Combined wallpaper options for the hall. Combined wallpaper for the hall: a selection of beautiful examples and combinations

The combination of wallpaper in the living room implies not only a magnificent aesthetic appearance, but also carries certain functions.

Choosing wisely color scheme and picking up good option combinations of wallpaper, you can easily disguise wall defects, increase or decrease the visual dimensions of the room, adjust the height, promote the play of light or shade it with softer and more radiant colors.

Eventually, correct design the walls of the room are the key to maximum coziness and comfort.

Basic ways to combine wallpaper

Most ordinary people believe that combining wallpaper is a task beyond the capabilities of many and its solution requires certain skills in this specialization.

But it is enough to know just certain techniques to implement even the most reckless ideas for combining wallpaper in your personal interior.

It is also worth noting one wonderful resource that will help you choose wallpaper for hallway- many real photos of design and step by step instructions from the pros.

Examine the living room in detail, focusing your attention on the features and disadvantages, which will certainly lead you to choose the most suitable combination option.

Various wallpaper combinations

The horizontal version of the wallpaper combination apparently enlarges even the smallest room. Particularly suitable for classic style.

The vertical combination option is acceptable for low ceilings living room, as it visually increases the height of the ceilings. It has the functional ability to divide a room into zones.

Wallpaper inserts with luxurious monograms or paintings will add variety to the interior. By framing this insert with a baguette, you get the effect of a picture canvas.

The combination of dimensional surfaces is a combination option by joining wallpaper in the corner parts of the room.

Basically, manufacturing companies themselves offer design projects and already selected combinations of wallpapers that perfectly match each other.

Combinations of scraps are the so-called patchwork (patchwork).

For an individual who does not have special training and skills, the option is the most labor-intensive. But such compositions look impressive.

Designation of niches and protruding parts, playing on the contrast of the wallpaper. By successfully decorating a niche or protruding part of the room with beautiful patterned wallpaper, you can create a feeling of even greater coziness in the living room.

When choosing wallpaper for various options combinations you need to take into account some tips:

  • Planning living room design it is necessary to give preference to wallpaper from one manufacturing company, ideally even from the same collection;
  • By attaching a piece of the chosen color to another type of wallpaper, you will find the optimal combination right on the spot;
  • When choosing wallpaper, do not forget about the defects in the room that need to be hidden;
  • By repeating the colors of wallpaper on pieces of furniture, you can add harmony and completeness to the interior.

The combination of flashy colors with each other is one of the main mistakes in choosing wallpaper for a combination.

Indeed, the contrast looks impressive, especially in the form of longitudinal and transverse stripes. But practice shows that it is better to avoid this.

It is better to set off bright or colorful wallpapers with more muted tones and a simple pattern.

Let's pay a little attention to these rules.

Vertical wallpaper combination

The most common method in terms of design and wallpapering. The perfect combination black and white, but not necessarily in its pure form.

Thus, light stripes can be “creme brulee” with a pattern of pastel colors, dark stripes can be either black or textured like “wet asphalt” velor.

The combination of contrasting wallpaper in the living room makes it possible to give the interior austerity and focus attention on uniform style. The choice of stripe width is also important.

For bright colors and strict design of the walls, they must be the same, with successful combinations loyal colors in a 2 to 1 ratio.

Horizontal wallpaper combination

Implementing ideas with horizontal stripes is more difficult and less popular.

But a competent approach to the implementation of the plan will favorably emphasize the classic style of the interior.

The main advantage of the horizontal combination is its stylish combination with all kinds of finishing materials.

Classic horizontal combination

Everything is extremely simple: light top - dark bottom. It is not easy to combine bright colors; in the end, the choice falls on twin colors or a varied palette of shades of the same color.

The joint is decorated with a special border. Gluing wallpaper horizontally is quite difficult; you need to have certain skills.

Before wallpapering, mark the joints on the wall with a pencil to make the work easier.

Wallpaper inserts for decoration

The easiest option to implement, but no less effective. The combination of wallpaper with inserts in the living room interior frees up your hands to implement the wildest ideas, and even any ridiculous combination will look like some kind of kitsch.

The choice of materials for inserts is unlimited. Various scraps of fabric, fragments of photo wallpaper and other materials are suitable as living room decor.

Combining patches is more difficult to implement. Creation of panels, framing of windows and doorways, turning your gaze to any object in the interior is possible for a person who has excellent taste.

The main thing is not to disturb the unity of the composition and not to make the design of the walls made of scraps an unacceptable stain.

Combination of large surfaces and accentuation of niches

This design idea allows you to draw attention by highlighting the functional zoning of the living room. In implementation, this idea is simple and effective.

Wallpaper of the same type is glued to the wall up to the corner or joint; protruding parts or niches are covered with wallpaper of the same type.

The central wall can be covered with brightly colored wallpaper with a large-scale pattern or design, while the remaining walls can be covered in calmer tones.

A niche, like a ledge, can be decorated with wallpaper in contrasting colors, adding a certain charm and making the atmosphere as a whole feel airy and relaxed.

Photos of options for combining wallpaper in the living room

How to choose the right combined wallpaper for the living room. Photos of the interior offered on various design sites confirm the demand for combining several decorative materials in the living room. The living room is the real “face” of the apartment.

The final result directly depends on how well all the details of its design are thought out. It is quite possible to make the living room interior original and unusual using combined wallpaper.

The photo shows the interior of the room with two types of wallpaper. Let's talk about how important things to consider when choosing a combination of wallpaper in the living room interior.

Combination Features

To begin with, it should be noted that the combination of wallpaper in the interior of the living room is an important and crucial stage. finishing works. The final result directly depends on how correctly such a choice is made.

Advice! To those owners square meters who do not have sufficient experience in combining different finishing materials, we advise you to seek help from professionals.

If the combination of wallpaper is chosen correctly, then you can count on a visual increase in space and the elimination of some shortcomings in the shape of the room. Combining wallpaper different colors allows you to visually increase the height of the ceilings, making the living room original and dynamic.

The interior of the living room with two types of wallpaper can be found in the video fragment

Given here interesting tips, the secrets of combining different finishing materials are outlined.

Combination examples

If you decide to handle the decoration of the walls in the living room on your own, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some interesting options and advice from professionals.

There are many original solutions regarding combining wall coverings.

Horizontal stripes are suitable for fans of "retro". When decorating the upper part of the wall with material in a “flower”, adding them with lower plain trellises, you can get quite interesting interior. To visually indicate between different materials interface, you can use the horizontal wooden plank. To highlight the style of the hall, light furniture is selected to match this image.

Vertical stripes are the simplest and in an interesting way, suitable even for beginners. You can combine contrasting, similar in shades, opposite in structure fabrics.

Attention! When choosing contrasting trellises to combine, use caution. Otherwise, you risk getting the opposite result, making the living room a defiant and uncomfortable room.

With an arbitrary combination of several options for finishing materials, you can use any type of alternating wall paintings.

Rules for combining wallpaper in the living room

To begin with, it is important to think about what purpose each part of the living room will have. For example, you want to allocate space for a work office, an area for watching television together, or a play area. In this case, for each wall you need to select a specific combination of finishing materials.

Advice! As a universal option for decorating a living room, interior professionals offer a selection of neutral-tone trellises and bright canvases with abstraction or floral arrangements.

To implement zoning in the living room, it is advisable to choose radically opposite trellises.

The photo shows a combination of several finishing materials in the interior of the hall.

An interesting solution would be to choose pastel colors for the recreation area, but the remaining walls in the living room can be covered with bright trellises. Such a combination will not only add individuality and originality to your room, but will also significantly save finishing materials.

If you have set a goal for yourself visual expansion space in a living room, you need to select dark and light materials. Interior professionals recommend decorating long walls in pastel, soothing colors, but for short walls choose bright and rich trellis options.

This combination will allow you to achieve a visual expansion of a narrow and long living room, making the room more “square” without carrying out construction or dismantling work.

Owners square halls, using the technique of combining different finishing materials for walls, they can also add some “zest” to the room. For example, one wall is highlighted with dark and deep-colored canvases, and the rest are covered with plain neutral trellises.

Attention! Don't be afraid to choose bright wallpaper for your living room. If they are combined correctly, the texture of the materials will favorably emphasize the individuality of the room.

How to avoid mistakes

In order to avoid troubles and not waste money on buying wallpaper or glue, it is important to take into account some of the nuances of combining finishing materials and follow the recommendations of professionals.

As a first rule, professionals do not recommend mixing expensive and cheap fabrics. The reason is not their price at all, but the density of the material and its quality texture. Even with high-quality wall pasting such decorative materials, you will not be able to achieve the aesthetics of the finished surface. Also between different types trellises there are serious differences in performance characteristics.

For example, if the lower part of the living room is covered with paper canvases, and to decorate the upper part of the wall you select high-quality non-woven fabrics, in just a couple of months the walls will look untidy, and you will have to change the paper materials.

Also, among the disadvantages of choosing cheap and expensive canvases, we note the instability of inexpensive trellises to negative impact direct sunlight. They will quickly absorb dust and dirt, and washing it off will be very problematic.

So, to avoid any troubles, there was no need to re-conduct redecorating, for the hall you need to select materials with the same texture.

Among those rules that will allow you to obtain the desired result, we highlight accounting general style apartments or houses. The wallpaper chosen for the room should favorably emphasize pieces of furniture and decorative elements, and fit harmoniously into the overall style decision, selected for all rooms.

In some cases, without using a combination of several trellises, it is impossible to carry out renovations in the living room. For example, they are irreplaceable if there are visible wall defects in the room. In small rooms, by combining canvases of different colors and patterns, you can get the effect of visually expanding the space.

Offers some options that demonstrate the positive impact of combining different wall finishing materials in the living room interior.

For example, with the help of a bright wall you can distract the attention of guests from the flaws present in the room. Such a “bright spot” simultaneously solves several problems of any room. First of all, such an accent wall makes it possible to highlight several zones in the room. For example, in one living room you can make an area for receiving guests, organize a small dining room, and create a corner for games.

You can also achieve the visual effect of increasing or decreasing the height of the ceilings, lengthening or expanding the room, without carrying out any large-scale construction work.

Among interesting options using several finishing materials, it is of interest to decorate the niches available in the room.

Combination of colors and textures

If you decide to decorate the room with vertical stripes, it is important to observe certain rules so that the result will please you. Original look have monochrome stripes. For example, you can combine black, white, and gray vertical stripes.

Attention! The canvases chosen for decoration must be the same in texture and width.

In case of horizontal pasting, the best option There will be stripes whose width does not exceed two meters. The number of stripes, as well as their height, depend on the characteristics of the room being designed.

To obtain aesthetic coatings, it is better to choose a combination liquid wallpaper, vinyl, silk-screen printing. When using the insert technique, you first need to apply basic canvases to the walls, then add fragments that have a certain form and sizes.

Advice! Since with this option of pasting walls, the edges of the wallpaper may lag behind, you can use additional strips or a self-adhesive border.


The combination of finishing materials of different colors and patterns is an interesting technique used in design art. With the correct selection of the colors of the canvases and the width of the stripes, you can give your living room individuality and originality, bring it home warmth and comfort. You can complement the created image with the help of furniture, curtains, and small accessories.

Many people are aware that the easiest solution to make a room feel light is to fill it with light colors, choose light wallpaper, and make the ceiling and floor in pastel colors.

Today, environmental aspirations are gaining relevance; this can be seen in any wallpaper catalogue. To give the rooms a natural feel, furniture in natural tones is used; caramel or honey shades are updated and give a feeling of unity with nature.

If you need to choose furniture for small room, That the best choice– these are pine, oak, cherry and chestnut. They will give a feeling of spaciousness and openness.

Thus, the furniture will relieve the atmosphere in the room from unnecessary fuss. When you are looking for wallpaper for the background in a room with light furniture, pay attention to snow-white and pastel colors (pink, vanilla, lilac, green-bluish, gray).

If you decide to choose dark wallpaper, then blue or brown tones, they will be able to visually expand the space in the room.

Wallpaper as a background for dark furniture

In case you prefer furniture in dark colors, make the surroundings light by using wallpaper white. For minor accessories, use beige, cream or sand shades.

To create contrast, you can use some bright colors in the decorative parts. There are no special requirements for these elements, choose according to your taste, you can use colors such as yellow, pink, eggplant or red.

White color fits perfectly into a young and modern environment, but neutral tones are suitable for classics, neoclassicism and baroque.

Wallpaper as a background for colorful furniture

Most the right decision with a furniture set of red, blue or light green tones there will be a white background. Colored striped wallpaper will also go well with this set.

If the furniture is red or yellow, then you should consider combining black and white wallpaper.

This option will add contrast and is very easy to implement. Mixing black and white wallpaper and light green or aquamarine furniture will good decision, somewhat original, but pleasing to the eye.

Color combinations

Bright wallpaper colors (red, blue, orange or green), in any combination, fit perfectly into modern styles, you shouldn’t lose sight of them when creating an interior in a classic style.

It is important to choose the main color for the room, but it needs to be diluted with other shades. It is advisable to use different colors for the walls and floor.

In order to pick up the right combination flowers and liven up the interior, it is important to follow several rules:

The walls can be covered with wallpaper in several tones of the same color, alternating them. Combine contrasting colors such as red and white, yellow and purple.

Cover several parts of the wall with several colors. This will give a modern look to the interior, but it is important to choose the colors used correctly so that they blend well and are pleasing to the eye.

Wallpaper for "Khrushchev"

Wallpaper in a romantic style will look great. They are good for different areas, so they will be an excellent solution for small rooms.

You can use wallpaper in country style, Shabby Chic or Provencal style.

Flower wallpapers come in many shades of pink and pastel. Soft touch wallpaper romantic style will be able to add magic and magic to even such an ordinary environment.

Wallpaper for the living room combined with the kitchen

Creating a design for a studio apartment requires significant costs and research unusual solutions. This type of apartment has its own advantages, but its main and most obvious disadvantage is its small size.

Due to the small area of ​​work, creating an interior turns into a difficult puzzle. Because it needs to fit several different zones at once: for cooking, relaxation and a place for guests.

The most successful solution to fill the lack of space would be to use an urban style. As for wallpaper, in order to visually expand the space and add uniqueness to the design, you can resort to fashionable silver and black accents.

Or you can breathe life into a narrow room by choosing wallpaper black-orange color with the addition of a three-dimensional effect. To divide the room and make it more picturesque, you can use transparent green curtains.

Photos of wallpaper ideas for the living room

It is very important to create the right interior in the hall. After all, they quite often receive guests and spend their leisure time there. But sometimes it is not enough just to choose the color of the wallpaper. To give the apartment a special decorative effect Many people use a combination. In our article we will tell you how to correctly combine wallpaper for a living room and provide many photos so that you can choose a design for your room.

When to combine

Not all designers use combinations only for decoration. Quite often, a number of reasons push them to this method of design. Let's look at them in more detail:

An excellent combination with the use of photo wallpaper in the hall can be seen in the following photo.

What wallpaper to choose

Nowadays, you can find many types of coatings in construction stores. And many simply don’t know what to choose for decorating the hall. Let's take a closer look at each type of wallpaper:

Combination methods

There are quite a few methods for combining wallpaper in a living room. Let's look at them in order.

Horizontal combining

In this way you can glue wallpaper in almost any apartment. Initially, it was used to alternate paint with decorative inserts, but now designers also use it for wallpaper.

Basically, with this combination, stripes alternate across one or more canvases. In this case, the width should correspond to the height of the wall.

An interesting result can be obtained by combining coatings of different textures. But when using this technique, be careful, you will need to accurately calculate the joining location and tap at the junction.

To do everything correctly, you need to start gluing from the bottom of the wall, and then move to the top. Docking occurs only after the coating has completely dried. If seams are formed during the repair process, they can be hidden by using special decorative borders. The horizontal combination finish is shown in the photo below.

Vertical combination

By using this finishing method, you can achieve unique interior in any apartment. The main thing is to try to choose wallpaper of the same width. As for color and shades, they can be contrasting or monogamous.

Complications rarely arise during the work, so there is no need to worry. The connection itself can be butt or overlapped. This technique is clearly visible in the next photo.


In order to decorate the wallpaper with various inserts, you will first have to properly prepare the base. Typically, inserts are made from stronger and stronger fabrics. Sometimes, to make the effect beautiful, you can use a frame using a decorative frame, border or molding.

The inserts themselves can be either small or wide, thereby giving the hall some kind of semantic meaning.

Selecting elements

This idea is used to decorate niches, beams or other protrusions in the apartment. Now many designers recommend highlighting them with colored wallpaper. For uneven surfaces, it is better to choose dark ones with small splashes of bright colors. Well, what if they were obviously used plain wallpaper, then you can use unusual designs, for example, hieroglyphs. This technique is perfectly illustrated in the photo below.

Wallpaper companions

When using this combination in the hall, remember that the basis of the decor should be only one canvas, and the other covering serves only as an addition. Use the following tips to get the job done right:

  • a stunning effect can be achieved if you glue wallpaper from the same manufacturer or from the same collection;
  • Do not forget that bright patterns goes well with a single-color coating;
  • companion wallpapers must be of the same style and match the rest of the interior in the room;
  • try not to combine too contrasting paintings with each other in a small room.

This finish can be seen in the next photo.

Combination for living room and bedroom

Don't forget that you can always decorate the living room and bedroom in the same style. This will ensure unusual interior for the entire apartment and will give it individuality. The main thing is to choose quality materials so that you don’t have to redo the repair.

How you can beautifully combine wallpaper in the living room is shown in the following photo:

Correct color selection

When choosing a design for the hall, do not forget about the correct selection of colors. Shades have a strong impact on a person and can evoke both positive and negative emotions. To avoid mistakes, use our recommendations:

How to glue wallpaper correctly

Remember that you only need to glue combined wallpaper in the living room after preparing the walls first. It will need to be cleaned of previous wallpaper and treated with a primer. This will help prevent the formation of mold and mildew, and will also prevent the material from peeling off. Be sure to remove all sockets and switches before starting work.

For gluing, measure the height of the wall and then cut off the strips. Add an extra 5-7 centimeters to the height in order to hide surface unevenness if something happens. After gluing, remove excess material. Do not forget that when combining horizontally, the joints must be covered with decorative decorations.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that decorating a room using a combination of wallpaper is quite hard work. In order for everything to be done correctly, a huge number of factors must be taken into account. If you feel that you cannot handle it yourself, be sure to use the help of a professional designer. Our photos used in the article will also help you. Be sure to watch a special video that shows how to choose and combine wallpapers correctly:

Combining wallpaper in the living room is enough serious question, which should be approached with special attention. The room is intended for receiving guests. In this regard, a special atmosphere should reign. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider and select color palette wallpaper that will decorate the walls. Repairing or updating a room is a rather expensive procedure. With the help of simple wallpaper combinations, you can not only save money by purchasing, for example, expensive canvases, but also create a chic stop in the room.

Thanks to visual effects, rooms can become larger. If you stick it in a narrow rectangular room on long walls wallpaper in light shades, and for shorter canvases 2-3 shades darker, the room will look wider.

When creating a living room design, an important role is played by the walls. Combined wallpaper in the living room will highlight the interior and make the design modern and stylish. The correct design depends on the combination of companion colors and different types textures on the walls. The correct combination will help to visually expand the boundaries of space, emphasize the theme and focus.

There are such combinations of wallpaper for the living room in 2018:

  • Vertical design;
  • Horizontal design;
  • Patchwork design.

Correctly combined various vertical stripes visually increase the space and lengthen the height of the room. By the way, you cannot combine stripes with bright, large patterns or designs. It won't look very extravagant.

Horizontal stripes do not go well with all designs. And here wooden panels- are perfect for this geometry and will create an excellent design.

Techniques for combining wallpaper are indispensable in a space that has irregular shape, either there is a niche or a protrusion in it. To make the niche visually deeper, wallpaper in dark shades should be glued to this area.

Photo wallpapers are also considered fashionable in 2018. Waterfalls, abstraction, photographs of night cities have not left the fashion pedestal for more than 50 years, improving every year. Black and white photo night Manhattan can be perfectly complemented with plain beige or peach wallpaper.

One of the most interesting techniques for classic style is a small square or rectangular piece of wallpaper with an ornament, framed in a baguette frame, like a painting. The combination with horizontal wallpaper at the bottom of the wall will make the room truly aristocratic.

And finally, the trend of 2018 is 3D wallpaper. With their help, you can significantly increase even a small room. You can paste 3D drawings that depict breathtaking picturesque places and combine them with plain canvases. In this case, any visitor to the living room will note the owner’s taste and originality.

How to beautifully combine wallpaper in the living room: get creative with the interior

An important point when combining and choosing wallpaper for a living room is environmental friendliness. The living room is a gathering place for people, so it should be as saturated with oxygen as possible. For the living room you need to choose canvases that do not contain aggressive chemical elements. It is also important that the wallpaper must be breathable and free of harmful impurities.

Paper wallpaper is inexpensive and quite environmentally friendly. But this type the canvas has one drawback - fragility and instability to ultraviolet rays.

Vinyl wallpaper is more practical. They are durable and help hide uneven areas on the walls. The color range is quite wide, but there is also a drawback - the wallpaper does not allow air to pass through.

Foil wallpaper is perfect for classic, modern interior solutions. Help enhance sound insulation and protect walls from harmful radiation. Keeps you cool in summer time and warm on winter days.

Textile wallpaper will help create a luxurious and cozy atmosphere in the room. In addition to the fact that they look beautiful, such wallpapers are resistant to dirt and fading. All of the above types of wallpaper can be combined.

Some rules for beautiful combinations in 2018:

  1. For a large and spacious hall, you can choose rich and bright shades;
  2. In a small living room, it is better to hang wallpaper in pastel colors in combination with Japanese abstraction or large geometric shapes;
  3. Wallpaper is more suitable for a room located on the north side warm shades, in the southern rooms - cold colors;
  4. If you want to create a constant holiday atmosphere, it is better to use golden, mother-of-pearl wallpaper.

How to paste wallpaper of two colors in the living room (video)

A selection of wallpaper for the hall: combined variations

The most successful and versatile design for a hall is a combination of beige and brown, olive and orange, burgundy and pink, green and yellow, blue and white, purple and gray, lilac and silver shades.

In addition, in some cases, identical, plain wallpapers that differ in one tone look ideal. You can come up with combination options yourself, or look at photographs that have already been created by designers.

The basic rule is that you don’t need to use more than 3 rich, bright shades at the same time. Moreover, if 2 colors are bright, then the third must be neutral.

Combinations of glossy wallpapers with matte ones, rough ones with smooth ones look beautiful.

Trend 2018 – drawings and photographs. The most fashion trends 2018 is an abstraction with geometric shapes, patterns and stripes. When dividing walls horizontally, the upper area should be covered with stripes, and the lower area with plain wallpaper.

In this case, the design can be emphasized with beautiful panels.

Very often to create modern interiors The so-called accent wall technique is used, which, by the way, will be relevant in 2018. Using this technique, the focus of attention in the hall is created on a specific area. In order to determine accent wall in a room, just look at which wall the eye catches the most.

This method of decoration can be used not only in the hall, but also in any room. It is the emphasis on one wall that allows you to significantly save money, because expensive and attention-grabbing canvases are located only on one of the walls or in small areas of it.

How to wallpaper a room with different wallpapers: ideas and methods for their implementation

The most important thing when combining wallpaper is correct selection materials. The specifics of the combination differ from standard gluing.

Wallpaper must have the same structure. This will prevent difficulties during gluing and masking of visible seams due to the different thickness and structure of the canvases.

By using combined wallpaper you can create an exclusive interior.

It doesn’t matter where it is planned to create a combined design - in a Khrushchev building, a studio apartment or country house. With the help of the right combination of wallpaper, you can expand the space in the living room, divide work area and a recreation area, create accents on the style, change the size of the space, hide uneven walls, highlight the advantages of the room. Moreover, combined interior helps you save a lot. At discounts, you can purchase remnants of suitable shades of expensive paintings and make the room chic.

How to combine wallpaper correctly (video)

An original combination of wallpaper in the living room

It should be remembered that the correct combination and selection of wallpaper for the room requires the creation of a preliminary project. To create a design, first of all you need to determine the main tone of the walls in the room and only then select other shades.

It would be better to develop a combined design after choosing furniture and interior items, because the main task in this case is to emphasize the originality of the decor.

Combined wallpaper for the living room: fashion trends 2018

Trends in 2018 include a variety of wallpaper patterns, embroidery and embossed surfaces. Such combinations fit perfectly into both modern and classic interiors.

Prints with vegetation are very popular in 2018. Required condition– a combination of matte or embossed canvases.

Combined wallpaper for the hall: 39 options (video)

Among such a variety, the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing. Think about the design of the room and bring it to life!

Combined wallpaper for the living room 2018 (photo)