Installation of roof windows. Dormer windows: design features and do-it-yourself installation Installing a dormer window in a finished roof

Many owners country houses They are trying to turn the attic into a full-fledged living space. One of the requirements for such premises is access fresh air, as well as the proper level of illumination. Installing a window in the roof can solve both problems at once. This solution is very popular today and most often owners prefer to hire third-party contractors for this task, although this can be done independently. So how to install dormer window?

Installation of roof windows

The following components are most often included in the delivery package:

  • awning or roller shutters for external shading;
  • salary for protection from negative atmospheric influences;
  • the window itself is a closed hermetically sealed system;
  • waterproofing sealant;
  • internal slopes.
IN standard set attic window includes double-glazed glass, frame, frame, slopes, fittings

Of course, you can also find more modest sets on sale, but it is recommended to choose the option with built-in curtains. Due to the fact that the structure itself will be located at an angle, classical means of darkening may not be effective.

Planning and calculations

Installing a roof window into a finished roof should begin at the planning stage. First of all, you will need to calculate the required dimensions. The formula for calculation is quite simple: 1 square meter of glazing for every 10 square meters premises.

It is also necessary to choose the correct height at which the windows will be installed. The location of the skylights should be selected in such a way that the lower part of the frame rises 1-1.5 meters above the floor level.

The lower part of the frame should be 1-1.5 m above the floor level

Choosing a location for installing a roof window in a metal tile or soft roof and dimensions should be done in such a way as to avoid, if possible, affecting the rafter system during installation. The dimensions should allow the window frame to be mounted between the rafters and leave a margin of about 10 cm.

Work plan and tools

Whether it is installing a roof window in a soft roof or metal tile, for any option, the installation instructions are as follows:

  • opening preparation;
  • frame installation;
  • heat and waterproofing;
  • preparation of the drainage system;
  • installation of flashing parts;
  • installation of double-glazed windows;
  • interior finishing, including installation of slopes and vapor barrier.

Installing skylights with your own hands is quite a feasible task, but the master will not be able to do it without a suitable tool:

  • screwdriver and screws;
  • wooden slats and beams;
  • level;
  • nails;
  • materials for heat and waterproofing.

Window installation

Once the location for installing the skylights has been selected, the planned work site should be marked in advance. Following the outline, several holes are made in the material to unload the materials of the roofing pie - this will help to avoid their damage in the process. Cut the opening using a circular saw or band saw. It is important to cut diagonally, and not along the contour, then cut off the vertices of the resulting triangles and only after that form an opening.

The opening in the roof is formed using a circular saw.

Special mention should be made of the work with roofing material. Installation of roof windows in metal tiles is carried out in the same way as in the case of corrugated sheets or sheet iron. If we're talking about about skylights in a seam roof or similar materials, the casing will first need to be disassembled.

Frame installation and adjustment

Important: for safety reasons, frames are mounted without glass. It can only be installed on final stages.

It is recommended to install the frame without glass

When installing a frame for roof windows, you should immediately carefully fasten the lower brackets, but you should not tighten the fastening of the upper ones to the end - this will then help you adjust the sash more easily. This is done using a level. If any deviations in the inserted window are found, they should be eliminated using plastic corners– these spare parts are often included in the delivery kit. It is also recommended to briefly insert the glass into the frame to check the quality of the installation. Once the adjustment is completed, tighten the screws.

Insulation and drainage

Once the fasteners are securely screwed in, heat and heat will need to be installed around the frame. waterproofing material for greater tightness. The waterproofing apron is fixed using a stapler.

Waterproofing is fixed using a stapler

The drainage gutter is made at the top of the frame. Two pieces are cut out of the sheathing directly above the opening to the size of the drainage gutter. A piece of waterproofing material is also prepared of similar sizes. The gutter is inserted under the cuttings of waterproofing and attached to the sheathing. It must be installed at an angle, otherwise the sealing will suffer - rainwater may go out the window.

Today, two main types of flashing are used for different rebates. The first is used to work with flat roofing material, the second - with wavy ones. Companies engaged in the manufacture of skylights include the frame in the production package. The principle of working with both types is identical.

The window frame is included in the delivery of the structure, and installation rules are described in the manufacturer’s instructions

The first step is to attach the lower part of the dormer window frame. It should be installed in such a way that the waterproofing apron extends both beyond the frame itself and beyond the roofing sheets. Then you should move on to the side components. The edges of these elements must be laid on the frame itself.

The window frame is attached to the sheathing and frame

The seal is laid along the outer part of the frame. Most often, it, fasteners and all other components are included in the package, but in some cases they will have to be purchased later. In any case, after these steps, you should carefully check everything for accuracy and strength, because Replacing or repairing roof windows, if necessary, will cause a lot of trouble.

Installation of double-glazed windows and interior finishing

On next stage When installing roof windows, you will need to return the glass unit back to the frame. This is done quite simply, but the technology depends on the manufacturer, so the process itself is comprehensively described in the manual.

The glass unit is installed at the very last stage, the finish is chosen to match the interior

Also, the interior decoration of the skylights should not cause problems - it all depends on personal preferences. In addition, many manufacturers also add special cladding solutions to the set of roof windows. Most often, the kit includes sealant, a miter box and a template. Such templates are equally good at installing and removing, if necessary.

As an alternative, you can use regular drywall, but from mechanical installation structures in this case you should refuse.

Features of attic window insulation

Separate mention should be made about working with insulation on the roof. Very often, improper insulation of roof windows results in many problems with its operation. Many inexperienced builders prefer to use conventional foam for insulation. This should not be done: expansion of the material can lead to distortions and problems with insulation. The right technology During installation, we recommend using materials in the form of stone wool mats with a long service life.

For thermal insulation of a roof window, it is best to use stone wool

As an additional measure, it is highly recommended to install heating devices under the attic window. Flow warm air with equal success and window slopes warms up and protects from condensation. Metal elements should not be used for installing insulation - they can form cold bridges.

This is all you need to know about installing a roof window in a soft roof or tile. Despite the apparent complexity, the process itself is quite simple and requires not so much skill as time.

The attic has been very popular throughout the years. It makes it possible to acquire additional residential “squares” at minimal cost. This is especially true for small houses. But in order to live comfortably in such a room, it is necessary to do work such as installing roof windows. Without natural light The room can hardly be called habitable and comfortable. How do you install a roof window yourself? What difficulties might arise along the way? About this and we'll talk in the article.

What designs should be chosen for the attic?

If you decide to install a window on the attic floor, then you should first get acquainted with the requirements that the product must meet. The roof is a special element of the house. Its main task is to protect the building from rain and other atmospheric precipitation. In addition, the roof is made in the form of a multi-layer “pie”. This design is necessary for thermal insulation. This is especially important if the house has an attic floor.

Installing roof windows should not reduce the efficiency of the roof itself. You need to do everything so that your changes do not worsen the hydro- and thermal insulation properties. In this regard, the window must meet the following requirements:

  • the structure must be equipped with a hermetic seal, and even better, with additional linings;
  • window is selected from tempered glass or ( the best option) with triplex;
  • the frame of the structure must easily withstand both moistening and drying by wind and exposure to ultraviolet sunlight;
  • Dormer windows are additionally equipped with protection against dust particles and insects.

You can find many similar designs on the market. If their cost does not suit you, then you can make a roof window with your own hands. But the resulting product must fully meet the listed requirements. Otherwise, both moisture and cold will penetrate through the window into the attic space.

Choosing a suitable place

Do-it-yourself installation of roof windows begins with the selection of their location. A lot will depend on this operation. Firstly, the installation of a window directly affects the tightness of the roof. Secondly, it depends on the installation appearance, both the roof itself and the interior decoration of the attic room.

Before deciding where to install a roof window with your own hands, it is worth getting acquainted with those places where experts categorically do not recommend doing this. These include the following:

  • slopes that form the valley. Here, in winter period Snow may accumulate. If you install it on these slopes, moisture will penetrate into the room. In addition, it will be impossible to use such a window in winter;
  • for the same reason, it is better not to install in places adjacent to horizontal walls. Sediment can also accumulate here. Plus, the window will always be shaded;
  • another place is areas near chimneys and ventilation outlets. If a roof window is installed here, condensation will constantly form on it.

According to experts, installing a window in the attic should be done away from any roofing components. Ideally, installation of such a structure is carried out on a slope, where there is a lot of free space. In this case, the window will not interfere with the operation of the roof. And it will be much more convenient to install in such a place.

Installation of a roof window in a finished roof is carried out taking into account the following nuances:

1. The choice of location largely depends on the material used to cover the roof. For example, installation of roof windows in a soft roof can be done almost anywhere. The fact is that such material is easy to cut without disturbing both the appearance and the tightness of the roof. It is a completely different matter if a roof window is installed in a metal tile or other “solid” material. In this case, you need to try to carry out the installation so as not to disturb the wave or row.

2. When installing skylights, special attention should be paid to the pitch of the rafters. Experts strongly recommend not to violate the integrity of the system. It is best for the window to be 8-10 centimeters smaller than. This additional space is necessary for laying thermal insulation material. If the step is small, but you want to install a large window, then changes are made to the rafter system. An additional beam needs to be added. Such work is complex and does not guarantee a long service life.

3. It is also worth considering design features the window itself. For example, before choosing a place, you need to pay attention to where the handle is. If it is located on top, then installation is carried out so that the lower edge of the window is located at a height of no more than one meter ten centimeters.

In addition, a heating system device should be located under the window. If this is an electrical device, then you need to have an outlet nearby. If a battery is used, pipes must be provided. These factors also need to be taken into account before installing a roof window.

Installation steps

Installation of a roof window into a finished roof is carried out in several stages. All installation work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the place where the window will be installed. To do this, an opening of the required size is made in the roof and roofing “pie”.
  2. Next you need to install the frame. In this case, it is better to dismantle the double-glazed window (or just glass). This will make installation easier.
  3. The next stage is the installation of a thermal insulation barrier. At the same time, we must not forget about waterproofing.
  4. Next, all external elements of the attic window are secured.
  5. After this, the glass unit is installed in its place.
  6. Finally, you need to install a slope.

Each stage must be performed carefully and thoroughly. This is especially true for thermal insulation and protection against moisture penetration. Also Special attention worth paying attention to exterior decoration. All joints are sealed with waterproofing and covered with the same materials as the entire roof. If a soft covering option was used for the roof, then there will not be any major difficulties with this. Working with metal tiles or other “hard” materials is a completely different matter. Here you will have to suffer a little.

Now it’s worth talking about how to install a roof window in more detail. Here, first of all, you should take some advice from experts. The first step is to prepare a place, or rather an opening for installing a roof window. Since such work is carried out even before interior decoration living space, then the work begins with the removal of the insulating material of the roof. Next, perform the following steps:

  • further, on waterproofing film mark the location of the future attic window. In this case, you need to retreat at least three or four centimeters from the rafters on each side;
  • From below, the window frame will be installed on a mounting beam, which will be fixed to the rafters. You also need to leave room for it;
  • We cut the waterproofing material according to the markings. In this case, it is recommended to leave twenty centimeters on all sides;
  • The next step will be to remove the sheathing section. Do not forget to leave sections of 3-4 centimeters on each side of the rafter leg;
  • Next we move on to the roofing. If the material used is soft and without reliefs, then there will be no problems. It is enough to cut the required piece according to the size of the window. If metal tiles or other profile roofing material were used for the coating, then you need to calculate so as not to cut it off in the middle of the wave;
  • The next step is to secure the mounting bar. Its manufacture does not require much knowledge from you. Enough to take wooden block with a cross-section of at least five centimeters and the required length.

After this, we fix the remaining areas of waterproofing. It is mounted from above using a construction stapler to the sheathing. From below, the waterproofing is fixed to the mounting block. The side “trimmings” are brought out.

Next, install the frame or frame of the dormer window. There shouldn't be any problems here. This work is carried out using brackets. In this case, it is better to use the instructions for installing a roof window, which are provided by the manufacturers of this product. In this document, the point where adjustment is indicated is very important. If done incorrectly, operating a roof window can cause you a lot of trouble.

It is very important to properly insulate and waterproof a roof window. If you purchased a ready-made factory product, then a special apron comes with it. In this case, installation is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions.

But you can make such an apron with your own hands from the material that you have. In this case, it is important that the waterproofing goes under the roofing material, especially if metal tiles or other profile material are used as such.

The installation of a roof window ends with the installation of slopes. This also has its own subtleties and nuances. Installation must begin from the bottom element. In this case, it is imperative to use an elastic seal. The installation of the lower slope of the window must be carried out so that it is located strictly in a horizontal plane.

Only after all this work can you insert the double-glazed window (or simple glass) into place. As you can see, the installation of a roof window is not very difficult. The main thing is to carry out all actions carefully, trying to achieve complete hydro- and thermal insulation. In this case, the window in the attic will not cause you problems during operation.

It is believed that the arrangement of a residential attic is more difficult and more expensive than the construction of a conventional non-insulated roof with a cold attic. There are reasons for this:

  • It is necessary to properly insulate the attic.
  • It is necessary to properly install a vapor barrier and a superdiffusion moisture and windproof membrane.
  • It is necessary to install skylights as required by the manufacturer.

Problems often arise with the last point. Errors when installing windows attic floor nullify all the advantages of this room. As a result of the mistakes of illiterate builders, attic windows leak in the rain, and condensation drips from the ceiling, damaging the finish. It is not surprising that many developers are distrustful of attics, believing that it is better to build a cottage the old fashioned way. Avoid the most common mistakes when installing a roof window into roofing pie With flexible tiles, our video and photo instructions will help you, which tell you:

  • How to calculate the size of a dormer window depending on the area of ​​the room.
  • How to choose a place in the attic roof to install a window.
  • How to prepare window hole for installing a roof window.
  • How to install the frame and frame of a roof window.
  • How to install a condensate drain.
  • How to make waterproofing at junction points.
  • How to install a roof window frame and make a heat and vapor barrier.

Installation of a roof window: planning

You can install a roof window either at the stage of attic construction or on a finished insulated roof with already laid finishing coat and layers of vapor barrier and hydro- and wind protection. In the first option, work is carried out sequentially, step by step and, usually, does not cause difficulties. In the second case, you need to rack your brains on how to install a window in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, going through the entire pie of the attic roof with flexible tiles.

The main difficulties of installing a roof window left “for later” - you will have to carefully dismantle or cut through it, moving from the inside to the outside:

  • internal sheathing for finishing the attic;
  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • superdiffusion membrane (moisture and wind protection);
  • sheathing and counter-lattice;
  • cut OSB boards for the opening;
  • partially remove the shingles around the window opening.

The width of the attic window is determined by the pitch of the rafters. If the developer does not want to install narrow window, adjusting it to rafters mounted at a distance of, for example, 60 cm from each other, you will have to cut out one rafter leg, strengthen the structure, etc. This increases the likelihood of errors among installers, the deadlines and estimates for work. From here:

The installation of roof windows should be planned at the stage of house design and calculations rafter system.

As a guide, we are guided by the following figures:

  • It is recommended to install roof windows into roofs with a slope angle of 15 degrees or more.
  • The window area is selected according to the formula: per 10 sq. m of attic floor should be 1 sq. m of glazing.
  • Top part the attic window (from the floor) is located at a height of about 2 m, and the lower part is approximately 1.2 m.
  • The opening for the attic window should be at least 4 cm wider than it, optimally 6 cm.
  • The length of the opening is approximately 4.5-5 cm longer than the length of the attic window.

Stages of installation of a roof window

alexnrg FORUMHOUSE Member

I decided to install a roof window in my house myself. Roofing pie: rafters - board with a section of 15x5 cm, vapor-permeable moisture-windproof membrane, horizontal and vertical sheathing, OSB, underlay carpet, flexible tiles. Questions have arisen:

  • How to install a roof window correctly?
  • How to prepare the opening?
  • How to fix a window in the attic?
  • How to drain condensate?
  • What is the salary for and how to install it?

The flashing (metal frame) is a system of gutters for hermetically sealing the roof window with the roofing. The flashing leads away from the attic window rainwater and moisture when snow melts.

All work on installing windows in the attic is divided into a number of sequential steps:

  1. Preparing the opening.
  2. Assembly and installation of the thermal insulation circuit.
  3. Installing a roof window frame into a thermal frame.
  4. Installation of the sash (glass unit).
  5. Adjusting the side gap and window shutter.
  6. Installation of a condensate drain.
  7. Installation of a waterproofing apron.
  8. Salary setting.
  9. Insulation of slopes around the window and restoration of the vapor barrier contour from the inside of the room.

We'll tell you about the key stages of installing a roof window and how to avoid mistakes.

Preparing a window opening for installing a roof window

In the video instructions, a specialist explains how to prepare a window opening for installing a roof window if a roof has been built and roofing has been laid.

When installing vapor and waterproofing, the films are cut with an envelope (crosswise) and wrapped inside the room (vapor barrier) and outside (wind protection).

The upper and lower parts of the opening are reinforced with lintels (between the rafters).

And with sheathing bars, so that the edge of the OSB sheet does not hang in the air.

The lower support beam of the sheathing must be leveled in order to accurately align the frame of the attic window and avoid a noticeable difference in height on the side slope.

Important! If OSB has not yet been laid on the roof– base for flexible tiles, then the opening is edged with a frame on top, made from OSB sheet or plywood cut into strips.

Assembling thermal insulation and installing a roof window frame

The thermal insulation circuit is mounted on a steel frame, which is easily assembled with latches.

The thermal insulation contour is installed in the prepared opening.

Then disconnect the rotating part of the sash with the double-glazed window from the frame of the attic window.

Mount the mounting plates and install the box in the opening.

Important! Mounting plates(4 things.) are installed in the corners of the roof window, in places prepared at the factory in the frame, into holes pre-drilled by the manufacturer for self-tapping screws.

With a large length of the attic window (more than 1.4 m), in place rotary mechanism(hinges), additional intermediate mounting plates (corners) are installed.

The attic window frame is installed in the finished opening. How to do this correctly, as well as adjust the side gaps and the rebate, is shown in the video.

Secrets of installing a condensate drain

The most important element of the roof window waterproofing system is a metal gutter for draining condensate.

The gutter is installed at a distance of up to 50 cm (optimally 20-30 cm) above the window in the same plane with the hydro- and windproof membrane.

To allow condensate to flow down the gutter, it is installed at an angle ( slope minimum 3 degrees). Then the moisture will be removed to one of the sides ( ventilation duct, formed by the sheathing).

Difficulties with installing a gutter arise if it needs to be mounted on a finished roof. In this case, you will have to manually cut out the openings in the sheathing, and do this carefully so as not to damage the wind protection film.

The easiest way to install a gutter is if there is no sheathing installed on the roof, there is no base for flexible tiles and a soft roof has not been laid.

Preparing the site for gutter installation consists of the following steps:

  • In the middle of the rafter leg (on both sides of the prepared opening) a vertical cut is made on the film of the superdiffusion membrane.

  • A gutter is placed on the seat.

I lower the gutter, using it as a ruler, and make a horizontal cut in the film so as to align the vertical cuts.

The result is a windbreak valve that fits into the gutter and catches all the condensation.

Steam and waterproofing at the junction of the attic window

At the end of the work, a waterproofing apron is installed, which protects the junction areas from moisture.

The waterproofing apron is glued to the frame from bottom to top. Installation is simple - removable protective film from the adhesive layer (strip) and the apron material is carefully smoothed over the top of the frame. The waterproofing flashing is then secured around the window with staples.

Important! The upper part of the apron is placed under a gutter, which removes condensation, and the valve, cut from the windbreak, is placed on the waterproofing apron. To prevent moisture from getting into the places where they are made vertical cuts in rafters, their waterproof in advance with butyl sealant.

Behind last years The installation of roof windows has become widespread. This is due to the benefits that people receive when they decide to remodel. attic space and make it a place of comfortable relaxation.

A roof window is a structure installed directly into the roof. As a result of this, the attic turns from a dark and dusty room into a room filled with light, where you can retire from the hustle and bustle and relax.

Installation of roof windows is possible when the roof is tilted from 12 to 90 degrees. Modern manufacturers, when manufacturing their products, took into account such conditions as strong wind, high humidity, possibility of use, regardless of the complexity of the roofing system configuration.

Installing a window requires a lot of responsibility, because compared to ordinary windows, it is subject to strong impact precipitation, as it is located on the roof of the house. Therefore, the structures being installed must be strong, airtight and durable.

Price for installing a roof window

We strive to make the cost of window installation as affordable as possible for our clients. We care about quality and guarantee that the structure we install will reliably protect you from rain, snow, wind and low temperatures. From us you can order turnkey work of any complexity!

Installation workPrices for work in rublesUnitsExplanations
Installation of a window into a finished opening without roofing 3600 PC.Preparing the opening, installing the window, leveling the width and height, installing waterproofing and protective flashing.
Installation of a window into a finished coated roof5900 PC.Preparing the opening, installing the window, leveling the width and height, installing waterproofing and vapor barrier, protective flashing, covering with flexible tiles.
Installation of a window into a roof made of6000 PC.Preparing the opening, installing the window, leveling the width and height, installing waterproofing and vapor barrier, protective flashing, installing metal tiles around the window.
Installation of a roof window in8500 PC.
Installation of a roof window in a roof made of6000 PC.
Balcony arrangement15500 PC.
Removing old windows1300 PC.
Covered with anti-mosquito mesh1700 PC.
Electric blinds3200 PC.
Electric roller shutters3400 PC.
Electric awning3400 PC.
Insulating a skylight1200 PC.

The products of these companies have slight differences. For example, on Fakro the opening handle is located at the bottom, while on Velux it is at the top. Choose Fakro when you need to place the window opening at the top, and Velux when you need to place the window opening at a lower location.

On average, the price of products from these two manufacturers is the same. Delivery is fast enough without delays.

Dormer windows are a roof element whose installation requires professional approach. Especially if the roof is already covered with roofing material. A small mistake or assumption will lead to leaks during the operation of the roof. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to correctly install a roof window in a finished metal roof. We will tell you the entire sequence of operations and outline the nuances installation process and we will draw your attention to some subtle points on which the quality of the final result depends, plus, we will show popular ones that will allow you to carry out its competent arrangement.


Choosing an installation location

Let’s immediately make a reservation that roof windows are installed only between the rafters roofing structure Houses. In this case, the width of the window product is chosen so that there is a gap of 8-12 cm between the outer ends of the frame and the rafters. If the space between the rafters does not allow installing a window with such gaps, that is, the installation step is small, then it is recommended to install more than one big window, and two are small. Fortunately, the standard size of roof windows is quite wide, in addition, manufacturers offer the service of manufacturing custom windows to the required parameters.

If the roof is built with high angle slope, then it is better to install dormer windows at the bottom of the slope. If the roof is assembled with a flat structure, then in the upper part. On steep roofs, window structures are installed on minimum height from the cornice within 10-12 cm, if the fittings for the attic window are located in the upper part. And at a height of 12-15 cm, if the fittings are located below.


Dormer window installation technology

We will assume that the attic has been in use for a long time, that is, it is insulated, covered with roofing material and even finished from the inside. There was not enough light in it, so the owner of the house decided to install a couple of attic windows.

First of all, you need to find a place between the two rafter legs. To do this, you will have to remove the skin on one section of the slope from the inside. Usually this is plywood, OSB or chipboard, and plasterboard is often used. All these slab materials They are attached to the sheathing or rafters with self-tapping screws, so the latter are simply unscrewed and the sheathing sheet is removed.

Behind the cladding there is a thermal insulation cake, which is covered from the inside with a waterproofing membrane. It is usually attached to rafter legs, so that it will be clearly visible where the elements of the rafter system are located, and the opening between them. This is what is needed to install a skylight.

It is very important to correctly trim the waterproofing material by making an opening in it. Firstly, a gap is left between the rafter legs and the frame of the attic window, which was mentioned above. There is also a section left along the entire perimeter of the window opening, 20 cm wide. These strips of waterproofing on each side will subsequently close the joint from the inside.


A rectangular section of the waterproofing membrane is cut with a knife. The heat-insulating layer is also cut out, plus vapor barrier film, which is located between the insulation and the roofing.

The next stage is cutting the opening in the roofing material. Since this is a metal tile, you should not cut it with a cutting disc mounted on a grinder. Because the high speed of the tool in contact with the metal begins cutting at a high temperature. And this is the burnout of the protective layers with which the roofing material is treated. That is, the cut site becomes open to moisture, which immediately begins to negatively affect the metal. The latter begins to corrode, reducing the service life of the roofing covering.

That's why metal materials To cover roofs, they are cut with metal shears: manual, mechanical or hydraulic. But the difficulty lies in the fact that the metal tiles have already been installed, and it is difficult to get to the edge of each element. Therefore, you will have to make a small cut with a cutting disc, literally 10 cm long. This is enough to insert the scissor blade into the slot. And after this it is necessary to carry out cutting along the perimeter of the opening metal roof. It is recommended to subsequently treat the cut area with the disk with paint.


A small nuance that concerns the sheathing. Surely, one of its elements will fall into the opening area. It will also have to be trimmed, but with one condition: so that the ends of the boards or battens of the sheathing protrude beyond the rafters inward by 20 cm.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects houses - two-story and - from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Fastening the mounting beam

Installation of skylights begins with the formation of an opening for the frame. To do this, you need to create a perimeter. There are already two rafters, all that remains is to install the limiting element, also known as the mounting beam, at the top and bottom. To do this, use the lumber from which the rafter legs are made. They are mounted across the rafters, aligned strictly horizontally. The distance between the mounting beams is the height of the attic window.

As soon as the two beams are installed, vapor barrier and waterproofing are attached to them using metal staples and a stapler. The insulation should fit snugly to the outer ends installed elements. That is why all layers of the thermal insulation cake are trimmed with a margin.


It should be noted that an assembled roof window cannot be installed in a roof opening. Therefore, it is disassembled, that is, the doors are removed. After which the frame is installed in the opening so that it rests against the mounting beams, to which it is attached with long wood screws. The length of the fastener is equal to the width of the frame profile and the thickness of the beam. The screws are screwed in through the mounting holes that the manufacturer makes in the factory in the frame of the window product.


The next operation is to insulate the attic window from the rafters. Since part of the thermal insulation cake remains, it is often used to seal the gap between the frame and the rafters. But, as practice shows, this is not enough, so it is recommended to buy a small piece of insulation that was used on the roof and cut two strips from it. They are placed in the resulting gap, no matter how small it is.

There is another option for installing a roof window frame. A box made of boards 40-50 mm thick is made to fit its dimensions. It is installed at the place where the window opening is formed, secured to two adjacent rafter legs with self-tapping screws or perforated steel profiles. And the frame is installed in this box, secured with self-tapping screws through the mounting holes. The photo below shows just such an option.

On a note! Please note that gaps are sealed with polyurethane foam from a can; you can use a special foam sealant. This option is easier than sticking pieces of foam or mineral wool into the gap.

Waterproofing a roof window

The windows come with special elements called aprons. These are corner elements made of galvanized steel sheet, painted to protect against moisture, or a special waterproofing material.

Attention! To install skylights, you must use only those aprons that come with the kit or are recommended by the manufacturer of the window structures. Even a small discrepancy, which is hardly noticeable at first glance, can lead to big troubles during the operation of roof windows.

Aprons are installed around the entire perimeter of the frame or box, and are attached to them with self-tapping screws. During installation, the main thing is that the upper apron overlaps the upper edges of the side elements with its edges. And the latter overlapped the edges with their lower edges bottom apron. This is how complete tightness of the joints is achieved.


One more thing. With part of the plane of the lower shelves, the apron should be located on the sheathing, covering the thermal insulation layer of the roof at the junction with the attic window. After assembling the roof covering, part of the plane of the aprons will be covered with metal tiles.

Assembly of metal tiles and installation of flashing

If a section of the roof was cut from the inside, then the assembly of metal tiles is reduced only to filling the space between the window and the roof covering. And this is a small strip around the perimeter of the window. To do this, you do not need to purchase new metal tiles. Can be covered with strips of painted galvanized steel sheet. It is better if the sheet is covered with a polymer layer. The main thing is to choose a color that matches the color of the metal tiles. The strips are attached to the sheathing.

If the option of partial dismantling of the roofing covering was used outside, then you will need to reassemble using standard technology.

And salary installation. This is an element of a dormer window that forms protection at the bottom of the window opening and on the sides. Essentially, this is the same apron that is laid on top of the metal tiles located below and on the sides window design. The flashing is attached to both the sheathing and the frame.


Installation of sash and slopes

And two last stage, which ends the process of installing a roof window in a finished roof. The method of installing the sash is the opposite of removing it.

Video description

The video shows how to properly disassemble a roof window and the process of removing the sash:

But as for the slopes, here a large number of options. But there are two important points in this event:

    Upper slope must be installed horizontally, A lower - vertically. This is the only way to achieve effective blowing of double-glazed windows. If this is not taken into account, condensation will collect on the glass.

    Slopes necessary atkeep warm. For this you can use any thermal insulation material. But foam sealants are better. Polyurethane foam It's better not to use it.

Video description

In the video, the master explains how to properly install a roof window in a roof covered with metal tiles:

Conclusion on the topic

Installation of a roof window in a soft roof covered with metal tiles, corrugated sheets or any other roofing material is carried out using the same technology. Of course, each manufacturer has its own subtleties and nuances, but in general the sequence of operations is the same. But we must remember that a roof window is a rather complex mechanism, therefore, in order for yours to be correctly implemented, it is better to trust the installation to professionals.