Installing hinges on the door: insertion technology of various models. Installing hinges on cabinet doors with your own hands How to screw door hinges correctly

Installing hinges on doors - important stage installation of the door leaf and frame. On the one side, this process does not cause any problems, since it comes down to installing the hinges themselves and securing the door leaf, but on the other hand, it requires time, as well as patience and the availability of the tools necessary for installation. Before you install door hinges with your own hands, think about whether you can achieve High Quality work. It is on the correct installation of hinges and doors on them that their further operation largely depends.

Types of door hinges

Features of the installation of certain loops will depend on their type. Hinges are classified according to structural features and fastening into three main types:

  • Invoices. They consist of two identical parts fastened together. One part is attached to door frame, the other is on the canvas. There are also ones that represent a single whole. Installation of overhead hinges does not require special skills and is the simplest and most accessible to everyone.

Mortise. They are characterized by a more complex and time-consuming installation, which requires special equipment and skills to work with it. The complexity of installation is compensated by the wide distribution of mortise hinges, as well as their reliability and durability.

  • Screw-in. They are attached using threaded pins - they are screwed into door leaf, thereby securely attaching to its surface. Usually installed in the amount of three pieces per door, they differ in the number of fastening pins.

There are also hidden door hinges, which are highly complex to install, but guarantee excellent security and safety of your home.

Preparing the necessary tools

The installation process is unthinkable without a set of certain materials, tools and equipment necessary for the job. So, before starting installation you should prepare:

  • door hinges.
  • screwdriver and set of screws.
  • pencil (necessary for marking).
  • a set of wooden wedges for leveling the structure.
  • building level.
  • hammer and chisel.

After you have verified that the work area If you have the tools and materials listed above, you can begin installing door hinges.

Correct marking

Installing door hinges by eye is unacceptable - even a small error can lead to distortion and deformation of the door leaf and structure. Marking is done with a pencil as follows:

  1. Attach the hinges to the intended installation locations. Hinges should be placed with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters from the edges of the door (top and bottom).
  2. Trace the hinges attached to the door end with a pencil, then set them aside.
  3. Using a chisel and hammer, make the indentations in the marked areas necessary to install the mortise hinges.

Pay close attention to the thickness of the recess. If it exceeds the thickness of the hinge, the door will rest against the frame when closing. Ultimately, this will lead to deformation of the door leaf and problems with opening and closing the door.

Before installing hinges on the door, you need to mark the door frame. This operation will require skill and patience to correctly determine the location of the loop:

  1. Place the canvas in the box and secure it with wooden wedges in the way it should be in the installed state. To level the door leaf, use a building level.
  2. After aligning the canvas, mark on the frame where the door hinges come into contact with the door.
  3. As with the door leaf, use a hammer and chisel to make the required number of recesses for installing door hinges.

The alignment of the door leaf in the frame should be carried out not only vertically, but also horizontally. Unfaithful vertical installation will cause the door to open spontaneously, and the horizontal one will make it difficult to close it.

Correct installation of door hinges

Installation of mortise hinges

Inserting hinges into an interior door is the most complex procedure possible, so once you master it, you can easily install overhead and screw-in hinges. The installation procedure for mortise hinges is as follows:

  1. Sink the hinges into the recesses made in the previous stages of work on the door.
  2. Using a screwdriver, make holes in the wood for the hinges.
  3. Take screws of suitable diameter and use a screwdriver to secure the hinges on the door leaf.
  4. Install the door in doorway and secure it with wooden wedges.
  5. Sink the loops into the indentations made, then repeat steps 2-3.

During installation, carefully ensure that the door is level in the frame and does not move during installation. Before hanging the door on its hinges, carefully align it in the doorway using building level(as when marking).

Installation of overhead hinges

This is the easiest method to use and does not require insertion and preliminary preparation door and door frame (without creating recesses). The simplicity lies in the design of such hinges and in the installation features - you don’t have to think about how to weld the hinges and secure them as firmly as possible in the socket.

Installation is similar to installing mortise hinges, however, the parts are not installed in special recesses, but are simply screwed to the end of the door and frame using screws. As in the previous case, it is important to maintain correct position door leaf in space throughout the installation of hinges.

Installation of screw-in hinges

Installation of screw-in door hinges will not cause problems even for a novice craftsman. Typically, installation involves three simple steps:

  1. Before installing the hinges on the door, you need to drill holes in the door leaf using a special template, which usually comes with the hinges. Sockets for hinges are drilled both on the door and on the frame, at the same level.
  1. The next step is to install the hinges in place. One half is placed on the door, the second on the frame.
  2. The final stage is “stringing” door hinges onto frame hinges. This completes the simple installation of hinges.

After installation is complete, it is recommended to prevent squeaking when opening and closing doors, as well as to extend the life of door hinges. If you have any questions about correct installation door hinges, you can get additional information from the video (and also consolidate the information already learned from this article), which can be found and played below.

An integral part of the installation work door block the opening is to install hinges on the interior door. This process is, on the one hand, simple, and on the other, complex - it should be understood that the appearance of the doors largely depends on the quality of this work. In this article, together with the website, we will analyze two technologies according to which the insertion of door canopies can be carried out. In addition, we will look at alternative solutions to this problem.

Installing hinges on an interior door photo

Installing hinges on an interior door: what the professionals do

If we talk about which way to solve the problem of how to install hinges on a door is better, faster and of higher quality, then, naturally, it will be professional approach to the point. There is no other way here - in an effort to earn as much money as possible, the master must do his work both quickly and efficiently, so that there are no problems with customers later. It is for this reason that they use professional tools and devices.

By and large, to cut mounting holes for the door leaf at the end, you only need a couple of things - a manual milling machine that makes a clean cut and a device for inserting hinges. Many of you are already familiar with the first, but you will need to understand the second in a little more detail. Essentially, this is a kind of overlay that protects the door leaf or frame from damage while moving along it hand router. There are also devices that completely set the dimensions of the hole being cut - in this case, the work is made several times easier. It should also be noted that there are also devices for inserting hinges that, in one installation, allow you to cut a groove both on the leaf and on the door frame. Such a device connects two parts of the door block together, which in itself eliminates the issue of aligning the grooves on these two parts of the door. Today, such devices are considered the best and can significantly increase the pace and quality of work.

Installing hinges on doors photo

In principle, you can do without a device - for one-time work, one milling machine will be enough. The disadvantage of the absence of a device is that it takes longer to insert the hinges into the interior door and the quality is not very high, which can be expressed in the mismatch of the grooves on the door leaf and. In addition, the machine itself can scratch the protective and decorative coating of the door - this nuance must be taken care of separately and the heel of the hand router must be equipped with a soft material (for example, felt).

How to insert loops with your own hands, watch the video.

Homemade method of installing hinges: sequence of work

Yes, now this technology refers specifically to handicraft production, but a few decades ago all professionals made inserts in this way. Sometimes it is used today, but one should not expect high quality from it. You probably already guessed what it's about we'll talk- This is a chisel and a hammer that can be found in the arsenal of almost any household person. Most main drawback this method To solve the problem of how to embed hinges into a door, these are frayed edges of the groove, which is completely unacceptable for modern and covered ones. And if we talk about the advantages, then this is, naturally, the availability of this technology for independent implementation.

Inserting hinges into an interior door photo

In general, this method of inserting door canopies can be represented as the following technological sequence.

  1. Marking the groove. As a rule, it is made by applying an installed canopy to the end of the canvas or box and tracing it with a pencil. There are no difficulties here, the main thing is to position the loops correctly.
  2. At the second stage of the work, the groove is edged - this is done with a hammer and chisel. The latter is installed clearly along the marking line and driven into the body of the door to a maximum depth of 3mm. This edging should be made around the entire perimeter of the groove.
  3. Making a groove with a chisel. Here you will have to tinker a little - setting the chisel at an angle, the groove is simply cut out with hammer blows. You need to work carefully so as not to damage the front surfaces.

To be frank, in my opinion, this technology is only suitable for doors that will subsequently be subjected to. Only in this case will it be possible to eliminate the chips caused by the chisel. And yet, the most difficult and crucial moment in the process of inserting hinges with your own hands, it is not the creation of the groove, but their combination - the selection on the canvas and the box must clearly coincide. Here it is very difficult to do without accurate measurements and you should understand that every millimeter is important.

Alternative options: the easiest way to install hinges on a door

By and large, for a person without experience in carrying out such work, all two methods of installing door canopies described above will cause a lot of problems - here we can safely say that nothing good will come of such an undertaking. It is better for such people to look for an alternative. It is available, and it’s quite good - there are canopies that completely allow you to avoid the process of inserting when installing hinges on the door. You can even say more - there are two similar options.

There is a third option for solving the issue of installing door hinges on interior doors– these are the so-called trunnion hinges. They crash into the canvas, but thanks to very interesting design insertion points are not visible – this type canopies are classified as a hidden type of these products. Essentially, these are two plates that rotate around one center located on the side - they are mounted in the lower and upper ends of the door leaf. They are also installed on the door frame at the bottom and top of one of the racks. The main problems often arise with the upper canopy of this design - as a rule, it remains visible in open position. Therefore, for people who do not know how to embed hinges, this option will not be very suitable.

Basically, that's all. As you can see, there are not many options - you will either have to learn how to cut door hinges in a qualified manner, or hire specialists, or use alternatives, with which, by and large, things are not so rosy. But you shouldn’t despair, as you have already noticed, installing hinges on an interior door is not a difficult task, and if you practice well regular blackboard, then everything will work out in the best possible way!

As a rule, when buying a door, you purchase it ready-made with hinges already attached. But if you purchased a disassembled structure, then you will have to install them yourself. If you insert the hinges incorrectly and allow even a slight distortion, this will lead to unnecessary consequences in operation: the door will not close tightly or the lock pawl will not reach its place.

To carry out the replacement work correctly, you need to know in what sequence the door hinges should be installed with your own hands; in the future, this will help you avoid operational problems.

Loop selection

Before purchasing hinges, you need to decide which ones will suit your door; they are divided into three types.

  1. Brass. Such hinges are widely used because brass, due to its ductility, is easily processed: coated with chrome or polished.
  2. Brass plated. As a rule, such hinges are made of various alloys and coated with brass plating, as well as other compounds that imitate by similarity: chrome, bronze or gold.
  3. Steel. These are the most reliable and high-quality hinges, because unlike brass, the hinges of which wear off over time, steel hinges are not subject to this process, and therefore they can be considered eternal.

When choosing loops, you need to take into account some factors that determine the duration of their operation.

Firstly, the weight of the door. Usually two hinges are enough for one door, but if the door is made of solid massif wood, then it is accordingly heavier, which means it is better to embed three loops.

Secondly, the bearings are in the hinges. This hinge design will not creak after long-term use.

Secondly, depending on the side of the door opening, the hinges can be left-handed and vice versa.

What you need for self-installation

  1. Loops.
  2. Chisel and hammer.
  3. Screws and screwdriver.
  4. Pencil for marking.
  5. Wooden wedges.
  6. Level.

We make markings and cut out seats

Hinges should be installed correctly with a distance of 20 or 25 cm from the bottom and top of the door. But at the same time, carefully inspect the surface so that there are no knots or chips in the areas of intended installation. If you screw a screw into such a place, it can split the box or go awry, which will not allow the hinge to be properly secured. If there are such places, then the fastenings need to be moved a few centimeters up or down.

First, we make markings on the door with a pencil. We place the loops in the places of intended fastening and circle them. Then we apply a chisel to the marking and carefully tap it with a hammer along the entire marking to cut out the outline of the loop. After this, you need to make several cuts along the length and, using a chisel on the side, make a recess.

If you make a recess larger than the thickness of the hinge, then when closing the door the other half will rest against the frame, which will subsequently lead to deformation and upholstery of the door.

The same procedure must be done with the second seat. Then, apply a loop and secure it with self-tapping screws. That's it, the door is ready, now you need to cut the hinges into the frame.

How to mark a box

This is where you'll have a little more difficulty mapping out the location. To do this, we install the door in the frame and use wedges to fix it in the intended closing location. If there is a lock on the door, it will make the work much easier; you can close it and adjust the door. We place wedges under the bottom and use a level to bring it to the line.

It is necessary to adjust the door in the frame both horizontally and vertical position. If you set it horizontally incorrectly, the door will be placed askew and will not close well. And it's wrong installed door vertically will open independently.

Having aligned all the corners, we make notes with a pencil in the places where the hinges come into contact with the box. Here it will not be possible to completely mark and therefore it is better to unscrew the hinges from the door again, outline their outline on the frame and screw it into place.

After this, you need to cut out the recesses for them in the same way as you did on the door. The rules are the same - the main thing is not to overdo it with depth. When you have everything ready, place the wedges under the bottom again, bring the door to the frame and secure it in place with self-tapping screws. Everything is ready, we check it for the quality of opening and are happy with the result.

To prevent the door leaf from cracking during fastening with screws, you need to make holes in the screw-in areas with a thin drill.

If you don't have necessary tool or you do not have the skills to do such work, then you can purchase butterfly loops. They belong to the “no-cut” class and anyone can install them. The principle of operation is that when closed, the cards (the sides of the loops) fit into one another. Thanks to this, such hinges do not require insertion, and the gap in the closed position is small.


Fastening individual fittings elements (handles, eyes) to the canvas only affects the ease of use and its appearance. If the insertion of door hinges is done incorrectly, then the consequences of errors and omissions will be the most negative. Loose fit sash to the frame, difficulties with opening/closing it, creaks, discrepancies between the lock tongue and the bar on the block - and this is not all the troubles that will be the consequences of improper installation of awnings.

  • The optimal distance between loops and fabric cuts is 200 mm. Lines are drawn at such distances from the bottom and top.
  • The canopies are applied so that their edges coincide with them. But the installation of door hinges is carried out taking into account the direction of the door opening (left or right).
  • The pencil outlines the outline of the canopy.
  • Using a chisel, a sample of wood is taken to a depth equal to the thickness of the hinge cut into the interior (or entrance) door; the surface is leveled.

  • The canopy is installed in the prepared “window”, its position is checked and, if necessary, adjusted.
  • After this, marks are marked and holes for fasteners are drilled.

This completes the first stage of the insertion. But there are a number of nuances that should not be overlooked.

  • The canopy rod should not touch the door tightly, otherwise the mobility of the fittings will be limited; There will be difficulties with closing/opening the door. But you shouldn’t extend the loop far beyond the perimeter of the canvas either. The load on it will increase, the fastenings will gradually weaken, and as a result - misalignment.

  • The frame is made of timber. If the model is from the “budget” category, then the wood for it is taken from 1 or 2 grades. It is quite possible that when marking, there will be a knot at the point where the hole is drilled. Therefore, inserting hinges exactly in this place is impractical, since one of the fastening elements simply will not perform its function. The logical solution is to slightly move the canopy from the problem area to either side, but no more than 25 mm.
  • All canvases differ in size and weight (depending on the material of manufacture). For massive models, at least three hinges should be inserted into the door. This will level the load on the canopies and extend the maintenance-free operation of the structure. The marking is carried out in the same way, but it is advisable to place the additional loop not strictly in the center of the cut of the fabric, but with an upward shift. This will increase the reliability of all fasteners.


It is more convenient to install door hinges on the jamb when it is not yet secured in the opening. After its installation, it is more difficult to make accurate markings, since you will have to rigidly fix the canvas, and this is quite difficult. But the technique is completely identical.

Attaching the hinges

Just one note - be sure to use self-tapping screws for wood. During operation, you will have to adjust the canopies or replace one of them. Therefore, when deciding how to embed hinges into a door, you should not forget about the problem of the maintainability of the fittings. In addition, nails often split the wood, which means there is a risk of damage to the frame. Yes, and it will definitely not be possible to direct such fasteners, and if it is skewed, the tip of the nail will definitely appear on the surface of the canvas.

All that remains is to hang the door and check the smoothness of its movement, the tightness of the fit and the absence of gaps between it and the jamb.

Installing hinges on interior doors is a rather specific issue. The fact is that canopies are different, and not all of them are attached using the tie-in method. Each modification has certain installation features.

Card loops

They come in two designs, and these are the easiest hinges to install.


Their halves differ in size and configuration. When the door is closed, they are simply recessed into one another. When installing them, no wood sampling is done; The parts are fastened directly to the end of the leaf and the jamb. The gap between them is sufficient so that the hinges of this group do not interfere with the door in any position.

Recommendations for installing hinges on doors found in individual articles, which say that canopies of this type are attached without drilling, should be treated with skepticism. The length of the leg of the hardware is quite large (otherwise strength is not ensured), and even if the blade is made of soft material(plastic, MDF, wood), screwing it in exactly in the given direction is quite difficult.


This type of card loops must be “recessed”, by analogy with mortise awnings. And the technology is the same - wood sampling and fixation.


The difference from overhead loops is only in the shape of the “petals”. And the method of attaching them is absolutely the same.


These door hinges are more difficult to install than others. The point is not in the features of the technology, but in the extreme accuracy of marking and selection of base material. In addition, you will need an electric tool if you think about the quality of the fastening.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Marking areas for installation components canopy
  • Arrangement of “windows” for mechanism elements, but only by milling; no other tool will provide accuracy.
  • Using a chisel, a sample is made to slightly “sink” the parts of the canopy.
  • Drilling holes for fasteners.
  • Disassembling the hinge (the manufacturer's instructions indicate how this is done in relation to a specific product).
  • Fixing the halves in place. The larger part is installed on the jamb, the smaller part on the sash.
  • Hanging the fabric, connecting the hinge parts and fastening them with a tightening screw.

There are other types of canopies on sale, but the term “inset” does not apply to them - they are attached somewhat differently.

The technology for inserting loops is not particularly complex. But taking into account the cost of doors, it is advisable, before starting to work with them, to practice on some kind of workpiece (board, beam). And if you are not confident in your abilities, then you should contact a specialist. Paying for his services will be much cheaper than restoring a door or purchasing a new one to replace a damaged one.

Every man should know how to install door hinges. The loop is one of the key elements of the entire door design, it not only holds the canvas in the frame, but also ensures its movement. Therefore, how well the door will function depends on the correct installation. If installed incorrectly, squeaks, rubbing and jamming may occur, so knowing how to properly install hinges on a door is very important.

Correctly installed door hinges ensure proper functioning of the door.

Types of loops

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of these parts; this will help not only determine which hinges are best installed on interior and entrance doors, but also to understand the specifics of the design, which is very important to consider during installation.

In total, there are 5 most popular models of door hinges:

  1. Straight - standard samples with plates on the sides (card loops). The most common option for interior doors.
  2. Angled - differ from straight ones only in the shape of the plates; they are made in the form of corners. Used for pendulum models.
  3. Screw-in - a rotating axle with pins instead of plates. Suitable for lightweight doors only.
  4. Hidden - the hinge is recessed into the door structure. Such hinges are mainly installed on expensive models of entrance doors.
  5. Italian - differ in the design of the hinge, similar to furniture options. Used in expensive imported models.

Main types of door hinges

According to the installation method, the following should be distinguished:

  • Overlays - attached on top of the door structure without prior preparation.
  • Mortise - installed in pre-prepared recesses, forming a flat surface with the door.
  • Screw-in - screwed into the door using pins, the presence of which is provided for by the design of the part.

Hinge installation methods

Depending on the direction in which the door will open and the mounting sides are distinguished:

  • left-handed,
  • right-sided,
  • universal.

Universal ones are convenient because they can be attached from any side, but this complicates the process of installing and dismantling the canvas itself.

Each of the described types has its own installation nuances. The simplest are card models. The most difficult thing to install is hidden hinges.


The first step in installing hinges with your own hands is marking. To do this, you need to retreat 20 cm from the bottom and top of the door leaf and mark with a pencil starting lines. Next, depending on the direction of opening the door, attach the hinges to the marks made, outline the outline and mark the points at the attachment points. At the same time, to ensure free movement fittings, rods should not touch the door leaf, but you shouldn’t push them too far either, this will worsen the strength of the fastening. You should also carefully inspect the insertion points for the presence of knots; screwing self-tapping screws into them can lead to distortion or split the door leaf, so the hinges must be moved 2-3 cm down or up from the problem area.

After this, it is necessary to assemble the door block and make markings on the frame in the same way, while maintaining a gap of 2-3 mm between the frame and the door leaf. It is most convenient to do this when the door has not yet been installed, otherwise the leaf is fixed in the opening using wedges.

Marking the door block for installing hinges

Depending on the size and weight of the door leaf, it may be necessary to install a third hinge. In this case, the insertion is not made in the middle, but with a slight offset to the top hinge in order to regulate the load exerted on the fittings by the weight of the door leaf. As a rule, for doors up to 80 cm wide, up to 2 m high and up to 50 mm thick, two hinges are sufficient.

Installing simple card loops

Installing card door hinges with your own hands is mainly done in two ways. First, let's look at the simplest one using overhead parts. To do this you will need a drill and self-tapping screws, as well as hinges with a special structure; their peculiarity is that the halves have different shapes, and when closing the doors fit into each other, which is why they can be installed directly on the surface of the door. Use a pencil to mark the locations for the holes and drill them. If the door leaf is made of wood, MDF or plastic, you can immediately screw in the screws, without preliminary drilling.

Sequence of installation of overhead hinges

Traditionally, straight card hinges used in the home are installed slightly differently. So that they do not stop the mechanism when closing, they need to be recessed a little. The easiest way to insert card hinges into interior doors with your own hands is to use a chisel; to do this, a layer of material is cut off on the door and door to the depth of the part. Then the hinge halves are applied to the installation site and secured with self-tapping screws.

Sequence of installation of mortise card loops

Installation of corner card models