Interpretation of the dream jack in dream books. Why, according to the interpreter, do you dream of playing cards?

Sleeping in a dream literally means that you need some kind of respite that will help you gather your thoughts and find the best way out of the current circumstances. This same vision confirms that you are ready to use dreams for practical purposes to travel to other worlds and getting to know their inhabitants on a conscious level.

Miller's interpretation

Mr. Miller is sure that if you dreamed that you could not remember the dream you just saw, then in reality there will be betrayal of a close friend or failure in business.

Sleeping in a dream according to a modern combined dream book

If you happen to see yourself sleeping, then this is a hint from the subconscious that you have started a double game in your relationship with worthy person and doubt that you are doing the right thing.

If another character tells his dream and asks to interpret it, then you will have to solve other people's problems. Nightmares symbolize a favorable outcome of a particularly difficult matter, while vivid, intense dreams, on the contrary, guarantee disappointment.

Why do you dream about sleeping according to D. Loff’s dream book

He argues that the state of sleep in dreams conveys the dreamer’s internal vulnerability to the outside world, his fears, experiences, and insecurities. Apparently, in real life there are some problems that you cannot figure out.

And indeed, when a person sleeps, he cannot control either his emotions or his behavior, much less protect himself from the threat lurking in the mysterious dream world.

However, becoming aware that you are dreaming or seeing yourself dreaming is the first step towards lucid dreaming. This is an amazing reason to pay increased attention to night dreams, learn to order prophetic dreams and even control your behavior in them.

Dream Interpretation of Medea: what does it mean to sleep

If in a dream you sleep alone, then in reality there will be an excellent prospect of starting a new business. If you happened to be on vacation with another character, then you should not succumb to gross provocation, otherwise there will be a huge scandal. Did you dream that you spent the night with two or more people at once? You probably regret the lost relationship and this is slowing down your whole life. The vision calls for letting go of the past and paying more attention to the present.

Spending the night in a strange place and clearly feeling discomfort means a quick rest or a pleasant trip. This is also a sign that you need to mobilize hidden resources to overcome a difficult stage in life. Waking up in a dream means that you need to listen to your own intuition, only it will help you get out of a confusing incident.

Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If you dreamed that you were sleeping or getting ready to go to bed, then this is a sign of your inaction, uncertainty and inappropriate slowness. If at the same time you experience painful feelings, then the cause of all troubles will be personal indecision.

An excellent mood and elation indicate that you can forget about your problems for a while and have a good rest. Perhaps everything will be resolved without your direct participation, or by completely relaxing, you will find an ingenious solution.

Did you happen to sleep in a dream under extremely strange circumstances? This is a sign that your uncertainty or carelessness will lead to disappointing consequences. The vision warns: you need to act immediately, otherwise the moment will be missed.

Why do you dream about sleeping according to a collection of dream books?

If you dreamed that you were sleeping, then you have definitely entered the astral plane, and you simply see yourself from the outside. Don't be scared, but try to relax and at least look around. This vision provides incredible perspectives that, if used correctly and skillfully, will open doors to other worlds.

Dreams in which you have another dream can be interpreted in approximately the same way. This obvious signs lucid dreaming. You probably have a natural predisposition for this and it needs to be developed.

If you do not take into account the esoteric decoding, then sleeping in a dream literally means that there has been a period of stagnation in life. You should not expect changes or any advancement in the near future. Sometimes this position can provide the necessary respite, but more often than not it leads to regression.

Decoding the dream book from A to Z

If in a dream you dozed off right in the chair, then in reality you are threatened with betrayal by your lover, at the moment when you begin to completely trust him. If you suddenly wake up and cannot understand where you are, then in reality you will again find the hope you had lost. Did you dream that you were woken up rudely and tactlessly? In fact, you will find a decent job and can finally improve your financial situation.

See yourself sleeping on the roof multi-storey building- to the rapid career growth and overall success. The main thing is not to fall out of there in your sleep. If you happen to spend the night in nature, you will soon go on a long journey that will bring benefits and mental satisfaction.

But sleeping on the top bunk on a train without a bed at all means that you are quite happy with your current, even if very modest, situation and you do not intend to change anything.

Why does a sleeping person, man or woman, dream?

Seeing a man dozing at night is a sign of a happy coincidence that you may miss due to your own inattention or carelessness. A person sleeping, regardless of gender, sometimes symbolizes the dreamer himself. In this case, it is necessary to take into account where and how he sleeps.

If you dreamed of an unfamiliar woman who was calmly and serenely dozing, then you need rest. According to another interpretation, this is a symbol of one’s own soul, which has found peace in faith. Accordingly, the stranger, who sleeps extremely restlessly, personifies the soul in the waking state. By appearance ladies can be judged by their true attitude to the real world.

If you dreamed about falling asleep unknown man, then you will receive money from an unexpected source. For a single man, a sleeping girl is a sign that he will meet his destiny.

A sleeping child or baby in a dream - what does it mean?

Little children who have fallen asleep in night visions symbolize creative ideas, plans and ideas that are only ripening in the head. They need some more time to fully take shape and “awaken” in reality.

Holding a sleeping baby in your arms means that you have to work hard and hard before you achieve even a little success. If a baby who sleeps in a cradle does not evoke associations with reality existing child, then this is a sign of the accumulation of internal energy.

Did you dream of a crib with a sleeping child? In reality, you are destined for prosperity and well-being, and in addition the affection and love of other people's children. Putting your own baby to bed means a serious illness for one of the household members. After such a dream, an unmarried girl should take care of her reputation, which can be spoiled by the gossip of evil friends.

Why dream of sleeping with an ex, a friend, a dead guy?

If you happen to spend the night with your now deceased husband, then in reality there will be trouble. Finding an unfamiliar dead man sleeping in your bed is a sign of success in an unreliable business. Sleeping with the deceased means that love relationships There will be a noticeable cooling that will lead to separation.

Seeing your ex in your own bed predicts an event that will be so unexpected that it will completely throw you off balance. If a friend was sleeping in bed in a dream, then in reality carefully thought-out plans will be completely upset due to an unforeseen turn.

If you happened to spend the night in the same bed with a guy or man you know, then in reality you will have to apologize for your own mistakes. If it was a stranger, then the future relationship will end very badly. In addition, this is a sign of trouble and mental shock.

Why do you dream about a sleeping wife or husband?

Finding your husband sleeping with his mistress in bed is a wonderful gift from your spouse. If the faithful sleeps alone, then in reality a period of calm and prosperity is coming. Did you dream that your husband fell asleep without undressing? Soon, your whole family or friends will go on a picnic, where you will spend time in idle fun.

A sleeping wife symbolizes news that will come from afar. This is also an omen of the imminent success of a certain enterprise, and in general good luck. Spouses sleeping together mark a very important, but certainly positive event.

Sleeping in a dream - dream options

If in your dreams you often realize that you are dreaming or regularly dream about it, then it’s time to learn how to order your visions. However, first it is worth understanding more precise interpretations of this or that image. After all, what you dreamed about can give a hint of a very specific event.

  • sleeping mother is a symbol of security
  • sleeping dad - the need to show utmost attention and caution
  • sister - to significant losses
  • brother - to understanding between relatives
  • you dream that you want to sleep - you do it and then think, you often indulge your whims, which leads to trouble
  • there are a lot of sleepers - show your talents, use your knowledge and skills as widely as possible
  • a group of people who have fallen asleep - gossip is spread by close friends
  • a girl who is sleeping portends an unexpected but very significant event
  • sleeping boy - to peace and understanding in the house
  • rocking a capricious baby to sleep - to stress, worries, troubles
  • sleeping cat - reveal a secret conspiracy, avoid negative changes
  • wild animals in a cage - defeat your enemies with ease
  • in nature - enemies are temporarily hidden
  • sleeping dead man - his rest in another world, transition to another state
  • To sleep in wedding dress- bad luck, the wedding will be upset
  • naked - to shame and poverty
  • drunk - unfortunately, doubts, inability to make a decision
  • in a hammock - you will be able to maintain presence of mind in difficult conditions
  • on the sofa - betrayal of loved ones promises trouble
  • on a folding bed - to unexpected expenses
  • on a luxurious four-poster bed - you will soon feel the need for money, and you will have to save a lot
  • in a coffin - for many years
  • sleep on the street - “oversleep” an important event and you will find yourself “overboard” in life
  • in the middle of the street, like a homeless person - to heartache due to separation
  • outdoors in a tent - for a long journey
  • on the grass - to a carefree life, joy
  • on bare ground - to deprivation, failure, misunderstanding
  • on the balcony - to future prospects, a comfortable existence
  • in the country (on the street) - to the fulfillment of one desire
  • in a car/bus - to a good deal
  • on the train - to the beginning of a life stage that does not require special concentration
  • in church - to shameless slander
  • sleep on the go - concentrate, otherwise you will get into trouble
  • standing - misfortune is near, the need for a solution
  • being sleepy means a surmountable obstacle
  • falling asleep in a relative's house is fortunate
  • for a mistress/lover - to envy
  • in your own bed - to illness
  • in someone else's - you will get involved in a scam that will lead to major troubles
  • soft bed - for a carefree life
  • tough, uncomfortable - things will come to a standstill, deals will fail
  • in the hospital - to a bad period
  • in a hostel - to difficulties associated with society
  • to spend the night in an unknown place - to real intoxication, an unknown road
  • sleeping with your wife is a shame
  • with husband - to purchase
  • with a freak - to annoyance, illness
  • seeing someone sleeping in your bed is a surprise
  • sleeping with someone on a narrow bed - to an accident, a strange coincidence
  • jack - to common interests, understanding, trust
  • with a character of the same gender - to losses that will happen due to stupidity
  • the opposite - to good news, truthful information
  • sleeping with a friend in the same bed means a quarrel
  • with two - to the need for an urgent choice
  • in an unfamiliar place - for a vacation, a trip, a vacation away from home
  • fall asleep in an ambush - deceive someone who trusts you
  • to be brazenly awakened in a dream means fright
  • someone pushes, and you wake up - to the necessary help, worthy motivation, a “kick” of fate
  • if you are woken up and cannot be woken up - to a long illness
  • if you can’t wake up, you need to rest urgently, otherwise there will be trouble
  • waking up in a dream from a nightmare is a surprise that will help solve a confusing problem

In fact, even such rather complex and strange images are quite easy to interpret. If the vision carries some meaning or is prophetic, you will definitely remember it, and the decoding will come by itself, you just have to concentrate well.

See - beware of getting bogged down in frivolous entertainment, because in the future this can bring you considerable grief; For an avid gambler, playing with spades is a big loss. Also see Maps.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Geographical map

Looking at it in a dream, planning a route, getting a map, making a map yourself - means changes in your lifestyle and business. Such a dream means many important responsible tasks that will be entrusted to you, exciting travels, combining business and pleasure, receiving lucrative offers and interesting invitations. See interpretation: globe, atlas.

Losing a map or looking for it in a dream is a sign that you are passionate about change, you constantly have to face difficulties and get upset. Don't give up your attempts real life- and you will succeed. This dream has such meaning.

If in a dream you still find the lost card, then expect success in life. A stolen card in a dream means that you have competitors. Try not to give them the opportunity to take advantage of your mistakes.

Making a map yourself or plotting a route on a map in a dream is a sign that you have whole line good plans, many of which will come true thanks to your foresight and assertiveness.

Interpretation of dreams from

Modern combined dream book

Jack of spades- portends disputes and failures in the upcoming business.

Jack of hearts- to meet a loved one.

Jack of the Cross- means that in the near future you will be lucky in gambling.

Jack of diamonds- is a sign that you will not be able to destroy the evil planned by your enemies.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Jack (playing card) for a woman- on a date with a divorced or unmarried man; man- empty troubles and unnecessary waste.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Jack for girls, women- a reflection of the desire to have a partner.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

See a map like this- to empty matters.

English dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Their appearance should be interpreted as meaning what will happen soon in your life interesting case. Sometimes cards in a dream indicate that you are not hoping for own strength and abilities, and on a combination of circumstances and external factors.

If you dreamed of them, pay attention to what you did with them, told fortunes or played.

Sometimes many people begin to show all sorts of tricks and tricks on them.

If you want to understand what the cards mean in your dream, pay attention to what you did with them, what symbols they showed and how often the images changed. This is what cards most often mean in dreams.

To win

Usually they are used to tell fortunes, perform tricks or play. If you dreamed of cards as an element of a game in a dream, then modern books they write that much in your life depends on chance or that soon chance will bring happiness or misfortune to your life.

In a dream, seeing people playing games on the street without money is a sign of empty talk and the fact that individuals who are used to going with the flow or relying on circumstances will appear in front of you.

Sometimes playing cards mean a dispute between people or rivalry, as well as some kind of scandal or duel. Pay attention to who won in the dream and who lost. The same balance of power will exist in life.

Sometimes a dream book interprets beautiful playing cards in a person’s hands to mean that he is an excellent intriguer and manipulator. Do not believe his words, as his cunning can bring you big troubles later.

Playing cards in a dream just for company with friends, but without dangerous tasks and money - why do you dream? This dream means wasting time and idleness. If you are offered a game just for variety, you can waste a lot of time in vain, it is unclear what.

Usually playing cards because there is nothing to do, the dream book interprets that you are relying too much on luck and chance in life. Books on dream interpretation warn you that you should not believe other people’s promises and that you need to take responsibility for your own life so as not to get lost in it.

Why do children dream of small playing cards? The dream book interprets such a sign to mean that they may fall into bad company or not be held responsible for their actions. Sometimes such a dream means an adventure, an extravagant escapade that will be fraught with bad consequences.

Why do you dream of playing cards for actions or money? This means that some events will interest you. If you simply watch others play, it is a sign of curiosity and interest in other people's lives. The dream of playing cards is interpreted as a sign that you want novelty and adventurism in your life. Sometimes this is a sign that you lack adrenaline and unpredictability.

Why do you dream of playing cards and winning? By chance, you may receive something completely unexpectedly. However, most often the dream book writes that this dream predicts troubles for you or that you can find many adventures for yourself or get into trouble.

Lose at cards - you decide not to rely on chance. Just watch card game- to the news.

Fortune telling and tricks

Why dream of fortune telling in a dream, the dream book is written like this: you are confused in your own love affairs and want to find out the future. Sometimes this need is so great that you see card decks and layouts in your dreams.

If you dreamed of playing cards that tell fortunes, pay attention to the symbols that are most memorable. They will give you information about what awaits you in the near future.

Seeing cards face down in a dream means the future is foggy. If they are opened, pay attention to the symbols and drawings, and also try to remember the face of the person who told fortunes to you in a dream, even if he is not familiar to you.

Diamonds in a dream mean money matters. Aces and tens that fall during fortune telling almost always predict the completion of a monetary interest, the receipt of money, a win or an inheritance. If there were several of them in the deck, then the dream book writes that such a dream predicts unexpected joy for you. Sometimes such dreams mean work and activities that will bring income. Small diamonds such as 6, 7, 8 or 9 herald changes.

The dream book writes that their presence predicts many small matters or events without special significance. However, you can rejoice - troubles will not be nearby. The Jack of Diamonds predicts a clerk, a small worker, a young guy or a child who will bring you money or business news.

A lady means a freedom-loving and selfish woman who loves only herself and skillfully uses material wealth. Kings mean business and successful people or serious conversation about the future. In general, the diamond suit in cards means summer and day.

Hearts are responsible for everything that has to do with love and procreation, as well as feelings. The more of them there are in your fortune telling, the more successful your love life. The Ace of Hearts is the most best card. It portends you happiness, favorable life circumstances, as well as reciprocal love.

Sometimes her appearance is dreamed of an imminent wedding. For a girl, the king of hearts means a loved one or a lover in love, and a lady means his wife or rival. For a man, kings of this suit mean parents, a rival in love or a friend, and for women - a lady of the heart. Other cards of this suit predict love and everything connected with this feeling. If you are thinking about some event, it will happen in the spring.

Seeing clubs is always a bad sign. They mean appealing to official authorities, as well as officials, authorities and position in society. The more clubs there are in your fortune telling, the less freedom you will have in your actions.

Spades always mean strikes, and kings, queens and jacks always mean people who don't wish you well. If you want to know when an event that is important to you will happen, then the peaks say that it will be in winter or will not take place at all.

Card tricks always warn you of fraud or deception. The person who deals with them can greatly harm you, do not believe his promises.

If you dreamed that you were showing them yourself, then you will be able to easily deceive someone. Well, a dream in which you see or build houses of cards suggests that you are involved in an unreliable enterprise.

Are the unlimited possibilities of a person in a dream a reality?

It is believed that a person lives in two worlds at the same time. He lives one life in his waking moments, and the second, more interesting and giving him unlimited possibilities, in his dreams. How are they different?

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we have orange dreams? Which good dream, and which one carries negativity? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? Modern dream book opens doors to amazing world dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible

Why do you dream about Jack?

Jack in a modern dream book

If you dreamed of a jack of cards, such a dream traditionally predicts a promising acquaintance with a worthy representative of the opposite sex. The resulting relationship may well end in legal marriage. But you need to take into account that the interpretation of a dream about a jack can seriously change depending on the suit of the card. Thus, the jack of spades prophesies failures and problems associated with the planned business. You will also find disputes and conflicts with business partners or work colleagues. The Jack of Hearts portends a pleasant meeting with a lover or beloved. The jack of cross promises good luck in gambling. Bubnovy warns: unfortunately, you will not be able to prevent your ill-wishers from realizing their insidious plans directed against you.

Jack in Miller's dream book

If you dreamed that you were playing cards for fun, it means that the hopes that gave you the strength to live on will finally come true. If you for a long time If you suffer from a chronic disease, you will soon feel much better. But if you played for money, you will face serious difficulties and problems. If you lose a game, you will enter into open confrontation with your enemies; if you win, you will be justified in the face of the law. If you are a woman and saw in a dream how your loved one is gambling with cards, most likely he is harboring evil plans regarding you. I dreamed of a card jack of the hearts suit - you will be extremely pleased with the devotion and goodwill of the people around you. For ladies, the Jack of Spades prophesies the gloomy prospect of becoming a widow, albeit with a very large property. The symbol of diamonds dreams of intrigue and envy, the symbol of the cross symbolizes success and good luck. In a dream you played cards and constantly won - in reality you will have to go on a visit. Alas, instead of having a pleasant time, you will be very upset when faced with the rudeness and impudence of the owners. Alternative meaning of the dream: thanks to a happy accident, you will find a true friend who will help you get through a difficult period of life