“Evening of riddles” educational and methodological material (senior group) on the topic. Entertainment "Evening of Riddles" material (middle group) on the topic Evening of Riddles in the preparatory group

Script for entertainment based on fairy tales for kindergarten

Entertainment scenario for older preschoolers. Journey to the land of Fairy Tales and Mysteries

Description. The scenario of this event will be useful to teachers of preschool educational institutions. This entertainment can be done with children of the senior or preparatory group of kindergarten.
- continue to introduce children to oral folk art, fairy tales, riddles, folk games;
- remember the names of Russian folk tales, characteristic fairy tale beginnings and endings;
- find out if children have favorite folk tales;
- practice intonation expressiveness of speech.
Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales, conversations about the plots of fairy tales and the main characters.
Materials: a small carpet, a chest, a letter, vitamins and balloons according to the number of children.
Progress of the lesson.
Guys, today we will take a trip to the land of fairy tales and mysteries. And we will fly to this country on... What do you think? (children's answers) We will fly there on a carpet - an airplane! This is our magic carpet. Sit comfortably on the carpet and close your eyes.

Over the mountains, over the valleys,
Over green fields
We're flying to wonderland
Where are the fairy tales and riddles!

(Children open their eyes and find themselves in the land of Mysteries)
Guys, there is a palace in front of us, but we can open it by guessing the riddle:

The black dog hangs curled up
doesn't bark, doesn't bite - and doesn't let him into the house. (lock)

The door opens, the children enter the land of fairy tales, and see a chest there.
Guys, what do you think is in this chest? (children's answers) To open the chest and find out what it is, you need to solve the riddle:

I really wanted to see you,
It drove, it flew,
Floated on the sea
Finally... it's here! (letter)

You guessed it, there's a letter here. Want to know what's in it?
"If you children want to find out who lives in our beautiful country of Riddles, guess the riddles."

He looks like a shepherd
What is not a tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his jaws bared,
Ready to attack the sheep! (Wolf)
Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat - for summer,
For winter - a different color. (Hare)
Touchy, covered in needles,
I live in a hole, under a Christmas tree.
Even though the doors are wide open,
But animals don't come to me. (Hedgehog)
Look what -
Everything burns like gold!
Walks around in a fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and large. (Fox)
In summer he wanders without a road,
Between pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hides your nose from the frost. (Bear)

Well done guys, you guessed all the residents! Tell me, what kind of animals are fox, bear, wolf, hare and hedgehog? (wild)
Children, look, for the fact that you solved all the riddles, vitamins appeared in the chest for you! (Give vitamins to children)
It's time for us to move on, sit down on the carpet, close your eyes, we're going to the land of Fairy Tales.

Over the mountains, over the valleys,
Over green fields
We're flying to wonderland
Where are the fairy tales and riddles!

Here we are in the land of fairy tales! What fairy tales live here? You want to know?
Then listen and say what fairy tales these excerpts are from.
... A little bunny runs past. He stopped and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog. And who are you?
- I am a running bunny.
- Come live with us!... (Teremok)
Which of you can name me the heroes of this tale in the order in which they came? (mouse-frog-hare-fox-wolf-bear)
...The bun is rolling along the path, and a hare meets it:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!
- Don’t eat me, scythe, I’ll sing you a song!... (Kolobok)
Tell me, what animals did the bun meet? Who remembers the kolobok song?
... The hare sits and cries, grieves, wiping away his tears with his paws. Dogs running past:
- Tyaf-tyaf-tyaf! What are you crying about, little bunny?
- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. She asked to come to me, but she kicked me out!... (Zayushkina’s hut)
Guys, who helped the bunny return the hut? What words did the fox say?
... The goat fed the kids and strictly punished them:
- Whoever comes to the hut will ask in a thick voice, so that he doesn’t go through everything that I read to you, don’t open the door and don’t let anyone in!... (Wolf and seven kids)
What song did the goat sing? How did a goat save her kids?
... "It's true that the geese carried away my brother!" thought the girl and set off to catch up with the geese. She ran and ran and saw that there was a stove.
- Stove, stove, tell me, where did the geese fly?... (Geese-swans)
For whom did the geese carry away the boy? Who did the girl meet on the way to Baba Yaga?
Well done, children, you guessed all the fairy tales that live in this country. For this, the fairy fairy sent you balloons.
Now it's time for us to return to the group. We all sit down on the magic carpet and close our eyes.

Over the forests, over the valleys,
Over green meadows
From distant, wonderful countries
Come join us as a group!

Educator: Guys, where have we been today? Let's remember how Russian folk tales begin? (once upon a time; in a certain kingdom, a certain state...) How do fairy tales most often end? (And they lived happily ever after...)
Now you will all sit down at the tables and draw your favorite fairy tale or riddle.

Summing up the lesson:
Children explain who drew what.
- who lives in the land of Mysteries?
- What fairy tales live in the Land of Fairy Tales?
- Did you like our trip?

Leisure “Evening of mysteries”

for older children.

Compiled by:

Vasilyeva S.N.


Tasks: teach children to solve riddles.To consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter.

Reinforce general concepts:“winter clothes”, “winter shoes” . Continue to introduce children to winter sports games.

Equipment: toy – hare, pictures with a winter landscape.

Leisure progress.

There is a knock on the door, the teacher brings in a toy hare:

Hello guys. Can I visit you? Tell me you like to solve riddles. Well, then I propose to organize an evening of riddles today. Listen to the first riddle, what time of year it says:

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.


What changes occur in nature in winter, what distinguishes winter from other seasons?

He is fluffy and silver.

White, white,

Clean, clean,

I lay down on the ground with cotton wool.


Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.


No boards, no axes

The bridge across the river is ready.

The bridge is like blue glass:

Slippery, fun, light.


Hanging outside the window

The bag is icy.

It's full of drops

And it smells like spring.


And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees.


I walk in the field, I fly in freedom,

I twist, I mutter, I don’t want to know anyone.

I run along the village, sweeping up snowdrifts.


Listen to the riddles:

The star spun

There's a little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm.


Well done boys. That's right, in winter it snows, and the rivers are covered with ice, and the trees are all covered in silvery frost, and the frost stings your nose, and the blizzard howls. Is it cold outside in winter? What do you do to avoid freezing?(We play, run, jump). Show me guys how you freeze. (Children"tremble")

The teacher puts the hare and says:

You, little bunny, sit down and relax, and now the guys and I will warm up and play.

The game “Two Frosts” is played.

The game is played 2-3 times.

Then the teacher says:

Well, are you warmed up? You showed the bunny how you warm yourself in winter. But the bunny is not afraid of frost. Why do you think? Tell the bunny how you still escape from the frost, what do you wear when you go for a walk?But now I’ll tell you riddles about clothes and shoes, about what you dress in so as not to freeze:

Not shoes, not boots,

But they are also worn by legs.

We run in them in winter:

During the day - on the street,

In the evening - home.

(felt boots)

I'm sitting on horseback

I don’t know who.

(a cap)

Black, not the earth,

Fluffy, not snow,

It heats, not the stove.

(fur coat)

It's not a tie, it's not a collar,

And I’m used to squeezing my neck.

But not always, but only then,

When it's cold.


They gave the brothers a warm home,

So that five of us could live.

Big brother didn't agree

And he settled separately.


Here, bunny, when we are dressed so warmly, and even run and play, we are not afraid of any frost. Let's guys show the bunny how we dress for a walk. So, put on felt boots, a hat, a fur coat, and mittens.(Children imitate movements). Now I’ll talk quickly and you’ll show me what you’re wearing. I will also show you, but I may be wrong, be careful. And you, little snowman, make sure that the children don’t make mistakes: hat (teacher"puts on a hat", felt boots (teacher"puts on mittens") etc.

Oh, well done guys, they did it all, they all dressed correctly. Winter games also help us stay warm in the winter outside. Listen to the riddles:

Oh, it's snowing!

I'm bringing out my friend horse.

For the rope-rein

I lead my horse through the yard,

I'm flying down the hill on it,

And I drag him back.


I have two horses, two horses,

They carry me across the water

And the water is hard

Like stone.


Two snub-nosed girlfriends

They didn't leave each other behind.

Both are running through the snow,

Both songs are sung

Both ribbons in the snow

Leave it on the run!


Gray in summer

White in winter.

(hare )

Just like that, bunny, we guessed a riddle about you too.

The round dance game “Grey Bunny” is being held.

Bunny answers:

Yes, guys, it’s good here, you’re so cheerful, brave, you know how to do everything, you’re not afraid of winter, you’re well prepared for it. But it's time for me to return to the forest. Goodbye guys, come to the forest.

The bunny "leaves".

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about winter natural phenomena; develop curiosity and interest in the environment; develop children's thinking, attention, speech.

Guess who

Gray-haired housewife?

Shakes the feather dusters -

Above the world of fluff! (Winter)

Many poems have been written and many songs composed about winter. No less mysteries have been invented about winter. Let me now ask you riddles, and you will guess them.

It flies - is silent, lies - is silent,

When he dies, he will roar like that. (Snow)

When everything is covered with gray snow

And the sun says goodbye to us early? (Winter)

Walking in the field, but not a horse,

It flies at will, not a bird. (Snowstorm)

Even though she herself is snow and ice,

And when he leaves, he sheds tears. (Winter)

Interesting riddles about winter were invented by our people. But winter has so many of them that I didn’t wish you all of them. Therefore, now guess the riddles that our favorite winter guest, Snegurochka, came up with for you. (The sheet with riddles can be taken from the envelope on which it is written: “To the guys from Snegurochka”)

He flies in a white flock

And it sparkles on the fly.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth. (Snow)

What grows upside down? (Icicle)

Without arms, without legs he jumps across the field,

He knocks under the window and asks to come into the hut. (Wind)

She ran and made noise,

She fell asleep and began to sparkle. (River)

A white flock of midges

The morning winds and spins,

They don't squeak or bite,

They immediately melt in the palm of your hand. (Snowflakes)

Jumps through the forest, then back and forth,

It howls, hums and shakes the trees. (Snowstorm)

Well done guys, you guessed the Snow Maiden's riddles. How many of you can name the winter months?

And now you have this task - to draw the answer.

The star spun

There's a little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake)

Game “Where are the snowflakes?”

Children dance in a circle around cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict different states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, drop...

While moving in a circle, the following words are pronounced:

So summer has come.

The sun shone brighter.

It's getting hotter,

Where should we look for a snowflake?

With the last word everyone stops. Those in front of whom the required pictures are located must raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

Finally winter has come:

Cold, blizzard, cold.

Go out for a walk.

Where should we look for a snowflake?

The required pictures are again selected and the choice is explained.

Search game “Footprints in the snow”

There is a lot of interesting things in the Kingdom of Winter. When snow falls to the ground, it is clean and smooth. And then animals and people begin to move through the snow and leave their tracks. Invites children to determine who left footprints in the snow. (Children are offered cards with traces of animals, birds and humans drawn on them).

Plan outline

Entertainment "Evening of mysteries"

(according to fairy tales)

in the junior and middle groups.

Educator: Zorchenko S.A.


Goal: to cultivate a love for Russian folk art; strengthen children's ability to solve riddles; develop curiosity and interest in the environment; develop memory, thinking, attention, speech.

Objectives: to develop the ability to solve riddles of different types; create a joyful, cheerful mood in children; develop memory, imagination, attention, ability to navigate in space; by holding an event with middle school children.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales, solving riddles.

Equipment used: screen, fox mask and rooster doll, chest and toys of the cat Vaska and the dog Bugs, arcs and hoops ; attributes: fox mask and rooster doll finger puppet theater, a basket with “telegrams” and candies for children, a magic flower with riddles, a computer (music).

Progress of the event.

Children sit in a group. Baba Yaga enters.

Baba Yaga: Hello guys. So I came to you. Did you recognize grandma?

(Yes, Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga: Aren't you afraid of me?


Baba Yaga: And that’s right, I stopped putting children in the oven. .

Now I invite them to visit and give them tea. Do you want to visit me?


Baba Yaga: Then quickly turn into my tail and fly.

Passage through spaced arches, laid out hoops.

Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, in the forest we first need to go through the snowdrifts. We will jump from one snowdrift to another, then we will crawl into the snow cave, and then my hut is not far away.

Children go through an obstacle course.

Baba Yaga: Oh, what great fellows! And now we need to get past the bear. Guys, what does a bear do in winter? (sleeping in the den). In order not to wake him up, I will turn you into mice. Come on, shur-shur-shur, abra-kadabra, turn into mice, kids. Let's go, mice, quietly and quietly on your tiptoes.

Baba Yaga: Here we are, sit down, dear guests! Rarely do I have such wonderful guests. Will you play with grandma? (Yes).

Now I like to play with the guys and solve riddles with fairy tales. I heard that you also know a lot of fairy tales. Help me figure it out, I found a bag with telegrams, but I can’t understand who sent them. Will you help me?

1. Help! Grandma and I were eaten by a wolf! (Little Red Riding Hood) .

2. I’m waiting for my grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, Cat and Mouse to pull the turnip. (Grandfather).

3. Don’t drink, brother, or you’ll become a little goat! (Alyonushka).

4. He cured all the animals in Africa! I'm coming back! (Dr. Aibolit) .

5. Help drive the fox out of the bast hut! (Hare) .

- Well done boys! Helped me figure it out. Now all telegrams will fall into the right hands..

- We completed this task. Wow guys, well done!

Baba Yaga: I have a magic chest here, and various miracles are hidden in it. Let's take a look?

(Good, yes)

Baba Yaga: Oh, these are riddles. Difficult... You can guess it.

(Yes, sure)

1. Whoever is at the Christmas tree is a bitch

Is he counting: “peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo”? (Cuckoo)

2. In summer he walks without a road

near pine and birch trees.

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

hides his nose from the frost (bear).

3. Lying between the fir trees

Pillow with needles.

She lay quietly

Then suddenly she ran away. (Hedgehog)

4. I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel)

5. A cunning cheat,

red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is... (Fox)

6. Shaggy, mustachioed,

He drinks milk and sings Meow songs. (Cat)

7. Lives in a mink, chews crusts.

Short legs, afraid of cats. (Mouse)

8. He gets up before everyone else, “Ku-ka-re-ku” and sings. (Rooster)

Baba Yaga: Oh, well done! What else can you do?

Baba Yaga: Will you play with me?


Baba Yaga: Here in my chest I have a dog, Zhuchka, and a cat, Vaska, they love to race. Let's check who's faster?

Game "Who is faster?"

Children sit in a circle, the teacher sends cat and dog dolls in different directions, children pass toys to each other until they go through the entire circle.

Baba Yaga: Ah, good, guys. We respected the old one, I need to treat you with a treat. I have it in my chest too. I'll get it now.

He looks into the chest and gets scared.

Baba Yaga: Oh, trouble, oh, misfortune. And my cockerel disappeared, he was guarding the candy. And who stole it? And there are no traces, just a tuft of red fur...

(Fox, it's a red fox)

Baba Yaga: Ah, the cheat, then we need to quickly catch up with her and take away the candy. Get up, now we'll go to the fox's house.

Game “Jump Like a Bunny”

Come on, kids, jump like bunnies (children jumping)

How do you trample the bears? (they waddle like bears) ,

How can birds fly? (flapping their wings)

And like mice you will freeze (children freeze).

The game is repeated twice. Baba Yaga points to the screen.

Baba Yaga: Here is her house. Come on out, fox! Doesn't answer. Come out, I say! Let's call together.

(Calls with children.)

A fox appears.

Fox: Who called me? Ahhh... Yaga. Why did you come and bring so many guests?

Baba Yaga: And who stole my cockerel again and took away my sweets for the children?

Fox: Well, I. And what?

Baba Yaga: Come on, give it back, red-haired cheat. Or I’ll call the bear.

Fox: Oh, no need for a bear. This is the only way I won’t give them to you - will you guess my riddles?

Baba Yaga: They solved my riddles, and they will solve yours even more so.

Fox: But mine are not simple, they are about fairy tales. Do children know fairy tales?

Baba Yaga: Guys, do you know fairy tales?


Fox: Well, try it, here's a magical flower with riddles. If you guess everything, call me.


Riddles about fairy tales

He left his grandmother

And he left his grandfather,

Sang songs under the blue sky,

For the fox he became lunch.


Evil in temper, gray in color,

He ate seven kids.

(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Answer the question:

Who carried Masha in a basket,

Who sat on the tree stump,

And wanted to eat a pie?

You know the fairy tale, right?

Who was it? ...


Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(Three Bears)

Alyonushka has sisters

The birds carried away my little brother,

She was playing with her friends,

Brother Vanya missed.

(Swan geese)

What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter,

Mouse, also Bug's dog

They helped grandma and grandpa

Did you collect root vegetables?


Baba Yaga: Well done guys, I couldn’t have done it alone. Come out, fox.

A fox appears.

Fox: How? Is it already? And I didn't even take a nap. Have you guessed everything?


Fox: Well, okay, since you know fairy tales so well, then tell me, in which fairy tales do I appear?

(“The Wolf and the Fox”, “Kolobok”, “Cockerel - the Golden Comb”, “Teremok”)

Fox: Oh, but I love the fairy tale “Teremok”, I really love it, tell me who lived in the tower with me, just in order.

Baba Yaga: Shall we tell you guys?

Fairy tale "Teremok"

Children remember the characters of the fairy tale “Teremok”, choose the necessary dolls from the “Theater on Fingers” and line up in order of appearance of the characters (Baba Yaga helps).

mouse-norushka, frog-croak, bunny - little runner, fox-sister, top - gray barrel, bear - clubfoot,

Baba Yaga: Well, fox? Did the children name all of them correctly?

Fox: And, it’s true, you know fairy tales. Do you like to dance?


Fox: Will you dance with me?


Baba Yaga: Oh, I know how we will dance.

Musical game “Dancing with toys”

Children take apart toys from the “finger theater.” Baba Yaga holds a human toy and an animal toy and lifts them in turn. When there is a human toy at the top, children dance with human toys in their hands, and when Yaga raises an animal toy, children with animal toys dance.

Fox: No one has played with me like this for a long time. Okay, I'll give you the candy.

Baba Yaga: And the cockerel?

Fox: Call the cockerel yourself.

Baba Yaga: How?

Fox: How did I lure him out of the window? Ask the guys, they know fairy tales. The guys remember the nursery rhyme

"cockerel, cockerel

Golden comb!

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas »

The cockerel flies out, the fox gives away the candy.

Fox: Well, goodbye guys, goodbye Yaga, come back again, I liked it with you.

All: Goodbye, fox.

Baba Yaga: . Well done boys! How much are you you know fairy tales! All mine the riddles were solved! Did you like the magical forest?

Children : Yes!

Baba Yaga: But it’s time for us to go back and say goodbye to the magical forest. And as a gift I give you a basket of sweets. Children by

queues come to the basket to take a treat for themselves)

Grandmother: Now it’s time for me to return to my home. Goodbye children!

Children : Goodbye!

And you guys, it’s time to return to the group, let’s go, I’ll take you.

Go to the group

Introspection entertainment "Mystery evenings" "

The entertainment was carried out in accordance with the notes. In preparation for the entertainment, the notes were selected taking into account the age characteristics and interests of the children. When working with children, I used conversation, riddles for quick wit and logical thinking - this contributed to the effectiveness of the event, mental activity and the development of children’s speech. All elements of entertainment are logically united by a common theme. Tried to arouse children's interest To , diversify the material and tasks. Music was used to enhance emotional perception. The amount of information was sufficient. During the entertainment, I tried to maintain the children’s interest and conscious attitude towards the activity being performed. The material was selected at a level accessible to children, corresponded to their age characteristics and was rational for solving the set goals and objectives. The children were active, attentive, and felt comfortable. During the event, a dialogic and group communication style prevailed. Encouraged and supported children. I believe that the form of entertainment organization I chose was quite effective and dynamic. She tried to construct her statements competently and easily for children to understand, encouraged children to show initiative and independence, and encouraged children’s individual achievements. Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to pay special attention to individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.