Brainwork. Mental and physical labor

Scientific and technological progress has a significant impact on the professional structure of the working population. The number of people employed is increasing every year. mental labor.

In many professions, predominantly physical labor, the share of the intellectual component increases. Drawing a clear line between physical and mental forms labor activity people becomes more and more difficult.

Meanwhile, the generally accepted division of labor into physical and mental still remains in force. It is customary to refer to mental work the work associated with the process of receiving, processing and storing information, on the basis of which various kinds of theoretical and practical problems are solved, which requires a predominant tension of the functions of perception, attention, memory, thinking and the emotional-volitional sphere of a person.

Currently, there are two main groups of forms of mental (intellectual) human activity: in the sphere of material production and outside it.

The first includes engineering professions associated with the design of the production process (for example, designers), as well as with the performance of operational (engineers, technicians, craftsmen, operators), accounting (accountants, statisticians) and managerial (heads of enterprises, associations) functions.

To the second - professions engaged in the field of scientific activity (scientists), applied knowledge (teachers, doctors, psychologists), literature and art (writers, actors, artists).

All forms of intellectual labor are based on the internal mental activity of a person, which has the work of the brain as its material substrate. The predominant load on the central nervous system and insignificant, in comparison with physical labor, muscle activity determine the relative energy efficiency of intellectual activity.
Nevertheless, all forms of mental labor are accompanied by a certain expenditure of energy, causing fatigue of working people. At the same time, different professions require different expenditure of energy resources of the human body.

Depending on the amount of energy consumption, intellectual work can be, by analogy with the severity of physical work, of varying degrees of intensity, which is determined by the quantitative and qualitative indicators of loads on mental functions of a person.

The first ones include: the duration of concentrated observation (as a percentage of the shift time), the number of information signals received by the employee, the size of the objects of labor, their number, and many others.

To the second - the level of emotional and volitional tension, personal risk, responsibility for the safety of others, the degree of complexity of the production tasks being solved.

The shift schedule is also taken into account, on the basis of which work with alternating shifts is considered the most intense, including night shifts, rotational shifts, which are typical, in particular, for most maritime professions.

As you know, the life of every person is subject to a certain rhythm, which is manifested in communication, and in knowledge, and in work. In other words, human activity is organized in time, forming a single system of daily, weekly, monthly and long-term rhythms. They manifest a strict biological periodicity of the physical and mental functions of all living things, due to natural cyclical phenomena (the change of day and night).

Violation of this natural rhythmic process causes tension in the regulatory systems of the body (primarily the brain), which are responsible for the restructuring of its temporal organization. Thus, the labor regime imposed on a person for a long time, which does not correspond to normal biological rhythms, is one of the factors that increase workloads.

Any profession requires a person to master certain programs of action. And in this sense, the main features of intellectual labor include the complexity and variability or excessive simplification of such programs, associated with the technicalization of modern production.

concept "complexity of the program" may include, firstly, the number of signals coming to the worker from various objects of the social and production environment surrounding him and carrying information about their properties and relationships.
Secondly, it can be various ideas and concepts that a person operates in the process of practical activity. The more various kinds of components in the program of labor actions of the performer, the more complex the content side of mental labor.

For example, The labor functions of the captain include a variety of mental work operations: plotting the course of the ship on the map, assessing the navigational situation, taking non-standard solutions in difficult production situations (accident, accident, injury), direct participation in the resolution of interpersonal conflicts between members of the crew and many others.

Complex programs of action are also guided by representatives of creative professions(scientists, architects, designers) who establish new connections between phenomena and objects real world revealing new patterns. Creative work is associated with a high emotional stress of the performer, which often leads to large expenditures of energy, the development of significant fatigue and overwork. Therefore, creative professions are classified as the most stressful.

All of the above examples give an idea of "program variability" labor actions as the second important feature of many types of mental activity. The possibility of restructuring cash programs and creating new ones depending on the types of labor is not always possible. For example, the professions of ship radio operators, telegraph operators (when working with a key), accountants are characterized, as a rule, by constant action programs. This is one of the leading factors of monotony - the monotony of activity. The more pronounced the uniformity of work functions, the higher the degree of monotony of labor and its intensity.

The basis of human life is purposeful professional activity. It is at work that a person spends most of his time. Someone does it for their own satisfaction and enjoyment, others - for the material provision of themselves and their families.

Theory: basic terms, definition of "labor"

Labor is a direction of human activity, the signs of which are expediency and creation.

The nature of work is quality characteristics labor activity, which combine several types of labor into a group according to certain characteristics.

Forms of labor activity - a set of types of labor operations, the implementation of which requires energy costs, the use of mechanized or automated equipment and machines.

Classification of labor and characteristics of labor

In fact, there are a huge number of classifications of labor. This is explained by the fact that labor is a complex multidimensional socio-economic phenomenon.

Depending on the content, work is divided into:

Depending on the nature, the following types of work are distinguished:

  • Concrete and abstract labor activity. Concrete labor is the labor of a single worker who transforms an object of nature in order to make it useful and create consumer value. Allows you to determine the productivity of labor at the enterprise level, to compare individual industries and Abstract labor - proportionate specific labor, where the qualitative diversity of many functional types of labor activity fades into the background. Creates value for the product.
  • Independent work and collective work. Types of independent work include absolutely all types of labor activity carried out by a specific person-worker or a specific enterprise. Collective work - the work of a group of workers, personnel of the enterprise, its separate department.
  • Private and public work activities. social labor always consists of the private, since the latter is characterized by a public character.
  • Hired and self-employed types of labor. Hired labor activity is carried out on the basis of the conclusion between the employer and the employee of the contract. Self-employment means independent creation enterprises and the organization of the production process, when the owner of the production provides himself with a job.

Depending on the results of labor activity, it happens:

  • Living and past work. Living labor is the work of a person, which he carries out at a given moment in time. The results of past labor activity are reflected in the objects and means of labor that were previously created by other workers and are products of production purpose.
  • Productive labor and unproductive. The main difference is the form of the good being created. As a result of productive labor activity, in-kind benefits are created, and as a result of unproductive labor, social and spiritual benefits are created that are valuable and useful to the public.

Depending on the means of labor used in labor activity, there are:

Depending on the working conditions, it happens:

  • Stationary and mobile work. Includes all types of labor that are determined by the specifics technological process and types of products produced.
  • Light, medium and heavy work activities. Depends on the level of physical activity that the employee receives in the performance of certain functions.
  • Free labor and regulated. It depends on the specific working conditions and the style of enterprise management.

Depending on the methods used to attract people, there are:

Basic forms of labor

Features of mental work

Mental work is an activity that requires the reception and processing of information data, the implementation of which occurs due to the activation of the thought process. For mental labor activity, it is characteristic strong tension activities of the central nervous system. Also, there are cases when physical activity is necessary for the successful implementation of mental work.

Employees Who are they?

Mental workers include managers, operators, workers in creative professions, medical workers, pupils and students.

Managerial work is performed by heads of organizations, enterprises, teachers. Feature: the minimum amount of time for information processing.

Creative professions include artists, painters, writers, composers, designers. Creative work is the most difficult kind of mental work.

Medical personnel are also considered intelligent, but only those specialties that involve constant contact with people - patients, and the performance of work requires increased responsibility, where a decision must be made as soon as possible, there is a shortage of the time factor.

The scientific work of school and university students requires the activation of memory, attention and perception.

Physical labor activity

Physical labor is carried out due to certain physical loads. Feature- the interaction of a person-worker with the means of labor. During physical labor activity, a person is a part of the technological process and an executor of certain functions in the labor process.

Mental and physical labor activity: physiological differences

Mental and physical labor activity are interconnected and interdependent. Any mental work requires certain energy costs, just as physical work is impossible without the activation of the information component. For example, all types manual labor require a person to activate both mental processes and physical activity. The difference lies in the fact that during physical labor activity energy consumption dominates, and during intellectual activity, the work of the brain.

Mental activity drives large numbers nervous elements than physical, since mental labor is complex, qualified, extensive and multifaceted.

Physical fatigue is more noticeable from physical activity than from mental labor. In addition, when fatigue sets in, physical work can be stopped, but mental activity cannot be stopped.

Manual occupations

Today, physical labor is more in demand, and it is much easier for skilled workers to find a job than for “intellectuals”. The shortage of labor leads to relatively high rates for the performance of work that requires physical effort. In addition, if heavy physical work is performed in conditions unfavorable to human health, there is an increased payment at the legislative level.

Light physical labor is done by: production workers who manage an automated process, attendants, seamstresses, agronomists, veterinarians, nurses, orderlies, industrial goods sellers, physical education instructors, sports section coaches, etc.

to professions with physical activity of moderate severity include: a machine operator in the woodworking and metalworking industries, a locksmith, an adjuster, a surgeon, a chemist, a textile worker, a driver, an employee Food Industry, service personnel in the domestic and public catering sector, a seller of goods for industrial purposes, a railway worker, an elevator operator.

Professions with heavy physical loads include: a builder, almost all types of agricultural labor, a machine operator, a surface miner, a worker in the oil, gas, pulp and paper, woodworking industries, a metallurgist, a foundry worker, etc.

Professions with physical labor of increased severity include: an underground miner, a steelmaker, a wood cutter, a bricklayer, a concrete worker, an excavator, a loader of non-mechanized labor, a worker in the production of building materials (non-mechanized labor).

Labor functions

Labor performs the following functions:

  • participates in the reproduction of goods (is one of the factors of production) aimed at meeting human needs;
  • creates social wealth;
  • contributes to the development of society;
  • determines the development of scientific and technological progress and culture;
  • participates in the formation of man;
  • acts as a way of self-realization and self-expression of the individual.

The role of work in human life

"Labor made a man from a monkey" - a familiar phrase, isn't it? It is in this phrase that a deep meaning is hidden, which reflects the greatest role of labor in the life of each of us.

Labor activity allows a person to become a personality, and personality - to be realized. Labor is the guarantor of development, acquisition of new knowledge, skills and experience.

What happens next? A person improves himself, acquires knowledge, experience, based on which he creates new goods, services, cultural values, provoking scientific and technological progress, causing new needs and fully satisfying them.

Physical work

Physical labor is characterized primarily by an increased load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems(cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory, etc.) that ensure its activity. Physical labor, while developing the muscular system and stimulating metabolic processes, at the same time has a number of negative consequences. This is the social inefficiency of physical labor associated with its low productivity, the need for high physical exertion and the need for a long - up to 50% of working time - rest.

In modern labor activity, purely physical labor does not play a significant role. In accordance with the existing physiological classification of labor activity, there are: forms of labor that require significant muscle activity; mechanized forms of labor; related to semi-automatic and automatic production; group forms of labor (conveyor lines); forms of labor associated with remote control, and forms of intellectual (mental) labor.

The physical severity of labor (energy costs)

The level of energy consumption can serve as a criterion for the severity and intensity of the work performed, which is important for optimizing working conditions and its rational organization. The level of energy consumption is determined by the method of complete gas analysis (the volume of oxygen consumption and emitted carbon dioxide is taken into account). With an increase in the severity of labor, oxygen consumption and the amount of energy consumed increase significantly.

The severity and intensity of labor are characterized by the degree of functional stress of the body. It can be energetic, depending on the power of work - during physical labor, and emotional - during mental labor, when there is information overload.

The physical severity of labor is a load on the body during labor, requiring mainly muscle effort and appropriate energy supply. The classification of labor according to severity is made according to the level of energy consumption, taking into account the type of load (static or dynamic) and the muscles being loaded.

Static work is associated with the fixation of tools and objects of labor in a stationary state, as well as with giving a person a working posture. Thus, work that requires a worker to be in a static position for 10 ... 25% of the working time is characterized as moderate work (energy consumption 172 ... 293 J / s); 50% or more - hard work (energy consumption over 293 J / s).

Dynamic work is the process of muscle contraction, leading to the movement of the load, as well as the human body itself or its parts in space. In this case, energy is spent both on maintaining a certain tension in the muscles and on the mechanical effect. If the maximum mass of manually lifted loads does not exceed 5 kg for women and 15 kg for men, the work is characterized as easy (energy consumption up to 172 J/s); 5 ... 10 kg for women and 15 ... 30 kg for men - moderate; over 10 kg for women or 30 kg for men - heavy.

The intensity of labor is characterized by the emotional burden on the body during labor, which requires predominantly intensive work of the brain to receive and process information. In addition, when assessing the degree of tension, ergonomic indicators are taken into account: shift work, posture, number of movements, etc. So, if the density of perceived signals does not exceed 75 per hour, then the work is characterized as easy; 75 ... 175 - moderate; over 176 is hard work.

In accordance with the hygienic classification of labor (R.2.2.013-94), working conditions are divided into four classes: 1-optimal; 2-admissible; 3-harmful; 4-dangerous (extreme).

1. Optimal working conditions ensure maximum productivity and minimum stress on the human body. Optimal standards have been established for microclimate parameters and labor process factors. For other factors, such working conditions are conditionally used, under which the levels of adverse factors do not exceed those accepted as safe for the population (within the background).

2. Permissible working conditions are characterized by such levels of environmental and labor process factors that do not exceed the levels established by hygienic standards for workplaces. The functional state of the body should be restored during a regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift, changes in the levels of environmental factors and the labor process should not have an adverse effect in the near and long term on the health of the worker and his offspring. The optimal and permissible classes of working conditions must comply with safe conditions labor.

3. Harmful working conditions are characterized by levels of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker and (or) his offspring.

4. Extreme working conditions are characterized by such levels of production factors, the impact of which during the work shift (or part of it) poses a threat to life, a high risk of severe forms of acute occupational injuries.

Harmful working conditions (3rd class) are divided into four degrees of harmfulness. The first degree is characterized by such deviations from hygienic standards, which, as a rule, cause reversible functional changes and determine the risk of developing the disease. The second degree is determined by such levels of production factors that can cause persistent functional disorders, leading in most cases to an increase in morbidity, temporary disability, an increase in the frequency of diseases, and the appearance of initial signs of occupational pathology.

In the third degree, the impact of levels of harmful factors leads, as a rule, to the development of occupational pathology in mild forms, the growth of chronic general somatic pathology, including an increase in the level of morbidity with temporary disability. In working conditions of the fourth degree, pronounced forms of occupational diseases may occur; there is a significant increase in chronic pathology and high levels of morbidity with temporary disability.

The degree of harmfulness of the 3rd class according to the hygienic classification is set in points. The number of points for each factor x f i is put down in the working conditions map, taking into account the duration of its action during the shift: x f i \u003d x st i T i , where x st i is the degree of harmfulness of the factor or the severity of work according to the hygienic classification of labor; T i =τ f i /τ rs - the ratio of the duration of the factors τ f to the duration of the work shift τ rs, if τ f i > τ rs, then T i =1.0.

To determine the specific amounts of additional payments, working conditions are evaluated by the sum of the values ​​of the actual degrees of harmfulness, severity and intensity of labor X fak =X f1 + X f2 + ... + X f n = ∑ x f i .


Mental work combines work related to the reception and processing of information, which requires the primary tension of the sensory apparatus, attention, memory, as well as the activation of thought processes, the emotional sphere. This type of labor is characterized by hypokinesia, i.e. a significant decrease in human motor activity, leading to a deterioration in the reactivity of the body and an increase in emotional stress. Hypokinesia is one of the conditions for the formation of cardiovascular pathology in mental workers. Prolonged mental stress has a depressing effect on mental activity: the functions of attention (volume, concentration, switching), memory (short-term and long-term), and perception worsen (a large number of errors appear).

Forms of intellectual labor are divided into operator, managerial, creative, labor of medical workers, labor of teachers, students, students. These types differ in the organization of the labor process, the uniformity of the load, the degree of emotional stress.

The work of the operator is characterized by greater responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress. For example, the work of an air traffic controller is characterized by the processing of a large amount of information for a short time and increased neuro-emotional tension. The work of the heads of institutions and enterprises (administrative work) is determined by an excessive amount of information, an increase in the shortage of time for its processing, increased personal responsibility for decisions taken, periodic occurrence of conflict situations.

The work of teachers and medical workers is characterized by constant contacts with people, increased responsibility, often lack of time and information to make the right decision, which determines the degree of neuro-emotional stress. The work of pupils and students is characterized by the tension of basic mental functions, such as memory, attention, perception; presence stressful situations(exams, tests).

Most complex shape labor activity that requires a significant amount of memory, stress, attention - this is creative work. The work of scientists, designers, writers, composers, artists, architects leads to a significant increase in neuro-emotional stress. With such tension associated with mental activity, one can observe tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure, an ECG change, an increase in pulmonary ventilation and oxygen consumption, an increase in human body temperature and other changes in autonomic functions.

The energy costs of a person depend on the intensity of muscular work, the information saturation of labor, the degree of emotional stress and other conditions (temperature, humidity, air velocity, etc.). Daily energy costs for mental workers (engineers, doctors, teachers, etc.) are 10.5 ... 11.7 MJ; for workers performing medium-heavy work (machine operators, miners, surgeons, foundry workers, agricultural workers, etc.) - 12.5 ... 15.5 MJ; for workers performing hard physical work (miners, metallurgists, lumberjacks, loaders), -16.3 ... 18 MJ.

Energy costs vary depending on the working posture. With a working posture sitting, energy costs exceed the level of basal metabolism by 5-10%; with a standing working position - by 10 ... 25%, with a forced uncomfortable position - by 40-50%. With intensive intellectual work, the brain's need for energy is 15 ... 20% of the total metabolism in the body (the brain mass is 2% of the body mass). The increase in total energy costs during mental work is determined by the degree of neuro-emotional tension. So, when reading aloud while sitting, energy consumption increases by 48%, when delivering a public lecture - by 94%, for computer operators - by 60 ... 100%.

Labor efficiency. (Efficiency, improvement of skills and abilities, location and completeness of the workplace, placement of controls, alternation of work and rest, unloading, relaxation)

The efficiency of a person's labor activity largely depends on the subject and tools of labor, the working capacity of the body, the organization of the workplace, and the hygienic factors of the working environment.

1. Efficiency - the value of the functional capabilities of the human body, characterized by the quantity and quality of work performed in a certain time. During labor activity, the performance of the body changes over time. There are three main phases of successive states of a person in the process of labor activity:

phase of development, or increasing efficiency; during this period, the level of performance gradually increases compared to the original; depending on the nature of the work and individual characteristics for a person, this period lasts from several minutes to 1.5 hours, and with mental creative work - up to 2 ... 2.5 hours;

phase of high stability; it is characterized by a combination of high labor indicators with relative stability or even some decrease in the intensity of physiological functions; the duration of this phase can be 2 ... 2.5 hours or more, depending on the severity and intensity of labor;

The phase of decreased performance, characterized by a decrease in the functionality of the main working organs of a person and accompanied by a feeling of fatigue.

2.One of the most important elements improving the efficiency of human labor activity is the improvement of skills and abilities as a result of labor training.

From a psychophysiological point of view, industrial training is a process of adaptation and a corresponding change in the physiological functions of the human body for the most effective performance of a particular job. As a result of training (learning), muscle strength and endurance increase, the accuracy and speed of working movements increase, and physiological functions recover faster after work is completed.

3. Correct location and the layout of the workplace, ensuring a comfortable posture and freedom of labor movements, the use of equipment that meets the requirements of ergonomics and engineering psychology, provide the most efficient work process, reduce fatigue and prevent the risk of occupational diseases.

The optimal posture of a person in the process of labor activity ensures high working capacity and labor productivity. Incorrect body position in the workplace leads to a rapid onset of static fatigue, a decrease. The quality and speed of the work performed, as well as reducing the reaction to hazards. A normal working posture should be considered a posture in which the worker does not need to lean forward more than 10 ... 15˚; tilting back and to the sides is undesirable; the main requirement for a working posture is a straight posture.

4. Significant impact on the performance of the operator has right choice type and placement of organs and control panels for machines and mechanisms. When arranging posts and control panels, you need to know that in the horizontal plane the viewing area without turning the head is 120˚, with turning - 225˚; optimal angle horizontal view without turning the head - 30-40˚ (permissible 60˚), with a turn of -130˚. The permissible viewing angle along the horizontal axis of view is 130˚, the optimal is -30˚ up and 40˚ down vertically.

Instrument panels should be located so that the planes of the front parts of the indicators are perpendicular to the lines of sight of the operator, and the necessary controls are within reach. The most important controls should be located in front and to the right of the operator. Maximum dimensions reach zone of the right hand – 70…110 cm. The depth of the operating panel should not exceed 80 cm. The height of the remote control, designed for sitting and standing, should be 75-85 cm. inclination of the back of the chair in the sitting position 0 ... 10˚.

To better distinguish the controls, they should be different in shape and size, painted in different colours or have markings or appropriate inscriptions. When grouping several levers in one place, it is necessary that their handles have different shape. This allows the operator to distinguish them by touch and switch levers without taking his eyes off the job.

5. High performance and vital activity of the body is supported by a rational alternation of periods of work, rest and sleep of a person. During the day, the body reacts differently to physical and neuropsychic stress. In accordance with the daily cycle of the body, the highest performance is noted in the morning (from 8 to 12 o'clock) and daytime (from 14 to 17 o'clock). In the daytime, the lowest working capacity, as a rule, is observed between 12 and 14 hours, and at night - from 3 to 4 hours. Taking into account these patterns, the shift work of enterprises, the beginning and end of work in shifts, breaks for rest and sleep are determined. .

The alternation of periods of work and rest during the week should be regulated taking into account the dynamics of working capacity. The highest efficiency falls on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th day of work, on the following days of the week it decreases, falling to a minimum on the last day of work. On Monday, working capacity is relatively lowered due to workability.

The elements of a rational regime of work and rest are industrial gymnastics and a set of measures for psychophysiological unloading, including functional music.

6. To relieve neuropsychological stress, fight fatigue, restore working capacity in recent times successfully use relaxation rooms or rooms for psychological unloading. They are specially equipped rooms in which, at the time allotted for this, during the shift, sessions are held to relieve fatigue and neuropsychological stress.

The effect of psycho-emotional unloading is achieved through aesthetic interior design, use comfortable furniture, allowing you to be in a comfortable relaxed position, broadcasting specially selected pieces of music, saturating the air with beneficial negative ions, taking tonic drinks, simulating the natural environment in the room and reproducing the sounds of the forest, sea surf, etc. One of the elements of psychological unloading is autogenic training based on a complex of interrelated techniques of mental self-regulation and simple exercise with verbal self-hypnosis. This method allows you to normalize mental activity, emotional sphere and vegetative functions. As experience shows, the stay of workers in the rooms of psychological unloading helps to reduce fatigue, the appearance of vivacity, good mood and improve well-being.

Based on the results of the certification, an action plan is developed to improve and improve working conditions in the organization. After the certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, it is planned to carry out certification of work on labor protection with the issuance of a safety certificate (SSOT) for five years, which is carried out in accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia “On the creation of a system for certification of work on labor protection in organizations” dated April 24, 2002 G.

All workplaces available in the organization are subject to certification in terms of working conditions, certification is carried out at least once every 5 years. Jobs after replacement are subject to mandatory recertification production equipment, changes in the technological process, as well as at the request of the certification bodies of the working conditions of the Russian Federation, which revealed violations during the certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions.

Light labor during pregnancy: from what time

Alas, many future mothers downplay the seriousness of the situation, when the transition to light work during pregnancy is simply necessary (after all, the intrauterine formation of the baby is involved here). They still work, hiding their fortune at work until it can no longer be hidden, even on subconscious level they take credit for themselves: oh, how tireless, healthy I am, I work on an equal footing with everyone. But still, one must not flatter oneself that each work will be suitable during pregnancy.

It is imperative to take into account the fact that when transferring to lighter work during pregnancy, the previous remuneration of the worker is strictly preserved. If the work of the expectant mother causes the risk of excessive physical overstrain and is fraught with some kind of harm, then at least for the duration of pregnancy, she must be formalized and transferred to a more comfortable workplace.

Labor Code harmful and dangerous working conditions

The Labor Code defines certain types of work activities as harmful or heavy. What does it mean? Naturally, this means that the work that a person performs, due to violations of hygiene and safety standards, can damage both his health and affect future offspring.

The negative factors influencing the inclusion of a particular profession in the list of harmful working conditions can also include the severity of physical labor performed by a person, because this can also lead to temporary or complete disability.

Remuneration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

  • Compensatory payments for labor activity, which in one way or another depend on the position of the employee, the complexity of the work performed by him, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor, climatic and other conditions.
  • Compensatory payments. Whether it be a surcharge, an allowance, etc. Also, additional payments are suitable here for the fact that working conditions differ from normal, or are harmful to the employee’s body due to emissions, or it’s just an extremely harsh climatic zone of work.
  • Any payment designed to stimulate work activity. In this case we are talking on bonuses to employees, the accrual of various kinds of bonuses or additional payments in the form of incentives for overtime hours of labor activity.

From this we can conclude that the amount of salary (tariff rates, salary, etc.), various kinds of surcharges and allowances, incentive payments must be described in a mandatory manner. employment contract every employee. Also, all this is supported by the drafting of a collective agreement / agreement / local regulatory act.

Hard Physical Labor and Women's Reproductive Health

by 8.3%, the number of complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period - by 27.1%, the number of registered cases of female infertility increased by about a third. Such "prerequisites", along with the negative impact of diseases that complicate pregnancy and childbirth, largely predetermine the fact that at present in Russia about 40% of children are born sick (see).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 253) limits the use of women's labor in heavy work and prohibits such when it comes to work related to lifting and manually moving weights and exceeding the maximum allowable norms for women. Decree of the Council of Ministers and the Government of the Russian Federation No. 105 of February 6, 1993 “On new norms allowable loads for women when lifting and moving

Labor Code hard physical labor

  1. Professions related mainly to mental work(heads of enterprises, medical workers, except for surgeons, nurses, nurses; teachers, educators, except for sports; workers in science, literature, press, planning and accounting, secretaries, etc.)
  2. Professions related to light physical labor(workers employed in automated processes, in the radio-electronic and watch industries, in the service sector, seamstresses, agronomists, veterinary workers, nurses, orderlies, salesmen of manufactured goods stores, physical education and sports instructors, trainers, etc.)
  3. Professions associated with moderate physical labor(machine operators employed in metalworking and woodworking, locksmiths, adjusters, surgeons, chemists, textile workers, drivers of various types of transport, workers in the food industry, public utilities and catering, food sellers, railway workers, hoisting and transport mechanisms drivers, and etc.)
  4. Professions associated with hard physical labor(builders, the bulk of agricultural workers and machine operators, miners working on the surface, workers in the oil and gas, pulp and paper and woodworking industries, metallurgists and foundry workers, etc.)
  5. Professions associated with physical labor of increased severity(miners directly engaged in underground work, steelworkers, fellers and woodworkers, masons, concrete workers, diggers, loaders whose labor is not mechanized, workers employed in the production of building materials whose labor is not mechanized).

According to HeadHunter, a recruiting company, it is now easier for manual laborers to find work than for white-collar workers. Today in Russia there is a shortage of representatives of working professions, and employers are ready to pay for their work even higher than for representatives of mental labor. In addition, for the performance of heavy work, work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for increased pay.

Labor Code: labor protection

  • staff briefings and training,
  • provision of special clothing and personal protective equipment,
  • safe jobs,
  • certified equipment,
  • annual performance appraisal at the workplace and testing the knowledge of employees.

If workers are employed in jobs that are difficult or with harmful working conditions, as a rule, these are jobs related to traffic, then they must periodically undergo medical examinations. During the inspection, the suitability of a person for the further performance of his duties is determined.. The cost of honey inspection must be paid by the employer. If the cost of honey inspection is deducted from the employee's salary, then this is a reason to turn to specialists.

Women's labor

The hygienic requirements for working conditions for women determine that the weight of moving weights per work shift for pregnant women can reach 1.25 kg, with alternating forms of work - 2.5 kg. During a shift, a pregnant woman should not walk more than 2 km, the pace of movement should be free.

Maternity leave is 70 calendar days before and after childbirth. In case of multiple pregnancies, the leave is 84 days before childbirth, and 110 days after childbirth. In case of childbirth with complications after childbirth, the leave is increased to 86 days. This type of rest is given to the woman completely, regardless of the prenatal days actually used.


Overtime work is work in excess of working hours. They are allowed only with the consent of the employee. Minors and pregnant women are not allowed. Disabled people, women with children under 7 years old, a disabled child under 16 years old are involved in overtime work with their written consent.

The employer establishes a trial period of not more than 3 months from the date of signing the contract. If after the expiration probationary period the employee continues to work, then he is considered to have passed the probationary period. The employer must notify the employee of the failure to pass the probationary period 7 calendar days before the dismissal.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Production activity is a set of actions of workers using the means of labor necessary to transform resources into finished products, including the production and processing of various types of raw materials, construction, and the provision of various types of services.

  • to the relevant state labor inspectorate;
  • to the prosecutor's office at the place of registration of the vessel;
  • to the federal executive body in charge of fisheries;
  • in territorial associations of trade union organizations;
  • to the insurer on issues of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
25 Jul 2018 1622

Physical work the fulfillment by a person of energy functions in the system “man - a tool of labor” requires significant muscle activity; physical work is divided into two types: dynamic and static. Dynamic work is associated with the movement of the human body, his hands, feet, fingers in space; static - with the impact of the load on the upper limbs, muscles of the body and legs while holding the load, while performing work while standing or sitting. Dynamic physical work, in which more than 2/3 of the human muscles are involved in the process of labor activity, is called general, with participation in the work from 2/3 to 1/3 of the human muscles (muscles of the body, legs, arms only) - regional, at local dynamic physical work less than 1/3 of the muscles involved (typing on a computer).

Physical labor is characterized primarily by increased muscle load on the musculoskeletal system and its functional systems - cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory, etc. Physical labor develops the muscular system, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, but at the same time it can have negative consequences, such as diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially if it is not properly organized or is excessively intense for the body.

Brainwork associated with the reception and processing of information and requires tension of attention, memory, activation of thinking processes, is associated with increased emotional stress. For mental work, a decrease in motor activity is characteristic - hypokinesia. Hypokinesia may be a condition for the formation of cardiovascular disorders in humans. Prolonged mental stress has a negative impact on mental activity - attention, memory, and perception functions deteriorate environment. A person's well-being and, ultimately, his state of health largely depend on the correct organization of mental work and on the parameters of the environment in which a person's mental activity is carried out.

AT modern types labor activity, purely physical labor is rare. Modern classification labor activity identifies forms of labor that require significant muscle activity; mechanized forms of labor; work on semi-automatic and automatic production; labor on the assembly line, labor associated with remote control, and intellectual (mental) labor.

Human life is associated with energy costs: the more intense the activity, the greater the energy costs. So, when performing work that requires significant muscle activity, energy costs are 20...25 MJ per day or more.

mechanized labor requires less energy and muscle loads. However, mechanized labor is characterized by greater speed and monotony of human movements. Monotonous work leads to rapid fatigue and reduced attention.

Work on the assembly line characterized by even greater speed and uniformity of movement. A person working on a conveyor performs one or more operations; since he works in a chain of people performing other operations, the time for performing operations is strictly regulated. This requires a lot nervous tension and, combined with the high speed of work and its monotony, leads to rapid nervous exhaustion and fatigue.

On semi-automatic and automatic production energy costs and labor intensity are less than on a conveyor belt. The work consists in the periodic maintenance of the mechanisms or the performance of simple operations - the supply of the processed material, turning the mechanisms on or off.

Forms intellectual (mental) labor diverse - operator, managerial, creative, work of teachers, doctors, students. For operator work characterized by great responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress. student labor characterized by tension in the main mental functions - memory, attention, the presence of stressful situations associated with control work, exams, tests.

The most complex form of mental activity - creative work(work of scientists, designers, writers, composers, artists). Creative work requires significant neuro-emotional stress, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, a change in cardiac activity, an increase in oxygen consumption, an increase in body temperature and other changes in the body's work caused by increased neuro-emotional stress.

CREATIVE WORK - - involves a constant search for new solutions, new problem definitions, active variation of functions, independence and uniqueness of movement towards the desired result.