Curtain fabric is an elegant beauty. Curtain fabrics: style and harmony at home Soft fabric for curtains

Fabrics that are used as a thick curtain for a door or window are called curtains. The main function of drapes, or curtains, is to protect the room from sunlight, dust, drafts and prying eyes. An equally important task of curtain fabric is decoration. Read on to learn about the types of curtains and selection rules.

Features, varieties

The main difference between curtain fabric and tulle fabric is its high density. Such curtains drape well and hold their shape, and are used for both windows and doorways. Curtain fabric is equally suitable for sewing curtains, tablecloths, pillowcases, pillows or upholstery. Its peculiarity is that it gives the room a cozy atmosphere. Several requirements for a good curtain fabric: durability, practicality, strength, variety of colors.

Porter can be represented by the following types of material:

  • blackout,
  • velours,
  • jacquard,
  • organza,
  • satin,
  • silk,
  • chenille

The modern textile industry offers a large selection of synthetic fabrics. The reason for their popularity is ease of care, practicality, affordability and an incredible variety of colors. Natural and semi-natural fabrics have the advantage of being environmentally friendly. The curtain fabric is additionally treated with special solutions that protect it from fading under sunlight, neutralize static electricity, increase wash resistance and prevent the accumulation of odors. Natural materials are treated with moth-repellent compounds.


Description of types of curtain fabrics from natural fibers to innovations in the textile industry.

  1. Natural silk is the rarest fiber for curtain fabric. The reason for this is the high cost and strict care rules. it looks expensive, drapes softly, shimmers in the light. Basic requirement for use: protection from direct sunlight. Silk is used for sewing curtains and lambrequins, but is not used for decorating kitchen windows.
  2. Natural linen is an environmentally friendly material that will fit well into any interior. Linen fabric improves the atmosphere in the room: it absorbs ionizing radiation, does not electrify, is resistant to fungus and is a natural antiseptic. That is why linen is recommended for decorating children's rooms and bedrooms. The material has a long service life - up to 40-50 years. It does not dye well, so linen curtain fabric has natural shades. Linen tends to wrinkle and shrink after washing; its cost is quite high.
  3. looks like silk due to its soft shine. The material is made of cotton threads and is the most expensive example of this fiber. Distinctive features: practically does not wrinkle, withstands frequent washing, soft and neat. Suitable for any interior.
  4. Satin is a close relative of satin, but its composition may include silk, polyester or acetate. Satin is thinner than satin, but no less durable. Combines harmoniously with organza, tulle and other translucent fabrics.
  5. Taffeta is a light but dense material, especially good with a printed pattern. Made from silk or cotton threads, sometimes with the addition of polyester or acetate. Taffeta softly shimmers in the light from any angle due to the interweaving of colored warp and weft threads. Suitable for any interior due to its practicality.
  6. The veil is notable for being hypoallergenic and non-toxic. This allows you to use it for a children's room and bedroom. It is made of cotton fiber, often has a solid color, and there are curtains with a printed pattern.
  7. Due to its appearance, velvet is used to decorate living rooms, large halls and rooms for celebrations. - a sign of aristocracy.
  8. The organza curtain is thin and translucent. Organza is a fabric based on silk or viscose; samples made from polyester are less common. Despite its lightness, this curtain is durable, wrinkle-resistant and resistant to light. It can be shiny or matte.
  9. Jacquard curtains are one of the most durable. Jacquard is resistant to temperature changes and high humidity. This fabric is durable and beautiful. There are single-layer (light) and multi-layer jacquard (heavy, similar to). Jacquard curtains with colored patterns are often found. The variety of jacquard fabric is explained by the combination of cotton and synthetic threads of different densities, sometimes silk or wool fiber is added.
  10. - a type of jacquard with a pleasant velvety structure.
  11. Special blackout material is designed for complete isolation from light. This curtain is suitable for a home theater.

How to choose

Curtain fabric can be used either alone or in combination with other types of fabric. Here are a few rules for choosing and combining fabrics:

  1. For children's rooms, it is better to choose light and natural materials: satin, linen.
  2. Linen and satin are also suitable for the kitchen.
  3. The bedroom interior will be well complemented by silk, satin or taffeta.
  4. For the living room, choose silk, brocade or velvet.
  5. For small rooms with low lighting, silk and satin curtains are optimal. In such rooms they are not afraid of excess ultraviolet radiation, which means they are not in danger of fading and loss of noble color.
  6. The thinner the curtain fabric, the sharper the folds, and vice versa, the denser the material, the softer the bends.
  7. Velvety surfaces of curtains go well with leather and polished wooden furniture.
  8. If the room has low ceilings, then choose well-draped curtains that visually elongate the room.
  9. Curtains in the kitchen should be combined with a tablecloth, in the bedroom - with, in the living room - with upholstery.
  10. A well-chosen curtain color can affect your mood.

The brighter the room, the denser the material for the curtains should be so that it can protect the room from excess light.

When choosing curtain fabric, you need to consider in which room it will be placed. Practical materials that are resistant to high humidity and easy to clean are suitable for the kitchen. For a nursery, you should choose curtains with bright colors that will not fade from frequent washing. And luxurious fabrics would be appropriate in the living room - so that there is something to surprise guests.

Both the fabric and its color must match the interior. If the wallpaper is bright or with a pattern, then you should opt for plain, discreet curtains. If there is a pattern on the curtains, it should be combined with patterns on the wallpaper and other decorative elements. And if the walls are plain, then you should choose bright and memorable curtains.

Properly selected curtains are not only practical curtains that protect from sunlight and prying eyes, but also an important design element. Curtains can become an accent in a room and highlight its style.

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Fabrics for curtains - photos and names, curtain fabric

Fabrics for curtains: how to choose, photos, names, which ones are best suited for the bedroom or living room, curtain fabric and its types - we’ll tell you everything in our article.

The decoration of windows in an apartment depends only on the tastes of the owners and the purpose for which they decorate the windows. This can only be a craving for aesthetic beauty, or protection from prying eyes and the bright sun. On the site you will get acquainted with fabrics for curtains, learn their names and from the photos you will begin to understand the types of material. Depending on these goals, the curtain fabric will be selected.
The most famous types of fabric are tulle and. They include a whole group of different materials. Absolutely different in composition and quality, they go perfectly together on the windows of apartments, restaurants and office premises.

Types of fabrics for curtains

You will find types of fabrics for curtains, photos and names on the website and get acquainted with each material separately. Faced with many options for window decoration, a dilemma arises - how to choose fabric for curtains? We will try to answer this question in our section.

A little history: curtains appeared in everyday use much earlier than tulle. They have served as protection from wind and sun since the times of the Tsarist Empire. Now they have not so much a protective function as aesthetic pleasure.

Curtains are the name of dense fabric for curtains, and it is divided into many types according to composition:

    • made from natural fabrics have always been held in high esteem. Their advantage is that they minimize static electricity in the apartment, are particularly durable and allow some sunlight to pass through. Linen is easily recognizable by its gray-beige shades. It will be appropriate for the summer sun.
    • Velvet is a luxurious material for decorating large rooms in a special style. It is heavy and practically does not allow light to pass through, but at the same time it is soft and pleasant to the skin and eyes.
    • Silk can be natural or artificial. The most common fabric used for curtains is artificial silk, since it is cheaper than real silk. This shiny, slippery material adds richness and grandeur to a room. The atlas can also be included in this group.
  • Jacquard is designed to create a festive, elegant atmosphere in the interior. This is a material for curtains with a voluminous, clearly visible pattern, which is particularly durable and colorfast.
  • Blackout is a thick curtain that is designed specifically to block out the sun. It is used in rooms where it is necessary to completely exclude light. you will find more information about blackout curtains, what kind of fabric it is, what it looks like, how to care for it, and more.
  • Flock is a material with a small pile, often made with shiny powder applied to the surface, which gives it a playful, interesting look.

Which fabric to choose?

When asking what fabric to choose for the bedroom, which one is best, most often the eye stops at soft silk, natural linen, or playful flock. These delicate drapes pair well with matte organza and give the bedroom a soft, pleasant look.

“Natural” styles are popular in the modern world. If you are a fan of old cozy rooms, then country style is for you. These are chintz, linen and, which will emphasize the atmosphere of antiquity and home comfort. If you are a romantic person, then create the atmosphere with ruffles and flounces, which are known as shabby chic style. This is truly a girlish combination: frills, flowers, delicate shades. The main thing is not to forget about a sense of proportion and not to overdo it with the decor.

The lightness of tulle materials will suit the kitchen. They perfectly transmit light and air, which is necessary for comfortable cooking. Sometimes they make light curtains from thin curtains, which will also perfectly decorate a cozy kitchen.

Every detail is important for a children's room. And curtain material is no exception. From birth, parents try to surround their princess daughters with powdery shades, and future defenders with a “masculine” interior.

Our site will help you choose a style, color, and decide on the material for a boy’s and girl’s room. By choosing every little detail, you can achieve balance both in the design and comfort of the room, and in the soul of your own child.

Having figured out what types of curtain fabrics are available, you can safely start decorating your rooms with the help of these useful accessories.

Before heading to the fabric store, try to answer a few questions. Determine for which room you will sew curtains. The choice of fabric largely depends on this. Light curtains made of cotton or linen fabric are suitable for the kitchen window. They create a joyful mood, and besides, they wash well. Synthetics are not very appropriate, since sparks, boiling oil, etc. can get on the curtains.

The main purpose of curtains in the bedroom is to provide peace. They should be quite tight, especially if one of the family members works the night shift and often rests during the day. Better dense fabric in calm tones. Curtains in a nursery should not be dark and gloomy. The material for the curtains that will decorate your living room depends on the overall style of the room. Everything is appropriate here, from classic velvet to undyed linen, if the room is decorated in a folk style. It is best to draw a sketch for each window in advance. This will help determine whether you need two sets of curtains - thick and sheer - or whether you decide to settle for one set.

Measure your windows. You need to know the length of the cornice and the expected length of the product. The amount of material depends on the type of curtains. Straight canvases without any folds or gathers are rarely hung on windows. Light curtains can be with simple ruffles. To determine the amount of fabric, you need to multiply the length of the cornice by 1.5. That is, if you have a window 2 m wide, you need to cover a distance of at least 3 m. With a standard curtain fabric of 2.1 m, you will need 2 lengths of the product, plus 20 cm for processing the top and bottom. If there are folds on the curtain, the length of the curtain rod is multiplied by 2 or even 2.5.

Regardless of where your curtains are hung, the fabric should drape well. In addition, it should not stretch much and change shape. As a rule, special curtain fabrics meet these conditions. Pay attention to the percentage of natural and fiber content. Completely natural fabrics for curtains are not always good because they tend to stretch, especially when it comes to voluminous, heavy curtains. In the kitchen, of course, you can hang curtains made of chintz, satin and even cambric. Materials consisting exclusively of artificial fibers hold their shape perfectly, but they do not allow air to pass through well and do not trap dust very successfully, and this is one of the functions of curtains. Therefore, it is better to choose a mixed fabric where the content of artificial fibers does not exceed 50%.

As for the drawing, it all depends on the characteristics of the room. Curtains for the bedroom should not be colorful; a large, bright pattern will interfere with rest. In a nursery, the pattern can be bright - balls, cubes, toys, animals, etc. The child should be interested in looking at the curtains. Classic curtains for the living room are usually plain or with a slightly noticeable pattern, including relief. But colorful curtains, and even ones sewn from scraps, are also possible.

As for transparent curtains, the modern housewife has quite a large choice. Classic tulle, organza, tulle of different colors, guipure - there is plenty to choose from. The good thing about tulle is that it doesn’t need to be processed at all. The advantages of tulle are its wide canvas, exquisite pattern and ideal fabric structure for curtains.

Thick curtains for windows are popular at any time of the year. This is a stylish and comfortable room design option that helps create a cozy atmosphere in the room.


Typically, blackout curtains are used in the bedroom because they block out bright light. This allows you to create the ideal atmosphere for a full, long sleep. It is also convenient that in the summer, when the sun rises very early, the thick fabric prevents the rays from entering the room and you can sleep longer.

Night curtains made of thick fabrics are called drapes. Such a curtain, in addition to increased light insulation, has several other significant advantages. By hanging such curtains on the windows, you can be sure that your room will become much more comfortable.

The curtain will block not only the light coming from the street, but also noise and even cold air. Well, in the summer, accordingly, such curtains will save you from the heat.

When buying curtains, you need to focus on their density. Depending on the material chosen, you can get a denser fabric, or, conversely, a slightly translucent one.

The thickest curtains are used to protect from the sun. Thinner ones can be hung in any room. They will allow you to hide what is happening in the room from prying eyes.


Since it is the quality of the fabric that affects the density of the curtains, it is worth talking about the material separately. Let's look at the most popular types of fabrics that are used to create blackout curtains, as well as their features.

  • Cotton. This natural fabric can have different densities. Its main advantage is that it is a fairly durable and wear-resistant material that serves its intended purpose for a long time. Cotton curtains can be neutral colors or dyed. However, over time, the paint may fade, especially if your windows face south and the material is constantly exposed to the sun.

In order for cotton curtains to maintain their beautiful appearance longer, they need to be properly cared for. Wash them without bleach if possible, and straighten them well when drying.

  • Linen. Another high-quality natural material that is used to create curtains is linen. This fabric is denser and even stiffer.

The main disadvantage of the material is that all the folds and irregularities are visible on it. Therefore, it is better to buy linen blinds with lining. It is needed because the fabric fades very quickly in the sun.

  • Silk. If you need a fabric that does not wrinkle, then you should pay attention to silk. This is a fairly expensive material that is sensitive to temperature and high humidity. But, of course, it also has the advantage of a beautiful appearance.

Silk curtains are most often used to decorate bedrooms or living rooms where you want to create a luxurious atmosphere.

  • Wool. Heavy and light-proof curtains can also be made from wool. The good thing about sheepskin is that it makes very elastic curtains that absorb all the noise from the street.

They should only be washed by hand in warm water. They cannot be soaked in water for a long time, and in general you need to be extremely careful when handling such material.

  • Synthetics. You can also get dense, heavy fabrics from synthetics. Such curtains can be completely synthetic or made from natural fibers mixed with synthetics .

The good thing about artificial fibers is that they make natural fabric easier to care for and more elastic.

Among synthetic curtains there are different material options. Firstly, it is polyester - a very durable, but at the same time soft fabric. It looks good on the window and does not wrinkle. You can also pay attention to viscose and acetate.

  • Brocade. Curtains made of brocade look expensive and beautiful. This material is based on a combination of the two already mentioned above - cotton and natural wool. This fabric is often complemented by a voluminous pattern.

Most often, the top of the window is draped with similar material, while classic curtains made of thinner fabrics are hung below.

  • Chintz. This fabric has a beautiful shiny texture. A special composition is applied to its surface to impart this same shine.

Chintz curtains can be either plain or decorated with different patterns. Such products pleasantly please with their density, since they do not wrinkle at all.

  • Damascus. Damascus curtains can be matte or shiny. To create damask fabric, a combination of wool, cotton and silk is used. All these fibers, combined with each other, look very impressive. Damascus is used to create beautiful curtains and blinds.

  • Atlas. Another type of shiny fabric. The back of these curtains has a pleasant matte finish, while the outer part has a beautiful shine.

Long products from the ceiling to the floor, made of satin, look best.

  • Taffeta. This is a tough material. On the one hand, this is an advantage, and on the other, a disadvantage. Curtains look voluminous and lush. The material shines, but does not match all interiors.

  • Velvet. Along with satin and brocade curtains, velvet curtains also look luxurious. The slightly fleecy surface quickly collects dust, but at the same time, such curtains are quite easy to care for.

Of course, this is not the entire list of fabrics. You can find other options if you browse the selection at many stores.


What should the width be?

The width of dense products is selected depending on how wide your window is and what the overall design of your room is. If you want to drape a wall with a beautiful velvet or satin fabric, then it is better to take a large piece of it. This way you will not only hide the window, but also create a beautiful basis for your interior.

If your main task is simply to close the window, and all you require from the curtain is that it does not let in light and noise, then take the fabric a few centimeters wider than the window.

The curtains should definitely extend beyond the edges of the windows to ensure that light does not leak into small gaps.

Fashion models

Curtains are a significant part of the interior. They should fit into the overall concept of the room and fit well with other details in your room. Let's look at a few stylish models made from thick fabrics.

  • Japanese. Oriental decorative elements are now popular among domestic designers. Japanese curtains are canvases that are even along the entire length, which are complemented with rigid inserts at the top and bottom. They allow you to move the curtains in the desired direction. This can be opening in one direction or in the center in different directions.

  • Classic. Another common option for thick curtains is classic. They can be additionally secured with hinges when opening. There are also options with a magnet with a pattern or with a tie.

If you buy an option with a tie or loop, then it should be made of the same material as the curtain itself.

If desired, classic blackout curtains can be complemented with beautiful drapery or a lambrequin. It looks luxurious, especially in a classic interior.

  • Rolled. Thick roller blinds are also often found in interiors. They look very simple in appearance. Such curtains resemble a simple fabric that is wound on a shaft located at the top. When you need to open the curtains, you simply pull them down in one simple motion. This mechanism is as convenient as blinds. At the height you need, you can fix the curtains in one position.

  • Roman. Roman blinds have a similar opening principle. They also go upstairs. But such curtains are not rolled into rolls, but are assembled into horizontal assemblies.

These curtains cost a little more, but the beautiful pattern and expensive fabric are definitely worth it.

  • Austrian. These curtains, unlike the previous ones, are pulled together with laces. Most often they open to one side. The laces pass through special loops or rings. Unlike blinds or Roman shades, these look straight when opened.

Color solutions

There is even greater variety in terms of colors and prints. Depending on the color of your room, you can choose darker or lighter curtains.

The simplest and most neutral colors are white, beige, and coffee. You can also choose beautiful colored fabrics: pink, burgundy, blue.

The main thing to consider here is how well the color of the curtains combines with the color of the wallpaper or other fabrics in your room.

Curtains are an essential element of the interior, its finishing touch. They can not only decorate a room, but also literally transform it and emphasize the individuality of the design. And the main role in the implementation of textile decoration is undoubtedly played by the material.

Before deciding which fabric to choose for curtains, an experienced designer will think through all the nuances: style, fabric texture, color and pattern, consistency with style, functional tasks, purpose of each room.

Curtain material

The key selection criterion is softness and pliability of drapery. From both an aesthetic and an environmental point of view, the best curtains are made from fabrics with fibers of natural origin, highly breathable and hypoallergenic. True, there are also disadvantages: shrinkage, susceptibility to fading, difficulty in care. Therefore, from the line of natural textiles, materials containing polyester are recommended.

Polyester, acrylic and nylon analogues “breathe” worse than natural ones. Pros: artificial fabrics do not fade, do not wrinkle, and are easy to care for.

The most common fabrics for curtains

Chenille. This is a finely fleecy fabric, it can be jacquard (a pattern of fluffy and smooth threads). Chenille curtains are dense, drape beautifully and practically do not wrinkle.

Jacquard. Strong and durable because it has a two-layer textured pattern due to the interweaving of threads.

Tapestry. 100% high-density cotton, pleasant to the touch. Stylish and formal option.

Velor and velvet. Good quality soft fabrics that flow beautifully when draped. A characteristic feature of velor curtains is their thick (matte or shiny) pile.

Taffeta. The material is of medium density, with a characteristic metallic sheen, rustling, angular in drapery. Suitable for interior design in high-tech, loft, constructivism styles, protects from the sun.

Satin. The fabric has a shiny and smooth face, is thin but retains its shape. It is made from both cotton and synthetic fibers.

Organza. Thin and transparent, with tightly twisted fibers, and therefore rigid. Organza can only be shiny.

Veil. Smooth, thin, translucent fabric, has a matte surface, gives the interior a sophisticated look.

The color is usually chosen in accordance with the main shade of the walls and furniture, but a tone darker or lighter. There are other rules for choosing shades and patterns:

  • With pale interior colors, if you want to add a color accent, the curtains should be bright. If the design of the room is catchy, the textiles should be neutral.
  • To visually enlarge the room, light shades of curtains are chosen.
  • The ceiling will appear higher if the curtains have a pattern of vertical stripes.
  • For a tall and narrow room, it is preferable to choose a pattern with horizontal stripes - they will optically expand the space.
  • If the fabric has a thick pattern, you shouldn’t drape it too much, as the folds will hide the pattern.
  • In the drawing, it is desirable to have decor of the same color or shape as the individual details on the floor or walls.

The classic textile design of windows is a combination of thick, heavy curtains and light tulle. Tulle can be matte and transparent, plain and shiny. The best fabrics for it are considered to be voile and organza, as the most delicate materials.

Features of the rooms

Living room

The living room is the “face” of your home; accordingly, textile design must fully comply with this definition.

Of course, the choice depends on the overall style of the living room. Thus, the English style implies additional details - festoons, lambrequins, flowing folds. Japanese interiors require translucent materials, the French prefer airy and at the same time luxurious folds, and in the east, windows are decorated with brocade and transparent organza. In cold high-tech, soft, muted shades are organic. Curtains for a classic living room are made from conservative tapestry or spectacular jacquard. To get acquainted with various interior styles, we advise you to study the sections Interior styles with descriptions.

If the room is spacious, it is worth using heavy, dense fabrics (brocade, jacquard, velvet), which allow you to beautifully drape large windows. Small living rooms with standard ceilings are usually decorated with light flowing fabrics (silk, fine wool, velor, linen, viscose). For a window with a door to a balcony or loggia, the best choice would be artificial materials that are easy to wash and clean.

In any case, textiles should not only emphasize your taste and status, but also create the right mood, a cozy and friendly atmosphere.


The choice of curtains for the bedroom always takes into account the needs of its owners, and, as a rule, we are talking about maximum coziness and comfort.

The fabric is selected in accordance with the size of the windows, the level of illumination, and the location of the room. A lot depends on the intended interior style. In modern bedrooms it is customary to use high-quality and laconic materials - taffeta of different shades, cotton and polyester. Silk, taffeta, and jacquard are suitable for oriental bedrooms. A “Provence” or “country” bedroom is decorated with natural textiles - linen, cotton. Northern style prefers light, functional curtains and translucent tulle.

Flowing, soft fabrics are appropriate in the bedroom - and at the same time dense, not letting in the light of the sun. The colors are usually neutral, non-irritating - shades of peach, golden, beige, or noble “powdered” cool tones.


Curtains in a children's room should not only be practical, but also environmentally friendly - they need natural, “breathable” fabrics. Linen, wool, and cotton are suitable, having a smooth texture and a small admixture of artificial fibers (nylon or polyester), which will ensure durability and easy cleaning.

For little ones, the best choice is cotton curtains. Note: fleecy fabrics are inappropriate for a child of any age, as they accumulate dust and can be a source of allergies.


What fabric to choose for kitchen curtains? Of course, practical, easy to care for and wrinkle-free. It is better to choose from synthetic materials that do not absorb odor. Layers of textiles are used extremely rarely, because you have to clean the kitchen every day.

Organza, silk acetate, and cotton blends in country colors are optimal for the kitchen. Translucent polyester looks stylish: such curtains will not block the view from the window and will scatter the bright rays of the sun.

How to calculate the amount of fabric?

First of all, measure the windows: height, width, length of the cornice and the length of the gap from the top of the opening to the ceiling. In addition to the dimensions, it is necessary to clearly clarify the style of future curtains - the assembly factor (fabric width) depends on this:

  1. Decorative (static) ones have a coefficient of 1.2 - 1.5, that is, with a cornice length of 2 m, the width of the canvas should be about 3 m.
  2. Functional (opening and closing the window opening) are usually denser - coefficient from 1.7 to 2.
  3. Tulle has the highest gathering factor: 2 - 3.

The width of a number of materials is 1.5 m, which means that for thickness, several panels will have to be connected with a longitudinal seam. You should take into account the repeat (pattern shift) and allowances for hems at the top and bottom (20 and 10 cm).