Roof insulation with styrofoam. A quick way to insulate the roof with polystyrene foam using a special technology Insulation of a flat roof with polystyrene foam from the outside

It is possible to reduce the cost of heating a house not only by using energy efficient equipment, but also high-quality insulation. We talked about how to properly insulate the roof.

In this case, the installation of insulation should be carried out on absolutely all building structures, including the roof.

An acceptable result can only be achieved right choosing and following the technology of its application.

For the manufacture of foam, various polymeric raw materials can be used, incl. polystyrene, from which expanded polystyrene is produced.

However, the difference in manufacturing technologies of these materials leads to different physical properties finished product.

So, expanded polystyrene is more durable. This is achieved by the fact that, unlike the latter, in the foam plastic, the foamed granules of the feedstock only sinter with each other upon cooling.

In expanded polystyrene, the raw material is foamed not just by hot steam treatment, but by extrusion - melting and mixing with foaming agents. The result is material with much smaller cells than in foam.

In addition, expanded polystyrene is actually a monolithic material with big amount sealed cells filled with carbon dioxide.

From the difference in production technologies, the main differences between polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam follow:

  • styrofoam is less dense;
  • unlike styrofoam, expanded polystyrene does not absorb moisture;
  • mechanical the strength of expanded polystyrene is much higher.

Accordingly, roof insulation with polystyrene foam is practiced in those places where ordinary foam is of little use. As an alternative to expanded polystyrene, you can insulate the roof.

Types of expanded polystyrene

The classification of expanded polystyrenes is based on the technology of their manufacture.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Among the most significant virtues expanded polystyrene include the following:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • light weight, which simplifies installation even on roofs of complex configuration;
  • hardness;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • durability.

However, the material also has some flaws:

  • actively supports combustion, with the exception of fireproof samples;
  • quite difficult to perfectly join the sheets of material, which leads to the appearance bridges of cold;
    easily damaged by rodents;
  • decomposes under the influence of vapors active chemicals;
  • ages quickly and crumbles under ultraviolet light.

However, if we exclude the impact of destructive factors, then for roof insulation, expanded polystyrene is one of the most suitable materials. If you decide to abandon polystyrene foam, then we recommend that you pay attention to.

How to choose high-quality polystyrene foam?

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of insulation, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points before buying:

  • material must be non-flammable type;
  • It is not worth focusing only on the numbers in the marking. It gives a rounded value for the weight of a cubic meter of material. It is necessary to clarify specific figures from the technical specifications;
  • the most suitable extruded polystyrene foam for roof insulation has a density of about 40 kg per 1 cubic meter;
  • when trying to break off a piece of material, small polyhedra should be visible on the cut, and not large balls;
  • it's only worth choosing well-known manufacturers that guarantee the quality of their products.


Apply material with density less than 17 kg per 1 cubic meter. as roofing material extremely undesirable. It has excessively high porosity and will accumulate moisture.

How to choose the optimal thickness of insulation?

The choice of thickness of expanded polystyrene for roof insulation is influenced by several factors.

Firstly, roof type: flat or pitched.

Secondly, the presence insulated attic.

Third, climatic conditions.

Practice shows that for middle lane the most optimal is thickness of expanded polystyrene in 100 mm. This thickness can be several layers of material laying them with overlapping and waterproofing of seams.

Roof insulation with polystyrene foam: technology and practical advice

The sequence of actions for warming flat pitched roofs differs significantly. If flat roofs are warmed With outside , That pitched sheathed from the attic. If you are planning to insulate a mansard roof, then be sure to read.

External insulation of a flat roof:

  1. on the cleaned reinforced concrete base flat roof apply a layer bitumen-polymer waterproofing. It can be both various mastics and welded roll materials;
  2. if necessary, a slope-forming layer of fine gravel, slag, expanded clay, etc. is poured;
  3. fit vapor barrier sheet. The joints of the overlapped canvases are sealed with adhesive tape. Vapor barrier is necessary here for the reason that there may be microcracks in the floor slabs of a flat roof, and leaky seams may remain between them. Without vapor barrier from the inside, moisture from warm rooms will penetrate under the insulation and accumulate there;
  4. how can close to each other expanded polystyrene sheets are laid out;
  5. layer is laid fiberglass For mechanical protection insulation. Can be used instead of canvas sheets flat slate or other materials capable of taking on significant loads;
  6. overlapped sheets waterproofing material;
  7. mounted roofing.

Scheme of a flat roofing pie

When using polystyrene foam for interior pitched roof insulation, the laying technology will be slightly different:

  1. the entire inner part of the roof, together with the rafters and the crate, is laid. Canvases are placed with overlap, joints are glued with sealing tape;
  2. insulation sheets cut to size are attached. To fix them, you can use either glue or specialized fasteners(nails with very large hats);
  3. all joints between sheets and rafters are treated with polystyrene foam adhesive;
  4. if necessary, the following layers of insulation are applied. Each layer is sealed separately;
  5. . Vapor barrier film prevent moisture from entering warm air attic space inside the warming cake. To ensure waterproofing, the joints of the canvases are glued with construction tape.
  6. the resulting design is sewn up with sheet finishing materials (moisture resistant drywall, multilayer plywood, fiberboard, etc.);
  7. finishing is installed.

Finishing work on roof insulation

The insulation is laid in several layers to create the required thickness.

For interior decoration, it makes sense to use materials with low thermal conductivity (wooden lining, timber imitation, etc.). This will help improve the quality of the insulation. If you are planning, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the nuances of insulation.

Not allowed to use sealants chemically incompatible with this insulating material.

As you can see, roof insulation with polystyrene foam is not such a complicated process as it seems at first glance. With proper preparation, even a novice in the construction business can lay the insulation.

Useful video

We bring to your attention a video instruction on self-insulation polystyrene roofs:


Roof insulation with polystyrene foam profitable both in terms of the effect achieved, and in terms of the cost-effectiveness of the entire event. Consumables are not too expensive and independent execution of all works gives even greater savings.

In contact with

Polymer-based heat insulators are one of the most popular materials for insulating roofs of various structures. You can insulate the roof with foam plastic very quickly, while all the work is easily done by hand. In this article, we will talk about the technology of roof insulation with foam plastic, and also point out the points that you should pay attention to in the first place.

What is this material

Styrofoam is expanded polystyrene, which consists of almost 100% glued air bubbles enclosed in a polystyrene shell - this makes the material very light.

The main advantages of polystyrene include:

  • extremely low weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • not afraid of exposure to moisture and temperature changes;
  • does not cause allergies, and does not harm environment;
  • fungus does not develop on it, and rodents do not damage it;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • does not deform over time;
  • long service life - up to 25-80 years;
  • minimum price.

The disadvantage of polystyrene can be attributed to its sensitivity to external factors, as well as the fact that its transportation should be carried out with extreme caution. The laying of the material should be carried out in such a way that the material is protected from mechanical damage, and also not in direct sunlight.

Before insulating the roof with polystyrene foam, you need to decide on the right choice, all must be taken into account. specifications material and studied various brands.

  • PSB-15 (15 kg / m 3). It happens with a thickness of 50-100 mm, and is used for thermal insulation of pitched and mansard roofs as well as ceilings.
  • PSB-25 (25 kg / m 3). Used for wall insulation. The thickness is the same.
  • PSB-35 (35 kg / m 3). It is intended for laying in places where it is necessary to withstand large mechanical loads; applicable for thermal insulation of flat roofs, floors, as well as attic floors.

Cons of foam as a heater

Quite often, people wonder if it is possible to insulate a flat roof with extruded polystyrene foam? Polystyrene fumes are poisonous, but the material in ready-made does not emit harmful elements. A small hazard may arise when polystyrene boards are exposed to an open flame. However, for the insulation of residential buildings, self-extinguishing foam is used, which does not belong to fire hazardous materials.

Naturally, flat roof insulation with polystyrene foam will great solution. However, it is slightly inferior to cotton wool in terms of functionality, because due to its dense structure, foam sheets cannot close the gaps between structures everywhere, as a result of which cold bridges appear in them, and moisture also collects. Such a problem cannot always be eliminated even by processing joints. construction foam or sealant. As a result, wooden structures may begin to collapse.

Expanded polystyrene has sufficiently high soundproofing properties, however, it can be used in noisy metal roofs not entirely advisable, since cotton heaters do better with this.

Styrofoam insulation

The technology for installing foam plastic and extruded polystyrene foam is practically the same, because in both cases we are dealing with foamed polymer insulation in slabs. The only difference is that they have different performance characteristics.

Styrofoam is made by the method of repeated steam exposure to polystyrene. As a result, the granules significantly increase in volume, and are interconnected. Nevertheless, the foam plastic has low fracture strength, and due to significant mechanical impact, it crumbles into granules.

The extrusion method consists in the fact that, first of all, the granules are melted, and only after that they are exposed to freon and carbon dioxide. As a result, extruded polystyrene foam acquires strength, an integral structure in which gas cells have a closed shape. Extruded polystyrene foam is the latest technological material with a long service life, and its functional properties are much better than those of polystyrene. It is worth paying attention to this when making roof insulation from polystyrene.

To date, penoplex is a household name, it is quite often indicated when designating polystyrene foam.

Styrofoam insulation technology

To insulate the roof with polystyrene, its base must first be thoroughly cleaned and dried. By and large, such material can only be laid with waterproofing, but if you want to maximize the life of the roof, it is strongly recommended to additionally include a vapor barrier layer, otherwise moisture will begin to condense from inside the insulation. This will not affect the foam in any way, however, wood elements can become moldy and rot over time.

Roof insulation with extruded polystyrene foam can be carried out in several ways:

  • gluing, for example, on mastic, liquid nails or facade frost-resistant adhesives;
  • mechanical fixation;
  • flooring method;
  • laying in a crate.

If the situation so requires, fixation methods can be combined.

How to properly insulate a pitched roof

If you are still deciding how best to insulate the roof with foam plastic, then it is better to decide on its type at the time of designing the roof. Thus, it will be possible to match the width sheet material and rafter pitch. By insulating the roof with polystyrene foam, you will significantly reduce your material costs. On sale you can find sheet insulation that allows you to lay it without gaps between the rafters in increments of up to 2 m.

Also, do not forget about taking into account the climatic features of your region in the technological calculation. This will make it possible to correctly calculate desired thickness thermal insulation layer - as a rule, it is at least 10 cm.

Extruded polystyrene foam for the roof is laid on the crate between the rafters. To make the grip as reliable as possible, you can use glue and dowels. Most likely, insignificant gaps form between the slabs and the construction legs. They are either filled with sealant or carefully blown out. mounting foam. If this is not done, subsequently cold bridges will form in such places, in which moisture will condense, which will have an extremely negative effect on wooden elements rafter systems. After that, if desired, a vapor barrier is laid, everything is sheathed with drywall or clapboard.

Flat roof insulation technology

Roof insulation with extruded polystyrene foam from the outside is a fairly popular method. The base of the roof is thoroughly cleaned and covered with a waterproofing film. Styrofoam boards you can simply lay, glue or fix with dowels. It is desirable that no gaps form between the plates, and their joining is carried out with maximum density.

A vapor barrier membrane can be laid on top of the heat insulator, and then expanded polystyrene plates can be laid. Next, the base is covered with expanded clay, and a cement mortar screed is poured on top.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene can be performed, for example, in such a roofing pie:

  • reinforced concrete base;
  • bitumen-polymer waterproofing;
  • plate heat insulator;
  • geotextile;
  • gravel backfill.

Thanks to this, it is possible to create a roof that can withstand heavy loads.

There are roofing pies and more complicated, in which the top layer is a layer of soil for planting.

Insulating the inside of a flat roof

There are situations when, during the operation of an already finished roof, it is necessary to equip additional insulation. Therefore, if you asked yourself the question, is it possible to insulate the roof with foam plastic from the inside, so as not to disassemble roofing cake, in this case the answer is yes. You just need to decide on the thickness of the insulation.

Roof insulation with polystyrene foam from the inside involves fixing the sheets to the ceiling with glue or dowels. The main thing is to properly process the base before this to ensure the best adhesion of the material. Special attention pay attention to the tightness of the sheets to each other. To eliminate the voids formed at the joints during mating, use a sealant.

For subsequent finishing of the ceiling, you can install a tension or suspension system. If you plan to use drywall or other materials, then before that the ceiling is sheathed wooden frame, the slats of which must have a thickness exceeding the thickness of the insulation.

Sometimes the technology of roof insulation with polystyrene foam is violated.

Most often, masters make such mistakes:

  1. Lay damaged sheets or damage them after installation. As a result, depressions appear, in which cold bridges form over time.
  2. The wrong width of the heat insulator was used, as a result of which the quality of tightness decreases.
  3. Instead of a vapor barrier membrane, a polyethylene film is laid, which is why condensate subsequently accumulates on it.
  4. Obviously low-quality material is purchased, and there is also a non-compliance with the general rules of roofing.

For a visual acquaintance with how to properly insulate the roof with foam, you can study the step-by-step video instruction.

The roof is not always insulated, but if this is done, then it must be done correctly. A lot of articles have been written on this topic, copies have been “broken” on the forums and videos have been shot. But do they all give right advice? Not at all.

Let's look at the main points of contention.

How to insulate the under-roof space?

Due to the peculiarities - the rafters are located at an angle - it is impossible to use bulk and too loose materials for insulation. Therefore, the most popular options are: polystyrene foam (polystyrene), mineral wool in mats, penoplex (extruded polystyrene foam).

  1. Styrofoam is the most attractive in terms of price, so the question of its use is always of interest. He has high thermal insulation properties, it is easy to transport, install and process with any tool (almost crumbles in the hands). Not all types of foam are harmless: when burned and even when heated, it releases very toxic substances, due to which residential buildings its use is not recommended. The situation is further complicated by the fact that, in addition to official manufacturers, there are also smaller firms where the requirements for production technology and product quality control are not always met.
  2. Mineral wool is now the most popular material. For insulation, take cotton wool with a density of 35 kg / m 3. Despite this, it has to be securely fixed between the rafters in order to prevent subsidence and the formation of voids. In addition, it is necessary to take measures against wetting the insulation. On both sides, mineral wool is covered with films with varying degrees of vapor permeability. All these installation difficulties, plus the unpredictable properties of films bought "cheaper", lead to the opposite result. Instead of warm roof get a weeping ceiling.
  3. Penoplex is the most expensive of the heaters in terms of cost, but it “works off” its money. This "relative" of the foam, which underwent additional processing, became known as extruded polystyrene foam. After extrusion (who wants to study this process in detail), foam plastic acquires unique properties that have significantly expanded its scope in construction.

Penoplex properties in the service of the developer

You can say a lot of good things about penoplex.

  • The main property is almost. The characteristics give a figure of 0.4-0.5% of the volume during the month. This property has great importance for insulation of foundations and roofs.
  • Thermal conductivity is lower than mineral wool. At the same time, one must take into account the fact that it always remains unchanged, while mineral wool loses its heat-insulating properties when wet.
  • The service life of penoplex is 50 years or more. This was found out after tests for frost resistance. After repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, the properties of the penoplex remained unchanged. Therefore, it is successfully used in constructions outside the home.
  • The homogeneous structure of extruded polystyrene foam, consisting of evenly spaced cells in fractions of a millimeter in size, gives the material a special compressive strength. This allows it to be used both as a heater and as a building material.
  • Plates are produced with an L-shaped edge on all sides for ease and tightness of installation. If necessary, cut with a regular knife.
  • It cannot be said that penoplex has zero chemical activity, but most of the "chemistry" for construction works do not react with this material. Be wary of gasoline, kerosene, acetone, formalin, epoxy hardeners. Oil paints should also not be used.
  • As far as penoplex is resistant to frost, it also does not like heat. It loses its shape and even melts when the temperature rises, but does not support combustion. Experiments show that when the burner is removed ( open fire) the flame goes out. There are also videos - "evidence" of burning foam. Most likely, this sample was made with violations of technology.
  • The biological stability of the plates from this insulation is high: they are not subject to decay.
  • The main issue of disputes on any material is environmental friendliness. From this point of view, penoplex is all right. Made with the observance of technology, it is safe for humans.

Penoplex - universal insulation. By changing some properties of the material, manufacturers get penoplex for insulating all parts of the house, from the foundation to the roof.

Video: Penoplex, polystyrene, penoizol. Flammability experiment.

Penoplex A - insulation for the foundation

This type of material is characterized by increased strength and, in addition to laying floors, is used as a base for garden paths.

The plates are mounted on a special glue and additionally fixed with dowel-mushrooms. First you need to carry out the whole complex of work on leveling the surface and waterproofing the foundation.

Insulation series C - for walls and floors

The composition of the insulation includes flame retardants to protect against fire. It is intended for warming of walls and floors outside and inside. This can be done in different ways. The simplest and most correct is to make insulation along the wall from the outside. From above, to protect against rodents and atmospheric influences, the plates are covered with a layer of plaster and painted.

When building a new house, sometimes brickwork is used to fill the space between the rows of foam slabs. Due to the shape of the edges, the thermal insulation layer is sealed, it is possible to use plates of a smaller thickness than the foam.

The most durable - for roads and airfields!

In private construction, penoplex 45 is unlikely to find application: such strength is useless in " household". It is laid in the foundation of roads, railway embankments and airfields to prevent freezing and swelling of the soil.

Penoplex K - the best insulation for the roof

It is used for insulation of roofs of any type, including flat and inverted ones. Suitable for insulation of the attic and attic space.

This species has the same thermal conductivity as the others - 0.03 at a density of 28-33 kg / m 3. From 55 ° frost to 75 ° heat - this is temperature regime"Works" of insulation penoplex Roofing.

Standard dimensions of 600x1200 mm with a thickness of 2-10 cm allow you to lay an insulation cake of any thickness.

The advantages of penoplex K in comparison with other heaters

  • The material does not absorb water, there is no need to install vapor barrier and windproof films.
  • Installation is simplified thanks to L-shaped edges. The plates are joined without gaps: already in the single-layer version there are no cold bridges. An additional row is laid with a shift of the joints relative to the first layer.
  • The plates form an integral rigid surface - this is an increase in the stability of the roof.
  • Insulation can be used not only in the construction of a new roof. Repair and insulation of the old is made easier without laying insulating films.

Video: Roof insulation with polystyrene foam - Build not rebuild

Installation of penoplex in different ways

Another advantage of foam plastic can be considered “maneuverability” during installation: it can be laid on top of the rafters, insulated under them, laid plates as an additional layer of insulation during reconstruction and insulated attic floors.

Penoplex over rafters

Scheme of roof insulation with penoplex

The slabs are laid when the truss system is fully assembled, fixed and nailed to the crate.

  1. At the bottom of the rafters, at the border of the insulated zone, a bar is nailed as thick as insulation plates. This is the starting rail. It is set at an equal distance from the edge, along all rafter legs. Starting from it, foam boards are laid in a checkerboard pattern. The layer thickness is determined geographic location construction sites. It is always better to lay two or three layers than one, and securely seal the joints. For greater confidence, the insulation plates are fixed with self-tapping screws with mushroom caps and the seams are glued.
  2. Bars are stuffed over the insulation, orienting them from top to bottom. This is the so-called ventilated gap. It is needed for free air circulation from spotlights to the ridge. We note another plus - you can walk on the insulation.
  3. Then attach the crate for installation roofing. These can be bars fixed with a certain step or a continuous coating of OSB for a soft or rolled roof.
  4. The insulation on the ridge is laid closely, the gap is left only when installing the roofing.

Reconstruction of roof insulation

In this case, the foam layer is attached to the rafters from the inside of the attic. The layer of existing insulation is additionally covered with a vapor barrier film. Plates are also mounted with dressing of joints and gluing. Interior decoration fasten to the bars of the ventilation gap.

Video: Roof insulation with extruded polystyrene foam

Attic floor insulation

On concrete slab a leveling screed is laid, covered with a vapor barrier and a calculated layer of insulation is laid. Then a sand-cement screed is poured onto the release film.

In houses with wooden floors a vapor barrier is laid on the ceiling hemmed from below, the space between the beams is filled with foam plastic and covered with sheets of OSB or plywood.

What is this material
Cons of foam as a heater
Styrofoam insulation
Styrofoam insulation technology
How to properly insulate a pitched roof
Flat roof insulation technology
Insulating the inside of a flat roof

Polymer-based heat insulators are one of the most popular materials for insulating roofs of various structures.

You can insulate the roof with foam plastic very quickly, while all the work is easily done by hand. In this article, we will talk about the technology of roof insulation with foam plastic, and also point out the points that you should pay attention to in the first place.

Styrofoam is expanded polystyrene, which consists of almost 100% glued air bubbles enclosed in a polystyrene shell - this makes the material very light.

The main advantages of polystyrene include:

  • extremely low weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • not afraid of exposure to moisture and temperature changes;
  • does not cause allergies, and does not harm the environment;
  • fungus does not develop on it, and rodents do not damage it;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • does not deform over time;
  • long service life - up to 25-80 years;
  • minimum price.

The disadvantage of polystyrene can be attributed to its sensitivity to external factors, as well as the fact that its transportation should be carried out with extreme caution.

The laying of the material should be carried out in such a way that the material is protected from mechanical damage, and also not in direct sunlight.

Before insulating the roof with polystyrene foam, you need to make the right choice, all the technical characteristics of the material must be taken into account and various brands studied.

Foam roof insulation: the secrets of a popular material

  • PSB-15 (15 kg/m3). It happens with a thickness of 50-100 mm, and is used for thermal insulation of pitched and mansard roofs, as well as ceilings.
  • PSB-25 (25 kg/m3). Used for wall insulation. The thickness is the same.
  • PSB-35 (35 kg/m3). It is intended for laying in places where it is necessary to withstand large mechanical loads; applicable for thermal insulation of flat roofs, floors, as well as attic floors.

Cons of foam as a heater

Quite often, people wonder if it is possible to insulate a flat roof with extruded polystyrene foam?

Polystyrene vapors are poisonous, but the finished material does not emit harmful elements. A small hazard may arise when polystyrene boards are exposed to an open flame. However, for the insulation of residential buildings, self-extinguishing foam is used, which does not belong to fire hazardous materials.

Naturally, insulating a flat roof with polystyrene foam will be an excellent solution.

However, it is slightly inferior to cotton wool in terms of functionality, because due to its dense structure, foam sheets cannot close the gaps between structures everywhere, as a result of which cold bridges appear in them, and moisture also collects.

Such a problem cannot always be eliminated even by treating the joints with construction foam or sealant. As a result, wooden structures may begin to collapse.

Expanded polystyrene has fairly high soundproofing properties, however, it is not entirely advisable to use it in noisy metal roofs, since cotton wool heaters do better with this.

Styrofoam insulation

The technology for installing foam plastic and extruded polystyrene foam is practically the same, because in both cases we are dealing with foamed polymer insulation in slabs.

The only difference is that they have different performance characteristics.

Styrofoam is made by the method of repeated steam exposure to polystyrene.

As a result, the granules significantly increase in volume, and are interconnected. Nevertheless, the foam plastic has low fracture strength, and due to significant mechanical impact, it crumbles into granules.

The extrusion method consists in the fact that, first of all, the granules are melted, and only after that they are exposed to freon and carbon dioxide. As a result, extruded polystyrene foam acquires strength, an integral structure in which gas cells have a closed shape. Extruded polystyrene foam is the latest technological material with a long service life, and its functional properties are much better than those of polystyrene.

It is worth paying attention to this when making roof insulation from polystyrene.

To date, penoplex is a household name, it is quite often indicated when designating polystyrene foam.

Styrofoam insulation technology

To insulate the roof with polystyrene, its base must first be thoroughly cleaned and dried.

By and large, such material can only be laid with waterproofing, but if you want to maximize the life of the roof, it is strongly recommended to additionally include a vapor barrier layer, otherwise moisture will begin to condense from inside the insulation.

This will not affect the foam in any way, however, wood elements can become moldy and rot over time.

Roof insulation with extruded polystyrene foam can be carried out in several ways:

  • gluing, for example, on mastic, liquid nails or facade frost-resistant adhesives;
  • mechanical fixation;
  • flooring method;
  • laying in a crate.

If the situation so requires, fixation methods can be combined.

How to properly insulate a pitched roof

If you are still deciding how best to insulate the roof with foam plastic, then it is better to decide on its type at the time of designing the roof.

Thus, it will be possible to match the width of the sheet material and the pitch of the rafters. By insulating the roof with polystyrene foam, you will significantly reduce your material costs. On sale you can find sheet insulation that allows you to lay it without gaps between the rafters in increments of up to 2 m.

Also, do not forget about taking into account the climatic features of your region in the technological calculation. This will make it possible to correctly calculate the required thickness of the thermal insulation layer - as a rule, it is at least 10 cm.

Extruded polystyrene foam for the roof is laid on the crate between the rafters. To make the grip as reliable as possible, you can use glue and dowels.

Most likely, insignificant gaps form between the slabs and the construction legs. They are either filled with sealant or carefully blown with mounting foam. If this is not done, subsequently cold bridges will form in such places, in which moisture will condense, which will have an extremely negative effect on the wooden elements of the rafter system. After that, if desired, a vapor barrier is laid, everything is sheathed with drywall or clapboard.

Flat roof insulation technology

Roof insulation with extruded polystyrene foam from the outside is a fairly popular method.

The base of the roof is thoroughly cleaned and covered with a waterproofing film. Expanded polystyrene boards can be simply laid, glued or fixed with dowels.

It is desirable that no gaps form between the plates, and their joining is carried out with maximum density.

A vapor barrier membrane can be laid on top of the heat insulator, and then expanded polystyrene plates can be laid. Next, the base is covered with expanded clay, and a cement mortar screed is poured on top.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene can be performed, for example, in such a roofing pie:

  • reinforced concrete base;
  • bitumen-polymer waterproofing;
  • plate heat insulator;
  • geotextile;
  • gravel backfill.

Thanks to this, it is possible to create a roof that can withstand heavy loads.

There are roofing pies and more complicated, in which the top layer is a layer of soil for planting.

Insulating the inside of a flat roof

There are situations when, during the operation of an already finished roof, it is necessary to equip additional insulation. Therefore, if you asked yourself the question, is it possible to insulate the roof with foam plastic from the inside, so as not to disassemble the roofing pie, then in this case the answer will be positive.

You just need to decide on the thickness of the insulation.

Roof insulation with polystyrene foam from the inside involves fixing the sheets to the ceiling with glue or dowels. The main thing is to properly process the base before this to ensure the best adhesion of the material. Pay special attention to the tightness of the sheets to each other.

To eliminate the voids formed at the joints during mating, use a sealant.

For subsequent finishing of the ceiling, you can install a tension or suspension system.

If you plan to use drywall or other materials, then before that the ceiling is sheathed with a wooden frame, the slats of which must have a thickness greater than the thickness of the insulation.

Sometimes the technology of roof insulation with polystyrene foam is violated.

Most often, masters make such mistakes:

  1. Lay damaged sheets or damage them after installation. As a result, depressions appear, in which cold bridges form over time.
  2. The wrong width of the heat insulator was used, as a result of which the quality of tightness decreases.
  3. Instead of a vapor barrier membrane, a polyethylene film is laid, which is why condensate subsequently accumulates on it.
  4. Obviously low-quality material is purchased, and there is also a non-compliance with the general rules of roofing.

For a visual acquaintance with how to properly insulate the roof with foam, you can study the step-by-step video instruction.

We insulate the roof with polystyrene

IN Lately it was very popular suburban homes have attic rooms that are used to store and store unnecessary items in it.

Today, many seek to equip and turn it into part of the living space, so insulating foam in the attic of the house is an important step in this regard.

Styrofoam is widely used in construction and for home insulation and is a honeycomb foam material filled with air.

Basic properties of polyester

Main features and functions:

  • Moisture resistant;
  • High heat and sound insulation;
  • Neglect of the formation of decays and forms;
  • Fire safety and environmental compatibility;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Resistant to various chemicals.

Benefits of using plastic foam

Styrofoam has several positive pages which include:

  • Long service life;
  • Small mass of plates;
  • Convenient and easy to install;
  • Low material cost;
  • Mechanical strength.

Characteristics of the choice of foam plates

This material is mainly produced and sold in the form of plates. different sizes and thickness.

To insulate the attic of a house with foam, it is recommended to buy sparkling plates with a thickness of at least 5 cm.

Depending on the grade of the material, its density is determined, at which the use of this material depends on the performance of various parts.

To insulate the attic, you must correctly calculate required amount material.

To do this, measure total area space, distance between roof rafts and calculate the number of discs to be determined from the previous parameters.

Experts recommend buying shallow boards for possible material damage while cutting into pieces.

List of required tools

The following tools will be needed to carry out work in the heating attic, which include pieces of wood for the frame, foam and adhesives, a vapor film block and a staple gun, a hammer and nails, galvanizing with a sharp knife.

Before starting work, you need to prepare everything necessary tools, tools and materials that will be needed for heating.

When choosing foam, waterproofing is required to prevent condensation.

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Preparatory work

On initial stage it is required to clean the attic from unnecessary items, dust and all types of pollution.

Thoroughly check the space for defects and failures, which must be corrected if found.

Particular attention should be paid to inspecting the roof and rafters and chimney exit points to avoid the risk of fire.

Check the roof better in the rain, allowing you to detect potential cracks and water leaks.

Work technology

After cleaning the roof and troubleshooting, continue cleaning the surfaces.

For this, a special case is used, which serves as additional protection and provides better grip.

On next step it is necessary to make a waterproofing in which the film is used protective coating which serves as protection against foam.

Between the roof rafters is a densely folded foam panel, joints and cracks sealed and pierced with foam to remove thermal bridges.

The seams of the tablet are carefully glued to prevent cold indoors.
Depending on the target attic room in the future, the final lining should be chosen.

To maintain this load, it is necessary to calculate the mass of the coating.
Foam insulation technology includes surface preparation, steam and advanced waterproofing, ventilation systems and densely packed material to eliminate gaps that must be carefully eroded.

Taking into account all these requirements, it is possible to achieve good heat savings and insulate the attic with high quality.

A prerequisite for heating is the installation of a ventilation system, the function of which is to maintain favorable conditions indoors and to avoid condensation.

Wooden crates for crates are treated with special antiseptics that protect them from the negative effects of moisture and further decay.

The choice of polystyrene as a heater for the attic space requires an integrated approach, which includes insulation not only of the roof, but also of the walls and floor.

Therefore, insulating the attic of a house with polystyrene is not difficult and affordable for everyone, provided that the technological process is properly taken into account.

Help with this process:

This gives us a heated, high quality and comfortable space that can be used as a separate living room.

How to insulate the roof with foam?

Reliable packaging of a private house for the winter or insulation of the roof with foam

The first action is to clean the floor from old backfill and debris. Then it is necessary to make steam and waterproofing. After preparatory work it is necessary to lay out the foam boards on the floor.

The joints formed as a result of the layout should be treated with mounting foam, insulating the roof with foam. It is worth noting that in the places where the roof adjoins the walls, it is imperative to leave a gap for ventilation of 3-5 mm.

What density should the foam be

Before insulating the roof with foam, you need to make sure that the attic floor can withstand the expected loads, with the addition of living space.

  • polystyrene with a density of 15 kg/m3 (PSB15), thickness 50-100mm - for pitched and mansard roofs, ceilings
  • foam with a density of 25 kg / m3 (PSB-25), thickness 50-100 mm - for walls
  • polystyrene foam (PSB35) or extruded polystyrene foam - for flat roofs, floors and attic floors with mechanical loads

Roof insulation

To on wooden structures no condensation has formed, a vapor barrier membrane must be laid.

This should happen during the device truss system before performing thermal insulation of the roof with foam plastic.

If the process of insulation takes place in parallel with the construction of the roof, then it is necessary to fill the crate on the rafters from below, which will serve as a support for the foam plates. Plates are tightly installed between the rafters. Then from above they are closed with waterproofing material.

It can be ordinary roofing material or new materials based on polyethylene foam.

The process of attaching to the rafters waterproofing film or roofing material is carried out with a construction stapler. But one should not forget that waterproofing material no need to pull, but on the contrary, it should sag slightly.

After the above work, a crate is made for laying the roofing itself.

A layer of vapor barrier is laid on the foam boards that are inside the roof (read: "How to put vapor barrier on the roof correctly"). Then the process is carried out fine finish from sheets of drywall, lining, or plastic panels. When laying the vapor barrier, it should be borne in mind that the moisture-proof side must face the rafters (see also: "How to choose a roof insulation").

About the dangers of polystyrene foam as a heater

Many developers often ask the question: is foam plastic harmful because of its toxic fumes, and is it possible to insulate the roof with foam plastic?

The moment is also given that the foam plastic, which is used for insulation of residential premises (PSB), is self-extinguishing (that is, it does not support combustion). Its combustibility class belongs to category G1 (fireproof material).

When working on pitched roof many experienced builders mineral wool or basalt slabs are used.

This is due to the fact that the foam is a rigid material and does not fill all the space under the roof. The voids resulting from this are filled with cold bridges, and condensation occurs. It, in turn, entails the destruction of the truss system and the corrosion of the metal elements of the roof. See also: “How to make roof insulation with polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam - step technology and instruction.

Roof insulation with foam plastic, detailed video instruction:

If you choose foam for roof insulation, then be sure to check the thickness of the heat-insulating layer for your region.

When making calculations, you should keep in mind both the roofing material used and the climate zone. General rule: do not use insulators with a thickness of less than 100 mm (read: "Thickness of insulation for the roof and methods of insulation").

If two layers of foam are higher than the size of the rafters, then you will have to build them up. Because it is impractical to nail the frame for plasterboard boards in the future. In addition, fixing foam sheets will be problematic.

In the following articles, you will learn how to insulate the roof with penoizol.

In the view of a person, a house is, first of all, a “roof over the head”, protecting its inhabitants from snow, rain and wind. However, it is important not only not to let in the cold and bad weather outside, but also to keep the heat inside, which is generated by heat-generating devices. According to thermal imaging studies, 20-30% of the total heat loss occurs through the roof surface. Therefore, when building a house in northern and temperate latitudes, thermal insulation of slopes is mandatory. Last time professional builders they insulate the roof with polystyrene foam, the effectiveness of which we will discuss in this article.

Styrofoam is called the foamed mass of expanded polystyrene, in the smallest bubbles of which air is “preserved”. Due to the fact that the gas content in the composition of this material reaches 97-98%, it has low thermal conductivity, light weight and practically does not burn.

The foam used for roof insulation is produced in the form of plates of different sizes and thicknesses. The density of expanded polystyrene is only 15-25 grams per 1 square meter, denser grades are used for installation on the floor and ceiling, where they are subjected to significant stress. This type of insulation has the following advantages:

  1. A light weight. Perhaps the most important advantage of polystyrene is lightweight this material. One square meter of insulation based on expanded polystyrene is only 15-25 grams, which allows you to perform roof insulation with foam without reinforcement roof frame and crates.
  2. Low thermal conductivity. A layer of foam 10 cm corresponds to the thermal insulation properties of a double brickwork or 20 cm wooden wall.
  3. Ease of installation. Work with expanded polystyrene, the installation technology of this insulation involves the use of the most simple tools available in the arsenal of any master.
  4. Vapor and waterproof. When using foam for roof insulation, you can not be afraid that the thermal insulation properties of the material will decrease upon contact with water. Almost zero hygroscopicity and vapor permeability make this insulation the best option for thermal insulation of slopes.
  5. fire resistance. Foam production technology High Quality involves the addition of flame retardants, substances that lead to self-extinguishing of the material. Therefore, such a heater is considered safe and non-combustible.
  6. Durability. The service life of the foam is more than 50 years. This material is not subject to decomposition, decay and the action of fungal or mold microorganisms.

Note! based on expanded polystyrene have low resistance to mechanical damage. In addition, they are destroyed when some varnishes or paints hit the surface of the material. Styrofoam is not averse to profiting from rodents, so it requires special protection.


Expanded polystyrene is a type of synthetic polymer or plastic that is widely used in the manufacture of. Several types of roofing insulation are produced from it. Depending on the production method, there are 2 main types of thermal insulation materials based on it:

  • regular foam.

Conventional foam is produced by foaming polystyrene foam under the influence of air or carbon dioxide. It is lightweight, inexpensive, non-combustible insulation with excellent thermal insulation properties.

The weak side of conventional foam is the fragility of the plates, this material is extremely susceptible to point impacts that can damage the sheet. It has low strength, higher thermal conductivity and permeability, and is also cheaper. For roof insulation, foamed polystyrene foam with a sheet thickness of 100-200 mm is used.

For the production of this insulation, the extrusion method is used. First, the expanded polystyrene granules are mixed with a blowing agent under the influence of high pressure and temperature, and then extruded through an extruder.

The result of these actions is a denser, solid insulation with a closed fine-mesh structure. He has a higher mechanical strength, does not pass water and steam, and also has improved thermal insulation characteristics.

Extruded polystyrene foam for roofing is more expensive than usual, however, thinner sheets are used for insulation. Experienced roofers believe that it is better suited for thermal insulation work.

Important! Although the foam is non-hygroscopic and vapour-proof material, roof insulation is performed using a waterproofing and vapor barrier membrane. The membrane that protects the insulation from the penetration of steam is fixed with inside roofs, and protecting from moisture - from the side of the street. This measure, together with exhaust ventilation will help extend the life of the roof truss frame.

Mounting technology

Despite the high performance characteristics of the insulation, the main component of effective thermal insulation is high-quality installation in compliance with all technological nuances work with polystyrene foam.

Installation errors can create even more problems than lack of insulation, such as rotting rafters, dampness or mold. Roof insulation with foam plastic is performed before the roofing material is laid on the rafters in the following order:

  1. WITH bottom side rafters on the brackets of the construction stapler fix the strips of the vapor barrier membrane. The membrane is cut into strips required size and fix it across the rafters so that it sags a little, and there is an overlap of 10-15 cm between the strips. The joints are glued with adhesive tape or construction tape.
  2. From the side of the attic, guide bars made of wood or metal are attached perpendicular to the rafter legs over the vapor barrier, which will support the insulation. The thickness of the guides must provide a ventilation gap between the thermal insulation and the wall cladding.
  3. Styrofoam plates are inserted between the rafter legs and glued with special glue. The cutting of the material is carried out so that there are fewer butt joints.
  4. The joints between the plates and the junction of the insulation with rafter legs close up with mounting foam.
  5. Strips of a waterproofing membrane are fixed on top of the rafters, overlapping one sheet over another to avoid leakage at the joints.
  6. The waterproofing is fixed with slats of the counter-lattice, the crate is mounted and the roofing material is laid.

I advise professional roofers: if you are insulating a residential building with foam mansard roof, provide for the installation of fibrous soundproofing material, especially if metal tiles or corrugated board are used as roofing. Expanded polystyrene has a low noise reduction ability, so the roof will amplify sounds during rain.

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