Due to the fact that in the past. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the blank in the third sentence? Write down this word (combination of words)

KIM in Russian
OPTION 2016 26
Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.
(1) Due to the fact that in the past women were mainly engaged in housework, and men earned their daily bread for themselves, their wives and children, the vast majority of professions were male: warrior, plowman, builder, potter, carpenter, blacksmith. (2) And it is not surprising that the names of almost all professions in the language are also masculine: worker, engineer, scientist, poet, writer, composer, politician, artist, etc. (3)<....>, female versions of the names of these professions do not exist precisely because customs did not allow women to engage in men's affairs.
1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?
The names of almost all professions in the language were and remain masculine: worker, engineer, scientist, poet, writer, composer, artist...
Due to the fact that in the past men provided the daily bread for the family, the vast majority of professions were male.
The language does not have equivalents for the names of many male professions for women, because historically these professions were exclusively male.
Ancient customs did not allow women to engage in men's affairs.
For professions that have historically been exclusively male, there are no equivalent names for women in the language.
2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).
and above all
Answer: ___________________
3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word ECONOMY. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.
Same as economics (1 value). Natural, feudal x. Market x.
Production, economics (2 digits). People's x. countries. World x. Rural x.
Equipment of some kind. production. Factory x.
A collection of objects, everything that is needed in everyday life. Get a household.
Production unit, preferably agricultural Peasant x. Farmer's x. Large x. Educational x. agricultural technical school.
Housework, housekeeping, family home life. News x. Homemade x. Busy around the house.
Answer: ___________________
4. In which word was there an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly? Write this word down.
BENT OrtovnOgtya
drillIt's whiteAnswer: ___________________
5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.
The experienced staff of the boarding house did everything to make the vacationers feel COMFORTABLE.
M. Gorky advised critics to pay attention to literature as a whole, and not to its SINGLE phenomena.
A sincere, CONFIDENT conversation has always helped people achieve mutual understanding.
The second blow hit the crown of the tower, and all the ROTARY mechanisms failed at once.
On the very first day, Ivan easily MASTERED a new musical instrument.
Answer: ___________________
6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
kilogram of MANDARINS
the most BEAUTIFUL
wine cellars
SIX children
LIGHTS A bonfire
Answer: ___________________
7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
A. incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech 1) The inner strength and courage of a person are glorified in the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin".
B. disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 2) The fans loved and were proud of their team.
B. incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase 3) D.S. appears before us as someone who passionately loves his native culture. Likhachev in the book “Letters about the good and the beautiful”.
D. violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase 4) Having arrived in the capital, his thoughts and soul remained in his native village.
D. error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 5) Pushkin challenges society, saying that “in my cruel age I glorified freedom.”
6) Thanks to the efforts of the young scientist, one of the most important problems of theoretical physics was solved.
7) The use of colloquial words is inappropriate both in scientific literature and in official business documents.
8) Moscow State University was founded in 1755 on the initiative of the first Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov.
9) Based on letters and memoirs written by A.S. Pushkin’s contemporaries, literary historians managed to reconstruct the day of the duel with precision.
8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.
reminding..reminding..stagnation..sanieAnswer: ___________________.
9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.
pr..gained, pr..education;
p..tell, p..nick;
p..edestal, from..yan;
and...ancient, unrestrained;
op..knowledge, insoluble.
Answer: ___________________.
10.Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.
ridiculing the liver.. chain.. straw.. unsuspected..
Answer: ___________________.
11.Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.
dormant..nave..tAnswer: ___________________.
12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.
Alekhina was wearing a white, long-(UN)WASHED shirt with a rope belt.
Olga is (NOT) an ARTIST, but a singer.
The still (NOT) BLOWING gray feather grass was spread across the plain.
There is a (NOT) LARGE outbuilding in the yard.
The reports are still (NOT) SIGNED.
Answer: ___________________.
13.Identify a sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONCLUSION. Open the brackets and write down these two words.
Baikal water! The sun quietly sank behind the mountains, cast a farewell green ray UP, and Baikal instantly reflected the delicate greenery.
Chopin's music stirred memories. Her sounds, JUST like in childhood, made my throat ache and I wanted people to be happy.
Andrei Rublev was (TRULY) an outstanding master of ancient Russian painting, possessing an independent creative style; however, little is known about him: (FROM) THAT distant time, only a miniature on which the artist is depicted has survived.
If nature could feel gratitude to a person (FOR) THAT he penetrated into her life, exalted and sang her, this gratitude would fall to Prishvin.
SO that you can call from Russia to Europe via mobile communications, you must deposit at least five hundred rubles into your account.
Answer: ___________________.
14.Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.
The students suddenly changed: they appeared instead of the previous ones.
some (1) boots, red morocco, with silver (2) horseshoes; trousers with a thousand folds and ruffles, tied with a gold spectacle; attached to the glasses were (3) long straps with tassels and other trinkets.
Answer: ___________________.
15.Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
V.I. Dahl knew how to make glass jewelry and carve chess pieces and build bridges.
Flocks of birds rise into the transparent blue sky and their farewell cries are heard far around.
Either you were busy doing something that wasn’t yours or you didn’t learn how to work.
In the age of rockets and lasers, new means of communication and information could not push the book aside.
Study and work will grind everything down.
Answer: ___________________.
16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.
The builders of the Resurrection Cathedral in Istra (1), repeating the plan, topography and size of the temple in Jerusalem (2) erected in the Moscow region (3) an architectural monument of the 17th century, distinguished by its special beauty and originality (4).
Answer: ___________________.
17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.
Sea gulls nest from April to July. The female (1) usually (2) lays two or three eggs in a nest built from plant material. The diameter of the nest is (3) approximately (4) 70 cm, and it itself is always located away from other people’s nests.
Answer: ___________________.
18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.
Before approaching the tree (1) in the shadow (2) of which (3) she was hiding
Natka (4) they apparently argued about something and took a few steps
passed in silence.
Answer: ___________________.
19. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
Stepan Arkadyevich held with one hand the door of the carriage that had stopped at the corner (1) from the window (2) of which (3) a woman’s head in a velvet hat (4) and two children’s heads (5) poked out and smiled.
Answer: ___________________.
Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.
(1) “I’m going to Borisoglebsky Lane,” I told the young taxi driver, “Marina Tsvetaeva’s house-museum.
(2)− The guy turned on the navigator and began to peer at the route map.
(3) “She lived there with her family,” I added thoughtfully, rather to myself.
(4)− Who lived? – he asked again after a minute.
(5)− Tsvetaeva, poet, do you know?
(6) He smiled:
(7)− Nope.
(8) I never expected such an answer. (9) In principle, I thought, staring out the window in front of me and occasionally glancing sideways at the driver, handsome and blond, you can be a good person... and not know poets and writers. (10) But I suddenly became curious about who he was and where he came from: I really wanted to understand why the name of Tsvetaeva (and, I suppose, many other great literary figures) means nothing to him. (11) I decided to ask the guy. (12) I found out that he is 24 years old, a third generation Muscovite. (13) Parents are employees, with higher education. (14) And he himself graduated from something like a specialized college. (15) How could he not have heard about Tsvetaeva? (16) In general, the reasons for such low awareness in the field of poetry remained a mystery to me. (17) Maybe it’s the quality of modern education, or maybe he himself didn’t want to know anything, considering poetry stupid. (18) And yet, I decided to give him at least some kind of educational program. (19) Then it dawned on me.
(20)− Have you heard the song performed by Alla Pugacheva? (21) “I like that you are not sick with me...”? – I sang in a hoarse voice.
(22) The guy fidgeted in the seat:
(23)− I know, but what about it!
(24) I almost jumped for joy:
(25)− Yeah! (26) So these are poems by Marina Tsvetaeva! – and quoted more lines.
(27)− Wow! – he drawled with pleasure.
(28) In parting, on a piece of paper from his glove compartment, I wrote, in addition to Tsvetaeva, several more names unfamiliar to him: Mandelstam, Pasternak, Brodsky. (29) Who knows: maybe he will become interested and read at least a little about them. (30) He diligently, like a first-grader, repeated every word after me, so maybe he really remembered it. (31) “Wow, this is class,” he muttered hastily, “this is class!” (32) And he taxied further... (33) The event at the museum began only in twenty minutes. (34) So I still had time, and I looked around. (35) Directly opposite, in a small park, is a monument to Marina Ivanovna: a sitting figure, bowed head with a short haircut. (36) Walking along the street and returning, I noticed that someone was clinging to the monument. (37) Literally. (38) A girl with loose hair, wearing jeans, buried her head in the stone feet, grabbed the hem of the stone dress with a wide gesture, like a child, hiding and asking for forgiveness, and so froze. (39) What kind of conversation did this girl have with her? (40) Or did you ask for something? (41) Or maybe she was grieving over her fate? (42) She stood for a long time, then she broke away from the block and walked away with some kind of happy smile. (43) She looked to be 22–24 years old. (44) I didn’t try to figure out who she was and where she came from. (45) Her impulse spoke for itself - a soul wise by deep creative experience in a very young body. (46) Yes, that’s exactly it, and I think it’s unlikely that anyone will object. (47) After all, the ability to appreciate poetry and its author, to understand, to feel with the heart - isn’t this spiritual wisdom? (48) Eh, this is how it happens, I thought, returning home in the evening: these two are representatives of the same generation, peers, live in the same city. (49) But their worlds are completely different, with different ideals and values. (50) It’s good that I told him at the end: at least now he won’t get into trouble in front of his girlfriend. (51) Girls love poetry... (52) Who knows, what if they meet?
(according to E.A. Koreneva*)
*Elena Alekseevna Koreneva (born in 1953) – Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, writer, director.
20. Which statements correspond to the content of the text?
1) The narrator really appreciates Tsvetaeva’s poetry and attends events at the poetess’s museum.
2) Meetings with the taxi driver and the girl standing near the Tsvetaeva monument made a strong impression on the narrator and made her think about a lot.
3) The narrator, having asked the taxi driver, understood why he had not heard anything about Tsvetaeva.
4) The ability to appreciate poetry speaks of spiritual wisdom.
Answer: ___________________.
21. Which of the following statements are incorrect?
1) Sentences 15–17 represent a narrative.
2) Sentence 35 provides a description.
3) Sentences 48–52 present reasoning.
4) Sentence 29 indicates the reason for the actions referred to
in sentence 28.
5) Sentences 12-14 contain a description.
Answer: ___________________.
22. From sentences 17-21, write down the obsolete word.
Answer: ___________________.
23. Among sentences 38-43, find one that is connected to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun and lexical repetition.
Answer: ___________________.
Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23.
This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.
24. “Talking about the episode that happened to her, E. Koreneva does not skimp on emotions. The author's expression is reflected in numerous means of expression.
In particular, at the lexical level it should be noted ________ (A) (“not-a” in sentence 7, “staring” in sentence 9, “squirmed” in sentence 22), at the morphological level – ________ (B) (in sentences 25, 31, 48), as well as such a trope as ________ (B) (in sentences 30, 38).
In the syntax, the author’s emotions are reflected primarily in the use
________ (D) (sentences 15, 39, 40, 41, 47, 52).”
List of terms
incomplete sentences
colloquial vocabulary
rhetorical questions
homogeneous members of the sentence
25. Write an essay based on the text you read.
Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.
Comment on the formulated problem. Turn on

Is it possible to learn to let go of the past and enjoy life to the fullest?

Quite often, the problems of the clients they treat are related to the fact that the person seems to be “stuck” in the past: in unspoken conversations, in grievances, etc.

If a person cannot let go of the past, he can be stuck for many years, feeling pain that does not allow him to forget the unpleasant, painful history. Over time, he gets used to suffering, and it seems to him that this is how it should be, but it cannot be any other way...

The fact is that the function of the conscious mind is to think logically and find cause-and-effect relationships. However, due to negative experiences in the past, a person develops delusions, he thinks: “If I failed in the past, then I will not succeed in the future” or “If he offended me in the past, he will do the same again".

It's similar to how you drive a car. If you are unable to look ahead, then you are drawn to what is happening in the rearview mirror, and there is only what you have already passed... the past. So, instead of just looking back sometimes, you stop looking forward altogether. You should still look forward and look back, only in order to have feedback about your actions today.

In many cases, it is not easy for a person to let go of the past without the help of a psychologist. But first, you can try to cope with the problem yourself...

So let's try:

1. Come to terms with the past.

You may have made a mistake in the past, but that does not make you “bad,” “wrong,” or “evil.” You destroy your self-confidence through constant mental replay of your past and punish yourself by applying harsh judgments. Everyone makes mistakes. And you are no exception. You must also understand that you are not your mistakes. Thus, come to terms with what happened to you in the past.

2. Work on liberation.

So what is holding you back from letting go of the past? Your negative emotions? If you know that you feel guilt, anger, resentment, regret and sadness, then you need to work through each emotion individually in order to let them go.

3. Be willing to forgive.

If you are stuck in guilt, it is difficult to practice forgiveness. But perhaps you weren't the one who made the mistake. It could be someone else. In that case, you may want justice. And then it will be even more difficult to forgive. But you must understand that you are only hurting yourself by holding on to the past. Your suffering arises from the constant pressure of your past. Your reluctance to forgive causes your heart to be closed.

4. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Ask yourself, is what happened in the past really that important? Probably not, if you compare it with something really big and important. So, try to see the big picture. If these are small things, then don't worry. Changing your perception raises your consciousness to a new level. You are encouraged to consider an alternative point of view, which allows you to move to an expanded paradigm. Instead of feeling stuck, you begin to perceive more possible options.

5. Look at the picture of your life from afar.

After all, you came into this life to be happy. When you do not let go of your pain, it means that what you experienced continues to remain an unresolved problem and interferes with the feeling of happiness in life. Freedom from pain does not mean that the perpetrators are completely free of what they did. But this is no longer your problem, but their own. You need to live in the present tense, and not hold on to the past.

6. Decide what you want.

When you have a picture of what you want, it will lead to more positive and beneficial actions. By default, your mind thinks about what it doesn't want. And in order not to get stuck in the same past, we need a more positive picture of the future. Stop worrying about what others think. Instead, find your positive future and work towards it. Write down what you dream about. Better yet, create a map of your future.

Remind yourself that the past is over. What is past is past. You cannot change the past, but you can influence today. When you are focused in the present, you increase your ability to make decisions, expanding possibilities in the present that influence the future. Every breath we breathe in and out is new. No two breaths are the same...

8. Look at failure as feedback.

Replaying a traumatic scene from the past in your mind over and over again will make it difficult for you to move forward. As long as you try, there is no such thing as failure. Of course, the past offers valuable information. But let's use the past as a way to get feedback and learn from it, rather than to use harsh judgments or pick and choose who's to blame. You can analyze it to take smart actions in the future.

9. Come up with and perform some ritual of liberation from the past.

Rituals can be useful for physically expressing your intentions. Here are some ideas. Write a letter from your past about your pain and then burn it. Or you can throw stones into a pond, with each stone representing a different pain that you have been holding onto. Or write your grievance on a balloon and release it into the sky. Or on a paper boat that you will send on a long voyage... Come up with something that suits you, be creative.

10. Use creative visualization.

Your right hemisphere of the brain primarily thinks in pictures. Therefore, it is worth considering using creative visualization to help you free yourself from the past. Thus, close your eyes and mentally imagine the process of liberation. The computer analogy can be useful for creative visualization. Imagine deleting an old program on your hard drive. Once you've deleted, tell yourself firmly that it's all in the past and it doesn't bother you anymore.

There are things we don't want to let go, people we don't want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go is not the end of the world, it is the beginning of a new life. Burdened by the past, your energy becomes burdened. You are aging before your time. You are unable to live in the present tense.

Don't delay any longer. It all comes down to making informed choices. Make a choice, free yourself from old stories. You are the author of the script of your life. Your choice is to write a new story from now on!


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Link? ... Wikipedia

Summer, last year Dictionary of Russian synonyms. last year it was summer (simple); last year (outdated) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Dictionary of synonyms

From the romance “Dark cherry shawl...”. The authors of the words and music are unknown. The beginning of the romance: I don’t dream about the past now, And I don’t feel sorry for the past anymore. Only this dark cherry shawl will remind you of many, many things. Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

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It happened before, in the old days, once upon a time, in the days of ona, in bygone times, in former times, before, in these days, behind, once upon a time, in due time, in the time of it, at one time, in the past Dictionary of Russian synonyms. in the past adverb, number of synonyms: 17 happened... Dictionary of synonyms


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A1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted? 1) airports 2) close 3) (first) courses 4) cakes

A2. In which sentence, instead of the word TRUSTFUL, should we use the word TRUSTEE? 1) Among gullible people there are often those who paid for their gullibility. 2) The relationship between a boss and his subordinate gradually became more confiding character. 3) It was a creature gullible, timid and weak. 4) His brothers were so naive and gullible that it was not at all difficult to deceive them. A3. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word. 1) cheaper 2) about the airport 3) according to their instructions 4) go quickly A4. Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Playing chess 1) I have a headache. 2) we develop logical thinking. 3) the evening flew by unnoticed. 4) will and observation skills are developed. A5. Please indicate the sentence with a grammatical error. 1) The interlocutors reproached each other for insincerity. 2) Archaeological excavations were carried out according to plan. 3) We became interested in books brought from the new publishing house. 4) Wherever I was, I paid attention to the architectural buildings of the 19th century. Read the text and complete tasks A6-A11. (1) ... (2) In previous journalism, the addressee is most often a homogeneous mass. (3) Today, the “addressee” is people with different interests, information requests and views. (4) Hence, the tactics of taking into account the characteristics of the addressee become much more diverse in all genres of journalism. (5) In particular, when reporting news, the author, on the one hand, strives to take into account the information needs of his audience and meet them, on the other hand, in the hope of being correctly understood, he takes into account the degree of awareness of readers, the direction of their information interests, and strives to attract interest in the message. (6) ... A6. Which of the following sentences should be FIRST in this text? 1) In modern journalism, the concept of “addressee” is changing. 2) In modern journalism there is a concept of “addressee” that does not change over time. 3) In modern journalism, the understanding of the concept of “addressee” is no different from the previous understanding of this concept. 4) For modern journalism, the concept of “addressee” is not relevant. A7. Which of the following sentences should be the SIXTH in this text? 1) Therefore, taking into account the addressee appears only in analytical materials. 2) First of all, consideration of the addressee is manifested in analytical materials. 3) However, taking into account the addressee is manifested not only in analytical materials, but also in information ones. 4) Thus, taking into account the addressee is manifested not only in analytical materials, but also in information ones. A8. Which word(s) is the grammatical basis in sentence 3? 1) these are people with different requests 2) the addressee is people 3) today these are people 4) these are people A9. Indicate the correct characteristics of the proposal 5. 1) simple 2) complex non-union 3) complex 4) complex A10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristic of the word CORRECTLY from sentence 5. 1) short adjective 2) pronoun 3) adverb 4) participle A11. Indicate the meaning of the word PUBLISHING in sentence 2. 1) Spectators, listeners.

2) What belongs to society.

3) Open, not secret literature.

4) Literature on socio-political issues of our time. A12. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers replaced by one letter H? When the linen(1) things in the house grew old, they were replaced with fresh ones, re-woven(2) by rural weavers on old(3) looms. 1) 1 2) 2, 3 3) 3 4) 1, 2, 3 A13. In which row in all three words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing? 1) g_nial, b_rloga, traditional 2) g_tic (style), asphalt, nak_rmit 3) gather, replace, app_llation 4) m_gistral, maternal, oprov_rgat A14. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words? 1) and_under the brows, ra_dreamed, to rejoice 2) forklift, to clarify, to_the south 3) from_zmal, sports_gra, idle 4) pr_wise, crime, pr_unpleasant A15. In which row is the letter U missing in both words? 1) washing the shores, they drive away 2) accompanying on the trip, they stick a number 3) recommending a book, they are modern minded 4) lightning scares, weeding weeds A16. Which answer option contains all the words where the letter I is missing? A. stick out B. profitable C. overcome D. toy 1) A, B 2) A, B, C 3) C, D 4) A, C, D A17. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word? 1) (Un)clear speech is a cloudy mirror. 2) The rain poured down on us in an (un)controllable torrent. 3) It’s boring, and sad, and (there’s) no one to shake hands with... 4) The portrait is (not) finished yet, but the fame of the talented artist quickly spread around the city. A18. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together? 1) (B)DURING the day, the father recalled his past life several times, but, WHATEVER he told, everything was interesting. 2) (BEHIND) THAT hill is my village, and I’m sad (FROM) THAT I haven’t been there for a long time. 3) (AND) SO, let's start with the fact that I (FINALLY) arrived in my hometown. 4) Even if you dress (NOT) RYAKHA in silk, you still have to look at (NOT) WHAT. A19. Provide the correct explanation for the punctuation in the sentence. Silence reigned ___ and the sun sank into the ashes of the clouds. 1) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And no comma is needed. 2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed. 3) A complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed. 4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed. A20. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? Anya (2) with her (1) head down, sat motionless in a downy scarf (3) that carefully covered (4) her shoulders. 1) 1, 2 2) 3 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 3 A21. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? Everything became (1) obvious (2) at first sight. The guests (3) obviously (4) had no idea what awaited them in the evening. 1) 1, 2 2) 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 3 A22. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.) 1) Some watercolor works relate to both painting and graphics. 2) The ocean seems to have frozen and rumbles quietly and insinuatingly. 3) You can give your answers orally or in writing. 4) The watermelon is ripe and sugary and very tasty. A23. Give the correct explanation for the use of the colon in this sentence. Everything seems more prominent, more convex and brighter under the slanting rays of the morning light: the bridge across the river, and the trees, and every blade of grass. 1) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part. 2) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence. 3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence reveals the content of what is said in the first part. 4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part. A24. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas? Courage (1) is like a virtue (2) obeying (3) which people (4) do wonderful things. 1) 1, 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2, 4 A25. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas? It’s never boring in the forest (1) and (2) if you get sad (3) take a closer look at the most ordinary birch (4) that you meet on your way. 1) 1, 2, 4 2) 2, 3 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 3 A26. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase? 1) This trip could give me impressions that I could not get while sitting at home. 2) The musical theme, which is associated with Tatiana, conveys with great force the premonition of a fateful meeting with Onegin. 3) Life, which is equipped with the latest computer technologies and modern technology, becomes more rational. 4) The main task of a landscape painter is to create an image that smells not of paints, but of flowers. A27. Read the text. Due to the fact that in the past women were mainly engaged in housework, and men earned their daily bread for themselves, their wives and children, the vast majority of professions were male: warrior, plowman, builder, potter, carpenter, blacksmith... And there is nothing surprising in that , that the names of almost all professions in the language are also masculine: worker, engineer, scientist, poet, writer, composer, politician, artist, etc. Female versions of the names of these professions do not exist, primarily because customs did not allow women to engage in men's activities. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text? 1) The names of almost all professions in the language were and remain masculine: worker, engineer, scientist, poet, writer, composer, artist... 2) Due to the fact that in the past men earned the daily bread for the family, the vast majority of professions were male. 3) The language does not have equivalents for the names of many male professions for women, because historically these professions were exclusively male. 4) Ancient customs did not allow women to engage in men's affairs. Read the text and complete tasks A28-A30; B1-B8; C1.(1) There are no absolutely identical and completely mediocre people! (2) Everyone is born with the stamp of some talent. (3) The need for creativity is as natural as the need to drink or eat; it glimmers in each of us even in the most incredibly difficult conditions. (4) Each person is talented and unique in their own way. (5) Fortunately, people who are absolutely bad internally and externally do not exist. (6) The fact that the need for creativity is characteristic of everyone can be seen from the fact that in childhood, even in infancy, the child has a need to play. (7) Every child wants to play, that is, to live creatively. (8) Why does creativity gradually disappear from our lives over the years, why does creativity not persist and develop in each of us? (9) Roughly speaking, because we either did not do our own thing (we did not find ourselves, our personality, our talent), or we did not learn to live and work (we did not develop talent). (10) the second often depends on the first, but the first is not always free from the second. (11) If you don’t learn to work, you will never know what nature has given you. (12) If the spiritual potential is weak, then the personality is erased, leveled, and quickly loses the individual traits inherent in it. (13) The harmonious ascent and creative emancipation of the individual can be hindered by any mental, family, social or world discord, any trouble, which, by the way, can be different. (14) For example, it’s one thing when you don’t have shoes to go to school (or even the school itself), and quite another when you’re forced to learn how to read music. (15) Of course, the second case is preferable, but discord is discord. (16) Therefore, we see that social orientation is by no means always infallible and that fashion is generally harmful in such a matter as the matter of finding oneself. (17) Why, in fact, is only the life of an artist or painter considered creative? (18) After all, you can be an artist and an artist in any business. (19) This should be the norm. (20) The aura of exclusivity of this or that profession, the division of labor according to such principles as “honorable-dishonorable”, “interesting-uninteresting”, precisely encourages the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inaccessibility of creativity for everyone And for everyone. (21) But this quite suits the supporters of personality leveling, who single out a faceless crowd of mediocre people and contrast talented people with them. (22) But is this right? (According to V. Belov) A28. Which statement CONTRADES the opinion of the author of the text? 1) To preserve your individuality and innate talent throughout life, you need to have spiritual strength. 2) The basis of mastery of a profession is creativity. 3) Talent is a gift of nature, and it develops on its own, without requiring effort on the part of the person himself. 4) Every person is endowed with some talents from birth. A29. What type(s) of speech are represented in sentences 6-11? 1) description and narration 2) description 3) reasoning 4) narration A30. Which sentences in the text use antonyms? 1) 4, 6 2) 12, 13 3) 16, 18 4) 20, 21 B1. From sentences 2-5, write down a word that is formed in a prefix-suffix way. B2. From sentence 4, write down the pronoun(s). B3. From sentence 12, write out a subordinating phrase with the connection CONNECTION. Q4. Among sentences 17-22, find a simple impersonal sentence. Write his number. B5. Among sentences 4-10, find a sentence with a separate definition. Write the number of this offer. B6. In the third paragraph, find a complex sentence with two homogeneous subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer. Q7. Among sentences 15-21, find a sentence that is related to the previous one using a conjunction and a pronoun. Write the number of this offer. B8. Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks A28-A30, B1-B7. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. When discussing the topic of creativity and “finding oneself,” the author uses a technique such as _____ (sentences 8-9; 17-18). What can hinder a creative person? The _____ used in the 13th sentence give, in the author’s opinion, the answer to this question. Speaking about which professions can be considered creative and which cannot, V. Belov uses _____ in the 20th sentence. This makes it possible to prepare the reader to understand the next, 21st sentence. In addition, _____ is widely used in the text, for example, “need”, “personality”, “orientation”, “principles”, etc. List of terms: 1) comparative phrase 2) litotes 3) antonyms

4) irony 5) colloquial vocabulary 6) rows of homogeneous members

7) question-and-answer form of presentation 8) socio-political vocabulary

9) rhetorical question 10) exclamation sentences C1. Write an essay based on the text you read.

ANSWERS to parts A and B

A1 1 A2 2 A3 4 A4 2 A5 3 A6 1 A7 4 A8 2 A9 2 A10 3 A11 4 A12 1 A13 2 A14 4 A15 4 A16 1 A17 4 A18 3 A19 3 A20 2 A21 2 A22 1 A23 2 A24 2 A25 3 A26 1 A27 3 A28 3 A29 3 A30 4

B1 in its own way B2 each B3 quickly loses B4 18 B5 5 B6 16 B7 21 B8 7, 6, 3, 8

The concept of the past is so abstract that not a single person can interpret it correctly and without any “buts”. Despite this, there are many definitions of this term. But it is better to consider it from the angle of different sciences.


“He who does not know his past is deprived of a future” - this phrase can be heard more than once in various interpretations at lectures on literature or philosophy. We are taught from childhood how important it is to know your family tree. The life story of one’s own ancestors, one’s roots and native land is something that a conscious person should know. That is why, already in the first grades, children at school are given various tasks on this topic. For example, draw your own family tree. The child gets acquainted with the past, studying his family and thereby realizing the infinity of the countdown.


The past is certain events of temporary space that have already occurred. It is almost impossible to consider this concept without defining the present and future.

The past may include events or times, people or objects characteristic of a particular period. This concept is often used colloquially to define something that will never come back or happen again. There is also the phrase “last century.” By using it, a person indicates the untimeliness of objects or events.

The past is something that can be associated with pleasant memories or, on the contrary, cause negative emotions.

Where do they study?

The past has become an object for the study of various sciences: history, astronomy, archeology, historical geology, linguistics. In addition to these sciences, the concept of the past is associated with, namely paleobotany, paleontology, paleography, chronology and cosmology.


Most of all, history is aimed at studying the past. This aspect is very important - because it provides the concept and basis for all the processes and events through which human civilization and the world in general have gone.

It is impossible to imagine any general education course without studying this science. Without knowing the secrets of the past, a person is not able to learn lessons and use the accumulated experience.

The historical experience of various peoples makes it possible to understand world culture as a whole and the generally accepted laws of human development. Each stage of history, in one way or another, is connected with modernity, and the restoration of a chain of logical events helps each person to correctly identify himself in the modern world.


Classical physics applies the concept of the past and explains it as half of the time axis. This concept is widely used in the theory of relativity, but with some modification. According to the conclusions of scientists, the past is a certain number of events that allow us to achieve the present. Physics deals with the concept of a “cone of the past,” where certain events influence the present. Thus, this is a whole chain, a cause-and-effect relationship.

But now physics has revised its views on the past and does not consider it an unchangeable value. Albert Einstein's theory, together with practical experiments, prove the possibility of moving in temporary space and even the possibility of influencing it.


Most sciences and philosophical systems attribute certain properties to the past:

1. Immutability - the past will always be the past.

2. Uniqueness - each event from the past is specific and cannot be replaced by another past.


How are the past and present connected? Even as children, we were taught to connect it with the present, and the present with the future. But the future will not be complete without what is happening now. After all, the future is the result not only of the present, but also of the past.

For many centuries in a row, people have noticed that the experience of the past cannot be ignored, because past events can remind of themselves at the most inopportune moment. And what this reminder will be is unknown.

Therefore, it is better to remember the past. After all, it can save not only a specific individual from mistakes in the future, but also humanity as a whole. After all, what happens in the future and present is completely natural and inseparable from the past.

People are not used to analyzing past events and do not know how to weigh their decisions by connecting them with previous experiences. This sometimes leads to “stepping on the same rake.”

The past and the future are inseparably connected, and between them is the present, which in a couple of moments becomes the past.


The experience of the past sometimes interferes with the future, and sometimes it is simply irreplaceable. We learn from our mistakes, and what lesson we learn depends only on our perception.

Is it right to live in the past? It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously. But the past often gets in the way of the future. It has passed and we are no longer there. And it is simply impossible to live or linger in it.

Living in the future is also not entirely true. After all, constantly hovering in dreams, it is impossible to notice the present. Although everything is very relative. We can analyze the past and present, but we cannot see the future, especially the distant one.

As we live our present lives, we have every right to make plans and at the same time learn lessons from the past. Therefore, it is important to appreciate the moments that happen here and now.

From the point of view of human perception, the past is always the result of some changes or actions. For every person this is a certain life experience. There is also a historical past - this is also experience that a person uses. It cannot be changed, but perception is changeable. It depends largely on the present.

Is it possible to change the past?

Practical esotericism and psychology claim that through exercises you can change some things. They claim that the past and future do not exist. These, according to them, are simply subjective categories that people perceive differently. But in fact, there is simply a moment in which a person is.

Understanding this simple fact makes it possible to reconstruct the past. Nothing can be done in it. When working with the past to change events and emotional reactions, you need to turn to the imagination. A person creates his own past and future, can do whatever he wants with it and bring the desired quality of emotional experiences into his present.

Having comprehended the secrets of the past, a person helps himself and learns to live in the present and look to the future with faith.

Forget the past

Sometimes the past gets in the way of our present. In the life of any person there are events that he wants to forget, only memory does not allow this. After all, psychologists say that focusing on the past and future does not allow you to live fully in the present.

Man is an emotional being. The more vivid emotions an event evokes, the more difficult it is to forget. For the most part, a person remembers the negative.

There are many ways to forget, but it is impossible to do it on purpose. The more we try to forget something, the more we remember it.

The most powerful way to forget the past is through memories. Dianetics allows you to do this. You just have to live through the event associated with the negative again until it stops causing any emotions at all.

Psychologists use this practice to help people get rid of the fears of the past and begin to live in the present.

One way or another, despite the definition of the concept, man himself is the creator of his past.