Talismans given by nature. Herbal amulets for good luck Attracting good luck nutmeg to add to your bath

Traditionally, magicians include plants that attract money: basil, verbena, clover, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, laurel, mint, sunflower, bergamot, parsley.
1. Thyme: This herb is the best money magnet. Use it in cooking to attract money into the house, make a weak herbal tea from it and add a little to rinse water after washing your work clothes.
2. Basil: a beautiful magical plant, it protects the house, brings love and peace to the family, and attracts money to the house. Scatter its dry herbs on the kitchen floor and sweep it away with the words - no evil could come when the basil was here.
3. Ginger: Sweet and spicy, this root can be used fresh, dried, or in powder form to ward off evil spirits and attract money. Any money spell will work faster if you use ginger in it.
4. Cloves: the spice that binds friends together and brings winnings in games of chance.
5. Allspice: Tie 7 whole allspice peas in your shirt or carry them in your pocket and good luck will smile on you for seven days. Throw them into running water and make a wish when the seven days have passed.
6. Nutmeg: Carry a whole nutmeg in your pocket for good luck!
7. Cinnamon: Cinnamon is the best herb, root and spice for money spells. It opens the way for success in business and even in gambling! Mix it with sugar and sprinkle it on a piece of bread and butter for breakfast, and a little of this mixture on banknotes and brush this mixture off the money at your door.
8. Wild (Turkish) cloves symbolizes success, money, passion. That is, it can help you become passionate about your work, achieve significant success in this field and, accordingly, receive a decent reward for your work.
9.Oats symbolizes finances. Your money will grow in ears, consisting of many cash flows that will merge into a fertile field. Moreover, some projects will give birth to other, next, even more abundant ones.
10.Wheat- a symbol of wealth and success, and it looks very original on the windowsill. Unlike oats, it brings not only money, but also respect in an influential society. You will be able to interest your bosses or investors with your ideas, and your brain activity will pay off handsomely.
11.Chamomile means wealth, love, innocence. Cheerful little white flowers in fluffy greenery will help you get money from the one who loves you. Or they will allow you to bewitch the boss. Just no office romances for the purpose of enrichment! Chamomile prefers innocent flirting for the good of the cause, in order to once again demonstrate your best business qualities.
12. If you want to improve your financial affairs, and at the same time get some vitamins, sow
dill- another symbol of passion and wealth. Just let it grow up to 10 centimeters, and only then begin to slowly and very delicately “pluck” the bushes.
Do the same with your first profits - don’t spend everything at once, wait until the financial flow gets stronger, and it’s better to put the first money into circulation anyway.
13.Verbena- a magical plant in all respects, it not only attracts money, but also relieves insomnia and promotes healing. Therefore, if your financial problem is related to health, frequent headaches and chronic lack of sleep, then plant verbena bushes.
And the thicker the better. When the plant gets stronger, you can thin out your “clearing”, dry the cut branches and make fragrant sachets for your bedroom - you will get rid of insomnia, and you will be charged with monetary energy in your sleep. 14. If you lack both money and love, then sow -
mustard, it attracts financial flows and invigorating love. True, the power of mustard is in the seeds, so the result will appear only when the seeds ripen, but it will be plentiful.
15.Coltsfoot promotes career growth, gives power, as a result of which welfare increases. To grow it at home, you can try in the spring to dig up newly emerging bushes in the forest or park and plant them at home.
16.Peony also symbolizes wealth, love, courage. Of course, it is difficult to grow it on a windowsill, but no one is stopping you from pampering yourself with gorgeous bouquets during the flowering period of this magnificent flower. If you want to attract wealth, then choose large burgundy flowers in dense, rich greenery, do not pick off the leaves.
Place a bouquet of peonies in your office or living room, and if you often work at home, place a vase of flowers so that when you look up from the computer or important papers, you can always see it.
And if you want the peony to help you in sensual love, then place it in the bedroom and choose red flowers. If you want tenderness, give preference to white and white-pink peonies.
17.Orchids- another symbol of high position and stable wealth. These exotic plants are practically a way of life. They teach their owner patience, meticulousness and responsibility, which ultimately transfers to everyday work activities.
Having become interested in orchids, you will begin to delve more thoroughly into business issues, learn to notice details, which will have a positive effect on your financial affairs - bonuses and incentives await you.
The orchid is a universal money plant that symbolizes prosperity, wealth and power. Depending on the shades of the flower, it acquires additional magical properties:
- White orchid flowers are better suited for those who want to gain a position of power in society.
- Red – for people who actively increase money and engage in sales.
- Orange orchids contribute to the enrichment of people working in a team and building a business on partnership agreements.
- Yellows increase the welfare of officials and promote career advancement.
- Greens help attract money for those who are engaged in creativity.
- Blue orchid flowers bring profit to those who work for themselves.
- Blue helps attract money from patrons and influential people.
- Purple tones attract large profits and quickly multiply the money invested in the business.
Plants are only assistants; they create a favorable background, set you up for profit, lift your spirits and charge you with positive energy. You become more determined and efficient, you begin to value yourself more and make progress. Your own, your own successes.

Prosperity Herbs

Many plants are associated with money, abundance and luck. Listed below are some plants that any prosperous magician would use to create amulets of wealth. Magic uses fresh and dried herbs, tinctures, solutions, essential oils and extracts. But some herbs are best used in a specific form for both magical and medicinal purposes.

Usambara violet

The Usambara violet (Saintpaulia), a common houseplant, is commonly associated with spiritual development because its fragile nature requires constant care and harmony. Its purple color is associated with Jupiter, as well as with the forces of multiplication and abundance. Usambara violet is one of many plants associated with both Jupiter and Venus.


Agrimony is a plant of the deep, associated with sleep, dreams, the other world and protection from fears and monsters. In money magick it is used to help us understand the deepest fears and barriers that separate us from prosperity and the realization of our True Will.


Alfalfa is a plant of prosperity and abundance. The earth itself provides this “grain” in abundance, which is easy to grow and harvest. Keeping alfalfa in your cupboard keeps poverty and hunger at bay. The best alfalfa is the one you grew yourself and collected during the waxing Moon.


The aroma of allspice is believed to combine the scents of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Its rich aroma can be used to attract wealth. It combines well with all the listed spices in tea, food, incense and amulets. It is also a Fire plant, giving vitality, energy and creativity.


Arrowroot is used to change fate and prevent tragedies. It helps you change the course of your life by choosing a new direction through intention. This is a plant of Mars. Arrowroot root should be ground into flour and sprinkled over your body as you boldly chart a new direction in your life. Arrowroot is also used to treat heart disease and protect infants.


Basil is a powerful cleansing herb. In some traditions it is burned to ward off evil spirits who fear its fiery nature, but most people enjoy basil. The fiery aroma of this plant is also used to kindle passion, it is used in love magic. His energy and strength can be directed towards achieving results at work and making money. Some practitioners say that basil leaves, used in potions, resemble green bills, reinforcing the plant's connection to money.


Although laurel is primarily considered a trance-inducing, prophetic plant, it was also used to make wreaths. Thus, laurel can be used in rituals during which a person invokes success or greatness to inspire and guide others. It is the main ingredient in the hoodoo formula known as wreath of success- oil that is used to achieve success in any endeavor.


Blueberries are used primarily as an ingredient in protective potions, but they can also be used in prosperity magic, as blue is the color of Jupiter in ceremonial magic, and the clusters of sweet berries symbolize abundance. Berries and leaves can be used for magical purposes.


The main quality of borage, used in tea, incense and amulets, is to maintain courage in a difficult situation and triumphantly emerge from it. This plant is especially useful for difficulties in business; it gives the courage to face difficulties and change the situation.


A plant of Jupiter, burdock has strong magical and medicinal qualities, which are most clearly manifested in the thorns of the seeds, which cling to the clothes of people and the fur of animals, which then spread them. Burdock "catches" and pulls, it can pull something out of your system, pull you towards something or something towards you. Although the seeds and leaves also have magical and medicinal properties, the main power lies in the roots, and it is this part of the plant that is usually sold in magic and medicinal shops. The root can be used in teas, tinctures and amulets, but when used as incense it gives off a not very pleasant smell.


The aromatic wood of cedar is associated with wealth. It can be used to attract wealth, and together with sage and bison it is used for cleansing. Cedar is mentioned in the Old Testament as a substance used in cleansing rituals for lepers and as a wood used in Solomon's Temple.


Chestnut, like horse chestnut, is a plant of Jupiter and is used to attract good luck and money. Various types of horse chestnuts are used in protective amulets to protect against the evil eye. Horse chestnuts can also be used as good luck charms in gambling by wrapping the chestnut in a dollar bill and tying it with red thread. These nuts resemble male testicles and are used in love magic. They can replace nutmeg when creating a player nut (see the Nutmeg article).


Cinnamon is one of the most commonly used ingredients in money magic. The smell of cinnamon brings good luck to everyone who inhales it. Add a little cinnamon to the tea or coffee you drink in the morning. Pieces of cinnamon placed on burning coals are themselves a powerful incense for prosperity. When cooking with cinnamon or simmering cinnamon sticks on a fire in a home for sale, the home sells faster and for a better price. This simple method is used by real estate agents all over the world. You can make a cinnamon tincture and sprinkle it around your home and sprinkle it on your doors to attract success and good fortune.

A cup of cinnamon tea is a classic money potion that helps focus your inner fire for prosperity. If you are in a profession that relies on the generosity of others to make a living (for example, you are a waiter in a restaurant and a large portion of your income comes from tips), add a cup of cinnamon tea to the water when you wash your work clothes (unless they are white). ). If your skin is very sensitive, you can soak a handkerchief in cinnamon tea, dry it without rinsing, and carry it with you. Any of the methods described will help you attract money.

Cinnamon oil or infusion can also be sprinkled on your shoes to attract new opportunities. (Please note: Pure essential oils, especially cinnamon oil, can cause irritation and should be used in conjunction with a carrier oil. More information on the effects of essential oils can be found in medical books on the subject.)


Cinquefoil is known as cinquefoil, another prosperity plant that has long been used in protective magic. It is a counter-plant that is used effectively to remove curses. The teaching tells us that anything done by five human fingers can be overcome by the five-leaf clover. Cinquefoil is also used to help us get what we want, especially in gambling magic.


Cloves are associated with Jupiter due to the intensity of their aroma. It can be used alone or in combination with other spices, whole or ground.

During the winter holidays, you can create a powerful amulet for good luck, friendship and health - an aromatic ball. Push the sharp tips of the cloves into the orange peel until you cover the entire surface. Dip the orange in a mixture of ground cinnamon, nutmeg and orris root powder (one teaspoon of each) and place it in a paper bag for a month. When the orange dries, it makes an excellent fragrant decoration that attracts wealth, health and prosperity.

red clover

Red clover is a widely used plant that has many medicinal and magical properties. In medicine, it is mainly used to cleanse the blood. About this plant, the famous witch Sybil Leek said that witches should drink it as often as possible. In money magic, flowers or leaves can be used in amulets to attract good luck and multiply the resources you already possess.


Both black and red currants are Jupiter plants used in a variety of success formulas. They can be used for making wine and in baking.


Dandelion is another Jupiter plant used medicinally (mainly to support the functioning of the liver, an organ ruled by Jupiter). More often than not, it's the root that comes into play. It helps to strengthen the connection with the earth and manifest what you want in the material world. In magick, dandelion is used not only as a flower water, but also as a remedy to help clear away obstacles in the solar plexus that interfere with your personal power and ability to create the life you want. The yellow color of the dandelion indicates a connection with the power of the Sun, which helps to create and achieve success. Dandelion seeds, with their fluffy white tufts, can be used in wish-granting magic. Make a wish, and then blow on the flower: the seeds will fly away, taking your intention with them.


Dill is considered a plant of abundance due to its many seeds. This plant is used in magic for growth and multiplication. You can perform a simple spell using dill: take a teaspoon of dill seeds, wrap them in a dollar bill and carry them with you as an amulet in your pocket, purse or bag in order to attract money and increase the finances you already have.


Fennel is a powerful plant with a variety of uses. Fennel seeds are believed to have the ability to mesmerize other people, convincing them to come to your point of view. Fennel does not force or deceive, it simply helps you gain the gift of persuasion. Politicians, lawyers and teachers should carry some fennel seeds with them to attract the attention of others and give clarity to their perceptions. It is also used in the magic of protection, success, health and counteraction.


The fragrant seeds of fenugreek, like the seeds of other prosperity plants, attract money. They are especially good in magic pots, where you should add a few each day to increase your wealth.


Although smoke is usually associated with funerals and rituals of farewell to the dead or communication with the spirits of the dead, it is also used in money magic. Dymyanka points to the connection between secret riches and the rulers of the dead, who are also the rulers of the depths.


Galangal root, known in Hoodoo as Little John's root, is used in court-related magic. The root should be chewed and its juice should be swallowed right in the courtroom so that a little gets on the floor. It is believed that after such a ritual the judge will rule in your favor. Some mistakenly conflate it with Shorty John's root, which is a different species according to most Hoodoo practitioners. Kalgan is also used in the powerful ceremonial magical oil known as the Oil of Abramelin, along with cinnamon.


Ginger root is a strong warming agent. Like many other plants of the Sun and Jupiter, ginger is a sign of wealth, but it has some unique qualities. This is one of the most powerful herbs for fueling the fire of your will, gaining the energy of action, getting what you want and creating success. It also has protective properties as its inner fire wards off negative forces that seek to hinder your success.

Purple sapling

Purple sapling is used in amulets, usually made in the form of bags, and as incense to overcome obstacles to achieving a goal and getting what you want. Also known as budroot and gravel, this plant can grow in clay and rocky soil. It is believed that it pulls surrounding stones towards itself as it grows. Medicinally, it is used to treat kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Just as it removes kidney stones from the body, it can magically remove other obstacles, especially those obstacles in life that cause anger in us. If you feel that something is blocking your path, purple sapling is a great ally that can either remove those obstacles or help you find a way around it.

Morning glory root

Morning glory root is used in all forms of magic related to success, victory, gambling, cunning, protection, power over oneself and others, love spells, restraints, sex, love and male enhancement. The root is carried around as an amulet, used in other amulets, anointed with oils, and wrapped in dollar bills or other materials to enhance its properties. Be careful with oil blends that claim to contain morning glory root oil: many of them are fake and do not contain the oil you need. Followers of the Hoodoo tradition who make this oil themselves usually store part of the root in a container of oil.


Marshmallow seeds and flowers are used to achieve prosperity and material success. They attract gifts from spirits.


Jasmine, the feminine plant of the Moon, has the power to multiply the energy of whatever it is added to. Jasmine will enhance the vibration of any money mixture, giving you the opportunity to do what you really want to earn more money. It attracts the forces of the Moon, so it is best used when the Moon is waxing.


Juniper is a sacred tree that is burned to cleanse a room and attract goodness. Its berries are used for medicinal purposes, the needles and berries can be used in money magic to bring good luck into your life. Juniper is also used to keep thieves away, allowing you to keep your wealth.


Lavender is a plant that is used medicinally to promote calm and tranquility. It helps bring clarity to thoughts. In prosperity magick, lavender is associated with Jupiter due to its lilac flowers, and the strong but soothing scent brings it closer to Jupiter. Lavender helps calm the mind so that you can make the right decisions in business and money matters.


Lilac has a pleasant smell that gives us pleasure and attracts attention. The color of lilac, corresponding to its name, connects it with Jupiter, and the quickly spreading aroma helps us to increase our resources and gain the attention of those whose help we need. In the form of flower water, lilac helps us to adhere to our personal opinions and follow the path of our own dharma to goals in all areas of life.


Although most people consider lovage to be a love plant, one of its main abilities is to help achieve success in all matters of law and victories in court. In particular, it combines well with incense and pine in incense, which is used to fumigate talismans for victory in court.


Calendula is a plant of prosperity and wealth. When it grows in a pot in front of your front door, your prosperity will increase as the plant grows. Calendula flowers can be used in amulets for victory in court.

Coin box

Coinwort, also known as moonflower, gets its name from its vibrant purple flowers that develop into seed pods that look like silver coins. The seed pods are used to attract wealth, decorate a prosperous home, and for healing (in the form of flower essence).

Mustard seeds

Mustard seeds are used in money magic because, despite their small size, there are a lot of them. The power of a mustard seed was mentioned by Jesus talking about having faith the size of a mustard seed - and even with that much faith you can move mountains. Small objects can have great power. Mustard seeds can be carried discreetly in a wallet, bag or shoes to attract money. Usually the money raised in this way comes gradually, in small parts.


Nutmeg is another readily available prosperity plant. Like cinnamon and mustard, it can be placed in your wallet or shoes to attract good luck. There is a very effective old talisman used in gambling. They call him nut player. To create it, you need to drill a hole in the nut without splitting it. A small amount of mercury is placed in the hole. Mercury is toxic, which is why most magicians and witches no longer use it. A piece of silver can be used as a substitute, since it is similar in color to mercury, and color is very important in this case. The silver Mercury dime (see below) works best. The hole is then sealed with red wax. Carry a player's nut with you when you go out to play and you will have better luck more often.

Oak is the sacred tree of the gods, associated with Jupiter. He brings the blessings of heaven to Earth. There are many types of oak trees, but red oak is best for increasing material strength and promoting material change. Oak bark is traditionally used, but you can use leaves, acorns and chopped twigs.

oak moss

Like most mosses, oak is associated with the element Earth and the other world. It can be used in all forms of otherworldly magic, including working with the lords of the dead to gain wealth. Oak moss goes well with patchouli.


Orange is used due to its connection with the Sun. It requires a lot of solar heat to grow, and it magically absorbs the forces of the Sun that accumulate in it. Although the whole orange or its juice can be used for magical purposes, potions and incense made from dried orange peel or essential oil added to perfumes and washes are commonly used.


The bright scent of patchouli is used in money, love and protective magic. Patchouli, a plant of Saturn, helps us make our desires and dreams come true. Patchouli helps us connect with earthly gods and goddesses, as well as with the deities of the other world.


Pine is another tree ruled by Jupiter. The pine spirit is very friendly towards people. Needles, bark, pine cones and resin can all be used in magic. Pine brings prosperity and clarity. She also helps in matters related to leadership.

Rice, like many other grains, is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Many forms of Asian magic and American folk magic involve the use of rice as a product of abundance. White rice can be easily colored with food coloring, which will enhance its magical properties. Green rice is traditionally used in prosperity magic. Rice can be placed in a bowl for money magic, kept in a bag, or scattered as an offering.


In English, sage refers to both garden sage, which is used in cooking, and a variety of mugworts used in American Indian ceremonies. All of these types are now well known through modern metaphysical groups and shops and can be used in money magic. Garden sage is great for restoring the body and mind. It is used during periods of fatigue and illness, which helps to focus on work and goals in life.

Pour hot water over a teaspoon of dried sage and leave overnight. Drink this decoction every morning for one to three months. This is especially useful in the fall and spring to prepare the body for the changing seasons. Those recovering from serious illnesses can take one to three cups of infusion per day, mixing sage with rose petals, jasmine flowers and lavender. Take three parts dried sage and one part each rose petals, jasmine flowers and lavender flowers, mix and use one teaspoon of the mixture per cup of hot water. You should not add this mixture to coffee. Both garden sage and mugwort can be used in potions and incense to expel unwanted energies and attract blessings and good luck. Wormwood is especially effective if used as an incense along with cedar and bison. This combination attracts beneficial influences and adds sweetness to life.


Sandalwood enlightens and clears consciousness. Because it is used in meditation, in money magic it helps us see situations clearly and step back in order to make informed decisions. Sandalwood makes an excellent base for prosperity incense and blends well with other resins, woods and spices.


Sarsaparilla is a plant of Jupiter. The crushed root can be used in all incense, teas, amulets and tinctures for Jupiter magic. This plant is also used to enhance love magic.


Sumac is considered the plant of Saturn and has the raw power of his deities. Sumy can be used in legal disputes - especially to ensure that the decision is in your favor, or that the sentence is more lenient if you are present at the trial as the accused. It is used in peace tinctures to end conflict and hostility with another person and bring final clarity to the situation.


Sunflowers are plants of the Sun used in the magic of prosperity, success, inspiration and health. The seeds are most often used, but the petals and leaves also have magical properties. Sunflowers that you grow yourself are best for magic. Planting a sunflower seed itself can be a ritual. Your luck will grow with the sunflower. We need stability to grow our natural flourishing relationship with the earth, just as sunflowers need a good place to grow, they cannot be transplanted. If you want sunflowers to produce seeds, choose where to plant them carefully and water regularly.


Although Dipteryx is used in love magic in Hoodoo, in the Cabot tradition I was taught to use this plant for prosperity. It has a sweet, rich aroma reminiscent of vanilla. It is a Jupiter and Venus herb used for prosperity and attracting what you desire. For Thursday's prosperity requests, you can make magic ink using blue vegetable dye or blue artist ink. Add four dipteryx beans (whole or crushed) along with a pinch of cinnamon and a piece of lapis lazuli. Use this ink to write down your money spells (see Chapter 7).


Vanilla is the plant of love and prosperity. There is an inner power in the aroma of vanilla, which strangely leads some modern magicians to believe that this beneficial ingredient is subject to Pluto - the planet of power, death and transformation. The smell of vanilla is strong and sweet and is used to attract blessings, luck and pleasure.


Vetiver oil and root have a strong, distinct aroma used to attract earthly wealth. This plant is associated with Hermes (Mercury), the patron of trade and business, as well as thieves, so it can be used to protect against thieves. It is used in magic to calm the mind and stabilize it. It can also be used in love magic.


The magic of violet is uplifting, helping those who are overly sensitive. Due to their hue, violets are associated with Jupiter and its money magic.

Curly sorrel

Curly dock is another Jupiter plant that is used for a variety of medicinal and magical purposes. In particular, the seeds are used in prosperity magic, as some believe they resemble small coins. The magic lies in the ability of one plant to produce many seeds, which are used to multiply the resources you already have. Seeds and roots should be collected in the fall.

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People go to great lengths to make money. Surprisingly, even such sane and rational people as managers and directors at some moments in their lives turn to help... magic... Today, in honor of April 1, we decided to have a little fun and publish interesting finds on the Internet.

For those who love warm showers

For this wonderful ritual, you need to stand under a warm shower, close your eyes, relax and imagine how a golden stream is pouring out on you. Yes, exactly, a golden stream. After all, cash flow is associated with fast flowing water, so the best place to dream about money is in the bathroom. At the same time, slowly count from 100 to 1 in reverse order. When you reach the number 1, open your eyes and quickly, forcefully (!) count from 1 to 5. Then stand up and tell yourself: “It works, it works, it works!”

For those who always have a knife in the office

At your workplace, sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Place any small metal object (knife, wire, etc.) in front of you. Cover this item completely with your palms and say:

“As rays burst from the darkness, so a good beginning with a cherished end rushes towards me. The beam is strong, my words are as strong as metal. My deeds are as easy as the palm of your hand. Sharp edges cut the darkness and release rays. I'll release it, accept it, hide it. The beam is in the cross, the key is in the metal.”

Open your palms, raise your arms up. Step over the object three times with your right foot, and then put it back in place. Make sure that no one touches this object during the day, including the performer, otherwise the conspiracy will not take effect. A spell for good luck at work to perform for 3 days in a row on the waxing moon. During the ceremony, remove your belt, hairpins and all jewelry.

For those who can no longer be scared by anything

A bit of a dark conspiracy, but quite common. At night, in the cemetery, place a piece of pie, a jug of milk and coins on the unmarked grave, bow three times and say for good luck: “Remember, deceased, I have had everything bad, everything bad for now, for eternity, for infinity. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.”

For those who have well-developed self-hypnosis

You will need a new bill (the larger the better). Relax, breathe deeply. Try not to think about anything. Pick up the bill and start looking at it carefully. Your task is to remember as many details as possible. This will help you tune in to the wave of money. Let information about money be deposited at the level of vision, hearing and sensations...

And now the most interesting part: Imagine that you and the bill turn into a cloud of green-yellow smoke and merge into one. Let this become your daily ritual, and within a week you will notice an improvement in your financial condition.

For those who love fish

Buy fresh fish with large scales. Clean all the scales from it, collect, rinse, and dry in the stove or oven. Cut the fish and prepare for frying. Place two plates on the table: one with pieces of fish, the other with scales. Say the following spell twelve times:

I’ll get up before the sun, go out before dawn, go to an open field, in an open field there are three springs. One key is in the ground, another key is in the sky, the third key is in the blue sea. The white fish lives in the blue sea. I will throw a net of gold, I will catch a white fish, I will throw it onto the golden sand. A white fish is struggling on the sand, struggling, yearning, asking to go to the sea. Just as she yearns and cannot live without water, so money could not live without me, God’s servant (name). Just as a white fish had scales from head to tail, so would money and gold and all good and wealth be attached to the servant of God (name). And I lock all these words together with a strong lock and the key in the water. And when the water in the well boils, the key turns back.

And after all this: throw out the scales, fry the fish and eat it yourself.

For those who suffer from insomnia

For the conspiracy you will need seven church candles, but not simple ones, but beautiful and expensive ones. At midnight, you must be left alone with yourself and your own thoughts. Arrange the candles in the shape of a regular circle and light them exactly at midnight; read the plot seven times in a row. having first learned it by heart. When reading the plot, you need to imagine yourself as a successful person who can handle everything and who has no problems.

Conspiracy: There is a merchant for goods, all roads lead to money, I turn to the omnipotent Gods. May there be good luck in everything, I want grace to come into business.

After this, sit for a while in front of the candles, peering into the fire, imagine how you are filled with light and warmth from the candles, and at the same time you receive a wonderful power that fills every cell of yours. After the candles burn out on their own, collect the remains and the next morning, bury it all in a deserted place, away from the house.

For those who don't like to wait

This ritual helps when you urgently need a certain amount for a specific purpose. The ritual is performed on Sunday, on the waxing moon or on the full moon. You will need: an astrological candle, two green ones (a large one and a smaller one), a brown and a yellow candle, an incense stick with the scent of cinnamon, jasmine oil, a small sheet of brown paper. Light a large green candle and an incense stick. Rub jasmine oil onto a brown candle from top to bottom, and use a white knife to scratch a currency symbol (such as a $ sign) or write the words “quick money” on it. On a piece of brown paper, write down the exact amount of money you need. Remember that you cannot write an inflated amount; the ritual will work if you honestly indicate the amount of money that you really need, no more. Place a brown candle in the center of the altar. Rub the other candles with oil from top to bottom. Place the astrological candle behind the brown one. Place a green candle to the left of the astrological candle, and a yellow one to the right. Light all the candles. Say the spell an odd number of times (more than one). Burn the leaf on a brown candle. Scatter the ashes. Leave the candles to burn out.

The words of the conspiracy are: “The money goes into my hands. Give me luck, give me freedom, give me opportunity. I thank fate for the help. As these candles burn, so will my problem.”

For those who don't know what to do with nutmeg

Nutmeg is a storehouse of opportunities for those who make financial transactions. Before any business meeting involving the writing of a letter of intent or the conclusion of a contract, cut a nutmeg, squeeze out the oil - a little is enough - and lubricate the thumb and index finger of your dominant hand with this oil. Then touch all the bills in your wallet with your fingers. This ritual is valued in Japan: many Japanese entrepreneurs perform it in secret and believe that it should be followed every first day of the waxing Moon: it contributes to the successful conclusion of transactions, and makes well-being stronger than stone.

For those who smoke

Get up early in the morning, before sunrise. Take a cool shower and cheer up. Then, putting on the clothes in which you will go to a meeting or event that is important to you, go to the room where you will perform this ceremony.

The room should be thoroughly cleaned and ventilated. Place a red candle on your altar (or table serving for these purposes). It should be located in the center of the altar. Burn jasmine incense. Stand at the altar for a moment and relax. As soon as you see the rays of the sun appearing over the horizon, light a candle with the following words: “The sun is red, the sun is clear! Come out from over the horizon for me, (your name or the one for whom you are doing it), illuminate the path, help me in my work, attract good luck to me, so that in the light of day it will accompany me. May it be within my power to perform this action! Created!

After reading the plot, imagine your success - this is very important, because visualization plays an important role in magic. Remember! The stronger and more clearly you imagine and even feel your success, the stronger your magic will work.

PS: what people don't come up with...

Nutmeg lifts the spirits and, as one medieval physician wrote, “Opens the Hearts of Men.” It strengthens memory and mental acuity, willpower, and helps with apathy.

There is a belief that if you constantly carry nutmeg with you, you will gradually learn to see the future. And if you see him in a dream, a pleasant journey awaits you.

Nutmeg oil is one of the best oils for meditation, turning to the stars, and restoring energetic integrity. Helps to find spiritual justice and tolerance in love, in family life and in achieving business goals. Makes teenagers invulnerable to the bad influence, developing intuition and insight in them.

It is believed that nutmeg can bring you good luck in gambling and tilt luck in your favor in any draw. When performing rituals to attract money and achieve prosperity, green candles were sprinkled with grated nutmeg.

Nutmeg is a symbol of prosperity and pleasant travels.

This nut is actively used in protective magic. Three nutmegs hanging around your neck will not make you Cinderella and will not lead you to a prince. But they will protect you from anger and aggression from strangers. As a nuance for preparing such a talisman, I will say that you need to string the nuts on a white thread while the moon is waxing, with a white candle burning nearby.
Placed around a child's neck, the nut will help with teething and relieve pain.
Nutmeg is also used in magical mixtures. The most powerful protective necklace would be made from walnut, star anise and nutmeg kumaruna.

And here is another interesting magical recipe:
“To maintain the fidelity of your beloved, split the nut into four equal parts. Bury one part in the ground, throw another into the air from a rock, burn the third part, and put the last part in boiling water. Take a sip of this water, take the last piece of the nut and carry it everywhere with you. Place it under your pillow at night. After this, your lover will not be afraid of any temptations.”

And if a girl carries this nut in her pocket, her chances of getting married increase.

From a medical point of view, nutmeg is used as a remedy for the treatment of dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea, dysentery and rheumatism. It helps well with urinary incontinence and premature ejaculation, helps eliminate spasms in the abdominal cavity.

It has hemostatic properties for nasal, uterine and internal bleeding. We can list a number of beneficial properties of this plant: carminative, analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, stimulating, tonic, analgesic, antioxidant, antirheumatic, improves appetite, increases libido, induces lactation. But at the same time, it is prohibited during pregnancy and small children.

So what is nutmeg from a biological point of view?
Spices include nutmeg and nutmeg, obtained from the fruit of the nutmeg tree.

Nutmeg tree, (Myristica Moschata), is a plant from the family Myristicaceae. To obtain the best spices, use the fruits of the fragrant nutmeg - Myristica Fragrans. This tree reaches 16 meters in height. The plant's homeland is the eastern part of the Moluccas Islands.

It grows and is cultivated in the tropical countries of Southeast Asia - Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as on some islands.

The fruits of the nutmeg tree are large, bright yellow or gray-yellow, peach-like fruits, which, when fully ripe, burst in half and expose the seed, which is not completely covered with a thin, but rather fleshy roof - the arilus (aryllus) and, in addition, hard, a woody but thin dark brown shell (shell). From the aryllus a spice is obtained, commercially called nutmeg, and from the seed itself a spice is obtained, called nutmeg.

One tree produces from 1500 to 2000 fruits.

And the main spice is nutmeg.

The nut is quite difficult to process. The nuts are dried and shelled. The kernels are placed for several minutes in a mixture of sea water and lime obtained from corals, mixed thoroughly, and then dried again. The total treatment lasts more than 3 months.

Chemical composition: camphene, geraniol, eugenol, terpinol, pinene, dipentene.

Synonyms: macis, mes. The nutmeg color, as you can see, has nothing to do with the flower of the nutmeg tree, but is the acetum, that is, the soft skin that covers most of the nutmeg tree seed like petals. When fresh, nutmeg is bright red (ruby) or bright crimson in color. After drying, this color changes to orange, and after short storage it changes to orange-yellow or dark yellow.

The nut is squeezed out as carefully as possible, trying to leave the arillus intact.

Only if everything is done correctly, then a hole (hole) is formed in the center of the nutmeg color, which remains even after drying, by which a whole, undamaged nutmeg color is recognized, which is valued much more than a broken one.

They dry it directly in the sun, laying it out on bamboo or coconut mats.

Lethargy and softness, which appears in the evening, are the first signs of drying out. And it is in this state that it is given a flat appearance (flattened with wooden rollers); after 2-3 days, when the arillus becomes fragile, it is packaged in this “Flatten” form.

The finished good, benign mace should be a hard, very fragile, slightly translucent horny plate 3-4 long, 2-3 centimeters wide and 1 millimeter thick, evenly colored light orange or dark yellow with a hole in the center and divided along the edges into 10-15 lobes.

The most valued on the world market are Penang (best) nutmeg color and Bandana (high grade.

In cooking, the nut is used to prepare sweet puddings, creams, sweets, cookies, compotes, ice cream, whipped cream, jams and baked apple dishes. It goes well with pumpkin, turnips, potatoes, milk and is used to improve the taste of tomato juice and fruit punch. Nutmeg is also used in the preparation of various types of marinades and pickles.

It is curious that there have been repeated attempts to steal this plant, take it away and grow it in other places. But the English nutmeg plantation in Penang was dying, due to ignorance of agricultural technology, the French were unable to grow either cloves or nutmegs on the Mascarenes, although they later managed to grow them on Reunion Island.

Talismans are a kind of activators of well-being, which, according to ancient beliefs and modern feng shui teachings, help attract certain types of energy into our lives.

For example, one talisman helps to find a soul mate in love, another helps to gain wealth, a third improves health, a fourth attracts good luck and success... Surely many of you carry a treasured talisman, specially purchased, in your purse, around your neck or in your pocket in a magic salon or bought once in a store. Meanwhile, an ordinary plant given by nature can serve as a “lucky object”.

Good luck amulets

The four-leaf clover flower is a symbol of health, wealth, love and fame. It can be worn both dried and fresh. This flower is said to especially help people born under the signs of Cancer and Pisces.

Corn kernels are a money talisman. Carry one or more grains with you, and at home, to attract material well-being, hang alfalfa sprigs tied in a bouquet over the front door.

If you like to spend your free time playing a game of chance, such as poker, it would be a good idea to have next to you not only a gaming set of poker chips, but also a nutmeg hidden from prying eyes in a small red flannel bag. They say that nutmeg brings good luck and success.

You can put cilantro seeds in the same bag for those who have weakened immune systems and whose bodies are susceptible to various kinds of diseases. Cilantro gives health and protects the owner of the amulet from many ailments.

Sunflower seeds, chosen as a talisman, promote the birth of children.

Strawberries picked at noon and dried in the open sun will become an amulet for you, protecting you from negative energy. Pomegranate seeds and pineapple peel can be the same protectors.

Rose hips give confidence, and sometimes open up the gift of influencing other people. However, you should not use it to harm others, otherwise you risk getting hurt yourself.

In one of the Greek mythologies, Odysseus takes garlic from the hands of Hermes, which helps in the fight against the spell of witchcraft. In Rome and Ancient Greece, children were hung around their necks with a rope containing a dried garlic tuber to protect them from the evil eye and witchcraft. This belief and the magical power of this plant are still used today. In addition to the fact that garlic protects against witchcraft, the evil eye and vampirism, it protects against unfavorable energy and colds.

It will give physical and spiritual strength, and also bring good luck to a talisman in the form of a piece of oak bark. Acorns will give you many years of life, health and activity into old age.

A talisman made from dried leaves and flowers of the common field chamomile will help you get rid of depression and put your nervous system in order, feel more confident and even attract wealth.