The topic of the lesson in dow is research activities. Lesson on cognitive and research activities in the senior group "Magic Pantry" lesson plan (senior group) on the topic

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on cognitive development “How to distinguish sugar from salt without tasting them.”

Goal: familiarize children with substances (salt, sugar) and their properties.


1. Expand and deepen children’s understanding of the world around them through familiarization with the properties of sugar and salt (smell, taste, color, crystal shape, solubility).

2. Develop children’s observation skills, their ability to analyze, compare, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.

3. Cultivate perseverance, respect for one’s health, interest and ability to work in groups and teams.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive and research.

Vocabulary work: crystals, stems, sugar cane, root vegetables (tops, roots, particles.

Preliminary work:

1. Review of encyclopedias and illustrations.

2. Didactic game “Properties of Objects”, “Adventures of Little People”

3. Conducting research and experiments.

Methods and techniques: Visual: presentation, diagrams, verbal: questions, teacher’s story, child’s story, positive motivation, artistic expression, practical actions: conducting experiments.

Equipment: Black cardboard, magnifying glasses, 2 cups of water, measuring spoons, straws - all according to the number of children. Containers for sugar and salt. Salt, sugar.

1Progress of educational activities:

Guys, guests have come to us, let's say hello to them.

Guys, what a wonderful day it is today. I would like to know in what mood you entered the group:

If you come in a good mood, smile.

If you like talking to guys, raise your hands!

Who doesn't like to quarrel, clap your hands!

If you try to treat people with respect and know how to listen to answers, shake hands.

Last night I received an amazing letter by email, it was addressed to you: the children of the senior group of the Aquarelle kindergarten. I'll read it now:

“Hello, dear guys! Professor Lyuboznaykin writes to you. I learned that in your kindergarten there are smart and inquisitive children who love to make different discoveries. Therefore, I invite you to take part in a scientific conference. We scientists need your help! Help me find the answer to a very important question: “How to distinguish sugar from salt without tasting the substance?” Urgently send us the results of your observations and research to the Scientific Research Institute. Professor Lyuboznaykin." Here's the letter, guys. Ready to take part in the conference? What scientific question do you need to conduct research on? (...)

I invite you to a laboratory of interesting research. Who knows what a laboratory is? (children answer)

That's right, this is where scientists express their assumptions and conduct experiments. But before we start research, what are the rules of conduct in the laboratory?

Children: You can’t make noise or disturb each other. Patiently listen to others' opinions, etc.

That’s right, and I want to give you a master’s cap and a laboratory assistant’s diary, in which you will record the results of your experiments and write down your conclusions. Come to our scientific laboratory. (we go from group to class).

Let's start our study with observation. Of course, you saw that each of you had on the table an Observation Ring, a magnifying glass, black velvet paper and two cups/saucers, one of which contained salt and the other sugar.

The first assistant of our smart smart head is our hand. What are we going to do now? (Let's touch the substance and say what it feels like.)

What did your hands feel, what did the 1st substance feel like, the 2nd? (hard, slightly prickly/smooth)

Open the laboratory assistant's journal, write down schematically what conclusion you made.


Salt and sugar are very small particles, it is very difficult for us to see them. What will help us? (Magnifying glass, because it magnifies objects several times)

How do substances differ in appearance? What can we say about the color of these substances? Shape? Size?

(By color: 1st substance is white, 2nd with a yellow, creamy tint

according to form:

You and I can conclude that sugar and salt are different in shape.


Children, do you think sugar and salt have a smell? Try smelling them carefully. Why careful? That's right, because these are bulk substances and, when determining the smell, they cannot be brought close to the nose. What can you say about the smell? Do they smell the same?

What does the yellowish substance smell like (sugar? Caramel, vanilla)

What does the white substance (salt) smell like? Nothing.

We can tell that these substances have different smells. One substance smells like caramel and vanilla, while the other is odorless.

Conclusion: sugar and salt have different smells.


Try rubbing the substances between your fingers, what sound do you hear?

Conclusion: both substances produce a crunchy, rustling sound.

One day, Timur asked me: what is sugar made from? Are you guys interested in learning the story of how they learned to make sugar and where it came from?

(the teacher invites the children to pay attention to the monitor screen)

Show presentation.

Where did sugar come from? The same one that we habitually put in our cup of tea every day? Its homeland is hot tropical countries. In those places on earth where there are no cold winters, tall grass with sweetish stems grows - sugar cane. 2000 years ago in India, juice was squeezed out of sugar cane and sweet syrup was boiled until crystals formed. The result was brown sugar.

Travelers who came to India took sugar cane with them. So gradually the reed moved to other warm countries. For a long time, sugar was obtained only from this southern plant. Therefore, it was very expensive, especially in the northern countries, where sugar cane did not want to grow, no matter how hard they tried. We decided to find a replacement for the capricious stranger. We tried to get sugar from sweet plants, from pumpkins, from plums. But white beets won. From white beet roots, sugar was obtained no worse than overseas sugar - cane sugar.

Beets are grown in fields in all regions of our country. With the arrival of autumn, people harvest crops using machines.

What part of the beets do you think is used to make sugar? (children answer)

The harvester separates the tops from the roots and the root crops are transported to the sugar factory. There the beets are washed and cut into shavings. It is then placed in cauldrons of water and boiled. The water becomes a sweet syrup. Then it is cleaned and filtered. The resulting syrup is boiled until crystals are obtained. This is sugar!

Tell me, how does salt get on our tables? Who knows where it comes from? Is it also obtained from vegetables? (….) Showing a presentation about salt.

All the salt on our planet in one way or another comes from the world's oceans, dry seas and salt lakes. After all, in the oceans and seas the water is salty.

Salt is obtained from salt mines, springs, salt lakes and from the sea.

In salt mines, the tunnels and corridors sparkle as if they were made of ice. Miners cut out blocks, which are then broken into pieces, loaded into trolleys and transported upstairs on special trains.

Salt is also mined in another way. Special shallow pools - salt presses - are built on the seashore.

Sea water is poured into them through a special channel.

The hot sun heats the water, and it quickly evaporates, and the salt it brings remains in the pool.

Guys, tell me, can we EXPERIMENTALLY determine where salt and sugar are?

Please answer the question, with the help of what substance do sugar and salt become invisible? (this substance is WATER). To carry out the next experiment with salt and sugar, we will also need water.

Experience No. 1. "Whether it will float or sink"

Experiment No. 2 “Add fire.”

3. Final part. Summing up.

Tell me, did we manage to answer Professor Lyuboznaykin’s question: “How to distinguish sugar from salt without tasting the substance?”

What did we learn today in our laboratory? (children answer using their notes)

Educator. Many more interesting discoveries await us. Today I was pleased to visit our laboratory with you again and conduct research. I thank you for the work you have done.

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution kindergarten No. 5 "Romashka" Beloretsk

Summary of direct educational activities on experimental work in the senior group

Topic: “Salt and its properties. Painting with salt"

Prepared by: Gazizova T.D.


Subject : “Salt and its properties. Painting with salt"

Target : to promote the cognitive and research activities of children through basic experimentation: the ability to conduct experiments, express their assumptions, demonstrate the result with the help of actions and words; develop holistic perception, the ability to reproduce a holistic image of an object, develop imagination, creative abilities, cultivate interest in an unconventional type of drawing - painting with salt and PVA glue.

Type of activity : integrated.

Equipment : a letter from aliens in a beautiful unusual envelope, a photo-drawing of an alien, 1 glass of clean water, 1 glass of salt water, a pack of salt, a teaspoon, a lighter, PVA glue according to the number of children, 1 egg, a jar of salt, a sequence plan drawings with salt, dark purple colored cardboard, graphite pencils according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson.

Children stand in a circle.


“All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.(Close your eyes)

One, two, three - magic come soon! "(open your eyes)

Guys, look around. Can you guess where we are now?

Yes, we found ourselves in our magical laboratory. Sit back comfortably and we will start experimenting. (knock on the door, hand over a letter to the teacher)

Oh guys, look, we got a letter(showing a letter with an unusual envelope Let's see who it's from?

Letter : “Dear Earthlings! We are turning to you with a request. We heard that you have delicious food on Earth, and all this is because they addsalt when cooking. We were interested in this substance, the so-called “salt”, what properties does it have, and what else unusual can be done with it? And we would like to know more about him..."


So we were puzzled...Guys, we first need to find out what salt is and what properties it has.

What is salt? ( children's answers )

Right. Salt is the only mineral stone used by humans for food, in its “natural” form - without processing. In nature, salt occurs in the form of the mineral halite, rock salt. (showing a picture )

To learn more about salt and answer the aliens’ letter, let’s conduct experiments.


1. -What color is salt? (White ).

2.-Does it have a smell? Smell it.No smell.

3.-What does it taste like? (salty, bitter, sour )

4.-Let's blow on the salt and see what happens?The salt particles fly apart - the salt is free-flowing.

5.-Pour some water into a jar of salt, where did it go?(water is absorbed into salt)

6.-And if you pour a lot of water, what now? (salt has dissolved)

7.-Now take a drop of salt water on a spoon and heat it on fire.(a drop of salt water on a spoon, a lighter ).Remember guys that we always conduct experiments only with adults.

Now, the water has evaporated, but the salt remains. This means that salt dissolves in water, but does not evaporate.

8.- Take a raw egg, 2 glasses of water, the first glass contains clean water, and the second glass contains very, very salty water.
1. Place a raw egg in a glass of clean water - the egg will sink to the bottom of the glass.

2. Place the egg in a glass of salted water - the egg will float on the surface of the water.
Salt increases the density of water. The more salt there is in the water, the more difficult it is to drown in it. In the famous Dead Sea, the water is so salty that a person can lie on its surface without any effort, without fear of drowning.

Physical education minute:

Quickly stand up, smile,

Higher, higher, pull yourself up.

Come on, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower,

Turned left, right,

Hands touched knees.

They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up,

And they ran on the spot.


Now let's play the game "Say the Word"

Didactic game “Say the word”

White salt….. colors .

Salt has no... smell.

Salt tastes... Salty.

If you inflate on salt, then salt particlesscatter , means salt-….. loose

Salt in water... dissolves , but not... evaporates .

Salt makes water...denser.

Well, guys, we have found out many properties of salt, I will definitely write a response to the aliens’ letter. And now the most interesting thing is that we will draw a space landscape with salt and PVA glue as a souvenir for them, and we will also send it by letter.

Drawing according to the plan diagram. Space landscape .

Sprinkle on top, without necessarily trying to get on the glue. When shaken off, the salt will still remain on the lines of the drawing..

Gently shake off the excess by tilting the sheet and lightly tapping it on the back side. We remove excess salt from the table into a bucket.

Take watercolor paints, a brush and begin the creative process

Bottom line.

- What did you learn about in the laboratory today?(about the properties of salt)

How did we learn about the properties of salt?(conducted experiments )

Guys, salt is necessary for all people. If the food is unsalted, it is completely tasteless and bland. Salt is good for humans if used in moderation.

Thanks everyone for your attention!

Lesson notes on research activities

in the older group.

Subject: Water and sunflower oil.

Target: Improving children's understanding of the various properties of water,introduce the properties of oil


Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;

formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness;

Develop observation skills, the ability to compare, contrast, and draw conclusions;

Continue learning to read diagrams;

To develop children's curiosity, to support the manifestations of independence in understanding the world around them.


Develop communication skills.

Promote the formation of social partnership, the desire to act together with peers, enjoying joint activities.


Cultivate curiosity and interest in the world around you.

Equipment: aprons according to the number of children, glue, glue plates, brushes, napkins, pipettes, dissolved food coloring.

Demo material:

Illustrations of plants, Euler circles, a diagram of the properties of water, two dark-colored bottles with sunflower oil and water, the numbers “1” and “2” on the bottles.

Handout: work cards for research, A4 sheet divided into 8 columns and 3 horizontal stripes, the first column is not filled in; 2 columns - the picture “tongue” is blacked out, 3 - the “nose” is crossed out with red lines, 4 - an empty glass, 5 - drawings of a triangle, square, 6 - a rainbow, 7 - a glass with a piece of sugar, 8 - a hand; red and green chips, disposable cups, spoons, salt, brushes, a set of pictures of a sunflower and water droplets.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about water.

Examination of illustrations and paintings depicting sunflowers.

Guessing riddles.

Experimental activity with water, comparing stone with wood

While comparing stone to wood, children filled out a research sheet. Wood and stone were compared based on characteristics such as buoyancy, weight, flammability, heating, and use in construction. The following research sheets were compiled.

A tour of the kitchen, meeting the chef and the work of the cooks.

GCD move:

1. Conversation between the teacher and the children about the time of year.


A phone call with a request to help the cook determine which bottle contains oil.

3. Conversation.

Educator: -What is oil? Why does a cook need butter? What is oil made from and what is it called?

4. Didactic game “Form a new word.”

The teacher shows a picture, the children name the plant and form a word with the question “Which one?”

Pumpkin - pumpkin, nut - nut, olives - olive, tomato - tomato,corn - corn, sunflower - sunflower, mustard - mustard, flax - flax, burdock - burdock, cotton - cotton, grapes - grape,cucumber - cucumber.

Place the plants from which oil is made on a magnetic board.

5. Research activities.

We will conduct research. We need to put on aprons and take our places at the table. You have sheets for research, we will glue red circles if this property does not exist, green circles if the substance has this property.

Let's remember the properties of water: transparency, colorlessness, no smell, no taste, no form, solvent.

Let's move on to the research.

6. Practical activities.

The contents of 1 bottle are poured into cups and experimental activities are carried out.

Children sniff the contents, taste them, add salt or sugar, and add dye.

After the research, the children at the tables glue the chips in the first line: red - this property does not exist, green - this property exists.

For example: column 2 - “tongue” is crossed out with red lines, the contents of the first bottle have no taste - green chip.

7. Physical exercise.

Two sisters - two hands

They cut, build, dig,

Weeds tearing up in the garden

And they wash each other.

Two hands knead the dough -

Left and right

Sea and river water

They paddle while swimming.

8.Continue experimenting with the 2nd bottle.

Define transparency

Does the substance have color?

Is there a smell?

Does sugar dissolve in our case;

Does it leave a mark on your hands?

9. Conclusion.

Let's read, children, what we got on the sheets.

Which bottle is the water in? Why?

Glue the sunflower to the line, a drop of water to the water according to the signs.

We check the teacher’s checklist.

10.Working with Euler circles.

We place signs of water in the red circle, and oil in the blue circle.

What's in common? What sign should we place in the intersection?

(look at the sheet)

Summary of the lesson.

What new things have you learned? What else would you like to know?

In our next lesson we will talk about how butter is made.

Now we need to take the oil to the kitchen so they can prepare dinner for us.

Lesson on research activities in the senior group "Tricks of Koshchei"

Systematization of knowledge about magnets based on expanding and clarifying ideas about the properties of a magnet.
- Develop knowledge about magnets.
- To form in children an interest and understanding of the properties of a magnet, the ability to acquire knowledge through practical experiments, to draw conclusions and generalizations.
- Develop skills of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look how many guests came to us today, let's tell you about ourselves.
We are all friendly guys.
We are preschool children.
We don't offend anyone.
We know how to care.
We will not leave anyone in trouble.
We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it.
May everyone be well
It will be joyfully light.
1 slide:
Sad music is playing. (Ivan Tsarevich comes in).
-Look, someone is coming towards us. Yes, this is Ivan Tsarevich.
- Hello, guys!
-What's happened? Why are you so upset?
-Koshey stole my sword and sent me a very strange letter.
-Guys, let's listen to the message of Koshchei the Immortal:
I cut your sword into pieces,
He cast a witchcraft spell.
You will find your sword
If you complete all the tasks.
-So I decided to turn to you guys for help. Please help me return the sword and break the spell.
- Guys, can we help?
- Of course, we will help you.
-Let's look at the task.
Slide 2:
1 task. There are various items in the bowl. We need to lift iron objects without hands.
-To complete this task, what item do we need?
-Magnet! What is this?

Magnets are pieces of iron or steel that have the ability to attract metal objects
- Yes, so interesting, where did he come from?
-Listen, Ivan Tsarevich, Misha will tell you about this.
In the old days there was a shepherd; his name was Magnis. Magnis lost his sheep. He went to the mountains to search. I came to one place where there were only bare stones. He walked on these stones and felt that his boots were sticking to these stones. He touched it with his hand - the stones were dry and did not stick to his hands.
I went again - again my boots stuck. He sat down, took off his shoes, took the boot in his hands and began to touch the stones with it.
If you touch it with leather and sole, they don’t stick, but if you touch it with nails, it will stick.
Magnis had a stick with an iron tip. He touched a stone with wood - it doesn’t stick; I touched it with iron and it stuck so much that I had to tear it off.
Magnis examined the stone, saw that it looked like iron, and brought pieces of the stone home. Since then they recognized this stone and called it a magnet.
-Thank you for the interesting legend. This is the first time I have heard about such a stone. There are no such stones in my kingdom-state. I really want your magnet to help me.
-Well, guys, let's move on to Koshchei's tasks. To complete his tasks we need to go to the laboratory. Who works in the laboratory? (Scientists, laboratory assistants, researchers)
- How should you work in the laboratory? (be careful, take your time, listen carefully, don’t push and keep quiet.)
- We invite you, Ivan Tsarevich, to the laboratory. Guys, we need to put on dressing gowns. (Children put on dressing gowns).
- Now look again at Koshchei’s task. What do we need to do?
-How will we complete this task?
-Let's hold the magnet over the objects.
- Let's do it. What happened?

-Using a magnetic field, a magnet attracts iron objects.
Slide 3:
-Oh, you guys are great! Look, your magic stone really helped me.
-Completed 1 task, and one part of the sword appeared.
Slide 4:
Task 2. Koschey hid iron objects in the rump. We need to find them without our hands.
-What will help us again?
-How will we complete this task?
-Let's hold the magnet over the cereal.
- Let's do it. What happened?
-Iron objects are attracted to the magnet.
-Why are iron objects attracted to a magnet?
-Magnetic forces pass through the grain.
Slide 5:
-We completed this task of Koshchei and obtained another part of the sword.
-Look, look! And another part of the sword was found. How you made me happy, but I see that you are already a little tired. I invite you to stand in a circle. Let's play a little and relax.

If the work is going well, clap like that.
If the work is going well, clap like that.

If the work is going well, click like this.
If work is going well, we will smile at each other.
If the work is going well, click like this.

If the work is going well, go ahead.
If work is going well, we will smile at each other.
If the work is going well, go ahead.

If the work is going well, say: good!
If work is going well, we will smile at each other.
If the work is going well, say: good!
-Let's go to the laboratory and continue.
Slide 6:
3 task from Koshchei. There is a paper clip at the bottom of a glass of water. You have to get it out without getting your hands wet.
-How will we complete this task? What are we going to do?
-Use a magnet along the glass and lift the paper clip above the water.
-Why were we able to lift it?
-Magnetic forces pass through both glass and water.
Slide 7:
-Having completed Koshchei’s task, we obtained another part of the sword.
Slide 8:
4 task. Koschey bewitched a butterfly. Only you and I can break the spell.
-On the table, everyone has a cardboard box with flowers and a butterfly on a magnet. We need to help the butterfly fly from one flower to another flower. How to do this without hands? Try it.
-How did you complete this task?
-We brought a magnet under the cardboard and moved it towards the flower.
-Were we able to complete the task? What can you say about magnetic force?
-The magnetic force also passes through the cardboard.
Slide 9:
-Completed the task and obtained another part of the sword.
Slide 10:
Task 5. Make a magnet from a nail. How do we do this?
-Rub the nail with a magnet.
-Try to lift the paperclip.
-What happened? The nail lifted the paperclip.
-Why? What have we created?
-A magnetic field can be created artificially.
Slide 11:
-We completed this task and obtained the last part of the sword.
-Yes, you found parts of the sword, but you couldn’t connect them.
- Don’t worry, Ivan Tsarevich. Let's remember what object helped to cope with witchcraft?
-What have we learned about him?
-Magnet attracts iron objects.
Magnetic forces pass through cardboard, cereal, glass and water.
A magnetic field can be created artificially.
Slide 12:
-So you and I disenchanted the sword.
-Thank you guys for your help. I learned a lot of useful and interesting things from you. It’s hard for me to live without a sword, what kind of prince will I be then? And I want to thank you for your help. I have a chest of gold. I give it to you.
-Good luck to you, Ivan Tsarevich!

Presentation on the topic: Koshchei’s tricks

Rafikova Irina Khalilovna,


MBDOU DS KV No. 7 "Forget-me-not"

city ​​of Megion

Program tasks :

Target: Introducing children to the difference of wind through searching activities.

Educational objectives.

Introduce children to such a natural phenomenon as wind, its properties and role in human life.

Teach children to observe, conduct experiments and draw their own conclusions.

Educational task

Cultivate an interest in experimental activities and a love of nature.

Developmental tasks.

Continue to develop logical thinking and imagination. Activate the vocabulary (wind, breeze, wind, prickly, gentle, snowstorm, blizzard, blizzard).


Educator: Guys, do you want to listen to a fairy tale?

Children: Yes.

Educator: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived three brothers. The older brother is Vetrishche, the middle one is Veterok, and the younger brother is Veterok. One day a dispute broke out between them: which of them was the most necessary and important. The older brother came forward and began to prove.

I'm chasing flocks of clouds

I'm stirring the blue sea

Everywhere I breathe in the open air.

Educator: Guys, strong wind is bad, why do you think?

Children: Destroys houses, howls, overturns cars, uproots trees.

Educator: Strong wind is good, why do you think?

Children: Disperses the clouds, drives large ships, the mill turns.

Educator: Guys, what other word can be used to call Vetrishche?

Children: Hurricane, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, tornado, blizzard.

Educator: Okay, now we will turn into a wind and prove that a strong wind is good and sometimes bad.

Experience (Sea)

Fill a deep container with water and launch the ships. Children blow a lot.

Educator: Guys, what conclusion can we draw?

Children: A strong wind is a very strong movement of air and is dangerous.

Educator: Now listen to what happened next. Then the middle brother came out and began to prove that he was the most important and necessary.

I howl, I howl, I tell fortunes

Fluffy snow I'm circling

I'm walking in the field, not a horse,

I fly freely, but I’m not a bird.

Educator: You want to play with the wind.

Educator: I have a game called Transformer, it can turn you into anyone you want. Stand freely.


The game of transformation

Turn around yourself

And turn into trees

Imitation game "Tree"

Children: Our feet are roots

Our torso is a trunk

Our hands are branches

Our fingers are leaves.

(Children sway like trees in the wind)

Children turn into trees

Educator: A light breeze blew and the flowers rustled in the trees. (fingers move, the wind has increased - the branches swayed). (children move their hands).

The weather has completely deteriorated, a strong wind is shaking the branches of the trees, bending their trunks (Children swing their arms and bend from side to side.)

But then the wind died down and the sun came out. The trees are resting from the storm.

Educator: Let the trees become children. You and I watched the wind while walking. Can we create artificial wind here indoors?

Children: This is not a strong air movement.

Experience with a fan

Turn on the fan. The air begins to move. Wind is the movement of air.

Educator: And finally it was the turn of the younger brother. Then he began to prove that he was the most necessary and important.

In front of you I'm a breeze

Restless Windbreaker

On the sides of the roads

I run like a kid.

Educator: Guys, now we will meet with our younger brother. I suggest you wave your hands at yourself. How did you feel?

Children: breeze.

Educator: Here are some sheets of paper for you, and I suggest you wave these sheets at yourself. Are you comfortable? Nice? What needs to be done?

Children wave a fan

Educator: Place a piece of paper in front of you vertically. We bend the edge and smooth the fold. – Let us wave a fan at ourselves and how did you feel?

Children: Air movement, coolness, freshness, pleasant feeling.

Educator: What is a breeze?

Children: This is a weak air movement.

Educator: Guys, let’s give our fans to our guests, let them also be pleased.

Educator: These three brothers argue to this day and cannot decide which of them is important and necessary. What do you think?

Children: Children's answers.

Educator: Each of the brothers is important and needed in nature. And at parting, listen to these beautiful words:

It's good that the sun is shining!

It's good that the wind is blowing!

It's good that this forest has grown straight to the skies

It’s good that this river has very blue water.

And we are always friendly.

Literature used

1.V.N, Volochkova N.V. Stepanova. Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten. Cognitive development. Educational and methodological manual for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: TC “Teacher”, 2004.

2. ABC of physical exercises for preschoolers: Practical development of physical exercises, game exercises, gymnastic complexes and outdoor games. M.: VAKO, 2005

3. Veraksa N.E., Galimov O.R. Cognitive and research activities of preschool children. For working with children 4-7 years old.-M.: MOZAYKA-SYNTHEZ, 2012

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- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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