Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Growing plum nigra

Difficult to formulate General terms cultivation for such different varieties. But they differ mainly in frost resistance. The area for the red-leaved plum should be taken from a neutral one. The growing ones, coltsfoot, will point to it. It is better to sod the area with clover, bluegrass, and bentgrass. The fruits falling from the tree will not break. Weeds will not grow in such an area. The depth of groundwater is one and a half meters.

This way you can immediately see possible root defects: thickening, deformation, unevenness or injury. When purchasing seedlings with a closed root system, look at the drainage hole. Young roots should be peeking out of it. If they are not there, it is dangerous to take such a tree.

Buy one-year or two-year-old seedlings with an open root system in the fall. They are transported wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in polyethylene. In the southern regions they are planted in the fall, in the northern regions they are buried at an angle for storage until spring. Seedlings in pots can be purchased and planted in May-early June.

Features of planting a seedling:

  • In the fall or a couple of weeks before planting, holes are prepared with a depth of 60 cm and a radius of 50 cm. Mix the excavated soil, 0.5 kg of superphosphate, and 2-3 buckets of humus. Fill the prepared hole to half the height. It sags until the seedling is planted. If this is not done, the soil will sag after planting, pulling the roots of the plant along with it and tearing them off.
  • Prepare the seedling immediately before planting. Soak it in a clay mash, to which 2 tablets of the root former Heteroauxin were added.
  • Place the seedling in the hole and straighten the roots. In the southern regions, the root collar is installed at the level of the hole, in the northern regions it is deepened by 3 cm. This will allow the tree to grow back after possible freezing.
  • A peg for tying is installed next to the tree. Sprinkle the root system with the remaining soil. Water and compact. Tie the plant to a peg with twine. It will hold the plum for the first years until the trunk gets stronger.
  • Pruning is carried out by shortening the branches by a third. This will cause side shoots to grow.
  • trunk circle to retain moisture in the root system. Humus, grass clippings, or even dry soil 10 cm thick are used as mulch.

More information can be found in the video:

This plum belongs to the rose family. The fruits are round in shape and their color may vary. The seeds are not separated from the pulp. Even in its ripe state, ordinary cherry plum tastes sour. Cherry plum has long been established in our gardens, bears fruit generously, and takes root well. Today we present to your attention the cherry plum - splayed plum, planting and care, description.

A tree can have one or several trunks, their height reaches from three to twelve meters. The crown is spreading, the roots are well developed. Their not deep location allows you to grow cherry plum in any place, even if groundwater They don't lie too deep.

The tree can live from thirty to fifty years, actively developing in the first ten years. It begins to bear fruit in the first year of growth, the maximum harvest of plums is up to forty kilograms.
The tree does not make any special demands on the soil composition, tolerates dry periods well, and has a decorative appearance. Resistant to diseases and pests.

Rules for planting splayed plum

When planting, it is recommended to use seedlings obtained from cuttings or young shoots. They are able to recover quite quickly after freezing during the winter season.
For planting cherry plums, it is recommended to identify illuminated places that are protected from winds and frost. The plant can grow in any area, but it requires normal drainage. The cherry plum does not tolerate waterlogging.

The interval between seedlings must be maintained at least two and a half meters, between rows - three and a half. To make the seedlings feel more confident at first, it is necessary to install fixing pegs for tying next to them.

It is better to plant cherry plum in the spring, when the frosts have ended. Planting pits prepared in advance (60 by 60 by 60), filled with a soil mixture of equal parts of humus and turf soil.
ends with watering (up to four buckets per tree). While the growing season lasts, in dry weather the plant needs watering once every week and a half. Summer residents advise adding garden lime to each plant.

Winter-hardy and medium-winter-hardy hybrid varieties

Hybrid varieties are distinguished by fruit size of 60-100 grams and yield compared to ordinary cherry plum. These hybrids are classified as a separate species and called Russian. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, some with almost no sourness.

  • Gek - medium winter hardiness. Yellow bright fruits with blush. Fruit ripening is mid-late.

  • Found - winter hardiness is good, above average. Burgundy fruits have yellow flesh. Ripening period is early.

  • Ruby - high winter hardiness. The fruits are red, dark, and the flesh is orange and aromatic. Early ripening.

  • Tent - winter hardiness is good, above average. Yellow-green fruits with blush, round, burgundy when ripe. Ripening period is early.

  • Granite - winter hardiness is good, above average. The fruits have a waxy coating and juicy yellow flesh. Medium late ripening.

Description of care and cultivation

To maintain the required level of acidity in the soil, it is recommended to add lime to it every five years, covering it to a depth of about twenty centimeters. On average it is necessary for square meter up to three hundred grams of component.

The growth of seedlings is very active, so they need to form crowns. The abundance of harvests can harm a tree, breaking its branches and even trunks with its weight. Therefore, during the ripening period of plums, supports should be installed under the most fruit-bearing branches.

The crown should be formed in the form of a bowl, leaving three or four branches at the base located next to the main trunk. The growth on the trunk must be completely removed, leaving it smooth from the surface of the ground to the first branch.

After three years of growth, the cherry plum is replanted, removing the central part above the third skeletal branch. This measure helps to form a cup-shaped crown.
In the future, shoots exceeding half a meter are shortened every spring. This measure helps to awaken the lateral buds that form new shoots. The most intense ones are pinched in summer.

Plant nutrition

Cherry plum treats such procedures well. For development, it constantly needs nitrogen and potassium. Autumn feeding carried out in an amount of five kilos per square area.
Urea is used three times - in the spring (beginning of the growing season), during the formation of the ovary, in mid-summer.
Cherry plum is a useful plant. It is recommended for people with weakened immunity and metabolic disorders. Jam, jelly, and fruit drinks are made from it.

Cherry plum Plum splayed varieties description photo fruits, planting, propagation, care, use, beneficial features, spreading. Cherry plum is a type of plum that has become an independent fruit crop. Sometimes it is called plum splayed.

Cherry plum or plum

Latin name Prunus divaricata Ledeb.


Cherry plum or spreading plum - Prunus divaricata Ledeb. Tree up to 10 m tall, with a low, often curved trunk or large shrub up to 4 m tall. The crown is thick,

The flowers are white, small, the fruits are yellow or dark red, small, edible, sour.

Blooms in early May, bears fruit in July–August.

Cherry plum is very early-bearing and, moreover, has high, fairly regular yields. Flower buds are formed on annual seedlings in the nursery. The first fruits appear a year after planting in the garden. In the 3rd - 4th year, the yield from the tree increases to 30 - 40 kilograms, and by the age of 10 it reaches 300 kilograms or more. It is characterized by an extremely large amplitude of ripening of varieties: from particularly advantageous, unusually early (on a par with apricot) - June to late autumn, October. No stone fruit crop has such a length of ripening period except peach.
The fruits of the cherry plum are extremely diverse: with a weight ranging from 6 grams in wild forms to 30 - 60 grams in modern varieties. They can be spherical or oval, with shades of color from purple to red, yellow and green. But, unfortunately, even the best varieties Cherry plum fruits are still inferior in quality to plums. As a rule, they are too sour.


Cherry plum or plum Under natural conditions, it is widespread in Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the Northern Caucasus, Crimea, Ukraine,

Teberdinsky reserve To. On the edges, clearings and mixed deciduous forests, mainly in the northern part of the reserve, 1500-1700 m above sea level. Usually.

Cherry plum or plum splayed growing

Highly winter-hardy and drought-resistant (excellent), not resistant to pests and diseases (satisfactory). It blooms regularly and bears fruit abundantly, self-seeding (excellent). Photophilous, undemanding to soils, salt-resistant, dust- and gas-resistant.

The homeland of cherry plum is areas with arid and hot climates, which makes it drought-resistant. On this basis, cherry plum is superior to cherries and plums, but inferior to apricots and peaches. It also stands out for its heat tolerance. In dry winds, when, for example, the leaves on an apple tree curl up, on a cherry plum tree they remain tight and green. In the wild, cherry plum grows mainly in deciduous mountain forests, where it occupies bright places at the edges of the forest, along slopes, and sometimes along river banks. Consequently, it is light-loving and has a powerful root system that penetrates the soil to a depth of 12 meters. A valuable quality of cherry plum is salt resistance.

Growing season cherry plum on average 220-225 days, the required amount of active temperatures is 3500-4000°C. When moving north, especially in cold years, the shoots ripen poorly. Therefore, hybrid cherry plum varieties that finish growing earlier, such as the Kuban Comet, are preferable here.

Cherry plum is grown in the form grafted and rooted trees. The advantage of self-rooted trees, like other crops, is the ability to restore the tree through root and stem shoots, which is especially important in more northern areas. In addition, a self-rooted plant that forms a multi-stemmed bush suffers less from freezing of the trunk and is less damaged by diseases. All this is especially valuable in amateur gardening.
You can get layering by hilling up the standard shoots. In Adjara, for example, for this purpose they use tops inside the crown, which are enclosed in a vessel with a hole at the bottom, filled with water. Cherry plum also takes root well from green cuttings, from which a standard seedling is formed in one year when grown. Rooting efficiency of lignified
cuttings depends on the variety.

IN last years maple rootstocks are being introduced. For areas north of the industrial cultivation of cherry plum, it is recommended to test clonal rootstocks selected by the Siberian Research Institute of Horticulture named after M.A. Lisavenko: SVG 11-19, Utah Seedling, etc. These rootstocks are easily propagated by green cuttings, are characterized by medium vigor and are very winter-hardy. Promising clonal rootstocks CHAK-5-62, OP-23-23, OP-15-2 and OD-2-3, obtained from crossing cherry plum with cherry plum, as well as hybrids of alpine plum and peach, bred in Nikitsky botanical garden. In these same areas, especially with sufficient moisture, the winter-hardy, weak-growing rootstock VVA-1 (cherry tomentosa), which reproduces well from green and woody cuttings, is promising.
Cherry plum is a good rootstock not only for itself, but also for plums, apricots, peaches, and almonds. However, it is also necessary to know the disadvantages of it as a rootstock: the vigorous growth of trees grafted on it, the abundant formation of root shoots, the relatively low frost resistance of the roots, which tolerate freezing of the soil at a depth of only -10... - 12°C.

Plum splayed Teberdinsky Reserve


Reproduces cherry plum seeds.

As a seed rootstock for cherry plum, only cherry plum is recommended, as well as its hybrids with Ussuri plum or Chinese plum. Seeds are stratified 4-5 months before sowing. Before stratification, they are soaked in running water for 3-5 days. At the beginning of stratification, the temperature is maintained at 18-20°C, but later reduced to O-10°C. Optimal temperature stratification 3-7°C. Towards the end of this process, when the seeds begin to germinate, the temperature is reduced to 3-1°C. In the south, autumn sowing is also possible with unstratified seeds; in the north, it is better to stratify the seeds. When seedlings emerge, to ensure good growth, thin out at a distance of 7-10 centimeters.

Chemical composition

Compared to plums, they are richer in biologically active substances: vitamin C, carotene, anthocyanins, catechins. They contain from 0.5 to 1.5 percent of pectin, which is especially important now for residents of industrial areas.

Cherry plum or plum splayed History of selection and varieties

Through centuries of selection and successive reseeding in different areas, varieties of folk selection were created. For a long time, cherry plum was grown only in small plantings in home gardens. The study of it as a fruit crop began only in the late 20s. Scientists began researching its wild forms and home gardens with simultaneous resettlement best forms to collection gardens and a detailed study of them in culture. Soon they began systematically breeding new varieties through hybridization. Based on varieties created in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in the late 40-50s southern zone fruit growing, the first industrial plantings of cherry plum appeared.

Interest in neistut and the area under this crop. Currently, over 1,000 samples and 400 varieties are being studied at the Crimean Experimental Breeding Station of the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing named after N.I. Vavilov. More than 30 varieties are registered in zoning. Even in industrial plantings, it has gone beyond the limits of its natural range, spreading much further north: to the regions of the North Caucasus, Steppe Crimea, and a significant part of Ukraine. It is being tested in the Primorsky Territory, the Baltic States, Belarus, and some forms in central Russia.
It is distinguished by a wide variety of appearance of plants, their demands on growing conditions, and the quality of fruits. Therefore, scientists have divided this species into a number of subspecies. All cultivated varieties were grouped into a subspecies - large-fruited cherry plum. But even within its variety, the cherry plums turned out to be so diverse that they, in turn, had to be divided into well-defined groups: Crimean cherry plum, Armenian cherry plum, Georgian cherry plum, Iranian cherry plum, red-leaved cherry plum, Taurian cherry plum and hybrid.
The rapid introduction of cherry plum into industrial plantings was determined by the compliance of this crop with the requirements of modern intensive horticulture. It turned out to be one of the most profitable fruit crops, not inferior in this indicator to apple, peach, and plum.
Sochi 1916

Depending on the quality of the fruit cherry plum varieties are divided into dessert, canning and universal.

For use in fresh The most valuable are the large-fruited varieties of hybrid cherry plum - Violet Dessert, Dessertnaya, Obilnaya, Kuban Comet. They are distinguished by their aroma, pleasant sweet and sour taste, beautiful appearance. However, cherry plum is mostly used for processing: compotes, preserves, juices, jams, marmalades, jellies, dried fruits, as well as sour pita bread (tklapi) - thin sheets of fruit pulp dried in the sun. In the Caucasus, cherry plum fruits are widely used for preparing spicy seasonings - kvatsarakha, skatsebel, tkemali. At the same time, not only the fruits of cultivated cherry plums are used, but also wild ones.

Varieties with sour and intensely colored fruits are used for blending, which allows limiting the use of chemical components during processing. Particularly valued are varieties with a universal type of fruit, which can be used both for processing and fresh. The best among them are Vasilyevskaya 41, Purpurovaya, Dessertnaya, Lykhny, Zhemchuzhina, Kubanskaya Comet.

The unusual property of cherry plums to cross with other types of plums and even representatives of other genera: cherries, sand cherries, apricots, and peaches is valuable for breeding. This opens up the possibility of receiving more variety both its varieties and other crops. I.V. Michurin, for example, crossed cherry plum with thorns. The plum itself apparently originated from the natural hybridization of cherry plum and sloe.
Cherry plum is a single-trunked or multi-trunked tree. In a culture, after the death of the grafted variety due to unfavorable conditions, it is formed from shoots in the form of a bush. Wild trees reach a height of 12-15 meters, grafted trees - from 4 - 5 to 10 meters. The lifespan of a tree for Armenian and Georgian varieties is 35-45 years, for hybrid cherry plum 20-25 years. As you move north, life expectancy decreases due to winter damage.

It is characterized as a southern culture with increased winter hardiness. It is believed that in terms of frost resistance of trees during winter dormancy, it is superior to peach and not inferior to southern varieties of plum, and when emerging from dormancy it is superior to apricot. Indeed, some of its forms, especially from high mountain regions, are able to survive winters even in the middle zone.

But two negative properties limit the possibilities of promoting it to these areas, and sometimes make cultivation difficult even in the southern zone. The first is a very short period of winter dormancy; already from the second half of winter, plants begin to lose frost resistance. Temperature changes at this time and in the initial period of spring can often be fatal for them, even in the southern zone.

The second negative property, which, by the way, follows from the first, is the early, at the same time as peach, almond and apricot, beginning of the growing season and, accordingly, very early flowering. Cherry plum blooms when temperatures accumulate at only 460-560 °C. Returning cold at this time can destroy flowers or already ovaries. True, cherry plum flowers withstand frost better than flowers of other stone fruits, tolerating temperatures down to -2 °C. The ovaries turn out to be more vulnerable, noticeably freezing at this temperature. Cherry plums are pollinated by insects, so early flowering, often coinciding with unfavorable summer conditions, is also a serious threat to the harvest. A way out of this situation: breeding self-fertile varieties and varieties with more late flowering. Self-fertile varieties were obtained by crossing cherry plum with alpine plum. To develop late-flowering varieties, cherry plums are crossed with varieties of American, Alpine, and Chinese-American plums. Among the late-flowering varieties are Obilnaya, Comet, Traveler, Granite.

The most winter-hardy varieties are those with a long period of winter dormancy or those that retain frost resistance longer after emerging from it due to slow development: hybrid cherry plum varieties Kuban Comet, Traveler, Granit, Sarmatka, Gift to Friends, Naiden, Chuk, Lavina.

Cherry plum leaves

Cherry plum is a new, intensive type, industrial southern fruit crop. There is no doubt that she will acquire citizenship in amateur gardening, including to the north of her industrial breeding zone. Recommended for creative and limited consumer gardens in the fourth and fifth regions. The main direction of experimental work is the selection of the best forms and their consolidation for further cultivation in new areas, the study of cherry plum in order to improve rootstocks both for itself and for other stone fruit crops. Particularly interesting is the hybridization of cherry plums with representatives of stone fruits of other species and genera.

Cherry plum or plum splayed Application


Mostly used for processing: compotes, preserves, juices, jams, marmalades, jellies, dried fruits, as well as sour pita bread (tklapi)


It is also valued as an ornamental plant, which is primarily due to its early and abundant flowering. There are very effective decorative forms- red-leaved, variegated, weeping, pyramidal. The most common are the red-leaved varieties of cherry plum pissard, in which not only the leaves, but the flowers and even the pulp of the fruit are colored pink or red. Unlike many garden forms, this cherry plum reproduces well by seeds, retaining its decorative properties. The value of cherry plum for ornamental gardening increases due to the fact that it tolerates urban conditions and pruning well. Due to the formation of a large number of offspring and a powerful root system, cherry plum is also used to strengthen all kinds of slopes. It is also good for hedges.

A plum spread out in the spring during flowering and fruiting is very decorative. Decorative durability 25–30 years.
Recommended for forming edges in parks, landscaping industrial areas, and forest reclamation plantings.
As a decorative plant, the long-cultivated form of cherry plum with dark purple leaves is more interesting ( Prunus divaricata f. atropurpurea ). It is also distinguished by dark cherry shoots, raspberry-cherry flowers and dark red fruits.

Honey plant

A beautiful and also very early honey plant. Its flowers secrete a lot of aromatic substances and nectar and are therefore visited by pollinating insects more readily than other fruit plants that bloom at the same time.

home plum

Plum splayed, or cherry plum

Very interesting.

Features of red-leaved plum varieties

This is a red-leaved plum whose leaves have a dark purple hue, making the tree appear almost black from a distance. However, you should not overload the garden with such dark-leaved plants. It is best to plant a single specimen against the background of trees with light foliage (linden, willow, plane tree, etc.). The purple leaves of the plum variety "Nigra" go well with silvery shrubs (elion, sea buckthorn, shepherdia, willow, etc.).

("Hessei") .

Irina Kulakhmetova

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Ornamental fruit plants are successfully used in landscaping. In the southern regions of our country it has become widespread red-leaved cherry plum, or Pissard's plum(Prunus cerasifera var. pissardii).

In spring, it is made decorative by numerous dark pink flowers, in summer by pink-red fruits, and in autumn by brightly colored leaves.

Red-leaved cherry plum is resistant to disease, is not demanding on soil, and tolerates short-term droughts well. In Kislovodsk, Kyiv, Krasnodar, Gelendzhik and other cities it is used for solitary, group and alley plantings.

Cherry plum is very impressive in combination with cypress and acacia, against the background of a lawn, near the walls of large buildings.

The homeland of red-leaved cherry plum is Western Georgia, Abkhazia and Adjara.

Magic Garden

At the Crimean experimental selection station of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute named after. N.I. Vavilova collected a large collection of its various forms. Their study and selection made it possible to identify hybrid seedlings with the most valuable decorative properties.

Unfortunately, poor winter hardiness makes it difficult to promote this crop to areas located north of the Crimea, Moldova and the North Caucasus. The station obtained winter-hardy hybrids of red-leaved cherry plum with Chinese and American plums, which can grow in more severe climatic conditions.

The weak-growing red-leaved forms of these hybrids with shortened internodes and a densely leafy crown are good for borders and hedges.

Of greatest interest to landscapers are following forms Pissard plums.

S. Pissarda dark purple reaches a height of 6 m, the crown is heavily leafy, rounded. Young shoots are red, later light brown. The leaves are elongated-oval, pubescent, glossy, up to 7 cm long. The upper side of the leaf is reddish-brown, and the lower side is intense red. The flowers are up to 2.5 cm in diameter, pink, on thin light pink stalks. The fruits are red, sweet and sour. Very beautiful during flowering, fruiting and autumn period when the entire crown turns bright red. In ornamental gardening it can be used for alley, group, and solitary plantings. Low winter hardiness, suitable only for areas with mild winters.

S. Pissarda early- tree up to 7 m high, rounded crown, medium foliage. The stem is brown, the main branches are straight, of medium thickness, annual shoots are short, thin, red. The leaves are 6 cm long, oblong-oval, serrated, smooth, shiny, red-brown above, red below. Flowers 2.5 cm in diameter, white. The fruits are red, sweet and sour. Recommended for alley and group plantings.

Cystene‘ - a hybrid of Pissard plum and sand cherry (Cerasus besseyi). Tree 2 m high with a columnar crown. The leaves are 8 cm long, rounded and obovate, pointed at the apex, serrated along the edges. Their upper side is purple, the lower side is dark purple. The flowers are pink, 1.5-2.0 cm in diameter. Propagates well by layering, green and woody cuttings. Decorative, easy to trim and shape, suitable for hedges, borders and group plantings.
It is winter-hardy, the leaves last until frost, so ‘Cystena’ can be recommended for more northern regions - Ukraine and the Central Black Earth zone.

Red-leaved cherry plum is propagated vegetatively - by grafting, budding, green cuttings and layering. When propagating from seeds, it is impossible to obtain homogeneous material.

The best forms and hybrids of Pissard plum should be used more widely in green construction.


Plum is an extensive genus that includes several dozen species of deciduous trees and shrubs. They have gained worldwide fame and love thanks to their beauty and delicious fruits.
In many countries, the plum is considered one of the most spectacular spring-flowering trees. woody plants. In China, the five petals of the plum flower symbolize good luck, prosperity, longevity, joy and peace.

Frost-resistant plants are traditionally grown in Russian gardens. home plum(Prunus x domestica) with juicy sweet fruits, which has long been cultivated in Europe, Asia and North America. Abundance of fruits with high taste qualities The Russian plum also gives us.

But decorative plums are still not very common in our country. landscape design. The very winter-hardy prickly plum has attractive decorative forms. There are other winter-hardy elegant views plums, which are used to decorate gardens, including those suitable for gardens in Japanese style.
Promising enough for middle zone Russian variety of plum plum. Let us dwell on the decorative properties of varieties and garden forms of this plant, very interesting from the point of view of landscape design.

Decorative varieties and garden forms of plum

Plum splayed, or cherry plum(Prunus divaricata, or Prunus cerasifera) is a compact tree of the Rosaceae family. IN favorable conditions its height is 5-8m; the crown is spreading. The leaves of the plum are simple, ovate, pointed at the apex. The flowers are five-petaled, standard in shape for the Rosaceae family, with fluffy stamens. The fruit is a juicy drupe with a sweet and sour taste.

Very interesting plum variety "Nigra"

The Pissarda plum variety (Prunus cerasifera var. pissardii) is a tree about 6m high, which is widely used in landscaping urban areas in the Crimea and on the Black Sea coast. The leaves of the Pissard plum are dark purple with a metallic sheen.

Plum spread out in landscape design

In spring, flowers bloom on the tree before the leaves appear; They are pink and quite large. During the flowering period, this plant looks especially attractive.

In the photo: Pissarda plum blossoms; plum fruits of the "Nigra" variety

Popular on Russian market And plum variety "Hessei"("Hessei") . This is a bush garden form. The leaves of this variety are pale green when blooming, then become purple-violet with an uneven cream or pink border. Blooms in late April and May; the flowers are white.

Growing plum splayed

Red-leaved varieties of plum are less winter-hardy than the original green-leaved varieties. Although this plant can withstand severe frosts down to -35C (zone 4-5), its young shoots can freeze. Then flowering and fruiting are not observed, because flower buds are laid on the shoots of last year. But if the tree is grown for its beautiful foliage unusual coloring, then the frost resistance of this ornamental plant quite satisfactory.

Plum splayed is light-loving, but tolerates slight shading. This plant has little demands on soil conditions, although it prefers drained, loamy, neutral or slightly alkaline substrates. If necessary, the crown can be adjusted by pruning.

Since the plum root system is superficial, it is advisable to loosen the soil around young plants. Once a year, in the fall, complex fertilizer is applied under the tree (40-50 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium salt per 1 sq.m.), which increases the winter hardiness of the plant. Also in the fall, it is recommended to mulch the plum tree trunk with rotted manure (2-3 kg) or compost.
For the first 2-3 years after planting, young plum seedlings need shelter for the winter.

Plums propagate by spreading root shoots (own-root varieties) or by grafting.

Irina Kulakhmetova

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or turn

Red plum



Plum splayed Nigra

plant plum spread out

purple plum


Plum spread out in landscape design

Plum is an extensive genus that includes several dozen species of deciduous trees and shrubs. They have gained worldwide fame and love thanks to their beauty and delicious fruits.
In many countries, plum is considered one of the most spectacular spring-flowering woody plants. In China, the five petals of the plum flower symbolize good luck, prosperity, longevity, joy and peace.

Frost-resistant plants are traditionally grown in Russian gardens. home plum(Prunus x domestica) with juicy sweet fruits, which has long been cultivated in Europe, Asia and North America. The Russian plum also gives us an abundance of fruits with high taste.

But decorative plums are still not very common in our landscape design. The very winter-hardy prickly plum has attractive decorative forms. There are other winter-hardy, elegant types of plums that are used to decorate gardens, including those suitable for a Japanese-style garden.
Varieties of plum plum that are quite promising for central Russia have been developed. Let us dwell on the decorative properties of the varieties and garden forms of this plant, which is very interesting from the point of view of landscape design.

Decorative varieties and garden forms of plum

Plum splayed, or cherry plum(Prunus divaricata, or Prunus cerasifera) is a compact tree of the Rosaceae family. In favorable conditions, its height is 5-8m; the crown is spreading. The leaves of the plum are simple, ovate, pointed at the apex. The flowers are five-petaled, standard in shape for the Rosaceae family, with fluffy stamens. The fruit is a juicy drupe with a sweet and sour taste.

Very interesting plum variety "Nigra". This is a red-leaved plum whose leaves have a dark purple hue, making the tree appear almost black from a distance. However, you should not overload the garden with such dark-leaved plants. It is best to plant a single specimen against the background of trees with light foliage (linden, willow, plane tree, etc.). The purple leaves of the plum variety "Nigra" go well with silvery shrubs (elion, sea buckthorn, shepherdia, willow, etc.).

The Pissarda plum variety (Prunus cerasifera var. pissardii) is a tree about 6m high, which is widely used in landscaping urban areas in the Crimea and on the Black Sea coast. The leaves of the Pissard plum are dark purple with a metallic sheen. In spring, flowers bloom on the tree before the leaves appear; They are pink and quite large. During the flowering period, this plant looks especially attractive.

In the photo: Pissarda plum blossoms; plum fruits of the "Nigra" variety

Popular on the Russian market and plum variety "Hessei"("Hessei") .

Top 5 trees and shrubs with red foliage: autumn magic for your garden

This is a shrubby garden form. The leaves of this variety are pale green when blooming, then become purple-violet with an uneven cream or pink border. Blooms in late April and May; the flowers are white.

Growing plum splayed

Red-leaved varieties of plum are less winter-hardy than the original green-leaved varieties. Although this plant can withstand severe frosts down to -35C (zone 4-5), its young shoots can freeze. Then flowering and fruiting are not observed, because flower buds are laid on the shoots of last year. But if the tree is grown for its beautiful foliage of unusual color, then the frost resistance of this ornamental plant is quite satisfactory.

Plum splayed is light-loving, but tolerates slight shading. This plant has little demands on soil conditions, although it prefers drained, loamy, neutral or slightly alkaline substrates. If necessary, the crown can be adjusted by pruning.

Since the plum root system is superficial, it is advisable to loosen the soil around young plants. Once a year, in the fall, complex fertilizer is applied under the tree (40-50 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium salt per 1 sq.m.), which increases the winter hardiness of the plant. Also in the fall, it is recommended to mulch the plum tree trunk with rotted manure (2-3 kg) or compost.
For the first 2-3 years after planting, young plum seedlings need shelter for the winter.

Plums propagate by spreading root shoots (own-root varieties) or by grafting.

Irina Kulakhmetova

All about trees and shrubs on the website Gardenia.ru

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In addition to the well-known fruit varieties plum, there are types and varieties of this plant, often used in ornamental gardening. They have an interesting appearance, decorative flowering, and beautiful autumn color. All plums prefer fertile ones garden soils, sunny landing sites.


or turn- common in Europe North Africa, Western Asia. It grows on sunny forest edges and along roads, in thickets of bushes, in thinned forests, and sometimes in dense forests.

Plum finely serrated Nigra

Blackthorn- deciduous shrub. The skeletal branches are strong, vertical, densely bushy and well branched. It often forms impenetrable thickets and is very slow growing. Plant height up to 3 meters.

The branches are first reddish-gray, later black, small branches are covered with thorns. The leaves are elliptical, matte, dark green, the autumn color is not very attractive, usually slightly yellowish or reddish. Blooms with white cup-shaped flowers. The flowers are solitary and appear before the leaves in May. The fruits are spherical or ovoid, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, blackish, with a blue coating. The taste is very sour, the pulp does not separate from the bone. After frost, the fruits become edible, sweet and sour.

Blackthorn light-loving, but also tolerates partial shade. Root system prostrate, forms many root shoots, does not tolerate flooding. The plant is very undemanding and adapts to different light and soil conditions. It grows on both dry and moist substrates, preferring nutrient-rich calcareous loams.

Plum splayed Nigra

Large shrub or small tree 5-7 meters high and 3-4 meters wide. The shape of the crown in youth is conical, becoming broadly rounded with age. It grows slowly - 20-30cm per year.

Blooms before or along with the foliage. The flowers are pink. The leaves bloom early and are a rich dark red color. The fruits are juicy, sour, dark red plums.

plant plum spread out Should be in sun or partial shade. Loves warmth, winter-hardy, sensitive to wind, suitable for urban conditions. Prefers relatively dry or moist, fertile, alkaline loams.

purple plum

- attractive small, upright growing shrub up to 1.5 meters high and wide. Grows slowly.

The leaves are lanceolate or elliptical, dark red when blooming, then copper-brown to dark red, retain a dark red hue, do not turn green. The flowers are solitary, light pink or white, appearing simultaneously with the leaves. The fruits are dark red, edible, and ripen at the end of September.

It is necessary to plant only in sunny places, it loves warmth, requires protection from the wind, and is winter-hardy. Prefers soils that are acidified to slightly alkaline and well drained. Does not grow well on heavy clays.