Roofing in panel houses in 1970. What are the types and shapes of house roofs - from simple to complex

Residents apartment buildings, especially the upper floors, often face the problem of roof leaks. First of all, this problem is relevant for residents of old houses, where the roof due to time and constant exposure to aggressive factors environment, became unusable and began to crack, as a result of which.

Laying new roofing felt on the roof multi-storey building

A problem arises, but not everyone knows how to solve it. And there are often cases when residents of a house carry out roof repairs at the expense of personal funds collected in addition to utilities.

In our article, we will help you figure out what to do and where to apply for the need to repair the roof of your home if it is leaking. The reader will also be able to find out what type of roof his house is, what types of leaks can threaten it, and what causes them.

In every period of time, it was used in the construction of residential apartment buildings. different type roofs, and today there are buildings with the following roofs:

So, if we consider how the types of roofs in construction have evolved, we can see that the oldest buildings have multi-slope roofs, and they were replaced by single-slope roofs, which were supplanted over time. It is pitchless (flat) roofs in apartment buildings by far the most.

Modern new buildings are already equipped with a complex relief roof, which allows not only to decorate appearance building, but also to rationally use its surface.

As for the roof structure, all its types have the same components. So, the outer layer of the roof is. This can be liquid roofing material, slate (asbestos-cement covering), tiles (ceramic, bitumen, cement-sand, metal tiles), seams (steel, aluminum, copper), corrugated sheets.

Metal roof covering

And this is not a complete list of roofing materials that are offered by the modern construction market, but for apartment buildings it is usually limited to the above items.

The roofing material is fastened and laid on a rafter system or on a flat reinforced concrete floor slab. Also, any roof is equipped with a waterproofing layer.

Types of roof leaks

Based on the nature of leakage, experts distinguish the following types of leakage:

  • snow leaks that reveal themselves either during the period of rapid snow melting, or at the moment of partial melting of the snow (in the layers of contact of the snow cover with the roofing material);
  • storm (rain) leaks detected after the passage of an active rainstorm;
  • “dry” leaks, which are a consequence of the accumulation of condensed moisture in the interlayer space of the roofing “pie”, usually occurring during a hot period of time;
  • “flickering” leaks that occur haphazardly (in this case, the roof leaks for no apparent reason).

Causes of roof leaks

As in any other case, it is easier to prevent a leak than to deal with its consequences. And in order to implement preventive measures, it is necessary to understand what reasons can cause the appearance of one or another deformation of the roofing covering, which leads to the occurrence of a leak.

So, let's look at the main reasons for roof leaks in apartment buildings:

It is quite simple to independently determine the place where active leakage of the roof of a multi-story building occurs, especially if the roof is covered with roofing felt. Air pockets form at leak sites and the roofing material rises above the leak site.

Leak detected - what to do next

It’s worth mentioning right away that unauthorized, hand-made roof repairs apartment building strictly prohibited. This should only be done by specialists.

Overlap slate roof apartment building

Therefore, after you have discovered that the roof of your house is leaking, you need to contact your housing maintenance company (HEC) with a request to repair the roof. Sometimes a simple application left over the phone is sufficient, but most often you will still be required to submit a written application.

After this, the degree of destruction of the roofing is assessed and the type of repair is selected. All roofing repair work must be completed by the Housing Office within 5 days from the date of acceptance of your oral (or written) application.

Types of roof repair work

Roof repair options multi-storey buildings come down to two of its varieties. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Repair of roof covering: current

This repair of the roof of an apartment building is carried out when small defects in the old roof covering arise in terms of area or severity.

Full update rafter system roofs of an apartment building

As a rule, routine repairs do not involve complete replacement. roofing material on the roof, as well as repair of the rafter system (if any). During current repairs The old roof covering is being patched.

Current repairs can be carried out as planned or upon request when problems arise. emergency situations associated with roof leaks. It can be carried out in any weather, but preferable, of course, is dry and sunny.

This type of repair is the least expensive, and therefore it is used, and often even in cases where the roof already requires drastic measures.

Repair of roof covering: major

This type of roof repair on the roof of an apartment building involves a complete restoration of all elements of the roofing system, starting from the rafters and ending with a complete replacement of the roofing material.

This type of repair is planned and can be carried out even if the roof is not leaking at the time. Unlike current repairs, which can be carried out in any weather conditions, major repairs are planned for the warm season.

During a major overhaul, 100% dismantling of the failed roof covering is carried out, as well as complete renovation and restoration of the underlying structure. If the roof has truss structure, the rafter system is being replaced. If the roofing material was laid on a reinforced concrete slab, then a fresh screed is poured, as well as the waterproofing layer is restored.

The process of pouring a new screed on the roof of a house

After completing the construction of the roof base, new roofing material is laid. In apartment buildings with flat roof lay sheets of roofing felt. To do this, use a burner (gas), the flame temperature of which must be strictly regulated. Otherwise, you can spoil the quality of the roofing material even at the stage of its installation, which will lead to the rapid occurrence of leaks.

The technology of laying rolled or sheet roofing felt is familiar to professionals, whose services must be resorted to without fail when organizing and carrying out repair work on the roof of an apartment building.

Panel residential buildings with a high number of floors (up to 16 floors inclusive), designed on the basis of a catalog of industrial products for Moscow, according to the design scheme - buildings with load-bearing transverse frames. The catalog provides concrete and reinforced concrete slabs for internal transverse walls with a thickness of 140 and 180 mm based on requirements bearing capacity, sound insulation, fire resistance; at the same time, according to sound insulation conditions, the walls between apartments must have a thickness of 180 mm.

For use in panel buildings with narrow, wide and mixed spacing of internal load-bearing transverse walls, the catalog provides flat solid reinforced concrete floor panels with a thickness of 140 mm. This thickness is accepted By sound insulation conditions. Floor panels have working spans of 300, 3000, 3600 and 4200 mm. The dimensions of non-working spans are taken from 3600 to 7200 mm with gradation every 300 mm.

Horizontal joint between the load-bearing panels of the transverse walls and floors, a platform type is designed (Fig. 32), the peculiarity of which is the unlocking of the floors at half the thickness of the transverse wall panels, in which forces are transferred from the upper wall panel to the lower one through the supporting parts of the floor panels.

Seams at the points of contact between panels of load-bearing transverse walls and ceilings are made with mortar. However, with large thickness of seams (10 -20 mm and more) in the case of incomplete filling of the mortar in the cross section, as well as in the case of uneven thickness of the mortar joints along their length, stress concentration in in certain places seams, causing local dangerous overvoltages. To avoid this, cement-sand plasticized paste is currently used for butt joints, from which a thin joint with a thickness of 4-5 can be obtained mm,

Cement-sand paste consists of Portland cement grade 400 -500 and fine sand with maximum size particles 0.6 mm(composition 1:1) with the addition of plasticizing and antifreeze additive sodium nitrite in an amount of 5-10% by weight of cement. Thanks to the use of plasticized paste, when installing the panel on a thin seam, the panels seem to be glued together.

It should, however, be kept in mind that the use of paste cannot affect the increase in joint strength in cases where the gaps between the panels of walls and ceilings are instead of the design 5 mm reach 20 -30 mm.

The external wall panels provided for in the catalog for Moscow are designed in the form of two interchangeable structures - single-layer az expanded clay concrete grade 75 with a volumetric mass of 1000 -1100 kg/l 3 and three-layer with reinforced concrete outer and inner layers and with a middle layer of effective - insulation.

All wall panels included in the catalog are hinged, regardless of the number of floors of the houses. In cases where the steppes must be load-bearing, for example at the ends of buildings, panels are used consisting of one load-bearing element or two elements - an internal load-bearing element reinforced concrete panel and external insulation.

Rice. 32 . Horizontal platform joint of panels of internal transverse load-bearing walls: 1 - panel interior wall; 2 - floor panel; 3 - cement paste

The catalog distinguishes between row wall panels, step wall panels, end load-bearing panels and end mounted panels.

Ordinary panels are those located along the working spans of the floors, i.e. perpendicular to the transverse steps.

Row panels can be not only suspended, but also partially load-bearing for the corresponding floors of the building. In the first case, they are supported on the floors and secured To internal walls. In the second case, the floor panels rest on the external walls, i.e. they partially transfer the load to them. Therefore, the shape of the horizontal joint of row panels satisfies both the hinged and load-bearing options.

End bearings are called wall panels located in a building along the floor spans parallel to the internal transverse load-bearing walls, i.e., bearing the main load from the floor panels. If the main load from the floors is to be borne by the internal walls, then external end-mounted insulating panels are hung on them.

Thickness of single-layer rows, corner expanded clay concrete panels for external walls for Moscow, pilasters and ledges accepted 340 mm, end bearings - 440 ml, end mounted ones - 30 mm.

Thickness of ordinary three-layer panels external walls for Moscow according to the catalog are 280 mm. Cement fiberboard with a thickness of 150 is used as insulation. mm s volumetric weight Y = 350 kg/l 3. End non-existent three-layer panels have a thickness of 380 mm, and end mounted -180 mm, Moreover, the latter provide lighter insulation ( mineral wool slabs or foam glass).

The connection of load-bearing and curtain external walls to the alignment axes of the building is assigned based on the equality of the distances from the outer edges of external walls of any type to the axis of the building (Fig. 33).

Rice. 33. Rules for linking to alignment axes:

A— external single-layer and internal walls; b— external three-layer and internal walls: I- ordinary panel; 2 — internal bearing groans; 3 - ledge panel; 4 — load-bearing end panel; 5 - end hinged panel ; 6 - temperature or sedimentation seam

The binding of the internal edge of ordinary (longitudinal) curtain external walls to the alignment axes of the building is taken equal to 90 mm s taking into account the thickness of the internal reinforced concrete layer of three-layer panels of external walls equal to 80 mm and thickness of panels of internal walls 180 mm(see Fig. 33). The area of ​​support of the panels on the ceiling is sufficient.

Internal walls tied to the alignment axes of the building along their geometric axis. The exception is walls located at expansion or settlement joints at the ends of the building with curtain external end walls. In these cases, the center axis of the building passes at a distance of 10 mm from the outer edge of the inner wall (see Fig. 33). The same value is attached to the internal walls enclosing the staircase-elevator assembly.

Rice. 34, Linking floor panels:

A- node near the staircase; b- node y expansion joint; 1 - interior wall panel; 2 - purpose of overlap; 3 - cement paste

P binding of floor panels shown on rice. 32 and 34. Floor panels are laid on an area limited by alignment axes. The gap between the axis and the end of the floor panel is 10 mm. Thus, the size of the floor panel in buildings with transverse load-bearing internal walls is equal to the distance between the alignment axes minus 20 mm

Rice. 35. Installation diagram of a high-rise panel residential building with a narrow pitch of transverse load-bearing steps and horizontal cutting of external walls

In Fig. 35 shown wiring diagram walls of a high-rise panel residential building with a narrow pitch of transverse load-bearing walls and horizontal cutting of the external ones.

When designing external panel walls, as stated in 71, Special attention should be given to the joints between the panels, the design of which largely determines the strength and reliability of the entire load-bearing frame. In high-rise buildings, the joints between panels are exposed to stronger effects of wind and rainwater than in 5-story buildings.

Rice. 36. Construction methods sealing joints of external wall panels used in constructed buildings:

A- vertical joint of a residential building in Donbass; 6 - the same, in Magnitogorsk; c - the same, on October Zero in Moscow; G- the same, on Mira Avenue in Moscow"; d- horizontal joint of the same house; 1 - external wall panel; 2 - insulation. 3 - mortar or concrete; 4 - lightweight concrete; 5 - pilaster; 6 - insert; 7 - cement paste; 8 - gernite; 9 - floor panel; 10 - tow soaked in gypsum solution; 11 - gypsum solution; 12 - transverse load-bearing wall panel

Joint designs used before 1973 cannot be considered perfect, firstly, because modern methods their seals are designed for manual work (pouring mortar or concrete into joints, laying elastic bands and mastics). The quality of such work is almost uncontrollable. Therefore, for high-rise buildings, methods of sealing joints using the so-called construction methods should be considered more reliable - giving the mating elements an appropriate geometric shape (lap, quarter, tongue and groove joints), i.e. using materials and methods that have long been mastered builders.

In these houses, the seams between the panels were filled only with mortar and concrete. Thanks to its reliable geometric shape These joints showed good performance during their 20-year service: they did not leak or freeze.

Possible fundamental design solutions for joints between wall panels, made using construction methods, are given on rice. 37.

In the design of joints of panel houses great importance has a reliable connection between the panels of walls and ceilings. When joining these elements of buildings, as is known, joints using welding of various types of steel connections are widely used.

Considering this circumstance, the special design bureau “Rental Detail” of Glavmosstroy proposed new way fastening wall panels to ceilings using galvanized steel bolts and strips, eliminating the need for assembly welding of steel fasteners. The effectiveness of this connection method has been confirmed by the experience of constructing high-rise residential buildings in Moscow (for example, on Chkalova Street, 41/2).

Rice. 37. Design options for joints between wall panels using construction methods:

A- for single-layer flat panels; b V- the same for walls with a pilaster; G- for three-layer flat panels; d- the same for corner panels; e- the same for panels with a quarter; and- the same for walls with pilasters; I And 2 - panels of external and internal walls; 3 - solution; 4 - pilaster; 5 - insulation; V- insulation in the form of a liner

In Fig. 38 shows the arrangement of joints of panel walls of a 9-story residential building of series 11-57. After connecting the loop outlets of the reinforcement with staples, the vertical joint is sealed. Along the top of the external and transverse internal walls, the panels are connected using galvanized steel bolts and strips.

Bolted connections can only be used with high dimensional accuracy of the panels, which is ensured by the vibration rolling method. Thanks to this and strict fixation of the embedded parts on the forming belt of the mill, favorable conditions for the so-called forced installation, in which the installation of wall and ceiling panels in a strictly designed position is ensured by clamps (see Fig. 38, b).

What is new in the design of external fencing of high-rise panel residential buildings is the installation of loggias. The catalog accepted the width of loggias from 900 to 1800 mm with gradation every 300 mm.

In Fig. 39 Shown are the layout options for loggias with curtain and load-bearing walls, as well as with walls formed by consoles of external wall panels.

In Fig. 40 components and details are shown in the plan of loggias with curtain and load-bearing walls.

As an example of a high-rise panel building, the design of which was carried out on the basis of a catalog of standardized products, the design of a 16-storey 275-apartment building from vibration installation structures, built in Moscow in the residential area of ​​Troparevo.

Rice. 38. Joint of panel walls on bolts of a 9-storey residential building of series II-57:

A- vertical joint: b- horizontal joint; 1 - internal wall panel; 2 - external expanded clay concrete panel; 3 - floor panel; 4 - bolt; 5 - solution; 6 - galvanized metal plate with bolts; 7 - concrete cone on a metal pin; 8 - gernite tow; 9 - metal wedge; 10 - concrete grade 200; 11 - heating riser; 12 - an insulating package made of styrofoam, wrapped in roofing felt and glued to the panel; 13 - loop outlets of fittings.

The building is five-sectional, row sections have two two-room and two three-room apartments, end sections have one two-room, three-room and four-room apartment. (Fig. 41, o). Each section has two elevators with a lifting capacity of 320 and 500 kg. A structural scheme with load-bearing transverse walls has been adopted for the house; the longitudinal structural module is equal to 300 mm, transverse - 600 mm. Module 300 mm in a longitudinal step caused by the design feature of the vertical joint of the outer wall panels with an overlap. This design of the joint makes it possible to compensate for temperature deformations and inaccuracies in panel dimensions (Fig. 41, b).

Internal cross wall panels are adopted with a thickness of 160 mm. The thickness of interfloor ceilings per room is 140 mm. External wall panels - curtain expanded clay concrete thickness 320 mm the size of two rooms. The partitions are mounted from gypsum-rolled panels with a thickness of 80 mm.

The main design feature of this 16-storey building is that the external wall panels are connected to the internal load-bearing walls and floors using galvanized steel bolts and plates, which provides the building with greater structural reliability and durability.

Rice. 39. Options for arrangement in plan in panels residential buildings loggias:

A- with curtain and load-bearing walls; b- with walls formed by consoles of external wall panels; 1 - load-bearing wall; 2 - the same, average; 3 - curtain wall; 4 - load-bearing end wall panel; 5 - load-bearing wall panel console

A new solution deserves attention volumetric monolithic balcony elements(Fig. 41, c), which are attached to the outer stop panels in the factory. The use of such structures can significantly reduce the number of tower crane lifts and labor costs for installation. In addition, fastening the balcony element to the wall panel at the factory ensures reliable sealing of the joint.

Rice. 40. Knots and details of loggias in plan with curtain walls:

1 - the outermost hinged expanded clay concrete wall of the loggia; 2 — panel of the internal transverse load-bearing wall; 3 - expansion joint

A feature of the architectural and structural solution of residential buildings with a height of 9 floors or more, designed on the basis of a catalog of industrial products for Moscow, is the installation of an attic roof and a warm attic.

As experience in the construction of residential buildings has shown, the non-attic combined roofs that have been used so far have some disadvantages. In the non-attic roofs of 5-story buildings, compared to attics, heat loss through the roof amounts to 13-15% of the total heat loss. In high-rise buildings, these heat losses increase even more due to a sharp increase in wind on the enclosing structures of the upper floors. In demon attic roofs ah for getting sustainable thermal regime indoors you have to overuse fuel.

Rice. 41. Residential 16-storey building made of vibro-rolled elements based on a catalog of industrial products:

A- ordinary section; b— vertical overlap joint of external wall panels; V- external wall panel G- volumetric monolithic balcony; 1 — vertical gernite bundles with a diameter of 40 mm on KN-2 glue, 2 — cement-sand mortar; 3 - external wall panels: 4 — mounting bolts; 5 — caulking of tow in gypsum mortar and jointing; b- interior wall panel: 7 — heating riser; 8 — mounting steel plate. 9 - caulking with cement mortar

It should also be noted that due to the imperfection of the waterproofing rolled carpet, made from roofing felt, the roof often leaks and water gets through the ceiling into the premises of the upper floor. The reason for the leakage of roofing felt is that during its manufacture only the pores between the fibers of the cardboard are completely saturated and water flows through individual unimpregnated fibers.

Instead of roofing felt, it is advisable to use glass roofing felt (GOST 15879-70), manufactured on the basis of bituminous material - fiberglass. The best properties It has fiberglass, in which glass fibers are glued together with plastic. However, little of these materials are produced yet.

When installing attic roofs, it is easier to eliminate roof leaks and prevent water from entering the upper floor. The attic is used to place overhead heating, ventilation, etc. communications. Attic space designed warm with insulated enclosing structures, a positive temperature in it is ensured by the flow of thermal air from ventilation system Houses. The estimated air temperature in the attic is +18° room warm attic divided into compartments by sealed internal transverse walls, and an exhaust ventilation shaft is installed in each compartment.

Rice. 42. Structural diagram warm attic in a high-rise residential building. Cross section through the attic

A warm attic has been adopted as the main solution for houses built on the basis of a catalog of industrial products for Moscow for the following reasons: it reduces the cost of heating the house, since it eliminates heat loss through the ceiling of the upper floor, and reduces the number of holes in the roof , since only one ventilation exhaust shaft is installed per section.

The walls of a warm attic in a high-rise panel residential building (Fig. 42) are made from ordinary panels of the building’s external walls. The covering consists of roofing expanded clay concrete panels (EC) with a thickness of 350 mm.

Roofing panels are supported at one end (from the side of the outer wall) on longitudinal reinforced concrete crossbars (RC), and at the other end - on tray expanded clay concrete panels (ECP) with a thickness of 350 mm.Ends The covering panels, resting on the tray panels, have bevels that make it easy to stick the rolled carpet.

Crossbars with a section of 500x200 mm rest on reinforced concrete walls (RC) measuring 300X1410x1180 (1480) mm, and tray panels - on reinforced concrete walls (RC) with dimensions 140X1410X2980 (3580) mm. Slopes in trays to drainage funnels are made from cement solution. Minimum release roofing panels when unlocking the tray panel must be at least 380 mm.

Lawyers and realtors spoke about how residents and developers of multi-storey buildings are trying to equip existing roofs and what comes out of it

The roofs of typical high-rise buildings in Russia are extremely rarely used by residents of houses. Realtors and lawyers who specialize in real estate told the editors about this. At the same time, there are often bars and restaurants on the roofs of new buildings in the center of Moscow, and on the roofs of houses that are to be built as part of renovation, authorities and bushes.

Such methods of use assume that the roof is put into circulation with the help of external forces - management companies, business structures or government institutions controlled by the mayor's office. The editors of RBC-Real Estate decided to find out how residents of an apartment building can make a serviceable roof on their own.

How to legalize a roof: instructions

The most difficult thing in arranging a roof that is in use is getting permission from the authorities, said lawyers and realtors interviewed by the editors. “First of all, it is important to pay attention to the suitability of the roof for such use. In most buildings belonging to the old foundation, such an opportunity simply will not exist - take at least five-story panel buildings with pitched roof“, warned Elena Mishchenko from the real estate agency NDV-Real Estate.

“In order to arrange some kind of rooftop additional designs, it must be transferred to the ownership of the house and a decision must be made on reconstruction. This decision is made by the general meeting of owners,” said Vladimir Starinsky, managing partner of the Starinsky, Korchago and Partners bar association. - Only when the roof is transferred to the category of exploitation will all residents of the house have access to it. Until this moment, only employees of service companies have this right (according to the resolution of the State Construction Committee).”

“In a normal situation, all technical premises, including basements, attics and the entrance to the roof, must be locked (“Rules and Standards for the Operation of Housing Funds”),” confirmed Victoria Aptekina, leading lawyer of the European Legal Service. — One set of keys must be kept with the dispatcher on duty or in the room of the technician-master of the housing maintenance organization, and the second - in one of the apartments on the top floor. Only representatives of the management company and the contractor have the right to be on the roof when carrying out work.”

Sometimes residents of the upper floors unauthorizedly plant vegetable gardens on the roofs of their houses - this is illegal (Photo: TASS/Roman Saponkov)

All apartment owners must vote for the legalization of the roof - in this case, the two-thirds vote rule does not apply, noted Starinsky and Aptekina. With a protocol that reflects the absolute consent of all neighbors, you can go to Rosreestr, where the roof is recognized as the property of the house, lawyers advise.

At this point, the process will be 50% complete: the next step is the second meeting of homeowners. The main question here should be the specific type of use of the roof. It is impossible to resolve these two issues at once, since voting for or against the arrangement of a swimming pool or barbecue area on the roof is prohibited until the roof has officially become the property of the residents, lawyers pointed out.

All costs for arranging and re-equipping a legalized roof are borne by apartment owners. Who should pay how much is decided at a meeting of owners. “There is a nuance: most likely, not everyone will give money for roof installation, but according to the law, every owner has the right to use it. But you will be able to stay on this roof around the clock,” said Victoria Aptekina.

“At the second meeting, two-thirds of the votes are already enough to choose the purpose of reconstruction,” says Aptekina. “Then the resolution of the second meeting is sent to the Institute of Housing Design to prepare a reconstruction project. Further finished project must be agreed upon with representatives of construction supervision and the local authorities of the municipality on whose territory the house is located. Only after this can we begin reconstruction.”

If at least one link in the chain of roof legalization is broken, the owner will be obliged to demolish any building at his own expense, the European Legal Service warned. “If it was not possible to hold the tenant accountable (for example, due to his prolonged absence from the apartment), then the management company will work as a bulldozer, which will then recover all costs from the culprit through the court. And the owner will also be fined for unauthorized seizure of the roof and its damage, which is inevitable during the construction of anything,” Aptekina concluded.

Real experience

Improvement of the roof area can increase the cost of apartments by up to 8% in the case of public access, the NDV-Real Estate agency calculated at the request of the editors. “The figure will increase to 15-20% for apartments with private use - in this case it is indicated that the apartment has a terrace,” said Elena Mishchenko.

Meet real examples exploited roof is possible in isolated cases. Most of these objects are located in the center of Moscow, realtors stated. “This is the privilege of expensive houses of business class and above. This format can also be offered by low-rise mansions removed from the housing stock,” according to NDV-Real Estate.

Owners of apartments in the mass segment are unable to make the roof usable because they cannot go through all the procedures necessary for approval, the real estate agency Megapolis-Service told RBC Real Estate. “For example, in Mytishchi, owners of two-level apartments in some new buildings that have recently been commissioned have room for creativity,” said Vera Larionova, director of the Mytishchi division of the Megapolis-Service company. “They can access the roof through the so-called veranda, around which the territory that de facto belongs to the owners of this or that two-level apartment is fenced off with posts.”

In 2013, a Beijing resident built a villa on the roof of an apartment building. Due to residents' complaints about water leaks and the threat of collapse load-bearing structures, the villa had to be demolished (Photo: Whitehotpix /

“Many of the residents rushed to take advantage of the situation, trying to arrange winter Garden, a rest room or something similar,” Larionova continued. — Apartment owners erected additional walls from transparent or lightweight structures. All buildings were brought into full compliance with the architectural style of the complex, but in practice it was not possible to legitimize all this. On the part of the real estate community, I was even a member of the commission that dealt with this issue, however, while agreeing that de facto residents of such houses have the right to develop the territory that belongs to them on the roof of the house, it has still not been possible to formalize this correctly from the legal side.”

Not only residents, but also developers are unable to legitimize a roof that is in use, as follows from the experience of realtors. According to the Megapolis-Service company, in the urban-type settlement of Sverdlovsky, Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region, the developer of a new residential complex, recently put into operation, in a promotional video promised residents to equip recreation areas with sun loungers on the roofs of two high-rise buildings - and to do it officially. As a result, the developer did not succeed, and all attempts at such actions were regarded by the authorities as self-construction, Larionova concluded.

Its own specificity manifests itself in the south of Russia, where the warm climate contributes to a more active desire of residents to use own roof. “It would seem that in Anapa the issue of arranging recreation areas on the roofs of houses should have been resolved long ago. However, nothing like this is happening here. Yes, there are individual examples of when residents of modern new high-rise buildings try to create with their own hands some semblance of recreation areas on the roof of a building, but such cases, firstly, are isolated and are not widespread, and secondly, no one can legitimize the changes doesn’t even try,” said CEO agency "Megapolis-Service" in Anapa Vitaly Didenko.

Five-story panel houses series 1-464

Large-panel 4-5-storey residential buildings of the series of standard projects 1-464 are the most common prefabricated buildings first generation. The design of the houses in the series under consideration is based on a cross-wall structural system.

The main load-bearing skeleton of the buildings are transverse reinforced concrete walls located at intervals of 3.2 and 2.6 m, due to which houses of this type are called houses with “narrow” spacing of transverse load-bearing walls. Reinforced concrete floor slabs the size of a room rest on them. They also rest on the outer and inner longitudinal walls, which receive part vertical load, while simultaneously ensuring the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

The floor slabs, laid in 3.2 m increments, are designed and work as supported along the contour. Since all the internal walls separating the rooms bear the load from the floors and the floors above, it is impossible to move these walls and thereby change the width of the rooms. For the same reason, removing external walls in steps of 3.2 m is excluded, without ensuring that the floor slab is supported on a short external wall.
The external walls are made of panels - three-layer, consisting of two reinforced concrete shells and a layer of insulation between them, or single-layer panels (made of lightweight concrete). Domestic load-bearing walls 12cm thick and 10cm thick floor slabs are reinforced concrete flooring with a solid section. Roof - combined with a roll roof soft roof or attic rafters with corrugated asbestos cement roofing.

When redeveloping houses of the 1-464 series, the need arises to construct new or expand existing openings in the transverse walls. This is possible to a limited extent, but requires confirmation by calculations.

When modernizing a building, interfloor slabs cannot be dismantled. However, when adding to the building, the floor slabs above the existing fifth floor can be partially dismantled. Construction of new openings in them is possible, but large sizes Such openings may require reinforcement of the ceiling.

In the series under consideration, balconies are placed at intervals of 3.2 m. Balcony reinforced concrete slabs 10cm thick and 90cm wide are mounted according to two schemes. During the initial period of construction they relied on outer wall and were held in the designed position by two metal rods, which, passing through the joint between the outer walls, were attached to the end of the inner wall panel. In later projects, this solution was abandoned and, calculating the balcony slab as a console supported on the outer wall, it was connected to the floor slab using welded embedded elements.

Five-story panel houses series 1-468

Standard designs of residential buildings of the 1-468 series were initially developed at the Gostroyproekt Institute, and since 1961 - at the TsNIIEPZhilishcha.

The load-bearing skeleton of the houses of this series are transverse load-bearing walls located in plan with a step of 3 and 6 m, due to which, unlike the houses of the 1-464 series, the houses of this structural system were called houses with a “mixed” pitch of transverse load-bearing walls.
The most common representative of houses in this series is a five-story, four-section residential building. Its external wall panels are made of autoclaved cellular concrete or lightweight concrete, and hollow-core reinforced concrete floors rest on transverse load-bearing reinforced concrete walls. The longitudinal walls of the building are self-supporting. The roofs of such houses were erected in two versions: combined with roll coating and an attic rafter with a roof made of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets.

The main advantage of the houses in this series is that the floor panels do not rest on the longitudinal walls of the building. Therefore, these walls, except for individual sections of the internal wall adjacent to the staircases and ensuring the longitudinal stability of the building, can be dismantled in some places. It is this circumstance that opens up wide opportunities for eliminating planning deficiencies when modernizing such buildings. existing apartments by adding additional volumes to the building. The construction of new and expansion of existing openings in load-bearing transverse walls is possible only if the “contours” of the openings are confirmed by calculations and strengthened.

Five-story panel houses series 1-335

Five-story residential buildings of the series of standard projects 1-335 are representatives of the frame-panel structural system. Typical projects of this series were initially developed by the team of authors of the Leningrad design bureau, and then were continued at the LenZNIIEP Institute.

The structural design of the house is a so-called “incomplete” frame, which consists of one row of reinforced concrete columns located on the average longitudinal axis of the building with a pitch of 3.2 and 2.6 m and reinforced concrete crossbars, located across the building and supported on one side by reinforced concrete columns, and on the other by metal support tables embedded in the body of load-bearing external wall panels. Reinforced concrete floor slabs the size of a room are laid on the crossbars, designed to be supported on two long sides. The columns are connected to each other by purlins that provide the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

In the houses of the system under consideration, load-bearing external walls were mainly used in layers. They have outer layer in the form of a reinforced concrete ribbed “shell” and an internal (insulating) one made of foam concrete 26 cm thick, the surface of which is plastered on the room side. There are no internal load-bearing walls in these houses, with the exception of rigidity diaphragms, which serve as the intersection walls of the staircases.

With the same dimensions and steps of houses of different series, the principle of “free planning” can be fully implemented in houses of the frame-panel system. The presence of crossbars under the floor slabs can be considered as a certain disadvantage that prevents the traditional formation of the interior of living rooms.

A modification of this structural system was the introduction of two more rows of columns - at the outer walls of the building to support the crossbars on them. Such houses are called “full frame houses”. Their external walls are self-supporting and can be dismantled during reconstruction.

Five-story brick houses series 1-447

The 1-447 series includes standard projects 4-5 storey brick residential buildings with three longitudinal load-bearing walls. The load-bearing skeleton of the houses in the series under consideration are three longitudinal load-bearing walls and transverse brick walls- external end and internal, between which are located staircases. Transverse brick walls act as rigidity diaphragms. All other walls (intra-apartment and inter-apartment) are non-load-bearing.

The ceilings are made in the form of reinforced concrete hollow core slabs, supported by short sides on longitudinal brick walls. The most loaded is the middle wall, on which the floor panels rest on both sides. In external longitudinal walls, openings can be increased only by eliminating the window sill while maintaining the existing partitions. The lintels above the windows must also be preserved. IN end walls During reconstruction of buildings, it is possible to install openings.

Possible dismantling of partitions in series 1-447