Soil stabilization technology. Classification of soil stabilizers in road construction

This technology was invented by ANT-Engineering LLC in 2006. To date, more than 150 km of roads of various categories have been built in Russia and abroad. Highways built using ANT technology are operated in all climatic zones: from the desert to the Arctic Circle.

The main element of the technology is the preparation “Soil and organic-mineral mixture stabilizer “ANT” (eng. - “ant”). It is used both independently for soil stabilization, and together with inorganic or organic binders for strengthening.

The principle of operation of the soil stabilizer "ANT"

The ANT soil stabilizer is a Russian product and is produced in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. It is a complex organic preparation. Its action is aimed at carrying out redox reactions in the soil. Produces a directed oxidative reaction by exposing the surface of the soil particle to molecular oxygen, as well as in the cement (if used). As a result, new oxides are formed. chemical elements contained in the soil. Then, the previously attached oxygen is separated, and a reverse reduction reaction occurs, which leads to the formation of new crystalline compounds in the soil between its particles.

This reaction completely repeats the processes of formation of sedimentary rocks in earth's crust. If we had the opportunity to increase the load during compaction of the treated soil by more than 5 times, then we would be able to obtain reinforced soils with a strength grade of over M200. But, unfortunately, modern technology and methods of road works do not allow us to achieve these results.

In addition, the stabilizer contains surfactants in its composition, which makes it possible to achieve the maximum coefficient of soil compaction, and, consequently, obtaining a material with less presence of capillaries. This allows you to significantly reduce the water absorption of stabilized and fortified soils.

5 key benefits

1. High physical and mechanical properties.

Soils reinforced with Stabilizer "ANT", have high physical and mechanical properties and fully comply with the requirements of GOST 23558-94 "Crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures and soils treated with inorganic binders for road and airfield construction."

For example, during the construction of roads of the V technical category of the transitional type, it is sufficient to install one layer of reinforced soil with a thickness of h = 15 cm. This structural layer is designed for traffic with an axle load of up to 8TC. The total modulus of elasticity on the surface of this layer will be more than 150 MPa.

2. Low consumption, as well as its low estimated cost.

The consumption is 0.007% of the mass of the soil. When carrying out road construction work, 1 liter per 7.5 m 3 of the future layer is required. For the construction of 1 km of a motorway of category IV–V, i.e. device 6000m 2 layers of reinforced soil, 15cm thick, the stabilizer consumption will be 120 liters, the estimated cost, respectively, is 312,000 rubles or 52 rubles / m 2.

3. Simplification of the processes of stabilization and strengthening of soils.


  • lack of maintenance of hardened soils;
  • the possibility of resuming the movement of vehicles immediately after the compaction of the layer;
  • no need for expansion joints.

4. UsabilitySoil stabilizer "ANT"both alone and together with inorganic and organic binders.

When using the Stabilizer together with cement, the strength properties of reinforced soils increase by more than 30% relative to control samples without it.

When used in conjunction with bitumen emulsions or foamed bitumen, there is a better distribution of the binder throughout the volume of the soil, an increase in the adhesion of binder particles to the soil and a subsequent increase in the physical and mechanical properties of reinforced soils.

5. Complete environmental safety.

Stabilizer "ANT" does not have any negative impact on the environment and is 100% environmentally friendly. When carrying out road construction works, it is not required to provide technical personnel with additional means of protection. Also, it does not have a negative impact on the components of machines and mechanisms.

Scope of soil stabilizer "ANT"

    arrangement of foundations for motor roads of category I–V, non-rigid and rigid types;

    road surfaces IV - V category of transitional type;

    stabilization of the sole and the working layer of the subgrade;

    as an additive when strengthening soils with organic or complex binders.

Independently Stabilizer "ANT" can be used for stabilization clay soils with plasticity number from 1 to 17 (sandy loam, loam, clay). Stabilized soils can be used to stabilize the sole or working layer of the subgrade, as well as the construction of the lower layers of the bases.

To obtain reinforced soils, it is necessary to add cement in an amount of 2% -5% by weight of the soil. The rate of cement consumption depends on the type of soil, climate zone and the required strength properties of the reinforced soil. For work, it is possible to use sandy loam, loam, sand and gravel mixtures, low-strength stone materials, waste from crushing stone materials and concrete.

Usage Soil stabilizer "ANT", together with organic or complex binders, it allows to reduce the consumption of binders and increase the strength characteristics of reinforced soils. In addition to the ongoing redox reaction in the soil, the ANT Stabilizer will increase the adhesion of the bituminous binder to the soil, as well as evenly distribute it throughout the entire volume of the soil.

Consumption rate

The required amount of Stabilizer is 0.007% by weight of the soil. When carrying out road works, 1 liter of stabilizer per 7.5 m 3 of the future structural layer is taken as the rate of its consumption.

Consumption rate soil stabilizer "ANT" for every 1000m 2 of construction layer, depending on layer thickness

Soil stabilizer "ANT" is used in the form of an aqueous solution. The required amount of water is calculated based on the natural moisture content of the soil and the optimum during compaction. Also provide for a correction for the amount of water per climatic conditions, type of soil, amount of cement used, etc. In practice, the dissolution ratio of the stabilizer with water ranges from 1:250 to 1:1000.

Road construction options

Road works can be carried out using various options equipment equipment.

    Self propelled recyclers. With their help, during the working shift, a constructive layer of reinforced soils is made, with an area of ​​​​over 5000 m 2. The treated soil mixture is prepared directly on the road, in one pass. The aqueous solution is dosed into the rotor, and its consumption is controlled by the machine's on-board computer. The distribution of cement is carried out before the passage of the recycler.

    When using technogenic soils, it is possible to prepare the mixture on specialized soil-mixing or concrete-mixing plants. Treated soil is laid using an asphalt paver (best results in terms of geometry) or a motor grader. The speed of work production depends directly on the productivity of mixing plants.

    The preparation of the treated soil is also carried out using agricultural cutters and harrows. The penetration into the ground should be 30% higher than the calculated thickness of the structural layer. Best Results achieved using horizontal hinged cutters driven by the tractor's strength selection shaft. In practice, the speed of work per shift is 1000 m 2 or more.

Road construction: soil stabilization technology in application modern materials and construction methods

This technology is a replacement for traditional crushed stone and concrete foundations stabilized soil. This base can be used both independently, without applying a layer of asphalt, and together with it. Construction can be carried out both with and without displacement of the soil (injections of various pressures), using the soil located at the place of work.

In Europe, this technology is used in underground operations and road construction: construction of tunnels, subways, roads, parking areas, highways, airfields, canals and pipeline trenches, as well as the construction of dams and artificial reservoirs, ports, reservoirs (compaction and sealing). In addition, the technology is applicable to the strengthening and sealing of garbage dumps, the construction of urban roads and roads. local importance, sidewalks, bike paths. It is effective in the formation of warehouse and production sites, floors in workshops and hangars, pavement at enterprises, parking lots for cars and trucks, roads and industrial sites in oil storage facilities for processing plants.

The principle of operation of soil stabilization technology is to stimulate the ion exchange of soil particles and water molecules. The system consists of several components: due to their joint action, soil particles approach each other during mechanical compaction under pressure, and soil consolidation occurs.

As a result of the application of this technology, the physical and mechanical parameters of the soil increase, its waterproofing properties and erosion protection improve.

Ground concrete with "Geosta K-1" - road surface

The availability of equipment, today, allows the construction of up to one kilometer of pavement per day. If necessary, the scope of work can be increased to 5-10 km per day with the involvement of additional machines. The attractiveness of using technology lies not only in deadlines construction, as well as in its economy, practicality and durability.

Why are soil stabilization technologies popular in Europe?

Because this technology increases the strength and water resistance of the base of the road, its bearing capacity and resistance to erosion without replacing and moving soil at low dosages of powdered binder (1.5 ... 2.0%). The ecosystem is preserved! Traffic on the constructed site can be opened immediately upon completion of construction. Reduced construction time roadbed, by applying a simple seamless construction method (reducing the need a large number road construction equipment and reducing the waiting time for the completion of work).

It is worth emphasizing that the technology saves not only the time of the construction process, but also money by minimizing transportation costs and with a long service life (low production and maintenance costs, high load capacity and frost resistance).

We noted that the proposed system makes it possible to achieve savings in materials and labor costs from 20% to 30% due to the elimination of crushed stone and labor costs for its delivery, the use of soil at the construction site, which also leads to a reduction in the commissioning time of facilities by 2-3 times, in comparison with similar projects without the use of this technology.

GEOSTA® preparation

"Geosta K-1" (made in the Netherlands) is successfully used in practice in almost all countries of Western Europe, Africa, America and a number of countries on other continents.

The origin of the drug "Geosta K-1" refers to the 70s in Japan. In the early 90s, the technology of its use and production came to Western Europe- Holland. Chemical composition preparation "Geosta K-1" is a mixture of a set of salts, including: chlorides of sodium, magnesium and potassium and additives according to the manufacturer's documentation, protected by a patent and reserved by a trademark.

The drug is in the form of a powder, easily soluble in water, environmentally compatible and does not have any harmful effects on the environment (soils and The groundwater). The Geosta K-1 preparation allows stabilizing soils and their various mixtures with cement, as well as fastening industrial wastes containing, among other things, heavy metals. In the course of many years of experiments on bonding various industrial wastes with the help of Geosta® in the laboratories of the Institute for Road and Bridge Research (IIDM, Warsaw, Poland), positive and promising results have been achieved, opening up the possibility of their disposal (economic use) and complete disposal.

This also applies to the bonding of combustion slags. Positive samples of bonding of combustion slags from steel-smelting metallurgy and zinc production slags were obtained, and flotation dust was also bonded using a mixture of the preparation "Geosta K-1" with cement.

When Geosta K-1, cement and water are combined, a process of complete crystallization occurs, similar to what occurs in soil-cement mixtures. In difficult soils and industrial wastes, the use of Geosta K-1, cement and water gives true stabilization, and the resulting stabilized and bonded mixture (final product) has the following properties:

- compressive strength,
- reduced ability to absorb moisture
- frost resistance
– increased modulus of elasticity
- a homogeneous structure is formed ( fake diamond) with the properties of soil concrete.

The preparation "Geosta K-1" allows to solve many problems: geotechnical, in soil stabilization, in soil stabilization, in hydraulic engineering, in injections of low and high pressure, disposal of industrial waste.

The task of the recycler machine is to mix the mixture of soil, concrete and Geosta ® to a homogeneous mixture at the required depth

Capabilities practical application drug
"G E O S T A K-1"

1. In the construction of roads, sites, parking lots (as "pillows" under the coating, as a base).
2. In the recycling of roads, strengthening existing supports.
3. In the stabilization of slopes, embankments, anti-flood shafts.
4. Strengthening of railway embankments.
5. In the construction of highways and airfields.
6. In the construction of tennis courts, bike paths, sidewalks.
7. In the reclamation and construction of municipal and industrial landfills.
8. Temporary and assembly roads at construction sites.
9. When bonding industrial waste.
10. During the construction of rain and sewer pipelines, gas pipelines, heating mains and technological pipelines.
11. In hydraulic structures.
12. With silt deposits in mines.
13. As an additive in concrete.
14. As an additive in the production of bricks and other building materials.
15. Recommended for solving complex geotechnical and environmental problems.
16. In injections of low and high pressure.


The introduction of Geosta® technology as a means of achieving highquality in road constructions, in world practice has been applied in the last decade and proved its perfection. Geosta® has made it possible to stabilize any type of soil (inincluding silt and slag).

It becomes possible to stabilize with cement in soils where it is traditionally unattainable, for example: soils with organic impurities, soils with humus (chernozems), highly oxidized soils spoiled by chemical waste with a high content of heavy metals.



The amount of raw materials is reduced in comparison with the traditional method. And, in addition, Geosta® reduces the thickness of the structure. The final product is a monolith - hard as a rock, water-repellent and frost-resistant.

Using the Geosta® method significantly reduces the project implementation time.


● No direct or side threat to the ecosystem

● Use of ANY materials: clay, silt, slag, dust-like sand, soils with an admixture of humus, soils with humus, oxidized soils, etc.

● Lower cost compared to conventional method due to:

– increase in compressive strength.

- increased modulus of elasticity.

– resistance to frost, freezing and washing out,

– high productivity in construction.

– a smaller thickness of the asphalt layer (about 1/3 of the thickness asphalt pavement when making the foundation in bulk).

– Reducing wetness by more than 30%

● The use of Geosta® in the road base results in a reduced tendency for micro-cracking in the top layers of the asphalt compared to the traditional method.

Benefits of using the soil stabilization method with Geosta®

● allows whole line geotechnical and construction problems;

● expands the scope of cement, due to the fact that GEOSTA® binds any soil;
● has a positive effect on the hydration process and the course of the grouting process, which increases the strength of the structure and reduces the consumption of cement;
● reduces cement consumption by 12-14% in comparison with the conventional method;
● allows to achieve high elasticity of the structure, which is based on the theory of ion exchange, and its structure (the so-called "layer of honey") indicates a significant concentration and strength;
● gives durability of a design;
● allows to use the properties of stabilized soil - water resistance, reduction of wetness by 25-30%;
● does not threaten environment;
● due to high adhesion, it prevents the washing out of toxic components, and, on the contrary, has the ability to convert heavy metals into their silicate structures;
● allows you to get an impressive effect without the use of specialized equipment;
● This method can be recommended for use in all operations of bonding soil with cement and bonding industrial waste.


 In the construction of hydraulic structures.
 In the construction of highways, airports, roads, foundations storage facilities, parking lots, bike paths.
 In mine construction.
 In bases for machine tools and equipment, factory production lines.
 In the construction and strengthening of slopes, embankments, flood protection ramparts.
 During the construction of rain and sewer pipelines, gas pipelines, heating mains and technological pipelines
 In reclamation and construction of municipal and industrial landfills.
 In individual projects where difficult geotechnical and environmental problems arise.

Taking into account the practical possibilities of using the GEOSTA K-1 preparation, including with industrial waste, specific tests, developments, as well as individual projects are required.


Soil stabilization

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About road construction machines


Soil stabilization

The soils used in road construction have certain limiting strength indicators, i.e., they are able to carry a certain amount of load from moving vehicles.

AT last years was developed new method increasing the strength of soils by adding additives of binders - cement, lime, bitumen, tar. This method is called soil stabilization with binders. The soils strengthened by this method are used for the construction of road foundations under capital coverings from asphalt concrete and for the construction of lightweight pavements instead of asphalt concrete. The cost of building bases and pavements from stabilized soil is 3.5-5 times cheaper than the construction of crushed stone bases or asphalt concrete pavements. A base layer of stabilized soil 30 cm thick is equal in strength to a layer of crushed stone 18-20 cm thick; a light pavement of stabilized soil 15-20 cm thick is equal to the strength of an asphalt concrete pavement 6-10 cm thick.

Previously, road surfaces were built in the form of a cobblestone pavement (cobblestone highway) or by laying a layer of gravel 6-15 cm thick, rolled by carriage wheels or road rollers (gravel or "white" highway). With the development of automobile traffic, the strength of these highways turned out to be insufficient.


The main reason for the rapid destruction of white highways by car wheels is the weak connection of individual gravel with each other.

In addition, due to the high speeds of vehicles, new requirements are imposed on the roads - evenness of the surface, dustlessness and good grip with tires.

The increase in the cohesion of crushed stone in the coating is achieved by introducing organic binders into the thickness of the coating - bitumen or tar, which increases the strength and durability of the road. The presence of binder materials in the coating allows you to evenly roll its surface with rollers, bind dust and thus remove dust from the road and improve tire grip. The organic binder coats the mineral particles with a thin film and binds them together.

A white highway treated with bitumen or tar becomes black and therefore such coatings are called "black".

Soil stabilization can be carried out both on local and imported soils. For stabilization, sandy loam and loam are the most suitable. When stabilizing soils, the upper plant layer (sod) with the roots of grasses and shrubs must be removed, since voids form when the vegetation particles rot.

Soil stabilization consists of the following main operations: - preparation of a strip of soil; – loosening and grinding of soil; - distribution of binder material; - mixing of crushed soil with a binder material; - watering and final mixing with water of crushed soil, mixed with a powdered binder when stabilized with cement or lime; – strip compaction, stabilized soil.

Strip preparation consists in removing the turf layer and roots of stumps and shrubs and in planning the strip with backfilling of local depressions and cutting off mounds and bumps.

At the same time, the subgrade is profiled and side ditches are cut. Strip preparation work is carried out by bulldozers and, if necessary, rooters, as well as graders or motor graders.

If local soils are stabilized, then the corresponding subgrade strip is subjected to loosening and grinding. If stabilization is not carried out on local soil, then desired soil they are brought from the quarry near the coast by scrapers, tractor trailers or dump trucks, the brought soil is distributed and planned on the subgrade and then it is loosened and crushed.

It is advisable to loosen dense, heavy sandy loam and loam with trailed tractor plows and harrows.

Light soils are loosened by trailed tractor cutters, which then crush the loosened soil. Loosening and grinding are carried out by several passes of machines along the processed strip.

The more intensively the soil is crushed, the better and more evenly it mixes with the binder and the stronger the stabilized layer is obtained. In normally crushed soil, the number of particles 3-5 mm in size should not exceed 3-5% by weight, which is checked by special samples.

cement stabilization

Cement or lime is brought to the job site in cement trucks or dump trucks and manually spread with shovels evenly over the treated strip immediately before dry mixing. Special machines for the distribution of cement and lime are not yet manufactured.

The soil is dry mixed with a binder, then watered with water from an asphalt distributor, after which it is finally mixed with several passes of a trailed cutter and compacted with rolling.

Stabilization with bitumen or tar

Bitumen or tar is brought and poured with an asphalt distributor immediately before mixing so that the binder does not cool down.

The soil with the binder is mixed with several passes of the trailed cutter and compacted with rolling.

The stabilized layer is compacted with a D-219 pneumatic tire roller on a trailer to a car or a wheeled tractor. Towing the roller by a caterpillar tractor is unacceptable due to damage to the strip surface by caterpillar spurs.

Soil stabilization is the process of creating the base of the roadway, which includes thorough grinding of the soil, mixing it with organic and inorganic binders and subsequent compaction. This is a modern, relatively new method of preparing the road base. Such strengthening of the soil has its advantages over the classic (sand-gravel cushion). Stabilized soil is more frost and water resistant, as well as more durable and resilient.

Service Type of equipment Characteristics Price for 1m2 (including VAT), rub.
depth/volume width, mm up to 3 thousand m2 up to 5 thousand m2 5-10 thousand m2 10-20 thousand m2 20-30 thousand m2
Recycling Recycler Wirtgen WR 2000 up to 500 mm 2000 120 110 100 90 80
Recycling Regenerator Mixer Caterpillar RM300 up to 500 mm 2400 120 110 100 90 80
Recycling Stabilization cutter SBF 24 L up to 400 mm 2400 80 70 60 50 50
Dry mix spreader SW 10 TA 10 m3 2450 10 10 10 10 10
Distribution of binders Dry mix distributor SBS 3000 3 m3 2400 5 5 5 5 5
Distribution of binders Dry mix distributor SBS 6000 6 m3 2400 5 5 5 5 5

Thanks to the capabilities of modern equipment, the binder is dosed very accurately and injected to a depth of 50 cm in one pass. by the most available materials today are lime and cement. The optimal amount of these substances is determined by laboratory methods, usually it is 3 - 10% of each material by weight of the earth to be strengthened. The first stage of stabilization is the introduction of lime into the soil and mixing with it, the second - cement.

Soil stabilization followed by the use of existing pavement materials is cold recycling. With it, you can restore the entire depth of both country roads and city streets. In other words, in one pass, grinding existing coverage and mixing it with the underlying base material and restorative binders. All this became possible due to the appearance on the market of new high-performance machines.

Stabilization technology is widely used today, for example, on small territorial roads, where lightweight or transitional pavements are supposed to be installed (for example, in the construction of cottage settlements). In such cases, the device is durable, durable foundation using a minimum of imported materials - optimal solution. In addition, high-performance equipment can produce tens of kilometers of roads during the construction season. Also, compaction (recycling) is successfully used in the construction of logistics complexes, industrial buildings. Here, this technology is used to lay foundations for concrete floors and cover production sites.

Stabilization works cannot be performed efficiently without the use of special equipment. For the dosed introduction of a binder (dry or in the form of an emulsion), a hopper-distributor is needed, for thorough mixing it into the soil - hinged cutters.

In order for our specialists to calculate the cost of the recycling service and to be able to choose the right necessary equipment for you, you need to have the following information: what object and where it is located, its area in sq. m, the timing of work, as well as what soils prevail in the area, what depth of distribution is needed and what binders are desirable.

Soil stabilization - is the most profitable and efficient way to build dirt roads inside settlements, settlements, settlements, cottage settlements in the case when the use of full-fledged asphalt roads or highways is not financially effective.

Soil stabilization technology is as follows:

Step 1.

Road planning. It is necessary to take measures related to ensuring proper drainage with the installation of drainage ditches and ditches. Eliminate possible stagnation of water near the subgrade, reducing its penetration into autumn period; level down ground water by means of drainage.

Step 2

Determination of the composition of the soil. For the construction of structural layers of pavement and strengthening of roadsides, it is allowed to use both natural soils and imported soils. Soil is delivered using imported soils. In this case, it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements before starting soil stabilization work:

  • delivery of soil in the amount necessary for the construction of a structural layer of pavement or roadside reinforcements;
  • distribution of soil and its leveling over the entire width of the prepared subgrade or shoulder
  • rolling of the leveled layer to a density of 0.85-0.90 of the maximum density according to the standard compaction method.

Soil selection and stabilizer consumption.

  • determination of the granulometric composition of the soil intended for use;
  • if necessary, adjust the particle size distribution soil mixture mixing existing soil with soil of a different granulometric composition;
  • determination of the maximum density and optimal moisture content of the soil treated with the stabilizer;
  • determination of strength characteristics in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12801-98;
  • determination of moisture resistance and water resistance;
  • determination of the need for a stabilizer per 1 m2 and in general for a site with the same soil.

Step 3

Mixing of composites.

Preparation of the stabilizer solution. The solution is obtained by diluting the stabilizer in the working container, with stirring the resulting solution for 10 ... 15 minutes. The concentration of the stabilizer solution is set depending on the current soil moisture and its optimal moisture determined by the modified Proctor method for soil samples treated with a stabilizer.

Soil crushing carried out various types road cars in order to obtain a homogeneous grain composition mixtures in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.4.SNiP. 3.06.03-85 The best crushing of the soil is achieved when its moisture content is 3-5% less than the optimum and the density is 0.85-0.90 of the maximum, determined by the standard compaction method. At low natural soil moisture, moistening to the specified degree is carried out 6-12 hours before the start of crushing. At high natural humidity, the soil is dried by repeated mixing in dry windy or sunny weather to a moisture content of 2-4% less than optimal. The soil is considered crushed if it contains no more than 25% of lumps larger than 5.0 mm. In this case, the content of lumps larger than 10.0 mm should not exceed 10.0%.

Step 4

Rolling and compaction.

Profiling surfaces of the stabilized layer are produced in two passes of a motor grader along one track with the creation of a transverse slope of the structural layer of pavement from stabilized soil equal to the transverse slope of the roadway. The cross slope of the shoulder should exceed the cross slope of the carriageway by 1-2%.

Compaction of treated and profiled soil. Produced by self-propelled vibrating or oscillating rollers weighing at least 10 tons. The lower layers of the structural layer of the pavement can be compacted with self-propelled vibratory cam rollers, but the upper layer must be compacted with smooth-rolled vibratory or oscillatory rollers weighing at least 15 tons.


  1. The speed of the roller during compaction should be 3.5-6.5 m/min (the first two passes), for the remaining passes the maximum value of the working speed is assigned. The first two passes are carried out with the vibration (oscillation) mode turned off.
  2. The number of passes of the roller and the speed of its movement are set according to the results of the test compaction. Approximately 12-18 passes of the roller on one track are required for compaction.
  3. The degree of density of the stabilized layer must be at least the maximum standard according to the Proctor method modified in accordance with GOST 22733-2002.