Requirements for scaffolding and scaffolding. Solving safety issues during the operation of scaffolding equipment (scaffolding and scaffolding)

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Scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices for performing work at height must be made according to standard projects and be inventory. Inventory scaffolding and scaffolding must be supplied with manufacturer's certificates.

Non-inventory scaffolding is allowed for use in exceptional cases and is constructed according to an individual project with calculations of all its main elements for strength and stability.

Work at height must be carried out from scaffolding platforms with appropriate guardrails. If it is impossible to install these fences, work at height should be performed using safety belts and safety ropes.

Scaffolding and scaffolding can be wooden or metal collapsible.

To ensure stability, scaffolding posts are attached along their entire height to strong parts of the building (structure) or structure. Places and methods of fastening are indicated in the project.

Metal scaffolding is grounded. When installed on outdoors metal and wooden scaffolding are equipped with lightning protection devices.

The load on the flooring of scaffolding, scaffolding and lifting platforms should not exceed the permissible values ​​​​established by the project (passport). In places where people are lifted onto scaffolding and scaffolding, posters should be posted indicating the meaning and layout of the loads. Congestion of people on the scaffolding in one place is not allowed.

Flooring on scaffolding and scaffolding must have a flat surface with gaps between elements and a waterproof coating.

Scaffolding is equipped with stairs or ramps securely attached to them, providing safe ways for workers to enter and exit the scaffolding.

The surface of the ground on which screeds are installed must be leveled and compacted to ensure the drainage of surface water from it.

In places where workers climb onto scaffolding and scaffolding, posters are placed indicating the layout and magnitude of permissible loads, as well as the evacuation scheme for workers in the event of an emergency.

The width of decking on scaffolding and scaffolding should be: for stone work - at least 2 m, for plastering - 1.5 m, for painting and installation work - 1 m.

Scaffolding with a height of more than 4 m is allowed for operation only after its acceptance by the commission with the execution of an act, which is approved by the chief engineer of the organization accepting the scaffolding for operation. Scaffolding and scaffolding with a height of up to 4 m are allowed for operation after their acceptance by the work manager or foreman with an entry in the acceptance and inspection log of scaffolding and scaffolding.

The scaffolding is inspected daily by the work foreman (foreman) and at least once every 10 days by a foreman or foreman. The inspection results are recorded in the scaffolding and scaffolding acceptance and inspection log.

Scaffolds from which no work has been carried out for a month or more are re-accepted before resuming work.

Working from random supports (boxes, barrels, etc.), as well as trusses, rafters, and the like is not allowed.

The assembly and disassembly of scaffolding is carried out in compliance with the sequence specified in the work project. Workers involved in the assembly and disassembly of scaffolding must be instructed on the methods and sequence of work and safety measures.

When working at production sites at height, the scaffolding and other devices used to ensure the safety of work must comply current SNiP, other regulations on labor protection. The width of the flooring of the installation scaffolds must be at least 1 m. Scaffolds, ladders, and scaffolding must be fenced with railings no less than 1 m high. Scaffolds up to 4 m high are allowed for operation after their acceptance by the responsible contractor. Scaffolds with a height of more than 4 m are allowed for operation after their acceptance by the relevant commission with the execution of an act. For service production equipment located at a height of more than 1.5 m, platforms with stairs with railings must be constructed.

Scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices for performing work at height must be inventory, manufactured according to standard designs. Scaffolding and scaffolding can be made of both metal and wood. If the length of ladders and bridges is more than 3 m, intermediate supports must be installed under them. The width of ladders and bridges should not be less than 0.6 m, and deckings - less than 1 m.

All basic elements scaffolding are designed for strength, and scaffolding as a whole is designed for stability. Scaffold posts must be attached throughout their entire height to strong parts of the building or structure. The places and methods of their fastening must be indicated in the work plan. Scaffolding and scaffolding must have a flooring with a flat surface, made of solid boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm, with gaps between the elements of the flooring boards of no more than 5 mm. The decking must be attached to the cross members of the scaffolding. Scaffolding and scaffolding decks located at a height of 1.3 m and above must have fences consisting of posts, handrails 1 m high, one intermediate horizontal element and a side board with a height of at least 150 mm. It is prohibited to attach scaffolding to parapets, cornices, balconies and other protruding parts of buildings and structures. Scaffolding and scaffolding during their operation must be inspected by a responsible contractor.

The area for installation and dismantling of scaffolding and scaffolding must be fenced and safety signs posted in it in accordance with the requirements of the current state standards. Installation and dismantling of scaffolding and scaffolding at heights open places when the wind force is 10 m/s or more, during heavy snowfall, rain, thunderstorms or ice, it is prohibited. When dismantling scaffolding and scaffolding, it is necessary to use lifting mechanisms. Installation of scaffolding and scaffolding, their dismantling and repairs must be carried out by workers trained for this work and carried out under the supervision of a responsible foreman. Scaffolding made of metal must be grounded.

Safety requirements for the operation of scaffolds, stepladders, ladders

The total length of the wooden ladder should not exceed 5 m. Steps wooden stairs must be embedded in the bowstrings and fastened every 2 m with tie bolts with a diameter of at least 8 mm. The distance between the steps of portable ladders and stepladders should be within 150-250 mm. Extension ladders and stepladders must be equipped with devices (hooks, chains) that prevent them from spontaneously moving and tipping over during operation. At the lower ends of ladders and stepladders there should be shackles with sharp tips for installation on the ground or shoes made of rubber or other non-slip material for using ladders on smooth surfaces (parquet, metal, film, etc.). The upper ends of ladders attached to pipelines must be equipped with special hooks.

It is prohibited for more than one person to be on a portable ladder or stepladder at the same time. It is prohibited to work from an extension ladder, standing on a step located at a distance of less than 1 m from its upper end, or to work on portable ladders and stepladders in the following cases:

  • o finding them near and above the rotating mechanism;
  • o performing electric and gas welding works;
  • o maintaining large or heavy items at height. To perform these works it is necessary to use ladders

or stepladders equipped with upper platforms, fences, and railings. It is prohibited to lift or lower a load on a ladder and leave tools on it, install ladders and stepladders on the steps of the staircase.




1. General Provisions

1.1. The instructions were developed on the basis of DNAOP 0.00-8.03-93 “The procedure for the development and approval by the owner of regulations on work safety, valid within the enterprise”, DNAOP 0.00-4.12-99 “Standard regulations on training on labor protection issues”, SNiP III-4- 80 “Safety in construction”, GOST 24258-88 “Means of scaffolding. General technical conditions”, GOST 27321-87 “Attached scaffolding for construction and installation work. Technical conditions”, GOST 28012-89 “Mobile scaffolding, prefabricated. Technical conditions".

1.2. The instructions apply to all divisions of the enterprise.

1.3. When using scaffolding and platforms, in addition to these instructions, you should also follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

1.4. This instruction applies to standing scaffoldings from steel pipes, as well as on metal prefabricated mobile (without a drive) platforms, which are used in the construction, reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures to place workers and materials directly in the area of ​​construction and installation work.

1.5. Scaffolding and platforms must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the approved design documentation and installed in accordance with the work execution plan (WIP).

1.6. The main load-bearing elements of scaffolding must be marked. It is applied in a way that is maintained throughout the entire life of the forest.

1.7. The marking must contain the following information:

Designation (brand) of the product;

Scaffolding set number;

1.8. Each platform must have a plate containing the following information:

Trademark (if any) and name of the manufacturer;

Symbol of platforms;

Serial number of the product according to the manufacturer’s numbering system;

Date of manufacture (month, year).

1.9. The service life of scaffolding should be no more than 5 years, and that of platforms no more than 6 years.

1.10. The surface of the soil on which the scaffolding is installed must be leveled, compacted and ensured that surface water is drained from it.

1.11. Risers, frames, support ladders and other vertical elements of scaffolding must be installed in height and fastened with ties according to the design. Under the ends of each pair of scaffolding risers in the transverse direction there must be a continuous (uncut) lining made of boards at least 5 cm thick. It is not allowed to install scaffolding on the ground.

It is prohibited to level the lining using bricks, stones, scraps of boards, wedges and other objects.

1.12. Tubular risers should be installed on shoes, which are attached to the support pads, and laid in accordance with clause 1.11.

1.13. Scaffolding must be attached to the building or structure under construction. Places and methods of fastening are indicated in the PVR.

In the absence of special instructions in the project or manufacturer's instructions, fastening of scaffolding to the walls of buildings and structures should be carried out through at least one tier for the outer risers, through two runs for the upper tier and one fastening for every 50 m of the projection of the scaffolding surface onto the facade of the building .

1.14. It is prohibited to attach scaffolding to parapets, cornices, pipes, balconies and other protruding structures of the building.

1.15. Near driveways, scaffolding must be installed at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the vehicle dimensions.

1.16. Scaffolding means must have equal working floors with a gap between the boards of no more than 5 mm, and if the platform is located at a height of 1.3 m or more, fencing and side elements.

Connecting floor panels into an overlap is allowed only along their length, and the joining ends of the elements must be on a support and overlap it by at least 0.2 m in each direction.

1.17. The railings of the fence must be at least 1.1 m high and have at least one intermediate horizontal element or mesh.

1.18. The height of the side fencing of the scaffolding must be at least 15 cm.

1.19. The railing of the fence must withstand a concentrated static load of 700 N (70 kgf), applied in the middle of the element in the direction perpendicular to its axis alternately in the horizontal and vertical planes.

1.20. All carriers horizontal elements scaffolding must withstand a concentrated static load of 1300 N (130 kgf) applied in the middle of the element.

1.21. The width of decking on scaffolding and platforms must be at least 2 m for stone, 1.5 m for plastering, 1 m for painting and installation work.

1.22. To lift and lower people onto scaffolding and platforms, they must be equipped with stepladders, which are secured with the upper end to the rungs of scaffolding and platforms. The angle of inclination of stepladders should be no more than 60 degrees.

1.23. On scaffolding, stepladders are placed at a distance of no more than 40 m from one another. Scaffolds with a length of less than 40 m must be equipped with at least two stepladders.

1.24. The distance between the strings should be from 0.45 m to 0.80 m, the distance between the planks from 0.30 m to 0.34 m, and the distance from the first plank to the installation level (flooring, etc.) - no more than 0.40 m .

1.25.Slabs wooden stepladders must be embedded in the strings, which must be fastened with tie bolts at least every 2 m. It is forbidden to use stepladders nailed down without inserting planks.

1.26. The gap between the wall of the building and the working floor of the scaffolding installed near it should not exceed 50 mm for masonry and 150 mm for finishing robots.

By doing thermal insulation works the gap between the insulated surface and the working deck should not exceed twice the thickness of the insulation plus 50 mm.

The specified gaps larger than 50 mm must be closed in all cases unless work is being performed.

1.27. Scaffolding and platforms with a height of up to 4 m are allowed for use only after they have been accepted by a foreman or foreman and registered in the work log, and above 4 m - after accepted by a commission appointed by the head of the construction and installation organization and executed with an act.

1.28. Metal scaffolding must be grounded and equipped with lightning protection.

1.29. In places where people ascend and descend onto scaffolding and platforms, there should be posters indicating the magnitude and distribution of loads.

1.30. When performing work on scaffolding with a height of 6 m or more, there must be at least two working (upper) and protective (lower) floorings, and each workplace on scaffolds adjacent to a building or structure must, in addition, be protected from above by a deck placed at a height distance of no more than 2 m from the working deck.

1.31. On a power line located closer than 5 m from metal scaffolding, it is necessary (during the installation or dismantling of the scaffolding) to remove the voltage or place it in wooden boxes.

1.32. The entrance to a building where scaffolding is installed must be protected from above by a canopy, and from the sides by continuous cladding with boards. Canopy and lateral protection must protrude beyond the dimensions of the scaffolding by at least 1 m.

1.33. Openings in the scaffolding for exit from stepladders must be fenced on three sides.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, the worker must:

2.1.1. Check the serviceability of scaffolding and platforms - inspect the condition of connections, floorings, fences, stepladders.

2.1.2. Put the workplace in order in accordance with the work that will be performed, free it from foreign objects.

2.1.3. Receive a tool, and, if necessary, a warning belt, check their serviceability and reliability.

2.1.4. Check for warning signs and posters that indicate permissible load scaffolding and platforms.

2.1.5. Determine the materials needed for the job and locations on scaffolds or platforms.

2.1.6. Make sure that workers who are part of the team due to their health condition can work on scaffolding and platforms.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. Installation and dismantling of scaffolding must be carried out by workers who have the right to work at height, provided with warning belts that are attached to reliable elements and structures as directed by the foreman (foreman).

3.2. Dismantling of scaffolding must be carried out under the guidance of a foreman or foreman in compliance with the procedure specified in the temporary work permit.

3.3. Before the start of scaffolding dismantling, technical personnel must inspect the structures to be dismantled, familiarize workers with the possible dangers and give instructions on the sequential method of disassembly and safety measures.

3.4. Access by unauthorized persons not taking part in scaffolding dismantling must be prohibited.

3.5. Before removing the scaffolding flooring, it should be cleared of materials, debris, containers (not removed from the scaffolding) and access to the scaffolding should be closed. It is prohibited for people to be under the deck while it is being moved.

3.6. When dismantling scaffolding, elements should be lowered using cranes or other lifting devices. It is prohibited to remove individual elements from the scaffolding.

3.7. When dismantling scaffolding, all doorways on the first floor and exits to the balconies of all floors (within the boundaries of the dismantled area) must be closed.

3.8. The load on scaffolding and platforms should not exceed the permissible values ​​​​established in the passport (project).

3.9. Concentrating people on floors in one place is not allowed.

3.30. Transferring additional load to scaffolding and platforms from machines for lifting materials, leading to their overload, is not allowed.

3.11. When transporting materials by carts, roller tracks should be laid along the scaffolding flooring; their joints should not coincide with the transverse joints of the flooring panels.

3.12. When lifting materials you must:

3.12.1. Securely sling parts, bags, boxes, etc.

3.12.2. Raise and lower small parts and materials in special containers.

3.12.3. Stick to installed alarm system during lifting and lowering loads.

3.12.4. The load should be lowered onto the deck at the lowest speed, smoothly, without jolts.

3.13. To avoid impacts on the scaffolding with a load suspended on the hook of a tower or jib crane, turning the crane boom simultaneously with lifting the load in the immediate vicinity of the scaffolding is prohibited.

3.15. It is prohibited to lift bricks onto scaffolding and platforms in packages laid with cross bandaging or in a “Christmas tree” without special fencing devices.

3.16. Empty pallets should be lowered from scaffolding and platforms in bundles, prepared in advance and properly strapped.

3.18. It is prohibited to make any changes to the scaffolding frame on your own initiative, as well as remove fastenings.

3.19. Periodically clean floorings from construction waste, and in winter time from snow, ice and then sprinkling with sand.

3.20. During operation, scaffolding must be inspected by a foreman or foreman at least every 10 days.

3.21. Scaffolds from which no work has been carried out for a month or more must be accepted in accordance with clause 1.27 before starting work.

3.22. Forests are subject to additional inspection after rain or thaw, as well as after mechanical impact.

If deformations are detected, the scaffolding must be repaired and accepted in accordance with clause 1.27.

3.23. Installation of inventory platforms one on top of the other is allowed in accordance with the passport or after checking the lower platforms for strength.

When installing platforms with a height of more than 2.5 m, they must be attached to the wall in accordance with the PVR.

4. Safety requirements after completion of work

4.1. Free forests from materials, mechanisms and tools, containers and construction waste.

4.2. Remove work area.

4.3. Block the climbs and entrances to the scaffolding with a special fence, post prohibited inscriptions and signs.

4.4. Take off your overalls, wash your hands and face with soap, and if possible, take a shower.

4.5. Report to the work manager about the condition of the scaffolding and platforms and about all shortcomings that occurred during work.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1. Immediately stop work, take people to a safe area, fence off the dangerous area.

5.2. Report what happened to the work manager.

5.3. If there are victims, give them first aid medical care, if necessary, call an ambulance.

5.4. First aid in case of accidents.

5.4.1. Providing first aid in case of electric shock.

In case of electric shock, the victim must be immediately released from action. electric current, disconnecting the electrical installation from the power source, and if it is impossible to disconnect, pull it away from the conductive parts by clothing or using improvised insulating material.

If the victim has no breathing or pulse, it is necessary to give him artificial respiration and indirect (external) heart massage, paying attention to the pupils. Dilated pupils indicate a sharp deterioration in blood circulation to the brain. In such a state of revival, it is necessary to begin immediately, and then call emergency medical help.

5.4.2. First aid for injury.

To provide first aid for a wound, it is necessary to open the individual package, apply the sterile dressing material that is placed in it to the wound and tie it with a bandage.

If somehow there is no individual package, then for bandaging you need to use a clean handkerchief, a clean linen rag, etc. It is advisable to drip a few drops of iodine tincture onto a rag that is applied directly to the wound to get a spot larger than the wound, then apply the rag to the wound. It is especially important to use iodine tincture in this manner on contaminated wounds.

5.4.3. First aid for fractures, dislocations, impacts.

In case of fractures and dislocations of the limbs, it is necessary to strengthen the damaged limb with a splint, plywood plate, stick, cardboard or other similar object. The injured arm can also be suspended with a sling or scarf from the neck and bandaged to the body.

In case of a skull fracture (unconsciousness after a blow to the head, bleeding from the ears or mouth), it is necessary to apply a cold object to the head (a heating pad with ice, snow or cold water) or make a cold lotion.

If a spinal fracture is suspected, it is necessary to place the victim on a board without lifting him, turn the victim on his stomach face down, while making sure that the torso does not bend, in order to avoid damage to the spinal cord.

If the ribs are fractured, a sign of which is pain when breathing, coughing, sneezing, or moving, it is necessary to tightly bandage the chest or tie them with a towel while exhaling.

5.4.4. First aid for thermal burns.

In case of burns from fire, steam, or hot objects, under no circumstances should you open the resulting blisters or bandage the burns.

For first-degree burns (redness), the burned area is treated with cotton wool moistened with ethyl alcohol.

For second-degree burns (bladder), the burned area is treated with alcohol or a 3% manganese solution.

For third-degree burns (destruction of skin tissue), cover the wound with a sterile bandage and call a doctor.

5.4.5. First aid for bleeding.

In order to stop bleeding, you must: Raise the injured limb upward. Cover the wound with dressing material (from a bag) folded into a ball, press it on top without touching the wound itself, and hold for 4-5 minutes. If the bleeding has stopped, without removing the applied material, place another pad from another bag or a piece of cotton wool on top of it and bandage the wounded area (with some pressure). In case of severe bleeding that cannot be stopped with a bandage, compression of the blood vessels that supply the wounded area is used by bending the limb at the joints, as well as with fingers, a tourniquet or a clamp. In case of severe bleeding, you should urgently call a doctor.

5.5. If a fire occurs, you should call the fire department and begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing equipment.

5.6. In all cases, follow the instructions of the work manager to eliminate the consequences of an emergency situation.

________________________ ________________ _________________

(manager position


/organization/ - developer)


Manager (specialist)

security services

labor of the enterprise ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Legal Advisor ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Chief technologist ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Work at height is carried out from scaffolding, scaffolding or using other devices and means of scaffolding that provide conditions for safe work. Scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices must be manufactured according to standard designs and taken into inventory by the organization. Inventory scaffolding and scaffolding must have a passport from the manufacturer. The use of non-inventory scaffolding is allowed in exceptional cases, and their construction must be carried out according to an individual project with the calculation of all the main elements for strength, and the scaffolding as a whole - for stability. The project must be endorsed by an employee of the labor protection service and approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization. Scaffolding and scaffolding can be wooden or metal collapsible.

In places where workers climb onto scaffolding and scaffolding, posters are placed indicating the layout and magnitude of permissible loads, as well as the evacuation scheme for workers in the event of an emergency.

Scaffolding with a height of more than 4 m is allowed for operation after its acceptance by the commission with the execution of an act, which is approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization accepting the scaffolding for operation. It is allowed to approve the acceptance certificate for scaffolding constructed by a contracting organization for its own needs by the head of the site (shop) of this organization. Scaffolding and scaffolding with a height of up to 4 m are allowed into operation after their acceptance by the work manager or foreman with the appropriate entry being made in the log of acceptance and inspection of scaffolding and scaffolding.

When accepting scaffolding and scaffolding, the following is checked: the presence of connections and fastenings that ensure stability and the strength of the fastening points of individual elements; serviceability of working decks and fences; verticality of the racks; reliability of support platforms and the presence of grounding (for metal scaffolding). The curvature of the posts should be no more than 1.5 mm per 1 m of length.

In repair and maintenance organizations, scaffolding is inspected daily by the work manager, and in construction and installation organizations, scaffolding is visually inspected before starting work every day by the work foreman (foreman) and at least once every ten days by the foreman or foreman. The inspection results are recorded in the scaffolding and scaffolding acceptance and inspection log.

Forest inspections are carried out regularly within the time limits stipulated technical specifications on forests, as well as every time after a break in operation, exposure to extreme weather or seismic conditions, or other circumstances that may affect their strength and stability. Forests from which no work has been carried out for a month or more are subject to re-acceptance before resuming work.

Suspended scaffolding and scaffolding after their installation can be approved for operation after testing with a static load that is 20% higher than the standard load, with holding under load for 1 hour and, if the results are positive, after subsequent testing in dynamic loading mode with a load that is 10% higher than the standard load . The test results are reflected in the acceptance certificate for scaffolding, scaffolding or in the log of acceptance and inspection of scaffolding and scaffolding. To avoid swinging, suspended scaffolding must be attached to strong parts of the building (structure) or structures. For mobile scaffolding it is necessary to use steel ropes having a safety margin of at least nine times. Winches used to raise and lower cradles and mobile scaffolds must be supported on foundations or provided with ballast to ensure their stability under double working loads.

Hanging cradles and mobile scaffolds must meet the requirements regulatory documents. Cradles are tested with a static load exceeding the design load by 50 %. During testing, the cradle is raised by 10-20 cm and maintained in this position for 10 minutes. Permanent deformation is not allowed. During dynamic testing with a load exceeding the design load by 10%, it is necessary to evenly lower and raise the cradle (without contact with the floor) to check the interaction of components and braking devices. When testing catchers, at least three tests should be carried out to simulate the separation of each load (working) rope, while the safety rope should be clamped by the catchers. Testing of cradle catchers is carried out with a load equal to the carrying capacity of the cradle, and at least three times at different lifting heights of the cradle. After the test, the cradle must be lowered and the condition of its components and parts checked. Detected defects are eliminated and the test is repeated. A report is drawn up on the test results. The scaffolding as a whole, the flooring of the working platform and other load-bearing elements of the scaffolding must withstand a static load 1.25 times higher than the standard load of 2000 N/m2 (200 kgf/m2). All load-bearing horizontal elements of the scaffold must withstand a concentrated static load of 1300 N (130 kgf) applied in the middle of the element, railings - 700 N (70 kgf).

When performing finishing or masonry work using scaffolding, you must strictly adhere to SNiP III-A, II-70 “Safety in Construction”. Here we in simple language Let's try to describe the basic requirements during the execution of work.

  • Scaffolding pin clamp frame wedge must necessarily comply with GOST 24258-88 and GOST 27321-87. This must be stated in the passport, which must be supplied with the scaffolding. All elements must be inventory and made according to a standard design.
  • It is permissible to carry out work from non-inventory scaffolding on individual projects, but only after their acceptance by members of a specially created commission with the signature of the director. The height of the working platform of such scaffolding should be no more than 4 m.
  • The installation of scaffolding at the site must be carried out strictly in compliance with the requirements of the Work Project (WPR)
  • Scaffolding is made of durable metal, and the choice of pipe for production is determined taking into account the safety factor = 4. Thanks to this, scaffolding whose price will increase slightly can guarantee safe work at the stated height.
  • Small wooden scaffolding is made from wood of at least grade 2. All structures must be coated with an antiseptic.
  • All scaffolding must be painted. The paint is applied to a previously primed surface. Do not be tempted to buy scaffolding inexpensively unpainted, as some manufacturers offer. All scaffolding sold by the New Heights company is powder coated.
  • All structures must be made so that moisture does not accumulate in the internal areas of individual elements.
  • Scaffolding MUST be secured to external structures. Thus, for frame scaffolding, anchor brackets are usually used, for pin scaffolding, LS and brickwork- wall supports. The number of places for securing is usually specified in the passport. Otherwise, this must be specified in the PPR: at least once every 2 spans for the uppermost tier of scaffolding, and one for every 50 m2 of projection onto the facade. It is strictly forbidden to attach scaffolding to cornices, external balconies, etc.
  • Scaffolding must be equipped with ladders or special ladders that allow workers to rise to the full height. Maximum distance between stairs – 40m. LR frame scaffolding uses frames with ladders welded into them. With pin scaffolding, one end of the ladder hooks onto a cross brace, and the other rests against the flooring. The slope of the ladder cannot be more than 1:3, and the inclination to the horizontal cannot be more than 60 degrees. The worker's exit point on the upper tier must be equipped with barriers.
  • To give the scaffolding rigidity, it is necessary to connect them with spacers. For this purpose, LS pin scaffolding is equipped with clamps and diagonal braces.
  • When using scaffolding, side guards are required. In frame scaffolding of the Republic of Lithuania, the fencing is frames and connections.
  • When working at a height above 6m, it is necessary to install at least 2 tiers of flooring: working and safety. Each workplace must be equipped with a flooring installed on 1 tier higher than the worker’s location. The heights of working tiers should not be higher than 2 m from each other. (especially relevant for clamp scaffolding).
  • Passages must be marked under scaffolding. More detailed rules markings are specified in GOST 12.4.026-76.
  • If the scaffolding has not been used for more than 30 calendar days, then it is necessary to put it back into operation.
  • It is strictly forbidden to load the scaffolding more than stated by the manufacturer. Frame scaffolding for 40m - LR-2000-40 - can withstand a load of 200 kg/m2, and when using a crossbar in the form of a truss - 500 kg/m2. It is unacceptable to load scaffolding with a conventional crossbar above 200 kg/m2. The load lying on the scaffolding must be installed evenly over the entire surface of the tiers.
  • Every day, before work, scaffolding must be inspected by a specially appointed worker or work manager. All results must be reflected in the Scaffold Acceptance and Inspection Log. le acceptance and inspection of scaffolding.