Learn how to make a Taurus man fall in love with you: the best tips. How can you make a Taurus man fall in love with you?

The Taurus man has a special charm and the ability to attract the attention of a woman. He courteous and delicate, able to fall in love with any beauty. As for how to fall in love with a Taurus man, here you need to learn some rules.

First of all, remember that Taurus man does not tolerate vulgarity and rudeness in women. He appreciates virtue, femininity, good manners and accuracy in the fair sex. Taurus is a supporter of natural beauty, false eyelashes, deep neckline, bright makeup, cause
him sympathy and disgust. Taurus, like all men, supporters of everything natural and natural, is looking for a healthy, strong and beautiful woman for the continuation of the relationship, and not for momentary joys. A wife for Taurus, a keeper of the family hearth, a good housewife and a mother who honors her husband.

If you want to fall in love with Taurus, resorting to various tricks or tricks, then your plan is a failure in advance. If Taurus is in no hurry to take your relationship to a closer level, then do not rush him, perhaps he is just considering further actions. Do not try to incline him to some actions with jealousy or provocations, then you can lose him forever. The stubborn Taurus will never do what he thinks is wrong.

To make a Taurus man fall in love with you, do not forget that he first of all appreciates stability in everything in life, in love, in work. For his half, Taurus will become everything in the literal sense stone wall, but it will require the same from her, to become a reliable rear.

In addition, in order to fall in love with Taurus, you will need to at least show yourself as a good housewife, show off your ability to cook and manage the household. As it is known about the homeliness and frugality of Taurus, there are legends that for a life together he needs a woman to match his requirements. If you cannot surprise Taurus with your housekeeping skills, then at least try to show him that you are striving to become the perfect housewife. Taurus will appreciate your impulses.

Taurus is important evidence of love and affection for him by other people. Do not be afraid to let the man of this Sign know that you are not indifferent to him, if this is true. In a woman, he appreciates charm, warmth, reliability. But at the same time, he may lose interest in a weak-willed woman, ready to fulfill his every desire. Taurus slowly enters into a relationship, but if you get used to something, it's for a long time

Taurus is a male owner. It is important for him to feel like a full owner of everything that he considers "his". His property, in a good way, he considers the woman he loves. This explains his jealousy. If he feels that you do not belong to him to the end, he will protect his interests and his stability.

Good luck in conquering the heart of such an unusual man as Taurus.

Winning a man's heart is not an easy task. Depending on the upbringing, worldview, as well as the sign of the zodiac under which he was born, women are perceived differently as such. What is the way to the heart of a calf? How to fall in love with a Taurus man will be discussed in this article.

Taurus man

A man born in the constellation Taurus has a very controversial character. He is accommodating and kind, he can easily do all the housework instead of his beloved wife, but if he gets angry, he will become an incredibly selfish, narcissistic, conservative and jealous person.

In truth, Taurus often surprise loved ones even after decades of marriage. They tend to keep secret some facets of their character.

That is why, before you start seducing such a man, you need to get used to the idea that you will never be able to fully study and know him. This is a man of mystery, perhaps that is why he attracts so many admiring glances from women.

What kind of woman suits a male Taurus

In women, Taurus appreciates everything that is characteristic of a real lady:

  • beauty;
  • grooming;
  • the ability to cook;
  • love for cleanliness;
  • the ability to be silent and speak to the place;
  • quick wits.

He needs, if not a queen, then at least a princess. Knowledge of etiquette, love for beauty, as well as a sense of style, beauty should be laid in her from the cradle.

How to please a calf

At the first meeting, it is absolutely not important to show all your mental abilities. This person will already guess whether his interlocutor is smart. The main thing is to defeat him with your appearance, manners. If you like him, you need to look and act like a king (in a good way).

Beautiful manners, a well-groomed appearance, a sincere, clear look, irresistible makeup, as well as properly selected, clean and ironed clothes will be appreciated by him. If a slut with five higher diplomas and an amazing inner world comes on a date, most likely he will not notice her.

Second important point- calmness and silence. Of course, you shouldn’t be completely silent, but if your mouth doesn’t close at all, he will run away as soon as dessert is served.

How to make a calf fall in love with you

In order to fall in love, the calf just needs the charm and beauty of a beautiful lady. But more serious intentions, like sex, frequent and serious relationships, imply that the beloved has other, no less important qualities:

  1. Cooking skills. Macaroni with cutlets are also suitable for a rainy day. But if we are talking about dinner after a hard day's work, then this is exclusively tasty soup, a steak with grilled vegetables, perhaps a salad, and dessert in the form of homemade cakes with whipped cream, ice cream, or something like that. Here, as in the grandmother's recipe - the way to a man's heart lies through his stomach!
  2. Purity. A woman should keep the house clean, because first of all she is a woman! This applies to everything: the clothes in which she walks, the plates from which she eats, carpets and windows - everything!
  3. Confidence. It deals primarily with sexual relations. If it came to intimacy, you do not need to tell him what and how to do. Taurus know how to give pleasure to a woman intuitively. But if you tell and give advice - he will get up and leave forever!

Marriage with a calf

Living with a calf in marriage is not difficult. Moreover, sometimes it is much more pleasant than with other signs of the zodiac. The reason for this is in complaisance and understanding. Although it is desirable to get used to the rule from the first days of life together - he is the head of the family - the breadwinner, hope and support!

And yet, if before the stamp in the passport he demanded beauty, cleanliness, and goodies from a woman, then later he can fully thank her. It will not be difficult for him to wash the dishes after dinner and even a banquet! He can also cook delicious lunch, dinner, and bring a mouth-watering breakfast to bed.

Cleaning the house, ironing clothes and even laundry will not be difficult for him. True, of course, all this should be in moderation, and not every day! In return, he will require only affection, care and warmth, as well as fidelity.

If a woman reminds him more often of how he loves her and how she loves him, their marriage will be eternal!

Is it possible to fall in love with a married man Taurus

Taurus are distinguished by devotion in everything. Only a few change their wives. So the chance to win a heart married man given very rarely. Most often, this happens if his marriage is already undermined and, most likely, parting is inevitable.

In this case, to interest him is easy. It is only necessary to offer what he lacks - comfort, kindness, peace, fidelity.

How to understand if a Taurus is in love

Taurus knows how to care beautifully. His companion is provided with expensive gifts, flowers with or without occasion, beautiful jewelry, restaurants and cafes, as well as attention beyond the norm. But do not rejoice ahead of time. He also has shortcomings.

He speaks of love extremely rarely and often clumsily. Therefore, he paints courtship in advance. It may sound like a work schedule, but really, that's the only way he can court. And the more measured and persistent his invitations to dinner and walks, the closer the cherished day of marriage proposal.

The expectation of a pleasant ending can last several months or even years, depending on his upbringing, position, and opportunities. But under no circumstances should you hint to him or speak directly about marriage.

This can permanently push him away and even lead to a breakup. After all, like a real man, he himself knows what and when to do. A woman can only be patient and wait.

What can push him away

Despite his complaisance, Taurus can run away from any, even very strong feelings and relationships in the blink of an eye, if he is scared away:

  1. Instructions. The libido of this man sometimes rolls over, so he will not accept instructions or advice from a woman in exclusively male matters. In the kitchen or in raising children, you can really give him a few recommendations, but you should never get into his head.
  2. Pretense. If a woman, trying to win a calf, temporarily changes her attitude to life, even becomes well-groomed, cleans and cooks, which is not typical for her, he will know this and will not understand. Any insincere relationship will come to an end. And even if the feelings are real, he simply cannot live with someone who does not like cleanliness.
  3. Jealousy. Taurus tend to be jealous. But they cannot do this for a long time, because the wife's devotion is sacred to them!

If the feelings have cooled, he will begin the long process of parting. At first, he will silently endure everything, but move away, as if dissolving in everyday life - fewer compliments, a long silence, no gifts.

Then he will try to return everything, because once the relationship was already happy. But when he realizes that everything has collapsed, one day he will simply disappear without a trace and will never return. Neither work, nor children, nor past feelings will keep him.

Compatible zodiac signs

Marriage with Libra, Aries, Capricorn is ideal for Taurus. These constellations are perfectly combined with him, and they are waiting for a successful relationship.

Most likely, relationships will not work out with women born under the constellations of Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Cancer. Their same tough temperament, and in some cases, prudent composure, even in important things, will not be able to harmoniously get along with a male calf.

With the rest of the signs of the zodiac, relationships are very possible, but women will need to show more understanding, faith and patience than they tend to.

  • The main rule of any Taurus man is that a woman must always remain a woman - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Beauty, make-up, delicious gourmet food, cleanliness in the house, in clothes and even in thoughts must always be present, and not on weekends and holidays. Otherwise, the feelings will subside.
  • This zodiac sign loves comfort in everything. Therefore, you should not persuade him to have sex in uncomfortable places. For this, exceptionally warm, soft and comfortable bed! And all possible experiments role-playing games and such diversity is allowed only in the same comfortable environment for him.
  • Depending on how much the qualities of a calf are manifested in him, he can help a woman around the house or avoid it with all his might. So, for example, many Tauruses prefer to give a woman as much money for housekeeping as needed, as long as they don’t touch this problem themselves. Others, on the contrary, actively help, if possible. You need to accept any of his decisions and never try to change.

You entered into a relationship with a Taurus man, you feel strong sympathy for him, but it’s too early to talk about love. For many women, the question begins to arise in their heads: “How to fall in love with a Taurus man?”. You can find the answer to it in this article.

Taurus men really like women and this is not at all surprising, because they are very special gentlemen. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by honesty, intelligence, personal charm, gallantry, and these are far from all the characteristics of Taurus that deserve attention.

In the love sphere, one can only dream of a Taurus man! His behavior is very romantic, he is able to appreciate and sincerely admire the fair sex, he looks after and takes care of women very beautifully. Taurus men always make quite original compliments and give valuable gifts to their halves.

The attitude of a Taurus in love with his woman is striking in its trepidation and tenderness - such a man will give his beloved affection and romance to the maximum. But at the same time, Taurus men are distinguished by jealousy - if they managed to win a lady, then they consider her their property and are not ready to share her with someone else.

Also, such representatives of the stronger sex are very impressed with the feeling of jealousy towards themselves - they are pleased to feel that they are significant in the life of their woman. Taurus is distinguished by loyalty, honesty and lack of cunning, you can trust such a partner, but keep in mind that he does not tolerate manipulation: games and intrigues are not his, he will not allow anyone to deceive him.

Intimately, Taurus are gentle and strong lovers, who, however, do not really like to experiment. These men are not interested in adventure, for them bed relations are first of all an exchange of affection and warmth, Taurus is simply crazy about gentle touches and hugs.

Because of their temperament, Taurus in sex act slowly, enjoy every moment, speed and temperament are not their forte.

If you can interest a Taurus man and lure him into your networks, he will become a faithful and enviable husband for you, although this is quite problematic to do. This gentleman is distinguished by the seriousness of his intentions, so he will carefully study his chosen one for a long time before proposing to her.

AT family relationships Taurus men are loyal, conservative, willingly take on the role of a real earner and owner. The Taurus man is an ideal family man, father and husband, it is really possible to create a stable, prosperous and strong family with him.

How to make a Taurus man fall in love with you

On the early stages relationships, wanting to attract the attention of a Taurus man, it is important to pay a lot of attention to your appearance. Taurus likes it when a woman is beautifully dressed, but it is worth clearly delineating the line between good taste, femininity, sexuality and vulgarity and defiant outfits - the latter will definitely not cause positive emotions in Taurus.

If you are dating such a man, make sure that your outfits are stylish, but in no way defiant. This is due to the fact that Taurus is highly susceptible to public opinion, and if at least one person speaks unflatteringly about his girlfriend, this will become a clear reason to think and can lead to conflict situations.

Taurus men are solid. Astrologers do not recommend rushing them - after all, they act according to their own internal rhythm, but at the same time they manage to do everything they need to do. It's just that such men are accustomed to building a slow, but reliable and solid foundation in any area of ​​their life: friendship, work or love. Taurus in each case is distinguished by restraint and patience. He follows his own path, charging his environment and loved ones with reliability and self-confidence.

If you realize that the Taurus man is exactly what you need, subject to mutual sympathy, you should seriously think about your further actions. In most cases, it is very difficult for Taurus men to take the first steps, therefore, initiative is allowed, even if there are no active actions on the part of the fan yet.

Representatives of this constellation are attracted by witty and "light" women, lively and bright. Taurus will not appreciate subtle humor, preferring somewhat rude and even "black". In no case is it unacceptable to make fun of the Taurus themselves.

Taurus very carefully study the appearance of their chosen one, in particular, the figure - it is important for them that it be chiseled and if by nature God did not reward you with ideal forms and correct proportions, then at least it is important that you keep yourself in shape. Taurus is patronized by the planet responsible for beauty, which is why they are so fixated on appearance their partner and are very good at noticing any flaws and changes in him.

How to behave so that a Taurus man falls in love with you

Tauruses are very susceptible to showing attention and care towards themselves. However, they cannot stand threats and demands. At the initial stages of the relationship, it is necessary to convince such a man that he is in complete control of the situation and everything will happen exactly as he wishes.

The attention of Taurus will be able to attract such girls and women:

  • ambitious;
  • attractive in appearance;
  • strong morally;
  • those that cause admiration from others;
  • sensitive;
  • attentive;
  • natural;
  • economic;
  • kind;
  • educated.

How to behave is strictly not allowed

In the case when Taurus is in full swing, try not to make mistakes, because they can very quickly make such a man decide to part.

Therefore, if you dream of falling in love with a Taurus man and want to captivate him for a long time (or even forever), do not do the following:

  • do not insult him in front of relatives or strangers;
  • do not show excessive obsession;
  • do not abuse kindness;
  • it is unacceptable to behave disrespectfully and inattentively;
  • his ambition should not be underestimated;
  • you can’t compare him and your ex;
  • it is also impossible to completely agree with him, Taurus likes it when a woman has her own opinion;
  • it is impossible not to take care of him;
  • you can not be disrespectful to his close circle.

And remember that constant surprises in bed are very important for Taurus men. Sex plays a huge role for them, and if a lady can satisfy him intimately, plus listen to his wishes, it is unlikely that he will be able to leave her.

Compatibility of Taurus men with zodiac signs

Aries Compatibility

Serious and strict Taurus strive to find their opposite. And Aries women - energetic, light and cheerful, will perfectly complement such a man. But for harmony in relationships, you still have to work hard.

Taurus Compatibility

In a pair of Taurus women and Taurus men, calmness and equanimity will reign. People around will never discuss such a couple, as they simply do not give reasons for this and look like an exemplary and happy family.

Gemini Compatibility

The union promises to be very "hot", but, unfortunately, only at the beginning. While Gemini is interested in a partner and generously gives him their love, and the Taurus man comes to terms with the partner’s changeable mood, her frivolity and sometimes crazy actions. And then - it all depends on the lovers themselves.

Compatibility with Cancer

This is an option perfect couple, where both partners are distinguished by thriftiness, commitment to comfortable conditions life, a passion for cleanliness and comfort, as well as common interests.

Leo Compatibility

Lioness women are distinguished by arrogance, exactingness towards others, stubbornness, lack of patience and pride, which makes relationships in such a pair quite difficult.

Virgo Compatibility

We can talk about a fairly successful alliance and high compatibility in such an alliance. Tauruses are quite rational in life and everyday matters, they are distinguished by thriftiness and economy, and Virgos correspond to them, trying to make their home nest as cozy and comfortable as possible for life.

Libra Compatibility

Stubborn Taurus women are attracted to Libra women. Although this is a rather difficult union, in which both partners look at life in completely different ways, relationships in such a pair are still possible.

Compatibility with Scorpio

We can say about this meeting that it is like a lightning strike. Between a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman, such strong love, which will certainly provoke the interest of others. Their relationship promises to be passionate, as well as filled with love and tenderness.

Sagittarius Compatibility

In this case, you can talk about love at first sight. Taurus is so fascinated by the Sagittarius woman that they begin to literally dream about her, dream about her and think over a plan to conquer her.

Capricorn Compatibility

The somewhat tough Taurus men appreciate the softness, calmness, and trustfulness of Capricorn women. And attentive, consistent and sober-minded Capricorns make Taurus more self-confident.

Aquarius Compatibility

In a pair of Taurus men and Aquarius women, we can talk about a rather difficult relationship. because of different approach to life and the complete opposite of each other to those around, this couple seems completely unequal. But even so, thanks to the patience of Taurus and the sound mind of Aquarius, the creation of love is quite possible.

Pisces Compatibility

The somewhat naive Pisces women are in search of a prince on a white horse. They strive for a cozy arrangement of their nest, which in general is very attractive to Taurus. Relationships in such a pair will develop according to classic version when behind her husband, as behind a stone wall.

If you dream of a faithful, reliable and balanced man, then Taurus is the most suitable option. Noble and independent, he is ready to achieve everything in life himself. This man has a huge inner strength that helps him survive difficult times. But, despite the external strength, Taurus is sensitive and vulnerable inside, it is difficult to tame them, but the effort is worth it.

Characteristics of a Taurus man

Men born under the sign of Taurus are sociable and friendly. They can endure the presence of a person they do not like for a long time. But if you make him angry, then in anger Taurus is uncontrollable and stubborn. It is very difficult to argue and resist them at such a moment.

The main character traits are:

  • restraint;
  • self-confidence;
  • high efficiency;
  • decency;
  • a responsibility.

The sign of the zodiac belongs to the element Earth, this fully explains their craving for nature, which only increases over the years. The best rest is a trip to the dacha, to the forest. In silence, they restore emotional balance. Many people dream of their own country house.

The Taurus man, as a rule, has a strong physique, confident movements, calm speech. They look strong and strong-willed, they are difficult to unbalance. They rarely listen to other people's advice, especially if they are expressed in the form of an order. It is difficult to object and argue with Taurus, they prefer to communicate with compliant and complaisant ladies.

Taurus appreciate their home, coziness and comfort. They make reliable and faithful husbands, caring fathers. They will pass on all their skills to their son, they will teach how to do men's work at home. The wife should be homely, hospitable. Taurus will prefer going out to family holidays, guests will often visit such a house.

Material values ​​are not alien to them. Financial well-being provides them with stability and confidence in tomorrow. Such a man does not accept unreasonable spending, although he never skimps on gifts and flowers. In gratitude for the honesty and devotion of the partner, they are ready to provide her financially.

Change and stressful situations they are experiencing it very hard. Taurus, of course, will hide his frustration, but will look forward to when everything is restored. For all their virtues, they are not alien to laziness and indecision. It is difficult to persuade Taurus to a risky event, as well as to encourage an unplanned walk.

How to Understand a Taurus Man

An "earthly" man prefers openness and honest relationships. He is pleased with the success of the opposite sex, but he cannot be called a womanizer. Often he can change partners only in his youth. A more mature man will choose a harmonious relationship. to promise the impossible. These are not his methods. He shows the true attitude by deeds. If he visits you sick, meets you late from work and remembers the date of your acquaintance, then his intentions are quite serious.

If you have doubts, then the best option there will be a calm and open dialogue. Taurus will answer all questions, doubts will dissipate. If he sees in you only a friend, then do not rush to refuse acquaintance. In a difficult life situation, Taurus will be the first to come to the rescue.

But, if a man doubts, then do not push and give him time to think. Taurus do not make rash decisions. It makes no sense to put pressure on him and rush, it is better to show understanding and patience.

How to please a Taurus man

Taurus man loves the fair sex, Enlarged lips and chest, hair extensions, eyelashes will not attract him. But a stylish outfit, a beautiful manicure, a neat hairstyle will not go unnoticed.
Too open and defiant dresses will create not the most about you best impression in his eyes. In addition, Taurus is very jealous, and open dresses will attract unnecessary attention to you.

A confident and strong Taurus man attracts women with his masculinity. He is easily carried away, able to quickly spin a light romance. There are always a lot of women around him, colleagues, girlfriends love him for his loyalty and devotion. If you set yourself the goal of starting a serious relationship with him, then do not be too active. Show that you sympathize with him, and then let him initiate meetings.

When starting a relationship with a Taurus, remember the basic rules:

Taurus is capable of beautiful courtship, a lot of attention and gifts are provided to you. Few women can resist his pressure. Even if an affair with him was not included in your plans, succumbing to persuasion, you are unlikely to be disappointed. Good friend and an excellent lover, he can become an almost ideal partner.

How to Win a Taurus Man

Taurus always knows what he wants. You will have to adapt to it, meet high requirements. He appreciates not only external beauty and grooming, but also a taut figure, neat clothes, well-groomed hands. If you are aiming for serious relationship with such a man, go in for sports and watch your diet. Next to him you need to be strong and healthy, to match the Taurus man.

Earth signs have a warm relationship with their mother. If the relationship with the future mother-in-law does not work out, then Taurus is unlikely to decide to create an alliance with you. Being a good housewife, cooking delicious food, making the house cozy are mandatory requirements for a future wife. Even if at first not everything will work out for you, he will give you time to learn everything, will guide and help. Invite him to visit, feed deliciously, pet him and the stubborn bull will turn into a gentle calf.

Taurus man: how to behave with him

It is not easy to captivate a Taurus man, but it is even more difficult to live with him. A woman has to give up many of her habits, active social life, adapt to his interests and needs.

It’s good if your hobbies coincide, so you can quickly get closer to Taurus, arrange him for yourself. But if computer games, fishing, chess do not make you happy, then leave it with any business, do not criticize and do not demand all the attention to yourself. Better read a book, go to the pool or cook a cake. Stay self-sufficient and interesting, do not completely dissolve in a man and do not forget your friends. Only a strong, diversified woman will be able to constantly interest him.

Taurus are often prone to outbursts of anger, stubbornness, mood swings. If you are also emotional, then living together will turn into a battlefield. Better restrain your temperament, give it time to calm down. In a state of excitement, he is not ready for rational thinking, but when he calms down, he will listen to you. But he will still make the final decision himself, and if you are not ready for the man to be the head of the family, then stay away from Taurus.

Good and strong relationships often develop in Taurus with older partners. They already have life experience and wisdom, can appreciate a stable and reliable relationship with such men. After all, Taurus are wonderful husbands, caring fathers. With them, you will forget about broken plumbing or an empty refrigerator.

Taurus man in love

A man born under the sign of Taurus will dominate in love. He will show his feelings in actions, care, attention, financial security. When choosing a partner, he shows his usual stubbornness. Even if the incompatibility of the characters is obvious, he is ready to continue the relationship. A man in love is able to become a worthy husband and father, but they endure parting for a very long time. The courtship period usually does not last long, if he understands that his soulmate is next to him, then he is ready to marry right away.

In the family, he prefers to make decisions and is not afraid of responsibility. As a father, he is strict and fair, his children will be provided for. Even in the absence of special talents, Taurus will find a way to earn enough for a comfortable existence.

A beloved woman should regularly speak words of love to him, caress, pity and take care of him. Only in this case the man will feel his masculinity. He will not tolerate a brawler and a woman who will make fun of him in front of others. Do not make him jealous and do not give reason to doubt the sincerity of your feelings, avoid looking defiant or vulgar. Taurus will definitely not forgive betrayal. He is the real owner and master of his family.

Taurus man in sex

The physical side of love is no less important to him than the emotional side. With age, his sensuality only grows. Taurus are ready for experiments and do not accept complexes. To give pleasure to a partner is a prerequisite for intimacy for him. Gentle, long foreplay, emancipation and full devotion are the main advantages of the Taurus man.

Do not be silent about your erotic fantasies. He may not offer you sex on top of a mountain, but he can turn any corner of his house into a love nest. Taurus himself will choose a place and time for carnal pleasures, because he is used to deciding everything in life on his own. It is not worth rushing it, as well as showing fake emotions. This man appreciates naturalness in everything, your body should be well-groomed, clean and affordable.

Do not expect exotic emotions from him, he will give preference to simple sex without unnecessary complications. However, he always guesses the wishes of his partner and caresses her with pleasure.

Taurus is an almost perfect life partner. For extreme and entertainment, look for another partner. But if you are ready to start a family and want to be protected strong man, then Taurus will be able to provide you with peace and stability.

You met an extraordinary man. He is a Taurus. Representatives of this zodiac sign are quite reserved in communication. And they prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words. But in general, Taurus men respect the female sex and are friendly with all women. How, then, to understand that the man of this zodiac sign is interested in you?

How to understand that a Taurus man is in love?

There are at least 4 signs by which you can guess that Taurus is breathing unevenly towards you.

  1. Appearance. Taurus men always look attractive, pay a lot of attention to their wardrobe. When they are in love, they begin to take care of their appearance even more carefully. If Taurus appears “dressed to the nines” on every date with you, this is good sign. And if he suddenly changed his image, then there can be no doubt about his feelings.
  2. Facial expressions and gestures. If a normally restrained man actively gesticulates when communicating with you, then you make his heart flutter. And yet, they say, if Taurus is in love, then he often blinks in the presence of the object of adoration.
  3. Romantic gestures. Previously cold man arranges pleasant surprises for you, gives you gifts, literally showers you with flowers? Diagnosis: in love!
  4. Sea of ​​attention. If Taurus is not indifferent to you, he will be actively interested in your life and devote a lot of time to you. And also - to try to make you laugh literally at every step.

How to fall in love with a Taurus man forever?

Taurus have clear ideas about what their life partner should be. A bright, spectacular appearance for such a man is not the main thing in a woman. Of course, he likes attractive and well-groomed ladies. But inner world far more important. To fall in love with a Taurus, you need to be

  • educated;
  • an excellent versatile interlocutor who knows how to listen;
  • cheerful;
  • unique (such men respect women who have their own opinion on any occasion);
  • kind;
  • friendly;
  • charismatic.

It is not only the inner world that matters. It is important for Taurus that their chosen one is

  • a passionate sexual partner who anticipates the desires of a man;
  • wonderful hostess;
  • an excellent potential mother (if you do not want children - this zodiac sign is not for you).

Taurus needs to feel like a male hunter. In the initial stages of communication, do not show that you are too interested in it. Let him conquer you!