Construction of houses from sawdust concrete. Construction of a monolithic house

The most important advantage of a house made of wood concrete (sawdust concrete) is considered to be the low cost and ease of its construction - this is an excellent alternative to expensive modern building materials. Such buildings were developed back in the last century, and their main purpose was to dispose of waste from the woodworking industry. Today, more successful uses have been found for sawdust, and houses made of wood concrete have remained practically unclaimed. But this does not mean that they have sunk into oblivion. Their destiny is modern world These are dachas and, with rare exceptions, residential private houses. In vain, of course, since the material is very good - if not as basic load-bearing walls, then, at least, it can be used as insulation with great success. We will talk about it in this article, in which, together with the website, we will deal with the question of how to build a house from sawdust concrete? We will study the features of this material, its manufacturing technology and construction nuances.

Construction of a house from sawdust concrete photo

House made of sawdust concrete: its advantages and disadvantages

There are quite a lot of advantages that a house made of sawdust concrete has, as well as, in general, disadvantages. With this material, an interesting picture emerges - all the advantages are completely covered by the disadvantages and vice versa. It's hard to say whether he's good or not - judge for yourself. The advantages of this material include the following points.

In principle, smaller, almost insignificant advantages can be listed further, but there is no particular point in this - I think the essence of this material is already clear. Let’s take a closer look at the shortcomings. These include the following structural qualities.

  1. The high hygroscopicity of this material means that it is not only quickly, but simply instantly saturated with water during rain. It is possible to fight this, but, again, this will increase the cost of construction.
  2. If you compare with and even with or, then its low strength will become clear - such a structure will not withstand heavy loads, so it is already possible to talk about the construction of a second floor with a stretch and some changes in the project.
  3. Fragility, although it depends on what you compare it with - frame buildings he will clearly outperform, but he will be far from brick or other block and monolithic buildings.
  4. There are a lot of nuances during construction. This point, of course, is difficult to classify as a disadvantage, but failure to comply with at least one of them will entail, to put it mildly, trouble.
  5. Mandatory finishing of external walls is required waterproofing material- at least a layer of at least 20mm. In short, a fur coat.

Now judge for yourself the pros and cons of a house made of sawdust concrete - whichever outweighs, that's what you'll get. The main thing is not to lose sight of the fact that good house- This is a structure that can stand for at least a century.

How to build a house from sawdust concrete: two construction technologies

Wood concrete in its initial consistency is a very fluid mass that can be sculpted in any way you like - with equal success you can cast small blocks from it and then build walls from them, or, having installed the formwork, cast it, as they say, in one fell swoop, saving yourself time and money. Let's take a closer look at the features, or rather the advantages and disadvantages of one and the other construction technology, comparing them with each other.

All other construction nuances for these two technologies are identical, and if it is possible to purchase ready-made sawdust concrete in blocks, then it is better to do so.

Poured house made of sawdust concrete: how to prepare the solution

As is the case with ordinary concrete, its analogue made from sawdust can have different densities, and therefore there are differences between different mixtures by brand. According to construction standards, sawdust concrete can have a density of 500, 650, 800 and 950 kg/m³. What does the density of this material affect? Naturally, on the ability of the walls to withstand loads - in simple terms, on the ability of the walls long time withstand the weight of or the second floor of the building. In any case, for building a house it is better to choose sawdust concrete with maximum strength, even if you do not plan to build a second floor and equip it with a roof metal frame. Just in case, we present the proportions of all four grades of sawdust concrete.

Now, as for the actual technology for preparing sawdust concrete, there are some subtleties here. It will be wrong to mix everything at once, since the resulting solution will be of poor quality. First you need to prepare two different compositions: one of them is dry mixed sawdust, sand and cement, and the second is water with clay and lime dissolved in it. After all this is ready, the resulting two components are mixed together. Mixing is a long process - each sliver must be thoroughly coated with the solution. The result should be a composition that, when squeezed by hand, will not fall apart. The solution should not be liquid and flow along the bottom - its consistency should resemble a semi-dry plastic mass.

House made of monolithic sawdust concrete: details of construction

As mentioned above, the construction of a house made of sawdust concrete is associated with big amount nuances, which are very important to observe - they are the ones that influence performance characteristics finished building and the durability of the building. Let's look at them in more detail.

In principle, this is all, and to complete the topic of how to build a house from sawdust concrete, there is not much left to add. In particular, about additional precautions that, in principle, are used during the construction of any house - this is the roof drainage system. You can also add a few words about the thickness of the external walls - sawdust concrete perfectly retains heat in the house even with its thickness of 400 mm. Ideally, you can do more, increasing the thickness of the walls to at least 500mm.

Sawdust concrete is a type of wood concrete. This construction material, consisting of sawdust, sand, cement, lime or alumina, mineral additives. Known for a long time, but gaining extraordinary popularity in Lately. Especially in country house construction.

It is easy to build a house made of sawdust concrete with your own hands. This does not require any special knowledge or skills. No need for its construction expensive materials and equipment.

The material has mass positive qualities, including high heat capacity. Therefore, a sufficient thickness for external walls is considered to be 300 mm, but it is better to make 400 or 500 mm. Strength characteristics make it possible to build houses made of sawdust concrete up to 3 floors high. There are two ways to build such a house:

  • make blocks and construct a building using the block construction method;
  • apply method monolithic construction using permanent or sliding formwork.

In both cases, the preparation of the initial mixture is carried out according to the same scheme.

Technology for preparing sawdust concrete composition

Making sawdust concrete with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is to stock up on raw materials and equipment for mixing the mixture. To work you will need:

  • container for preparing the solution;
  • construction mixer or a hammer drill with an appropriate attachment;
  • sufficient sawdust, cement, clay or lime, quartz sand, water.

A concrete mixer can be used. To prepare the finished solution, raw materials can be dosed by weighing, but it is more convenient to do by simple means The composition of sawdust concrete, the proportions of volume in buckets by brand can be seen from the following table:

In the proposed calculation, a constant amount of sawdust is taken as a basis. The consumption of all other components comes from the goal of obtaining sawdust concrete of a particular brand and a certain density. Thus, less dense concrete serves as a heat insulator for construction load-bearing structures it is necessary to use higher grades of material. If necessary, knowing specific gravity source materials, you can recalculate the proportions of sawdust concrete per 1 m³ of the finished composition.

Regarding the procedure for preparing the mixture itself, there are some nuances. First, two separate compositions are prepared:

  • a mixture of dry ingredients consisting of sawdust, cement and sand, thoroughly mixed;
  • a solution of clay or lime in water.

Mixing these parts can be done by hand or in a concrete mixer. The condition is to obtain a plastic homogeneous mass. It should not flow, and, at the same time, should not crumble when compressed. To obtain better strength and density of the material, as well as to counteract the appearance of fungi, insects, mold, add to the solution table salt, aluminum sulfate, liquid glass, calcium nitrate. The proportions of sawdust concrete for the monolith and the production of blocks are the same.

What to choose - monolith or blocks?

Sawdust concrete mixture has good workability, therefore it is equally suitable for creating individual elements and pouring an entire structure. However, not all so simple. To accept correct solution When choosing a construction technology, it is necessary to consider from all sides the methods of constructing a house from sawdust concrete, the pros and cons of both methods, and compare them with each other.

  1. A building made of sawdust concrete blocks initially looks much neater than the monolithic version. This is due to the movement of the formwork. Horizontal tiers cannot be made absolutely identical. The exception is permanent polystyrene foam formwork. When using it, a house under construction always looks good.
  2. Mount blocks standard size is always easier than making a cast structure. However, creating blocks takes too long, even compared to concrete or cinder blocks. The thing is that sawdust concrete gains design strength for a long time. Usually it is ready in 120 days. Therefore, blocks must be prepared for construction long before it begins. On the other hand, blocks can be created either solid or with voids. This reduces the already light weight and makes the thermal insulation properties of the material even better.
  3. Using sawdust concrete for monolithic construction, you will have to face another problem. With the constant movement of the formwork, after each movement it becomes more and more difficult to fill the mass.

The main disadvantage of the monolithic and block methods is common - the building material is endowed with a high degree of water absorption. Not only does it need to be protected from rain during construction. A house with external walls made of sawdust concrete requires very high-quality, dense external finishing.

Nuances of construction

Since the material chosen for building a house is special, it is necessary to approach working with it responsibly, following all the rules and recommendations. Any deviations from the recipe for preparing the basic composition or failure to follow the sequence of work can lead to various troubles during the operation of the building. When we're talking about about the foundation, the characteristics of sawdust concrete do not allow its use for the construction of a foundation. Concrete and metal should be used for it (in case pile option), stone, brick. Besides:

  1. The foundation must be raised above ground level so that soil water cannot reach the walls. Its waterproofing on all sides must be done flawlessly.
  2. The corners of the building must be reinforced, the walls themselves - preferably. Perfect option- installation of concrete or wooden poles in the corners of the house.
  3. Window and door openings also need to be framed reinforcement cage, and install a jumper on top.
  4. In the frameless version of the construction of external walls, after completing this procedure, it is necessary to construct the upper frame in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete belt. It is needed to securely support the roof structures. If selected for construction frame method, and sawdust concrete serves as a filling between the posts, then the strapping is made of natural or laminated timber.
  5. The roof should have a wide overhang so that rain and melt water does not fall on the walls. Required reliable system drains with their discharge to an equally reliable drainage system or storm drain.

Sawdust concrete buildings need to be protected from the outside in the right ways. Due to the high hygroscopicity of the material external finishing must be continuous and absolutely waterproof. A thick “fur coat” or panel cladding is suitable for this.

Advantages and disadvantages

The material chosen for construction is unusual and very interesting, as it has many advantages and no less disadvantages. It is up to the developer to determine what will outweigh what in each specific case. First, the good stuff. First of all, it should be said that sawdust concrete is much cheaper than other materials for building walls. The next advantage is the ease of laying blocks, since the process is no different from using other piece products.

The advantages of sawdust concrete include the fact that the material is suitable both for the manufacture of individual blocks and for construction monolithic structures. The excellent microclimate that sawdust concrete provides inside the house is also its positive trait. It perfectly keeps rooms cool in summer and warm in winter. At the same time, the walls almost completely block out sounds from the street.

Now about the cons. There are also more than enough of them: moisture resistance is too low, strength characteristics also leave much to be desired. The third floor can still be built, but no more. It's better to stop at two. Compared to block, brick or monolithic concrete buildings, this material can be called short-lived. The need for reliable finishing of the facade and the nuances of construction have already been mentioned above.

Modern building materials have a wide range of choice. It's quite easy to build a house out of them. But not everyone takes into account that an alternative to standard stone or . You can use sawdust in the construction of a structure and build a house from sawdust concrete.

Project of a three-story sawdust concrete house

“House of sawdust” is a figurative concept. A modern building material called sawdust concrete is made from this raw material. In addition, sawdust is used:

  • For ;
  • for insulation of the entire building;
  • for insulation and other things.

If previously they were simply considered waste from carpentry, now they have become effectively used in different areas construction.

What is sawdust concrete

This is a material that can be factory produced. Although this is in rare cases. Most often it is made by hand. Especially if you have everything you need.

Sawdust concrete belongs to the category. According to its technical and quality characteristics it is not inferior to natural wood. It is safe to say that it is environmentally friendly and has a number of advantages.

Table with data about components sawdust concrete

Raw materials for the production of sawdust concrete

In addition to sawdust, the material includes:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water.

Sometimes craftsmen improve this composition by adding clay to it. Because of this, the strength and thermal conductivity of houses built from sawdust concrete increases.

The density of the material depends on the amount of sand, cement and sawdust used. Sand plays a significant role. The more of it, the denser the structure of sawdust concrete. If it is less, the house increases its thermal conductivity.

Important. Sand can affect strength. In combination with lime and concrete, it has excellent quality indicators.

It is worth considering that a certain amount of raw materials can ensure frost resistance and water resistance of sawdust concrete. At the same time, the reinforcing masonry is also protected, which, under the influence of moisture, undergoes corrosion and destroys its structure.

This is what a sawdust concrete block looks like

When producing sawdust concrete for construction, the following are taken into account: specifications houses:

  • thickness of the walls of the future house;
  • number of load-bearing walls;
  • number of interior partitions;
  • number of floors of the cottage.

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And you can build more than just a house from this material. Quite often, utility buildings, garages, fences, etc. are erected from it.

Sawdust concrete grades

Today, depending on the density of the structure, there are several brands:

The first two types are used for building houses small size, their reconstruction, insulation basements and other things. The structure density is not too high.

More suitable for this work are the M15 and M20 grades.

How to make sawdust concrete with your own hands

Initially, the so-called dough is mixed from:

It is best to carry out the mixing process in a concrete mixer. Gradually add all ingredients. The consistency of the mass should be homogeneous. This will have a beneficial effect on the structure of houses, since the surface of the material will be smooth.

After this, in pre-fabricated wooden molds any size, covered with linoleum or special polyethylene tape, the solution is poured. It will dry quite quickly. But for the material to get stronger, it will take more than 3 months. Ready blocks sawdust concrete is laid out under a canopy on the street. Moisture will come out of it gradually, which avoids the appearance of internal deformations.

Note. A house made of sawdust concrete, which has acquired natural strength, will be of higher quality.

Project two-story house built from sawdust concrete

Advantages of sawdust concrete and its disadvantages

We can say with confidence that building houses from this material is not particularly difficult. The blocks have quite big sizes. The material is environmentally friendly.

There is no need to additionally insulate the house, since sawdust concrete itself is considered insulation.
Note. The material is capable of qualitatively retaining the same amount of heat with a wall thickness of 30 cm as brickwork 1 meter wide.

It is worth noting that a house made of sawdust concrete will not have a large mass. Because of this, the load on the foundation is insignificant. Accordingly, the costs of its construction will decrease.

It has a long service life. Wood and concrete can last for 50-100 years. Especially if they are combined with other components.

It is almost impossible to break it, only with the use of special equipment. For this reason, the house turns out to be quite durable. The structure is not subject to deformation and can freely “work” in bending.

Important. Despite the fact that the material consists almost of sawdust, it is not able to react to fire. The reason for this is believed to be cement.

Sawdust concrete does not rot, and insects will never live in it. This means that the house will last forever even without additional cladding.

This building material is becoming increasingly popular. Although it would be more correct to say that sawdust concrete is experiencing a rebirth. After all, the houses that were built from this product appeared 50 years ago. The special components of the product and its characteristics give it a lot of advantages in the eyes of consumers. This material is very versatile. Its disadvantages are quite insignificant compared to its advantages.

Advantages of building a house from material

Building a house from sawdust concrete is not at all difficult. Therefore, you can cope with such work with your own efforts, but you still must have some minimal knowledge in construction. It is allowed to erect a building from such a product, the height of which will not exceed 3 floors, and the wall thickness will not exceed 30 centimeters.

The strength of the walls is very high.

As evidence of the advantages of the characteristics of such a material, we can make the following list of advantages:

Which is better: blocks or a monolithic table?

You can build houses from sawdust concrete using two technologies - from blocks or from monolithic material. Each of these methods has pros and cons.

the products cannot be applied immediately - after laying each row, you need to wait some time until the seams dry out and gain strength.

Buildings erected from a monolith:

In fact, both methods have their advantages. But most often, experts recommend using the second option of building a house. After all, in this technology there are no seams in the walls, and this improves the thermal insulation of the building.

Material calculation example To find out required amount

  • given building material, you just need to do some calculations. A similar calculation can be analyzed using the example of a 9x14 dwelling with a height of 3 meters.
  • To find out the length of the walls, you need to add: 9 9 14 14 = 46 meters.
  • Next, you need to find out the area of ​​the walls; to do this, you need to multiply the length by the height: 46*3=138 m2.
  • The number of blocks that fit in 1 m2 depends on how wide the wall is. If the wall thickness is 39 centimeters, then approximately 25 blocks will fit.

These calculations are approximate, because the area of ​​​​doors and windows was not excluded from the length of the walls. This must be taken into account when making calculations.

Block construction technology

To build a house from sawdust concrete with your own hands, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. The first of them is that the thickness of the walls depends on the average winter temperature outside. If it is necessary to make the walls more durable, the thickness of the seams can be reinforced using a special mesh. The durability of house walls can be increased by finishing with clinker or plaster.

Before you start building a house, you should take care of installing communications and openings for them. You need to make holes for chimneys and ventilation in advance. It is impossible to install walls made of damp material; the products must be dry. The technology for installing walls with sawdust concrete is absolute, identical to installation technologies from similar materials.


1). The foundation is at least 50 cm above the soil surface. 2). 50 cm brick step.

Due to the low weight of this product, it is possible to install a shallow foundation. Installation is possible on any type of soil, with the only exception being heaving soil.

As a foundation for a sawdust concrete building excellent option There will be a strip plinth or bored piles. The thickness of the tape is approximately 50 centimeters, and the installation depth is 100 centimeters. The brickwork is 50 centimeters high. This will be a kind of foundation for the house, and will also create protection for the walls from melted snow.

Waterproofing in such houses is a mandatory process. To perform such work, bituminous material, such as roofing felt, is required. The foundation is insulated and covered with sand over a length of 50 centimeters to 100 centimeters. Thanks to this process, the base will not have contact with the soil.

Selection of masonry mortar

Most often as masonry mortar A special type of glue or cement mortar is used. The advantages of cement mortar include the ability to correct imperfect volumes of blocks. However, the disadvantage is the occurrence of so-called cold bridges. Also, when choosing such a mixture, the blocks must be wetted.

You can also mount walls using special glue. It contains special additive components that prevent heat loss through the seams. The maximum permissible seam width is reported by the manufacturer on the back of the package, but most often the width is approximately 0.6 centimeters. Such a solution will be perfect choice in the case when the product has an ideal shape.

One way or another, the width of the layer must be no more than 0.8 centimeters. If you ignore this advice, the thermal insulation of the house will be compromised.


The technology for constructing walls is practically no different from building with aerated concrete or foam concrete.

The installation of walls from such products is similar to the construction technology from other popular materials. Construction takes place from the corners of the building. It is recommended to install the first row using cement mixture. Then the material is laid on other corners. During the laying process, be sure to check the evenness using a level. A rope is stretched between the blocks, with its help it is easier to control the evenness of the masonry of the next rows. The mixture is coated on the bottom of the block and on the sides of the product.

If during the laying process it becomes clear that a smaller block is needed to complete the row, then the sawdust concrete can be cut to the required size. During the calculation, it is necessary to take into account the width of the seam. The levelness check is carried out after installation of each product. If necessary, the width of the mixture increases. The mixture is applied using a special spatula.

Each row is installed simultaneously with the dressing. Vertical seams during laying should not coincide. If you need to give strength to the walls, then reinforcement is performed. Reinforcement is done using a special mesh, every 3 rows. Above openings different types jumpers must be installed. Channels or wooden beams are used as jumpers. The jumpers must extend beyond the openings by approximately 50 centimeters on both sides. It is recommended to make special grooves at the top of the openings, onto which jumpers are subsequently installed.

The Mauerlat is installed in the last row. It is secured using special metal brackets. After this, floor beams and roof sheathing are mounted on top. All components that are made of wood must be impregnated with a special antiseptic.

Brief information about the material

The basis of the material, in addition to Portland cement and sawdust, also includes sand and lime. The presence of the latter gives the composition strength, so that when self-production(which is quite possible), you must definitely add this component.

Sawdust concrete can be used both for monolithic construction and for producing blocks. In the first case, greater structural strength is achieved (but still for multi-storey construction this material is not suitable), and in the second, the speed of construction of the structure increases significantly.

Reviews of sawdust concrete

What should be highlighted about sawdust concrete is, first of all, its environmental friendliness and ease of installation. Recently, this material was used to build two-storey house with an attic. It is problematic to build taller buildings based on wood concrete, but for most projects in the private sector, two floors are enough. Repeatedly worked on the construction of house buildings made of sawdust concrete. Baths are especially popular now, as they are durable, warm, but at the same time inexpensive. The disadvantages include the already mentioned insufficient bearing capacity and the fact that this material is relatively new and has not yet been tested by time.

I built a house and sawdust concrete for myself and independently. This was 20 years ago, and 21 years later, it seems the house will no longer stand. When I was young, I didn’t think about the importance of the foundation for this house. No, I'm not talking about strength, but about height. Remember - if you build from sawdust concrete, be sure to place a high foundation, since this building material absorbs moisture very strongly and the walls are always wet, which can be felt even through the plaster.

I read that wood concrete does not harbor pests, but in reality everything turned out differently. Insects live in my walls, and sometimes it seems to me that I have a whole anthill there. So I don’t recommend the material, although overall there are few complaints about it.

The material is strong and light, so building with it is a pleasure. It should also be noted that the thermal conductivity is low. IN winter period I spend less money on heating than my neighbors brick houses. At the same time, of all the concretes, I like this one because there is a smell of wood in the house, which is very pleasant.

We built a bathhouse more than five years ago and were completely satisfied. Yes, the material is afraid of moisture, but no one forbids carrying out appropriate moisture insulation. It is also important that sawdust concrete is durable and retains heat well even in the harsh winter. As for the talk about the low strength of the walls, unsuitable for fixing heavy structures on them, all this can be solved simply - by using special dowels. We did not notice any problems with hanging furniture in the bathhouse.

I got caught up in the talk about the strength of sawdust concrete, and decided to at least build a shed out of it and check it out. Two years passed and I began to notice that the walls were falling apart. It’s good that I didn’t choose this material for the construction of more important buildings.

I decided to create sawdust concrete blocks myself, but in the end I ended up with something incomprehensible. Even a self-tapping screw can be screwed in and out without difficulty with bare hands. Since all this went against what I had heard about sawdust concrete before, I decided to entrust the process professional builders. As a result, the house turned out to be warm and durable. Several years have passed and there have been no problems yet. I hope this continues.