High Priestess Popess. Major Arcana The High Priestess - Tarot card meaning

The High Priestess of the Tarot is a card of magnificence, intuition, power, boundless wisdom and patience, awareness of a higher plan, searching for the hidden.

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High Priestess Tarot - meaning

The Tarot Priestess is a truly unique card. First of all, she is identified with a certain woman. Secondly, it always symbolizes the presence of a certain secret. It is impossible to understand this lasso, taking it literally and ignoring the hints, symbols and secrets of the priestess.

The appearance of the High Priestess in the reading suggests that you have a chance to find out everything that was previously hidden. The most mysterious information will gradually come out. It should not be challenged or opposed to such knowledge, you need to accept everything as it is. The appearance of a woman who is identified with the High Priestess can be fateful in your life.

Such a lady is the embodiment of mystery, wisdom, understanding; she is capable of not only accumulating knowledge, but also transmitting it to other people. She seems to tell everyone that everything we need can be found within ourselves. The appearance of the Pope also speaks of calm, reflection, and the search for answers and solutions. Be sure that if you could not answer some question, the solution will come to you very soon.

The map suggests that you should not be guided only by reason and logical thinking. Feel, turn on your intuition. But such a woman has not only positive sides. She is secretive, suspicious, and due to the fact that she has a highly developed intuition, she can accurately identify any deception in a relationship.

It is useless to be insincere with her; in addition, the lady is extremely jealous. The card indicates that there may be some shortcomings, dishonesty, and insincerity in the relationship, but very soon this will come to the surface.

Another meaning of the Pope is the unknown. The future is not yet determined, everything will depend on how you act in the present. At the moment it is difficult to make an accurate forecast about the future.

Papess - inverted position

The reversed Priestess in the Tarot indicates that a person is returning to active life after a long period of reflection. In an inverted position, the Pope also talks about revealing some secrets, making the truth public.

The card has several negative meanings. For example, for a woman, it may indicate a lack of sexual demand, health problems, difficult childbirth, and women's diseases. For men, most often it is disharmony in relationships with the opposite sex.

If a man wants to get settled in life at the expense of his partner or not make any effort to develop the relationship, then he will not succeed. There may also be some severity of the individual due to the fact that he will avoid a situation where he needs to be more sensual and gentle, various problems are possible.

Most often, for women, a reversed card means an inability to coexist with other individuals of the same sex. Sometimes an inverted Popeess can indicate that it is very difficult for a man to perceive gentle, sentimental and caring women. He craves toughness, severity, and manifestation of masculine qualities from his partner.

Work and finance

The High Priestess promises that fortune will be on your side, everything related to science and education will work out. The card is especially favorable for teachers, psychologists, psychics, healers, healers, and all creative people. The pope is directly related to scientific and artistic creativity.

In this case, a person is a conductor between the subtle world, the universe and people. He not only invents something, but also reveals the secrets of the world through his creativity.

At the moment, it is a favorable time to improve your qualifications and possibly be promoted; it is important to replenish your knowledge base; you can change your field of activity and connect your life with science or art.

The card is not entirely favorable in relation to the financial sector. Often it guarantees complete pleasure from what a person does, but at the same time the individual is not practical and often wastes money.

High Priestess Tarot - meaning in relationships

In any relationship (no matter with relatives, friends, colleagues, loved ones), the card predicts only good dynamics. People have excellent relationships, they are tightly connected and enjoy communication.

The worst thing that the card can predict is that your partner will base his behavior on romance novels, copy the behavior of fictional characters, building a well-thought-out dialogue in his head and be afraid of various everyday situations that were not in a clearly defined scenario.

If we consider the Pope as a woman, then she is truly an ideal bride, wise, persistent, capable of being faithful to one man, but at the same time she has crowds of admirers throughout her life.

The card is not entirely favorable if it falls on a man. In one case, this will indicate that he has a feminine character, and surrounded by negative cards, the verdict will be more severe - he has a mistress. If the Priestess falls in a general relationship scenario, this indicates that love is truly sincere, strong and attracts partners to each other like a magnet.

Priestess and health

Most likely, the individual who is identified with this card is engaged in healing. In addition, in a reading for children, the Pope symbolizes an imminent pregnancy. If the purpose of fortune telling was to identify an indicator of illness, then the card focuses on hormonal disorders, problems with memory, sleep, and neuroses.

In an inverted position, the Priestess can sometimes talk about a negative magical effect that is exerted on a person from the outside, and hidden or chronic diseases are also possible, which are very difficult to diagnose.

Tarot Papessa in combination with other cards

In order to more clearly interpret any layout, it is necessary to concentrate attention not only on each individual arcana, but also on their combinations. This will help you see the full picture of what is happening. The High Priestess in combination with predicts the following:

  • Jester - everything secret will become clear;
  • Magician - there is a lie in the relationship;
  • Empress - conception;
  • The Emperor is a reliable and intelligent leader;
  • Hierophant - gaining knowledge;
  • Lovers - reluctance to succumb to temptation;
  • Chariot - let everything take its course;
  • Strength - you should not tell anything to your friends;
  • Hermit - possession of a secret;
  • Wheel of Fortune - passive attitude towards life;
  • Justice - you can find out the secret only by turning on logic;
  • Hanged Man - the information is false;
  • Death - do not trust others;
  • Moderation - the ability to adapt will be in your favor;
  • Devil - black magic, lies;
  • Tower - abortion, premature birth;
  • The star is the gift of dreams;
  • Moon - lie, lover;
  • The sun - the truth will rise to the surface;
  • Court - success;
  • Peace - the birth of a child.

Paired with a card of the suit of wands:

  • Ace - all unclear points will finally be revealed;
  • Two - your thoughts will become material;
  • Three - save the information you have;
  • Four - all cards will be revealed;
  • Five - quarrel, gaining a skill;
  • Six - you need to set yourself a clear goal;
  • Seven - blackmail;
  • Eight - receiving new information;
  • Nine - don't believe everything they tell you;
  • Ten - a lost argument;
  • Page - investigation;
  • Knight - absence of enemies;
  • Queen - secrets from colleagues;
  • King - you will soon reap the benefits.

In combination with cups:

  • Ace - do not reveal your feelings to anyone;
  • Two - marriage in secret from relatives;
  • Troika is a place where they are treated for addictions (for example, the Alcoholics Anonymous club);
  • Four - fate sends you signs, pay attention to them;
  • Five - unpleasant news;
  • Six - what you have been hiding since childhood will become clear;
  • Seven - indecision;
  • Eight - the true motives are still unknown;
  • Nine - do not reveal the secret of your happiness to anyone;
  • Page - a sudden meeting;
  • Knight - secret mission;
  • Queen - better guard your inner peace;
  • King - work with subtle matters.

Paired with swords:

  • Ace - you will become an obstacle in someone’s path;
  • Two - too passive attitude towards life;
  • Three - the news will knock you off your feet;
  • Four - think carefully about your actions;
  • Five - revealing the secret;
  • Six - you have very strong information;
  • Seven - think over your plan;
  • Eight - receiving important news;
  • Nine - you will learn a secret that will turn your world upside down;
  • Ten - awareness of the truth;
  • Page - someone is trying to reveal your secret;
  • Knight - obstacles on the path to improvement;
  • Queen - you will recognize the woman who destroyed your marriage;
  • The king is despotism.

In combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - salary in a black envelope;
  • Two - fraud related to money;
  • Troika - secret investment of money;
  • Four - increase in wealth;
  • Five - someone is trying to hide their shame;
  • Six - the appearance of a philanthropist;
  • Seven - disappointment in life;
  • Eight - advanced training;
  • Nine - better think through your plan;
  • Ten - receiving an inheritance, a family secret;
  • Page - you need to wait a little longer;
  • Knight - trouble;
  • Queen - you are wasting your talent;
  • The king is a complete success.

Priestess of the Thoth Tarot

This interpretation is great if you are working with the classic Tarot or Waite Tarot, decks that are made in the Waite tradition. If you decide to use, then you can also rely on this interpretation, since the meaning of the Priestess is practically no different.

The only point: In describing the card, the author placed greater emphasis on its positive characteristics. He argued that the Popess is one of the most powerful, influential and positive cards in all areas. It indicates harmony in relationships, in work, accumulation of resources, obtaining good profits, the desired job.

The High Priestess of the Tarot is the personification of our unconscious forces: premonitions, intuition. It truly is the key to the secrets that hide our nature and the entire Universe. If you want to unravel these mysteries, you should trust your intuition, and not be guided by cold calculation alone.

In contact with

There are arcana in the Tarot deck, the meaning of which is difficult to determine unambiguously. They are multifaceted and ephemeral, but have a strong impact on the layouts. This includes the High Priestess. The meaning of the Tarot, this must always be remembered, is not determined in one plane. Each lasso indicates both the events of the physical world and the subtle, emotional sphere. Based on the last statement, let’s consider how the High Priestess Tarot card is interpreted in layouts, the meaning of which can completely change the meaning of the combination. Let us immediately note that in general it is kind, positive, bright, but it has a downside. And we will analyze all this in detail.

Tarot card The High Priestess: meaning

This map is complex in that its sphere of influence is far from the material world. The High Priestess (Tarot) has an extraordinary meaning, it cannot be felt or touched. The card is often associated with intuition, some incredible feeling of the correctness of a particular thought. This is not entirely correct. It is better to say that the guardian angel is symbolized by the High Priestess. When deciphering layouts, the meaning of the Tarot is usually tied to a specific situation. This doesn’t work with our lasso. It demonstrates not the events or the attitude of those involved in them, but a certain higher power that is hidden for the time being. On the one hand, it is a guardian who leads a person by the hand through the vicissitudes of the real world. On the other hand, it could be an insight, a hint, a word accidentally heard or an event seen that makes you reconsider the basics of your worldview. To understand its meaning, you need to believe in the existence of another space that influences ours. If a person winces at the words God, Angels, providence, and so on, he is unlikely to understand what we are talking about. The High Priestess in the Tarot is a way out into the light, an accidental discovery, incomprehensible events, surprises of a good kind. She can predict magic or witchcraft (reversed). As a rule, this lasso softens negative cards. It is favorable in a woman's situation. The meaning of the High Priestess card in the Tarot in this case is as follows: the fortuneteller has a very strong patron and protector, and not necessarily a real person. A woman is protected from bad things, she rarely finds herself in difficult situations, and if this happens, she does not suffer the consequences. It should be noted that the High Priestess lasso is also positive for men. In a general sense, the card speaks of the correctness of the position, outside help (in case of need), and the absence of serious problems.

The meaning of the inverted lasso

Have you ever encountered a “dark woman”? This person uses everything to his advantage, seduces, bribes, deceives, pushes friends and relatives against each other, slanders and takes advantage of other people’s experiences in his own interests. This is the High Priestess reversed (Tarot). Its meaning in this case should be considered especially carefully. In the situation under consideration, there is a clash of interests organized by a cunning and insidious enemy. But this is not always a specific person. Possibly, negative emotions are caused by different positions of the parties. Everyone has their own view, internal beliefs, which are not always conveyed to the other side. Something remains closed, incomprehensible. Because of this, disagreements arise, indicated by our lasso The High Priestess. The meaning of the Tarot is easier to understand if you look away from current events. For example, you ask about your loved one’s attitude towards you. If a reversed High Priestess appears, try to delve deeper into the inner world of this person. Most likely, you were raised in different traditions. What one was taught as a sin in childhood, another considers the norm (in extreme cases). An inverted lasso does not bode well. Rather, he prepares the fortuneteller for the need to take another lesson. How the situation will turn out further depends on the work of his soul. In a more mundane sense, the lasso speaks of the influence of an enemy on events.

Impact on relationships (direct position)

Here, as a rule, the meaning of the lasso is positive. If a person who has a partner makes fortunes, it means that this relationship is blessed by the Lord. They say it's fate. It should be understood that the High Priestess of the Tarot almost always has a positive meaning in relationships. It demonstrates the depth of connection, tenderness, devotion and loyalty. If you get it in a straight position, rejoice. There is no need to doubt either yourself or your partner. Possible problems can be easily resolved, you just need to talk frankly and open up to your loved one. In addition, a card falling in the “future” position foreshadows a prosperous period in life. This is a time when not a single cloud will appear on the horizon of personal relationships. Feel free to plan your marriage if you have not yet created a family. In any case, rest assured that next to you is exactly the person with whom you will live to see your gray hair, having support and hope. The High Priestess lasso gives somewhat different advice to lonely people. The meaning of the Tarot in this case should also be perceived as favorable. The fortuneteller is already ready for a serious relationship; his soul is illuminated by hope. Loneliness will end someday, but it is advisable to communicate more actively with the opposite sex and take care of your own attractiveness. Our lasso here speaks of the subconscious, which guides the personality. Deep down there is an intention to create a couple. And nothing outside prevents its implementation. The current state of loneliness is temporary.

Reversed position of the lasso in a relationship reading

Spiritual blindness is the meaning that the High Priestess (Tarot) conveys to us. The meaning in a relationship, if the card is reversed, is purely negative. This is a period when a person cannot clearly see events, is blinded by resentment, is manipulated, and the partner’s intentions are unclear. You need to remember your first impressions of this person. As a rule, they turn out to be correct. If you are telling fortunes about your loved one, expect trouble. This person is not worthy of trust. He may be influenced by an envious person or an enemy who seeks to destroy your relationship. The loved one gives in, which is especially bitter. On the other hand, you yourself probably endowed him with virtues that have no relation to reality. You need to take it off and take a closer look at your partner. If a lonely person is doing fortune telling, it is too early for him to create a strong and sincere union. This is the reversed High Priestess (Tarot) meaning. not yet ripe. There are many contradictions in his head that prevent him from generating love. You need to understand your own worldview, get rid of selfishness, and understand that relationships are the ability to give more than you receive. When deciphering the alignment, it is necessary to remember the role of spirituality, which is conveyed by the High Priestess (Tarot) lasso. The meaning of an inverted card in love is this: we are talking about momentary selfish interests, and not about deep feelings.

The influence of the lasso on the business sphere (upright position)

There are people about whom they say: “He is led by Providence.” It is precisely this situation that the High Priestess (Tarot) describes to the fortuneteller. The meaning in the work of the direct lasso: the ability to find the right solutions, following the advice of intuition. A person approaches his work like a priest, fully understanding and implementing the established rules. He is above the process, in some ways he manages it. It doesn't matter what position he holds in reality. It is important that his vision is deeper and more holistic than that of his colleagues or management. And this leads to increased authority and professionalism. If we are talking about a specific transaction, it means that it will end successfully. A happy accident brought you together with your partner. Cooperation will be promising and productive. You should not suspect your partner of insincerity or cunning. When cards are asked about money, it is unlikely that they will receive it in the near future. However, the fortuneteller already has enough of everything. He is in good conditions to develop his business, hone his skills, and study. In addition, our lasso foreshadows the emergence of new acquaintances who will help in the implementation of the project and will become reliable partners or followers.

Reversed lasso in a business reading

A person is in a situation where it is impossible to decide anything or make significant statements. The situation is precarious, he does not have complete information about what is happening. Nothing important can be done. Your enemies will immediately take advantage of any mistake you make. Give yourself some wiggle room. A business person is not recommended to sign any papers or take on additional responsibility. You should wait until this period of uncertainty gives way to a full understanding of what is happening. When fortune telling for profit, the answer is completely negative. Hopes will be replaced by disappointment. Probably, the client himself made a lot of mistakes and was unable to correctly build a behavioral strategy. An inverted lasso means a lack of intuition or distrust of the sixth sense, which led to wrong actions. Now we have to answer for them. If the High Priestess appears in this position in the reading, it is recommended to carefully weigh the plans again and return to the very beginning of the project. Errors can be corrected, but they must be discovered. The Arcanum suggests that you need to rely on intuition or consult with a more experienced and wise person. Continuing to move in the already chosen direction is futile and destructive.

The meaning of the plan for health

If the card comes out straight, there is nothing to worry about. The client is not in any danger. At the same time, the lasso recommends paying more attention to the inner world. The state of the physical body depends on the level of positive thinking. The High Priestess of the Tarot usually has a positive meaning in health. She talks about the ability to navigate circumstances, rest on time, regulate and regulate loads. When a person suffering from a specific illness tells fortunes, the lasso suggests that the root of the trouble lies in thinking. Analyze what you are thinking about. Negative images should be eliminated and thrown out of your head. There is every chance that the disease will leave your body. If the card falls upside down, it means that the client is subject to unreasonable fears. His worry is excessive and does not correspond to the reality of the problem. You need to calm down and get examined if necessary. Card recommendations: take care of your nervous system. Far-fetched fears are sometimes more dangerous than real germs. They undermine the soul, causing the body to suffer.

Card of the day

It is very good if our lasso appears in fortune telling for a short period. It is especially favorable when the direct High Priestess (Tarot) appears. The meaning of the “card of the day” in this case is interpreted as follows: excellent communication awaits, all problems will be resolved, a happy occasion is likely. In general, the day will be great and will give the fortuneteller a positive mood and satisfaction. Arcana recommendation:

  • Follow your intuition. Today it works especially well, suggesting the right decisions.
  • Don't worry about anything. Bad things won't happen.
  • Try to tackle difficult issues. Today is the right time for this.
  • Be kind to your loved ones. They need attention.

If the lasso falls out in an inverted position, then you need to be wary. There is deception ahead. The card's recommendations are:

  • Don’t make any decisions, reduce business activity.
  • Keep quiet in public. Any words can be perceived inadequately and cause a negative reaction.
  • Don't trust first impressions. On this day you are in the grip of deception and are unable to perceive reality clearly and distinctly.
  • Try to communicate less. Better take an audit of your inner world. Dream alone about something good that will help you overcome the negativity of the lasso.

High Priestess Tarot, Rider White meaning

Each school interprets the arcana in its own way. Rider White connects the Popess (High Priestess) with the depths of the subconscious. It symbolizes wisdom, the ability to silently and persistently understand the world, and broadcast kindness outward. The card says that a person is trying to find a hidden deep meaning in what is happening. He is guided by internal convictions embedded in him by the traditions of his family. It is difficult to lead him astray from his chosen path, he cannot be manipulated. Most often, this person listens to the advice of intuition and considers himself the supreme arbiter of his own destiny. In an inverted position, the lasso speaks of a person’s frivolity and immaturity. He is subject to base passions, he is attracted to carnal pleasures that are far from sublime. In addition, it can denote destructive arrogance. In the upright position, the card indicates that a person feels confident in his calling. He not only goes in the right direction himself, but also leads others with him. In a sense, this is a map of conscience. It predicts an understanding of the foundations of the world. A person lives in accordance with the divine commandments, which others pay attention to. They are drawn to the one whom the Pope designates and want to imitate him. If the fortuneteller is thinking about spiritual growth, then the lasso shows the way. Follow the promptings of your conscience and get what you want. The Pope teaches that the essence of understanding things is in the soul. This is where the truth should be sought. In a more mundane sense, the lasso speaks of the healing abilities that the fortuneteller has. They should be applied in life. Spiritual growth is impossible without helping those in need. You need to try to give more than you take from others, teach them and lead them, giving your correct understanding of the essence of things.

When laying out the cards, we wait for a hint or advice from them. In this sense, the High Priestess (Tarot) has a special meaning and interpretation. It is associated with the intangible sphere of life, which radically influences events. The recommendations for the straight lasso are:

  • Seek your divine purpose.
  • Make decisions based on intuition.
  • Try to see the clues of fate in everything.
  • Give up illusory ideas about life.
  • Everyone is the judge of their own actions. Exclude destructive people from communication, do not rely on their opinions.
  • Mysticism guides what is happening. Don't try to escape what is destined for you. Do not abandon the principles instilled by the older generation. Remember your responsibility to your family.
  • Rethink your intentions, they are based on illusory ideas about events or persons.
  • Look for wisdom in yourself and those around you, rely on traditional ideas.
  • Avoid important decisions until you have a clear picture of what's going on around you.
  • Observe events and people, trying to notice little things. Focus on your conscience when you plan to do something.

You should know that the High Priestess is a guardian angel card. In any case, it says that the fortuneteller is led through life. It depends only on him how he will use the help given from above. Nobody cancels freedom of choice. However, it is recommended to consult with the subconscious and learn to understand its signs. Then the person’s fate will turn out well. The card is good in a woman's scenario. This is a sign of her maturity and worldly wisdom. Men are drawn to such beauties and idolize them.


The High Priestess card is one of the most difficult to understand in the Tarot deck. Nevertheless, it almost always has a positive effect on the situation. In order to interpret it correctly, it is necessary to analyze the inner world of the fortuneteller’s personality. This is what the Pope reveals. The person in whose reading it appears has been given a lot. And whether he will be able to take advantage of these gifts depends only on him. It is advisable to save the layout for some time in order to return to its analysis. At first glance it is quite difficult to understand what exactly the Tarot is saying. Good luck!

This card is called the Priestess or Empress, and it personifies a certain woman, as well as the female part of the essence of the Questioner. In general, it indicates developed intuition or, in general, the subconscious, instead of all hidden knowledge, skills, or even simply repressed feelings.

From the point of view of the mood conveyed by the card, the High Priestess lasso means trust in intuition itself and knowledge of it. The Priestess represents the repository of wisdom, which appears to be a mystery. The planet that rules this card is the Moon, and it indicates that revealing secret knowledge to undeveloped beings is dangerous. This planet accepts dreams and shows the inevitability of the action of the natural cycles of Nature on a person and on all situations around him.

In the drawing of the Arcana Priestess card, the main figure of the initiated woman occupies a place at the threshold of the temple, where she is ready to allow entry to those striving to get there. Water and the Moon depicted side by side support the symbolism of the feminine principle and intuition. In the hands of the priestess is a scroll, symbolizing the memory that we carry from the past and what will happen in the future.

This scroll is often associated with the so-called Akashic Chronicles - a record in the information field of everything that is, what was, and what should be. Behind the priestess are two pillars that symbolize the duality of everything that exists, corresponding to the aspects of Chinese natural philosophy - yin and yang, and the cross, which is depicted on the priestess’s clothes, symbolizes the unity of the main four elements.

This card has many interpretations or meanings that intersect with a number of other Major Arcana. The meaning of the Priestess concerns precisely the discovery of the most mystical spiritual aspects, while they are opposite to the deep, esoteric aspects of orthodox religions. The Priest is responsible for the latter.

The Magician should represent activity and strength, and the Priestess should be its opposite, a readiness to passively perceive; The magician is the mind that creates, the Priestess is the subconscious, invisible to the eye, work.

The meaning of the Priestess is also mixed with a shade of closeness with the Hermit, only the latter is looking for what is not needed by the social consciousness, while the High Priestess finds the background needed to understand this at the level of the personal psyche. If the Empress carries a pronounced meaning of sexuality, then the Priestess symbolizes virginity and even rejection of sexuality.

Priestess (pope) in an inverted position.

A reversed card indicates that a person does not grasp the meaning of life, his ignorance, in particular, of how to improve or develop his relationships. The thoughts of this person are unchanging and the character is rigid. There may also be a lot of fear about fulfilling your business obligations.

The Pope shows a decline in vitality and mood of emotions, and in addition, the Questioner, or the person to whom the card points, is not able to analyze and is trying to find a teacher, but at the same time ignores intuition. If there was important news, especially business news, the person will ignore it.

Staying in the plane of illusions and superficial thinking. The card also denotes a lack of insight and rigidity of thinking. In a love relationship, it shows that the man is dissatisfied with the woman precisely as a wife and mother. Also, the card can sometimes indicate the presence of harmful magical effects.

Basic values:

  • Lack of determination, fear of responsibility
  • Passive role in life
  • No magical abilities
  • Missed chances
  • Inconsistency in the sphere of emotions
  • Ignorance
  • Rashness in actions
  • Knowledge is superficial, one-sided

Priestess (popess) in an upright position.

This card in the Tarot indicates the presence of strong intuition, great spiritual knowledge or psychic abilities. There is also an understanding of nature through the intellectual component, which may indicate knowledge of the mathematical complex of sciences or, in general, a scientific education or degree.

In relation to action, it means the transition of the one who inquires to learning, a manifestation of interest in esotericism, or a meeting with a person who has such knowledge. In the love sphere, the card indicates the need to get out of relationships and self-confidence.

For a man, a direct card indicates that he has a desire to get a spouse - an intellectual and an assistant. The card also indicates a wise and balanced, masterful application of known information.

Basic values:

  • Secrets, mystery, uncertainty
  • Superpowers, intuition
  • Wisdom, clear vision of the situation
  • A woman who has an interest in the questioners
  • Thirst for knowledge, abilities in the educational field, science
  • Direct Priestess: deep connection, trust
  • Reversed: position of waiting, uncertainty about the future

In business

  • Direct position of talent, opportunities will open up for a person.
  • Reverse position: difficulties associated with uncertainty, hidden motives

The High Priestess card draws attention to the need to look for factors that were previously hidden. You need to contact a fortuneteller or a light magician. It is advisable to study the hidden, esoteric and unknown, to strive for purity of spirit. Under no circumstances should you resort to the dark aspects of magic or conspiracies.

You should not show tough character traits or your coldness. First you need to understand your own motives and needs, and then start acting, because you can make a mistake. You should more carefully observe both yourself and those around you and the general situation.

Description of the Tarot card “HIGH PRIESTESS”

Behind the green sea of ​​forest rises a mountain along which a path winds, leading to the very top. Climbing upstairs, you will encounter the High Priestess guarding the entrance to the cave where the Great Knowledge lurks. The High Priestess comes to protect and teach, not to divide and conquer. She understands how reality works, and it is this understanding, and not the ability to control dark forces, that is the essence of her being.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card “HIGH PRIESTESS” in layouts

Direct card position

The Arcanum High Priestess implies deep, subconscious forces: intuition, inner voice, premonitions that give firm confidence without logical arguments; as well as patience, the ability to wait for the right moment for active action. You should not actively interfere with the ongoing process: wait a little, and things themselves will take the direction you want. If you do decide to intervene, you need to be clear about your goals, otherwise you risk punishing yourself. If you are tormented by some question, then it is better to look for the answer within yourself, listening to your heart and intuition. Perhaps there are some hidden factors that gradually influence the situation. When the Popess card appears as a final card, it means secret favorable changes.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Pope speaks of ignoring your inner world and your intuition, which can lead to failure. The problems were probably caused by negative feelings and emotions, for example, greed, exaggeration of the problem itself, selfish behavior, strong attachment to material things. Perhaps there is a person next to you who exhibits emotional instability, or you yourself are characterized by such behavior. The High Priestess can indicate secret enemies and possible magical influences. The Arcanum in an inverted position also indicates a lack of intuition and an inability to foresee the development of a situation.

The meaning and interpretation of the “HIGH PRIESTESS” card in fortune telling for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here the Arcanum High Priestess points out hidden factors that influence the situation. There is duality in cases; there are several possible solutions and they must be considered separately.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the card speaks of internal problems that arise from a lack of insight or foresight. It is necessary to double-check the information received several times. The solutions have already been determined; we just need to make the final decision.

Meaning and interpretation of the “HIGH PRIESTESS” card in health readings

Direct card position

In health divination, the card speaks of a disease, but, most often, it is still hidden and not manifested, or it indicates an erroneous diagnosis. The High Priestess can also indicate the effectiveness of magical diagnostics.

Reversed card position

Indicates a period of depression; a crisis is possible in the illness, but it is not dangerous. There is a possibility that the disease came from a negative magical influence.

The meaning and interpretation of the “HIGH PRIESTESS” card in fortune telling for love and relationships

Direct card position

Here the Pope shows herself from the bright side, she personifies mutual understanding, deep affection, closeness and kinship of souls, sensitivity, caring towards each other, confidence that an invisible but strong thread connects you with your partner. If this card falls out during a period when you are left alone, then it means that this is the lifestyle you need now and gives you satisfaction. Sometimes Arkan reports that you are waiting, in a state of openness and readiness for a new meeting.

Reversed card position

When reversed, the High Priestess shows that not all is well in the relationship. Omissions, manifestations of jealousy, suspicion, and insincerity are possible. The card can be an indicator of insincere relationships, secret connections, love magic, as well as the intrigue present in them. Sometimes it indicates a love spell or other magical effects.

The meaning and interpretation of the “HIGH PRIESTESS” card in personality assessment layouts

Direct card position

Arkan is identified with a wise and independent woman, accustomed to trusting only herself. Strong-willed and diplomatic, possessing high psychological qualities, she is able to teach and educate, share genuine, but hidden knowledge from other people. Often indicates a daughter, sister, mother, influential woman.

Reversed card position

In describing a person’s personality, the card speaks of a woman prone to extremes in manifestations of character. For example, due to the habit of not trusting anyone, she may become too suspicious (even to the point of exhibiting various manias). Or, conversely, he may show excessive concern about someone. Such a woman will be able to “dissolve” in others and forget about her own life.

Meaning and interpretation of the card "HIGH PRIESTESS" as a card of the year

A period filled with riddles and secrets is coming for you. If you are ready to listen to your intuition and follow “guidance from above,” then this year will bring not only exciting, unforgettable impressions and experiences, but will also awaken your hidden abilities and allow you to look “beyond reality.” Listen to your inner voice, rely on your intuition, and it will lead you to the right place at the right time, to useful and necessary people, communication with whom will become very important for you. If until now you preferred to influence events and actively intervened in what was happening, now is the time to passively accept everything that happens. Perhaps you should learn to better perceive and understand the advice of your subconscious in order to use them in your daily life.

Work and finances. In this area, the “Priestess” card predicts quite promising and successful affairs; the only condition is that you should not try to force events or influence them. You need to act only when everything contributes to success, when your inner voice tells you that the time has come.

Personal relationships. Here the Priestess predicts for you deep affection, mutual understanding, closeness and kinship of souls on a karmic, supersensible level, when people understand each other instantly.

Health status. In this area, the “Priestess” is closely related to the lunar cycle and therefore warns of possible hormonal disorders that may threaten you during this period.

The main tip of the card. You need to be in a state of readiness and at the same time be able to patiently observe the development of events until the inner voice says: “It’s time, the hour has come.” However, you shouldn’t withdraw into yourself for too long.

Meaning and interpretation of the “HIGH PRIESTESS” card as a card of the day

Take this day for granted, be calm and just observe what happens without expecting anything specific. Let things take their course, intervening only when your inner voice demands it. Follow your inner urges. And then you will be surprised to discover that the day, which promised to be so empty, turned out to be filled with interesting events and experiences. If you had dreams that day, pay special attention to them: they can tell you something important.

Advice from the “HIGH PRIESTESS” card in fortune telling

Don't look for explanations or justifications for all the decisions you make. Listen to your inner voice, rely on your intuition, but don’t give this power away to everyday little things. Want to know the answer to a specific question? It is within you.

The High Priestess is such a mysterious Tarot arcan for understanding it in any reading that its meaning will always be not fully clarified. Is it worth it? After all, everything that is under the veil awakens interest and stimulates search. We strive to unravel it, understand it, penetrate it. And yet we remain with the feeling that some relationships are completely incomprehensible - and this is their depth, greatness and extraordinary charm.

Remember the phrase that every woman should have a mystery? But why should it when it exists? Now, if possible, think about yourself, especially about that part of your life that you consciously or unconsciously want to protect, hide, keep private. Because in it, you seem to be saving something for yourself, there you can find yourself again, renew yourself, there you feel calm. This is something so personal that any intrusion into this “territory” may be too sensitive for you.

The High Priestess is a map of inner treasures, which are valuable because only certain people who are very close to you and with whom you develop trust get access to them.

Otherwise, the card seems to be turned upside down - and then all the secrets come out, you are defenseless, you are too open and subject to other people’s opinions and influence, which contributes to the emergence of intrigue, dirt and the loss of virginity of your “personal” territory.

What does the High Priestess mean in the forecast for love and relationships?

  • What they seem to write about in books, but escapes attention when interpreting the card)) This is the most mysterious thing: the card means Woman! And if it falls on the attitude of a man and his feelings: then it will always indicate “cherche la femme” that he has ended up either with you online or with another woman (and that other woman will not necessarily be your rival, it could be a strong mother). A card in layouts for a man always speaks of the presence of a woman whom he, if he does not love, then greatly values ​​and respects. Based on this, so to speak, axiom of the map, I write all subsequent text.

  • In classical interpretations, the card symbolizes platonic love. In the usual understanding, this is a relationship in which there is no physical or sexual contact with a person and at the same time you or he experiences sublime feelings, poetic, pure, deep; spiritual unity. Whereas in an inverted form the card hardens and becomes very physical, material, physical: sexual desire, sex, material interest (self-interest), dependence on everyday life. People are connected by material relations

  • If we talk about the nature of the partner’s actions, then one may get the impression that nothing is happening in the relationship, the person has absolutely no initiative, is passive, secretive, introverted, sensitive or somewhat aloof. It needs to be stimulated, encouraged or led. This is also a relationship that is like the flow of a river: it develops imperceptibly and, looking back, one can state that you have been together for a long time without much stress or intensity, everything happens by itself and in its own time, or somehow sluggishly and too much cold and independent.

  • This may also be a period of calm, calm: when you or a person directs your energy not outside, but inside yourself or relationships; You can even be at a distance from each other; and a reminder that you will have dreams together, intuitive actions (for example, you thought about him, and he immediately calls), premonitions, signs. These relationships will be more incomprehensible and subtler for you than any others.

  • It is worth mentioning the secret that the Priestess symbolizes, so in a relationship you can hide something from each other, for example, your true feelings (even deep and pure ones) or hide and not advertise your relationship to others. Not to the same extent as, for example, the Luna lasso; here there is rather more purity and transparency in the relationship (if the Priestess is straight, of course).

  • As I wrote above, the card means female experience, female wisdom; A close woman will play an important role in the relationship. It could be someone's mother with whom she has a very close connection; sister, wife, daughter, grandmother, friend. The Priestess is a card of an adviser who has strong, often hidden power over your or a person’s feelings.

  • The card also symbolizes virginity and chastity. Both literally and figuratively. Let me explain figuratively: this is such inflexibility and independence from the partner, perhaps even external coldness and politeness, which, by the way, stimulates one to unravel it. After all, it will always seem that the Priestess person is hiding something and this hidden thing is very important and valuable to you.

Features of relationships according to the High Priestess lasso:

  • It is difficult to explain how such relationships begin; there will always be a feeling that you have met something of your own, close, dear. The connection is established instantly; Moreover, the attraction is not of a physical nature, but as if the attraction of souls or hearts. By the way, these relationships can be predicted for you (Priestess is a woman in charge; intuition).
  • The setting of the meeting is appropriate: filled with twilight; unobtrusive, located or a place where various services are provided. Everything seems to be participating, guiding, helping you meet each other. These may also be conditions related to the acquisition or transfer of knowledge; maybe a very beautiful place, untouched by civilization; or a place of power and heightened spirituality. On the reversed Priestess - a place to satisfy physical needs (for example, a cafe, nightclub, etc.). By the way, a woman can facilitate the meeting; or it may happen near water or a spring.

  • Relationships develop as if on their own. Any desire to rush yourself or a person will encounter obstacles. Remember, there is an expression that the boat of love crashed in everyday life? The Priestess symbolizes the boat of Love, the river along which it floats, and the very way of life in relationships. The same comfort of coexistence: if straight, then spiritual comfort, if inverted, the desire for material and physical comfort to the detriment of feelings.

  • A card in combinations (for example, with the Empress, the Sun, the Emperor, some fours and tens of the Tarot) can also symbolize marriage, and, rather, subsequent family life, in which a woman is involved in everyday life, housekeeping and arranging the lives of her loved ones, often becoming a housewife.

  • Another alternative to family life is a platonic romance between people, which they do not advertise. Their acquaintance could have taken place a very long time ago, and they themselves could have families, and keep feelings for another person all their lives; at the same time, you can periodically communicate with the one you love without possessing them physically or physically. This is a very deep contact, even if you do not live together and have different realities.

  • In this relationship (on the High Priestess), female initiations go well. From your first period to the relationship in which you lose your virginity and become a Woman. To those relationships when you get married and take care of the house, household, becoming a devoted wife, mother and colleague; and until the moment when you become a grandmother (great-grandmother) - knowledgeable, in charge, wise. The Priestess, along with the Emperor lasso, symbolizes the need for self-actualization, power and authority. Only female power: invisible, hidden, informal.

  • On this map, as for me, relationships do not end at all, they only break off, fade away or subside for a while. The connection between people is too strong. Perhaps, only if there are arcana of completion, an end nearby, can we talk about it.

Woman in these relationships it is divided into 2 types, which can flow into one another. There is also a third type (more about it below). The first type is the Virgo Woman (no matter how old she is). Here, virginity is only a symbol of independence from male influence and inner purity. When you live a more spiritual and more lonely life, engaged in Service to other people (but not just one man).

The second type of Guardian Woman is when you become such an invisible and unnoticeable support and serve for a man. Your efforts are enormous and may be slightly underestimated. You have informal power in relationships.

The third type - on the inverted Priestess - is a prostitute or an evil witch. Since the card in this position becomes too material, and the person is driven by personal selfish or selfish motives in relationships; or filled with negative feelings, mainly strong resentment or hidden aggression.

Let's summarize:

  • A woman acts unobtrusively, as if from the shadows, and at the same time has enormous influence on a man;
  • She can show her inner independence from a man;
  • Full of mysteries;
  • Has a rich inner world;
  • Engaged in Service: to the world (God), or to man;
  • She has strong intuition, the gift of clairvoyance and healing.
  • Becomes a Sage, a Knower.

man-The Priestess can be compared to the Magician in terms of subtle knowledge of the psychology of a woman, the difference is that outwardly he is passive and can be helpful. You are more likely to approach him than he is to approach you. Although, if you think about it, it’s quite possible that he wanted this just as much as you did, and made sure that you read his thoughts.

These are psychic men, they are capable of deep and strong attachments; the issue of sex is not a priority for them (except when the card is turned over or the corresponding arcana are nearby). He senses you perfectly at any distance. There is a mystery in him, a lot of hidden things, a certain alienation + the guidance of a close woman (mother, wife, sister, etc.) that dominates him.

  • The man is poetic, spiritual, helpful and receptive;
  • Dependent on a close woman;
  • Has something to hide;
  • Psychic and psychologist;
  • He manages the house well, loves to eat well;
  • Passive, goes with the flow, feminine;
  • Looks inaccessible.

The High Priestess card as advice in love and relationships

There is such a state of Flow: the Flow of Love, the feeling of the flow of Life - when you, without participating and without straining, are even more strongly involved. Since the card is connected with water and the Moon with its biorhythms, my advice to you is to be in the flow, go with the flow; live in accordance with the rhythms of this Universe.

How to do this, especially in a relationship that you want to adjust to yourself? Relax and let go of the reins. Allow life to finish something for you. Let everything happen by itself. And you guide, subtly, lightly, with a subtle movement of thought or expression of feelings.

Trust, be pure and frank with yourself first. And also set healthy boundaries with people: protect your intimate space from the invasion of strangers and everything alien to your nature. Let your intuition guide you.

Try to serve a person, not as a servant, but as a Mother does for her child or Nature or the Universe itself - of course, easily, calmly, with Love. Don’t interfere or interfere with other people’s lives with your charter.

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