Top interesting professions that do not require education. I'm attracted to work

Applicants consider the question one of the most inconvenient and tricky during interviews: Why do you want to work in our company? At such a moment, many of them think: you found my resume, you invited me yourself, is it really not enough that I filled out your application form, came to you for an interview and am now sitting in front of you, demonstrating my interest with all my might? Why do we need to come up with something else? It’s better if they tell me what good things I personally will gain if I agree to work in this company.

Really, just be honest with yourself. And everything will immediately become clear. If you find it difficult to answer this question, then this indicates that you have zero or even negative interest in working in this particular company. Hiring managers don't ask this question as a mere formality. Thanks to the answer to it, you can get a lot of information about you and create your personal profile. And not only based on the content of the answer, but also on how quickly you answer, in what manner - reluctantly, irritably, with difficulty or easily, joyfully and with a burning gaze. Try to think logically. Put yourself in the shoes of the person interviewing you and see yourself through their eyes. This person needs to know your motivation. Now it is important for him to clarify three main points:

1) how qualified you are for the position for which you are applying; 2) will you work hard for the benefit of the company; 3) how knowledgeable and loyal you are to the company you are going to work for.

The company is looking for a new employee, not just for the sake of staffing (although such options also happen, but they are extremely rare). The company is looking for a specialist to perform necessary work and wants to make a valuable acquisition.

Now answer yourselves honestly these questions: why did you get up at 7 am, drive across half the city and waste your personal time on an interview that is already causing you negative emotions? Was this your conscious choice? The work about which we're talking about and does the company you want to work for seem really interesting and promising to you? Maybe you find yourself here and now simply because you have run out of money, have nothing to pay rent and need at least some kind of work?

Believe me, this is not the most best motivation in the eyes of the employer, if you are applying for any interesting position. This could mean that you are just desperately looking for a job out of... desperation. At the same time, you no longer care where or with whom you work, as long as you get paid. If you find yourself in this situation, it means that somewhere in your past you made a number of mistakes. How did it happen that you lost your previous job? Okay, even if it wasn’t your fault (you were laid off, the company fell apart, your relationship with your boss didn’t work out), but why are you now grasping for all sorts of offers just to get a hold on something? This may mean that you are short-sighted and irresponsible in your career. Perhaps you are just temporarily looking for a “safe haven” where you can wait out the storm, because now you simply desperately need money and the social status of a working person. So now you want to get any job that guarantees stability, and immediately after that, you will start looking the best place. It would be naive to assume that your potential employer dreams of hiring such an employee.

You may rightly be indignant that all of the above is not your case. But your difficulty is to answer the question - Why do you want to work in our company? - can be interpreted in this way.

There are only two options:

1) You really admire this company and dream about this position. Then it will not be difficult for you to talk for a long time, enthusiastically and with a burning gaze about the reason why you made such a choice. You don't have to come up with anything special. You know your goals and desires. You can talk about them clearly and clearly.

2) You are not delighted with this company and the position is so-so, but you really want to get paid again. Then it is difficult for you to formulate your thoughts. You try to “guess” the correct answer. You fail to demonstrate genuine interest.

Is it worth deceiving yourself? Time flies quickly, you have one life. If you realize your option is number 2), turn around and leave. Look for a place where you really want to work because you find it interesting, wonderful and promising.

If your situation is so serious and hopeless that you urgently need any job, and for this you are ready to make any deal with your own attitude, then... prepare carefully for the interview. Your confident and positive attitude will help hide your true motives. Read career forums and articles, choose the wording that suits you. It's hard to fool an experienced recruiter, but at least you'll demonstrate a willingness to interview, knowledge of interview etiquette, and the ability to give compliments.

Examples of standard answers to the question - Why do you want to work in our company?

I have always wanted to work for a large and reputable company in the business world.
I am confident that this is where I can realize my potential. I am satisfied with the working conditions and am attracted by the prospects for career growth.
I am attracted by stability, the name of a well-known company, compliance with technical regulations, and development prospects.
Your company’s proposals coincide with my expectations, which means our cooperation promises to be mutually beneficial.
Your company is a revolutionary in the market. I am interested in working in this area and making my contribution to ensuring that your (I hope that soon I can say our) company becomes a leader in the market.

At every interview you will definitely be asked: “Why did you choose our company?” The answer to this question will have to be carefully thought through. After all, the entire course of your interview may depend on it. The thing is that the employer is always interested in why his company was chosen by one or another applicant for employment. If the answer does not satisfy your future bosses, you can forget about working in the company. In principle, there is nothing difficult in preparation. It is enough to use a few template ideas. What should you pay attention to?


The first thing you need to remember is one sacred rule - forget about the attractiveness of making money. The fact is that you will be successful in a position with a good salary (and not so much) only when you can prove your disinterest in income.

Money is good. But only all companies have ups and downs. The employer must be sure that you can stay with him if there are any problems. After all, the basis of profit is a strong, friendly team. So forget the phrase “high earnings”.

Financial difficulties

Job interview answers play a role important role. If you are asked why you chose a particular company, you need to find out about one more prohibition. Which one exactly?

Do not under any circumstances talk about what you have now financial difficulties, you were fired from your job or left on your own for one reason or another. After all, this means that employment in the company is a simple necessity. And not your personal desire. We can say that you are taking this step out of despair. Such employees are not valued. There is simply no need for them. An employer can hire a person at any time for whom the company means something. Pay attention to this.

What if you really came to the organization out of despair? I'll have to lie. Yes, this is not very fair and good, but if you need a successful interview, there will be no other way. The main thing is not to show with your appearance that you are lying. It's not as difficult as it seems. It is better to prepare in advance several options for answering the question of why you chose this or that organization for employment. In fact, there are a lot of options for the development of events. You have the right to choose any of them. Or come up with something yourself.

Product sympathy

"Why did you choose our company?" - the answer to this question is not so simple. They will ask it to everyone who is trying to find a job. And without fail. It has already been said that you cannot indicate high income here. And you shouldn’t show yourself as a needy person. So how should you behave?

Many employers want only employees who are attracted to the products they publish/sell to work with them. They don't really like people on the street. Moreover, the interested parties have some experience with using the product. This has a great effect on sales. Such personnel are able to advise the client without any problems and interest him. What will be seen is not a template answer, but the real experience of the ordinary person. All this attracts new customers! This is the key to success!

Therefore, say (or show) that you are interested in the products produced and sold by the organization. And say that you always wanted to be part of the company precisely because of your preferences for using a particular product. A little flattery won't hurt. In any case, it is precisely this technique that allows you to arouse sympathy from your future superiors. Practice shows that with more likely They will hire a person with a poorer resume, but interested in the product being sold/manufactured, than a citizen who is uninterested, but with a good “business card.”


"Why did you choose our company?" - a question that can put the applicant in an awkward position. And you can be sure that you will definitely be asked it. Maybe not right away, but definitely at the end of the interview. It is necessary to give an exact answer to the question posed. Otherwise, you can forget about finding a job. Remember some prohibitions.

Any employer wants to see constantly developing and interested subordinates next to him. They are the ones who can help achieve maximum profit and success. Therefore, you can answer the question of why you chose this particular company as follows: because of self-development.

That is, you not only like the products, but you also want to work and develop. Just what you need! Often, the results of the interview after such an answer will not be long in coming. A person who constantly develops, and even more so does this at work, is always valuable. You don’t have to constantly think about the staff’s motivation. A subordinate who develops in the workplace will independently perform job responsibilities conscientiously.


There will be questions during the interview when applying for a particular position. Some of them require special attention. For example, it is worth thinking carefully about how you will answer the question of why this particular corporation was chosen for your employment. This topic often implies flattery, but very subtle and thoughtful.

Emphasize development prospects. Both you and the company. Point out that the organization is considered promising and interesting to work in. If an employee is interested, he will be valued. Such personnel perform their duties without unnecessary pushes and reminders from management. Therefore, they can be trusted. Remember and work through this answer. Emphasize the future of the organization. A little mild flattery won't hurt in this matter.


Basically, if you heard the question: “Why did you choose our company?” - the answer may indicate that this organization is for the public and you also want to do this. It is preferable to combine several phrases at once in your answer. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

Remember: any employer is looking not only for interested personnel, but also for those who can bring some benefit to the organization. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to what you can give to the company. Let them know that you think you can be an asset to the corporation. After this, it is recommended to emphasize what exactly. For example, increase the number of sales using your skills, talents and experience. A universal answer for those who don’t know what exactly to tell about their usefulness.

If you can show that you are truly useful to the organization, they will definitely call you back. You shouldn’t describe all your skills and abilities in colorful terms. Brevity is the soul of wit. Therefore, you should simply explain how exactly you will bring benefit. Short and to the point. Try not to become a star by pointing out practice and skill. Nobody likes arrogant people or narcissists. Typically, such personnel will not be very active in performing job duties. Therefore, you should not focus on yourself. It’s better to emphasize with all your might the advantages of the company and exactly how you can improve it.

Company research

You heard on "Why did you choose our company?" The answer may vary. It is not always possible to cope with the task so simply. After all, after this question, sometimes the hiring manager may ask you to specify what you said.

Therefore, try to study the activities of the organization before the interview. This is an excellent method that will help you not get screwed if they decide to test you on your knowledge of products or services offered. Without information about the future employer, it is better not to come to the first conversation. Such personnel are rarely hired.


You can point out the popularity and prestige of the organization. Just don't use this answer alone. The first thing you need to do is communicate at least your usefulness to a particular corporation. And only then say that you would like to work here not only because of personal interest, but also because of the popularity of the employer.

Small, but still flattery. Employers love to hear from subordinates that they are respected and valued. Therefore, they will definitely pay attention to you. Do not get hung up on this answer if you are asked: “Why did you choose our company?”


What conclusions can be drawn? An interview is a complex process. You need to prepare for it. Pay attention to the fact that you will have to dissemble and embellish reality.

Before talking with a potential employer, study information about the products manufactured by the organization and the company as a whole. Speak clearly and to the point, without focusing on earnings or a hopeless situation. Many people answer that it is enough to simply remember the prohibitions. And give any answers, but taking into account the taboos. With a little practice, you will notice that everything is not as difficult as it seems. plays an important role. Now you can overcome one of the most difficult issues in the conversation.

Your resume has been sent for review and you are awaiting an invitation for an interview.

For a successful interview with an employer, you need to be prepared to leave good impression.

1 question. What attracted you to the vacancy in our company?

Question 2. From what sources were you informed about the consolidated vacancy?

To answer, you need to name the exact source of information about the job: the name of the employment company, website or newspaper.

Question 3. Brief information about yourself

This is one of the frequently asked interview questions. To do this, you must present as much positive information about yourself as possible, characterizing you as irreplaceable specialist, that is, about their professional qualities, existing education, trainings, additional courses.

Telling as much about yourself as possible useful information, You'll get great opportunity take a vacant position. The employer wants to obtain for his company a highly qualified specialist who will fulfill all the goals and objectives set for him conscientiously and in a timely manner. To do this, you must make the employer feel that you are a disciplined and responsible employee, receptive to criticism, able to understand and listen to what they say. Prepare information about yourself in advance, containing as little biographical asides as possible and as much about yourself as possible. practical experience, knowledge that the company will need.

Question 4. Are you currently being offered a job?

Informing the employer that you are being considered as a candidate for another company will increase your chance of filling an open vacancy. The information provided will make the employer think that such a valuable employee may be taken away. However, information that you are more interested in this vacancy will increase your chances of getting hired. desired job.

Question 5. Reason for leaving previous position?

If you start your story with negative information about the company you previously worked for, your chances of filling a vacancy will be minimal. One of the main reasons why you left your previous job may be: low wages, frequent changes in management, and the unfortunate location of the company.

Question 6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

The main thing is to tell us about the qualities that will be required to perform this job: diligence, responsibility and other professional skills.

There is no point in focusing on the shortcomings, but if we talk about the shortcomings, then we need to compensate for them with advantages.

Question 7 What are your job responsibilities in your previous position?

When answering this question, you should tell as much as possible about what tasks and assignments you performed, so that if you were temporarily absent from work, no one could replace you. Thus, the “employer” will have a positive impression of your level of qualifications.

Question 8. What do you know about our company?

To answer this question, you must be prepared for this in advance. Before the interview, collect as much information as possible about the company you want to work for. You can learn about the direction of the company’s activities from advertising blocks on the Internet or in newspapers.

Question 9 What kind of work schedule do you see at this place?

There is no need to answer this question in detail. When answering this question, use the following expressions: “accuracy”, “accurate completion of tasks”, “compliance with the work schedule”, “speed of thinking”, etc.

10 question. Where do you see yourself after working in our company for 5 years?

The answer should include an emphasis on achieving professional growth. You can answer, for example: “My existing experience and acquired knowledge in the applicant’s position will allow me to become the head of a department or deputy director.”

Question 11. What successes did you have in your professional activities at your previous place of work?

If you had incentives in your previous job in the form of letters of praise, monetary rewards, or developed some kind of project, then tell the employer about it.

Question 12. What qualities should a leader have?

We can answer that a person with confidence, determination, perseverance, professionalism and the ability to lead a team can be a leader.

Question 13. Do you have a hobby?

By briefly talking about your hobbies, you will describe yourself to the employer as a comprehensive developed person. This could be playing sports, reading books, learning foreign languages.

Question 14. How do you feel about working after hours?

Frequently asked questions - will you be able to work on the weekend or stay after work? The employer wants to hear how willing you are to sacrifice your personal time for the success of the company. You must answer that you prefer to perform your duties in work time, but if there is a production need, you can work overtime.

Question 15. When do you plan to start performing your duties at your new place of work?

If you answer that you will start doing the work immediately, you will put yourself in an awkward position, since you may have unfinished business, and on the first day of work asking “to let me go early” will look ridiculous. It is necessary to answer that you will need some time to complete unfinished business.

Question 16. Do you have any questions?

An employer, when publishing a vacancy, does not always indicate working conditions, schedule and wages. Be sure to specify the amount of remuneration for your work, whether it will be assigned probation and what social package the employer guarantees.

Let's consider, how to answer interview questions: what questions are most common, and what answers are best to give. I’ll say right away that it’s difficult to come up with universal answers to interview questions; you still need to be guided by the situation, based on what position you’re applying for and with whom you communicate, and how this communication proceeds. However, some common templates, suitable in many cases, there are, and I will consider them further.

Interview questions and answers.

Question 1. Tell us about yourself. Most often, the interview begins with this question, so you definitely need to be prepared for it. It’s best to prepare a short but succinct story about yourself in advance, at home, in the context of the job you want to get. That is, focus on those aspects of your biography and on those qualities that are important and useful for occupying this vacancy.

When telling yourself at an interview, it’s worth mentioning:

  • Education;
  • Experience;
  • Personal achievements;
  • Personal qualities;
  • Life goals.

Question 2. Reason for leaving previous job.(Or why you want to quit if you are still working). Similar questions at an interview can also be heard in almost 100% of cases, so the answers to them should also be prepared in advance.

When answering this question, under no circumstances should you use any negative judgments about your previous place of work. Moreover, you should not speak impartially about your current/former manager. The best way to answer such a question at an interview is to say not what you want to leave, but what you want to get to.

Wrong :

  • I am not happy with the salary at my current job;
  • My boss is hindering my career growth;
  • I didn't have a good relationship with the team.

Right :

  • My skills and experience deserve more pay;
  • I would like to build a career;
  • I am looking for opportunities for greater self-realization.

Question 3. What are your strengths? This is also a frequently asked question during an interview, the answer to which needs to be carefully thought out so that it does not look like bragging, but at the same time would characterize you with the best side. The best option such an answer is to confirm your words with real evidence from your practice.

For example : In my work I am always results-oriented. Thanks to this, my sales plan was exceeded every month, I received good bonuses, and have several certificates for top scores month.

Question 4. What are your weak sides? It's the opposite of an interview question that often stumps job seekers. After all, if you say that there are no weaknesses at all, it will sound somehow untrue; identifying your weaknesses can serve as a reason for refusal, because who needs a lazy, unpunctual or irritable employee?

The way out of this situation is to voice those weaknesses that can be considered as advantages when performing a specific job, at least partially.

For example : I am a perfectionist, I always strive to bring my work to perfection, and this often interferes with me, since perfection requires more time.

Question 5. What attracts you to work in our company? Often interview questions include this point. When answering this question, you should absolutely not make it clear that you just need some kind of job, because there is nothing to live on. Show your interlocutor that you see this company as really interesting and promising for you, and would like to develop with it.

For example : I have been observing the work of your company for a long time, I like its development strategy, successes and achievements in the market. Besides, I've heard a lot positive feedback from your employees. Therefore, your company is exactly the place where I would like to work and build my career.

Question 6. What salary level are you expecting? Quite a tricky interview question, and at the same time very important, since your future may directly depend on your answer. wage in case of hiring. Here you cannot name an amount that is too small (because then that is what you will be assigned) and you cannot name it too large (because the company will not be able to pay that much).

Therefore, even before the interview, it is necessary to analyze the job market, determine the average and maximum level wages for them. And when answering a question, don’t just state the amount, but justify it in the context of benefits for the company, incl. financial.

For example : I value my work at 100 thousand rubles a month. Of course, this is significantly higher average salary accountant in the region, but I can optimize the taxation of your company in such a way that it can save at least half of the taxes it pays today.

Question 7. Why did you have such a long break from work? This question can often be heard in interviews if you long time don't work. How to answer it? Of course, this is not an answer: this way you will actually demonstrate that you as an employee are not interesting to anyone. Therefore, it is best to explain your downtime in your career by the fact that you were engaged in advanced training (it would be good if this were really the case), and also do not want to waste your time on trifles, and are only looking for a decent job that would suit you: exactly the kind which is why you came to this interview. Also, in my opinion, it is worth mentioning that work for you is not just a source of income, it is an opportunity for self-development and self-realization, so you are looking for just such a job.

For example : In my work, the opportunity for self-realization, personal and career growth is important to me, so I choose only the work in which I see interest and prospects for myself. For this reason, I sent my resume to your company.

Question 8. Why do you want to get a job outside your specialty? Such an interview question may arise in the appropriate situation. When answering it, there is absolutely no need to say that you need to live on something, and that you need at least some work: focus on expanding the scope of your knowledge and skills.

For example : I would not like to force the scope of my activity into the framework of the specialty I once received. I believe that a person should not be limited by his education, but should explore new horizons, gain new knowledge and skills. The activities of your company seem interesting and promising to me, so I would also like to master this business and develop in this direction.

Question 9. Where do you see yourself in 5 (10) years? Such questions can also be heard quite often during an interview. When answering them, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on the fact that after this period you see yourself as an employee of the same company (because the employer is unlikely to like potential staff turnover), and also to determine your potential career.

For example : In 5 years I plan to grow in your company from simple specialist to the head of the department.

Question 10. How did you hear about our company? This question is asked during an interview to determine for yourself which method of posting vacancies is better. There is no need to invent anything here, just tell the truth as it is, that you found a vacancy, for example, on such and such a job portal, or even better, you yourself looked for vacancies for this particular company on its website, because it attracts you as a place of work.

By the way, about the truth. When answering any questions at an interview, there is no need to lie. You can understate, you can slightly exaggerate, you can focus on the wrong things, but you can’t outright deceive. Because this deception can easily be exposed, for example, when your candidacy is checked by the company’s security service, and then you will never get a job at this company in your life.

Interview cases.

We have already roughly figured out how to answer questions at an interview, but the task may be even more difficult: when interviewing for some positions (managerial, customer acquisition, etc.), you may be asked to undergo the so-called. cases – describe your actions in certain difficult situations.

It is already very difficult to come up with answers to the case in advance, because you cannot predict what situation you will get: here you will have to show your wits and intelligence.

The most common and popular case is, but instead of a handle, any object, even a completely useless one, can act. But this is by no means the only possible task; recruiters can put you in completely different and certainly very difficult situations.

Now you have some idea of ​​how to answer interview questions, what the questions might be and the answers to them. You should not be afraid of an interview; it is better to avoid overexertion in every possible way and answer in a relaxed and natural manner.

I’ll end here, in subsequent publications I will continue to consider the topic of interviewing and talk about other important points. Subscribe to our communities at in social networks and stay tuned for updates!

What to say at an interview...

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

Your story should be short. The HR officer is primarily interested in the professionalism of a potential employee. Therefore, there is no need to talk about your personal life and retell your entire work history. Focus on your last job: your job responsibilities, achievements, advanced training. At the same time, do not forget about the vacancy for which you are applying. Your answer should lead the personnel officer to the idea: this work is familiar to you, you will cope with it perfectly.

2. What attracts you to work with us in this position?

It’s bad if they answer with common phrases: “I’m attracted by the prospects for growth, interesting job, a reputable company..." Must provide serious and specific arguments: the desire to apply your qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of working in a strong team of professionals.

3. Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?

This best question for the candidate to, without false modesty, name his main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, you must demonstrate your ability to persuade by emphasizing your advantages. It’s bad if you answer this question with weak arguments and provide your formal biographical characteristics.

4. What are your strengths?

You must emphasize first of all the qualities that are required for this job and provide convincing evidence based on specific facts.

11 interview questions you need to know the answer to

You can say cliches that are repeated thousands of times: “I am sociable, neat, efficient,” etc. Clarify how sociability, accuracy, diligence are manifested, what is the manner of listening to the client, what you have achieved thanks to your strong qualities.

5. What are your weaknesses?

When answering questions about your shortcomings and failures, be careful. Show sufficient self-criticism towards yourself, this will raise your authority in the eyes of your interlocutor. When talking about your omissions, it is not necessary to cite your biggest mistakes. The main thing here is that you can show that you yourself corrected your mistake and saved the company from troubles or minimized them

6. Why did you leave your previous job?

The answers must be truthful (during the interview or after, lies will definitely come up). When answering the question: “Why did you decide to change jobs?” - should not be given negative reviews about colleagues and managers, limit yourself to neutral statements: lack of opportunities for professional growth, irregularity in receiving monetary remuneration, distance from home, inconvenient work schedule, etc.

7. Will your personal life interfere with this job, which is associated with additional stress (long working hours, long or long-distance business trips, constant travel)?

This question is often asked to women. In some companies, trying to circumvent the law, they set strict conditions, such as not having children for a certain time, not registering sick leave for child care, do not take leave without pay, etc.

8. How do you imagine your position in five (ten) years?

Many uninitiated people who do not plan their careers and lives answer that they cannot imagine such long-term prospects. And a person aimed at personal success will readily talk about his planned professional growth, and, possibly, for personal purposes.

9. What changes would you make in your new job?

It’s good if you show your initiative and familiarity with the situation of innovation and reorganization. However, this is only permissible with a thorough knowledge of the problems in the company. It’s bad if you don’t know the state of affairs very well, but strive to change everything in your own way.

10. What salary do you expect?

A good specialist always knows his worth and expects a high salary. It is better for the candidate to overestimate the expected payment for his work than to underestimate it.

The most popular questions when applying for a job, read, think about it and be prepared.

Search suitable job for the first time in the last ten years, for many, it has become a problem. All this time, companies were growing and were not as strict in choosing their employees as they are now. Firms took candidates from the market who proved or described themselves as strong specialists as soon as they declared themselves on popular sites, and in fact, for the candidates it was not a job search at all, but rather a “transition”. Now the situation has seriously changed. Companies that have established bureaucratic procedures try not to recruit, but to select personnel from a large number of applicants on a competitive basis. In this regard, the procedure for crossing such a milestone as the first interview becomes relevant.
When going for an interview with an employer or a personnel center, it is worth preparing for the questions that employers usually ask, it is useful to think about them and formulate your own correct and successful answers that complement a successful resume. And the better you prepare, the more natural and convincing your behavior during the interview will be, which, we think, will allow you to leave more time for your questions to the interlocutor in order to obtain more information useful for a mutual decision.
We offer you a list of 7 questions that many employers and recruiters ask and some tips for preparing your answers.

Question 1. Tell us a little about yourself.
Calmly, confidently, briefly and accurately talk about your education and describe the skills, work experience and results achieved in figures at the last 2-3 places of work. All in under 5 minutes. If the interviewer is interested in something else, he will ask you about it.
Formal presentation of biographical data, excessive excitement, confusion in simple facts and jumps in time, emphasis on minor details, verbosity.

Question 2. What attracts you to work in this position?
Bring your thoughts in favor of the fact that this particular position will allow you to fully realize your aspirations, abilities, knowledge and experience, and the company in your person will acquire a valuable employee for a long time.
The main thing: show what you can give to the company, and not look like you are asking for something for yourself, something that you don’t have. If you have a job now, be sure to say something good about it. And only after that you can, for comparison, indicate some point that does not suit you, without getting personal.
Standard phrases: “I am attracted by interesting work... prospects for growth...

How to answer the question “Why are you interested in this vacancy”?

good salary".

Question 3. Tell us about your mistakes or failures at your previous job.
Express yourself in a positive way: there is no life without problems, but difficulties are surmountable, failures mobilize strength and make it possible to evaluate reality.
Examples should be prepared in advance and tested on friends. It is important that by naming your omission, you can show how you corrected it yourself and saved the company from trouble.
Complaints about fate, bad luck, injustice and constant insoluble problems, blaming other people and circumstances.

Question 4. Tell us about a situation when you encountered a conflict in a team.
Give an example of employee negligence and how you handled the situation. Examples should concern industrial relations only. Companies are always looking for non-conflict people who get along well in a team, but are also caring and can solve problems of pacification. Show that this is who you are.
A story about how hard it is to work in your company and how many colleagues you have who want to change jobs.

Question 5. Where and who do you see yourself in 3-5-10 years?
In our opinion, you should answer that you are planning professional and career growth in the future, while formulating stages and a professional goal.
Answers in such a way as: “How will it turn out”, “I don’t know”, “I never thought”, etc.

Question 6. What strengths would your colleagues point out?
Identify those qualities of yours that, in your opinion, are valued at this job and in this position. Professionalism, activity, decency, goodwill towards people, truthfulness and devotion are always and everywhere valued. Next - professional options
A very modest answer: “Let others judge that.”

Question 7. Tell us about your greatest professional success.
Try to convey to your interlocutor the real scale of your personality and aspirations. It's complex and serious question. The easiest thing in this situation is for an applicant for the position of a sales manager. You need to be prepared to talk in reasonable detail about the largest transaction you have completed or prepared. In fairness, it should be noted that other categories of applicants may not be asked such a question, but they need to prepare for the answer. Asking it to yourself every day.
Not being ready to answer.

Question 8. Why should we hire you?

Ideal answer: “Because I know this job well and know how to achieve excellent results.”

A good answer is: “Because I am better and I will prove it.”

Bad answer: I don’t know why the employer should prefer me - the answer is not in your favor.

Some of the abstract questions seem to be irrelevant to the essence of the meeting.

Additional interview questions can be divided into four types:

1. Assessing the applicant’s general outlook and ability to speak on general topics (which is especially important for people in communicative professions). For example, “What are your ideas about happiness?” or “about the role of the phenomenon of cosmopolitanism within the framework of the general world trend towards globalization.” With the help of such questions, it is quite easy to assess the degree of “involvement” of the candidate in the dialogue, the role he occupies in communication (leader, follower), listening ability and, of course, general erudition.

2. “Near-professional”. These include questions such as “What periodicals do you read?”, “What is the image of a potential ideal friend?”, “What about your professional activity Would you entrust this to your wife, friend, father?” etc. The answers will tell the employer (recruiter) what the applicant’s “true” attitude towards the profession is, the degree of his involvement in the general work context. If financial director regularly reads the Finance magazine or subscribes to the RBC website mailing list, we can say with a high degree of confidence that this is a financier with a good professional background; most likely, he is not just a performer, but a person who is proactive and in the context of the situation.

3. Personality-oriented. These questions are from the series “What is your main family tradition?”, “What are your preferences when choosing a place for dinner?” Evaluating the answers will allow us to draw conclusions about the applicant’s personal characteristics (tendency to loneliness, aggressiveness, communication characteristics, including among colleagues, etc.). A variant of a set of questions to assess compliance with corporate values ​​and identify the characteristics of personal preferences when working collectively in business: “Describe the optimal team (the best company, the best manager, the best subordinate)”

4. Evaluation of claims. Aimed at the vision of the candidate’s professional future, including in the employing company. These are questions like “What is your greatest career goal?” Based on the applicant’s answers, one can judge the level of a person’s professional self-esteem, his aspirations and ambitions. For example, a sales manager claims that in one year, and no later, he sees himself as the head of the sales department, and the management of the employing company is not interested in senior employees at the moment, so this answer will not play into the hands of the candidate.

1. You must answer as honestly as possible, without trying to look your best, sacrificing your own principles and beliefs.

2. It would be good to study the vacancy in detail before the interview, and listen carefully during the interview in order to adjust your answers in a timely manner, since, for example, the absence of plans in the company to introduce a leadership position may run counter to your guidelines.

3. Be active. Ask questions yourself, communicate with the interlocutor (use detailed answers, emotionally supported) - do not force them to simulate an interrogation situation. Remember: the choice is made not only by the manager, but also by you.

Examples of questions from you that will make the employer think and answer you in detail:

Such questions will show your sincere interest and will bring the employer’s response closer, although this increases the risk of getting a “quick refusal”

1. What additional information do you need to know about me so that the question of applying for a job becomes an easy decision for you?

2. How do you think my responsibilities within the position will change over the next three years?

3. What can I be disappointed in while working here?

4. What is your idea of ​​an ideal candidate and what do I need to be like him?