Haircut 24 lunar day. Twenty-fourth lunar day

On the 24th lunar day, many esotericists and sorcerers call for abandoning old ideas, outdated relationships and paying more attention to new ones. New goals and new aspirations - everything that can help in the implementation of the plans - should be planned today, if possible. It is worth mentally forgiving everyone who once hurt you, since old grievances are never good, but drag you down.

On the 24th lunar day, a person must decide in which direction he has decided to develop. If you continue to cling to past chimeras and obviously failed projects, you are unlikely to succeed. Awareness of this on the 24th lunar day will strengthen your aspirations and intentions to achieve more, and will also give the necessary impetus to the implementation of your plans.

There are several characteristics 24 lunar day. If you feel an increase in the energy background, then you can plan something really grandiose. This could be the beginning of a new life stage, job search, realization career growth and so on. Almost any undertaking today will have real success.

It’s another matter if on the twenty-fourth lunar day you feel a loss of strength. In this case, esotericists recommend refraining from special stress and paying more attention to yourself. If you feel sleepy, then do not resist the body’s natural desires. If you have very little strength, you can go into nature and lean against coniferous tree to get an extra boost of energy from it.


Young children today will require increased attention from adults. Their violent energy can push kids to do things that are not the safest, so they should not be left alone.

Household chores will be easy on the 24th lunar day. You can plan any work, but you should not ignore the state of the body. If your health fails, it is better to limit yourself to small everyday activities.


Unlike many lunar days, if the disease occurs today, it will also pass quickly. Even people with weakened immune systems should not experience pathologies or unpleasant symptoms. Weak points on the 24th lunar day the liver and intestines will become affected, so it is important to monitor your diet.


The current day is favorable for starting new projects. Even the most crazy, at first glance, ideas can bring good profits. Today, many workers and businessmen will get a second wind; the new strength can be directed to completing old tasks. Today it is good to schedule important negotiations and banquets. Any meetings will be successful.

The twenty-fourth lunar day is a day of powerful creative energy, which you should try to direct in the right direction.

The main symbol of the 24th lunar day– mountain and bear.

Stones of the 24th lunar day- airy obsidian, black jasper, blue jade, malachite.

Colors of the 24th lunar day- yellow, amber, lemon, gold, ocher and saffron.

Organ- armpits.

The second symbol of this day is a mountain. There is a very close connection between the mountain and the bear. After all, the appearance of a bear resembles a mountain, and besides, the mountains are as inaccessible and large as this predatory beast. Mountains bring with them mystery and majesty, the influence of these qualities extends to the 24-lunar day. The day needs to be spent actively, the energy of the day is favorable, as if welded together from subtle matters. The world of subtle matters brings lightness and unpredictability into human life.

Main characteristics of the 24th lunar day

Today is considered a man's day; the energies of men cover the entire course of this day. People, primarily men, will be active on this day, their sexual energy will be in full swing. Women on this day are saturated with strong energy and also feel good and active.

On this day it is better to accumulate your energy within yourself. If for you, accumulating energy means being active, then don’t stray from this path. You will be in demand and in your environment you will retain the necessary energy for further achievements. If you are used to collecting your thoughts alone with yourself, alone, then try to do this without offending those who want to communicate or spend time with you.

Your inner strength will allow you to start a new business, idea, or project. Don't stop there, luck will help you. The day is full of positive energy and there is no need to push away the gifts that the Moon and the Universe send.

A good day to gain knowledge that you love to study and improve. Today you can learn to concentrate, which will be useful in the future and, moreover, you have long wanted to learn this. Accumulation occurs practical experience, as well as experiences related to these issues.

Health on the 24th lunar day

Today try to start working on yourself both spiritually and physically. If you feel weak throughout your body, you can do calmer types of gymnastics, Pilates, and yoga. If you want to increase the load on the body, then do not reduce the intensity of your training. This will do you good.

Do not forget about spiritual practices, which will bring much more benefits on this day than on any other day. It is better to alternate intense training with a set of meditation exercises.

Spend more time on fresh air. If possible, you need to massage your feet, walking barefoot on the ground, weather permitting. On this day you need to strengthen your body so that it releases all unnecessary negative energies and heaviness of the body.

You can start cleaning your body. Go to a dry bath or sauna so that the toxins that have accumulated on the outer surface of your body no longer bother you.
As for the organs that you should pay attention to on this day, they need to be treated with care. A good day to spend it with the opposite sex in intimacy.

Love and the 24th lunar day

The 24-lunar day is the strongest in terms of sexual energy. On this day, you must definitely go on a date with someone, which will take place on top level. Women will like men and vice versa. There is a great chance to find your love, which may turn out to be a serious and strong feeling.

Discussion of plans for the future and their implementation will accompany this day. There is no need to stop there. Move forward, if it doesn’t work out by leaps and bounds, then take small steps, but look to the future. But today strives to create an atmosphere where all attempts to advance will resemble movements over long distances.

Show and receive love from your loved ones. On this day you just need to be surrounded by love, mutual understanding, gratitude and peace. But this should take place in the family circle; it is better not to leave the house.

The 24-moon day is the most favorable day in the entire lunar calendar for conceiving a child. In addition, love intimacy will be liked by both partners, and accordingly, the child may be desired.

If you imagine a fountain of sexual and love energy on this day, then it is recommended to engage in creative work so as not to be branded a maniac.
Your activity will be noticed, and it will be supported by others who will also want to express themselves. If you need a calm atmosphere, then you can retire, but the day will not lose its power in terms of energy. And you will nourish yourself positive energy, which the day distributes generously.

Work and creativity on the 24th lunar day

In any endeavor you will be accompanied by luck and success. Everything that you put off for later is better done today. All unfinished business can and should be completed today. Taking active actions and words on this day is simply highly recommended.

Any work done on this day will give high results and good money in the future. Express your thoughts, share your ideas and opinions with others.

If difficulties arise, then the right approach to them, they will be quickly resolved. There is no need to pay attention to these little things, the details of which are easily resolved. The main thing is that the team spirit does not leave the people taking part in this.

Great day for creative projects. In construction and reconstruction work increased complexity success will await you. The main thing is not to leave the wave of this lunar day, which favors those who can and want to show their active potential.

For those born on the 24th lunar day

On this day people were born who are entrepreneurial activists by nature. Their energy in active actions is so strong that it extends to all participants in the project in which they can take part.

From childhood they need to learn to direct all their energy potential into the channel where they will feel like fish in water. If from an early age children learn to manage their energy, then their lives can be interesting and successful. If such a person’s energy does not find the right channel, then the energy will be wasted, which can lead the person to boredom and even aggression.

In order for people born on a 24-lunar day to realize their potential, they need to be assigned to creative clubs and sports sections. Physically, such individuals can achieve high results. They should feel self-realization, then it will be easier for them to live.

In good company, such people can become the life of the party. They are endowed with imagination, the energy of which tries to manifest itself in any matter. Great dreamers and successful entrepreneurs are inherent in the essences of such persons.
Their abilities allow us to see them as natural fighters. They finish what they start, and the results are impressive. They make mysterious sorcerers and magicians.

Signs of the 24th lunar day

Basically, the signs of this day are related to human health. Your internal experiences can develop into external ones. If your thoughts are in chaos, then you need to have great self-control so as not to throw out this whole unnecessary stream of thoughts on someone nearby. Find peace within yourself.

Magic rituals of the 24th lunar day

In the early hours of the day you can do different magical rituals. A good day to look after the trees in the garden. From the point of view of magic, trees carry positively charged energy that can be imbued with.

Particular caution on the 24th lunar day

Be at peace with yourself - the main caution of this day. If you suddenly suddenly move from a passive state to an active one, then perhaps this will somehow affect your well-being. Well, what to be - active or passive - is up to you to decide and, besides, it all depends on the situation and environment.

Dreams and visions on the 24th lunar day

Dreams and dreams on this day will reveal your inner potential. Creative energy is very strong, so dreams will have rapidly changing pictures. In addition, the energy of the day contributes to this.

Inner strength and sexual energy will intertwine, showing and telling your innermost desires and thoughts in dreams. But you can dream not only good ones, but also bad dreams. Good dream- for good, bad - difficulties may arise.
Sometimes on this day you can see a dream about your past life. He will guide you towards a decision in which you must decide what to do now and in the future if the same situation arises.

Mantras for the 24th lunar day

My self-love is so strong that I realize that my life is wonderful.

My thoughts and my world find expression in my body with such force that I feel that I am in excellent health.

The entire Universe shows me immeasurable love.

I know that if I want it, new opportunities will open up for me.

I know and understand that the Universe and I are closely connected, because there is harmony between us, which is connected by the Forces of the Universe.

Everything I see and will see will delight me.

The 24th lunar day is an energetically strong period. On this day we can recharge ourselves with energy from nature.

24 lunar day - characteristics of the day

Symbol of the day: Bear

Bookmark thoughts: I take a deep breath and feel a huge flow of energy filling me. I exhale slowly and this energy spreads throughout my body. I feel an inner strength that attracts love and great luck into my life.

The 24th lunar day is the time of awakening of natural forces and sexual energy. The bear symbolizes the masculine principle and the male Yang energy, which governs the 24 lunar days. After the difficult 23rd day of the Moon, this is a very calm, joyful, but at the same time active day. Today, a practical, masculine approach and perseverance are applied to everything, people are well-disposed and as good-natured as possible, and the spirit of healing and happiness is in the air.

Relaxation in nature is recommended; you can spend a little time alone to gain energy and feel a surge of inner strength. Also on the 24th lunar day it is very favorable to have contact with the earth, walk barefoot or do gardening. During this period, the earth is especially generous with energy, which improves health and gives the body and spirit vigor and strength.


Today you can “move mountains” in your work if you are active and confidently move towards your goals. On the 24th lunar day, financial affairs and trading will be successful. Also now favorable time for creativity. The main thing today is to be active and purposeful.


The 24th lunar day is a time of calm and kindness. People today are disposed to joyful communication, but there may be a certain amount of cynicism and pressure. This occurs due to the activation of strong masculine energy. The main thing during this period is to show kindness and understanding to all people around you. Today it is recommended to pay Special attention on love relationship, you can have a romantic evening.


Diseases that begin on the 24th lunar day are usually harmless and short-lived. Today the rectum, liver, and genitals are vulnerable. It is recommended to drink less, but you can eat as much as you want; you cannot be hungry that day. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking. On the 24th lunar day it is recommended to exercise. It is beneficial to spend time in nature and have contact with the earth.
On the twenty-fourth lunar day, intimacy heals and normalizes sexual energy.


A haircut is favorable, it will help you become more attractive, more confident, and stronger.


Dreams on the 24th day of the moon show the state of your sexual energy, which is the main vital force. If movement, flow and change of actions occur in a dream, then everything is fine. If in a dream all events stand still, there is a feeling of stagnation, or simply disturbing dreams, it means that you need to normalize your energy potential.

Goal of the day

Direct your energy towards creating the foundation for new things. Actively continue working on current affairs. Gain vital energy.

  • Organize contact with nature and the earth as much as possible.
  • Make time for romantic relationships.
  • Be active, play sports.
  • Show kindness and understanding to people.

Name - “Scroll” (“Book”), “Golden Key”, “Volcano”. In Hinduism - “Day of the Elephant Ganesha,” the son of Shiva, the patron of wisdom and knowledge.

This is a day of gaining wisdom, learning secret knowledge and its use. It marks the stability of world law, the connection with the universal information field. A day of studying science, crafts, and understanding one’s roots. For people who conscientiously approach the study of antiquity, the heritage of their family and people, it is on this day that an understanding of what is hidden in ancient writings and images can come. The day a person achieves a goal. On this day of the Moon, you can find out your future (except for fortune telling on cards). It is useful to focus on images, pictures and yantras (images of illuminated sounds), horoscope and numbers. Any object, sign, symbol, pattern, image carries certain information and affects a person on subconscious level. On this day you can read this information consciously. Pay attention to what surrounds you at home every day (wallpaper, curtains, paintings, furniture, etc.) - for example, their color or the order in the closet with clothes. On this day it will be easier for you to understand whether it helps home furnishings your spiritual development, puts you in order or, conversely, destroys your health and the structure of your home that is favorable for spiritual development. In the 22nd ld. one should pass on experience, teach others, prepare students, or obtain new information oneself. The information obtained should be used only for good. It is very good to be generous. The best thing on this day is to finish what you started. On this day, try to use clothes and items from natural materials. The first half of this day is more favorable.

The day is contradictory, dual. Any agreements and obligations will be tested for sustainability and require some rethinking. Therefore, it is difficult to start new things on this day. The second half of the day is especially contradictory; selfishness and vanity will increase; it is unlikely that anyone will be able to help you with their patronage. IN marital relations Envy, jealousy, dissatisfaction, and disappointed expectations may appear. You need to be extremely careful in expressing your own thoughts and feelings, in revealing your plans, otherwise you may be misunderstood. If you do not master the energies of this day, it is better not to draw signs that you do not understand. It is better to get rid of such signs, patterns, dark colors, scenes of violence. Even clothes made from the skin of killed animals or items made from bone, artificial fur (a conventional image of murder) will weigh on and destroy you on this day. Don't conclude trade deals on this day.

Health- be attentive during these lunar days to the hip girdle, femoral neck, sacrum, and lower part of the spine. It is better not to make sudden movements, especially in the lower back. This day is associated with the power (energy) of Kundalini. Incorrect use of energies of the 22nd ld. leads to illness hip joints, lower back pain, radiculitis. Diseases of this day are dangerous.

Nutrition- on this day a person accumulates vitality (energy) with food, so it is not advisable to go hungry or fast. You can load your stomach by eating a lot of plant foods.

Conception - on this day a scientist, champion and defender of the Law, true or false, can incarnate. Parents can attract the soul of a good guardian of the foundations of their Ancestors and even a sage who is looking for the eternal in the world, but not the temporary. This may be a happy child of amazing circumstances and interesting Ancestors. But this same child can become a staunch follower of false teachers and teachings, wasting his life on empty things.

Birth- l The best representatives of this day are wise, they can comprehend the essence of all things, comprehend any science. They initially keep the customs and rituals, wisdom and secret knowledge of their people. The best of the people of the 22nd ld. They devote themselves to studying the heritage of their Ancestors and ancient rituals, they can understand sacred images and read ancient texts. Their task- to increase the spiritual wealth of their people, to be defenders of justice, to convey information to others, they are distinguished by perfect honesty. In ancient Persia, such people were called “kharbets,” that is, temple teachers. If a person is born spiritually undeveloped, he may take the wrong path in science; narcissism and vanity will prevent him from hearing someone’s opinion and understanding the truth. And because of this, he will have difficulties in relationships with people and loved ones. If a person is 22nd ld. does not develop, he can become a “deep conservative”, since he will be sure that he knows everything. It is the responsibility of parents to teach their child to listen to the opinions of other people and make decisions based on common sense.(Sanity- this is: the opinion of the Ancestors (Veda), the opinion of a competent person and personal experience. Note Vedana). People of this day of the Moon usually live to a ripe old age.

Dreams- sleep can help us become better, cleaner, and our thoughts brighter. Divine revelations come through dreams.

Stones- blue agate (Gemini), blue jade (Libra), blue sapphire (Sagittarius), blue jasper (lapis; Virgo), amber (Leo).

23rd lunar laziness

Name - “Cerberus”, “Chimera”, “Echidna”, “Crocodile Maccara” (a bloodthirsty half-crocodile-half-fish-half-snake that swallows, grabs, devours everything). In Zoroastrianism, this day corresponds to the “anti-Venus” - Ashma-daiva (lust), lying in wait for a person. Last quarter.

Day of self-sacrifice, repentance, understanding and forgiveness. It should become a time of fasting and abstinence, caution and purity, gaining strength and healing. You should tidy up and cleanse the space and thresholds in the house: with candle fire, fumigating the premises (for example, wild rosemary or wormwood), sprinkling with light water, etc. You can put a flint on the threshold and bring prayed objects into the house. The day is favorable for completing work begun, for a person to gain and confirm his honor. Only honest and spiritual developed people can achieve success on these lunar days. In everything you need to observe moderation and prudence. Proper Use The energies of the day reveal the abilities of a healer in a person.

A difficult and difficult day, one of the days of seduction, all its events and news must be checked specifically for seduction. Associated with violence, destruction, radical change of the past and present. On this day, a person is overcome by passion and lust, which undermine his health, physical and mental. It is better to observe strict sexual abstinence (as in the 15th ld). It is dangerous to indulge in anger and negative feelings. The day is associated with bullying, persecution, expulsion; one should beware of clashes with angry crowds and even simple crowds of people. You cannot succumb to self-deception, provocations and the temptation of revenge. If you try to take revenge on someone, it will definitely turn against you. On this day, there is often a change in mood and a change in attitude towards the environment. Due to increasing self-esteem and narcissism, relationships with lovers and friends may be at risk. Any rudeness, manifestation of force, clumsiness (manifested even to a small extent) can irritate others, and quarrels with superiors and friends are possible. On this day, it is harmful to doubt your choice of path; it is better to think about this issue at another time. A day of rampant vampires, bloodsuckers and rapists.

Health- on this day you cannot undergo surgery, you cannot cut your nails and hair, since separating any part of our body can attract vampires. You can't give in to lust. You need to be attentive to your spine, you should carry out health-improving and strengthening exercises with it, do massage, cleanse in every possible way. You need to try to move as much as possible; you cannot lead a sedentary lifestyle. If a person does not use the energy of the day correctly, he may develop boils on his body. On this day, boils and small sores may appear at the site of the vampire bite. The energy center Muladhara (source) is associated with these lunar days. The illnesses of this day are long-lasting, unpleasant, but not dangerous.

Nutrition- on this day of the Moon it is better to exclude meat food from consumption, as it carries the memory of violence and murder. It is better to drink more cow's milk (which promotes spiritual development), eat cottage cheese and other dairy products related to the element of virtue. It is advisable to bake cheesecakes by baking nuts in them (in ancient Persia god Vatra - guardian of the hearth). It is dangerous for your health to indulge in gluttony; you should remember that it is on this day that an uncontrollable appetite arises. Fasting is favorable.

Conception - a day of dual nature for nascent life. Both amazing personalities and children with physical defects can be attracted. All their lives they will be misunderstood for who they really are, even if fame awaits them. It will be difficult for people to understand where their greed, acquisitiveness, and ambition border with kindness and divine gifts. If you are ready to sacrifice everything in the future for the sake of each other and your child (he will really need your help and support), then you can take risks on this day.

Birth - A person born on this day is characterized by tenacity (“death grip”), he will complete any task to the end (maybe to perfection). He will move through life, overcoming all obstacles. If he is focused on bright things, he will make an excellent entrepreneur, warrior-defender, administrator of justice, a true monk or man of prayer. The born child may not be beautiful, but he is attractive with his kindness and qualities of true Knowledge. In the worst case, it can be an executioner, a narcissist. Such a person, having a strong grip, will influence people, seducing and using them for his own purposes. All people of this day should cultivate confidence and perseverance, the ability to go to the end, the ability to achieve what is planned on their own. Parents are obliged to help their child with this, instilling in him self-confidence and teaching him ways to protect himself from vampirism. People of this day of the Moon should not doubt the choice of their path, so as not to become a victim of egoists and vampires. Parents should help their child make a choice life path as early as possible, providing him with this greatest number opportunities.

Dreams- on this day they are often empty. But meaningful, clear and vivid dream worth remembering. Many of the dreams of this day should be understood completely backwards. For example, if you dream that someone doesn’t love you, it means joyful moments are ahead.

Stones- smoky quartz (Capricorn), black jade (Virgo), brown-red carnelian (sarder; Virgo).

24th lunar day

Name - “Bear”, “Mountain” (“Cliff”), in Hinduism - “Shiva’s Day”, among the Slavs - Alive. The moon enters the sign of Aquarius - this is the day of Russia, the day of the Russian people, whose patron is the Big Dipper. It was from its stars that representatives of the Race flew to our Earth - white people, the peoples of the Slavs and Aryans. Yang Male Energy Day; image of the day - Polar bear.

The day of transformative power, the destruction of the old and the creation of the new. The day of awakening the forces of nature in man, receiving revelation. You should engage in the legacy of your Ancestors, awaken your ancestral memory (male line), remember your roots, and increase your spiritual level. The day is favorable for construction (for example, for laying the foundation of a house), for the accumulation and transformation of sexual power in creativity, and favorable for union and conception. Communicating with the elements of Nature and using natural forces is beneficial. The second half of the day is more favorable and allows you to achieve your goals. The ability of foresight, instinct and support of superior people (spiritual teachers, superiors, high-ranking persons) become more acute, so they can change in better side circumstances and events of previous days. On this day it is favorable to take a step for the better by correcting a mistake. Any “foundation” laid on this day will allow you to make the best use of opportunities in the future. You can start long-term business.

The first half of the day is less favorable, as the influence of the previous day remains. It's best to practice personal matters and your health, there may be lethargy associated with excess expenditure of vitality the day before. If a person does not know how to use the forces of Nature that have awakened in him on this day, he will pay for it. Abuse of sexual relationships will cause great harm. On this day, the “Bear” punishes villains and rapists. You should be very attentive to what is happening to you and around you. You need to fight the feeling of hopelessness; you cannot let this feeling overcome you. One must subjugate, tame one’s base physical nature and transform elemental natural forces within oneself into spiritual aspirations. If a person is 24th ld. does not develop, he seems to be sleeping on the go (“he does not live, but exists”) and sees the world differently, his huge supply of vitality is blocked. Things he started on this day may turn out in the opposite direction. It is bad to be in a large crowd of people or go to rallies, as you may not recover from the negative energies and feelings that will overwhelm a person.

Health - The day is favorable for strengthening your own health, restoring and strengthening your vitality. You can heal others, even psychically. It is good to prepare medicines, decoctions and infusions from herbs and roots (for example, from chaga). It is useful to stand next to a pine (cedar) tree and recharge from it. Strength exercises for the body and yoga classes are beneficial, which will help in managing the energies of these lunar days. If there is sexual abuse, “there will be trouble.” Lethargy (a consequence of overuse of energy on the previous day) and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible. Incorrect use of the energies of this day of the Moon can “clog” the input of earthly energy, and a person will lose stability in life. A spontaneous revolt of feelings, unconscious sexual vampirism, and diseases of the rectum are possible. Although illnesses on this day are not dangerous.

Nutrition- It’s good to drink chamomile decoction and chew millet. On this day, it is advisable for each person to select his own special diet, taking into account his gender (male or female products), age, time of year and place of residence.

Conception- this day is called “the day of the conception of Ilya Muromets” - since great strength, clumsiness, rudeness, kindness can become character traits of this person. But we must protect such “Ilya Muromets” from laziness! The best of these people will be distinguished by morality, honesty, and intelligence. They will be accompanied by the love of others and, possibly, illness. All “Ilya Muromets” have a good appetite. The task of parents in the future will be to teach such a child to control himself, on his own, otherwise his mind and strength can be used by dark teachers.

The 24th lunar day is a time of creation and activity. On this day, new beginnings and love dates work out well.

Affairs. All undertakings of the day are doomed to success. Do not be afraid to take on the most complex and controversial projects - the Moon will contribute to their brilliant completion. Current routine affairs will also bring good luck. But it is better to take advantage of the enhanced energy of the day and resolve all ambiguous and risky issues.

Job. good time to increase activity at work. You can take on new projects or complete current ones - any activity will be successful. The day is suitable for communication. Therefore, ask your colleagues for advice, communicate with your superiors, look for business partners and investors. This is a great time to change jobs.

Housework. A favorable period for any housework. Repairs, rearrangement of furniture, cleaning will be easy and will not leave you tired. You can throw away old unnecessary things - this will cleanse the energy space of the house. It is recommended to involve homework family and friends. Working together will bring closer and strengthen family relationships.

Money. On this day, reason prevails over feelings. Therefore, you can safely carry out any financial transactions - the risk of failure is minimal. This is a suitable period for investing, concluding financial contracts, lending, and large purchases. This is a good time to be active in the financial markets. When making spontaneous transactions, there is a high chance of making a big profit.

Love, relationships. 24 lunar days are suitable for any communication, including love dates. During this period, you can safely arrange romantic meetings, start new relationships or renew old connections. This is the time of love and sex. Intimate intimacy will protect you from many diseases and give you an additional boost of energy.

Communication. The day is suitable for any communications. Communication with loved ones will give you a good mood and new views on the world. Conversations with unfamiliar people will be relaxed and will bring necessary information and will develop into the necessary connections. At work, it is good to engage in joint activities and listen to the advice of colleagues.

Trips. Any travel is not advisable on this day. This is associated with an increased risk of accidents and theft on the roads. You should not go on both long and short trips for work or leisure. It is better to reschedule a business trip or vacation to another time to avoid negative consequences.

Haircut and hair care. On day 24 lunar calendar It is not advisable to cut your hair. Haircuts can worsen your overall health. You can change your hair color - coloring will have a positive effect on the overall energy of the day. It is advisable to choose dark shades. It is not recommended to experiment with your hairstyle on this day.

Beauty and health. The 24th lunar day is a neutral time for a visit to a cosmetologist or a beauty salon. During this period it is useful to do physical exercise, yoga. It is important not to overexert yourself to avoid exhaustion. It is not recommended to overeat and drink alcohol. It is advisable to adhere to healthy eating. You can arrange a fasting day.