Entrance to the living room without a door. Making doorways without doors using various materials with your own hands

IN last years Arches between the kitchen and the room are becoming fashionable. It is stylish, beautiful and functional: an arched opening allows you to make the room visually more spacious, adds light and air.

A bunch of design solutions allow you to choose a suitable arch for any interior. In addition, the arch is easy to install yourself - a significant bonus for those who want to do the repairs themselves.

How to design an arch in the kitchen: highlights

When deciding to decorate a kitchen without a door, you need to remember that the arch must fit perfectly with the main design. Otherwise, it may seem ridiculous and ruin the impression of the design.

Much depends on the style of the room: it is better to choose wooden or plasterboard models with stucco.

At the same time for modern kitchen style or we recommend using plastic, stone or painted drywall.

  • If you are placing an arch between the kitchen and living room, make sure that kitchen area quite powerful hood. Otherwise, the smells of cooking food will easily pass into the room.
  • For small rooms it is better to limit yourself to a semi-arch with a minimum of decorative elements.
  • A decorative arch looks good in high rooms - if the ceilings are below three meters, it is still better to stick with a regular door.
  • If you are placing an arch between the kitchen and the hallway, think carefully about the lighting. Often for narrow corridor and kitchens, different types of lighting fixtures are chosen.
  • Make sure that the rooms connected by the arch are made in the same style - otherwise general form may look ridiculous.

Why are arches needed?

In addition to purely aesthetic properties, arches are often placed because of their functional features:

  • The arch serves as an additional source of light;
  • On no large kitchens where every square centimeter is valuable, a decorative arch allows you to save precious space;
  • The arch prevents air from stagnating and allows you to ventilate the kitchen faster;
  • In a studio apartment, an arch is a great way to zone a room without remodeling it;
  • Modern arches look very stylish, serving as a decorative element;
  • Even standard layout using an arch looks unusual.

However, we should not forget about the disadvantages of arches: they allow odors and noise to pass through and require maintenance. perfect order in the kitchen area. Because of these shortcomings, opponents of arches argue that it is more convenient to install a regular door.

Which is better - a door or an arch?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the detailed table to draw your own conclusions.

VentilationThe arch prevents air from stagnating in the kitchen, but it does not prevent odors from spreading throughout the apartment.A tight door requires a good exhaust hood, but helps to completely avoid odors in other rooms.
Noise insulationIt does not control noise, so it is not suitable for apartments with children.A quality door can significantly reduce noise levels.
ErgonomicsThe arched opening does not take up space.The door frame takes up to 20 centimeters of usable space.
Operating restrictionsNot allowed in kitchens with gas stoves.There are no restrictions.
Visual propertiesMakes the room appear larger and taller.Depends on the model.

Important! To install the arch, be sure to completely remove the entire doorway. This means that you will face lengthy and “dirty” repair work.

As you can see, it is impossible to give a clear answer. It all depends on your preferences. Therefore, we advise you to carefully consider the moment of installing the arch and, if you decide that the pros outweigh the cons, move on to the next section.

Types of arches

An important aspect of the choice is the shape of the arch to the kitchen. It can either visually make the room more spacious or narrow it, ruining the entire design idea. Therefore, we recommend studying the popular types of arches so as not to make mistakes when designing.

The most popular type is the classic Romanesque, also known as semicircular arch. Thanks to its soft curve, it fits perfectly into the design of small spaces, for example, a kitchen combined with a corridor.

Another advantage is the ability to install the arch directly on the doorway, without dismantling it.

Wide Romanesque arches are ideal for studio apartments and spacious kitchens combined with living rooms.

Luchkovaya (English) arch with sharp corners at the base of the arc, it is more often used for wide openings. her slightly irregular shape serves as an additional decorative element and looks good in large kitchens. See the photo for examples of such arches.

Semi-ellipse shape- a real find for those who want to place a small arch. It visually makes the opening wider and the room larger. It is good to place such arches in - the kitchen will seem much more spacious.

And here trapezoidal arch will not look good in a small kitchen - it needs space. Complex shape looks great in spacious rooms, but visually narrows small ones. Therefore, they are more often used in private homes.

Rectangular arches are perfect for kitchens in Khrushchev-era apartments - they look great in any size, and due to the simplicity of their shape they do not take up space.

How to decorate an arch in the kitchen

However, the correct form is not everything. Much depends on how you design the arched opening. What to make an arch from, how and what to decorate it with - these issues are best resolved at the design project stage. Let's look at the most popular materials for decorating kitchen arches.

More often modern designers use drywall. An inexpensive material that can take on any shape and color - an ideal solution for decorating interior arches. It is quite easy to install and lasts up to fifteen years.

One of the disadvantages of drywall is its low strength. However, the visual properties and low price compensate for this shortcoming.

Less commonly installed arches made of stone or wood. Such designs are much more expensive and require special knowledge and experience. They look impressive, but they are not suitable for every apartment - unlikely masonry or an arch to the kitchen with bricks will look good in a small Khrushchev-era building.

Another fashionable material - plastic. It will cost more than drywall, but is much stronger and easier to maintain. Plastic arches are now used even in classic designs - the correct coloring allows them to be disguised as any material.

How to close the arch?

Even if you decide to combine a room or corridor with a kitchen using an arch, you may need to temporarily close it. In this case, you have several options.

The most popular are regular curtains. Choose the type that suits your interior. However, curtains are not very practical - the fabric absorbs odors and therefore requires constant washing.

Plastic or wooden blinds, vertical or horizontal, are more functional. Depending on their shape, they can visually make the room taller or wider, and when folded they are almost invisible.

An alternative option is roller or Roman blinds, which fold into a small compact roller and, if necessary, unfold.

A fashionable technique is glazing the arch. Sliding glass panels if necessary, they act as a door, closing the arch.

Advice! Such panels are suitable if you want to install an arch in the kitchen with gas stove. Nominally they can be considered a door.

How to make an arch yourself

One of the advantages of arched openings is the ability to install the arch yourself, without resorting to the services of a specialist. We offer you step-by-step instructions that clearly explain how to make an arch instead of a door.

Important! If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to start working with plasterboard arches. Stone, wood and plastic are much more difficult to install.

First, decide on the form. If you are not confident in your abilities, choose a standard semicircular or rectangular arch.

You will need:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Wooden ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Engineering compass.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase materials in advance:

  • Plasterboard sheets are 12.5 millimeters thick. They will go to the frame of the arch;
  • A strip of arched plasterboard sheet for the end of the arch;
  • Metal profiles;
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • Primer and putty;
  • Finishing putty and, if necessary, paint.

Once you are sure you have everything you need, get to work. First, dismantle the old door and frame. If you want to widen the opening, do it with a wall saw.

Important! The thickness of the walls must be at least 20 centimeters! Otherwise, the extension is not allowed.

  1. Proceed to fasten the arched frame. To do this, use a metal knife to divide the profile into three parts in the following ratio: 1 part should be equal to the width of the opening, two parts should be equal to the height of the planned arch.
  2. We fix the longest profile at the highest point of the niche, the rest - along the walls. We install the frame on the other side of the arch in the same way.
  3. Mount profiles with an indentation equal to the thickness plasterboard sheet. The fastening step is 10-12 centimeters.
  4. Make a template of your arch on whatman paper. Use an engineering compass for rounded shapes. Cut out the template, then cut the drywall according to it.
  5. Important: Make sure that all parts are symmetrical, otherwise the arch will turn out uneven.
  6. Use a jigsaw or hacksaw to cut drywall.
  7. Proceed directly to installation. Using self-tapping screws, install the elements of your future arch, regularly checking whether they are symmetrical in level. If at any moment you notice an error, straighten the arch.
  8. Make the base for the end from the profiles. Measure the required length (taking into account the bend!), and then cut the sides of the profile at intervals of 2-5 centimeters, depending on the desired level of bend.
  9. Carefully cut out the end strip required sizes. Fasten it to the profiles, gradually giving the desired bend.
  10. Your arch is almost ready! All you need to do is level it and putty it. If you wish, you can paint or decorate the arch at your discretion.

How to make an arch in the kitchen with your own hands (video)

Video from step by step instructions How to make a plasterboard arch with your own hands.

Arch to the kitchen (real photo examples)

A doorway without a door is sometimes an original way out when solving the problem of combining living space. For example, not all homeowners want to install a door between the hallway and the living room, especially if the layout of the apartment allows for it. Quite often practiced, combining a loggia with a room is also done by removing the window and door frame, which expands usable area. However, both of the solutions given above as examples at the same time create new problem- original and neat design of the resulting opening.

Today the construction market has a very wide range of a wide range of various materials, making it possible to decorate the living space in any style and for every taste. Therefore, there should be no problems in implementing even the most intricate project. Moreover, you can get by with relatively little expense, and at the same time richly decorate the doorway with a beautiful and original platband.

There is no need to think that the design of this interior element is not as significant as, for example, the walls or ceiling. Until the last decorative details are installed, the overall appearance of the premises will not have the desired completeness.

Finishing materials for doorways

Modern designers have developed a large number of design options for doorways, which are made using different materials. These include the following:

  • Decorative clinker tiles.
  • Stucco molding made of gypsum, or its imitation made of polyurethane.
  • Plastic panels.
  • Fake diamond.
  • Natural wood.

In addition to the finishing material itself, the chosen shape of the doorway itself can become a decorative detail of the interior. And it can vary from traditional rectangular options to asymmetrical complex configurations.

Finishing with any of the above materials can be done independently, having previously developed a design sketch and having on hand necessary tools and materials.

Clinker tiles

One of traditional solutions finishing the opening - facing with clinker tiles to look like brick

Finishing doorways with clinker tiles has become Lately quite a popular trend - this can be explained by the variety of colors of this material and the ease of its use. Not only straight versions of tiles are produced, but also corner ones, which are convenient for lining the corners of doorways, and they are suitable for both traditional rectangular shapes and for arches or semi-arches.

It is most often used for external facade decoration, but for certain rooms and doorways it is perfect, especially if it harmonizes with the decoration of the walls. Sometimes, in addition, in combination with the doorway, the areas around the windows are also covered with the same material, thanks to which the room immediately acquires its own style.

Sometimes clinker tiles are used in combination with smoothly plastered walls.

Markings are made on the walls according to the drawn up sketch. This process is especially important if the tiles are laid out in a chaotic asymmetrical pattern.

The tiles are laid in different ways, creating a smooth edge or a jagged, stepped edge; they are often installed offset.

Before laying the tiles, it is recommended to additionally treat the area on the wall to be tiled, which will improve adhesion construction compounds, and the material is guaranteed to be securely glued to the surface. The primer must be completely dry before gluing the tiles.

Clinker tiles are glued to tile adhesive or “liquid” nails - the adhesive composition is selected depending on the quality of the wall surface. If the wall has flaws or small irregularities, it is best to use tile adhesive. “Liquid” nails can only be used on a perfectly flat surface.

The glue is applied very carefully to the back surface of the tile. If a cement or gypsum-based mortar is used, then its excess must be removed immediately, and it is better to try so that it does not protrude beyond the boundaries of the tile.

It is very important to ensure that the tiles are laid exactly horizontally. This parameter must be controlled using building level constantly during facing work.

When the glue has set, these calibration strips can be removed from the seams and the masonry can be left until the mortar has completely dried.

After the glue has dried, the seams between the tiles are sealed with grout of a suitable color that harmonizes with the finishing material or the shade of the walls.

Fake diamond

Finishing with artificial stone is also quite a stylish option, especially since the choice of this material is even much wider than that of clinker tiles. It is made from natural rocks, crushed into crumbs, to which various polymers and dyes are added.

Artificial material very reliably imitates the appearance and texture of natural stone - it can be limestone, malachite, shell rock, jasper, marble and other rocks. There is an option that is simply called " wild stone”, that is, without processing, which looks very original.

The colors of this material are varied, from cold gray to warm ocher, so it can always be matched to the shades of the interior.

The advantages of finishing surfaces with artificial stone include the following qualities:

  • Presentable, aesthetic and stylish appearance.
  • Excellent harmony with other materials.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage with proper installation.
  • Long service life without changing appearance.
  • Simplicity in daily care of finishing.

To decorate a doorway, compact sizes are usually selected artificial stone, with a not very deep relief pattern, otherwise it will look too bulky.

For corners, it is best to choose special corner elements that are easy to install and securely fasten to surfaces.

Finishing with this material is carried out in different ways - sometimes it is laid, maintaining an even border, but more often the “torn edge” design technique is used. Using this masonry method, the finish is more natural, original and does not look “boring”.

Of course, when choosing one of the options for placing tiles on the wall and in the opening, you need to rely on the general design style of the entire room.

The artificial stone is fixed in the same way as clinker tiles, using one of the tile adhesives or “liquid nails”. It is necessary to take into account that this material is much heavier than tiles, as it often has a greater thickness, so the wall for its installation must be especially carefully prepared, be sure to treat it in several layers with a primer.

Cladding with artificial stone is quite labor-intensive work, since each of the elements must be glued to the wall and held for some time so that the composition sets. In addition, it must be said that this is a rather expensive material. However, it is worth it - the effect of a high-quality finish will be amazing.

Stucco molding, natural gypsum and artificial

Stucco molding around the perimeter of the opening without a door - columns with pilasters and capitals.

Nowadays there is stucco inside modern apartments and houses can be seen quite rarely, although this is one of the most interesting styles of design, including doorways. Naturally, stucco molding is not suitable for every interior - it must be designed in a certain style, and all elements in it must be harmoniously combined with each other.

However, if it is decided to design one of the rooms in a classical, Doric, Venetian or other similar style, where the presence of stucco elements is expected and would not be absurd, then decorating the doorway with it will certainly be “in keeping with the theme.”

Previously, gypsum was used to decorate rooms and facades, and columns were often made of natural limestone. Today, these interior parts are also made from polyurethane.

Plaster stucco elements are quite heavy, so they are quite difficult to attach to the walls. Installation is also complicated by the fact that gypsum in its hardened form is very fragile, and if it falls even from a small height or with careless actions during cladding, the finishing element can break into pieces.

Gypsum stucco is, of course, a “classic of the genre”, but working with it is quite difficult

Polyurethane is very light, adheres well and adheres to any surface.

It is much more convenient to carry out finishing - use polyurethane parts “under stucco molding”

A very wide range of different parts are produced to decorate a doorway - these can be borders, pilasters with capitals, or even full-fledged columns that are glued to the ceiling and wall.

The range of polyurethane parts with imitation stucco molding is very wide

The variety of shapes and relief patterns of these decorative elements allows you to choose them to suit any, most demanding taste. It is also very important that polyurethane can be easily painted, which can create an imitation of natural stone or make the surface of parts glossy and perfectly white.

Similar polymer parts are also produced for modern design - with a relief that does not have floral patterns, elements of columns and capitals, but is made in the form of moldings. Although they can also be combined with modest trims that will complement arched or straight elements.

This version of polyurethane finishing can be disguised as natural wood or stone by painting it with the desired color and varnishing it.

Installation of polyurethane parts can be easily carried out independently using one of the polymer adhesives, “liquid nails” or special “Moment” glue.

It’s probably worth noting that columns and pilasters are not particularly suitable for small apartments, since such details will overload the space, and it will seem even smaller.

If your house or apartment has high ceilings that make the rooms uncomfortable, you should round off the sharp corners of the doorway and choose an arched option for this.

In the case when a hall or hall in a large house is decorated with polyurethane parts, it is best to use columns decorated with Doric reliefs to create pomp and grandeur.

Plastic panels

Plastic kits for decorating doorways can be purchased even in finished form– they are produced for openings different forms: rectangular, arched and semi-arched, designed for different heights and widths. Platbands can be white or made with textured pattern one of the types of wood that can have different shades. Selecting the color of the platband to match the overall scheme of the interior will not be difficult, as well as installing them on the walls of the doorway.

Typically a finishing kit consists of the following elements:

  • Platband, which is fixed on the outside of the opening to the wall. As a rule, this element consists of three parts - a top bar and two side ones. If the opening is made in the form of an arch, then the upper part should be arched. If an opening is being finished that will be used without a door leaf, then the kit should include two trims, for one and the other side of the doorway.
  • An additional strip that is mounted directly on the walls of the opening along its thickness and covers it completely.

  • For an arched opening, it must also be made in a certain configuration. Some kits are made from fairly flexible plastic, so they bend perfectly to the desired shape. However, when purchasing such a kit, it is worth asking the seller to demonstrate the flexibility of the material right in the store.

Decorating doorways with just such a plastic kit is very popular, since it has relatively affordable price and has a number of positive characteristics, which include:

  • Ease of installation of elements, which will not be difficult to do yourself.
  • Sufficient resistance to mechanical stress with careful use.
  • Easy to care for, as the material does not accumulate dust and can be easily cleaned with a damp soft cloth.
  • Possibility to disguise communication cables under panels. Some kits have a special entrance for them in inner space platband, located at the level of the baseboard, and the design provides special channels for laying wires.
  • Plastic panels give the doorway neatness and visually highlight it with an aesthetic frame.

Attaching elements to walls plastic platbands and additions are made in different ways - this can be gluing them to surfaces using “ liquid nails", and sometimes they are fastened with locking connections on special guides, which are included in the finishing kit.

Wood finish

Wooden trims are traditional for finishing door and window openings, but not many people know that they can have a variety of shapes and designs. Of course, those with decorative elements, cut by hand or using special equipment, will not be cheap, but they will also be used for a very long time.

If necessary, wooden trims can be repainted, for example, if the entire interior of the room changes, including the color of the walls.

Wooden finishing materials can be selected to suit any design style - they can look very simple or be decorated with figured carvings. An important advantage of the material itself and products made from it is its environmental friendliness.

In addition, it should be noted that even the most inexpensive wood, but well processed and covered with the necessary means to preserve the material, as well as decorated paint and varnish compositions, it will be impossible to distinguish it from expensive wood. Carrying out these processes is not at all difficult, so you can save on them by purchasing or ordering the frames in an unprocessed form to the master.

Despite the appearance large quantity new types of materials from which platbands are made, wood will never lose its popularity and is often chosen to design doorways of any shape.

Doorway shape

Since the shape of the doorway plays an important role in interior design, especially if it is not planned to install a door on it, this parameter should be considered separately. The configuration of the doorway may be familiar to many - rectangular, emphasizing classic style– arched, asymmetrical, trapezoidal and other shapes.

Arched doorway

The arched configuration has recently become especially popular when constructing a doorway without a door. This form has become widespread for the design of passages, both in standard apartments, and in large private houses.

The advantage of this shape is that it softens sharp corners. Visually, the arch makes the ceiling higher in an apartment, and “lowers” ​​it somewhat when the ceilings in mansions are too high. If you need to visually “lower” the ceiling, making the room more comfortable, you only need to slightly widen the arched opening, making it almost completely semicircular, without vertical sections.

In addition, such an arch will expand the space, and both rooms united by it will look much larger.

An arched opening is usually installed between the living room and the kitchen or hallway. This solution makes the design original and the interior more interesting. Each apartment owner, performing installation independently, gets the opportunity to make it exclusive.

This type of opening is also ideal for combining a loggia with a living space. Thanks to the expansion of the arched structure, the room will visually appear larger than it actually is.

Try making an arch yourself!

Drywall in skillful hands turns into a truly universal material that opens up a wide range of possibilities. self-creation the most complex interior elements. For a diligent and careful apartment owner, manufacturing should not be particularly difficult. To help him, there is a special publication on our portal.

Video: a variety of interior solutions with an arched opening without a door

Trapezoidal opening

A doorway of this shape cannot be called popular, and it is quite rare to find it, especially in a city apartment. It must be said that such a frame, especially if it has a dark shade, has a somewhat depressing effect on the psyche. It may be more rational to use such a form in large rooms, where it will not become the compositional center of the design, but will neatly fit into it along with other decorative elements.

The appropriateness of a trapezoidal opening in a residential area is highly questionable

If, nevertheless, it is decided to use this form to design an opening in an apartment where the ceiling is not very high, then you should not make the upper horizontal part of the trapezoid too narrow. Such a shape will not only visually narrow the room and lower the ceiling - it will seem to weigh down the interior and, oddly enough, spoil the mood.

Such “hard” forms can negatively affect a person’s psycho-emotional state

Lack of smooth forms in doorway will make the room uncomfortable, even if wallpaper or other decorative finishes in warm colors are used for its overall design. Therefore, if you choose the shape of a doorway without a door, then it is better to immediately abandon this option.

Asymmetrical opening shapes

There are a great many options for asymmetrical openings - they can have smooth, angular shapes or combine several of the configurations. When choosing fancy lines for an opening, you need to remember not only about the supporting structures of the house - it is not always possible to widen the opening to the expected width.

Asymmetrical openings - the widest field for the owners’ fantasies

Very important point- this is the psychological impact of forms on the mood of residents. If you don’t want constant clashes, irritability and misunderstandings in the family, it’s best to avoid sharp corners and sharp shapes of doorways. If you still cannot do without such outlines, then they need to be smoothed out by placing smooth rounded transitions and shapes nearby.

Due to the fact that today in the construction markets you can find not only ready-made arched or asymmetrical kits for decorating openings, but also a lot of other materials, designers and amateur finishers are creating the most unrealistic decorative configurations. One of the materials that is most often used for such work is drywall. It is used for cladding structures made from galvanized metal profiles. These building materials have a very affordable price, but to make complex, decorative interior transitions, you will have to make every effort and spend a lot of time, as well as seriously work on the project first, adapting it for a specific doorway.

Drywall – unique material for the construction of walls and partitions.

When planning a redevelopment, erecting new partitions or reconstructing existing ones, it is best to rely on the use of plasterboard. A special publication on our portal is devoted to the process of independently creating internal ones.

To summarize, it should be noted that the above options for designing doorways without installing door panels are by no means the only possible ones. It is quite possible to independently develop and implement your own own project design of this interior element. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the structural structure of the entire structure, since an expanded doorway in some cases can weaken the load-bearing walls and ceiling, which is extremely dangerous not only for residents of the upper floors, but also for those who live in a reconstructed apartment.

If any doubts arise when drawing up a project, then it is best to contact specialists to make calculations or even complete all the work. They will identify opportunities load-bearing structures and calculate the permissible limits for the expansion of doorways without compromising general design the entire building.

During repair work the owners may have a dilemma - whether to install or better replace them with more modern version decoration, for example, with an arch. By removing the doors, you can solve several problems at once: decorate your home and save free space. That's why most people choose alternative options. Let's figure out how to decorate a doorway beautifully and without special effort, in the main pros and cons existing methods decorating the passages between rooms, as well as the appropriateness of such redevelopment in various situations.

In what cases are interior doors not required?

The interior opening can be varied

The answer to this question largely depends on functional purpose the premises that are planned to be combined, and the individual characteristics of the housing. The passage between the kitchen and living room is often remodeled. This redevelopment makes sense if the kitchen area is small. The dining area can be moved into the room, freeing up useful kitchen space.

Replacing the door with an arch or another option for opening the opening will be no less relevant in the case of connecting a balcony to one of the rooms. This will ensure a smooth transition between them, and the two rooms will seem to merge into one, which will visually enlarge the room.

A passage designed in the form of a portal will also look good if there is a small dressing room located between the front door and the corridor. But making such an entrance to the bedroom, even if it is draped with curtains, is hardly appropriate.

Possible finishing options

So, if you decide that the layout of your home allows you to refresh the interior by changing the appearance of doorways, then first you should learn more about existing varieties such finishing. Let's look at some of the most popular ways to decorate the passage between rooms.

Arches in the doorway. What are they?


Installing an arch in a doorway is one of the most popular ways to decorate the entrance to a room. It can be performed in several variations:

  1. Oval. This arch is considered standard and has a rounded shape. To create it, you will need to round the corners of the opening using drywall and a metal frame.
  2. Rectangle. The most easily implemented option that does not require the installation of additional structures.
  3. Complex shapes. Giving a doorway a more exotic look is impossible without installing a complex plasterboard construction and, most likely, will require the involvement of builders and finishers.
  4. Imitation. This type of arch is relevant if the door structure is of a significant size and does not look very beautiful in a rectangular form. To give such a passage a rounded shape, semicircular segments are installed at its corners.

All types of arches, except unusual shapes, are quite simple to implement. However, there is also a minus - they cannot be installed in any room, because the installation requires a considerable height of ceilings. Therefore, for those who are not very lucky with this option, it is better to choose another decor option.

Stone decoration is always in fashion

A bright accent in the interior will be a doorway painted in contrasting colors or highlighted using various facing materials. And decorating with stone for this purpose is one of the best solutions. Stone for finishing can be used both natural and artificial. The first is used less frequently due to its high cost and less ease of installation and operation.

Stone finishing

Installing natural stone is not an easy process, and it is better to entrust it to professionals. But it is quite possible to cope with cladding with artificial stone-like panels yourself, securing them tile adhesive. At the same time, in appearance they will be practically in no way inferior to the real material.

Note! In order for the stone finish to harmonize with the rest of the interior, it is worth placing in the room objects with elements made of a similar material, for example, a mirror in a frame, shelves, wall panels or false fireplace.

Decoration with stucco: beautiful and practical

Polyurethane stucco molding is also very popular when decorating doorways. It has many advantages: it is easy to attach, quite durable, and, being initially white, lends itself well to painting.

But when deciding to decorate with this material, you need to remember that it often looks very cumbersome. Therefore, if the rooms are small, it makes sense to choose not relief, but flat elements so as not to visually overload the room.

Curtains in the doorway: an affordable solution

Curtains are a great solution!

Draping curtains is another way to refine a doorway. The advantage of this type of design is that it not only allows you to emphasize the passage between rooms, but also, if necessary, hide it. The advantages also include ease of installation, affordability and wide choose colors and materials.

Curtains in the doorway can be either fabric or in the form of “hangers”. You can use ordinary traditional curtains as fabric curtains, but it is better to purchase products specially designed for this purpose.

So-called “pendants” are used more often for decorating doors. They can cover the entire opening or have the appearance of a frame. The materials used for their manufacture are wood, plastic, bamboo, various cords, beads, etc. If you wish, you can easily make such a decoration with your own hands.

Video on how to create a door arch with your own hands

In this section, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the installation and design features door arch with your own hands. The video will help you understand all the nuances of this matter.

Photos of interiors with interesting door space decor

As you can see, there are many options for designing a doorway. We have described only some of them, but in reality there are many times more of them, and anyone who decides to replace a boring and standard door design with something more original will be able to find a solution to their liking. The photos below will help you make your choice and get some interesting ideas.

Arches continue to hold the palm of leadership among the decorative decoration of doorways. This is not surprising, because in addition to the classic round shape, there are many other variations. For example, by performing a small redevelopment and expanding the entrance to the room, you can install an arch with niches or shelves. It will not only add variety to the interior, but can also serve as a stand for indoor plants, your photos or souvenirs.

Those who like minimalism can opt for a simple, but original arch in the shape of a circle.

For lovers of luxury, this method of decorating doors also opens up a lot of possibilities. An arch finished with polyurethane stucco molding will turn your home into a real palace.

Don't forget about curtains. Such bamboo curtains will fit perfectly into an interior decorated in ethno style.

Another original version– thread curtains. They look very gentle, but at the same time bright, and the variety of colors allows you to choose curtains that are ideal for your home.

The correct design of a doorway can highlight the interior and add zest to it. Therefore, when creating such structures, designers often resort to the most unexpected tricks. In order for the selected finish to fit harmoniously into the design of the room, it is important to clearly understand the best way to highlight this part.

The concept of a doorway, extension and platband

Regardless of the type of structure, doors are required to enter it, as well as for communication between its rooms, which are usually installed in doorways. At the same time, to create a presentable appearance of the entrance structure and to treat the slopes, it is necessary to use extensions and platbands. They are panels that are designed to fill the missing width of the box and mask the slopes in the opening. Such products are attached to the frame and fill the space that is formed between the door frame and the other side of the wall. To complete the complex finishing of the wall, platbands are used. The immediate task of such elements is to frame and create a holistic design.

Advantages of interior openings without and with doors

In the table we consider the features of each option.

Opening without a door Opening with a door
More spaceNoise insulation
The visual effect of separating the rooms still remainsThermal insulation
More lightPossibility to install a lock if necessary
Suitable for small spacesPossibility to choose the option of doors with glass or plastic inserts for greater “lightness”
Frees up space for furniture
Can be decorated in an original way

Options for finishing a doorway without extensions, trim and doors

Often the opening is finished without installing a door leaf. This design move allows you to simultaneously erase the boundaries between rooms and at the same time visually make the room more spacious. To create a reliable and spectacular design interior design without doors does not have to be guided by standard options.

To design an interior doorway, you can use any material used for finishing walls and slopes.

In this case, decoration can be done using the following materials:

To improve the internal perception of the interior, they are often used arched structures. At the same time, if the room has standard ceilings, then arches with slight curves will look better here. It is better to decorate an interior passage without extensions and platbands in houses with high ceilings with classic arches in a non-standard design: trapezoidal, elliptical and asymmetrical. You can decorate the slopes with brick, wood, stucco, plaster relief overlays, sandstone or artificial stone.

Framing slopes with plasterboard

The option of decorating slopes with plasterboard is simple and budget-friendly. This material is easy to process and does not require a large amount of preparatory work. It has good adhesion, has a long service life and looks great on the wall.

The design with plasterboard is laconic

Decoration with clinker tiles

Due to the variety of colors and ease of use, clinker tiles are often used for wall decoration. It is convenient to tile the corners of doorways without platbands or extensions. This option is suitable for designing rectangular, arched and semi-arched structures.

Tiles give the room a special style

Decorating a doorway with stone

In the interior space, decorative stone allows you to hide all the imperfections of the wall, as well as transform the interior. The material is highly resistant to external influences, durable and has excellent aesthetic properties.

Through the use of stone entrance structure becomes more interesting

Plastic panels

Using plastic you can imitate the appearance and texture of natural stone, wood and expensive materials. Framing a wall with plastic can visually increase the size of the interior passage and ceilings. Cladding in this way can be done independently.

Plastic can imitate expensive materials

Siding finishing

Due to the textured surface, lining the doorway with siding looks advantageous in any interior. This material is distinguished by a variety of models and colors, ease of care and installation.

The textured surface of the siding fits perfectly into any interior

Use of textiles

For decoration interior designs Expensive and dense textiles can be used. This technique helps to hide the opening, distract attention and lighten the space a little. In this case, the textile fabric can be of any type, the main thing is that it ultimately harmonizes with the overall style of the room.

Finishing a doorway with a door

For some rooms, a clear delineation of space is very important. Therefore, it is customary to leave doors in them. When choosing the option of designing such a passage without additional panels and platbands, the designs should be selected in accordance with the color and texture of the door leaf. For this the following can be used:

  • blinds;
  • ceramic tile;
  • tree;
  • laminate;

Shutter doors

This idea has a double practicality. Firstly, shutter doors are very original, and often cheaper than standard doors. Secondly, the slats from the blinds can be used to decorate the doorway, which gives the whole structure uniform style.

Blinds in the opening add lightness and airiness

Ceramic tile finishing

Tiles have a number of advantages, such as ease of maintenance, big choice colors and patterns, durability.

The most important - beautifully trim and join the edges, what is needed for special tool.

Tiles are the most practical option

Some ideas for openings can be found here:

Wood - an eternal classic

If you want your opening to look classic, and at the same time you are for naturalness, then wood is your choice.

Natural wood adds warmth and suits many design styles

Laminate - looks expensive

If you want something custom, durable and practical, laminate is a great choice. It is as easy to install as regular extensions with platbands, but it looks much more expensive.

The design of an opening without a door involves several features. Not all materials are suitable for this type of finishing, and the selected options will have to be handled quite carefully. Some structures can be created with your own hands, but the construction of others is best left to a professional.


The logical conclusion would be that a doorway without a door is made entirely without a door frame. All decoration includes only the lining of the opening itself, which is done using a variety of materials.

The design of a doorless opening allows you to choose from a variety of shapes, including classic and interesting fancy options.

Not every room will have an opening without a door that will look appropriate. There are some rooms that must have a door, and these include not only the toilet and bathroom. The bedroom, kitchen, office must be equipped with a full door Since these rooms are larger than others, there is a need for privacy and intimacy.

However, every rule can be circumvented. For additional decoration of such openings, curtains, muslin, and screens are used. They allow you to create the illusion of dividing the room without completely replacing the door.

Decorating an open doorway implies relying on the integrity of the entire home. As a rule, identical doorless openings are made in an apartment or house. This applies to both shape and finish. They act as a connecting element, uniting all rooms into a single ensemble.

Speaking about the advantages that open openings have compared to classic doorways, we cannot fail to mention saving space. Each door occupies at least a square meter of usable space. When creating a doorless structure, this problem disappears. From an aesthetic point of view, an opening allows you to visually expand the space or expand the functional area of ​​the room by combining it with a utility room. A good example is the recent frequent combination of a balcony and a living room.

In some cases, a doorless space looks much more attractive than a door, especially when it is beautifully decorated. For example, shelves are often placed along the contour of such an opening. The figurines or other little things placed on them beautifully frame the skylight, creating a unique atmosphere that cannot be repeated. Thus, sometimes an open doorway looks even more intimate than a thick oak door.

Finally, another important advantage is creating sufficient ventilation in the apartment. Air circulates better through open space, and for small apartments, for example, like in houses built by Khrushchev, this factor is important - it allows you to combat stuffiness.

Creating several openings can completely change the original layout of the apartment, but in reality it comes out much cheaper than a full-fledged redevelopment.

In addition, the opening can often be created even in load-bearing wall, so there are many more options for a new apartment plan.


There are many different configurations of doorways without a door, which differ from each other not only in their shape, but also in the material with which they are created. Along with traditional raw materials, we also use latest developments in the field of design.

The simplest in design is ordinary rectangular span. Creating a rectangular opening is very simple: completely dismantled door frame, then the surface of the walls is leveled along the contour. In the future, the resulting gap is simply painted or lined with a suitable material. There are a great variety of finishing methods, starting with the simple installation of wooden extensions and ending with the creation of pompous stucco columns.

More popular building arched structures. To do this, it is not necessary to expand the existing opening in the wall; in recent years, the idea of ​​​​creating false arches has been actively used. In this case, corner elements made of polyurethane or plasterboard with rounded sides are installed in the rectangular span, and the result is a full-fledged arch with much less cost and labor. However, this method is not suitable for all homes: it is necessary that the opening be of sufficient height.

There are several types of arches:

  • Rounded arch. It is a classic interpretation and can be used in absolutely any room, regardless of the parameters, but there is one unspoken rule. The lower the ceiling, the wider the arched span should be.
  • Trapezoidal span. It is created from straight lines and can only be called an arch conditionally. Designers do not recommend using this form due to its strong association with funeral accessories- a coffin.
  • Triangular arch. There are a huge number of subtypes of triangular arches: keeled, pointed horseshoe, Tudor. Similar elements came to modern design from the Middle Ages, and they are used preferably in high, spacious rooms.

More and more often, people are abandoning the creation of ordinary classical openings in favor of fancy asymmetrical ones.

They can only be made in plasterboard partition walls. Asymmetrical openings can have any shape, and can also be supplemented with all kinds of auxiliary details: shelves, niches, lighting. This design acts as a bright element and sets the tone for the entire appearance of the room. Catching your gaze, an asymmetrical opening helps to hide possible flaws when renovating a room.


It is possible to balance the proportions of rooms in an apartment using doorways without doors. Depending on whether the opening is wide or narrow, high or low, the impression made varies.

For rooms with low ceilings, it is strictly not recommended to install narrow spans. Visually they will make the room tiny and uncomfortable. It is better to choose a wide option that will visually expand the area of ​​the room, add air and light to it. This applies not only to arched openings, but also to rectangular ones.

The optimal height also depends on the original proportions of the room. If you want to use a skylight to combine two rooms, it is recommended to make it almost as high as the ceiling. An ordinary span, serving only as an alternative to a door, should be made significantly lower, but its height should not be lower than 2 m. In the case of arches, this figure increases by at least 30 cm. This is due not so much to aesthetic rules as to safety requirements: people may hit the upper narrow part of the arch hard in the dark.

When constructing asymmetrical structures, the following rule should be followed: the more intricate the shape, the wider the opening should be. Too much concentration of monograms and other elements on small space will overload the look, making the design unnecessarily pretentious and bulky. As a result, instead of a spectacular accent, you will get a tasteless option that you will soon get tired of.

Thus, the size of the doorway is largely determined by the characteristics of the room itself, and not by the chosen shape.

Remember that very wide doorways are best decorated using some kind of texture, for example, relief moldings. If you use ordinary smooth cladding, the light will be “lost” against the general background of the room and, from an aesthetic point of view, will not look particularly harmonious.

In various rooms

In the vast majority of cases, the advisability of installing a doorless opening is obvious, however, sometimes refusing a door is extremely undesirable. Some of the rooms where it is best to leave a door include the kitchen. This is especially true in small apartments, where a strong kitchen odor will be especially annoying. It's not always pleasant when scents are felt in the living room or bedroom.

The old boring interior of the living room can be changed beyond recognition, at the same time intelligently expanding the usable area. If you abandon the separate balcony block and the door to the balcony, you will be able to make the living room brighter. The balcony will certainly need to be furnished in a style similar to the living room, since the rooms, united by a doorless skylight, should be perceived as a single whole.

You can often encounter cases where the door is refused between the corridor and the dressing room. Since both of these spaces are quite small and cramped, this move helps hide this fact, allowing people to feel more free.

In small apartments, doors between the hallway and the living room are abandoned, especially if the apartment is one-room. This way the entire area is perceived as a single whole, making the home seem larger.

In cases where such a small apartment has low ceilings, it is better not to choose an arched shape as an opening. It is much more logical to focus on the classic rectangular span.

It is quite rare for people to refuse a door to the bedroom, but they do not dare to completely leave the entrance “defenseless”. They come to the rescue thick curtains or screens, which perfectly protect the intimacy of the room. If necessary, they can be easily and quickly dismantled. Interesting solution is the use of curtains with tiebacks: at night they can be completely closed, and during the day they will serve as a beautiful frame for the opening.

How to apply correctly?

Cashing of the opening is carried out different materials and in different techniques. You can decorate the interior space with your own hands, or you can turn to professionals who will create a complex and unique decor.

Good idea– decorate the doorway with curtains.

A decorative curtain plays the same role as a door psychologically, but it takes up much less space. If desired, the curtains can be removed completely without any problems or replaced with others, and the appearance of the opening structure will not be affected (for example, if you simply remove the door leaf, hinges will remain on the span, which do not look very attractive).

Another option for decorating a doorway without a door is to use additional design elements - various stucco panels. With their help, it will be possible to improve any opening, regardless of how smooth walls and in what colors the opening is made. Finishing is extremely simple and is often done entirely independently.

With the help of stucco it is possible to decorate openings in various styles. For example, you can make a classic arch with columns and heavy shaped elements. If you add gilding, you will be able to completely recreate the spirit of baroque or classic. For modern interiors It is more appropriate to use simple relief moldings with geometric patterns, for example, embossed groove lines. If in the first case it was appropriate to choose pilasters and capitals, then in the second they should be avoided.

Stucco molding can be found quite rarely; it has practically gone out of use recently. This is due to the relatively small dimensions of modern apartments, because intricate designs look ridiculous in small spaces. You shouldn’t completely abandon stucco elements: some of them can help expand the room.

Also, to design door openings without doors, artificial stone masonry, clinker tiles or plasterboard are often used.


Cladding a doorway without a door can be done using a variety of materials. The simplest solution is to paint the gap or cover it with the same wallpaper as the walls. However, there is one “but”: only perfectly smooth walls are suitable for this, otherwise the whole structure will look insufficiently neat and as if made hastily.

Another option is to make a box from the extensions and place it in the gap or cover it with MDF panels. In both cases, you will get a wooden aperture that looks stylish and can be harmoniously integrated into almost any interior.

It is best to frame the opening with valuable wood or its imitation, since these are the solutions that look the best.

It is also possible to cover the gap with plasterboard. Drywall is a truly unique material. With its help, you can form a structure of almost any configuration, supplementing it with elements from other lightweight materials, for example, polyurethane.

You can easily make a simple plasterboard opening yourself, and it will not take much time, and the effect will please you.

Often the gaps are lined with imitation stone or clinker tiles. Clinker tiles imitate brick, but they weigh several times less. They produce tiles in different shapes: there are classic elements, as well as special corner ones. There is a wide variety of sizes on the market, but medium-sized tiles are the most popular. The seams between the tiles are usually rubbed with a composition that exactly imitates the main covering of the walls.

Artificial stone looks more interesting than clinker tiles. There are imitations of various materials: limestone, marble, malachite and many others. This material has many advantages: such cladding looks expensive, harmonizes perfectly with other finishing materials, has a long service life and wear resistance, and is also very easy to maintain. Laying such material can be carried out either in a geometrically thought-out order, or chaotically - both options look equally successful.

Both tiles and stone are attached either with tile adhesive (when the walls under them are not leveled well enough) or with liquid nails (if the walls have a perfectly flat surface).

How to do it yourself decorative arch, lined with gypsum stone and bas-reliefs, see the following video.

Options in the interior

A fairly simple opening with a slightly curved edge adds pomp and grandeur to the room. Its unusual structure is made in fairly restrained proportions: straight lines are used, and there is no complex decor. The almost even square shape helps to visually maintain the proportions of the room without creating any visual illusions.

Usage natural materials welcome when creating the design of a doorless opening. Wood and raw stone harmonize well with each other, despite the fact that the wood was selected from a valuable species, and the stone was the most ordinary one. The play on contrasts deserves special attention: firstly, wood and stone of contrasting colors are used, and secondly, the smooth edge of the wooden frame is adjacent to the torn edges of the masonry.