Installation of fiber cement siding. Do-it-yourself step-by-step installation of fiber cement siding

Finishing the facade with fiber cement siding - comparatively new way cladding. The panels resemble lining, but differ in operational and quality characteristics.


It consists of panels that are mounted on the wall. What are they made of:

  • - the main binder that determines the strength of the product;
  • Fine purified sand;
  • Water;
  • Mineral additives - crumbs of quartz, mica, marble;
  • Binding additive - wood fibers;
  • Improvers: hardening agents, moisture resistance agents, etc.

Each manufacturer has its own fiber cement composition; there is no uniform standard for it. All components are mixed and placed in an autoclave, where all components are combined. After hardening, fiber cement becomes stable in water, mechanical damage and combustion.


Finishing products are adapted to the modern consumer: the market offers fiber cement siding, the types and shapes of which will satisfy the needs of any client. The panels have different structures, colors, sizes of elements, and imitation of known materials. Siding that follows the same shape is in great demand:

  • Stone in any form: laying boulders, cutting shale, mountain cliff, etc.;
  • Brick;
  • Wood of any species and origin.

Sometimes you can mistakenly mistake a facade finished with fiber cement for an ordinary painted plank oil paint. The material is an excellent alternative to expensive finishes and coatings made of wood and stone, while its characteristics are not much different from the original.

Distinctive features of fiber cement products

Why should you pay attention to the new construction material:

  • Durability - products last up to 5 decades;
  • Easy installation;
  • High levels of sound and heat protection: many home owners choose cement panels to reduce costs thermal energy;
  • The self-cleaning ability of the panels will allow the façade long time do without cleaning;
  • A rich range of colors and a choice of textures allow you to create an imitation of any coating;
  • The low weight of the products does not require the installation of special fastenings and foundations.


When choosing this type of panels, you should take into account the features of the products:

  • Elements for façade cladding are fragile when dropped, which can cause transportation difficulties;
  • The ability of fiber cement to absorb moisture may result in linear expansion of the sheathing and some displacement of the seams;
  • Difficulty cutting - you need to be careful not to get injured.

Popular manufacturers

Any material, including fiber cement siding, requires careful selection. Manufacturers are the first thing you should pay attention to.

  • "Rospan" is a domestic brand for the production of panels for finishing. The range of products mainly includes imitation of different stones in a wide range of colors.
  • Eternit;
  • Kedral;
  • Faspan;
  • Nichiha.

A commercial manufacturer will not risk its reputation; products of well-known brands in most cases meet high quality standards.

Choosing a domestic brand will save on the purchase of material.

Installation of fiber cement siding

The panels consist of the following steps:

  1. A drainage system is fixed on the facade - a gutter, a drainage pipe.
  2. A vapor barrier is attached to the base wall - a regular film or membrane.
  3. Install vertical guide rails in increments equal to the length of the panel, fix them with self-tapping screws to the wall.
  4. Insulation is fixed between the slats - or using long dowels. The thickness of the mats should not exceed the width of the guides;
  5. The second layer of vapor barrier is fixed to the slats.
  6. Cover the wall with panels, starting from the corner of the bottom row along the perimeter, gradually rising to the top.

Finishing a house with fiber cement siding does not take much time; you can handle the process without using the services of a professional, which will help save the family budget.

Fiber cement siding- This modern look material, which consists of ordinary natural resources located in our environment: sand, water, air.

The special strength of such a panel comes from the fiber added to its structure. The homogeneous structure is formed through the process of autoclaving fiber cement elements. This design is able to withstand the effects of the environment on it.

Application of fiber cement siding

If you need to repair or simply restore a building, be it residential or non-residential, so that it ultimately becomes more wear-resistant, durable, fire-resistant and moisture-resistant, then fiber cement is the most the best option solving the problem.

Nowadays, home decoration using is very popular all over the planet. In addition to the above benefits this material easy to install and also it does not require special attention when caring for him.

Siding made from fiber cement consists of cement-fiber panels, the percentage ratio of which is: cement from 80% to 90%, and mineral fillers and reinforcing fiber from 10% to 20%. And the fiber gives the final strength to fiber cement panels. As a result, a facing material is formed to cover the facade.

And, besides, the material has the following properties:

  • fire resistance;
  • waterproof;
  • heat resistance (to both high and low temperatures);
  • resistance to chemical attack, as well as special strength, unlike conventional siding.

For finishing curtain facades in residential buildings for private purposes, Cedral is most often used, and for multi-storey buildings It is better to use Eternit fiber cement siding; it is also used as a decorative additional facade.

In addition, the material is also suitable for finishing eaves overhangs, chimneys and pediments. And also for the construction of fences and partitions located on the street.

Production of fiber cement siding

The Hatchek method is the main one for the manufacture of façade fiber cement panels. For the manufacture of Cedral fiber cement panels, fillers such as: cellulose fibers, quartz sand and air, which is shaped into microscopic pores.

All this is mixed extremely thoroughly with each other in a special mixing vessel. Particles that contain cement are removed from the water by filtration and, using equipment, are fed to a drum with a surface of a certain relief. It is thanks to this procedure that fiber cement panels acquire a texture similar to wood.

By repeatedly spraying such particles, the panel is given required thickness. The material is then cut to the required length and the freshly released green panels are sent to dry using the autoclave method.

Fiber cement siding is great option finishing, because its advantages are not only in quality, but also in varied design, style, beauty and, most importantly, durability.

Fiber cement siding care

After installing the finishing material and after some time, you will definitely have a question: “How to wash it?”

The fact is that the fiber cement surface itself can repel dirt, dust and other traces of pollution, and moreover, fiber cement panels are not a source of pollution, since they are made from environmentally friendly resources.

But, if you still find some traces of dust or dirt residues, then ordinary soapy water is quite suitable for cleaning, since the surface of such a coating does not allow even the slightest dirt to stick normally. Besides, why bother yourself if any rain can polish your siding completely. And, even if there has been no rain for several months, a simple damp cloth can bring the material into a perfectly clean state.

The ease of cleaning fiber cement siding is another advantage over conventional wood panels. As time goes by, technology changes and is not even a match for fiber cement. Well, if you want your home to have a wooden look, then you can always purchase a fiber side panel with a wooden texture. Both pleasant and high quality.

If you are worried that by installing this finishing material, your house will resemble a freezer in winter, then you are mistaken. Such panels have enormous heat resistance due to the huge quantities of air in their cells. With the help of air layers and elasticity of the material, such panels will not only preserve your home warmth, but will not let the street frosts pass.

And it will be better if you do not allow moisture to get on the fiber cement panels when sub-zero temperature, because at this temperature, if droplets fall into the center of the panels, they will solidify and turn into ice, which will cause pressure on the panel from the inside. And thus, the service life of fiber cement panels can be significantly reduced.

Fiber cement siding: installation - video.

Video: installation of fiber cement panels.

Now you know what this building material is, and you can also install it by watching the video instructions. Good luck!

Fiber cement siding is a new direction in finishing house facades. The front surface of siding, unlike vinyl and aluminum analogues, can be made in the form of imitation of various natural materials. By using decorative panels the facade of the house can be visually ennobled with natural stone, wood, facade tiles, plaster, intricate brickwork.

In addition to its attractive appearance, fiber cement siding is distinguished by its excellent quality, strength and durability.

Fiber cement cladding for facades is made from sand, cement and additional materials. As a complement to various types siding are used as natural materials(mineral fillers, cellulose) and synthetic components (acrylic).

A mixture of cement and sand provides the material with strength and water resistance. Mineral components give the facing panels internal plasticity and prevent material rupture during sudden changes in temperature and humidity conditions. Cellulose provides rigidity to the material and additionally reinforces the façade covering.

During production, fiber cement boards are pressed and autoclaved. When pressed, the siding is given the desired shape. Subsequent firing of the slabs at high temperatures provides strength and resistance to various physical and temperature influences.

Types and brands of fiber cement siding

Fiber cement panels of this brand are environmentally friendly, since the material does not contain asbestos and ballast fillers harmful to human health. Cladding panels are produced in the form of imitation natural stone with a relief surface.

The siding is distinguished by a reinforced coating consisting of 3 layers: primer, acrylate paint and silicone transparent layer. Thanks to the protection, facades do not fade in the sun, do not corrode and self-clean during precipitation.

This brand of siding is highly resistant to high humidity and low temperatures. Natural and synthetic components are used in the manufacture of the material. Collection facade cladding differs in both color diversity and large selection imitation of various materials.


Japanese technologies have made it possible to create an ideal facade with a magnificent appearance, impact resistance and high wear resistance. Fiber cement siding of this brand is environmentally friendly and has low thermal conductivity, which reduces building heating costs.

Do-it-yourself cladding of a house with fiber cement siding

Calculation of material quantity

As a rule, it is very difficult to independently calculate the required amount of siding and fasteners. It is best to contact experienced sales consultants who, based on the provided dimensions of the house, will make the most correct and economical calculation of the material.

Do-it-yourself siding installation. Stages of installation of facing material

  1. Marking a horizontal line on the walls for installing rows of cladding.
  2. Installation of drainage structures along the foundation line.
  3. Installation waterproofing material under fiber cement siding.
  4. Installation of a frame for fastening cladding panels.
  5. Siding fastening.
  6. Sealing seams and gaps.
  7. Finish painting of joints.

Tools and materials for installation work

  1. Measuring tools: level, hydraulic level or laser level. With their help, the wall surface will be marked.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Construction corner.
  4. Hammer and set of drills for concrete and metal.
  5. Miter saw for cutting facing material.
  6. Clamps for fastening guides.
  7. Screwdriver and set of bits.
  8. Grinder for cutting metal profile and brackets.
  9. Metal scissors for cutting planks for water drainage.
  10. Plaster rule (metal lath).
  11. Cutter.
  12. Standard set of plumbing tools (hammer, pliers, screwdriver).

Before installing siding, it is necessary to build a drainage system to protect the foundation.

Step 1. It is necessary to inspect all the walls of the building and mark the beginning of the first row of facing material. Most often, the lower edges of the siding are attached to the top frame of the foundation.

Step 2. By using measuring instruments should be precisely determined horizontal level. It is on this that the siding panels will be attached. If you make the markings “by eye”, the rows of cladding may fail.

Step 3. Attach flashings for the foundation.

Installation of frame for facing material

Step 1. On the wall of the house using self-tapping screws and special metal plates A waterproofing film is attached with perforations.

Step 2. A frame of wooden beams with a section of 50 by 50 mm is mounted on top of the film. If the walls of the house need insulation, then insulation slabs, cut to the required size, are inserted into the sheathing of timber. The thickness of the insulation should not exceed the thickness of the beams.

If the siding is mounted vertically, then the main frame posts should be mounted horizontally. It is also important to attach additional jumpers between the main posts. The step between the horizontal and vertical jumpers of the sheathing should be no more than 40 cm.

Step 3. A second layer of waterproofing material is attached on top of the insulated posts.

Step 4. A vertical sheathing is attached on top of the waterproofing to secure the siding panels. Wooden beams are screwed to the racks in which the insulation is located. This creates a ventilated façade. For the second row of sheathing, you can use wooden blanks with a thickness of at least 3 cm. Thus, the thickness of the cladding together with the double sheathing of timber is more than 15 cm.

Important. When installing the second vertical sheathing To attach the siding you need to use a level. The structure must be perfectly level. If in some place the planks are attached at an angle, you can use special plastic levelers.

Installation of fiber cement cladding panels

Siding panels are attached to special fittings - clamps. This fastener is sold with the material. For each type of siding, clamps of special size and strength are produced. If desired, clamps can be omitted; in this case, it is recommended to simply fasten the cladding panels to the frame using stainless steel self-tapping screws.

Step 1. Metal starting strips are attached to vertical wooden posts using screws. If the siding is mounted horizontally, the starting posts are also mounted horizontally. The first starting strip, attached at the very bottom of the wall, sets the angle of inclination of the first facing panel.

Step 2. Installation of corner guide profiles along the edges of the wall. This hardware is attached to wooden beams using self-tapping screws.

Step 3. Connecting profiles are attached to the sheathing, the step is no more than 1 meter. Options for laying siding

Step 4. Cut out the siding panels. The distance between the vertical corner profiles is measured. This is the size the siding is cut to. It is best to cut the material from the reverse side, since when cutting, chips or nicks may appear on the edges of the panels.

Step 5. The first cut panel is placed on the starting strip, the material is installed from the bottom up, overlapping. The panel is attached to a wooden stand using clamps or simply drilled with screws. The fastener is driven into the body of the material using a screwdriver. It is recommended to recess the head of the screw into the siding in order to subsequently hide the metal under a layer of special putty.

Step 6. The second siding panel is measured and cut in the same way. At the junction of two panels, you need to attach a strip of waterproofing material to the vertical posts.

Step 7 All subsequent siding panels are overlapped over each other using waterproofing at the joints.

Finishing of facing material

After the siding is attached to the walls, you need to hide metal fastener. For these purposes, a corrective dye identical to the color of the siding is used. The dye is purchased along with the material. If a clamp fastening was used, then all fastening fittings are hidden under the panels.

The cut ends of the panels also need painting. Retouching paint is used for restoration. You need to use a brush to paint over all visible cuts and chips.

Sealing seams and gaps. It is not recommended to use regular silicone for these purposes. You can purchase a special colored sealant along with the material. In this way, a beautiful cladding of the facade of the house is created, having the same color.

Installation of siding on walls should be carried out in dry and windless weather. Cladding should not be carried out in the rain, especially if a layer of insulation is pre-installed.

For work at height, special structures are needed - scaffolding or scaffolding. With their help, attaching material to high walls will be more convenient and safer.

Purchased siding cannot be stored on the ground. It is best to unload the material onto special wooden pallets. The slabs must not be bent during storage; they may become deformed.

Video - Do-it-yourself siding installation. How to properly install fiber cement siding on the facade of a house

  1. Horizontal sheathing. Bars measuring ≥ 50x30* mm, depending on the presence of an intermediate layer of insulation, the distance is within ≤ 600 mm.
    *Depending on the thickness of the insulation.
  2. Anchoring Fastening is carried out using dowels and screws at a distance of ≤ 800 mm.
  3. Thermal insulation.
  4. Fastening special heat-insulating mats to the wall of a building or structure. Depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, the thickness of the insulation is selected. Vertical lathing Vertical bars are attached directly to the horizontal sheathing at the point intersecting 2 connecting elements . Wherein optimal width
  5. Vertical sheathing bars are considered ≥ 40mm. The width of the vertical sheathing at the joining point of the Kedral bars must be ≥ 70 mm. The distance located directly between the axes of the vertical bars should be 600 mm. Perforated profile
  6. Perfectly protects the façade of a building from penetration and damage by rodents and insects. It is attached using a starting strip along the entire perimeter of the structure. In this case, the perforation area must be ≥ 50 cm 2x1 running meters. Starting bar
  7. Presented with a 10x30 mm profile. Directly sets the angle of the most important, first board. EPDM tape Attached at the joint Cedral boards
  8. directly to the vertical bars. EPDM tape protects against negative external influences and adverse atmospheric damage. During their installation, it is necessary to use a special screwdriver that regulates the force, as well as stainless steel self-tapping screws, additionally equipped with a self-drilling type tip and a self-tapping head. If there is a need to install slopes and corners, you must additionally consult with a professional.

Installation of wooden sheathing

The basis of the ventilated design curtain façade with the direct use of Kedral siding, it creates vertical and horizontal beams.

The horizontal beam is attached with powerful screws or thick nails to the load-bearing wall. The fastening method depends on the type of material from which it is made. He must provide high level reliability and strength of fastening.

Fastening to a concrete or brick wall is carried out using screws made of stainless steel with a diameter of at least 7 mm, as well as a nylon dowel. Maximum distance between bars horizontal type should be at a level of 6 cm.

The best option will be the application mineral wool as thermal insulation. It is attached directly to the base using disc-shaped dowels. The type and thickness of insulation is selected based on a thermal engineering calculation.

The waterproofing film is attached with vertical bars using a special stapler construction type. In this case, the overlap of the fixed canvases should be at least 1 cm.

Thickness thermal insulation material must correspond to the thickness of the horizontal sheathing bars with a width of 6 cm and minimum thickness equal to 3 cm. As a rule, a beam of 6x6 cm or 6x8 cm is used. In the event that there is a need for a thicker layer of thermal insulation, galvanized steel brackets are used, to which vertical timber bars are directly attached.

The vertical to horizontal bars are fastened using two steel or stainless steel screws. Each individual fiber cement board is attached to at least three vertical bars. When attaching a board to two bars optimal distance between them is considered 4 cm.

Installation of Cedral fiber cement boards on the sheathing

Minimum siding overlap fiber cement Cedral is 3 cm. The boards are fastened using special steel self-tapping screws and ribbed nails.

Installation of Kedral begins from the bottom up. At the same time, an initial plank 3 cm wide and 1 cm thick is attached. The first Kedral board is installed, which subsequently sets the angle of inclination of the siding.

Kedral fiber cement boards do not require ventilated conditions. However, it is still recommended to leave a gap between the wall and the siding for air penetration. Its width should be at least 2 cm. This will avoid the formation of condensation. The gap at the bottom is closed with a profile with perforations to protect the building from penetration harmful insects and rodents.

External and internal corners are finished with profiles that give the façade of a building or structure a laconic appearance. Optimal length profiles are considered to be 300 cm in size, color scheme- shade of cladding: Kedral.

The number of fiber cement boards required to finish a wall of a given height is calculated using a certain formula:

n = ( (H - 190) / 160 ) + 1

Subsequently, the resulting result n is rounded to form an integer. If there is no need to trim the last board or minimum size gaps, the larger overlap method (o) is used. The formula used is:

o = (N* 190 - H) / (N - 1)

In this case, the overlap should be no more than 5 cm. When using a variable overlap on one side of the facade, the distance between the siding should be no more than 1 cm.

Video instructions for installing Cedral fiber cement boards

Processing and cutting of material

Facade boards Kedral fiber cement type sawing, milling and drilling are extremely easy. As a sawing element, it is best to use a circular type electric saw with a hard-alloy disk, diamond-coated, or teeth coated with hard-alloy. A regular hand saw with sharp serrations and carbide inserts is great for cutting small pieces of siding. A jigsaw with a carbide blade, a sharp file and high speeds can also be used for these purposes. When using a power tool, it is also necessary to turn on the dust extractor to remove small, dust-like particles.

During the processing of the board, it must be securely attached to the layout. At the same time, the workbench must be extremely stable to avoid additional vibrations, eliminate excessive stress during the cutting process and ensure a smooth edge. If trimming is done incorrectly, the edges of the cut will peel off. After trimming, the ends are cleaned of burrs with a special sandpaper. Dust that accumulates during siding treatment is removed with a soft, dry cloth. It must be remembered that dust that is not removed in time leaves stains on the wood that are difficult to remove.

When drilling holes, the siding must have a support point. You may need a regular table for this. The wood is drilled with a sharp drill with a sharpness of 600. If it is necessary to create a hole with a wider diameter, cutters from the well-known Metabo brand are used.

Retouching end and longitudinal sections

The ends of the processed boards of sawn material do not need to be tinted - Kedral siding durable material. The need to touch up sections with retouching paint is based on the aesthetics of the external presentation. The color scheme of the paint should match the color of the fiber cement board. Before you start painting, you need to make sure the surface to be painted is dry and free of dust and dirt. Leaks are immediately eliminated.

When choosing façade boards Kedral in colors such as " Walnut", "Pear", "Cherry" it is necessary to paint open cuts without fail.

In the exterior decoration of buildings, beauty and functionality play an important role. And if they are also combined with reliability, durability and environmental friendliness, we can safely assume that in the end the consumer receives an ideal finishing material. Fiber cement siding, judging by the reviews, is not far from this title.

What is fiber cement? This is a mixture of cement with sand and special fibers of various origins, which give panels and boards made of this material strength and lightness, as well as excellent appearance, not changing over the years, and ease of installation and maintenance.

The modern construction market offers several options for fiber cement panels and boards, differing not only in type exterior finishing, texture and shape of the panels, but also price. For example, Japanese Nichiha panels are represented by almost five hundred models, there is plenty to choose from! But they are also the most expensive, since the quality of these panels is beyond praise. Russian analogues are only slightly inferior to them, but their price is noticeably lower.

Each type of fiber cement siding is installed differently. We will tell you about all the methods so that you have a complete understanding of the possible difficulties and subtleties that you will have to face when installing the facade.

Tools and materials

Installation of fiber cement siding

To install fiber cement panels you will need:

  • Stationary or manual a circular saw with guides, discs without teeth with diamond coating, jigsaw with carbide metal blades;
  • Drill, carbide drills with a sharpening angle of 60°, screwdriver, stainless steel screws;
  • Hammer, stainless steel nails, clamps (if necessary);
  • Dust mask, gloves;
  • Metal or wood profile(bars 20×50, 40×50 or 50×50), mineral wool or basalt slabs, windproof membrane, joint tape, mushroom dowels, stapler;
  • Panels or boards made of fiber cement, flashing for the base;
  • Paint for painting saw cuts and heads of screws or nails (for cases where the panels are painted in bright colors different from the color of unpainted fiber cement), mastic.

Installation of insulation

Insulation of walls before finishing

Along the entire perimeter of the walls, install a sheathing of beams 40×50 or 50×50 mm thick, placing them horizontally, at a distance of 600 mm from each other (focus on the width of the insulation mats). Place the insulation mats into the sheathing and secure with mushroom-shaped dowels, at least five pieces per mat. Then roll out the windproof membrane, also placing it horizontally and securing it with a stapler to the sheathing. Roll out the membrane from bottom to top, with an overlap of at least 10 cm, gluing the joints with tape.

Fill a counter-batten on top of the insulated lathing, placing 20×50 bars vertically, with a pitch of no more than 500 mm. At the joints of the panels, the width of the bar should be slightly larger, about 700 mm, so decide in advance how you will place the panels on the wall. Installation of fiber cement siding can be carried out staggered, staggered or straight.

Fastening siding and panels

There are three ways to attach fiber cement siding and panels to sheathing. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Installation of boards (such as Eternit, Latonit)

Install a starting strip at the bottom of the wall, cut from regular board siding, to set the angle of inclination of subsequent boards. It must be fastened along the entire perimeter of the building, leveling it strictly according to the level. The next rows of boards are overlapped using self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws should be screwed in strictly at right angles to the board. The distance from the top edge of the board should be 20-25 mm, otherwise the siding may crumble. The top board is attached so that its lower edge covers the fastening point, with an overlap of at least 30 mm. The boards in a row are joined end to end.

Installation of panels (such as Nichikha, Rospan)

Nichiha siding

When choosing this type of façade panels, please note: the sheathing must be assembled so that the panel joints fit on the profile.

Install the drip molding onto the protruding plinth. Secure the first row of panels with self-tapping screws. Place the panels at a distance of 10-15 mm from the ebb shelf or blind area to ensure ventilation. Installation of fiber cement facade panels with locks on the long sides is carried out using a connecting profile installed at the ends of the panels.

In other cases, the plates are fastened using self-tapping screws. Slightly recess the head of the screw into the panel, then treat it with a special mastic and paint over it. If everything is done carefully, even upon closer inspection the fastening points will not be noticeable. This gives the walls of the building a solid appearance, as if they were made of brick or stone.

The joints between panels, inside and outside corners should be treated with sealant. At the joints, a waterproofing tape is laid along the sheathing to prevent moisture from penetrating through the joints into the ventilated façade.

Installation of panels on clamps

Mounting on clamps

With panel thicknesses from 16 to 35 mm, fastening is carried out using clamps, special fasteners that can withstand quite a lot of weight. The clasps are attached horizontally. Their lower legs hold the panel, while their upper legs become fastening element for the top plate.

Fastening fiber siding to clamps also allows you to make wall cladding almost seamless.

The only thing needed for such installation are clamps and special nails. Nails can be matched to the purchased fasteners directly in the store.

Fiber cement boards should be removed from the pallet very carefully so as not to damage the paint layer on the front surface. You need to carry fiber siding by holding it vertically by the narrow side. To do this, first place the panel on its edge, take it in the center and only then lift it. You cannot carry the board in a horizontal position; it may break.

It is advisable to cut the panels on a workbench at least 3 meters long, covered with carpet material. This is necessary in order not to damage the paint on the front surface. Panels that need to be cut or sawed must always be dry. Damp or wet panels must be thoroughly dried before cutting.

Sawing, trimming and drilling of panels can be done outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. It is advisable to use a saw with a vacuum cleaner, as sawing produces a lot of dust. Dust from the surface of the panels must be removed immediately with a soft cloth or wide brush.

The cut edges of the panels should be painted over. acrylic paint to match the panels usually supplied in the kit. Wipe up paint stains immediately with a cloth.

And lastly: be sure to take into account the weight of the panels, they are not as heavy as porcelain stoneware, but they are far from fluffy, so calculate the thickness of the profile and the type of fasteners for the sheathing and panels with a margin.

Video on installation of fiber cement siding