Training options for the exam in social studies year. Online GIA tests in social studies (society)

Social studies is one of the most popular elective subjects in the exam, but at the same time one of the most controversial. It is with this direction that the most a large number of disapproving reviews of examinees. On the one hand, this situation is due to the fact that a certificate in social studies is accepted by a huge number of various universities in the country. On the other hand, it is this subject that is often chosen by graduates who, before the start of the graduation campaign, could not decide on their future specialty and often did not bother preparing for exams.

So, let's try to understand the most important issues that concern the graduates of 2017-2018 school year, namely:

The most popular bundle of the Unified State Examination "Russian language + mathematics + social studies" opens to the future applicant wide choose directions. With high scores in these subjects, you can compete for budget places at the faculties:

  • pedagogy;
  • psychology;
  • economy;
  • sociology;
  • management;
  • service;
  • personnel management;
  • state management;
  • commodity science;
  • business informatics;
  • economic security.

Please note that in order to join a number of the listed directions necessary condition is passing the profile level! Information should be clarified on the official website of the university of your choice.

If the points scored do not allow you to enter one of the best universities in Russia, you can consider studying at colleges that also accept graduates of grade 11 based on the results of the unified state exam.

When will the exam in social studies take place in 2018

To date, only preliminary dates for the USE 2018 have been announced.

  • Those who have the right to take the exam early can focus on the start date of the preliminary stage of the exam - 03/21/18.
  • The main exam session starts on May 28 and must end by July 9, 2018.
  • Additional numbers for tests in social studies will be announced after the start of the school year.

All the news related to exams for 11th and 9th grades can be found on the pages of our website!

Possible Changes in 2018 Social Studies Tickets

Since the dramatic changes introduced in 2017 have been successfully tested and received a lot of positive feedback from both teachers and examinees themselves, we can expect the 2018 ticket format to be very close to the one that was passed in the previous season.

When preparing, you should not focus on materials and manuals for the Unified State Examination of 2016 and earlier, since they do not correspond to the new KIMs. Last year, the following significant changes were made to the structure of the tickets and tasks themselves:

  1. Traditional single-response tests have been completely removed from tickets.
  2. All tasks were combined into thematic blocks, which should make it easier to navigate the topics.
  3. Missing in job descriptions exact amount correct answers. Now there may be 2 or 3.
  4. A system of primary and secondary points has been introduced when calculating the USE result, according to which 62 primary points correspond to 100% completion of tasks.
  5. For correct answers, the examinee can receive from 1 to 3 points, and for a correctly written mini-essay, a maximum of 5 primary points.
  6. The minimum passing score in social studies will be 43 resulting points.
  7. The duration of the exam is 235 minutes, during which it is necessary to cope with 29 tasks of various levels of complexity.

The system for converting the primary score to USE result has the following form:





For each primary score from 17 to 46, only 1 resulting score is added.

The ticket is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Short answer questions.
  2. Tasks with a detailed answer and a short essay (mini essay).

Despite the apparent ease at first glance, in order to successfully pass the exam and get not just a passing, but a competitive high score in social science, graduates of 2018 will need thorough preparation.

How to prepare for the exam in the subject of social studies

Secret successful delivery The unified state exam is actually simple:

  • Preparation for effective methods, started in a timely manner (in the 10th or early 11th grade).
  • Good social science textbooks and manuals for preparing for the exam, which will take into account all the changes adopted in 2018.
  • Practice and practice again in solving typical tasks from the USE tickets 2017 and 2018.

The social studies exam is aimed at testing knowledge in the following 5 blocks:

  1. economy;
  2. right;
  3. policy;
  4. sociology (social relations);
  5. philosophy (man and society).

Each of the blocks is equally important to achieve the desired high score, and therefore you will have to process a fairly large amount of information and learn how to:

  • confidently operate with basic concepts;
  • analyze information presented in the form of tables and graphs;
  • quickly work with the text (insert missing words, highlight the main thing, look for quotes expressing certain thoughts);
  • supplement texts using their own knowledge of social science;
  • reason and give examples within the framework of a given problem;
  • solve cognitive problems, arguing the chosen solution course;
  • concisely and succinctly express your thoughts in writing based on the basic concepts of the subject.

From school textbooks on social science in 2017-2018, preference should be given to the authors: Bogolyubov, Bordovsky or Nikitin. Also, for preparation, it is worth finding textbooks on law (Bogolyubov and Pevtsova), on economics (Lipsits or Kireev). For those who wish to delve into the subject in order to obtain the highest possible score, it would not be superfluous to familiarize themselves with the textbooks of the profile level, in which serious questions economics, sociology and law.

For many graduates, the greatest difficulty is the mini-essay. We offer you to watch a video lesson that tells everything about how to write an essay on social studies. The video was filmed 4 years ago. But the requirements for this species tasks have not changed, and therefore the tips given in it are relevant in 2018.

There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social science is the easiest subject of the exam. Many choose it for this very reason. But this is a delusion that leads away from serious preparation.

Changes in KIM USE 2019 in social studies:

  • The wording was detailed and the grading system for task 25 was reworked.
  • The maximum score for mission 25 has been increased from 3 to 4.
  • Detailed wording of tasks 28, 29, and improved systems
    their evaluations.
  • The maximum primary score for completing the entire work has been increased
    from 64 to 65.

How to start preparing for the exam in social studies?

1. Learn theory.

For this, theoretical material is selected for each task, what you need to know and take into account when performing the task. There will be questions with a philosophical bias (individual and society) and sociological (relationships in society). Remember that there are only 8 topics: society

  • Human
  • knowledge
  • spiritual sphere (culture)
  • social sphere
  • economy
  • policy
  • right

Indicates on what topics the survey will be in assignments. Within each topic, there are many smaller subtopics that you should pay attention to when studying.

To obtain a high result, the examinee must confidently operate with basic concepts and terms. Analyze information provided in the form of graphics. Work with text. Competently reason within the framework of the problem posed, concisely express your thoughts in writing.

Important advice: in preparation, materials and manuals for 2016 and earlier should not be used, as they have lost their relevance to the updated assignments.

2. Study well the structure of tasks, the system of their evaluation.

The examination paper is divided into two parts:

  1. Tasks from 1 to 20 requiring a short answer (word, phrase or number);
  2. Assignments from 21 to 29 - with a detailed answer and mini-essays.

Evaluation of USE assignments in social science was distributed as follows:

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 10, 12 tasks.
  • 2 points - 4-9, 11, 13-22.
  • 3 points - 23, 24, 26, 27.
  • 4 points - 25, 28.
  • 6 points - 29.

The maximum you can score is 65 points.
The minimum should be - 43 total points.

Special attention give the USE tasks with a detailed answer in social studies.

3. Solving the tasks of the exam in social science.

The more test items you will fulfill, the stronger will be your knowledge. Tasks are formed on the basis of a demo version from FIPI in social studies. Solve complete and thematic online tests with answers no matter what stage of theory you are at. By registering on the site, check and analyze your mistakes and keep statistics in your personal account, so that later they are not allowed on the exam.

Exam Success Formula

High scores on the exam = theory + practice + systematic repetition + clearly planned time for classes + desire / will / diligence.

Get ready. Do your best. Strive for success! And then you will succeed.

USE in social studies 2018. Option 102. Part 1

The answers to tasks 1–20 are a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers. Write the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

№1 Write down the missing word in the table. Diversity of political parties

Answer: liberal

Explanations: Liberal parties uphold the idea of ​​individual freedom.

№2 In the row below, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented. write it down phrase.
Unitary enterprise, production cooperative, legal entity, limited partnership, joint-stock company.

Answer: legal entity

Explanations: A legal entity is a generalization for all other concepts.

№3 Below is a list of functions performed by banks. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the field of activity of commercial banks.
1) opening and maintenance of plastic cards; 2) purchase and sale of currency; 3) sale of traveler's checks; 4) maintenance of company accounts; 5) setting the discount rate; 6) issue of money.
Find two functions that "fall out" of the general series, and write them down in a table
the numbers under which they are indicated.

Answer: 56

Explanations: Setting the discount rate, issuing money are the functions of the Central Bank.

№4 Choose the correct judgments about social institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) A social institution is a historically established organization of social practice.
2) The structure of a modern social institution, as a rule, is characterized by simplicity of relations.
3) Some social institutions can act as agents of socialization.
4) K political institutions societies traditionally market economy and property.
5) Social institutions streamline, coordinate the individual actions of people, give them an organized and predictable character.

Answer: 135

Explanations: Socializing function - function social institutions, orderly actions of people makes stability.

№5 Establish a correspondence between needs and their types: for each item given in the first column, select the appropriate item from the second column

A) public recognition
B) in communication
C) to satisfy hunger and thirst
D) in self-preservation
D) at work

1) social
2) biological (natural)

Answer: 11221

Explanations: The task can be done logically.

№6 The State Symphony Orchestra performed the symphony of a modern composer for the first time. Critics unanimously rated the piece of music as an example of an elitist (high) culture. What led them to such a conclusion? write down numbers, under which signs of works of elite culture are indicated.
1) use technical means for listening
2) the entertaining nature of the work
3) the absence of a pronounced commercial orientation of the activities of the composer and performers
4) setting to follow the model, which is adopted from previous generations
5) excessive complexity of the form of a musical work
6) the difficulty of perceiving the work by unprepared listeners

Answer: 356

Explanations: Elite culture claims to be high above the "ordinary" Everyday life and takes the position of the "highest court" in relation to the socio-political problems of society.

№7 Choose the correct judgments about the world economy and write down numbers under which they are listed.
1) The opening of domestic markets for foreign producers contributes to increased competition between market participants.
2) The sale of goods and services abroad is called import.
3) The subjects of the world economy are national economies, transnational corporations, international integration associations.
4) The opening of domestic markets for foreign producers contributes to a decrease in the income of all trading firms.
5) Under the balance of trade understand the difference between the value of exports and imports for a certain period.

Answer: 135

Explanations: Judgments about the global economy: Opening up domestic markets to foreign producers increases competition between market participants. The subjects of the world economy are national economies, transnational corporations, international integration associations. Under the trade balance understand the difference between the value of exports and imports for a certain period.

№8 Establish a correspondence between examples and types of taxes and fees in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: for each item given in the first column, select the appropriate item from the second column.
A) corporate property tax
B) water tax
B) shipping tax
D) sales tax
D) excise

1) regional
2) local
3) federal
Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 13123

Explanations: Federal (VAT, excise, personal income tax, mineral extraction tax, water tax), regional (organizational property tax, gambling tax, transport tax), local (land tax, property tax individuals, sales tax).

№9 The company provides interior and exterior cleaning services. Find examples in the list below. fixed costs firms in the short run. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) office security fee
2) purchase of detergents
3) payment for transport services
4) piecework payment wages workers
5) bank loan service
6) rent for the company's office

Answer: 156

Explanations: Costs of the firm in the short run: fees for office security, bank loan maintenance, rent for the firm's office.

№10 The figure shows the change in demand for sailing yachts in the relevant market: the demand line D has moved to a new position - D1.
(P is price; Q is quantity.)

Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down numbers under which they are listed.
1) In 2007, the proportion of those who believe that the state should ensure a normal level of well-being for all citizens is greater than those who believe that the state should provide assistance only to those who find themselves in a difficult life situation.
2) Equal proportions of respondents from both groups found it difficult to answer.
3) In 2007, equal proportions of respondents answered that a citizen must provide for himself with everything necessary, and found it difficult to answer.
4) In 2017, the proportion of those who believe that a citizen should provide for himself with everything necessary is greater than the proportion of those who believe that the state should provide a normal level of well-being for all citizens.
5) The proportion of those who believe that the state should help only those who are unable to provide for themselves has decreased over 10 years.

Answer: 125

№13 Choose the correct judgments about the state and its functions and write down numbers under which they are listed.
1) The external functions of the state include determining the general direction of the economic policy of the state in accordance with the achieved level of economic development.
2) Environmental requirements established by the state form the basis environmental safety countries.
3) The state creates a regulatory and organizational basis for the effective and high-quality activities of state bodies.
4) The state of any type has a monopoly on law-making activities and taxation of individuals and legal entities.
5) The fundamental feature of a state of any type is the implementation of the principle of separation of powers in it.

Answer: 234

Explanations: Judgment: Environmental requirements set by the state form the basis of the country's environmental security - very common in USE assignments as the correct answer.

№14 Establish a correspondence between powers and subjects state power RFs exercising these powers: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) management of federal property
B) amnesty announcement
C) implementation of measures to combat crime
D) resolution of disputes about competence between the highest state bodies of the subjects Russian Federation
D) ensuring the execution of the federal budget

1) State Duma
2) The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
3) Government of the Russian Federation
Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 31323

Explanations: For implementation, knowledge of the Constitution is used.

№15 State Z carried out a reform of the electoral system. What changes in the electoral legislation indicate the adoption of a proportional electoral system? write down numbers under which they are listed.

1) the introduction of universal, equal and direct suffrage
2) reflection of the course of the election campaign in the media
3) the introduction of an educational qualification for candidates for deputies
4) distribution of seats in parliament in accordance with the number of votes received by parties in elections
5) voting according to the lists of political parties
6) introduction of a 7% electoral threshold for political parties

Answer: 456

Explanations: The introduction of a 7% electoral barrier - refers to the proportional electoral system.

№16 Which of the following applies to the constitutional duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation numbers under which they are listed.
1) doing business
2) defense of the Fatherland
3) care of adult able-bodied children for disabled parents
4) preservation of historical and cultural heritage
5) appeal to public authorities

Answer: 234

Explanations: K constitutional duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation: protection of the Fatherland, care of adult able-bodied children for disabled parents, preservation of historical and cultural heritage.

№17 Choose the correct judgments about civil law. write down numbers under which the relevant provisions are indicated.
1) Civil law includes a system of legal norms that determine the criminality and punishability of acts.
2) The relationship between partners is based on the private interest and autonomous will of each participant in the legal relationship that has arisen.
3) The norms of civil law regulate property and personal non-property relations.
4) Civil law relations arising in connection with the creation and use of works of science, literature, art, etc., are regulated by copyright.
5) The methods of protecting civil rights established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation include warning, disqualification.

Answer: 234

Explanations: Civil law regulates property and related non-property relations.

№18 Match the examples with the grounds for termination employment contract in accordance with Labor Code RF: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
A) Matvey Z. was declared completely incapable of labor activity in accordance with medical advice.
B) Victoria K. found a more prestigious job.
C) The Labor Protection Commission found that Ivan Zh. violated labor protection requirements, which caused an accident at work.
D) Irakli Z., without good reason, did not perform his job duties and received several disciplinary sanctions.
E) Piotr Ch., 26, was assigned to alternative civilian service.

1) employee initiative
2) employer's initiative
3) circumstances beyond the control of the parties
Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Answer: 31223

Explanations: The task can be done logically. Victoria K. found a more prestigious job. This is beneficial for the employee.

№19 Leonid Vasilyevich works as a notary. Find in the list of actions included in the terms of reference of the notary, and write down numbers under which they are listed.
1) investigate crimes
2) make copies of documents and make extracts from them
3) give explanations on the issues of performing actions that are within its competence
4) represent and defend the interests of the principal in court
5) to supervise the implementation of laws by bodies carrying out inquiries and preliminary investigations
6) certify the marriage contract

Answer: 236

Explanations: Actions within the terms of reference of a notary: make copies of documents and make extracts from them, give explanations on the issues of performing actions that are within his competence, certify a marriage contract.

№20 Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.
“According to the classical definition, ________ (A) is a community of people based on marriage and (or) consanguinity, joint management of ________ (B), moral mutual responsibility and spiritual affection. It performs a whole complex of the most important functions for the existence of society: ________ (B) people; transfer from generation to generation of the most important social ________ (D), attitudes, knowledge. Its main function is also to organize household. The family carries out social ________ (D). Family members provide emotional support to each other. The basis of the nuclear family is ________ (E) - a state-sanctioned and regulated form of relationship between a man and a woman, which determines their rights and obligations.
The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used once.
Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:
1) matrimony
2) reproduction
3) marriage
4) control
5) institute
6) farm
7) norm
8) family
9) mobility
The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

Answer: 862743

Part 2

To write down the answers to the tasks of this part (21–29), use the ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write down the task number (21, 22, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and do tasks 21-24.

In the process of development of society, its social structure does not remain unchanged. At the micro level, relationships, social ties, composition of groups, statuses and roles, relations between groups are changing. At the macro level, the quantitative composition of the lower and middle layers is changed by the economic situation and political decisions of the authorities, legal and moral

In addition, each person is striving to improve his status. All this creates no longer a frozen, static, but a dynamic picture of society. One of the processes of social dynamics is social mobility. The intensity of social mobility depends on the level of development of society, the economic situation, democratic relations, and the standard of living of the population.

Post-industrial society is characterized by intensive vertical mobility. In a democratic society, where the position of a person does not depend on his prescribed status, nationality, religion, the channels of vertical mobility are open, and everyone who meets certain requirements has the opportunity to improve their social status.

According to P. Sorokin, in a democratic society “there are many openings and elevators for going up and down…” , which destroyed many representatives of the higher strata at once).

In a democratic society, where there are no social, national and other restrictions, nevertheless, a certain social mechanism operates that restrains mobility ... This is the mechanism of competition, which manifests itself not only in the economic struggle, but also in any struggle for raising social status.

(B.A. Isaev)

№21 What changes in the social structure at the micro level are noted in the text? What example of excessive social mobility does the author give? What indicators, in his opinion, do not affect the position of a person in a democratic society? (Name any two indicators.)

Answer:1) At the micro level, relationships, social ties, composition of groups, statuses and roles, relations between groups are changing. 2) The author gives an example of excessive social mobility: Excessive social mobility, for example, a large number of people from the lower strata in management structures. 3) Indicators, according to the author, that do not affect the position of a person in a democratic society: prescribed status, nationality.

Explanations: One can write religion instead of prescribed status or nationality.

№22 Based on social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept of "vertical social mobility". What conditions, according to the author, influence the intensity of social mobility? (Name any three conditions.) What social mechanism does he think holds back social mobility in a democratic society?

Answer: Vertical social mobility is the movement of an individual from one social level to another, with a change in social status. The intensity of social mobility depends on the level of development of society, the economic situation, and the democratic nature of relations. In a democratic society, social mobility is constrained by the mechanism of competition, which manifests itself not only in economic struggle, but also in any struggle for raising social status.

Explanations: You can write the standard of living of the population instead of the level of development of society or the economic situation, or the democratic nature of relations.

№23 Based on social science knowledge and the facts of social life, name and illustrate with examples any three "elevators for ascent and descent." (First name the social elevator, then give an appropriate example.) (Each example should be formulated in detail.)

Answer: 1. Education (Yevgenia Sokolova, a graduate of the University of Physics and Mathematics, entered graduate school and, after completing and defending her Ph.D., became a candidate of technical sciences). 2. Professional activity(the leading manager of Equator, Alexander Titov, hardworking and executive, received a promotion and was appointed director of the department). 3. Marriage (Girl Natalya Gorelova married the owner of a large shopping center"Karat" by Oleg Borodin, the social status of Natalia has increased).

Explanations: In this task, it is necessary to show specific illustrative examples, with names and titles.

№24 Experts believe that the artificial restriction of social mobility by the state leads to negative consequences. Based on social science knowledge and the facts of public life, name any three such consequences.

Answer: 1) With an artificial restriction of social mobility, they are not updated social structures. Moving to a higher stratum, individuals bring innovation, strive for better forms of life, increase competition. 2) An individual, with an artificial restriction of social mobility, has no opportunity to reveal his talents, personal qualities, they can be developed only by higher strata of the population. 3) The negative consequence of the artificial restriction of social mobility will be expressed in the fact that due to the inaccessibility of certain specific benefits for lower social strata, social tension and aggressiveness will grow, and social conflicts will grow.

Explanations: The answer must contain a specific causal relationship.

№25 What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "activity"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the structure of the activity, and one sentence revealing any of the elements of the structure of the activity.

Answer: Activity is a form of an active attitude of a person to the world around him, which consists in its expedient change and transformation. 1. The structure of activity includes the subject, object, motive, goal, result, ways to achieve the goal. 2. The goal is the image of the expected result, the achievement of which is aimed at.

Explanations: Definitions are recommended.

№26 Illustrate with three examples the effect of a change in the price of factors of production on the supply of goods and services. (First give an example, then name the factor of production.) (Each example should be formulated in detail.)

Answer: 1. Capital (The decrease in energy prices in the country of N. has made many energy-intensive industries profitable, the supply of goods of which has increased).

2. Labor (Trade unions in country N have achieved an increase in the minimum wage, so the costs of producers have increased significantly. Consequently, some producers have increased prices and reduced the supply of goods).

3. Land (In country N, due to the unstable economic situation, the owners of agricultural plots increased the price of their rent. As a result, producers of natural products increased prices and reduced the supply of goods).

Explanations: In the answer, you could specify other examples, your own reasoning is very important. It was possible to show not a decrease, but an increase in prices.

№27 In state Z, the legislature is exercised by the parliament, and the popularly elected head of state forms the government and heads the executive branch. Citizens have full rights and freedoms, civil society institutions are developed. State Z includes eight territories that have a certain political and legal independence and the right to adopt their own constitutions that do not contradict the country's fundamental law. What is the form of the state (territorial) structure of state Z? Indicate the fact according to the condition of the problem, on the basis of which you established this. Name any two signs of this form of state (territorial) structure, not named in the problem statement.

Answer: 1. The form of the state (territorial) structure of the state Z is a federation.

2. The fact on the basis of which it was established. State Z includes eight territories that have a certain political and legal independence and the right to adopt their own constitutions that do not contradict the country's fundamental law.

3. Two features of the federation are not named in the condition of the problem: The bicameral structure of the parliament. The existence of two systems of state authorities: federal bodies and bodies of subjects of the federation.

Explanations: From the condition of the problem, you need to choose the facts related to the state territorial structure.

№28 You have been instructed to prepare a detailed response on the topic “Alternative civil service in the Russian Federation”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


    1. The concept of alternative civilian service
    2. Term of alternative civilian service
      • 21 months (including two holidays).
      • 18 months (for citizens undergoing this service in organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and organs).
    3. The main replacements for military service on the call of the ACS
      • Military service is contrary to the beliefs or religion of a citizen
      • A citizen belongs to an indigenous small people and leads a traditional way of life, carries out traditional management and is engaged in traditional crafts
    4. Citizens are not sent to alternative civilian service
      • Have grounds for exemption from conscription for military service
      • Not eligible for military service
      • I have grounds for granting a deferment from conscription for military service
    5. Place where citizens perform alternative military service
      • In organizations subordinate to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
      • In organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies as civilian personnel
      • In organizations of traditional industries and traditional crafts
    6. Signs that are taken into account when determining the type of work in which a citizen sent to alternative civilian service can be employed

Explanations: When preparing, it is recommended that you definitely learn the grounds for replacing conscripted military service with an alternative civilian service.

By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on thatcontent that is more attractive to you. To this endchoose only ONE of the sentences below(29.1–29.5).

№29 Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.
Designate at your discretion one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and expand it (them).
When revealing the main idea(s) you indicated, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions) in reasoning and conclusions, illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from others educational subjects.
To illustrate the theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two facts/examples from various sources. Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and clearly related to the situation being illustrated,
reasoning, conclusion.

29.1 Philosophy"Progress indicates only the direction of movement, and it does not care what awaits at the end of this path - good or evil." (J. Huizinga)

29.2 Economy"Entrepreneurial activity serves the interests not only of the individual, but of society as a whole." (S.N. Kanareikin)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology"Real patriotism as a private manifestation of love for humanity does not coexist with hostility towards individual peoples." (N.A. Dobrolyubov)

29.4 Political science“The ruler must not only want and decide, but also systematically lead others to a consensual desire or decision.” (I.A. Ilyin)

29.5 Jurisprudence“Laws are the most beautiful invention of the mind, but, while providing people with peace, they diminish their freedom.” (L. Vovenarg)

The exam in social studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 29 tasks.

First part contains 20 tasks with a short answer.

The answer to the tasks of the first part is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word or phrase or a sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating characters.

Tasks 1-3 - conceptual tasks of the basic level - are aimed at testing the knowledge and understanding of the biosocial essence of a person, the main stages and factors of the socialization of the individual, the patterns and trends in the development of society, the main social institutions and processes.

Tasks 4–19 of the basic and advanced levels are aimed at testing the formation of skills:

  • characterize from a scientific point of view, the main social facilities(facts, phenomena, processes, institutions), their place and significance in the life of society as an integral system
  • search social information presented in various sign systems (text, scheme, table, diagram)
  • apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks on topical social problems

The tasks of this group represent the traditional five thematic modules of the social science course:

  1. man and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture (tasks 4–6)
  2. economics (tasks 7–10)
  3. social relations (tasks 11, 12)
  4. politics (tasks 13–15)
  5. law (tasks 16–19)

Second part contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer.

In the tasks of the second part, the answer is formulated and recorded by the examinee independently in expanded form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates with the most high level social science training.

The tasks of the second part (21–29) together represent the basic social sciences that form the social science course in high school ( social philosophy economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, jurisprudence.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination paper

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job type
1 part20 35 Short answer
part 29 27 Detailed response
Total19 62


Allotted for the examination work 3 hours 55 minutes.
Recommended time to complete various tasks:

  • for each of tasks 1–3, 10: 1–4 minutes
  • for each of tasks 4-9, 11-28: 2-8 minutes
  • for task 29: 45 minutes

English language Biology Geography Computer Science Spanish History Literature Mathematics German Social science Russian language Physics French Chemistry

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Pass the test "Unified State Examination 2018 Social Studies Training Option No. 5" online

Social studies | USE 2018

Pass the test "USE 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 6" online

Social studies | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in social studies introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the Unified State Examination in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Pass the test "Unified State Examination 2018 Social Studies Training Option No. 7" online

Social studies | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in social studies introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the Unified State Examination in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Pass the test "USE 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 8" online

Social studies | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in social studies introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the Unified State Examination in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Pass the test "Unified State Examination 2018 Social Studies Training Option No. 9" online

Social studies | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in social studies introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the Unified State Examination in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Pass the test "USE 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 10" online

Social studies | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in social studies introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the Unified State Examination in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Pass the test "Demo version of the control measuring materials of the unified state exam in 2018 in LITERATURE" online

Literature | USE 2018

The solution of the USE online test in literature introduces students to the tasks of the USE demo version of 2018 and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students.

Pass the test "USE 2018 Literature Training option No. 1" online

Literature | USE 2018

Pass the test "USE 2018 Literature Training option No. 2" online

Literature | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in literature introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the exam in literature corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Pass the test "USE 2018 Literature Training option No. 3" online

Literature | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in literature introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the exam in literature corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Pass the test "Demo version of the control measuring materials of the unified state exam 2018 in INFORMATICS and ICT" online

Informatics | USE 2018

The solution of the USE online test in informatics and ICT introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of the USE 2018 demo version and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students.

Pass the test "USE 2018 Informatics and ICT Training option No. 1" online

Informatics | USE 2018

Pass the test "USE 2018 Informatics and ICT Training option No. 2" online

Informatics | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in informatics and ICT introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT corresponds to the 2018 demo version.

Pass the test "USE 2018 Informatics and ICT Training option No. 3" online

Informatics | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in informatics and ICT introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT corresponds to the 2018 demo version.

Pass the test "USE 2018 Informatics and ICT Training option No. 4" online

Informatics | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in informatics and ICT introduces students to the tasks of this USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and control students. The training version of the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT corresponds to the 2018 demo version.