Wall insulation from the inside in a corner apartment. How to insulate the wall of an apartment in a panel house from the inside What is the best way to insulate panel walls inside an apartment

In a previous article, we talked about . Today we will discuss how to insulate a wall in a panel house from the inside. We want to warn you right away that, if possible, it is necessary to give preference to external insulation. When laying thermal insulation from the inside, the dew point shifts to the wall, more precisely to its inner part. It turns out that condensation forms under the insulation, and with it mold. To avoid this, you need to use insulation that can let steam through, the best option is stone wool.

Materials for insulating the walls of a panel house from the inside

From the inside, it is best to use stone wool.

Before proceeding with the review of how to insulate a wall in a panel house from the inside, let's dwell on the materials. For internal work on thermal insulation of walls, the following are used:

  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • all types of mineral wool;
  • insulation paint.

Warming a panel house from the inside is usually accompanied by the construction of false plasterboard walls, although if you do not plan to hang anything on the walls, then you can get by with several layers of plaster on top of the insulation. It is possible to plaster over polystyrene foam and its derivatives, as well as over high-density mineral wool.

mineral wool

Expanded polystyrene and mineral wool are equally popular for insulating a panel house from the inside, but cotton wool will still be preferable. Why is that:

  • cotton wool - environmentally friendly material;
  • cotton wool allows moisture to pass through;
  • does not burn or smoke.

Of all types of mineral wool, it is preferable to opt for . Unlike all other species, it is not afraid of moisture, has the highest degree of resistance to heat. Wall insulation from the inside of a panel house with stone wool allows you to not use membranes - these are films for hydro and vapor barrier. The insulation will pass steam in both directions, like the concrete wall itself. This property allows you to avoid the accumulation of condensate between concrete and thermal insulation, respectively, there will be no mold either.

A big problem when insulating a wall from the inside of a panel house is to transfer the dew point to the middle of the room. The dew point is the point where warm air meets cold air, resulting in condensation. So if you create conditions so that the condensate can find a way out, then you don’t have to worry about the appearance of a fungus.

Expanded polystyrenes

The foam is simply glued to the wall, without additional fixation with dowels.

With polystyrene, things are somewhat different, since it practically does not let steam through. Because of this, all the negative consequences of the dew point shift will sooner or later make themselves felt. Mold is not visible under the insulation layer, but it will be there. At the same time, small spores of fungi will still fall into the middle of the room, and you will breathe them. This is highly undesirable, since, once in the body, they can cause various diseases, sometimes very serious.

If you decide to work with polystyrene anyway, then before insulating an apartment in a panel house from the inside, carefully study the characteristics of ordinary and extruded polystyrene foam. Extruded is denser, it is much more expensive than usual, but at the same time, the only benefit for the overpaid money is a lower degree of combustibility. It burns, just not as much as normal. Their thermal conductivity is almost the same (+/- a hundredth).

foil insulation

Reflective insulation is a whole other story. Its effect is not as significant as the ego is made out to be. As an independent material, there is almost no sense from it, except perhaps in tandem with other heaters, and then if there is free finance. What tasks does reflective insulation perform:

  • reflects IR rays from the material that is in front of the ventilation gap. Usually this is drywall, naturally, there is almost no IR radiation there;
  • does not pass moisture - it is convenient if you are insulated with mineral wool. If you use stone wool or foam, then additional waterproofing is not needed;
  • thanks to the basis of foamed polyethylene, it dampens noise and vibration - a few millimeters of polyethylene cannot be compared with the effect of 5 or 8 cm insulation.

There are no strong arguments in favor of using reflective insulation, especially considering the fact that the cost of insulation will be almost twice as expensive.

Insulation paint

Another new method of how to insulate a panel house from the inside appeared thanks to space industry engineers. In space, weight is of decisive importance, so the task was to develop an ultra-thin and lightweight insulation, which was done. This is how the insulating paint appeared, which was used to cover the hulls of the space shuttles.

Today it is on sale as a liquid thermal insulation, which is used to insulate walls, pipelines, etc. The bottom line is that the paint has special granules that do not let heat through. At the same time, for some reason, there are doubts that a thin layer of paint will cope with reducing the heat loss of the room in the same way as 5 cm of mineral wool or polystyrene.

The method of work on the insulation of walls from the inside

Glue-foam is best suited for gluing foam boards.

Heaters in the apartment on concrete walls are fastened from the inside under false plasterboard walls. If you took the path of least resistance and chose stone wool or, in extreme cases, foam plastic as thermal insulation, then there should not be any difficulties in the work. How to insulate a corner apartment in a panel house:

  • installation of structures made of metal profiles;
  • laying under the thermal insulation guides on glue - you need to create a monolithic screen, so there should be no gaps at the joints;
  • sheathing of a metal structure with plasterboard.

On drywall after it is puttied, you can glue any finish: tiles, wallpaper, decorative stones, papier-mâché, or just paint. There are situations when it blows strongly from the corners. In this case, the question arises of how to insulate the corners in a panel house? Alternatively, you can simply blow them out with mounting foam from the inside or cover the joints of the plates with sealant. This should help, but if capital measures are needed, then it is necessary to insulate the interpanel seams from the outside. There is a technique called "Warm Seam". It involves cleaning the seam from all contents, filling it with special polyurethane foam, Vilaterma gasket and sealing the seam with mastic.

How to insulate a balcony in a panel house

Putty can be applied directly on the foam.

We have already told more than once how to insulate a balcony in a panel house. In principle, the technique is no different from wall insulation, only on the balcony, thermal insulation is also glued to the floor and ceiling. Let's better think about how to do this at minimal cost and as quickly as possible. How do you see the already insulated balcony? Really lined with clapboard or plastic? If yes, then:

  • glue the foam to the wall on the glue-foam;
  • lay a wooden crate on top - fasten it to the wall with dowels directly through the foam;
  • fasten the plastic trim elements to the crate with a stapler.

The thickness of the foam must be at least 50 mm, and preferably all 80 mm. No Penofol is needed - money thrown to the wind. It is not necessary to fasten sheets of foam plastic with plastic dowels, they will not fall off 100% anyway. The gaps between the sheets are also blown with glue foam, the remnants can not be removed, there will still be a finish. If you think that it will be more profitable to buy a universal construction adhesive, then you are mistaken - its price (relative to consumption) is equal to the price of adhesive foam, only plastic dowels will still be needed. You will also have to drill a lot, and if the walls are thin, then nothing good will come of it.

Another option is how to insulate a balcony in a panel house - for painting. You will not hang pictures or shelves on the walls there. The first layer of putty is applied to the foam glued with adhesive foam, a fiberglass reinforcing mesh is sunk into it, then another layer of putty is applied. The surfaces are then allowed to dry, primed and painted. In this case, the foam should be taken with a density of at least 25 kg / m. Cube. This method is convenient, since you can always repaint the walls in a different color.

Internal insulation of a panel house without overpayments

Most often, insulation of a corner room in a panel house is required, since it has at least two outer walls. If it is not possible to insulate from the outside, then you will have to do it from the inside, although the first option is more correct and better. To make the apartment really warmer, you need to use foam or mineral wool at least 50 mm, preferably 80 mm. Extruded polystyrene foam is not necessary, it is unreasonably more expensive than usual. The only difference is that it does not burn and smoke so much.

Ideally, it is better to opt for stone (basalt) wool. It passes moisture, does not burn at all, respectively, does not smoke. It does not absorb moisture, so steam and hydrobarriers are not needed. But she's expensive - that's her only downside.

Budget option for wall insulation from the inside:

  • polystyrene 50 mm is glued to the adhesive foam, the joints are sealed;
  • a structure made of metal profiles is installed;
  • wall drywall is attached.

Recall once again that no reflective insulation is needed - expensive and inefficient. It is only good for a bath, where there is a lot of IR radiation and it can also be glued behind the battery. Everything else is marketing and more marketing.

In order to live in the house as comfortable as possible, it should be warm and cozy. Most often, high-quality insulated walls help to keep the heat that comes from heating appliances. The lack of insulation leads to an increase in heat losses and an increase in heating costs. Let's talk about how to insulate walls in a panel house.

Wall insulation in a panel house: advantages and disadvantages

There are two main types of wall insulation:

  • internal;
  • external.

The choice of one or another option depends on the individual capabilities of the premises, its area, the type of building in which the work is carried out and the number of storeys. Insulating the walls inside the house, you will get the following benefits:

  • weather and climatic conditions do not affect the process of warming in any way;
  • reduction of heat losses in the room;
  • ease and speed of work, since there is no need to create various kinds of structural elements for wall insulation.

Despite this, internal wall insulation has the following disadvantages:

  • a slight decrease in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200brooms, especially important for small apartments;
  • internal insulation negatively affects the general microclimate of the room, since in the winter season condensate forms behind the wall, which, passing through the surface of the insulation, accumulates on the wall and leads to the formation of mold and fungus on it.

In order to avoid the appearance of the last drawback, it is necessary to build a so-called pie in the process of laying the insulation. In its composition there are materials with various kinds of vapor permeability, while the decrease in this factor is carried out closer to the outer wall.

For example, when insulating a panel house with mineral wool, it is imperative to install waterproofing in front of the insulation. Thus, the condensate that forms in the wall will be gradually discharged through the concrete surface, and will not enter the interior of the room. In addition, a high-quality ventilation system should be provided in the room.

Insulation for thermal insulation of internal walls should have the following characteristics:

  • long service life;
  • high level of fire safety and resistance to ignition;
  • environmental safety, which is especially important in internal insulation, since the use of low-quality heaters negatively affects the health of people living in the house;
  • resistance to rodents;
  • form retention;
  • low level of heat losses.

If you have the opportunity to carry out external insulation, then we recommend giving preference to it. For its implementation, materials of high quality properties are used. Most often, they are used in a slab or matte version. Among the advantages of external insulation, we note:

  1. Prevention of damage to the walls of the house by precipitation, low temperature and other external factors. Therefore, the building remains thermally stable both in winter and in summer. The lifespan of a building is significantly increased.
  2. There are no cold bridges between the connection of the walls. Accordingly, it reduces the risk of condensation, which leads to the formation of mold and mildew on the walls.
  3. In addition to protective functions, the choice of external insulation allows you to get a high-quality soundproof building. Ensuring the removal of the race point outside the house improves the resistance of the house to wetting and condensation. At the same time, it is possible to preserve the facade finish for a longer time than without the use of insulation.
  4. It is possible to save the usable area in the room, especially true for small one-room apartments.
  5. With external insulation, there are more options for insulation for installation on the facade of a building than with internal insulation. In addition, the insulation will not emit substances harmful to human health inside the house.

However, the performance of external insulation must be accompanied by protection of the insulation from external factors. To do this, ventilated facades are equipped on the facade surface or the insulation is finished in a wet type.

How to insulate a wall in a panel house: the choice of insulation

Mineral wool is used for wall insulation in panel houses most often. For its manufacture, slag or basalt stone is pressed and thermally processed. Due to the fibrous structure, warm air is retained inside the wool, thereby preventing heat loss. There are rolled and slab variants of mineral wool. Due to its non-toxicity and safety, mineral wool is used both for internal and external insulation.

The material is characterized by low thermal conductivity, good vapor permeability, long service life, fire safety. The only drawback of this insulation is its instability to moisture, therefore, during its installation, maximum waterproofing of the insulation should be ensured.

The installation of mineral wool inside the room reduces its usable area, therefore, if possible, it is recommended to use insulation from the outside.

Wall insulation on the outside of a panel house with glass wool has its advantages. This material is highly resistant to fire and low temperatures. In addition, it has excellent resistance to moisture, rodents, mold and mildew. However, during the installation of this material, special care should be taken, since the smallest particles of glass can get on the mucous membranes of the body and cause allergies and irritation. Therefore, when working with this material, wear protective clothing and a respirator.

Glass wool has excellent sound insulation characteristics, in addition, it is resistant to shrinkage and is cheap compared to other types of insulation.

Among the advantages of cellulose-based insulation, we note:

  • versatility of application;
  • environmental safety;
  • high thermal insulation performance;
  • breathability.

However, this insulation itself is unstable to moisture, fungus and mold. Therefore, it is treated with special compounds that help get rid of these shortcomings.

Styrofoam or expanded polystyrene is one of the most economical options for insulation. This insulation is characterized by moisture resistance, good sound and heat insulation characteristics, light weight and ease of installation. Expanded polystyrene is resistant to bacteria, fungi and mold. A small amount of insulation has a high thermal conductivity. Expanded polystyrene is most often used for insulation in the form of plates. If you follow the technology of its installation, then this type of insulation will serve you for a very long time.

Higher strength and durability is characterized by the use of extruded polystyrene foam, which is essentially the same foam, but has a liquid form. For blowing polystyrene foam, special equipment is used. The resulting coating is seamless, durable and has good performance characteristics.

After drying and pressing wood chips, a heater called fibrolite is formed. To connect the chips together, a binder is used, in the form of Portland cement or magnesium salt. The material has the form of plates, on the upper part of which there is a protective film. It is with its help that it is possible to prevent moisture, fungus and mold from affecting the insulation. With an increase in humidity, damage to the material occurs, therefore, after its installation, it is recommended to plaster the surface. The material is easy to install and process. The base, after its installation, becomes strong and rigid.

Cork-based insulation materials are used to insulate the walls of a panel house from the inside. This version of the insulation is the most environmentally friendly of all the above materials. Cork insulation has high strength, low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability. The insulation is in the form of panels, which are lightweight, resistant to mechanical damage and shrinkage. The material is functional and has a long service life. After installation indoors, further finishing is not necessary, as the plates themselves have an attractive appearance. In addition, cork insulation is resistant to various kinds of biological organisms. However, its only drawback is its too high cost, which fully pays off with the advantages of the material.

To create a heat-insulating barrier, which is highly resistant to moisture, a heater in the form of foamed polyurethane is used. The application of this material requires the availability of special equipment and the installation of formwork. Since the material polymerizes very quickly, in order to create a flat surface, formwork should be built from wooden boards.

After applying the foamed polyurethane, its waterproofing and vapor-permeable layer should be provided. For these purposes, most often the insulation is covered with a layer of polyethylene. Since the material has low strength, for further wall decoration, plasterboard walls should be mounted, so this insulation option will not only reduce the usable area, but will also require additional costs for installing plasterboard or plywood walls.

Before starting wall insulation in a panel house, you should perform the following steps:

  • choose the method of insulation, the type of material and its shape;
  • purchase materials and additional tools, if necessary;
  • insulation of external walls is carried out only at positive temperatures, preferably in summer;
  • walls should not be wet; use a cannon to dry them additionally;
  • all finishes should be removed from the walls, for interior walls - wallpaper, paint, decorative finishing materials, for exterior walls - the facade should also be well cleaned and dried;
  • use a vacuum cleaner and a broom to clean the walls;
  • before installing the insulation, apply an antiseptic composition to the surface of the walls;
  • then a deep penetration primer should be applied to the wall, which will ensure high adhesion of the insulation to the wall.

Make sure that before applying the primer, the wall dries as much as possible after the antiseptic. For additional alignment of the walls, plaster is used. Only after it dries does the process of installing insulation on panel walls follow.

For additional sealing of all seams, use a silicone-based sealant. The technology for installing the insulation depends on what kind of insulation it was purchased earlier. Plate or roll options are most often fixed on the wall using special fasteners with large caps. To install foamed insulation options, presented in liquid form, compressor equipment is used.

Heating in the wall of a panel house: foam insulation

After preparing the surface, leveling it and coating it with a primer, the insulation should be installed. At the preparatory stage, make sure that the seams at the joints of the walls are airtight. If there is a crumbling finish, it should be removed.

To install foam plastic on the outer wall of a panel house, several spatulas should be prepared for applying glue. It is most reliable to install insulation using a combined method, that is, using glue and dowels.

Start work from the bottom of the wall, gradually moving to the top. Install the starting bar on the lower part of the facade. For applying glue, it is best to use a spatula or comb.

Try to completely cover the wall with glue, even in uneven places and seams. Otherwise, through the bridges of cold, the level of heat loss in the house will increase. After surface treatment with glue, the foam board is applied to the wall and pressed. After a few days, the work continues. In order to further secure the foam, special fasteners or plastic nails are used. If there are small gaps, use foam to fill them. In order to remove bumps from the wall after insulation, use a plastic grater.

For additional reinforcement of the foam, use a mesh. First, it is used to glue the corners, then the rest of the wall. To fix the mesh on the surface, glue is used, and after it dries, the walls are leveled with plaster or special mixtures and the finish is made.

Insulation of the apartment from the inside most often becomes necessary in houses with panel walls, since they are not thick enough, they quickly cool down, the heating system cannot fully cope with its tasks, and the temperature in the rooms drops. How to insulate a wall inside an apartment, and what methods and materials to use - this question confronts most homeowners in concrete high-rise buildings. External walls in such houses become cold especially quickly, and often, due to temperature changes, they begin to dampen and become covered with mold.

Sometimes, when there is such an opportunity, the thermal insulation of the walls is carried out from the outside, since this is - more efficient way keeping warm. However, this option is very expensive due to the complexity of its implementation, and it is impossible to carry out such events on your own, without the use of special equipment, if the apartment is located above the first or second floor. Therefore, a decision is made to insulate the walls from the inside, to the detriment of the total usable area. But be that as it may, a warm apartment of a slightly smaller area is better than large cold rooms. Internal work may well be carried out with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to choose the right material and have the right tools.

If autonomous heating equipment is installed in the apartment, then wall insulation will help save energy resources, which are very expensive today.

Compared with the external thermal insulation of walls, the internal insulation of the apartment has its rather significant drawbacks:

  • An insulated wall does not accumulate or retain heat, and heat losses range from 8 to 15%.

With internal insulation, the “dew point” may be inside the insulation, which leads to dampness

  • The "dew point" for internal thermal insulation is between the insulation and the wall, sometimes inside the insulation layer. This leads to the formation of condensation and the appearance of mold colonies.
  • An improperly insulated wall from the inside will freeze all the time, and this inevitably causes irreversible destructive processes in the thickness of the material over time.

Proper insulation

So that condensation does not form under the thermal insulation layer from temperature changes in winter, and also, as a result, mold spots do not appear on the walls, you must carefully follow all the technological recommendations for insulating concrete walls from the inside of the apartment.

An important element in the structure of the thermal insulation "pie" is a high-quality vapor barrier. It should protect the insulation from moisture penetration, which will allow the entire structure to effectively perform its functions for a long time.

What work needs to be done to achieve the goal?

  • It is necessary to purchase a high quality vapor barrier film and waterproof tape to seal the seams on the connection of its sheets.
  • For the insulation layer, you need to choose a material that has low vapor permeability. It is desirable that this indicator be lower than the vapor permeability of the wall material. In this case, moisture evaporation will occur towards the street, and not inside the apartment.
  • When gluing the insulation, its surface is completely smeared with glue using spatula-comb, and it is pressed very tightly against the surface of the wall, so that even small cavities do not remain between them.
  • In order to avoid the occurrence of excessively high relative humidity inside the premises, they must be equipped with additional ventilation of a natural or forced type. For example, for this, valves are installed on the window frames through which air will enter the room.
  • Next, you need to accurately calculate the required thickness of the insulation. It will depend on the average daily temperature in the region in winter. The thickness of the thermal insulation material should not be less than those parameters that were obtained during the calculations, otherwise the steam and heat balance will be violated.
  • Before installing the insulation system, the walls must be treated with special primers. They will "treat" the wall, will not allow mold colonies to form on it, and will also increase adhesion when gluing thermal insulation.
  • Installation of insulation can only be started after the wall has completely dried.
  • It is impossible to allow the formation of "cold bridges", which can nullify the entire insulation process. The risk of their occurrence is especially high at the junctions of walls and ceilings.

What heaters and how are they used

For the process of wall insulation from the inside, several types of heaters are applicable. Which one to choose is up to the homeowner to decide after he gets to know their characteristics and installation methods better.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is a traditional material for insulating interior work, but for concrete exterior walls, you need to choose a type of thermal insulator that has a very high density - this creates vapor tightness, and in this case it is necessary. The property of mineral wool to pass air, i.e. It is rather harmful to “breathe” in this situation, since condensation will form on the wall during temperature changes. To avoid this, it is necessary to choose mineral wool with a high density, comparable to expanded polystyrene.

In addition, high-quality installation of vapor barrier is necessary. If all these conditions are not met, the work will be done in vain, since after the appearance of fungus and the smell of dampness in the premises, the structure will have to be dismantled. Therefore, for insulation of external walls, not insulated from the street, it is better to refuse to use mineral wool, or to use only its dense types with the creation of the necessary air gap for ventilation. Learn more about it in this video:

Video: wall insulation inside using mineral wool


Styrofoam, polystyrene foam or penoplex are more suitable for insulating external walls from inside the apartment. These materials have all the necessary properties, the main of which is low thermal conductivity. In addition to this quality, expanded polystyrene has other important characteristics that predetermine the possibility of its use specifically for internal thermal insulation works:

Extruded polystyrene foam is an excellent insulation, but "eats" a lot of usable area

  • The mass of the material is small, and this facilitates installation. In addition, the hard and flat surface allows you to fix it well on the wall.
  • Expanded polystyrene is easy to process - if necessary, it can be cut with a construction knife.
  • The material is able to withstand tearing forces and strong compression, which often occur in walls, for example, during temperature changes or structural shrinkage.

Since ordinary or extruded polystyrene foam practically does not absorb moisture, it will not allow it to enter the “dew point”, therefore, using this material, you can not use a vapor barrier. At the joints of walls and floor slabs, cold bridges can be insulated with mounting foam. You can also fix the plates to the wall surface with foam - it, expanding, will fill all the gaps between insulation boards and the wall, making the surface airtight. Special locking grooves and spikes available on extruded polystyrene foam plates will help to make the surface whole.

Having installed a number of plates, they are attached to the wall with the help of special “fungus” fasteners. To do this, the mounted panels are drilled through, making a hole in the wall, and then fasteners are hammered into it.

It should be noted that the foam does not dampen the noise enough and this is one of its shortcomings. In addition, any of the types of expanded polystyrene is combustible, to one degree or another, and when ignited, it releases substances hazardous to human health.

After installing the plates and "sealing" all the cracks and seams, the thermal insulation layer can be plastered or covered with drywall sheets.

Video: insulation of the inner wall with expanded polystyrene panels

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a form of all-foaming polymer that is sprayed onto the prepared wall using special equipment. At the household level, almost everyone met him if they used polyurethane foam.

A crate made of wooden beams is pre-fixed to the wall to be insulated, which will serve as support guides for the sprayed material, as well as the basis for fixing decorative finishes or plasterboard sheathing.

Polyurethane foam is good because it penetrates into all cracks and irregularities, creating a seamless sealed surface that fits snugly, without any "pockets" and voids to the load-bearing wall, leaving no cavities for condensate to accumulate.

This material is moisture resistant and has a very low thermal conductivity. When deciding to use polyurethane foam, you can safely refuse hydro and vapor barrier.

Installation of polyurethane foam is carried out quickly enough, but without special equipment it will not work to produce it on your own, so you will have to invite specialists.

Insulation with polyurethane foam is very effective, but only specialists can carry it out

In addition to the above positive qualities of this material, the following can be mentioned:

  • After spraying, polyurethane foam quickly acquires volumetric shapes and hardens. Thus, having installed such a thermal insulation layer, the very next day you can safely proceed with the installation of drywall.
  • The insulation perfectly seals the "cold bridges" at the junctions of the planes.
  • Polyurethane foam has good adhesive qualities with any, even and uneven surfaces and perfectly isolates the dew point from the penetration of moisture to it from the inside.
  • The material is convenient for warming rooms that have non-standard shapes, for example, if the transition from wall to ceiling has an arch structure or the walls are made in a curved configuration.
  • Such a coating can have any - plasterboard or plaster exterior finish, at the choice of the owners of insulated housing.

Video: wall insulation from the inside with polyurethane foam spraying


Another material for insulation, the installation of which can be done independently, is cork.

Insulation of the apartment with mineral wool

With this technique, the walls do not require special preparation, they do not even need to be plastered. Wooden or metal slats are immediately attached to the surface. The height of the rails must correspond to the thickness of the heat insulator, the distance between them is taken as the width of the roll (mat) minus 2 cm to ensure a tight entry of the material into the frame.

A vapor barrier film is laid on top of the rails; it can be attached to the wall with “liquid nails”. Next, mineral wool is laid, on top of which another layer of vapor barrier is performed. After that, the entire structure is covered with drywall, the sheets of which are attached directly to the rails. Further finishing is a matter of taste of the owners.

Plaster as a method of insulation

Plastering of wall surfaces is one of the oldest ways of insulating a dwelling by a person. Nevertheless, it is still effectively used today according to proven modern technology in three layers:

  • The first layer (5-10 mm) is sprayed. It is applied with a liquid mortar to fill cracks and crevices.
  • The second layer (50-60 mm) is the primer. Acts as a heat insulator
  • The third layer (3-5 mm) - covering, finishing alignment of the wall

It remains to be added that this method is a champion in environmental cleanliness and hygiene of the premises.

A few years after the construction of a panel house, the residents have a question: how to properly insulate it? Over time, the ability of concrete slabs to retain warm air and prevent the penetration of cold air is significantly reduced. Heat loss begins not only through windows, but also through walls. In winter, this situation begins not only to bring some discomfort to the existence of the family, but also to be very annoying. There is only one way out of this situation - the insulation of the walls of the panel house.

Insulate the facade of a panel house

If you insulate the room from the outside, you can avoid heat loss through the wall, which will also serve as an obstacle to the destruction of the structure. In addition, the use of various finishing materials will give the house a new, more modern look. External insulation has other advantages:

  • tenants can continue to live in the house during construction work;
  • the temperature inside the building is increased by the use of thermal insulation material;
  • the dimensions of the room remain the same;
  • the design of the room becomes stronger, the service life increases;
  • thermal insulation plays the role of soundproofing material, reducing the likelihood of noise entering the room.

Insulation of a panel house from the outside is very effective, because it allows you to reduce heat loss and save on paying for the coolant. In some cases, the amount of savings reaches half the usual cost.

Necessary materials and tools

Keeping warm without the use of additional electrical appliances can be very effective. For a properly organized process, there are various types of insulating materials. The most popular are:

  • mineral wool;
  • drywall;
  • Styrofoam;
  • plaster.

The materials used in the work must certainly be of high quality. Otherwise, getting a positive effect will be a big question. Some of the materials presented on the modern construction market are designed specifically for use in outdoor conditions.

How to insulate walls

There are two technologies by which the walls are insulated:

  1. Wet facade.
  2. Ventilated facade.

For insulation using the materials described above, use the first method. To organize a ventilated facade, a system for creating a metal frame is used, on which finishing material is subsequently attached.

The method by which the reinforcement is carried out with finishing materials in case the "wet" method of protecting facades is chosen is quite simple. The wall to be treated is necessarily treated with mastic, after which it is left to dry.

The surface, dried after processing the joints, is ready for further work. She will have to be covered with a primer, which can be done using both a roller and a special sprayer.

On a pre-prepared wall, heat-insulating material is to be fixed. This can be done with glue, fasteners (nails, dowels). A combination of mounting methods is possible.


High-quality insulation of a panel house begins with floor protection. This issue is especially relevant for citizens living on the first floors. In most cases, they have to resort to such events.

To reduce heat loss through the floor, the builders provided for the construction of a lag on the floor of an apartment located on the 1st floor of a multi-storey building. In the cells, which are organized by the intersection of the elements of the wooden structure, insulating materials are laid. It can be either foam plastic or mineral wool, or more exotic material options: expanded clay or sawdust. (You can read more about the types and brands of expanded clay).

Modern building and finishing materials are presented in such a variety that each owner of the premises will find his own version of floor insulation. In addition, new materials are constantly appearing, but they have managed to prove themselves perfectly. This can be said about such types of heaters as polyurethane foam or penoizol. The use of even a thin 30 mm layer of these materials will significantly reduce heat loss.

You can learn how to insulate the floor in a room with your own hands quickly and efficiently by watching the video.


A large amount of useful thermal energy is lost in a panel house through seams. This problem can also be easily solved by processing them. Monolithic solution of the distance between the plates allows you to fill the existing voids in the seams and contributes to the insulation of the entire structure as a whole.

The choice of mixtures that can be used to fill the seams in a panel house involves both their self-preparation and the purchase of a finished product. One way or another, these compositions can be filled with foam balls to delay the flow of heat, and with particles of air to keep the heat trying to get into the street.

If the distance between the seams is large, then you can fill it with a soft insulating fiber. In the role of it is the well-known mineral wool. Its key features are as follows:

  • high compression ratio;
  • possibility of use in work at negative air temperatures;
  • ease of use, which consists in ease of installation and the absence of a list of tools, without which the work would be impossible.

Mineral wool fibers are volatile, and they can also release formaldehyde components. These facts lead to a decrease in the frequency of use of this material in the insulation of panel joints. More practical in such a situation is stone wool, which is safe for the health of residents and has fibers that do not break.


Modern insulation, which is used very often. It is quite economical, easy to use and easy to install. Independent installation work is possible even for an inexperienced person, and work on high floors requires the involvement of industrial climbers.

After the plates on the outside have been processed, insulation can be attached to them. If foam is used as this material, then you should remember the recommended thickness of the material. It should not be less than 50 mm. On the inside of each sheet should be applied glue, which is specially designed for work of this kind.

The laying of insulation should not be accompanied by the formation of cracks, because the work will not make sense: precious heat will escape through them. This can be avoided only with the competent organization of installation work and the use, in addition to glue, and other types of fasteners.

Mineral wool

Many manufacturers work with this type of insulation, like mineral wool. It is quite effective, but there are certain nuances when working with this material. So, cotton wool should not get wet, otherwise its thermal insulation properties will be lost. To avoid the accumulation of moisture in the layers of insulation, before installation, the material is protected by laying vapor barrier materials.

The membrane may not be used if such a method of insulation as a ventilated facade is chosen. In this case, moisture will be removed due to the air gap.


The issue of room insulation must be taken seriously. In certain climatic conditions, wall insulation with mineral wool is considered quite justified. In this case, you can not do without drywall sheets.

In this way, it is possible to insulate not only facade surfaces, but also living quarters: balconies, loggias, walls inside technical rooms. At the same time, you should be more careful with the amount of mineral wool used. Its excess will not only not make the apartment warmer, but will also contribute to excessive cooling.

Preparatory work

Turning an apartment into a room that meets all the requirements for thermal insulation is possible. To do this, it is necessary to correctly organize measures for warming. The preparatory stage also plays a big role. It needs:

  • process the joints between the plates;
  • carefully seal the gaps;
  • clean all cracks from construction debris;
  • seal all parts of the building that will be in contact with the insulation;
  • insulation of large gaps with mineral or stone wool.

If the cracks were additionally insulated, a layer of mastic must be placed on top.

How to insulate a panel house. Step-by-step instruction

The instructions for warming a panel house contain the following steps:

  • the choice of material and its quantity depending on climatic conditions and purposes;
  • purchase of materials and construction tools;
  • drying walls with a heat gun;
  • removal of possible finishes from the walls to be insulated;
  • applying an antiseptic composition to surfaces that will soon be covered;
  • applying a primer; (how to properly apply a primer, see the article Wall Primer - Surface Preparation)
  • sealing of seams, if necessary - additional insulation;
  • installation of insulation (using glue, plasterboard sheets and a metal frame);
  • the use of metal mesh for additional reinforcement;
  • insulation trim if necessary.

The beginning of work should fall on the bottom of the wall, because that is where the starting bar is installed. Glue is best applied with a spatula.

Experts with extensive experience in installation work advise:

  • to insulate the camp of a panel house in the summer;
  • with external insulation, it will be useful to insulate the inner parts of the wall;
  • the best option would be to use seamless technologies, as this will save additional heat;
  • some modern technologies are very convenient, for example, the use of foamed polyurethane for insulation, which can even be applied by spraying;
  • do not forget about the use of vapor barrier;
  • the selected material should not be afraid of moisture.

Compliance with the rules for installing heat-insulating materials will not only make the room warmer and more comfortable, but also significantly extend the life of the walls, because an additional layer of coating protects them from destruction.

It is worth thinking about how to insulate a wall in a corner apartment from the inside even before the onset of winter frosts. Many, especially residents of the northern regions, are well aware that you should not rely on a home heating system. Therefore, it is best to prepare tools and materials in advance and insulate the corner apartment yourself. Moreover, it is not as difficult to do as it seems.

Why insulate corner-type apartments?

Despite the rapid growth in the number of modern residential complexes, many Russians still live in outdated Khrushchev apartments. These buildings are distinguished by old heating systems and do not withstand sudden weather changes. First of all, residents of corner apartments suffer from this. With the first cold snaps, it becomes cold in their dwellings, because cool air very quickly penetrates into the cracks in the walls of buildings. Another important reason for the need to install insulation lies in the layout of corner apartments. In them, not one, but two walls border the street, which further aggravates the situation of the residents. In such situations, even the presence of batteries and additional heaters does not save the inhabitants.

Due to severe frosts, the corners of adjacent walls of the room are frosted over. As a result, plaster and wallpaper depart from the surface, which causes the appearance of mold and fungus. In the corner rooms it becomes very damp, and an unpleasant smell forms, which interferes with normal living. Unable to withstand such conditions, sooner or later people ask themselves: "How to insulate a corner bedroom or living room?". With the help of this necessary procedure, you can not only make your stay more comfortable, but also save on heating. Plus, the residents of the house will be protected from dangerous fungi that cause asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Choosing a material - mineral wool or polystyrene?

Today, in order to, there are a lot of different materials. They are classified into those that are used for installation outside, and those that are intended for installation inside the house. It is worth remembering that some kind of universal material does not exist, because each of the heaters has its own advantages and disadvantages. Among the main requirements for materials, we can distinguish:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • air tightness;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • appropriate environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to ignition;
  • long service life.

Using the crate

To have an idea about the properties of the most popular materials, it is worth considering each of them in more detail. Mineral wool has long been considered the most popular insulation. The main raw material for the production of this insulation is basalt. The material is among the products with a low degree of flammability. Even if the product starts to burn, it does not emit acrid smoke that can somehow harm a person.

Installing mineral wool does not require skills. This material is very malleable and plastic, it is tightly pressed against the wall and does not lag behind it for a long time. However, after a certain time, cotton wool absorbs moisture and begins to deform. In addition, as a result of the research, it was found that the material contains a small proportion of substances that adversely affect the human respiratory tract. Among other shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the large mass of the product, which makes its installation alone difficult.

Another popular material is polystyrene foam or, as it is also called, polystyrene foam. This is polystyrene well whipped with a powerful mixer, cooled to low temperatures. The prices for this product are very low, and installation does not require skills and high physical costs. The lion's share of the composition of the material is ordinary air, so it is absolutely harmless to the health of residents. This insulation is one of the few that can be used both for work outside and inside the building. The reason is resistance to temperature changes from -170 to +60 ° C.

Insulation can be mounted on various surfaces. It does not require the use of special fasteners. Another advantage of the material is its long service life. In addition to the advantages, the insulation has its drawbacks. So, the material cannot be used for installation in a wooden building, as it produces a large amount of condensate inside it. However, the product works perfectly in a brick building or in buildings built from concrete blocks.

Installation of insulation inside a panel building - where to start?

Features of the installation of the material may vary slightly, depending on the type of building. The first option that we will consider is a panel building. So that in the rooms of a corner apartment, first of all, it is necessary to clean the surfaces. Therefore, it is best to mount the material immediately before performing cosmetic or major repairs. As soon as the surfaces are cleaned, proceed with the installation of waterproofing in the form of special polymer membranes. In the vast majority of cases, their role is played by polyethylene films with a thickness of no more than 0.3 mm.

Insulation of the apartment from the inside

When stretching the waterproofing, it is very important to install the material as accurately as possible, without leaving any section of the wall open. To do this, select the membrane clearly in accordance with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment. If there are no whole pieces of material on sale, it can be purchased in the form of wide strips. The next step will be the installation of a wooden or metal crate. An important nuance - if the structure is made of wood, it will need to be treated with an antiseptic before installation. The distance between the partitions of the crate should not be less than the width of one unit of insulation.

So, if you bought polyurethane foam slabs with a width of 2 m, then the distance between the partitions of the structure should also be 2 m. So you can install insulation without leaving gaps

Insulation installation

After installing the crate, it's time to install the material for insulation. Most products are made in the form of mats, one side of which is springy. When you squeeze the material, it shrinks, and then immediately returns to its original shape. This makes the installation of insulation much easier. After installation, the surfaces of the material are pulled over with a vapor barrier. It will provide insulation of walls and insulation from condensate. At this stage, you also need to try to act as accurately as possible, without leaving cracks or grooves. For greater reliability, sealant should be applied at the joints of the vapor barrier.

Installing material in a brick building - tips for amateurs

The process of installing insulation inside a brick building has its own characteristics and is slightly different from the insulation of rooms in a panel building. At the same time, there should not be any special difficulties in the process of work. Since expanded polystyrene is considered the most popular material for this type of work, we will consider the algorithm of work using the example of this particular insulation.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene

First of all, you need to properly prepare the surface of the brick wall. If there is no plaster on it, then it must be applied. If you are starting to install insulation in an already living room, then dismantle the wall decoration and putty before installation. If necessary, level the surface of the walls, seal all gaps and cracks and apply a primer that will penetrate into the smallest and deepest pores. It is important that the primer contains substances with antiseptic properties.

The next step is to dilute the glue. This is done strictly according to the instructions for use of the composition. We apply the mixture to the surface of the walls with a smooth spatula, after which we work through the layer with a tool with teeth. Without waiting for the glue to dry, we take sheets of expanded polystyrene and apply them in turn to the wall, pressing tightly and holding for several seconds. It makes no sense to use dowels to fix the insulation, since the glue will perfectly hold the material on the wall.

We mount plates without gaps

When installing each plate, make sure that there are no gaps between them! Remember that the denser the material is installed, the warmer it will be in your apartment. Further actions depend only on your plans. If you decide to put putty on top of the insulation, you will need to prime the surface before that. If plaster is to be applied, a reinforcing mesh must be installed.

Styrofoam grades - the most popular insulation

In stores you can find not one, but several brands of polystyrene foam at once. Depending on the method of production of the material, the inscriptions "PS" and "PSB" can be found on the packages. The first means that the material was made by pressing, and the second - non-pressing. In addition to this marking, there are also numbers on the foam packaging. What do they mean?

So, S-15- This is a very dense material produced by the non-pressing method. This foam is great for outdoor work in multi-storey buildings, it is often used to insulate attics and roofs. Among its properties, it is worth highlighting environmental friendliness, high moisture resistance and fire resistance. S-25 PSB- This is another insulation made by a non-pressing method. This foam is great for installation in corner apartments, as it has all the necessary qualities for this. In addition, this type of expanded polystyrene is often used to insulate floors and loggias.

Styrofoam grade S-35 PSB

If there are a large number of communications in the walls, or their installation is only planned, then for better insulation it is worth choosing a brand of foam S-35 PSB. The great advantage of the material is its resistance to bad weather conditions. It is absolutely not afraid of mechanical damage and has high fire resistance. The most dense is the expanded polystyrene brand S-50 PSB. It is often used in regions where hail often falls and strong winds blow. Such a heater is not afraid of precipitation, condensation or mechanical damage. True, its cost is quite high.

Mineral foam - how to decide?

This material is also in high demand due to its characteristics and reliability. However, not all of its brands are suitable for certain jobs. So, cotton wool with markings P-75 will be an excellent heater in corner apartments. She is not afraid of moisture and fire. However, if this material is not laid correctly, it deforms very quickly due to the ability to absorb condensate vapors. Mineral wool P-125 denser and stronger than the first type. It is often mounted outside brick and concrete buildings in regions with a mild climate. However, it is completely unsuitable for use in buildings located in the northernmost regions of Russia. Another disadvantage of this material is its high cost.

Cotton wool stamps PPZh-200 and PZh-175 characterized by increased density and rigidity. She is not afraid of fluctuations in temperature, the influence of frequent precipitation. The only drawback is the large mass of plates. To insulate housing, it is required to involve 3-4 people. As for the manufacturers of the material, the products of companies are considered to be of the highest quality. Isover, Ursa, rockwool and Isorok.