DIY corner decorative fireplace made of plywood. Creating and finishing a false fireplace with your own hands

For a long time fireplace personified in the house symbol of comfort and home. Warmth and soft light The fire that emanated from it filled the house with a unique atmosphere, because fire has amazing calming and peaceful properties. As the years passed, the exterior underwent many changes and upgrades. Now having this element in your home is considered a luxury that you can’t always afford apartment residents V multi-storey buildings. In this case, a simple imitation will come to the rescue. In this article we will look at several ways to make a false fireplace with your own hands from the simplest materials.

Types of false fireplaces

Oddly enough, but a fireplace can have various options execution. Before you start making your own, you should decide which option is more attractive to you and, most importantly, appropriate in your apartment.

Now let's figure out what benefit lies in the use of such an element in the interior and why you need to spend so much time and effort.

Initial preparation stage and size selection

To make a false fireplace with your own hands, you do not need to have any special design or construction skills. It is enough to clearly imagine the desired image of the future fireplace and choose material, which will be easiest and fastest for you to work with. Any work must begin with sketch And drawing. Yes, these are two completely different things. After all, the sketch reflects only the appearance with all kinds of decor. And the drawing already specifies the dimensions, based on which you can calculate required amount material. In order to draw a working drawing, you must decide With sizes compositions. Be careful at this stage.

The dimensions of the false fireplace should be proportional to the room in which it will be located. Too much large structure in will look bulky and hide the space even more. But a small fireplace in a spacious room will simply be lost from sight. Also, it should not interfere with free movement around the room. Optimal width should not exceed 1/3 of the wall to which the structure will be attached.

No. 1. Raised fireplace made of cardboard boxes

Having a large number of cardboard or small cardboard boxes from under shoes or small appliances, you can very simply “build” a real fireplace. Besides cardboard you will need:

  • a lot of wood glue;
  • masking tape;
  • roulette;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • something heavy as a press;
  • something writing.

Lovely this way lies not only in its ridiculous cost, but in the fact that the creation process can be carried out in a playful way, in which your children will happily take part. Moreover, there is no need to drill anything, and there is nothing to spoil. So, let's begin.

For the first time we recommend use more simple shapes for making a portal. Moreover, such a false fireplace can be used as a disposable one. For example, make it for the New Year and conduct a small family photo session against its background. You will get a lot of positive and memorable moments, surprise your friends and loved ones and make the most unusual decoration from the most ordinary materials.

If you have a large box from large equipment, then you need to carefully unfold it and make a pattern. To do this, draw out the dimensions of the back and side walls on its surface. You should end up with a rectangle that needs to be folded into the letter P. The sides need to be made voluminous. To do this, they should be folded as shown in the figure.
If one box is not enough, don't despair. Glue between themselves small boxes, forming a frame. If necessary, place a press on the joint. All edges and joints at the end must be taped with masking tape and secured with glue. After the structure has completely dried, it can be painted using spray paints, covered with foam bricks, or decorated in any other way. Remember that this is decorative, very fragile design.

No. 2. False fireplace made of plasterboard

Of course, an important role also plays price ready compositions. Let's start with the most affordable material, not counting cardboard, -. It is a pleasure to work with it due to the fact that it is very easy to cut out parts of any configuration. Yes and installation there are a lot of such elements simple To build a medium-sized fireplace, one sheet of gypsum board is enough for you, because its dimensions are 1200x2500 mm. Better to use wall view, which has thickness 12.5 mm. For work you required:

  • gypsum board sheet or trimmings;
  • profile or wooden planks;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • stationery knife;
  • putty knife;
  • finishing putty;
  • primer;
  • perforated corner,
  • painting mesh;
  • and self-tapping screws for drywall.

In order to make the most know exactly how much space it will take up fireplace that you depicted in the drawing, mark the installation location on the wall and transfer the external dimensions to it. Move to the opposite wall and evaluate the result. You may need to reduce or increase the size a little, or change the location. At this stage it is still possible bring in all kinds amendments. Only after you are completely satisfied with the dimensions and space, proceed to cutting out the parts and attaching the frame, taking into account changes, if any.

  • basis For frame there may be remnants of a special profile for drywall or even wooden planks. According to the markings, screw the first elements to the wall with self-tapping screws. It is not recommended to use - threaded connections are much more reliable. If the size of the fireplace is quite large, for its stability and reliability, make additional mounting points on the floor. Use horizontal lintels, to give designs rigidity. In case of attaching profiles to a concrete base, first simply attach it to the wall and drill a hole together with it. After this, insert the dowel and secure with. The evenness of each element is required control .
  • After the frame is ready, transfer the dimensions of all the walls onto the gypsum board sheet, trying to place them as close as possible to reduce waste. For cutting, you can use either a regular stationery knife or. True, the latter will create a lot of dust and the cardboard at the edges may wrinkle and tear if you move too quickly. All details needed previously try on and refine the edges with sandpaper as necessary. When you are sure that all the elements fit perfectly into the frame, you can start to their consolidation
  • Be careful, tightening the screws. At correct installation their cap should be buried in the surface of the drywall to a depth of approximately 1 mm. This will greatly facilitate the cladding process in the future. Recommended distance between fasteners – 10-15 cm.
  • After covering it is necessary hide all joints and unevenness. The finishing one is best suited for this. Pre-surfacing is necessary. If the wall does not consist of a single piece, then the joints between the fragments must be cover with masking tape. All corners should be leveled using perforated corners, and then the first layer of mortar should be applied. The putty should be distributed uniform thin layer. After it has dried, unevenness and sagging must be smoothed out with sandpaper or a special metal mesh. Prime again to remove dust and apply again finishing layer putties.

At this stage, the construction of a false fireplace made of plasterboard is considered complete. Then there is only one small matter left to do - the decor of its surface, which we will talk about a little later.

No. 3. False fireplace made of foam plastic

One more fast and simple manufacturing method a false fireplace is the use of foam sheets. They can be purchased at any hardware store. It's better to buy sheets 100 mm thick. You can also use shipping foam that was left over from a purchased refrigerator, TV, washing machine or other technology. If you are not planning to move, then you are unlikely to need it, but in terms of density, it is much superior to the finishing option. Draw a drawing and figure out whether the available amount of material is enough for you. Besides must have:

  • adhesive solution;
  • mixing container;
  • putty knife;
  • level;
  • hacksaw;
  • painting mesh:
  • priming;
  • finishing putty.

To to avoid crumbling and jagged edges When cutting parts, use a small hacksaw for metal. Due to the large thickness and density, it is unlikely that it will be possible to simply cut off a fragment with a knife. It’s also not worth breaking off half-cut elements; if a crack forms, such a piece can no longer be used. We will glue the elements to the wall and to each other using a special solution for foam plastic.
Very important
buy a mixture specifically for installing this material. Due to the very slippery surface, which is practically devoid of absorbent properties, another type of composition may simply not glue the elements together. The wall, floor and ends of the foam that will come into contact with them must first be primed and allowed to dry. Knead the mixture strictly following the instructions.

Start installation from the side parts. The solution is applied to the wall and floor, following the previously made markings. Then they lean the foam. Before the solution has set, use a level to check that it is level and correct if necessary position. This is how all the details are gradually connected. After the frame has dried, it is necessary to prepare its surface for subsequent decoration. This may not be necessary if you plan to glue decorative foam bricks.

The surface of the foam is very hard to putty. To facilitate this process and ensure the required level of adhesion, it is necessary to cover the entire surface with a painting mesh. If the edges are uneven and torn, use a corner. The process of applying putty is similar to that described in the previous version. After complete drying, the false foam fireplace is ready for decorative cladding. If you like this manufacturing option, keep in mind that the structure made from this material should not be used in the future as a location for pots with house plants, various equipment and other heavy objects. Decorative items only.

No. 4. False fireplace made of chipboard or old furniture

Another very suitable type of material for creating an artificial hearth is particle board. Can be used as ordinary polished chipboard, and laminated. The choice is based on how the finished product will look. If you want to imitate a wooden fireplace, then, of course, it is better to give preference to chipboard. Beginning of work should be done, as in the first option, from the drawing. In this case, it is necessary not only in order to more realistically imagine the dimensions, but also so that in the place where you will purchase the chipboard sheet, you can immediately saw it into the necessary fragments. This is very convenient both in terms of easy transportation and during assembly. At home, all you have to do is fasten all the elements together using self-tapping screws.
Main difference false fireplace made of chipboard from a plasterboard structure - this is his mobility. It is not necessary to firmly attach it to the wall to achieve stability. By arranging a small base stand for it, you will make a completely independent structure, changing the location of which will not be difficult. And if desired, it can even be equipped with small wheels. With the right skills, you can cut the sheet yourself. If you use laminated chipboard, you must purchase and decorative edge, which will hide the ends and make them more neat. By the way, to make a “wooden” fireplace you can use And old shelves or cabinets. And small doors can even serve as side walls. It will cost much less. Ready product It is necessary to get rid of dust and sawdust and rub it with furniture polish. A fireplace made from ordinary chipboard must be subject to further decoration.

No. 5. Polyurethane false fireplace

This modern material has won the recognition of many designers and ordinary consumers. This is not surprising, because in addition to its attractive appearance, it can bend and take on various shapes. You can easily find in stores or on the Internet many offers for the sale of already ready-made portals made of polyurethane. Moreover, their variety will allow you not only to choose the required size, but also the style of execution. Models are presented both in the form of strict, straight lines, and with a richer finish that imitates stucco elements and even wood carvings.
In general, you won’t have any difficulty making a choice. Installing it is also not difficult. You just need to stick it to the wall using a special adhesive solution in the desired location. Next, you can paint the surface of the portal or give special luxury individual elements by applying gold, bronze or silver powder.
In addition to a solid portal, you can imitate it using various moldings or semi-columns made of the same material, as if marking the hearth area, but not so clearly. Of course, this option is less realistic, but in some interiors it will be quite appropriate. Especially in rooms with limited free space that you want to diversify a little.

No. 6. False fireplace made of brick

This option allows achieve maximum realistic external kind. But at the same time, it requires much more effort and costs than in previous options. Used for masonry. The only nuance this way is the weight finished design, especially if it has considerable dimensions. Therefore, before starting work, assess the condition of your floors. If you are sure that they can easily withstand a considerable load, feel free to get down to business. To you required:

  • N pieces of bricks;
  • mixture for brickwork;
  • Master OK;
  • primer;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • drill whisk.

To decide home task How many bricks are needed, a drawing with all dimensions is needed. Knowing the size of one brick, you can easily navigate the total quantity in the store. In any case, the seller will always help you. Carry out masonry will not be difficult.
The main thing is to check the straightness of each row. To give yourself a guideline, apply markings on the floor and wall. This will help avoid distortions. Mix the solution strictly following the instructions and maintain the agreed proportions. Otherwise, your masonry may “crawl” and all your work will go down the drain. To achieve a more homogeneous mixture, use a whisk attachment. Do not spread the solution in a thin layer, but do not apply it in heaps either. It is necessary to maintain the same thickness, distributing the mixture evenly. A little advice – do not lay it on the entire surface of the brick, leave about 1 cm free on each edge. When you lay the brick on top, you need to knock it a little so that it sticks well. In this case, the solution will definitely protrude and stain the bottom row. If you follow our advice, you will be able to avoid this, and the seams will turn out smooth and neat.

Do not forget that the finished mixture has the necessary properties only for a certain period of time. Usually it is 60-120 minutes, read more specifically on the package. Therefore, you should not be distracted while working. Checkerboard laying looks most impressive, but in this case you cannot avoid the need for cutting. A grinder and a diamond wheel will help you cope with this. Don't forget about individual protection means. Stone fireplace You will need to close the top with a lid. IN exterior decoration There is no need for a ready-made brick portal.

Finishing a false fireplace

Now it's the turn of the creative stage, which consists of giving the frame the desired appearance. There are a lot of options. In order for the choice to be successful, it is necessary to remember that a real fireplace consists of four basic elements– portal, cover, firebox and back wall. Let's consider ways to finish each element separately.

Decorating the portal

Depending on the style of the room, you can use the following techniques:

What to place in the firebox and how to decorate the back wall

If you decide to use an electric fireplace, then niche depth under it must be at least 40 cm and have a socket. In all other cases, a depth of 20 cm is sufficient. B firebox Can post the following elements:

Back wall May be:

False fireplace in the living room interior

Due to the fact that the false fireplace is absolutely safe from point of view fire safety, it's possible dispose V any indoors. Even in the children's room. The exception is structures equipped with candles or electrical elements. If you really want and have space, you can install a fireplace in the dining room. But many are inclined to believe that it is living room yet is most appropriate premises for this. Just imagine how you sit in the evening, after a hard day at work, with your loved one, a cup of delicious coffee or a glass of wine, and enjoy the view of a burning fire. And all this in an ordinary apartment...
A feeling of calm, harmony and peace immediately comes. Even without simulating fire, this element will create an indescribable feeling of comfort, which all your guests and family members will appreciate. Your living room will be theirs favorite place meetings and celebrations, because it is in this room that all friendly gatherings and warm family evenings are held.

This article is atypical for a site that discusses heating and ventilation issues, because it we'll talk about popular homemade homemade- life-size imitation fireplace. Of course, a dummy cannot fully replace flaming wood. But a beautifully designed portal fits perfectly into the interior of the apartment and can decorate the free space along the wall or in the corner of the room. So let's see what available materials will go to making a false fireplace and how to make it with your own hands.

What can a decorative hearth be made from?

To answer this question, we collected scattered information, photos and videos published on the Internet by home craftsmen. If you have set a goal to make an artificial fireplace yourself, you will certainly find suitable material from the compiled list:

  • cardboard boxes (for example, from a TV) or corrugated cardboard sheets used as packaging;
  • Chipboard, regular plywood and OSB, fiberboard;
  • plasterboard sheets (GKL), fixed to a frame made of wood or galvanized steel profiles;
  • facing brick.
This is how simple crafts made from corrugated cardboard look like

The easiest and fastest way to make a fireplace portal is from a box from a TV or other household appliances. The fake fireplaces shown in the photo are of little use for many years of use, but they are easily installed in the right place. As a rule, a fireplace made of cardboard serves as decoration for New Year and others holidays, after which it is put away in the pantry.

Stationary models of false fireplaces that can last for many years are made from other materials, including polystyrene foam. They are decorated in accordance with the interior of the apartment and in various ways they create an imitation of fire or are furnished with candles. We suggest considering the production of each option separately.

Advice. Whatever manufacturing method you choose, first determine the location for the artificial hearth and sketch out a drawing with dimensions by hand. This will simplify the calculation of the amount of materials and the selection of design style.

Dummy from a cardboard box

To work, you will need a simple set of tools - scissors, a tape measure with a ruler and a stationery knife. From additional materials Prepare PVA glue, old newspapers or paper and tape. A homemade false fireplace is made in different ways depending on the source material:

On the left is a dummy made from a single box, on the right - from 9 identical boxes
  1. A large TV box is bent to the required dimensions, as shown in the photo. An opening is cut out in the middle to simulate a fireplace, and the former front panel of the package, divided in half, now serves as the walls of a niche - a fake fuel chamber.
  2. It is easy to assemble a portal in the shape of the letter “P” from several cardboard boxes of the same size by gluing them together with PVA and tape.
  3. From sheets of corrugated cardboard you will need to glue together individual elements of a decorative fireplace - a frame, a firebox with a base and an upper shelf, and then assemble them into one whole. How to do this correctly is demonstrated in the diagram below.

To hide the joints in the corners and in the middle of the portal, cover them with old newspapers or paper. Another option is to buy a polyurethane imitation of gypsum stucco and cover all problem areas with decorative elements.

If necessary to strengthen homemade design To prevent it from “folding” along and across its axis, install cardboard stiffeners on the back side, placing them on glue. Reinforcing thin walls is easily done using strips of the same corrugated cardboard folded like an accordion, as shown in the photo.

Options for strengthening the body - gluing internal ribs (left) and accordions to a sheet (right)

Note. The manufacturing technology for the corner version of the fireplace is no different from the wall-mounted model. Only large packaging will have to be folded differently, and sheets will have to be formed from boxes of the same type, and only then - portal elements.

This is how you need to bend a large box to get a corner pseudo-fireplace

The finished body of the false fireplace can only be finished using any chosen method, for example:

  • cover with wallpaper imitating brickwork;
  • veneer with bricks cut with your own hands from thin polystyrene foam;
  • decorate with polyurethane or foam stucco;
  • sheathed with plastic panels simulating artificial and natural stone, masonry, and so on.

To securely attach finishing materials, use a polymer adhesive or an inexpensive glue gun. Final design– painting the product in the desired color (or several) with an acrylic or silicate composition intended for interior work. Master class on how to make it at home decorative fireplace from the boxes, look at the video:

Fireplace portal made of wood and plywood

In this case, you will need the following lumber:

  • timber wooden section 4 x 4 cm - on the main (corner) posts of the frame;
  • the same, size 4 x 2 cm - for jumpers;
  • solid wood tabletop or laminated chipboard - on the top shelf;
  • any cheap plywood - for sheathing;
  • suitable finishing material - artificial stone, plastic panels, polyurethane moldings, tiles and so on.

The tools used are also available - a hacksaw, a drill, measuring devices. For fastening, use regular black self-tapping screws and, if necessary, perforated steel corners and strips. If you plan to paint the false fireplace, purchase an acrylic composition of the desired color.

Wooden frame complete with mantel
  1. Measure and cut the bars to size. At the same time, take into account the thickness of the plywood, otherwise the product will turn out larger than you expected.
  2. Assemble the frame of the product by twisting the beams with self-tapping screws and maintaining 90° angles between the posts and horizontal elements. Make an extended base from below, and immediately attach the rack to the top wide board, playing the role of a shelf.
  3. Install stiffeners on the sides in the form of jumpers or jibs. Form the arch of the portal by attaching a horizontal beam at its top point.
  4. Attach the frame to the wall or floor in the chosen location and cover it with plywood, including the niche. If you want to get an arched vault, cut out the corresponding rounding on the front sheet.

Finishing with plywood sheets

Important point. In the case when you need to put it inside artificial fireplace an electric firebox with imitation flame, the dimensions of the opening must correspond to its dimensions. Another nuance: at the back between the wall and the firebox body, be sure to maintain a distance of at least 5 cm.

The simplest and inexpensive option cladding - cover the gaps between the sheets of plywood with putty, clean it with sandpaper, and then paint. Another cheap wayPVC finishing panels imitating brick, as shown in the photo. How to mount correctly this material, is described in the corresponding article.

The mantel should be sanded and varnished if it is made of solid wood. All that remains is to design the portal to create the impression of combustion in a pseudo-fuel tank. The assembly process is briefly and clearly shown in the video:

Making a false fireplace from plasterboard

Here you can go two ways - collect the portal on wooden frame, as described in the previous section, or on a frame made of galvanized steel profiles. Since the future structure bears minimal loads, the choice of material for the frame does not play a special role.

But the installation sequence changes - the racks of this capital structure are initially attached to the wall. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Using the drawing, draw the outline of the future decorative fireplace on the wall with a pencil.
  2. Using dowels, attach horizontal and vertical profiles along the lines marked on the wall ( wooden blocks).
  3. Assemble the frame from wall and ceiling profiles for installation of gypsum boards, starting from the side walls. Lastly, the firebox niche is formed.
  4. Cover the frame with plasterboard and seal all joints with putty. Do not rush to install the fireplace insert - it will be installed after finishing.

When installing an electric firebox, sockets in the niche will be very useful

Note. In principle, nothing prevents you from first assembling the frame, and then screwing it to the wall and sheathing it with plasterboard. But there is one point: the angle between the floor and the wall is probably different from 90°. Then one of the planes of your product will not adhere to the building structures.

A false fireplace lined with plasterboard has one important advantage - it can be decorated with anything, including tiles, which looks very presentable. Therefore, we will not list the ways to finish the portal (there are too many), but will suggest that you watch the next video on its assembly:

Almost real brick fireplace insert

Despite the labor intensity of constructing such a structure and its cost, brickwork will provide the closest possible approximation to a natural living hearth. Plus strength and durability - unlike gypsum plasterboard, the stone is not afraid of random shock loads.

Reference. The previously described structures are fire hazardous to one degree or another. As soon as a child knocks over a lit candle in a niche, a cardboard or wooden product will ignite quickly. A decorative candle fireplace built of brick will not catch fire under any circumstances.

Portals from various types bricks

Of course, brickwork requires a solid foundation, so residents apartment buildings It is strictly not recommended to build such false fireplaces on ceilings. Another thing is the first floor of a private house, where in the process of repairing the floors you can lay a foundation in the form of a concrete slab.

To work, you will need a standard tool - a trowel, a wide spatula and a plumb level. To put it beautifully decorative brick“to the wasteland”, rent a special masonry template shown in the picture.

The template allows even a beginner to place stones beautifully - in a wasteland

A brick imitation fireplace is laid out in the following sequence:

  1. Determine the dimensions of the building and adjust it to the standard brick length - 25 cm. Recalculate the amount of building materials and buy a ready-made mortar based on cement.
  2. Clear the base, prepare the solution and lay out the first continuous row, keeping it horizontal across the entire plane. Then lay the second row with the dressing using the template. The hearth part is ready.
  3. Constantly monitoring the vertical, build the walls of the false fireplace to the height of the firebox (approximately 60-70 cm), then cover the opening from above with steel corners.
  4. Lay the last 4-5 rows of bricks and let the mortar in the masonry harden for 3-4 days. Then install a top shelf made of wood or other material.

An example of a masonry scheme for an English fireplace. You don’t need such a large dummy, but here is the principle of constructing a stone hearth

Advice. You can build such a fireplace from any brick, including used and old. You just have to clean it thoroughly, and after finishing the work, paint it or cover it with colorless varnish. Take the layout of a real English fireplace as a basis, but without a chimney and internal partitions: put only the outer walls and a pseudo-fuel pit.

In conclusion - about fire imitation

The manufacture of a decorative fireplace cannot be called complete without creating the appearance of a burning flame in the firebox. We offer several options to choose from on how to organize this effect:

  • a popular way is to place a mirror near the back wall of the niche and place lighted candles;
  • use the products of new technologies - LED strips or candles (there are such);
  • install an electric fireplace, decorative firebox or bio-fireplace with a real flame into the portal;
  • install small lamps;
  • place an electronic photo frame equipped with a large liquid crystal display in the opening and load an image of a burning fire into its memory.

Newfangled LED devices imitate heat quite well, the main thing is to arrange everything correctly. The photo shows good example with a luminous tape laid out around the perimeter of the firebox. The composition can be supplemented with artificial firewood and other commercially available accessories.

Many residents of city apartments want to create an island of warmth and comfort in their home. For many, owning a real fireplace remains an unattainable pleasure; implementing such a project is difficult and unsafe, and gas and electric fireplaces are also not always appropriate. A false fireplace is a fireplace that does not require wood, an imitation of a real fireplace, and serves primarily a decorative function. It is safe, beautiful and multifunctional, and the costs of its construction are minimal.

3 types of false fireplace designs

  1. Stationary;
  2. Mobile;
  3. Flat.

Stationary false fireplaces are often designed at the stage of finishing the room. The basis of the structure, as a rule, is a frame made of timber or metal profiles. The fireplace is sheathed with boards, plasterboard, plywood, and lined with tiles or artificial stone.

The mobile design is also convenient, it can be moved from place to place, decorated with carvings, glass, wood, stained glass and so on. A flat fireplace is a pseudo-hearth; an imitation of a facade is created on the wall using a decorative frame. By the way, the hearth can also be painted, as in the well-known fairy tale about Pinocchio and the Golden Key. There are many options for decorating a false fireplace, let's talk about the most interesting ideas.

10 most popular ideas for decorating false fireplaces in apartment interiors

1. False fireplace easel

To decorate such a false fireplace, a regular slate. It is best if it is an ordinary flat false fireplace: a slate or magnetic board is inserted into the hearth, cute shelves can be attached to the side and magnets, crayons or markers can be placed on them. Such a fireplace is not just decoration, but also a means of entertainment and development for children. You can play guessing games together, put words together from magnets, and so on. If you wish, install such a false fireplace in the nursery, and install a child’s work area nearby.

2. False fireplace with candles

Not every false fireplace can be filled with firewood to create the full illusion of the presence of a real hearth. You can replace the fire from logs with candles: use your imagination, create a beautiful composition (it can be changed regularly so that it doesn’t get boring). In winter, candles can be combined with spruce branches and cones, in summer - with a wreath of dried flowers, in autumn - with yellow foliage. Such a corner of nature will be a win-win option; it will enliven the space and give you and your loved ones many pleasant moments.

3. False fireplace with media area

This great option, if the false fireplace is located in the center of the living room. In this case, it would be logical to arrange a false fireplace and a television area in one place. Near a real fireplace, equipment “does not last long,” but next to an imitation it will be possible to create a beautiful and durable composition. We would like to remind you that stationary and mobile false fireplaces are best placed in rooms of medium and large sizes; for small rooms, flat products are best suited, which will not take up the already limited space. Next to the false fireplace you can place shelves for disks, equipment, remote controls, and so on, and hide the wires behind the structure of the fireplace itself.

4. False fireplace with shelves

Since an imitation fireplace should not only decorate the room, but also be useful, you can arrange a small “exhibition” there. Place your favorite books, souvenirs, decorative elements, photographs on the shelves and organize family corner. This solution will harmoniously fit into a room of any style: for modern, the shelves can be made of glass, for Provence - covered with floral painting, for classic, wooden carvings are suitable.

5. False fireplace for themed decor

We often don't have enough space to implement original ideas when preparing for the holiday. A false fireplace can serve as a decoration for a room on ordinary days, and on holidays it can transform a room beyond recognition. On New Year’s Day, you can decorate it with coniferous compositions, beautiful Christmas tree balls, and traditional “stockings” for Santa’s gifts; on Easter, baked goods surrounded by multi-colored Easter eggs and painted eggs will look beautiful. On your birthday, you can decorate a false fireplace balloons and posters, put a carved pumpkin with candles on Halloween - there are many options. The main thing is to show your imagination and turn a small corner into a real masterpiece.

6. False fireplace in vintage style

Vintage style in Lately in favor, so if you are also a fan of it, why not decorate your fireplace in this theme? Moreover, special effort and you will not need to spend any money; old vases, posters, paintings in antique frames and much more are suitable for these purposes. Even old suitcases, painted with a single color or covered with interesting paintings, will add an unusual touch to the design of the room. On the shelves you can place books in old bindings, old candlesticks, figurines, painted plates and much more - the main thing is to keep all the decor in good condition. uniform style.

7. False fireplace with decorative grille

This option will look as natural and natural as possible, decorative lattice It can be made either from deliberately roughly planed wood, or it can be a real work of art - it is carving or figured forging. In this case, it is better to decorate the portal itself with artificial stone or wood - these materials look very organic and add amazing notes to the atmosphere of the room.

8. False fireplace with stucco

Let's agree right away that plaster stucco It’s quite expensive and it’s a labor-intensive task, so if you want a classic fireplace with bas-reliefs or stucco, it’s easier to limit yourself to polyurethane. The frame of the false fireplace is mounted from metal profiles, plasterboard is attached to it, and then polyurethane decor - it can be glued using construction glue or “liquid nails”, and then the entire product is covered with plain paint. Relief products look very interesting and advantageous.

9. False fireplace with stickers

For flat fireplaces, the easiest way is to use themed stickers. If you look hard enough, you can find them in hardware stores. Imitation brickwork, natural stone, firewood, hearth - all these variations can be used when creating a false fireplace.

10. False fireplace with mirror

Glass and mirror surfaces not only visually expand the room, but also create a unique effect of play of light. You can use stained glass or ordinary mirrors: the environment will be reflected in them and glare of light will play - very beautiful and non-standard solution. The main thing is to keep all the interior elements in the same style and similar color scheme so that the room seems complete.

There are quite a lot of options for how to decorate a false fireplace; choose one that suits your inner feelings and the overall style of the interior and feel free to experiment!

The fireplace has always been a symbol of warmth and comfort. The home was built in luxurious palaces, small castles, and cozy estates. A prerequisite for a fireplace is a chimney, which cannot be done in a modern standard apartment. Depending on the income of the homeowners, the fireplace was decorated with marble, stone or other fireproof materials.

But is it really possible for those who live in apartment buildings without a chimney, will you have to forget about the hearth? Not at all - a modern alternative to an antique fireplace is an artificial fireplace portal - a design that imitates a real home hearth. But here the question arises: how to decorate a decorative fireplace in an apartment? Should I use traditional materials for this or can I use my imagination and creativity?

Fireplace in the interior of the apartment

Modern high-rise buildings do not include chimneys in their design to accommodate working fireplaces that would serve as a source of heat. If the goal is to heat your home and replace heating radiators, then it is quite possible to achieve this task with the help of an electric fireplace - a device that runs on environmentally friendly fuel. This “toy” produces a real flame without smoke and is very popular among overseas designers. An electric fireplace is often built into a specially equipped portal, creating the effect of a real hearth.

But for decorative effect More often they install a fireplace portal or a false fireplace - a structure that looks similar to a real fireplace, but without a chimney and the ability to start a fire. A niche can be decorated in different ways: put candles or vases with flowers, paste mirror tiles or lay out a stack of real logs - it all depends on the designer’s imagination and budget limitations.

Types and features of false fireplaces

The design and choice of materials depends on the type of fireplace chosen. IN modern architecture distinguish authentic, conventional and symbolic fireplaces.


A reliable fireplace is the most similar to the real one, imitating the shape and appearance of the hearth so well that an ignorant guest will not immediately notice the difference. The difference between a reliable fireplace and a real one is the absence of a chimney. Such models of false fireplaces are often made to order, since decorative materials require special processing: metal, stone, tiles, porcelain stoneware, plaster.

An electric fireplace or burner running on environmentally friendly fuel can be installed in the niche of such an artificial fireplace.

Only a reliable false fireplace can replace a real hearth as much as possible, both in appearance and functionality. But it is also the most expensive among all types.


It is also possible to create an artificial fireplace in an apartment using a conventional false fireplace - a small structure on the wall made of a metal frame and covered with plasterboard or plywood. This option does not involve installing an electric fireplace inside, which means it does not require great depth - 20 cm will be quite sufficient. And a mirror glued to the back wall of the fireplace portal niche will create visual depth.

Another option for “deepening” a niche is to paint the wall black and install candlesticks, decorative candles and other small items in it.

From the outside, such a portal is decorated with plaster, tiles, tiles, wood, moldings and stucco so as to bring the appearance as close as possible to a real fireplace.


Another way to create a feeling of home comfort in an apartment, without unnecessary financial and time costs, is a symbolic fireplace. Simply put, the outline of a fireplace is created on the wall either with the help of a drawing, or ceiling moldings, or some other decorative elements. Of course, in this case we are not talking about any volume, the decorative element creates only the necessary atmosphere, but you can do it yourself, without resorting to the services of professionals.

How to make a false fireplace yourself

Of course, the simplest solution, both in terms of budget and labor costs, would be to install a symbolic or painted fireplace.
First of all, determine the place where the drawn element will be located. Measure the height and width of the decoration; it is better to immediately draw it on the wall with a pencil. Now think about the design: will it be straight or curved lines drawn with paints, or will the outlines be decorated using moldings. Its role may be:

  • ceiling or floor plinth,
  • wooden slats,
  • plaster stucco,
  • beautiful door casing.

On top of the entire structure, you can hang a narrow shelf the width of the fireplace, which will serve as a stand for photographs, candlesticks or other cute trinkets.

Making a home false fireplace with your own hands is not at all difficult, as it may seem initially. The main thing is the ability to use a hacksaw or jigsaw, a screwdriver and a tape measure.

The first step is to decide what material the fireplace portal will be made of. It's easier and cheaper to make it from metal profile and sheathed with plasterboard or MDF (PVC) panels. But you can use bricks or foam blocks.

Next, a decision is made on the shape and size of the decorative stove. If you create a structure that completely imitates a real fireplace, you will have to select a significant part of the wall, since a real hearth consists of two parts: a chimney and a firebox. If you decide to decorate the space above the portal differently or allocate it for other needs, then you can only stop at installing the lower part of the fireplace.

For work you will need materials and tools:

  • Drywall 12 mm thick;
  • Metallic profile;
  • Tape measure or ruler;
  • Pencil for marking;
  • The tool you plan to use to cut drywall. Usually this is a construction knife;
  • Metal shears for metal profiles;
  • Self-tapping screws for metal;
  • Metal corner;
  • Screwdriver.

To finish the fireplace portal, do not forget to purchase putty and spatulas, and perforated tape to strengthen the seams. Also depending on decorative finishing Primer may be needed.

Installation of the fireplace consists of several important steps.

  1. We draw a sketch of the future product and put down all the necessary dimensions (they depend on the dimensions of the room in which the hearth is assembled). We calculate how many materials will be needed and which ones. We transfer all the markings to the wall to have a clear idea of ​​the structure.
  2. From a metal profile, using metal scissors, we cut the frame parts and try them on the wall. We mount the frame using self-tapping screws.
  3. We cut the necessary sheathing parts from drywall and also fasten them to the frame with self-tapping screws. Don't forget to remove the chamfer before installation.
  4. We use putty to seal all the screw heads and seams (after gluing them with perforated tape). Let the mixture dry.
  5. We clean the surface with sandpaper and prime it before decorative finishing.

You can use one of the following as a diagram:

Of course, any element that appears in the room should match the style and mood of the interior, and not seem superfluous.

You should not decorate the fireplace portal in a Provence room with brutal dark brick. Or use aged brick in a modern interior - only experienced designers who know how to play with space can afford such bold experiments.

A plasterboard fireplace portal can easily be decorated with polyurethane stucco, moldings, wood or MDF panels, plaster or stone. The choice of material also depends on the purpose of the fireplace.

If an electric burner is inserted into the false fireplace, then fire-resistant materials are chosen for finishing: tiles, bricks, stone. In all other cases, the decoration is dictated by the style of the room itself.

Each finishing material has its pros and cons. Let's look at each of them.

  • Decorative brick or stone. The most suitable material for finishing an existing fireplace is brick or decorative refractory stone. The portal itself is also made of brick. in this case, it is necessary to provide a small brick “cushion” under the entire structure. In principle, if the bricks are laid neatly, then the finishing can be abandoned if the appearance fits into the style of the room. The bricks are just covering protective agent or tint. If the brick acts as building material, then it is better to use fireproof stone to decorate an existing fireplace.
  • MDF boards. Such material is used quite rarely for decorating fireplace portals. Firstly, because of their appearance - such slabs often imitate the texture and pattern of wood, but who makes fireplaces from wood? Secondly, even if you choose a pattern similar to brick or stone masonry, MDF slabs are inferior in price to the same ceramic tiles or plaster.
  • Tree. Warm and natural material, often used in classic or rustic styles. It can be smooth, polished and varnished wood or deliberately rough, with an aging effect in a Provence living room. Most often, the top shelf of false fireplaces is made of wood.
  • Ceramic tiles or porcelain tiles. One of the universal materials is ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware. The first advantage is affordable price. In principle, from a wide range of modern ceramic tiles, you can choose the one that suits you in color, texture, and style. The second advantage is resistance to high temperatures, which is important for decorating an existing fireplace. But along with fire-resistant tiles, you also need to use a special heat-resistant adhesive.
  • Mosaic. Another suitable material for decorating a fireplace portal is mosaic. In turn, it can also be made of glass, ceramics, mirror or wooden elements. There are even individual specimens made from natural materials - sea pebbles, shell rock, marble or granite. You can choose any mosaic that meets the most stringent requirements, and also combine several types, creating patterns and ornaments.

  • Marble. This environmentally friendly material has proven itself in construction. It is not for nothing that the palaces and castles of kings were decorated with this material. Marble is durable, practical and has excellent decorative properties. However, decorating false fireplaces with marble is quite difficult, since it is still stone, and lightweight design made of plasterboard is unlikely to withstand such weight.
  • Decorative plaster. This finishing material can easily imitate wood, stone, or even recreate a smooth, uniform surface. It is for its versatility that designers love plaster. It can be tinted in any color or painted on top, formed into fancy patterns and ornaments - any method is good, the main thing is that the end result matches the style of the room.
  • Glass. Glass is a rare guest on the walls of a false fireplace, but with its help you can create a unique and unique portal, for example, using the technique of painting on glass. Basically, glass is used as a partition in electric operating fireplaces. Stained glass also has a right to exist, but to really achieve the desired effect, you will have to come up with original lighting.
  • Metal. One of the “coolest” materials for interior decoration. It is mainly used in styles such as modern, high-tech or loft. But artistic forging can add a touch of romanticism to Provence or country. An openwork partition will be appropriate in any ornate interior - classical, art deco, Victorian, rococo.
  • Self-adhesive film. An excellent alternative for a minimal budget would be self-adhesive - a PVC-based film with an adhesive base. The pattern and texture of the film can be very different: with imitation of marble, other stone, wood, brick, tile.

What to put in the fireplace niche

The most exciting issue in decorating a false fireplace is the niche (the place where the firebox should be). If the hearth is not operational and there is no firewood in the firebox, then what to put or put in its place? And the design of the back wall of the firebox also matters. It can be formatted in different ways:

  • Cover with mirrors to visually expand the boundaries of the fireplace portal;
  • Paint it black, which will also visually deepen the niche;
  • Cover with photo wallpaper depicting a real flame, brick or firewood;
  • Paint to match the wall on which the fireplace is located;
  • Lay out contrasting ceramic tiles or tiles with patterns.

In the very niche of the fireplace you can place:

  • A set of candles of different shapes and sizes (but suitable in style);
  • Books or magazines;
  • Flowers in pots and flowerpots;
  • Firewood and logs - this will create the impression that the hearth is working;
  • A stack of pillows;
  • Antique effect suitcases;
  • Thematic or seasonal decorative elements: pumpkins for Halloween, a tree for New Year, angels for Christmas, fresh flowers for March 8, etc.
  • Figurines and figurines.

By the way, those elements that you place in the fireplace niche should stylistically overlap with the objects placed on the shelf itself or above the hearth.

If you are still wondering how to decorate a fireplace in an apartment, photo ready-made solutions will help you decide. Just look at our selection of ready-made false fireplaces.

A fireplace is a symbol of home, warmth and comfort. But modern fireplace- it is rather not a source of heat, but an interior item conducive to a romantic pastime.

Flickering flames, the crackling of burning fires, a cozy chair, a warm blanket - what else is needed for relaxation and a pleasant, leisurely conversation.

But, as you know, it is not possible to install a fireplace in an apartment for a number of reasons.

The decorative false fireplace has become an excellent invention of designers, which has found a place in many modern apartments.

Today we’ll talk about options for installing a false fireplace and decorating it.

  1. False fireplaces can only loosely resemble a real hearth. The “firebox” is decorated with candles, stacked logs, a picture of fire, and much more.
  2. The second option for installing a false fireplace is a portal for installing an electric fireplace, which imitates a flame and looks more like a real one.
  3. And finally, the biofireplace is a modern invention using safe fuel. The burning flame of a bio-fireplace and logs made of heat-resistant ceramics will imitate a real hearth as much as possible.

False fireplace made of plasterboard

The simplest and cheapest way to install a false fireplace is to build a portal structure from plasterboard. It can be placed against the wall opposite the sofa area, where the TV will subsequently be located, or you can arrange a corner false fireplace in a separate seating area. A false fireplace finds its place in the bedroom, in the nursery, and in the office.

To install a fireplace portal, you will need metal guides or wooden blocks, drywall, self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. Marking dimensions on the wall future design, according to the completed drawing, we build a frame and cover it with gypsum fiber sheets.

The dimensions of the portal are individual and depend on the final purpose of the structure. If the mantelpiece will be a place to install a TV, then the height of the fireplace with the shelf should not exceed the permissible values ​​for comfortable viewing.

It is individual for each room, depending on the distance from the TV to the place where it is viewed and on the size of the diagonal of the screen, but, as a rule, does not exceed one meter.

Decorating the false fireplace portal

Making a false fireplace from plasterboard is extremely simple. The difficulty lies in decorating the box. To decorate fireplaces, plastering and painting, stone cladding, tiles, and heat-resistant tiles are traditionally used. In our case, the false fireplace will not heat up, so we don’t need a heat-resistant finish; we’ll focus on the decorativeness of the finish.

False fireplace in antique style. The portal was finished with polyurethane molding.

Now on sale you can see a large assortment of this material - columns, cornices, pilasters, rosettes with smooth and embossed texture.

The next type of finish is imitation brickwork. This could be brick tiles or brick-like wallpaper.

A fireplace that combines stone and wood looks great. The design is solid, even massive, and will take pride of place in a respectable living room.

An additional decorative element can be a glass screen covering the “firebox”. Add accessories to the composition in the form of a fireplace set and a firewood rack, and your false fireplace will look as much like a real source of heat and fire as possible.

A corner false fireplace made of plasterboard, decorated with artificial stone, is an interior decoration in a modern style.

Fireplaces can be wall-mounted, built-in or island. Here we see a built-in bio-fireplace. The wall is lined with decorative artificial stone.

But this unusual shape of a high-tech style fireplace can inspire you to create an individual design.

To install a fireplace, you can purchase a ready-made portal made of natural or artificial stone. The photo shows a portal made of white marble.

An interesting use of a false fireplace for storing books and documents. The aged, seemingly worn surface of the portal is an element of vintage style.

Often an imitation fireplace is built to create an accent in a room. A white portal against a bright wall or vice versa - bright element on a light background will attract attention and become the center of the overall composition.

A false fireplace decorated with candles and attributes of Christmas and New Year will make the holiday special and fill the house with warmth and the anticipation of a fairy tale.

Rack imitating a fireplace. At the bottom there are candles, on the top shelf there are trinkets dear to the heart and a framed family photo.

A “firebox” filled with real firewood is an interesting design find that will undoubtedly decorate the interior of the living room.

A false fireplace made of boards stacked on top of each other. You can achieve a “striped” façade using various wood impregnations. An eco-friendly and very attractive design is a bold, extraordinary solution.

An imitation of a fireplace in a children's room in the form of a toy rack is the center of the composition. Over time, you can hang a mirror above the mantelpiece, the shelf will turn into dressing table for a grown girl.

And this fireplace is made of cardboard. Don't believe me? But it is so. Use of non-standard materials in last years became fashionable direction in interior design.

In place of the fireplace insert, you can hang a reproduction with an image of a fire or make a drawing on a plastered surface in the style of a fresco. This decision is reminiscent of the fairy tale about Pinocchio, where in Papa Carlo’s closet a fireplace was painted on the wall, behind which a secret door was hidden. And who knows, perhaps happiness will come to your home, and not fabulous, but real: it will warm your souls, fill the house with warmth and a pleasant atmosphere.

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