We build turnkey houses from logs. Log houses: how to build a quality and warm home? What is included in the price

A house made of logs is a more progressive analogue of the traditional Russian log house - a hut that our ancestors built. Although the construction of a house from chopped logs has not lost its relevance.

Paying tribute to traditions, modern technologies make it possible to obtain a building material - a rounded log with the same diameter along the entire length, with clearly defined parameters of longitudinal grooves and seats (bowls).

Visually, the modern log house has also undergone changes and began to look much smoother and neater. The operational characteristics of the log itself have also changed. As a result of processing, it has become more stable, resistant to torsion, and most importantly, unlike chopped logs, rounding has no taper. Stable geometry increases the speed of assembly of the house and its quality.

Advantages and disadvantages of log houses

It is possible to single out both advantages and disadvantages, most of which are subjective or depend on the source material or the quality of processing.

Advantages of log houses

  • predominantly natural materials are used. Usually, the finish is chosen to match the house from natural materials;
  • excellent natural ventilation, due to which there are no prerequisites for the appearance of condensate, dampness, the development of strokes and mold;
  • there is a unique spirit of natural wood, which has a positive effect on human health; The material was prepared for the site www.site
  • warm in winter and cool in summer. Due to the tight fit of the logs and the low thermal conductivity of the wood itself, a house built from a log of large diameter does not need additional insulation and air conditioning;
  • attractive facade, exterior and interior.

In addition, a log house is a strong, reliable, stable structure, the construction of which takes from 5 to 30 days, depending on the project. At the same time, the construction of a house from a log is considered one of the economically viable projects in private construction, with an optimal combination of price, quality and construction time.

Cons of log houses

Disadvantages should be considered first of all in order to take measures to eliminate them and avoid possible errors.

  • shrinkage. The main disadvantage of a house made of logs. Note that wooden construction is always associated with shrinkage of buildings, this is due to the characteristics of the wood itself. But, a six-month break in work for the most active shrinkage, the choice of dry material, the use of jacks, strengthening the junction of logs, etc. nuances will reduce the shrinkage of the log. An indicator of 8-10% is considered optimal;
  • combustibility. Wood burns - that's a fact. But it does not belong to easily flammable materials, and the probability of its spontaneous ignition (for example, from electrical wiring) is no higher than in other houses. On the other hand, it is easier to put out a wooden house, and the smoke emitted during the combustion process is not as toxic as that of heaters used to insulate stone houses;
  • cracking. The appearance of cracks is also a natural process for wood. You can minimize their appearance by buying a dry log and putting the house into operation correctly, in particular, the correct mode of heat supply during the onset of cold weather;
  • care. A wooden house is constantly in need of care. Periodically, it is necessary to caulk the cracks and cover the log to protect it from external factors. But, any private house needs care. Taking care of your own home can hardly be considered a serious disadvantage.

When is the best time to build a log house?

You can choose the start of construction based on your own capabilities. Any time, with the exception of autumn, allows you to perform construction work. However, the most preferred time of the year to start assembling a log house is the end of winter. This is due to such factors:

  • winter forest is considered the best for building houses;
  • in the winter season there is no precipitation, and it is easier to protect a log from snow than from rain;
  • since the house is being built quickly, the developer has spring for the gradual drying of the wood, and summer for the most active phase of shrinkage, and in the fall it will be possible to install a permanent roof.

Round log house project

Any construction must begin with the development of a project, and a project for a residential building made of logs needs to be approved by various authorities.

What you need to design a log house:

  • order the development of an individual project, develop a project independently using computer programs, download a typical project and modify it taking into account the characteristics of the place and operating conditions (geodetic surveys will need to be carried out);
  • calculate the parameters of the future home: total area, usable area, number of living rooms, their purpose, take into account the special requirements of residents (for example, pensioners or people with disabilities), take into account all wishes, because the house is being built for the whole family and will be operated by several generations ;
  • think over the truss system and choose the roofing material. It should be heavy enough to create pressure on the walls and prevent gaps between the logs;
  • take care of the protection of the south side of the house. As you know, it is she who is most susceptible to rapid shrinkage due to direct sunlight. Therefore, most projects contain a veranda or covered terrace along the south side of the log home;
  • make a log - a document that will allow you to order a house kit made of rounded logs for self-assembly or simplify the fitting of logs when using moldings.

What timber is better to build a house from?

A log house will only be able to reveal all its features when it is made of high-quality building material.

We build turnkey houses from logs in Moscow and the Russian Federation. The catalog contains ready-made projects of houses with photos and prices. All projects are free for customers! Choose the diameter of the log and the area, fill out an application and we will send an estimate on the same day.

Projects of log houses: ready-made luxury

The customer, who prefers ready-made projects of wooden houses, knows exactly what he will get as a result - a building carefully designed by specialist architects, in which every detail is taken into account.

The final component on the way to the ideal home will be the MariSrub company, which is ready to offer dozens of unique projects of houses and cottages created on the basis of the most perfect and natural material - wood.

Everything for your comfort

Starting to analyze the projects of houses from logs, you should not assume that this procedure will be delayed. The catalog is designed in such a way that you can choose the best option as quickly as possible.

To do this, we provided:

  • convenient breakdown of projects by number of floors and area of ​​houses (see menu);
  • concise description of each project with detailed visualization of facades and layout schemes. This will provide a complete picture of future housing;
  • current prices in each project, cost calculator. You no longer have to guess how much the price will change when choosing different types of logs, foundations or roofing.

However, the most important thing is that Mari Srub consultants are ready to help the customer at any time and describe in detail the advantages of each option under consideration.

Regardless of which project you prefer, you can be sure that the house, embodied in reality, will exceed expectations.

What is included in the price

1. Preparation of a project according to the individual dimensions and parameters of the customer (free changes to any project).

2. Wall set of logs with cup cutouts according to the project.

3. Processing with a wood-protective compound in production.

4. Lining wreath-beam.

5. Draft floors and ceilings of the 1st and 2nd floors (if there is a second one).

6. Draft roof (roof truss system, roof lathing, temporary covering - roofing material)

7. Jute (mezhventsovy insulation)

8. Kit of fasteners for building a house

9. Installation (installation) of a house on your site.

The price does not include:

1. Delivery of material to the customer's site (calculated individually for each locality).

2. Foundation (you can find out the cost of the foundation and the finished roof by selecting it in the calculator on the page of each project).

14 reasons why people order at home from us:

1. Moderate prices. All work is carried out by the company: design, logging, production of logs, installation at the customer's site. This approach makes it possible to offer some of the best prices on the market.

2. Own production in the Republic of Mari El.

3. High-quality forest of the northern regions of Russia.

4. Professional teams for the installation of wooden houses.

5. Quality control at all stages of construction.

6. Performance of any kind of work related to wooden housing construction.

7. Staged payment in the process of assembling a house on your site.

8. Delivery of a log house to any region of the Russian Federation: from Moscow to the Far North.

9. Guarantee of high quality of materials and works. For all questions, you can contact the head of the company directly.

10. We will develop a house project for you according to your wishes or finalize the finished one is free when ordering construction.

11. It is possible to purchase a house on credit. We work with "maternity capital", the "young family" program and others.

12. Warranty during the shrinkage of the log house 12 months. It is written in the contract.

13. The cost of the projects that you see on the site includes all materials and work necessary to assemble a log house under the roof.

14. No hidden fees and commissions. We leave for Moscow to conclude an agreement.

Video about the Marisrub company filmed by the Ren-TV channel in Mari El

You can find more information on the page.

Natural wood is an eco-friendly, durable, inexpensive, aesthetic material. The log for construction has been used for a very long time and does not lose its popularity today. Today, when people make a choice in favor of natural and environmentally friendly products, log houses are becoming especially relevant.

A huge number of companies are engaged in the construction of turnkey wooden houses. Most often they are also engaged in the preparation of logs. The final price of the finished dwelling will depend not only on the size of the house, but also on the quality of the log, its diameter and the method of production.

Building a house with your own hands is twice as expensive. In this article, we will take a step-by-step look at how you can build a house from a log yourself.


Wood has the ability to release moisture. Living in such houses is much more pleasant than in stone ones: warm in winter and cool in summer. A wooden structure is lighter than a concrete or brick structure, therefore, the foundation will be cheaper.

Compared to a bar, a log house will come out much more expensive and take more time for the construction process, but the unique color and high performance easily compensate for these shortcomings.

One of the important points is the preservation of the wood structure in the interior. The interior design of a wooden log house can be decorated in a rustic style like a hut with a Russian stove or, for example, Provence.

Despite the emergence of new technologies in the construction industry, log cabins continue to be built in traditional ways. Logs are stacked in a horizontal structure forming walls. Each set row is called a crown, and the lowest one is called a crown. A log house, which consists of 4 walls, is called a four-wall, where the logs are tied at the corners. If there is an internal partition - a five-wall.

Pros and cons

A log house has a number of advantages. Construction industry specialists and log house owners note the following advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness of the material. Such houses are built from natural wood, which allows you to preserve the natural qualities of the material. In such a dwelling, a pleasant woody aroma and a cozy atmosphere will always be preserved.
  • The most important thing that wood is loved for is its excellent thermal insulation properties.. For example, a dwelling made of 20 cm logs is much better insulated than similar brick dwellings. Therefore, building a log house, you will save on heating.
  • The weight wooden house will allow you to lay any type of foundation.

  • Structure wood allows the house to "breathe". It is comfortable to be in such a house.
  • From a material point of view wood is an affordable building material. Building the bare box of a log house will cost you a small amount that you would never have put up a brick house for. Also, due to the cheap foundation and the lack of decorative wall treatment, a house made of wood ends up being much cheaper.
  • The tree is natural. Pleasant appearance allows you not to finish it additionally either from the outside or from the inside.

  • Wood has high strength and load resistance, which allows you to build a house with several floors.
  • Ability to assemble and disassemble if necessary, allows you to move the house to a new location.
  • The project of wooden houses is simple design drawing which will be understandable to any reader.

In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages of such buildings:

  • susceptibility to decay over time;
  • full shrinkage of a log house occurs after three years, although you can move in already six months after the end of construction;
  • although special treatments reduce the risk of fire, the risk of fire is still high.

Choice of wood

In preparation for construction, an important step is the choice of material. The main requirements for wood as a building material are resistance to external aggressive factors, aesthetic appeal, accessibility, durability, heat and sound insulation.

It is also important to understand that no matter how high-quality wood is, if the construction technology is violated and technical instructions are not followed, then the durability of the building in this case is not guaranteed.

Usually the choice of wood species is made between larch, pine and spruce.


Larch is a coniferous tree that is distributed throughout Russia. The most suitable for construction is larch from the Siberian regions.

This type of wood has a huge number of advantages. It is durable, strong, does not rot and is not affected by fungus.

Materials made from larch do not swell or deform even in rooms with high humidity.

Larch has a beneficial effect on a person, bringing great benefits to his health. The price of products from this material will be available to each buyer. In addition, larch does not require additional processing, unlike other species, which can also be significantly saved.

In the process of rounding logs from larch, a very narrow sapwood is removed, as a result of which the logs will not turn blue in the future.

Logs of this breed do not need additional processing. The resin of the tree itself acts as an antiseptic, disinfecting and preventing tree beetles from developing.

Larch has a higher fire resistance compared to other species.

Spruce and pine

Both breeds are actively used in the production of building materials. These are the main competitors in the consumer demand ranking. The beam from these breeds differs in durability and durability.

Spruce and pine are identical in physical terms, but spruce timber is looser, which is why it is warmer than pine.

Both breeds are similar in strength and chemical properties, but pine is more susceptible to damage by blue - sap color, which can initially be prevented by special means. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to use antiseptics. Over time, the color of spruce wood does not change.

The natural humidity of both rocks is 12%. Logging for spruce and pine falls on the winter season due to the fact that in the summer deformation is possible during the shrinkage of logs. Pine logs of large diameter are preferred in the construction of large buildings.

There are also differences in the structure of the fiber: in pine it is pronounced and has a certain pattern, while in spruce it has a homogeneous structure.

When choosing a material, an important factor is its combustibility. But this can be combated by using flame retardant compounds for wood processing.

During the construction of wooden houses, various types of logs are used.

A rounded (calibrated) log is obtained by processing on a rounding machine. The advantages of this type of raw material are high quality, the possibility of forming a profile of any complexity, low cost and high speed of building a log house. Houses made of rounded wood look beautiful and do not need additional processing.

A planed log is a more suitable option for a warm and durable log house. It is processed with an electric planer, while all irregularities are removed. Such logs are obtained even and smooth. The price of a house made of planed logs is much higher compared to houses made of other types of wood. A scraped log is the most durable even without special treatment. And with additional antiseptic treatment, a log house made of this type of log can last more than a hundred years.

Minor processing helps the debarked log retain all its protective properties, which significantly increases its service life.

Glued log combines the advantages of profiled glued beams and beautiful rounded log shapes. Differs in the increased durability in comparison with the massif. The main advantages of this type of log: it does not crack and does not change its shape during a long service life, and also has a slight shrinkage of only 1-2%.


There are certain norms and requirements that must be considered before starting the construction of a house.

So, for example, first you need to get permission to build housing on your site. Upon receipt, such documents as are checked: a certificate of ownership of a land plot, permission to use land for summer cottage construction or individual housing.

After obtaining the necessary permission from the administration, you need to start planning the site. As a guideline for the location of the future home, neighboring buildings and a fence are selected. The distance to them must be at least 5 m.

There are also requirements for building materials: the absence of cracks, defects, curvature. For solid timber and glued, the indications may differ. For example, in a solid one, the appearance of cracks up to half a log deep is allowed, and in a glued one, their allowable depth is only 1/3. The curvature of the web of glued laminated timber can be up to 10 mm, and in the case of solid - 17 mm.


Any house is an architectural and engineering structure that cannot be built without a project that will require certain calculations. When designing, it is best to contact specialists or choose a ready-made project.

It should be borne in mind that a two-story house with an area of ​​​​50 m2 will cost a little more in terms of financial costs than a one-story house of the same area due to the fact that costs are reduced due to the foundation, engineering systems and roofing.

Before starting the design, it is important to conduct a geological survey of the area, which will give an idea of ​​the properties of the soil and groundwater. This information will help determine the choice of the type of foundation.

To begin with, the total weight of the future house is calculated, according to which the type of foundation is selected. Then the layout of the rooms is thought out, as well as the design and appearance. It is necessary to think over in detail precisely at this stage of preparation, since subsequently it will be impossible to make any changes, since the partitions in the log houses intersect with the crowns of the outer walls.

The next step is to calculate the number, places and sizes of windows and doors.

Next, choose the type of roof. Before designing a roof, you need to consider that the simpler it is, the more reliable it will turn out in the end. After that, a sequence of work is developed, as well as a phased assembly of the log house. At the end of the design, the installation of all engineering communications is thought out.

Do not forget to think about the storage of building material on the site. To do this, they usually build a canopy where logs are laid with the obligatory relaying of thin wooden bars.

Important nuances:

  • decide in advance what kind of timber the construction will be made of;
  • do not forget to calculate the effect of shrinkage on the roof;
  • choose a place where the house will stand, given the 5-meter distance from the boundary lines of the site;
  • do not design window openings on the roadway, in the future it will be noisy in the rooms.

Projects for country houses and houses for permanent residence will differ in some details. For the latter option, a more durable monolithic foundation is selected, the installation of communications, careful insulation and special sound insulation are taken into account.

A typical project is the most common type of design that does not require special modifications. The most important thing in this option is to take into account the features of the site for future construction.

A draft design is a drawing that shows only the facade of the house without calculations.

An individual project is developed taking into account all the wishes of the future homeowner.


Today, a home is not just a place to live or spend a weekend, but also a financial investment. Therefore, before you start building, you need to thoroughly prepare. Errors in design, in the choice of materials, installation can lead to serious consequences in the future.

Horseshoeing for construction consists in the following actions:

  1. If you are already a proud owner of a plot of land, before construction you will need to think through the design, obtain technical specifications from the authorities servicing communication systems, and also obtain a building permit.
  2. If there is no electricity and water on the site, you must definitely take care of this at the preparation stage. The issue of water supply is solved by drilling a well, and in the absence of electricity, it is necessary to stock up at least with an electric generator.
  3. To prevent outsiders from entering your site and to preserve building materials, it is advisable to protect it.
  4. It is also necessary to install a small utility block, which will simultaneously serve as a place to store tools and shelter from the weather.

Then you need to level the site for the foundation, uproot stumps, tree roots, clear the construction site of debris.

Construction stages

After completion of preparation, design, purchase of materials, construction can begin.

When building a house with your own hands, it is important to follow the stages of action.

At the first stage, the foundation and basement are erected. Trenches or pits are dug, depending on the type of foundation. For log houses, a tape, pile-grillage or slab version of the foundation is usually chosen. At the same stage, communications are laid, drainage is arranged. The foundation of the house is best laid in the warm season.

After the marked log is delivered to the site, the walls are erected and the floors are covered, as well as the installation of stairs and internal partitions. The assembly takes place according to the technological maps of the walls in the sweep. All crowns are fastened together in a checkerboard pattern.

The next stage is the construction of the truss system of the house. It is very important to follow all the necessary technological rules. When building wooden houses, rigid fastening of the rafters is not used due to the fact that during shrinkage, the entire structure may break. The most popular roof coverings are metal tiles, corrugated board, soft roofing, ondulin.

The next stage is the grinding of the walls and insulation. Cracks may form during shrinkage, so it is very important to inspect the house and, if necessary, seal the cracks. Walls after sanding can be coated with special tinting solutions to change color.

Then doors and windows are installed, leaving gaps for insulation. Engineering work is being carried out, a heating system and stairs are being installed. At the end of all work, exterior and interior decoration is carried out.


A house made of wood is considered warm and pleasant to live in due to the fact that the walls breathe, retaining heat. However, not always the thickness of the logs can withstand severe frosts. In this case, it is best to carry out external and internal insulation of walls, roofs and foundations. Insulating your home will help reduce heating costs, as well as reduce heat loss.

A vapor barrier film should be present in any type of home insulation, whether it be external or internal.

The film is installed between the wall sheathing and the heat insulator layer. The vapor barrier layer helps not to get wet the main insulation.


Owners of log houses should take into account that not all materials are suitable for outdoor installation of insulation.

Ecowool, granulated sawdust and mineral wool are well suited for log objects - these materials do not prevent water evaporation, are resistant to combustion and increase the thermal insulation parameters of a log house.

Before installing the external insulation in a log house, it is necessary to treat the facade with antiseptic agents to prevent wood damage by rot, mold and insects. Also, the structure must be carefully caulked, that is, all walls must be examined for damage and cracks.

The cracks can be easily detected with the help of a candle, for this it is enough just to move a burning flame next to the wall. If it deviates, then there is a gap in this place that needs to be repaired. When caulking, jute or tow is used.

After that, the crate is mounted in the form of horizontal and vertical guides with a step equal to the thickness of the insulation. A vapor barrier film is first laid on top of the crate using a stapler, and on top of it - insulation material. A waterproofing film is laid on top of it, which will protect the insulation from moisture.

Finishing in the form of siding or lining is done at the very end. This cladding will provide protection from winds and bad weather, as well as give a beautiful look to your home.

It is desirable to insulate the house in the dry season and only a year or two after the start of its operation.

For external insulation, in addition to a heat insulator, you will need wooden beams for the frame, a vapor barrier and a hydro barrier, and fasteners.

It should also be noted that thermal insulation work on the outside is the best compared to other insulation options.

From within

Insulation from the inside can sometimes reduce living space, so many choose external insulation. However, if the external version of insulation is not suitable, but you still need to protect your home from the cold, then you can do it from the inside. But it should be remembered that this method can create a threat of rotting of the walls, this is especially true for baths due to the constant high humidity.

Before insulation, you need to caulk, close up all the cracks and cracks with tow, foam or felt and treat the walls with a protective solution. Next, a “pie” is created, consisting of several layers. At the beginning, a vapor barrier film is laid. Then a frame is installed from a bar 5 * 5 cm, after which a layer of insulation is applied to the frame and closed with another layer of vapor barrier film.

You should never rush into any finishing work if the room has not yet been insulated. It is important to insulate not only the walls, but also the ceiling and floor. Popular materials for this are mineral wool and glassine for ceiling and floor; glass wool, expanded polystyrene and ecowool - for walls.

It is possible to insulate the building from the inside no earlier than a year after the construction of the house, in which case the insulation will last a long time. External roof insulation is a rather laborious process consisting of several steps. To begin with, it is necessary to carry out a thorough waterproofing of the entire roof space. In this case, a membrane film is most often used, which is easy to install and affordable. Next, the flooring is made of insulation, and at the end the roofing material is laid.

For insulation inside, the attic is most often trimmed with fiberboard sheets, which create additional sound insulation, and also create a beautiful view.

As an external insulation for the roof, loose and liquid insulation is often used, which must meet the following requirements: have low thermal conductivity, light weight, high vapor permeability, good soundproofing qualities, be fire resistant and have high density.

Insulation of the foundation can also be carried out both from the inside and outside. The most optimal time for warming the foundation is before the construction of the walls begins. If you are not planning a basement, then the entire space should be covered with expanded clay to the level of the future floor. To create this type of insulation, it is necessary to make formwork along the perimeter of the inner walls, while using durable materials (boards, slate). Further, expanded clay is poured inside, and the subfloor is covered with a hydromembrane layer and mineral wool.

The outer walls of the foundation must be treated with special sprayed heaters.

Installation of partitions

In addition to load-bearing walls, wooden houses have interior partitions that can be made of various materials, but in a log cabin they are usually made of wood, in harmony with the log walls. They are mounted, as a rule, after shrinkage.

With the help of interior partitions, you can divide one large space into several small rooms to your taste. At the same time, they do not carry any load, but are responsible for sound insulation. Such partitions can be moved from place to place without the involvement of outside help.

When designing a house, interior partitions are usually placed so as not to create a large number of walk-through spaces. To date, there are a lot of modern programs where you can create a three-dimensional model and immediately evaluate the future layout.

Partitions should be made of high-quality wood, treated with an antiseptic, and have lightness, reliability, rigidity, and heat and sound insulation.

There are several types of interior walls.


The most popular and economical option that you can easily do with your own hands. They are constructed from timber beams, which are interconnected by a horizontal strapping. This binding gives strength and reliability. Insulation of frame-panel partitions can be made of mineral wool, while on both sides the wall must be overlaid with some kind of material for vapor barrier.

Frame-panel walls are considered the best in terms of sound insulation compared to other types. Also, the surface can be sheathed with plywood sheets to give a perfectly flat surface.


This type of partitions is made of the same material as the load-bearing walls, but fiberboard is sheathed on top. Above and below, a solid partition is fastened with bars, and on the sides with nails.

Shield walls

Made from several layers of boards that fit into a dressing, a rather heavy structure with a thickness of 6 cm and a weight of about 80 kilograms.

Partitions are placed after shrinkage of the log house. To make them, you will need a hammer, a hacksaw, a screwdriver, a chisel, a screwdriver, an electric drill and a jigsaw.

In contrast to the abundance of urban buildings made of metal and concrete, wooden log houses are conducive to relaxation and solitude. "Living houses" is the need of modern man for everything natural, despite the benefits of civilization. If your plans include the construction of a log house, then the main aspects should be: the choice of contractor and material. Typically, when choosing log house price plays an important role.

Principles of operation of DomaSV

Many firms use standard schemes when designing, carrying out revision for an additional fee. At the same time, most enterprises do not undertake individual design. For more than ten years DomaSV has been producing log house projects development of its own design office and takes on the implementation of the ideas of its customers.

A nice feature is a completely free design service when concluding a turnkey contract. And a standard project with revision or an individual order for a log house for the company's clients is a real saving for the budget. Our clients can order a full complex: from design to landscape design on the site or buy a log house for self-construction.

As a rule, a typical house kit - a designer is accompanied by an assembly diagram and numbered material. If necessary, detailed instructions are issued. You can get advice from the company at any stage.

DomaSV company is inexpensive log houses and competitive prices for construction without sacrificing quality. Thanks to our own production and the professionalism of the staff, all the material categorically complies with the technical conditions for industrial wood, and the cost is an order of magnitude lower than the average market. The use of modern equipment can significantly reduce waste and increase the volume of processing. Thereby, log houses of our production are available even for a modest budget.

The advantages of the company include:

  • transparent pricing system;
  • detailed and understandable estimates;
  • strict adherence to deadlines;
  • phased payments;
  • regular promotions and discounts on popular projects and new items;
  • seasonal discounts;
  • assistance in obtaining profitable loans;
  • well-established communication with customers at all stages;
  • well-coordinated professional team;
  • an up-to-date website that allows you to choose log houses, projects and prices; photos and descriptions;
  • a range of services for connecting communications, finishing a house from a log house and landscaping.

Why are turnkey log houses from the DomaSV company popular?

The log house is becoming more and more popular among our customers. Erecting log houses, the company DomaSV does not use heavy equipment that can damage the fertile layer of the site. Our database contains more than a thousand ready-made projects, with the owners of which you can meet in real life and evaluate the erected object. In the "Houses on sale" section, you can choose turnkey log house, price which is lower than usual in the amount of one hundred to three hundred thousand rubles. With a fairly high final cost, this allows you to save a lot.

Modern technologies make it possible to build wooden houses based on log cabins with a minimum period of shrinkage. A balanced approach to choosing a foundation helps to save money without harming the construction. The advantages of log houses are difficult to describe in one word, we will try to highlight the main ones:

  1. environmental Safety;
  2. creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort;
  3. long service life - more than a hundred years;
  4. the possibility of using for the processing of natural compounds;
  5. high level of fire safety due to special compositions;
  6. use of Russian, Canadian or Norwegian felling technologies;
  7. a combination of modernity and ancient traditions;
  8. excellent air exchange;
  9. high aesthetic characteristics;
  10. a large selection of stylistic solutions.

Log houses can serve generations for hundreds of years. At the same time, the preservation of performance characteristics is ensured by timely protective treatment of wood.

What will be your cottage or log house - projects and prices with photographs of objects in various designs are presented on the website and printed catalogs at the office of DomaSV. Employees will help to calculate the dimensions, dimensions, number of storeys of the house in accordance with the size of the land plot and the wishes of the customer. A prompt calculation of the cost, taking into account the selected type of foundation, can be obtained not only from the company, but also requested via e-mail, by phone or using the feedback form on the website.

DomaSV builds wooden log houses from pine, cedar and larch quickly, efficiently and inexpensively.

A log as a building material has been used for a very long time, and does not lose its popularity to this day. In addition to environmental friendliness, log houses attract with their appearance and relatively low cost. In this article, we will analyze in stages how to build a log house yourself.

Many companies are engaged in the construction of turnkey wooden houses today. They are also engaged in the preparation and production of logs. The price of a turnkey house depends not only on the size of the house, but also on the diameter of the logs used and the method of their production.

Building a house from a log with your own hands will be much cheaper than ordering turnkey construction. The cost of building materials is comparable to the cost of work. That is, the price of a finished house ordered from a turnkey company is twice the cost of building materials.

Types of logs

Logs are made from softwood, mainly spruce, pine or larch.

According to the method of production (harvesting), a log can be:

- debarked

- scraped

- planed

- rounded

The debarked log is one of the commonly used materials for building houses. Not significant processing helps the tree to keep all its protective properties, which significantly increases its service life. At the price of a house made of debarked logs, they are not expensive, but require additional finishing.

From a barked log, by removing the underbark (bast) with the help of scraping and polishing, a very durable scraped log is obtained. In the process of processing, the logs are adjusted to each other, all irregularities, knots and other flaws are removed. The price of a house made from such a log will already be higher than from a debarked one, since additional processing requires a lot of time. A log house made of scraped logs does not require additional finishing work, but on the contrary, due to the uniqueness of each log, it looks very dignified.

The name itself - "planed log" speaks of the technology of its production. With the help of an electric planer, a small upper part is removed from the logs, and all irregularities are eliminated. Thus, fairly even logs are obtained. Just like with a chipped log, planed logs fit together. Houses made of planed logs are very warm, durable and do not require additional finishing work. The price of such turnkey houses is much higher than that of the above options.

The rounded log is obtained as a result of processing the log on a rounding machine. Due to this, perfectly even logs are obtained along the entire length, which do not require adjustment. As a result of processing, the protective layer is removed from the tree, which can subsequently lead to cracking of the log and rapid damage to the log house (rotting). Houses from such a log are assembled quite quickly, they look beautiful without additional decoration. The price of turnkey log houses is not high, but it is quite difficult to get a high-quality log house from such material.

Project selection

After determining the material from which the house will be built, you can begin to select its project. You can design a small house yourself or find a free project on the Internet. But you should not experiment with the project of a two-story large house. It is better to purchase it in the appropriate organization, which, most likely, will help with obtaining a permit for its construction.

When independently designing a future home, it is necessary to take into account the maximum possible length of logs, which is 6 meters. The height of the future house is calculated based on the diameter of the logs, which is different for everyone, with the exception of the use of galvanized logs.

Foundation for a log house

The foundation for a house made of solid logs must withstand heavy loads. The most suitable is a tape shallowly buried foundation. The price of this type of turnkey foundation in construction companies is quite high, therefore, it is also better to perform this stage of construction on your own.

Before erecting a foundation for a log house, it is necessary to mark the site. To do this, pegs are driven into the corners of the future house, and a string is stretched between them, indicating its contours. Next, a trench is dug with a depth of 60-70 cm and a width equal to the width of the foundation, and it depends on the diameter chosen for the construction of the log. It is desirable that the foundation protrude beyond the wall by 5 cm from the outside, and by 10 cm from the inside. The internal protrusion is necessary for a more stable and high-quality fit of the floor logs.

A layer of sand (sand cushion) is poured at the bottom of the trench, which is well compacted.

The next step is the assembly and installation of the formwork. It is made from boards or plywood, by assembling shields. The shields are installed on top of the trench opposite each other and are well fastened together.

Reinforcement is placed inside the formwork, which is connected to each other into one single frame. For the foundation for a log house, reinforcement of at least 12 diameters is used, in several rows.

After the formwork and reinforcing frame are installed, concrete can be poured. When buying concrete at the manufacturer, it is necessary to order concrete grade M250. With self-pouring, the proportions are as follows: 1 cement (400): 3 sand: 4.5-5 crushed stone.

Important! In the foundation, it is necessary to provide holes for ventilation of the subfloor. The height of the foundation from the ground should be less than 50 cm.

wall technology

Before laying the first crown of the log house, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation by laying waterproofing material on it (roofing material, hydrostekloizol).

For the first crown, choose the largest log in diameter and the most resinous.

You can also use larch logs, but its price is quite high. To give greater stability to the log, part of it is removed, making a flat area. Treated with an antiseptic solution and laid on the foundation.

For a high-quality fit to each other, a longitudinal groove is selected in the logs. When ordering a finished log house made of logs, this groove is already made at the factory. In all other cases, the groove is made manually.

Video. How to make a longitudinal groove manually:

Logs are stacked groove down on top of each other. For a tight and warm connection, moss or tow is laid between the logs. The logs are connected to each other with the help of wooden dowels, which are inserted vertically into pre-drilled holes.

Corner connection can have several options: with and without a remainder.

When connecting logs with the rest, there will be an overrun of the material, since part of the log protrudes beyond the walls of the house. This method will increase the cost of construction.

The corner joint of the logs must be warm. It can be obtained by joining into a paw (when joining without a remainder) and by joining into a bowl (when joining with a remainder).

If the diameter of the logs is large enough, then, most likely, in order to build a house from a log, you will have to resort to the help of equipment: a crane or a manipulator.

It is easier to build a house from a rounded log than from a regular one. The log is even, all the necessary grooves and corner joints have already been made in production, all that remains is to assemble the designer.

Roof construction technology

After assembling the box at home, it must be protected from the effects of precipitation. To do this, you must immediately build a roof over it.

This will require boards 150 * 50 mm, from which the truss system is constructed. A roof slope of 30 degrees is optimal. The rafters are installed at a distance of 60-100 mm from each other and are attached to the wall in the lower part with long nails or metal corners, and in the upper part to the ridge beam. Roofing waterproofing is laid on top of the rafters, a counter rail is nailed to ensure a ventilated gap, and a wooden crate is equipped.

Roofing material is laid on the crate. In the case of flexible bituminous tiles, a solid plywood base is made. The price of a soft roof is higher than a metal one, but in certain cases (complex hip roofs) its use will be preferable and more expedient.

A log house with an arranged roof will have a beautiful finished look.

Important nuances

After the construction of the box of the house and the roof, the log house must be settled for at least one year. After its shrinkage, you can proceed to the finishing (pigtail) of window and door openings.

As described above, houses made of logs or planed logs do not require additional finishing, but protection of wood from moisture and insects is required. For this, wooden houses should be periodically treated with special solutions and paints. The quality of wood processing will determine how long a log house will last.

To reduce the heat loss of a log house, it must be well caulked.

To build a turnkey log house with your own hands, you need to purchase a suitable project, high-quality and affordable material and follow the technology at all stages of construction.

By choosing or drawing a specific project, and calculating how much building material is needed and how much money is needed to build this particular house, you will understand how much the price of the proposed finished houses in construction companies differs from the cost of building a house with your own hands.

Video. Construction of a house from a log.

19.04.2016 by
Categories: house