; 8 - foundation; 9 - viewing hole; 10 - basement; 11 - workbench, racks, vise

When building this type of garage, several special requirements must be considered. Since this is a technical room, it must be equipped with a fire safety system, all walls must be fireproof and they must be treated with a special compound that will prevent organic vapors from entering the residential part of the house. The wall, which is common to the garage and the house, must be capital and insulated. Ventilation, plumbing and heating systems must be taken care of that are compatible with those used in the main part of the house in order to exclude inappropriate heat loss.

Standing separately the type of garage has its pros and cons. Such a garage can be built regardless of the construction of the house. The location of the garage and its layout depend only on your individual needs and desires. The garage can be installed directly to the fence, which will facilitate the exit to the roadway. Such a garage is safer, since in case of fire, the fire is less likely to move to the house and other buildings. The disadvantage of such a garage is a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land, which can be used for other purposes. Another problem with such a garage is heating. After all, building a cold garage is not a very bright prospect, and it is expensive to heat a separate building. To do this, you will have to lay pipes through the entire site or install an autonomous heating system, which will require not only material costs, but also physical effort.

attached garage - an intermediate option between built-in and freestanding. An attached garage differs from a built-in garage in the first place in that it can be erected after the construction of the house itself. But at the same time, such a garage retains a set of advantages of built-in garages. Here you can provide a single system of water supply, heating and electrical wiring. Such a garage has at least one common wall with the house, and the option is not excluded common roof. As a rule, such garages are built on the back of the house, and a common wall, even without separate garage heating, will provide positive temperatures in winter.

Regardless of the type of construction, the rules for building a garage will also differ in connection with the choice of structural material. There are, for example, metal, concrete, brick, wooden garages, as well as a garage built from cinder block or foam blocks. The choice of material is determined by both economic and aesthetic considerations. Obviously, the garage, built in the same style with residential building, will look more organic and natural, although this rule, like all others, is not without exceptions.

First of all, garages are divided into metal and non-metal.

Metal garage can be transported. If necessary, you can dismantle the garage and install it in another place. Another advantage of a metal garage is its low price. Metal is a durable material. The metal structure does not need plastering walls or pouring concrete floors, roofing, waterproofing. In a metal garage, you can store winter and summer tires, various auto parts, as well as all items that have become superfluous at home or in an apartment.

The disadvantage of a metal garage is low thermal insulation. As a result, with sudden temperature changes inside the garage, condensate is released from the vapor-saturated air, which increases the corrosion of both the metal parts of the car and the garage structure itself.

In addition, the disadvantage of a metal garage can be considered its fire vulnerability. In the event of a fire in the immediate vicinity of the garage, there is a high probability of fire penetrating into the structure. Therefore, a metal garage should not be located near possible sources of ignition.

Most often, metal garages do not provide for the possibility of heating and do not have electricity supply. This seriously complicates the repair and inspection of the car inside the garage. In winter, a metal garage is difficult to open as the cold makes the locks icy. In addition, in cold weather in such a garage, the car is difficult to start and warm up.

Metal garages are more likely to attract the attention of burglars and car thieves. Such a garage is usually equipped simple lock, itself metal structure can be lifted with a jack. Metal garage needs additional protection. For example, you can make a metal floor cast with the rest of the garage structure, install reliable locks.

A brick garage is a full-fledged piece of real estate (Fig. 2.5). The construction of a capital garage will require additional material costs and take more time. But the brick garage provides best conditions for storing and repairing a car (Fig. 2.6). Brick is a reliable and durable material, so a brick garage is reliable and practical, it will last a long time and work properly.

The brick holds heat well, but the construction is characterized by high humidity, so such a garage needs heating and ventilation systems. In addition, the construction of a brick garage implies the construction of a solid foundation, additional thermal insulation, special insulation or air wells.

A garage made of stone or brick (or silicate blocks) can be equipped with electrical wiring, hot and cold water. A brick garage is harder to break into as it can be outfitted with custom doors, locks and alarms without relying on the factory.

Everything that has been said about the advantages of a brick garage over a metal one can also be attributed to a wooden garage. After all, modern finishing materials like metal or wood siding able to make a wooden building no less aesthetically attractive than a brick one.

Rice. 2.5. brick garage: Ageneral form; b- side view

Rice. 2.6. Brick garage plan

Despite the fact that there are many types of durable structural materials on the market, wood is one of the most sought-after materials for the construction of any structures, including garages. Of course, from a safety point of view, a wooden garage is not the best option, because wood is flammable and also deteriorates from water. In addition, such a garage is poorly protected from robbers. On the other hand, in most regions wood is the most accessible and inexpensive material, so you can cheaply build a garage yourself. And the projects wooden houses with a garage, they simply oblige to use the same material. At the same time, a wooden garage is good in hot weather when the owner needs to protect the body of the car from the scorching sun.

Now that we have decided on the type and size of the garage and supported our decision with drawings, we will begin to lay out the garage plan on the ground.

First of all, you need to completely remove the vegetable soil. After that, the plan of the garage in natural dimensions is transferred to the building plot using a goniometric tool, tape measure, cord and wooden stakes.

The breakdown begins with the determination on the ground of the extreme corner points of the overall dimensions of the building. Recommended sizes - 3850? 5500 mm. Using a cord stretched over a cast-off, the axes of the foundations are broken down under the bearing walls.

The cast-off (Fig. 2.7) is made up of wooden stakes 10–15 cm thick. They need to be dug into the ground, and at the level of 75–100 cm, boards are nailed to them, leveling the horizontality of the upper edge of the board. The width of the nailed boards should be 15-20 cm, thickness - 2.0-2.5 cm.

The distance from the cast-off stakes to future walls should be from 1.5 m. The cast-off can be continuous only near the four corners of the garage. It is necessary to fix the position of the axes of the building and its individual parts during the subsequent breakdown of the plan.

Rice. 2.7. Scheme of installation of a cast-off: 1 - cast-off; 2 - cord

For further marking, the distances between the axes of the garage walls indicated in the project must be transferred to a cast-off, hammering nails in the right places. Between the nails that define the edges of the foundations, it is necessary to stretch the cords. With the help of a plumb line on the surface of the earth, the points of intersection of these cords are marked and stakes are driven into them, between which the cord is also pulled. When performing this operation, you will need a tape measure and a goniometric tool.

Measure the diagonals of the rectangle marked with stakes driven into the ground. If they are equal, then the breakdown of the axes is done correctly and the walls of the future building will adjoin one another at a right angle. Now you can start excavating in the pit for the cellar and trenches for the foundation.

The trench profile can be kept rectangular if its depth does not exceed 1 m. Otherwise, a slight slope or slope should be arranged. To prevent soil shedding between the walls during excavation, you can install wooden shields with spacers.

The soil removed from the trench must be kept inside the garage plan, unless a cellar is provided. After completing the construction of the foundation, the excavated soil should be evenly distributed between interior walls foundation, level and tamp.

Now you can deliver to the construction site required amount building materials, unless, of course, this was done beforehand.

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The correct choice of building design largely determines the ease of use of it and the level of problems during the subsequent operation.Having studied different types garages, it will be easier to take correct solution in each specific case.

Building classification

We note the features, taking into account the main materials:

  • Metal garages are made from sheets, angles, pipes and other standard products. Are used welded joints, primer and paint. Such designs are inexpensive. They can be moved long distances without damage and extra costs. They differ in relatively little protection from adverse external influences.
  • Brick garages are much stronger. With basic skills, a simple structure can be created on its own, without the use of welding machines.
  • Concrete slabs will make the most reliable, but the heaviest buildings. A suitable foundation is required.

The best insulating parameters will be obtained when using foam blocks.

The right equipment

When choosing a stationary type of garage, it is useful to install a gate with an electric drive. If possible, its dimensions are increased to accommodate additional storage spaces, a home workshop.

An article on how to choose a garage, what to look for when choosing a garage for a car. Important nuances. At the end of the article - a video on how to avoid mistakes when buying a garage!

The choice of paid or free, guarded parking lots is certainly convenient, but it is not always reliable and requires a regular financial injection.

A more attractive option would be to buy your own garage. But how to determine that the garage will solve all the problems and justify the funds invested in its acquisition? Choosing a garage often requires no less attention than choosing your own car.

Factors affecting the choice of a garage

The main purpose of acquiring a garage is to provide maximum security for the iron horse. It must be protected from hooligans, from the possibility of theft, from the effects of adverse weather conditions. Until now, it is not uncommon to find in the morning rugged tires, scratched wings. In winter, cars have to be literally rescued from snow captivity with a shovel at the ready. And in the spring - to deal with the consequences of rust. In all these cases, the garage is simply irreplaceable.

When choosing a garage, you should pay attention to a number of criteria:

  • building type;
  • building material;
  • Location;
  • The presence of a viewing hole;
  • Other important little things.

Garages by building type

Built-in garages

According to the type of construction, built-in and autonomous garages are distinguished. As a rule, the built-in garage is an extension to the house or part of it. Projects of modern multi-storey buildings have built-in garage parking. This pleases the owners of the car and greatly upsets the “horseless” residents.

Built-in garages are very convenient to use. Private houses, cottages may have a garage for one or two cars. Main value such a garage - economical spending near the house and good security of the car. In addition, the built-in garage allows you to save on building materials, since part of its walls are the walls of the house.

Closely located house communications allow them to be led to the garage. In cold or rainy weather, you can get inside, bypassing the street.

The obvious disadvantage of this option is the additional noise and the presence of extraneous aromas. In addition, for the construction of such a garage, you will need to comply with a lot of technical and regulatory requirements. To prevent the occurrence of negative phenomena at the design stage, one should carefully consider the development of ventilation lines and sound absorption systems.

The most common location for a built-in garage is ground floor. When building such a garage, you should carefully consider the design and insulation of the foundation. The special design of the descent-ascent must exclude freezing in winter, flooding with water in rain and when snow melts.

If the initial plan of the house did not provide for a garage, and the adjacent territory allows, then you can register a new plan and attach a new room to the house. Creation front door outside the home will eliminate some of the shortcomings.

Autonomous garages

Autonomous - detached garage. This option is devoid of the disadvantages of built-in garages. But the required financial costs are much higher than the first type, especially if you want to create a garage, respecting the style of the main house.

Additional costs will require communication. Whatever the weather is in the yard, in order to get into such a garage, you will have to overcome the distance from the house to it.

A detached garage can be made as a simple shed or as a permanent structure. If possible, it is better to arrange a major garage with an additional carport.

Materials for building a garage

According to the material from which the garage is built, there are:
  • Brick garages;
  • cinder concrete;
  • metal;
  • Wooden.
They are distinguished by high reliability brick garages. Construction begins with the manufacture of the foundation, and ends with the implementation of the interior. Since the return of bricks is high, additional heating will be required in the cold season - without this, it will be difficult for the owner to stay inside for a long time. Main disadvantage brick garage - a significant cost.

More a budget optioncinder block garage. Cinder-concrete walls are erected from slabs or a monolith. By technological characteristics such a garage is not inferior to a brick one. At the same time, it costs significantly (1.5 - 2 times) cheaper.

metal garage perfectly copes with the tasks of protection from climatic influences and hooligan antics. But repairing it is not very convenient. In winter, it freezes, and in the summer heat is very hot. Main advantage iron garage- short time for erection and mobility when changing location.

Wooden garages have excellent thermal insulation properties. They are durable. But due to the high fire hazard, they are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

The location of the garage and the presence of a viewing hole

The location of the garage affects its value. When located away from home, we get low price, but the difficulty of the initial entry into the garage. The location of the garage next to the house in the city is much more expensive.

The design features of modern cars significantly reduce the relevance of the viewing hole. However, for not the latest models and fans self repair a viewing hole is a mandatory and important component of the garage.

IN viewing hole should be dry and there should be no signs of standing water. When assessing a hole, its depth is taken into account. Entrepreneurial sellers, in order to hide traces of water in the pit, can pour soil up to 15 cm. Availability dark spots on the walls says that underground water Very close.

The inspection hole must be provided with good natural ventilation. The presence of ventilation is mandatory, this also applies to the entire garage room. Delay excess moisture may damage the vehicle. Ideal floor covering paving slabs or concrete plates. Presence on the floor wood flooringnegative factor because wood retains moisture, which encourages fungus and bacteria to grow and eventually damage the car.

The level of lighting in the garage can be provided by natural sources - windows or lamps.

Garage size and other important little things

Optimal garage size

The traditional size of a garage in a cooperative is 6 meters by 3 meters and 2 meters with a small height. Such dimensions allow you to exclusively store the car - there is not enough space for a workshop. Even a simple entry into such a garage by an inexperienced driver can result in scratched sides of the car.

The answer to the question about optimal sizes garage sounds like this: at least 4 meters in the tire, 7 meters in length and up to 3 meters in height. In a garage of this size there is room for a car and everyone. necessary tools. In fact, the size of the garage depends on the size of the car. In the optimal case, to calculate the dimensions of the garage, 1.2 meters can be added to the dimensions of the car. If it is planned to carry out in the garage repair work, then the size of the garage needs to be increased.

Important points when buying a garage

Before buying a garage, you should pay attention to such points:
  • Availability and quality of access roads (cover condition, accessibility of the garage all year round);
  • The presence of lanterns illuminating the surrounding area;
  • Humidity indoors;
  • The condition of the roof (the presence or absence of stains on the walls);
  • Gate condition;
  • Doorway size.
The presence or absence of these factors affects the choice of a garage and reduces or increases its final cost.

Preparation of documents for the purchase and sale of a garage

When an option that suits in all respects is found, it is required to correctly draw up a sale and purchase transaction. Buying a garage is buying real estate.

Before starting the paperwork, it is necessary to establish personal contact with the real owner of the garage. It is not recommended to make transactions by proxy - it is better to refrain from such transactions.

The safest will be to buy an object in a new building - "first hand". Examination of the owner's documents may reveal two options.

1. If the seller does not have documents on the property, he must provide you with:

  • A certificate confirming the registration of the building in the GSK and the full payment of its cost. It is issued by BTI;
  • A copy of the registration certificate for the garage.
2. If the seller has documents for the property, then he provides the following documentation:
  • BTI and GSK certificates are not needed;
  • If the building was donated, then the original deed of donation will be required.
All relations between the buyer and the seller are drawn up in a written act of sale. Each copy is signed by both parties. The garage will be considered yours after receiving a certificate of ownership of the property.

Certification of the contract is not required, it must be registered at the regional chamber office. Three copies of the agreement: one seller with the buyer and one - to the registration chamber. It is optimal to get advice from an experienced lawyer or even entrust him with the complete preparation and execution of documents.

Whichever option you choose, buying a garage is a good investment. By protecting the car from minor and major damage, the garage can significantly save money on repairs and greatly reduces the likelihood of car theft.

The owner of the property knows that he can sell it at any time. The cost of the purchased garage will increase over time. If you rent a garage, you can earn income on an ongoing basis.

Do you want to avoid legal mistakes when buying a garage? Watch the video:

Garage- this is the property, the varieties and applications of which there are innumerable.

If in garage there is extra space, or for some reason your car is not stored in it, with a competent approach, this will not be a big burden for you.

Garage can and should bring you a minimum of moral satisfaction, and ideally benefit and income. Perhaps it will become your recreation area or workshop, or maybe the starting point of a successful business; after all, the fact that many great projects began precisely with garage Next door.

In the article we will talk about what are garages. Also you will find photo options garages.

    Types of garages

    These are additional costs, noise and no guarantee of a solution. Yet again - garage under the house- a source of increased fire hazard.

    A separate issue is the price of a "square" garage of this type, comparable to the cost of a square residential building.

    For all pros And cons you need to think carefully when choosing a "home" garage.

  1. garage to the house.
  2. Tons of amenities from common wall between home and garage, providing great value options and ending with easy access to the car or cellar through the adjacent wall. garage practically perfect option if the size of the area allows.

  3. Garage with residential second floor ().

Very interesting option, at the top you can arrange stock or place to rest. The best option is such a superstructure over a wide garage. This is a place to relax, and a closet for rare things, and game room, and studio.

Standing separately

Classic "garage construction". The optimal combination of price and convenience when planning a site, a detached garage can always be placed in a place with a convenient exit to the road or hidden behind outbuildings.

Working workshop or pantry for vegetables. No smell from storage of caustic substances or from car exhaust, does not interfere with the noise of chores in the garage. It is carried out, iron (for example,), from almost any material.

Separate garages do not require mandatory expensive finishes. They are good for everyone, because they are popular.

Garage near the house - photo:

There is a huge amount of materials for building garages, as well as garage modifications themselves, for almost any opportunity and taste. Examples of garages:

The best garage capital. Best Choice for him is a stone, and concrete, you can also highlight the construction (for example, from, or).

Sheet garage - low cost, ease of transportation, this is a plus. Flaws also there - the garage is cold, not resistant to burglary and fire.

Garage from - inexpensive, quickly built, plus you can write low weight, durability, environmental friendliness, moisture resistance. Minus- He's cold.

Garage from - light, easy to assemble, frost-resistant, environmentally friendly, aesthetic.

frame garage wooden- budget option, environmentally friendly, durable, easy to understand. Minuses- flammable, afraid of moisture, absorbs odors.

Garage polycarbonate- with good assembly, it is very aesthetic, exceptionally light, normal heat and sound insulation, non-flammable, durable, wear-resistant.

Minuses- resistant to breaking.

Garage - a wooden frame is inexpensive, easily processed and sheathed, durable, lightweight, easy to manufacture.

Flaws- combustible, requires good processing.

Metal garages are a profile corner and sheet metal.

Simple, lightweight, beautiful, secure, fireproof, scalable design.

Minuses- fragility, but with an increase in the quality of production, these disadvantages are more likely in the past.

- mobility, convenience, simplicity, protection from precipitation and hooligans. Minuses- unsightly appearance, lack of thermal insulation, tightness. Pencil garages are functionally the same shells, except, perhaps, for greater aesthetics and more interior space.

You should also pay attention to garages and. Fortunately, it is not at all necessary to dwell on the listed options, the scope for creativity is very large.

A few words about legal framework"abnormal" use of garages.

Legislation Russian Federation (FZ N 118-FZ, Article 42) does not prohibit owners of land plots from disposing of their property located on these plots at their own discretion.

It only regulates the use of land plots in terms of their intended purpose, in a manner permitted for use that does not damage the environment in matters of ecology, sanitation and hygiene, as well as fire safety, and obliges not to pollute the land.

Important! Russia has not yet adopted a special law on garage cooperatives, respectively, all decisions on the organization of the rules for the joint operation of garages on the territory of the GSK fall on the shoulders of the general meeting of its members.

Large garages - photo:

Where is the best place to build?

Own garage, "house" for your car, it is better to have in walking distance. This is an opportunity to once again carry out maintenance, and go for pickles and jams from the cellar.

In the city this is usually GSK, outside the city - a garage next to the cottage and garden; of course, in accordance with the urban plan and on a "solid soil basis". It is also very important to choose correct garage for 1 car.

What additional applications are there?

It is not necessarily about GSK or garage in the country or in the garden; options for garages and their locations in Russia are countless.

If, for example, it is more convenient for the owner of the car to keep his car near the house, and not in the garage, then:

Important! And this is not all options for using the garage. It is worth thinking a little, and there are just as many interesting and useful options.

Finally: Now you know all types of garages. As we have noticed, there are a great many types and ways to use them; at creativity they turn into a warehouse, a workshop, a production site, a place for recreation and entertainment, a creative workshop.

With all this, the garage remains an object of real estate, and real estate is an asset that can always be sold with a profit.

By turning his garage into something more than just a parking lot if he wants, he will return it to you a hundredfold!