Fate and life path of man. The life path of a person: the choice of each or fate

Now let's dispel another myth, now about the Soul. (Before that there was a post about channeling)

For many, the word "Soul" is associated with trends about love, "divinity", "greatness", "excellence", "lightness", wisdom ... This is of course true. But the Soul can also be short, concrete, understandable, logical, sharp, bold, fast, original… with its own INDIVIDUAL feature.

< Soul - the very splendor of the manifestation of various forms. >

To do this, you and I go through all the variety of forms in order to expand the boundaries of knowledge of Who I Am. And the Soul is exactly the same.

Having talked a lot with my friend the Regressologist, and also understanding more and more how it all works, I realized that our Souls have the same individual characteristics as people. She, like us, reveals her versatility. By the way, if you want to expand your understanding of the world in this area, I recommend the books of Michael Newton's Journey of the Soul, Dolores Cannon, and others.

But many believe that under the word "Soul" there is some kind of collective image of sameness, mercy, "soulfulness". There is truth in this, but it is also true that nothing is the same in this world...

Three years for a trilogy! Or maybe more...

And now, the long-awaited book is already finding its readers. For a long time she prepared for the world. I'll tell you why the first part, in an already existing trilogy, could not be realized for so long.

First, that I will write a book in the future (being an engineer), which will come out through me itself, channeled(streaming email, you don't know the meaning until you re-read it), I learned in a regressive hypnosis session. Then my surprise knew no bounds! But nevertheless it happened, and in November 2015 the first lines went out, which came out exclusively in the early morning, at 4-6 in the morning.

To say that I was tired and did not get enough sleep is to say nothing. It was not an easy time for me then. During the day there were multiple insights, practices for the body and mind, I did not keep up with the streams that continuously descended on me, studies were going on at night, and texts were coming out in the early morning.When working through the Subconscious, sleep is needed for recovery, but it was sorely lacking.

In the beginning, I was happy and glad that everything really turned out the way I found out, but then, after numerous sleepless nights and a completely knocked down schedule, I became franklygrumble, they say, when I get enough sleep!

Eventually the book was written in a year. I sat down to check it for errors and commas for submission to the publisher, but as I read it with new eyes, I realized that this is an incredibly compressed text. In general, the meaning was clear to me, but the reader is not everywhere.

Then detailed texts began to unfold from me so that from one paragraph it turned out 3, and even 5 pages. As a result, the book began to seriously increase in size. But the snag was that detailed answers came out ONLY if the information was realized by me earlier, it was realized, and not just understood. It turns out that if the topic was not mastered by me, then I was, as it were, a barrier to giving it away ...

Life by mind or by heart?

Our Life consists and is built of everyday, every second choices and priorities. Many people live based on choices made by the mind and not by the feeling of the Heart. The path that does not satisfy a Human and that Life that exhausts comes from those results and CHOICES that are made intellectually, but not from the Heart.

But it is exactly what comes from the Heart, that energy, scale and vision that guide a Human to a successful and happy Life.

Life is difficult for intellectuals. There are different people who live only by the mind. Those who, with the help of this tool, have achieved high altitudes, but at the same time remained deeply unhappy inside. They acted and lived only rationally, endlessly nourishing their minds with everything new and new information. They became intellectually savvy so that not a single Human could break inside, where it hurts, where even he himself does not want to look. This is something of a defensive reaction of the psyche, it can “bend” and “crush” anyone with its intellect, but it does not let anyone into the zone of feelings, it is cold and sad, insensitive there.

Types of practices, coaching

What are you doing to realize and reveal your Potential? What practices? What kind of people, teachers do you attract?

There are many practices in the world. Aimed at internal and external restructuring in Human Life.

Internal- this is when you change your patterns, beliefs, "dig" in your Subconsciousness, live through various squeezed emotions, try to be conscious and in the process of Life transform your inner World and, as a result, change the outer one.

External- this is when you set goals, analyze your actions to achieve a material result, select resources for your tasks, people, build structures, test hypotheses, learn the necessary skills ... And these are also all practices.

For inner work, of course, psychology, esoteric and spiritual knowledge are good. Any practices that exist in these related areas.

Institutes, courses, trainings for professional growth, business coaching and personal growth are suitable for external work...

Past Lives as a Reflection of the Present

Many events and consequences in Life seem unfair and incomprehensible to many. But we must take into account that

There are only cause-and-effect relationships and Life is long in eternity.

Your Life is not limited to this Life. Your Life is a whole series and a long list of, I would say, the most interesting and diverse, the most perfect Lives.

You were an Indian, you were a Colombian, you were a Russian, you were an American and an Englishman, you were poor and rich, you were a beggar and a prince, you were a girl and a boy, you were a woman and a man.

ALL of these Paths traveled create a causal chain! You created a lot in Lives and lost a lot, acquired habits and consequences for them; you rejoiced and laughed a lot, and also wept bitterly and suppressed your happiness; you have enjoyed and suffered much; you were brave, and also quite fragile and weak ...

About opportunities

How often do you make discoveries in life? And how often do you use the opportunities given to you by the World?

We can make many new, favorable turns in Life using entering the gate options development of events.

That is, if you consciously OPEN NETWORKS OF OPPORTUNITIES for yourself, then more and more new events happen to you that favorably affect your realization and your own built Destiny. Then gray weekdays, the sameness of days, a sort of "Groundhog Day" end. Then your realization goes uphill, you are in an ever new round of Life, with new people, with new abilities, in development and success.

How to "open" these networks of opportunity?

  • When you act openly, freely
  • Declare the world about your abilities, talents
  • Express your sincere and specific intentions to the World,

then the very windows of the spaces of variants open, where rapidly changing, possible events in the space-time continuum occur. That is, when you have sufficiently developed your creativity, when you are open, honest with yourself, with declared sincere desires-intentions, then you open for your inner, and as a result of the outer Worlds, the NEW gates of Life, while consciously closing the old ones. ..

Feelings are the language of the Soul


You know those who work with me personally, usually:

Inspired, inspire

Acquire a vision of their Path

Change irrevocably

They acquire a new THINKING, which is primary on the path of transformation

I do not like to call it consultations, this is COMMUNICATION, the adoption of those meanings and awareness, images that have already entered my Life. With firmness I can say that these are very deep realizations. Such realizations, where knowledge, as such, is only a support for a Person, but not the main thing.

There are many systems of cognition of Man and the Physical World, through various esoteric teachings, scientific discoveries. But there is, it seems to me, a more correct Way, or something, a faster one - this is FEELING.

Feelings are the language of the Soul, the Heart. And it is the Heart that “knows”, “possesses” all the knowledge that is important and necessary for You.

From the mind, you can search for the Truth for a long time, you can feed your ego with new knowledge for an infinitely long time, and as you know, there is countless knowledge. Everyone talks about the same thing, only in a different interpretation ...

18_Message. School of Life

“…Remember, we told you about Life outside the world of existence, about the fact that there are other structures and other entities…”

Understand, my friends, we are the "angels" of light. We are particles and hundreds of gallons of stream-rivers that were once created. Created and carefully wrapped in light Lives of yours and ours. We carefully keep our and your secrets. We carefully and joyfully appreciate what enters our Lives, what is seen and not seen, what is molded and created.

Remember, we told you about Life outside the world of existence, about the fact that there are other structures and other entities, and so these entities are you too, only in a different dimension, in a different format of Life. You can be divided into tiny particles of light, the particles of which are scattered far beyond our galaxy, far beyond thought.

You are the LIGHT, scattered over hundreds of billions of chronologies, carefully stored in our secret universe.

Our secret universe remembers and stores information for all the years, for all the chronology of the world of existence. Our universe carefully protects us from outbreaks of the meaningless and unpredictable.

Knowledge, world map

“... Why did he get into that environment that formed hatred in him? Because his environment is a reflection of his essence, the experience with which he came into this world ... "

There will be "multi-letters" here, but such are the sayings. This describes the understanding of our past Lives, as well as who we are now, as an already accomplished action of cause and effect. And also, how narrowly we think and have too small a map of the World in the current life circumstances.

There is one important thing: everything that you read, hear, the knowledge that you absorb from various teachers, scriptures - this is a REFLECTION of YOU.

YOU HAVE ALL THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORLD! The entire Universe fit in your space, remember this. >

Your current Worldview is only a tiny part of what really costs you reveal in yourself.

In the worldview of many people, only a vision of the earthly space is revealed, it is light, water, air, heaven and earth. Also, the worldview includes their own reflection in the mirror, their mother, father, their own role as a daughter or son, and the current state of society, based on public opinion.

You are accustomed to greatly downplay your own picture of the World, you have imposed it as such. They imposed to increase and cultivate fears, give them importance and have a negative attitude to new knowledge, to everything that leads out of stability ...

EVERYTHING is here and now


You know, it took me a long time to realize this. I'm embarrassed to realize that I haven't noticed it for so long. How could it be possible to understand that something is missing in Life? How could you think so? What about living? This is a crime! In lack, in ignorance, in long expectations and suffering from not receiving.

We suffer a lot because we don't have something. It also hurts excruciatingly that there was something wrong in the past.

We are hovering in an exciting past and an unreached future. In such "hellish" conditions we live our Lives.

We do not see this beauty of the moment now.

And indeed,

in the moment NOW IS EVERYTHING! Any feelings are available to us. Any states. But this is precisely what is truly VALUABLE and nothing more.

You can have a huge country house, a villa, a cartege of cars, a husband or wife, children, all the benefits and travel, and still be a sufferer. Do not notice the charms of the present, hover endlessly in the future and regret the past. Don't be in the HERE AND NOW. And thousands and thousands of people live in this horror.

But everything is actually simpler. There is only here and now.

Yes, I say terribly banal things, but it's true. And such is its role in our life,the role of truth is to be in the here and now...

People of the New Age

Many new and interesting, developing people enter my Life different ages, hobbies. Someone in art, someone in business, marketing, journalism, fashion… Many professions and interests.

All enthusiastic, or looking for a new direction, creative, with burning and interested eyes, developing, open, inspired.

8 out of 10 new acquaintances in the topic of spiritual development, meditation, chakras, mindfulness, nutrition, the Subconscious ... , even regressive hypnosis no longer cuts the ear so much and there are those who have tried it, or just heard and are going to plunge into their own inner World using different tools. And it certainly pleases you can freely communicate on any topic related to development with almost everyone.

Our Planet and the People that live on it enter the new Life. People who wish to benefit the World, bring value, develop and cultivate their inner freedom, and hence the outer one.

I love these: bold, strong, creative, special, with a sense of inner freedom, with the light that comes from them.

They try hard to improve themselves, their life, the world around them.

They try to KNOW themselves in every possible way. Passing through difficulties, difficulties of manifestation of the outer World, going through fears and pain. Through spiritual practices, wise texts, clues from the Universe and conscious introspection. They try to be independent, responsible...

To be healthy

In our world, many unconsciously try to support their illnesses with treatment, not realizing that, in this way, they only create further their frequent colds, or already serious illnesses. No integrity in the approach of seeing your body, your Life. Next, I will tell you how simply the direction, the orientation of my thinking has changed my state of health and other areas of Life.

Once I realized that treating locally is not effective, that a holistic approach and orientation towards “being healthy” seem to be more correct. Then I just groped for this area.

Now I see for sure that

direction of thought is more than a half success in every field.

For example, disease in the material sphere of Man: lack of money, loans, shortages, nerves, stress, disputes and swearing in families because of this. All this indicates that there are serious disturbances in this area of ​​energy metabolism. Someone has a minor illness (frequent "colds" - low incomes, debts), someone comes to "cancerous tumors" (bankruptcy, prisons, large debts, litigation). All this is a sign of energetic unhealth in this sphere of a Human.

If we take the sphere of relations, it is exactly the same there. Diseases are not understanding, not a desire to respect, to hear, a person can bite his attention into some one connection, quality (illness) of another, or himself and try to fix it, eradicate (treat). The simplest example, "cold" - a man cannot agree with a woman about where to go on vacation, they often argue. A man wants his wife to “cure” this so that he is healthy, does what he wants, feels good. A difficult example, frequent "fever" - cheating, a woman is trying to "cure" this disease area in her relationship in order to feel good, trying to correct her husband ...

Human thought is material

Human thought is material. And fortunately, for more and more people, this is not news. Each of our thoughts is a bunch of energy. This was proved by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.F. Okhatrin, the American doctor Toych, the founder of wave genetics P. Goryaev and many other scientists, and just researchers ...

The founder of wave genetics P. Goryaev revealed: “People can influence their thought, word, feeling on DNA molecules, both their own and other people”

“The human brain directly affects reality. The thought of a person, his consciousness is energy in the subtlest form” - these discoveries were published by the dean of Princeton University R. J. Jahn and his assistants.

Let us remember that each thought has a potential charge "-" or "+".

And we're all over physical laws we attract in OUR MOST that which charge we ourselves are.

Try to analyze what you manifest in the world as a whole, what everyday, every minute thoughts prevail in you - plus or minus? Will it be thoughts of gratitude, love, or feelings that are of the nature of fear? Be extremely conscious and observant, because it is difficult for a Human to keep track of all those smallest thoughts-words that run through, as it were, by the way, remaining unnoticed. But they are the ones that make up the great mass of our thinking and, as a result, you are what you scroll on the Subconscious every day.


“… It took 20 years and extreme stress for the Man to realize his pain about this. She gave 15 years to those sciences that were clearly rejected by her. But this is the best of what she could do and therefore followed them, became this knowledge and truly believed that she had no talent ... "

When you know where and what you want to come to, then the Path becomes clear, obvious and visible.

Do you know where you are going?

Yes, of course, in the morning you get up and go to work, by car, on foot or by subway, by public transport. Why are you going there? For what purpose? Why are you working? What are you working for? Look inside and follow the call of the Heart. Let it tell you and show you your everyday life. Perhaps your everyday life is gray and boring, and sometimes you don’t want to work. It brings you nothing but money, ambitions, oh, no, it robs you of free thinking, creativity and just takes your time. You sometimes clearly forget that you should learn from your own mistakes. You learn when a mistake becomes inevitable and when it becomes unbearable anymore.

Why can't you immediately analyze, predict your relationship with your studies, work, those activities that do not please you?

Why do you get up in the morning? For what? Do you have GOALS? Real Goals! The ones that set you on fire. Those that would bring you joy and happiness and, of course, money later. Those who would send you with incredible passion and desire to work, to the work that moves you, excites you, burns with a bright flame in your chest!

Everything is possible...

Many people don't believe it, don't believe that everything is possible.

It is possible to leave an unloved job; it is possible to move to another city; it is possible to meet new love and not live for something or ghostly ideals, while suffering ...

Everything is possible in this life. It is important to want!

Want with all your heart to get rid of the fetters of the mind. He holds you and only him, no one else.

And he means you.

So you yourself can throw off these shackles. So you yourself can understand where you want to go. So you yourself can make your dream come true.

Just hand over the reins of government to Yourself, take it away from the mind. Tell him where to go. He will gladly begin to explore a new direction. He doesn't care what to study. He is only a tool in the knowledge of the World.

Give direction to your knowledge!

The life path is an individual history of a person. As noted by B.G. Ananiev "a subjective picture of the life path is built according to individual and social development, measured in biographical and historical dates." The specificity of the life path lies in its historical nature, understood as the inclusion of a person's life in the historical process. On this occasion, S.L. Rubinstein writes: "Not only humanity, but every person is to some extent a participant and subject of the history of mankind and in a certain sense writes history himself."

And in order to understand his life path, a person must consider and answer the questions: "Who would I be? What have I done? Who have I become?"

As S.L. Rubinshtein, it would be wrong to think that in his deeds, in the products of his activity, his labor, a person is only revealed, being already ready before and apart from them and remaining the same after them as he was. A person who has done something significant becomes, in a certain sense, a different person. Of course, in order to do anything significant, you need to have the internal capacity to do so. However, these possibilities and potencies stall and die if they are not realized; only to the extent that a person is subjectively, objectively realized in the products of his labor, does he grow and form through them.

When we see how much of himself a person has invested in what he has done, we feel that behind the work there is a person whose personality is of interest. Thus, "in the activity of a person, in his practical and theoretical affairs, - notes S.L. Rubinshtein, the mental, spiritual development of a person is not only manifested, but also improved." This is the key to understanding the development of personality - how it is formed, making its life path.

The first and largest in terms of its theoretical potential was the formulation of the problem of the life path by S. Buhler, who made an attempt to integrate biological, psychological and historical life times in a single coordinate system. She outlined three aspects of the study of the life path of the individual:

study of the objective conditions of life, the main events of life and behavior in these conditions (biological and biographical aspect);

study of the history of the formation and change of values, experiences, evolution of the inner world of a person (historical and psychological aspect);

study of the history of human creativity, products and results of its activities (psychological and social aspect).

The driving force behind the development of personality is, according to S. Buhler, the innate desire for self-fulfillment, self-fulfillment - the realization of "oneself". The concept of self-realization is close in meaning to the concept of self-realization. But self-realization is only the beginning of self-realization.

The life path in the concept of S. Buhler is considered as a process consisting of five life cycles(phases of life). Each phase of life is based on the development of target personality structures - self-determination.

The first phase (from birth to 16-20 years) is considered a period preceding self-determination, and, as it were, is taken out of the life path.

The second (from 16-20 to 25-30 years) - the period of human trials in different types activities, search for a life partner, i.e. his attempt to self-determine, to predict his future.

The third phase (from 25-30 to 45-50 years old) is the period of maturity. During this period, his expectations from life are real, he soberly assesses his capabilities, his self-esteem reflects the results of his life path as a whole, the first results of his life and his achievements.

The fourth phase (from 45-50 to 65-70 years old) is the phase of an aging organism. A career is coming to an end or nearing completion. Adult children leave the family, biological decay sets in.

The tendency to dreams, memories increases, the setting of long-term goals of life disappears.

The fifth phase (65-70 years before death) is old age. Most people leave their professional activities, the inner world of the elderly is turned to the past, they think about the future with anxiety, anticipating a near end.

All life cycles are interconnected. The fact of the beginning of activity is of fundamental importance for the life path of the individual. As noted by B.G. Ananiev, the development of a person from birth to maturity coincides with the change in upbringing, education and training of an emerging personality and is perspectively focused on preparing a person for independent life. In genetic terms, this preparatory phase is very important, since education is the main form of social management of the process of personality formation, the subject of cognition and behavior. "During this period, a person's readiness for independent work, self-government is also formed."

The most detailed and recognized in psychology periodization of life cycles belongs to E. Erickson, who distinguishes eight stages in the life path of a person. Each stage is accompanied by a crisis, which is a turning point in life, resulting from the achievement of a certain level of mental development and a change in relations with other people and the world. As a result, a person acquires something new, characteristic of a given cycle of personality development. These personal neoplasms themselves do not arise from scratch, their appearance is prepared at the previous stages of personality development.

Being formed, a person acquires not only advantages, but also disadvantages. In his concept of personal development, E. Erickson describes only the extreme lines of personal development: normal and abnormal. In their pure form, they are rare, but they contain possible intermediate options for a person's personal development.

In accordance with the theory of E. Erickson, the foundations of personal development are laid at the first stage (stages of trust - distrust), which lasts from birth to 18 months. During this period, social interaction develops, the positive pole of which is trust, and the negative pole is distrust. The degree of trust depends on the care shown to the child, affection, attention to his needs, etc. Lack of loving care, proper attention and care develop distrust, timidity and suspicion. Trust-distrust the child carries with him to other stages of development, and in subsequent stages the child may overcome the initial distrust, but may also lose trust in others.

The second stage (autonomy of shame) lasts from one and a half to three to four years. During this period, on the basis of the development of motor and mental abilities, the independence of the child develops. He strives to do everything himself, is active. The main positive result of development at this stage is the achievement of a sense of independence. But vital activity can also be flawed, as a result of which the child is faced with disapproval from others. Too strict or inconsistent external control makes the child doubt the significance of his personality, form shyness, self-doubt and a sense of shame.

The third stage (initiative - guilt) begins at about four years (up to 6 years). During this period, the child has the first ideas about how he can become a person. Intensively developing cognitive activity child, curiosity. The plans that he constantly makes and which he is allowed to carry out, contribute to the development of the initiative. But if the parents show the child that his initiative, curiosity is undesirable and harmful, the games are stupid, the questions are intrusive, he begins to feel guilty and takes this feeling of guilt and humility to the next stages.

The fourth stage (industriousness or inferiority) lasts from about six to eleven years of age. During this period, the child is included in a systematic organized activity, which he carries out independently. During this period, the child is trying to win recognition, earn approval, carrying out educational, labor activities. He develops industriousness. But if diligence is not formed in a child, then the level of development of skills in educational, labor activity is lower than in others, low status in situations of joint activity contributes to the emergence of a feeling of inadequacy, incompetence and inferiority.

Fifth stage (personal identification or role uncertainty). During the transition to the fifth stage (12-18 years old), a teenager matures physiologically and mentally, he forms new views on the world, a new approach to life and himself. There is an active search for oneself, playing various roles. In search of personal identity, a person decides what is important to him, develops norms for assessing his own behavior and the behavior of other people. This process is associated with the realization of one's own value and competence, the development of plans for the future. If a person successfully copes with the task of psychosocial identification, then he gets a sense of who he is, where he is and where he is going. Failure to identify can lead to status uncertainty, confusion of roles, self-doubt, problems in self-determination.

The sixth stage (intimacy-isolation) begins at 20 and ends by 45 years. By closeness, E. Erickson understands not only physical closeness, but also the ability to take care of another person, establish trusting relationships, and love. Success or failure at this stage depends on how well the person has gone through the other stages. Social conditions can make it easier or harder to achieve intimacy. But if a person does not achieve intimacy, loneliness becomes his lot - a state of a person in which he has no one to share his life with, no one to take care of.

The seventh stage (general humanity - self-absorption). This stage covers the period from 45 to 60 years. E. Erickson calls universal humanity the ability of a person to be interested in other people, to think about the life of future generations. A person feels pride in his children, satisfaction with a full and varied life, he creatively works on himself. This period is characterized by high productivity in various fields. The one who has not developed a sense of belonging to humanity focuses on himself, his main concern is the satisfaction of his needs, his own comfort.

The eighth stage (fullness of life-despair) is experienced during aging, after 60 years. This is the stage when a person achieves wholeness, he feels the fullness and usefulness of his life and the realization that life was not in vain. Death is inevitable, but not terrible.

If a person is not satisfied with the life he has lived, realizes the meaninglessness of his existence, then he ends his life in fear of death and in despair.

B.G. Ananiev noted that the desire to express the milestones of a person's life path in chronological dates is justified. Each phase of the life path: preparatory, start, culmination, finish - characterize the change in the subject of activity, personality. However, the conditionality of the average values ​​of the climax does not require proof. Decreased productivity of a scientist, artist, engineer, writer, etc. can be temporary, and after a decline or a creative decline, a new upsurge, a new climax comes. In addition, there is a certain dependence of the climax on the start, and the start on the upbringing of the personality. To the same extent, we can assume the existence of a connection between the climax and the finish.

The life periodization of a personality and its life structures are dependent on the personality itself, on its capabilities and the meaning of life. The meaning of life is a generalization by a person of his tasks, opportunities and place in life, i.e. human life concept.

The implementation by the individual of his life plans, tasks is the self-actualization of the individual. Self-actualization is "full use of talents, abilities, opportunities, etc." - notes A. Maslow. He wrote: "I imagine a self-actualized person not as an ordinary person to whom something has been added, but as an ordinary person from whom nothing has been taken away." He names the characteristics of a self-actualized personality:

a more effective perception of reality and a more comfortable relationship to it;

acceptance of oneself, others, nature;

spontaneity, simplicity, naturalness;

task-centered (as opposed to self-centered);

autonomy, independence from culture and environment;

constant freshness of the assessment;

a sense of belonging, unity with others;

deeper interpersonal relationships;

difference between means and ends, good and evil;

philosophical, non-hostile sense of humor;

democratic character structure.

Self-actualization, as A. Maslow notes, is not the absence of problems, but the movement from transient and unreal problems to real problems.

Self-actualization plays an important role in the entire life path of the individual and at the same time determines it.

Many authors believe that a self-actualizing personality is a person who has the freedom to create himself and his life, turning the most routine activity into a holiday, into an exciting game. E. Fromm defined freedom as the ability to make a conscious choice. One of the steps to freedom is the ability to love. Many people do not know, do not understand that we cannot love others until we love ourselves. And to love yourself is to accept yourself with all the weaknesses and shortcomings. The same attitude should be with other people. We, on the other hand, are subject to illusions that one can love only for perfection, therefore love is replaced by power over a person, by the desire to correct others.

Thus, a person striving for self-actualization has a positive life path, which is characterized by faith in himself, in his Self, adequate self-assessment of his qualities, a high level of self-management by his actions and deeds. The beginning of the path to self-actualization is the development of the ability for self-knowledge, self-respect and self-confidence.

As we have seen, a person is not born as a personality; he becomes a person. This development of the personality is essentially different from the development of the organism, which takes place in the process of simple organic maturation. The essence of the human personality finds its final expression in the fact that it not only develops like any organism, but also has its own history.

Unlike other living beings, humanity has a history, and not just repeating cycles of development, because the activity of people, changing reality, is objectified in the products of material and spiritual culture, which are transmitted from generation to generation. Through them, a succession is created between generations, thanks to which subsequent generations do not repeat, but continue the work of the previous ones and rely on what their predecessors have done, even when they come into conflict with them.

What applies to humanity as a whole cannot but apply in a certain sense to each individual. Not only humanity, but every person is to some extent a participant and subject of the history of mankind, and in a certain sense he himself has a history. Every person has his own history, since the development of the individual is mediated by the result of his activity, just as the development of mankind is mediated by the products of social practice, through which the historical continuity of generations is established. Therefore, in order to understand the path of one's development in its true human essence, a person must consider it in a certain aspect: what was I? - What I've done? - what have I become? It would be wrong to think that in one's deeds, in the products of one's activity, one's labor, a person only reveals himself, being already ready before and apart from them and remaining the same after them as he was. A person who has done something significant becomes, in a certain sense, a different person. Of course, it is also correct that in order to do something significant, you need to have some kind of internal capabilities for this. However, these possibilities and potentialities of a person stall and die if they are not realized; only to the extent that a person is objectively realized in the products of his labor does he grow and form through them. Between the personality and the products of its labor, between what it is and what it has done, there is a peculiar dialectic. It is not at all necessary that a person exhaust himself in the work that he has done; on the contrary, people about whom we feel that they have exhausted themselves by what they have done usually lose purely personal interest for us. At the same time, when we see that no matter how much a person has invested himself in what he has done, he has not exhausted himself with what he has done, we feel that a living person is behind the deed, whose personality is of particular interest. Such people have an internally freer attitude towards their work, towards the products of their activity; without exhausting themselves in them, they retain inner strength and opportunities for new achievements.

The point, then, is not to reduce the history of human life to a series of external events. Least of all, such a reduction is acceptable for psychology, for which the inner mental content and mental development of the personality are essential; but the essence of the matter is that the very mental development of the personality is mediated by its practical and theoretical activity, its deeds. The line from what a man was at one stage of his history to what he became at the next runs through what he has done. In the activity of a person, in his deeds, practical and theoretical, the mental, spiritual development of a person is not only manifested, but also accomplished.

This is the key to understanding the development of personality - how it is formed, making its life path. Her psychic abilities are not only a prerequisite, but also the result of her actions and deeds. In them, it is not only revealed, but also formed. The thought of a scientist is formed as he formulates it in his works, the thought of a public, political figure - in his deeds. If his deeds are born from his thoughts, plans, plans, then his thoughts themselves are generated by his deeds. The consciousness of a historical figure is formed and develops as an awareness of what happens through him and with his participation, like when a sculptor's chisel carves a human image from a block of stone, it determines not only the features of the depicted, but also the artistic face of the sculptor himself. The artist's style is an expression of his individuality, but his very individuality as an artist is formed in his work on the style of his works. The character of a person is manifested in his actions, but in his actions he is formed; the character of a person is both a prerequisite and the result of his real behavior in specific life situations; conditioning his behavior, he is in the same behavior and develops. A bold man acts boldly and a noble man behaves noblely; but, in order to become brave, you need to do bold deeds in your life, and in order to become truly noble, you need to commit deeds that would put this stamp of nobility on a person. A disciplined person usually behaves in a disciplined manner, but how does one become disciplined? Only by subordinating your behavior from day to day, from hour to hour, to unswerving discipline.

In the same way, in order to master the heights of science and art, certain abilities are needed, of course. But, being realized in some activity, abilities are not only revealed in it; they are formed and developed in it. Between the abilities of a person and the products of his activity, his labor, there is a profound relationship and the closest interaction. A person's abilities develop and work out on what he does. The practice of life provides at every step the richest factual material, testifying to how people's abilities are developed and developed at work, in study and work.

For a person, his biography, a kind of history of his "life path" is not an accidental, external and psychologically indifferent circumstance. It is not for nothing that a person’s biography includes, first of all, where and what he studied, where and how he worked, what he did, his works. This means that the history of a person, which should characterize him, includes, first of all, what he mastered in the course of education from the results of the previous historical development of mankind and what he himself did for its further advance - how he joined in the succession of historical development.

In those cases when, being included in the history of mankind, an individual performs historical deeds, i.e. deeds that are included not only in his personal history, but also in the history of society - in the history of science itself, and not only science education and mental development this person, in the history of art, and not just the aesthetic education and development of a given personality, etc. - it becomes historical figure in the proper sense of the word. But every person, every human personality has its own history. Every person has a history insofar as he is included in the history of mankind. It can even be said that a person is only a person insofar as he has his own history. In the course of this individual history, there are also "events" - key moments and turning points in the individual's life path, when a person's life path is determined by the adoption of a particular decision for a more or less long period.

At the same time, everything that a person does is mediated by his attitude towards other people and therefore is saturated with social human content. In this regard, the things that a person does usually outgrow him, since they are public affairs. But at the same time, a person outgrows his business, since his consciousness is public consciousness. It is determined not only by a person's attitude to the products of his own activity, it is formed by his attitude to all areas of historically developing human practice, human culture. Through the objective products of his labor and creativity, a person becomes a person, because through the products of his labor, through everything that he does, a person always correlates with a person.

Behind every theory there is always, ultimately, some kind of ideology; Behind every psychological theory is some general conception of man, which receives in it a more or less specialized refraction. Thus, a certain concept of the human personality stood behind traditional, purely contemplative, intellectualized psychology, in particular, associative psychology, which depicted mental life as a smooth flow of ideas, as a process flowing entirely in one plane, regulated by the clutch of associations, like an uninterruptedly working machine in which all parts attached to each other; and in exactly the same way, its own conception of man as a machine, or rather, an appendage to a machine, lies at the basis of behavioral psychology.

Its own concept of the human personality is behind all the constructions of our psychology. This is a real living person of flesh and blood; internal contradictions are not alien to him, he has not only sensations, ideas, thoughts, but also needs and drives; there are conflicts in his life. But the sphere and the real significance of the higher levels of consciousness are expanding and strengthening in him. These higher levels of conscious life are not externally built on top of the lower ones; they penetrate deeper and deeper into them and rebuild them; human needs are increasingly becoming truly human needs; without losing anything in their natural naturalness, they themselves, and not just the ideal manifestations of man built on top of them, are increasingly turning into manifestations of the historical, social, truly human essence of man.

This development of man's consciousness, its growth and its rooting in him, take place in the process of man's real activity. Human consciousness is inextricably linked with reality, and efficiency - with consciousness. Only due to the fact that a person, driven by his needs and interests, objectively objectively generates ever new and more and more perfect products of his labor, in which he objectifies himself, all new areas, all higher levels of consciousness are formed and developed in him. Through the products of his labor and his creativity, which are always the products of social labor and social creativity, since man himself is a social being, a conscious personality develops, its conscious life expands and strengthens. It is also a whole psychological concept in a folded form. Behind it, as its real prototype, looms the image of a human creator who, by changing nature and rebuilding society, changes his own nature, who in his social practice, generating new social relations and in collective labor creating a new culture, forges a new, truly human the shape of a person.

(1859-1947) was one of the first to attempt to depict the mental evolution of a person in real time, correlate age phases and biographical stages of the life path, link biological, psychological and historical time in a single coordinate system of personality evolution.
Karl Jaspers refers Janet's ideas to the so-called theories of stages, or levels. It is typical for such theories to consider mental life as a whole, within which each element takes its place, and the entire set of elements is structured in the form of a pyramid. The top of the pyramid represents the goal or essential vital reality. The links between the levels are realized through the relationship between the goals and the means of the present existence. "Janet interprets functions as a descending series. The top corresponds to the" function of the real ", expressed in volitional acts, attention and sensation of the reality of the moment. Below is" uninterested activity ", then the function" imagination "(fantasy), then" visceral reaction of feeling " and, finally, "useless somatic movements" (Jaspers K. General psychopathology. M., 1997. P. 644).
Pierre Janet formulated the position that the primary is real action produced in conditions of cooperation between people. In the future, this action from the real becomes verbal, and then it is reduced and passes into the internal plane - the plane of silent speech, and finally, it turns into a mental action. All internal operations are the essence of transformed external ones, performed in a situation of cooperation.
In the group act of cooperation there was special aspect, the focus on which led to the conclusion that in the interaction of individuals there is not only a social, but also a psychological context. He proclaims cooperation principle, according to which human behavior is built not only on the basis of collective ideas, has a motivational charge and is implemented by a system of external and internal operations, but also includes the relationship between participants in associated activities. The analysis of the category "attitude" is considered by him as a special aspect of a person's mental activity, which cannot be fully disclosed either in the categories of sociology or in terms of the psychology of the image-action-motive. The term "psychosocial attitude" was used to designate the new reality. Janet develops a historical approach to the psyche. Emphasizing the social level of behavior and its derivatives - Will - the ability of a person to achieve his goals in the face of overcoming obstacles. The basis for the implementation of volitional processes is the mediation of his behavior characteristic of a person - through the use of socially developed tools or means. It builds a process that has significant individual variations of conscious control over certain emotional states or motives. Due to this control, one acquires the ability to act contrary to strong motivation or to ignore strong emotional experiences. The development of the child's will, starting from early childhood, is carried out through the formation of conscious control over direct behavior during the assimilation certain rules behavior.");" onmouseout="nd();" href="javascript:void(0);">will, memory, Thinking is the most generalized and mediated form of mental reflection that establishes connections and relationships between cognizable objects. Thinking is the highest level of human knowledge. Allows you to gain knowledge about such objects, properties and relationships of the real world that cannot be directly perceived at the sensory level of knowledge. The forms and laws of thinking are studied by logic, the mechanisms of its flow - by psychology and neurophysiology. Cybernetics analyzes thinking in connection with the tasks of modeling some mental functions.");" onmouseout="nd();" href="javascript:void(0);">think . P. Janet connects self-consciousness with the development of memory and ideas about time ().
Another concept of the psychological evolution of personality was proposed by Charlotte Buhler (1893-1982). The life path of the individual was revealed through the solution of a number of tasks: 1) biological and biographical research, or the study of the objective conditions of life; 2) studying the history of experiences, the formation and change of values, the evolution of the inner world of a person; 3) analysis of the products of activity, the history of the individual's creativity in different life situations.
Biological and cultural maturation, according to Buhler, do not coincide. Associating these two processes with the features of the flow mental processes, she distinguishes two phases of adolescence - negative and positive.
Negative phase begins in the prepubertal period and is characterized by restlessness, anxiety, the presence of imbalances in physical and mental development, aggressiveness. In girls, the period of negativity lasts from 2 to 9 months (from 11 to 13 years old) and ends with the onset of menstruation, while in boys the limit of age fluctuations is greater, it falls at the age of 14-16 years.
positive phase comes gradually and is expressed in the fact that a teenager begins to experience feelings of love, beauty, a sense of unity with nature, people, harmony with himself.
In cognition of the inner world of a personality, S. Buhler prefers the biographical method, the study of diaries. Having collected more than 1000 diaries, she discovered a surprising similarity between them, primarily related to topics touched by a teenager, such as feelings of loneliness, self-interest, the problem of time, the search for an ideal, the thirst for love, etc. Theories of P. Janet and S. Buhler belong to the evolutionary-genetic approach, in which an attempt is made to trace the connection between the life path of the individual and age periodization, the ratio of external and internal events life.
The most common method of early theories of the life course of a person is biographical collection of material. Researchers took such empirical procedures very seriously, knowing their advantages and disadvantages. "It is unacceptable to apply the categories of the biographical approach indiscriminately to everything that is revealed in the anamnesis or research. The biographical method is not an explanation, but a kind of observing perception. Using it, we do not discover any new factors or substances like radiations or vitamins. But it has a transformative influence on the fundamental categories of explanation. The inclusion of the subjective factor in the methodology of research is the point at which a shift in fundamental categories occurs "(Cited in: Jaspers K. General psychopathology. M., 1997. P. 812).
This methodology is based on the idea of ​​analyzing individual cases, studying the unique nature of a person, his uniqueness and not always predictability. As a rule, the method of analyzing a single case, at least in experimental psychology, is subjected to biased critical evaluation. It is based on the fact that Deduction - (from lat. deductio - inference) a logical conclusion in the process of thinking from the general to the particular. ");" onmouseout="nd();" href="javascript:void(0);">deductive the conclusion cannot be built on the basis of Inductive logic - (from Latin inductio - guidance) 1) a logical conclusion in the process of thinking from the particular to the general; 2) the transition from a single knowledge about individual objects of a given class to a general conclusion about all objects of a given class; one of the methods of cognition.");" onmouseout="nd();" href="javascript:void(0);"> inductive logic used in the study of single life histories. Jaspers, discussing the possibilities of applying the biographical method, proposes to consider individual history from the point of view of the fundamental categories of life history.
Such categories are: consciousness as a means of gaining new automatisms, building a personal world and creativity, sudden, invading changes and adaptation, crisis situations and spiritual development. All the proposed categories are given in the most general, philosophical and methodological interpretation.
Early works on the problem of the evolution of life had common roots - they understood development as an evolutionary, strictly defined process, determined by both external and internal factors; considered the development of human life, on the one hand, as unique, on the other - as a universal process. Both the individual and the general were often presented as already predetermined, predetermined. "A person's life is structured thanks to his work, activities to create his own world, creativity. A person's life, down to the deepest foundations, is determined by the possibilities of constructive activity in the world in which this person grows. The breadth of his horizons, the stability of his foundations, the shocks he experiences - all this as a whole has its source in the world where the given individual was born, and determines the measure of his self-consciousness and the content of his existential experience "(K. Jaspers. General psychopathology. M., 1997. P. 835).
In his work "Philosophical Roots of Experimental Psychology" S.L. Rubinstein wrote that the penetration of the principle of evolution into psychology played a significant role in its development. Firstly, evolutionary theory "introduced a new, very fruitful point of view into the study of mental phenomena, linking the study of the psyche and its development not only with physiological mechanisms, but also with the development of organisms in the process of adaptation to the environment" (), and secondly, led to the development of genetic psychology, stimulating work in the field of phylo- and ontogenesis - (from the Greek on, ontos - being and genesis - birth, origin) the individual development of the body is the totality of transformations undergone by the body from birth to the end of life. The term was introduced by the German biologist E. Haeckel (1866).");" onmouseout="nd();" href="javascript:void(0);">ontogeny .
S.L. Rubinshtein is one of those domestic psychologists who purposefully dealt with the problem of the individual's life path. He critically reacted to the evolutionary theory of S. Buhler, arguing, contrary to her, that the path of life is not a simple unfolding of a life plan laid down in childhood. This is a socially determined process, at each stage of which neoplasms arise. At the same time, the individual is an active participant in this process, and at any moment can intervene in it. It is in this vein, i.e. in terms of posing the problem of the life path of the individual as a process determined by social and subjective variables, in the 30s of the twentieth century. and the task of studying the individual history of a person was formulated.

11.2. The problem of the life path in the works of S.L. Rubinshtein

11.3. Space and time of personality

Personality and its development have traditionally been considered at the intersection of two axes - time and space. In Russian literature, space is identified with social reality, social space, objective reality. According to A.G. Asmolov, a person becomes a person if with the help of social groups is included in the flow of activities and through their system assimilates Exteriorization - (from Latin exterior - external) the transition from the internal, mental plan of action to the external, implemented in the form of techniques and actions with objects. 2) The opposite is internalization.");" onmouseout="nd();" href="javascript:void(0);"> exteriorized in the human world of meaning.
The problem of space and its psychological interpretation was discussed in the works of S.L. Rubinstein. He interprets it as a problem of being, the world and the existence of a person as an acting, acting and interacting subject. This point of view, of course, differs from the position expressed by A.G. Asmolov, since it allows the possibility of organizing the living space by the person himself. The latter is determined by the ability of a person to establish a variety of relationships with other people and their depth. The other person, the relations of people, their actions as real "human" and not "objective" conditions of life - such is the ontology of human life. The space of the individual is also determined by her freedom, the ability to go beyond the situation, to reveal her true human nature.
In connection with such an interpretation of the personality space, questions are formulated - freedom and lack of freedom of the individual, the relationship of I-Other, the experience of the state and feelings of loneliness, etc.
The problem of time in the philosophical and psychological literature has been developed in more detail. The solution of the cardinal question for psychology about objective and subjective time made it possible to further reveal the temporal aspects of the psyche, the mechanisms of their action - speed, rhythm, intensity.
In a broader context, the lifetime problem was solved in concepts of personal organization of time K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya. concept personal time is revealed in this theory through the category of activity, which acts as a way of organizing life time, as a way of transforming the potential time of personality development into real life time (see Reader 11.1).
It is hypothetically assumed that personal time has variative-typological character, and cannot be scientifically investigated in terms of individually unique, biographical time.
This hypothesis has been tested in specific empirical studies. So, in the work of V.I. Kovalev identified four types of time regulation. The basis for the construction of the typology were - the nature of the regulation of time and the level of activity.

  • The spontaneously ordinary type of time regulation is characterized by dependence on events, situationality, inability to organize a sequence of events, lack of initiative.
  • The functionally effective type of time regulation is characterized by the active organization of events in a certain sequence, the ability to regulate this process; the initiative arises only in actuality, there is no prolonged regulation of the life time - the life line.
  • The contemplative type is characterized by passivity, lack of ability to organize time; prolonged tendencies are found only in the spheres of spiritual and intellectual activity.
  • The creative and transforming type has such properties as a prolonged organization of time, which correlates with the meaning of life, with the logic of social trends.

Only one of the distinguished types, namely the last one, has the ability for a holistic, prolonged regulation and organization of life time. He arbitrarily divides his life into periods, stages and is relatively independent of the series of events. In this sense, the event approach (A.A. Kronik) could not explain the existing individual differences in the organization of life time.
The problem of correlation of subjective and objective time was formulated in the study by L.Yu. Kublickene. The subject of the analysis was the relationship between the experience of time, its awareness and its practical regulation.

  • As a result, five modes of implementation of activities were identified:
    • 1) optimal mode;
    • 2) an indefinite period, in which the person himself determines the total time and deadline for completing the activity;
    • 3) time limit - hard work in a limited time;
    • 4) excess time, i.e. time is obviously more than necessary to complete the task;
    • 5) lack of time - insufficient time.

During the study, all modes were presented to the subject, who had to choose one of the five proposed options when answering the following questions: "How do you usually act, really?" and "How would you ideally act?".

  • As a result of the study, five types of personalities were identified:
    • Optimal- successfully works in all modes, copes with all temporary tasks; capable of organizing time.
    • In short supply- reduces all possible regimes to a shortage of time, since it is in a shortage that it operates most successfully.
    • Calm- has difficulty working under time pressure. Strives to know everything in advance, to plan their actions; disorganization of behavior occurs when time is specified from the outside.
    • Executive- successfully operates in all modes, except for temporary uncertainty, in all modes with a given period.
    • alarming- is successful at the optimal time, works well in excess, but avoids a scarce situation.

Each person, knowing his own characteristics of the organization of time, can either avoid difficult time regimes for him, or improve his time capabilities.
The typological approach to the time of life and its organization makes it possible to most accurately and differentially classify individual variants of the temporal regulation of a person's life path.
In a number of studies, a typological approach to the organization of time was carried out thanks to the already well-known typology of C. Jung. This is a study by T.N. Berezina.
K. Jung identified eight types of personality. The following were chosen as criteria for constructing a typology: 1) the dominant mental function (thinking, feeling, intuition, sensation) and 2) ego-orientation ( Introversion is a personality characteristic described by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist C. Jung in 1910 and literally meaning "onmouseout="nd();" href="javascript:void(0);">introversion or Extraversion - the predominant orientation of the personality outside, on the surrounding people, external phenomena, events. ");" onmouseout="nd();" href="javascript:void(0);">extraversion).
There was an opinion that representatives of the feeling type were characterized by an orientation to the past, the thinking type to the connection of the present with the past and the future, the sensory type to the present, and the intuitive type to the future.
In the study of T.N. Berezina, carried out under the direction of K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, the concept of transspective proposed by V.I. Kovalev. Transspective is such a psychological formation in which the past, present and future of the individual are organically combined and generated. This concept means an individual's review of the course of his own life in any of its directions, at any of its stages, a through vision of the past and future in their relationship with the present and the present.
The whole variety of transspectives is considered in connection with personality types. For example, an intuitive introvert evaluates the past, present and future as separately presented, unrelated images; a mental introvert connects images of the past, present and future, and the future is seen as a period of life more distant from the past and present; the sensing introvert highlights the present, while the past and future are undefined and blurred, etc.
The typological approach to the regulation of life time has a number of advantages in comparison with the event-based (A.A. Kronik) and evolutionary-genetic (Sh. Buhler). It makes it possible to explore individual differences between people in the organization of time and to consider the problem of time or life prospects in a differentiated way. From the point of view of this approach, it is customary to distinguish between psychological, personal and life perspectives.
Psychological perspective- the ability of a person to consciously foresee the future, to predict it. Differences in psychological perspective are associated with value orientations personality.
Personal perspective- the ability to foresee the future and readiness for it in the present, setting for the future (readiness for difficulties, uncertainty, etc.). Personal perspective is a property of a person, an indicator of his maturity, development potential, formed ability to organize time.
life perspective- a set of circumstances and conditions of life that create an opportunity for an individual to optimally advance in life.
Considering the evolutionary-genetic and functional-dynamic approaches to the problem of the life path of the individual and its time, one should dwell on event approach A.A. Kronika, E.I. Golovakhi.
From the point of view of the event approach, the analysis of personality development is carried out in the plane - past-present-future. A person's age is considered from four points of view, which give an idea of ​​the different characteristics of age: 1) chronological (passport) age, 2) biological (functional) age, 3) social (civilian) age, 4) psychological (subjectively experienced) age.
The authors correlate the solution of the problem of psychological age with the subjective attitude of a person towards it, with self-assessment of age. To test the theoretical and empirical hypotheses, an experiment was conducted, during which the subjects were asked to imagine that they did not know anything about their chronological age, and to name the one that subjectively suits them. It turned out that in 24% of people their own assessment coincided with their chronological age, 55% considered themselves younger, and 21% felt older. The sample consisted of 83 people (40 women and 43 men). The specific influence of the age factor on the subjective assessment of age was singled out - the older the person, the stronger the tendency to consider himself younger than his age.
A.A. Kronik and E.I. Golovakh connected the assessment of life time with the personality's assessment of their achievements (and their correspondence to age). In the case when the level of achievement is ahead of social expectations, a person feels older than his true age. If a person has achieved less than what is expected of him, as it seems to him, at a given age, then he will feel younger. An experiment conducted in a group of people aged 23-25 ​​revealed that single/unmarried young people underestimate their age compared to married/married people. This, apparently, means that the appropriate marital status - marriage and the creation of a family determines the psychological age of the individual.
The life time of a person is both the years lived, according to Kronik, and the years to be lived in the future, therefore the psychological age should be assessed by two indicators: the years lived and the years ahead (so, if the life expectancy is 70 years, and the self-assessment of age is 35 , then the degree of realization will be equal to half the lifetime).
In accordance with the event approach, a person's perception of time is determined by the number and intensity of events occurring in life. You can get a concrete answer if you ask a person the following question: "If we take the entire event content of your life as 100%, what percentage of it has already been realized by you?" Events are evaluated not as objective units of life, but as subjective components that are significant for a person.
The realization of psychological time is realized by a person in the form of experiencing an inner age, which is called the psychological age of the individual.

  • Psychological age is a characteristic of a person's individuality; it is measured using an internal reference system.
  • Psychological age is reversible - a person can both grow old and get younger.
  • Psychological age is multidimensional. It may not match different areas life (professional, family, etc.).

As we could see, the concept of S.L. Rubinshtein aroused serious scientific interest, which was reflected in the further development of the main provisions of the psychology of the life path of the individual. True, the continuity of Rubinstein's ideas was not always observed, since subsequent scientific developments were carried out in directions that did not coincide in their methodological and theoretical provisions - in the concept of personal organization of time and within the framework of the event approach. Each of these theories in its own way formulated the tasks associated with the solution of the fundamental problem of the life path of the individual, studied the problem of personal and psychological time in different ways. It seems that with all this, both schools remained open for an exchange of opinions and scientific discussions.

Glossary of terms

  1. life path
  2. Activity
  3. Initiative
  4. Responsibility
  5. Psychological time of personality
  6. social identity
  7. Functional-dynamic approach
  8. Event approach
  9. Evolutionary genetic approach

Questions for self-examination

  1. What do you see as the shortcomings of the evolutionary-genetic approach to the problem of a person's life path?
  2. What are the main features of a person as a subject of life?
  3. What is the difference between initiative and responsibility?
  4. How did Rubinstein interpret consciousness, studied within the framework of the problem of the individual's life path?
  5. What are the features of the functional-genetic approach to the problem of personality time?
  6. How is psychological age measured in the event approach to the problem of time?


  1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Development of personality in the process of life // Psychology of formation and development of personality. M.: Nauka, 1981. S. 19-45.
  2. Abulkhanova K.A. Rubinshtein S.L. - retrospective and perspective // ​​The problem of the subject in psychological science. M.: Academic project, 2000. S. 13-27.
  3. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A., Brushlinsky A.V. Philosophical and psychological concept of S.L. Rubinstein. M.: Nauka, 1989. 248 p.
  4. Abulkhanova K.A., Berezina T.N. Personal time and life time. St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2001.
  5. Antsyferova L.I. The psychological concept of Pierre Janet // Questions of Psychology, 1969. No. 5.
  6. Antsyferova L.I. psychology of personality formation and development // personality psychology in the works of domestic psychologists. SPb., 2000. S. 207-213.
  7. Brushlinsky A.V. psychology of the subject and his activity // Modern psychology. Reference Guide / Ed. V.N. Druzhinina M.: Infra-M, 1999. S. 330-346.
  8. Brushlinsky A.V. On the criteria of the subject // Psychology of the individual and group subject / Ed. A.V. Brushlinskogo M., 2002. Ch. pp. 9-34.
  9. Kronik A.A., Golovakha E.I. Psychological age of personality // Psychology of personality in the works of domestic psychologists. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2000. S. 246-256.
  10. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. 2nd ed. M., 1946.
  11. Rubinshtein S.L. Being and consciousness. M., 1957.
  12. Rubinshtein S.L. Philosophical roots of experimental psychology // Problems of general psychology. M.: Pedagogy, 1976. S. 67-89.
  13. Rubinshtein S.L. Man and the world. M.: Nauka, 1997. 191 p.
  14. Sergienko E.A. Formation of the subject: an unfinished discussion // Psychological journal. 2003. V. 24. No. 2. S. 114-120.
  15. Jaspers K. General psychopathology. M., 1997. 1056 p.

Topics of term papers and essays

  1. The development of the views of S.L. Rubinshtein on the problem of the life path of the individual.
  2. The life path of a personality and the problem of periodization of development in depth psychology.
  3. Personality self-integration in the theory of S.L. Rubinstein and the integration of all opposites according to K. Jung.
  4. The principle of determinism in the concept of S.L. Rubinstein.
  5. Tragic and comic in the life of a person.
  6. The development of ideas about personality in the works of S.L. Rubinstein.

How bad it is for a person to live without understanding his life path. Uncertainty and ignorance of the right path in life is a straight road to a dead end. It's like wandering in thick fog - walking and not seeing the road. Numerology will help dispel the fog on the road of life.

A hobbler on a straight road will outstrip a runner who has gone astray. (Francis Bacon)

The straight road is to know your life path. To find out your calling in life, let's use numerology. The initial data will be the numbers of the month, day and year of birth. The sum of all the numbers will give us an important number that determines the Life Path. This is the number of the waybill in the road called Life.

This waybill, where the route of direction is indicated and the limits of possible and impossible deviations are indicated. It is this number that will explain to us who we are and give an answer to the question: why are we exactly like this?

The life path is what mission we are sent to planet Earth with and what we need to do here. It will also clarify our inner nature, the abilities that we possess.

Rule for determining the life path: the Life Path figure is determined by adding the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. Then we reduce everything to one digit. Exception: 22 and 11.

Numbers 11 and 22 - Dominant in numerology, which cannot be reduced, unless their fluctuations impede the life path of a person.

The Life Path Number (LFN) is easy to determine in three ways of addition.

illustrative examples

Example: 1. Date of birth Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy 09.09.1828

  1. 0+9+0+9+1+8+2+8=37=3+7+10= 1+0=1
  2. 1828+09+09=1846=1+8+4+6=19=1+9=10=1+0=1
  3. 1828=1+8+2+8=19=1+9=10=1+0=1; 0+9=9; 0+9=9; 1+9+9=19; 1+9=10=1+0=1

Different methods of addition are needed in order to check whether the double numbers 11, 22 and 33 are hidden behind 2, 4 and 6, which deepen the meaning of our number.

That's how difficult it is for the brilliant writer Pushkin.

Example 2. Date of birth Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 06/06/1799

  1. 0+6+0+6+1+7+9+9= 38= 3+8=11
  2. 1799+ 06+06=1811; 1+8+1+1=11
  3. 1799=1+7+9+9=26=2+6=8 0+6=6; 0+6=6; 8+6+6=20=2+0+2

As you can see, Pushkin hides 11: The dominant number. If the dominant number does not suit you, then there is an alternative, such as Pushkin's number 2.

Life Path Number: 1-3

  1. The key here is - individuality. If you have 1, then you are the first, the creator and the original. Leader, not follower. You will succeed as a craftsman, manager or director. Orders are not for you. Ambition overwhelms the soul and you have a very active life path.

Honesty and loyalty are your character traits. A good sense of humor helps in the most difficult situations.

Self-confidence and pride, in addition to willpower, will help to complete any work begun.

Beware of negative emotions: arrogance, selfishness, as well as boasting, laziness and instability.

  1. Cooperation. You are better at creating in pairs, in a group or team. The two need cooperation. You are sociable, kind and do not forget other people. Your success is to help others without a reward, then she will find you herself. Just beware of volunteering.

You are a good diplomat and peacemaker. There is a great sense of tact. Love your family - the hearth and relatives are very important in your life. Punctual in work, picky about trifles. You are shy and often prefer not to step out of the shadows.

Numerology warns against negative fluctuations: over-receptivity, refusal to help others, fearfulness, inability to take risks and self-destruction. Gain strength and courage.

  1. Self-expression. You are happy, creative and versatile person. Enthusiast by nature, who is energetic, intellectual, optimist - a born leader.

Have an excellent sixth sense and you will triumph in mental work.

Friendly, and the word friends is not an empty phrase for you. You want beauty, happiness and fun for all people and for all living things that surround you. Original ideas are thriving. Follow your instincts - they are true.

Beware of: haste, uncriticality, excessive talkativeness, as well as jealousy, loss of self-respect and intolerance.

HPL for 4-9

By nature, you are a master, strive for regularity at work and smoothness at home. Details have great value in your life - overdo it with precision.

An intellectual activity is suitable for you, but you can also work well with your hands. industrious. Save money and love your home. You work for money but forget about gambling.

Negative emotions to beware of: the desire to command, great criticality, laziness, intolerance, workaholism.

  1. Freedom. You cannot be controlled, come and go as you please. Activity, tirelessness and variety. Luck comes in joint work with people. The new simply attracts you: friends, wardrobe, unfamiliar lands. Monotony quickly becomes boring.

Communicative and easy to make new friends. Undiscovered facets attract you, you want to experience everything yourself. Order and discipline are your priority.

Don't follow your habits. Your talents are far from household chores and work orders.

Beware of irresponsibility, excessive addiction to alcohol, sexual games and drugs.

  1. Responsibility. Learn to serve others, create good for others, while forgetting your selfish intentions.

You adore comfort, idealism, musical creation and beauty. In appearance you are handsome, idealism and justice are in your blood. Peacekeeper.

Close your eyes to the mistakes of your loved ones. Think you can re-educate others. Many of you get married, but there are people who set exorbitant criteria for the second half. Therefore, they create a family at a later age or do not create at all.

Love to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Fair. You have an increased concern for people who need protection: children, the elderly and the sick.

Humanitarian professions are suitable for you. Often choose the activity of a doctor, a teacher.

Beware: heartlessness, pride and unreason.

7. Wisdom. You are constantly learning. Knowledge is everything for you. Do you want to discover the secrets of the Universe. Do not trust others, constantly collect information.

This is the number of singles who read, reflect and discover. You must learn the secrets from the mouths of the world's thinkers. You can be a teacher or a writer. Learn, share your knowledge with others. Comprehend your skill, and luck will come to you. Patience is one of your best qualities.

Beware: melancholy, alcohol, laziness and secrecy.

  1. Movement. Hard way. According to numerology, triumph comes with the help of knowledge, equality, both spiritual and material.

Eliminate earning money from the first place - this is not the main thing in life. Learn to work harder for the common good, then the reward will come.

Leadership is no stranger to you. Management and your own business are more to your liking. It beckons big business, great projects.

Numerology advises: learn firmness in principles, temper courage and common sense.

You may be lucky in education, trade, consulting. Interested in metaphysics.

Beware: avarice, selfish motives and extravagance.

  1. Compassion. Tolerance and understanding are your qualities. Get rewarded when you realize that your calling is to serve people. Try to help them, inspire them. You risk defeat if you want power.

You have a developed intellect and insight. Your prospects: charity, work in hospitals. You make the world a better place.

Vibrations to watch out for: stinginess, cowardice and indecision.

Dominant numbers
  1. Inspiration. According to numerology, a lot is expected of you. The life path is associated with the dominant number. You are in the epicenter of reverence.

Professions in which you can succeed: ambassador, diplomat, minister, critic. You can be a spiritual advisor. In life you are a philosopher who believes in ideals. Personal ambitions can hurt, because your goal is to transfer knowledge to other people. You have to lead other people.

The way you live inspires others. Live right. You can become an actor, a writer, a doctor, a psychologist - to succeed in any field that is aimed at helping others.

Beware: dishonesty, cunning, aimlessness.

This is a strong number and is not suitable for all people. If it works, then the number is yours. If not, then there is an alternative -2. Do not strain the Dominant numbers, do not adjust to them.

  1. Versatility. The number of creators, creators and architects. All those who take risks for the sake and benefit of other people.

World problems and global enterprises are your interests. Leadership and management come easily to this number.

You can work as a teacher, in government and public structures. All your views are universal, because you must work for the public good.

Beware of such vibrations: nervousness, laziness, boasting and indifference. If the number does not work, then it has an alternative - the number 4.

Knowing our life path, we can determine the main goals for ourselves and protect ourselves from rash projects. Numerology will help you find a profession - your true path in this world.

Hello dear readers. I want, for you, to write a series of articles regarding numerology. I would be happy to help those people who need it. I think you will be interested, you will discover a lot of new and interesting things. Thanks to the numbers, I learned a lot about myself, children, parents, friends and acquaintances. The numbers tell us a lot, everything falls into place, because these are some tips that we can use in our lives. If you have questions about yourself or children, then numerology can give answers to them. The most important thing to remember is that there are no bad or good numbers in numerology, there are those qualities that they show. The numbers are a hint with which you can diagnose, but not evaluate a person. There are no negative numbers in numerology.

All numbers of the unit series belong to the numerical range from 1 to 9 and are endowed with certain properties, images and concepts.

CHZHP is the sum of the day, month and date of birth.

What does it show us?

The life path number shows us the path that a person goes all his life, as well as what kind of talent he has.

For example: 17 06 1956

1+7+6+1+9+5+6= 35

Now I will briefly talk about the meanings of each number, where the positive and negative qualities of the number will be presented.

If you are in the red, then you should work on yourself, and strive for positive qualities numbers.


If during the calculation you got 1, then you are a leader, an innovator, an independent, independent, ambitious and active person. You yourself cope with any situations in your life, and moreover, you can help others.

It is important for you to always set goals and achieve them. 1 are leaders who can lead.

If you have gone negative, then most likely you can be stubborn in some matters. You may have such traits as: laziness, selfishness, impatience, etc.


If you get 2 when calculating, then you, a balanced, sensual, responsive, sociable person. It is balance, flexibility, partnership.

Partnership is very important for Twos, they need to be able to maintain harmonious relations in any situation and in any conditions. Great success is achieved in partnership.

If you are in the red, then you have such qualities as: shyness, indecision, sacrifice, tediousness, etc.


If you get 3, then you are a born optimist, it is very easy for those around you, you have the energy of creativity, joy, and activity.

A person with a PPP 3 has worldly wisdom, the gift of persuasion, and is called upon to bring joy and inspiration to society. An element of creativity is brought into any activity.

A person needs to get joy and pleasure from life.

If the qualities of the number are in the red, then a person may be characterized by superficial chatter, greed, fussiness, hoarding.


This is a stable number in numerology. If you have a NZHP 4, then this speaks of reliability, stability, fairness, clarity and clarity in actions, speaks of discipline and order. People with PBP 4 are responsible and reliable friends.

Able to achieve goals using diligence and perseverance.

If the quality of the number is in the red, then there may be some self-confidence, rudeness, rigidity, control, laziness, pride. Often, conservatism and fear of change can hinder career advancement.


People with PBP 5 are active, inquisitive, impulsive, it is very important and necessary for them to move, travel, change impressions, change activities. It is very important not to become attached to people or situations.

5 people of creativity, very resourceful, freedom-loving, able to hear and listen. You can't stop, you have to grow. It is better to choose a job where professional growth is possible.

If 5 goes negative, then it is: irresponsibility, touchiness, manipulation, embellishment of situations.


The characteristics of this number are: love, sensuality, responsibility, delicacy, responsiveness. For 6, family, home, career are important, everything should be on time.

They love to decorate the space around them, to create comfort and coziness. know how to find mutual language with colleagues.

If 6 goes negative, then pay attention to fears, self-flagellation, anxiety, pride, you need to urgently move into plus.


With people who have NZHP 7 comfortably and easily, they try to translate any situation into a positive one, they have a well-developed intuition. They love to analyze everything. They have a philosophical mindset, they are easy-going, but at the same time they quickly light up, but also quickly go out. Therefore, if a person with a PVP 7 proposes to get married, do not hesitate for a long time.

If speak about negative qualities, it is worth noting: envy, deceit, selfishness, vindictiveness, indifference.


People with PPP 8 are endowed with energy, high self-realization, hardworking and goal-oriented, as a rule, they are passionate about their favorite business.

They know how to raise money. They can lead any business project requiring organizational and managerial qualities. Very organized, far-sighted, tuned in to material wealth.

If 8 goes negative, then here it is worth talking about laziness, narcissism, wastefulness, sarcasm, conservatism.


If the calculation turns out 9, then wisdom, responsiveness, compassion, generosity of the soul are inherent in you. 9 need self-knowledge, self-improvement, their keywords are "serving people." They can give good advice, and also have the gift of "healing with a word."

It is important for such people to learn to give without demanding in return, the Universe itself will take care of them. The main focus is helping people.

In the red it is: fear of the future, fear of death, nervousness, changeability, anxiety, panic attacks.

Control numbers in numerology

Next we will have control numbers, 11, 22, 33... which have high level vibration, sensitivity, wisdom, knowledge, intuition. People with this number need to discover and understand their potential.

If this does not happen, then a person lives according to the vibration of the number 2 (11), 4 (22), 6 (33) ... and may be dissatisfied with life, life may not develop as you want.


People with FGP 11 should inspire people, negotiate. These are mentors, inspirers, priests. As a rule, intuition, extrasensory perception, and sensitivity are well developed.

In the red, this is the suppression of people, inferiority complexes, lies, lack of purpose, earthiness, etc.


Good organizers, very practical, have innate charisma, are fair, truthful. They do not impose their point of view, but teach and suggest.

If in the red, then there is a desire for profit, a sense of guilt, pride.


Forgiveness, emotionality, sacrifice, ready to give love to everyone. If they see a person in need, they can worry, especially if they cannot help in any way.

But first it is important to know oneself and heal oneself, and to reveal these abilities, then a person will be able to benefit, serve and help people.

What else can you find out by date of birth?

2 See which partnership you are in. (Mirror, Fate, Karma)

3 Determine the psychotype.

4 Identify problem points that hinder the development of personality.

5 Identify potential: wealth, ability to lead, energy potential.

6. Determine your personal year.

7. Understand the child and identify talents.

8. Understand your values ​​in life and adjust your life script.

And much more.

My skype: Alena Kravchenko alenyska-nusha

life path

Number Life Path in numerology, it means what you were sent to Earth with, what you should do, what is inherent in your nature, the talents that you have, and what you really are. This is your essence, your way through life. If you live with this number, having a positive, optimistic attitude towards life, you will successfully achieve your goal. If you live pessimistically, complications can arise.
The Life Path is a one-digit number, determined by adding all the numbers of the date of birth. Fill out the form below and you will find out which Life Path your date of birth symbolizes.
But first, pay attention to this point. In astrology, the time of birth is considered very an important factor when making a horoscope. In numerology, the only thing to consider is whether you were born between midnight and one in the morning summer time. If someone was born between midnight and 1 a.m. in the period of the year when the clock changes to daylight saving time, then his date of birth is actually one day earlier. In this case, the time must be corrected, because this will entail changes in the date of birth and all other numbers where accurate data is needed.

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