Wall materials blocks. Wall blocks for external walls

One of the modern building materials, widely in demand on the market, are wall concrete blocks. They have perfect geometric shape And optimal sizes, which simplifies the laying of walls. Due to low thermal efficiency, it is most advisable to use wall building concrete blocks together with insulation and facing materials (decorative rock, plaster, brick, etc.).


The wall building block is a product of geometrically regular shape with voids inside. Emptiness can be either through or non-through. Wall building blocks often made with non-through voids because:

  • the material is easier to lay;
  • you can save solution that is not spent on voids;
  • Filling the voids with mortar or concrete makes the wall much stronger.

You can purchase materials from our company High Quality with a strength coefficient of M100 (100 kg/cm2, characteristic of heavy concrete) and frost resistance of at least 50 cycles.

Concrete blocks for walls: manufacturing technology

The production of these building materials is carried out using German technologies using imported equipment. The process of forming wall concrete blocks is based on the technology of semi-dry vibration pressing in molds. A mixture for products consisting of cement, crushed stone, sand and water is poured into molds and compacted on a vibrating table. Next, the blanks are pressed and entered into steam chambers, where the concrete is strengthened to the required parameters. The products that we offer to purchase are durable and reliable, which allows them to be used for the construction of walls in buildings with up to 4 floors.

Concrete blocks for walls are an economical material for rapid construction objects for various purposes:

  • residential low-rise buildings;
  • basements;
  • foundations;
  • fencing, etc.

Wall blocks are one of the most popular building materials in low-rise construction (buildings not exceeding 12 - 14 meters in height). Big variety range of wall blocks allows you to solve a variety of construction problems, displacing more expensive brick or wood from construction sites.

Wall blocks, depending on the composition, are:

  • concrete,
  • or polystyrene concrete,
  • cinder blocks,
  • (we have already written about this earlier).

The main components of aerated concrete and gas silicate blocks are sand, lime, cement, blowing agents and stabilizing and plasticizing additives. The gas-forming agent is usually powdered aluminum. These blocks have excellent strength and thermal insulation characteristics.

Expanded clay blocks are produced by adding lightening and thermal insulation material- expanded clay. This is one of the most inexpensive building materials.

Polystyrene concrete blocks are made in a similar way: in cement mixture add polystyrene granules - artificial stone. Most often, these blocks are used as thermal insulation material.

Cinder blocks are made from concrete and inexpensive fillers - industrial slag, sand, screenings, crushed stone, sawdust, etc. They are mainly used for non-residential construction.

There are many manufacturers of wall blocks in Russia, since their production technology is extremely simple. The most popular ones include Bonolit, TPA Unite, GS-Blok, Stroyblok.

The price of wall blocks is in the range of 3 - 3.5 thousand rubles. per cubic meter or 50 - 70 rubles. for 1 block.

Wall blocks are modern building materials with the following advantages:

  • The speed of building construction when using such raw materials is 5 times greater than from traditional materials;
  • Masonry mortar saves 60%;
  • The sizes of wall blocks are different, it is possible to manufacture them according to the customer’s parameters;
  • Economical, the final cost of the house is low;

Wall blocks made of sand and concrete. Sand concrete blocks make it possible to build buildings with a wall thickness of one block; no external finishing is required. The composition is based on cement, sand, and mineral dyes, so the raw materials are considered environmentally friendly. Increased strength characteristics allow their use in the construction of foundations. The most expensive of wall panels. For interior walls and fences I use hollow sand concrete blocks.

Gas silicate and aerated concrete blocks. They are called cellular concrete; in addition to additional components, the composition includes binders - lime or cement, respectively. The blocks have increased sound and heat insulation and ease of installation. They are produced in wall blocks and in liquid form.

Cinder blocks. It is mainly used for the construction of external walls. The composition includes sand, mineral impurities, gypsum, water, special additives and coal slag purified from harmful impurities. Various brands are produced depending on their purpose. For example, grade 10 for thermal insulation of walls, grade 75 for external walls. For monolithic construction slag concrete is reinforced with reinforcement.

Expanded clay concrete blocks. The most popular material in construction among wall blocks, the main component is expanded clay, which is made from clay. It has the highest sound and heat insulation properties, is fireproof, and is not susceptible to microorganisms. Very durable and environmentally friendly pure material. The properties of the material are improved with special components that increase frost resistance and thermal conductivity.

Polystyrene concrete blocks. Up to 90% of foam chips are mixed with the main raw material. Very a light weight, allows use in the construction of external walls of multi-storey monolithic buildings.

There are wall blocks made of plastic, shavings and wood waste:

New interesting material: - pressed briquettes.


The cheapest building and wall blocks

Building blocks are a fast, environmentally friendly and economical material for the construction of all types of buildings, both internal and external. finishing works. The dimensions allow the use of fewer blocks compared to brick, and the thermal insulation is better due to the special porous structure. Excellent for low-rise buildings.

IN northern latitudes This type of building material is deservedly in demand, and pricing policy remains an important factor.

We have collected average prices in Moscow and the Moscow region for building blocks:

Material Size, mm Price rub/piece or rub/m3

Expanded clay concrete
200*400*200 40-50 rub/piece
Sand cement
120*200*400 from 35 rub/piece
200*200*400 45-49 RUR/piece
Aerated concrete/gas silicate
625*250*500 2300 – 3433/m3
625*300*200 3 600/m3
600*250*100 59 RUR/piece
Foam concrete
200*300*600 2500-2 700/m3
588*188*300 2,800/m3
Polystyrene concrete
1195*140*235 RUB 360/piece
Porous stone
250*120*140 21-35 rub/piece
500*667*150 420 RUR/piece
398*280*215 77 RUR/piece

Some manufacturers indicate prices in cubic meters, how to determine the number of pieces per m3 and compare prices?

There is a certain formula for this: we convert the specified parameters (for example, standard 600*200*300 mm) into meters (600:1000*200:1000*300:1000), then multiply the resulting values, obtaining the volume of 1 block in m3 (0.036) .

To find out the number of blocks in 1 m3, you need to divide 1 m3 by the volume of one block (1: 0.036 = 27.8).

Having made several comparative calculations of blocks of the same size in m3 and individually, the prices turned out to be approximately the same. Therefore, when choosing blocks, focus on their characteristics, features, and finally, on the manufacturer.


Internal partitions

Expanded clay concrete
400*200*100 40
390*190*90 30
390*80*190 23
Foam concrete
2880*600*75 3,000/m3
667*500*80 145
Sand cement
390*90*190 23
Aerated concrete/gas silicate
625*250*125 2150-3 533/m3
Porous ceramic block
600*250*100 90
667*500*80 150


Fine concrete
390*190*188 36
80*500*219 45-72 5700-6100/m2
Glass block
Expanded clay concrete
400*200*100 3700-6100/m2

A sensational article on Vitaly Kostenko’s blog

Habitual brick walls, which can be seen in multi-storey and private construction, are losing their inviolability and relevance. In the construction of residential buildings, building blocks made of lightweight concrete are increasingly being used.

Such products have greater thermal insulation, are much cheaper than solid bricks, and are easy to install. The building material is relatively light in weight, which significantly reduces the load on the foundation and, accordingly, allows you to save on pouring it.

The modern construction market offers the consumer several types of wall blocks. To avoid difficulties when choosing a material, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of wall blocks used in construction.

Foam concrete blocks

This is cellular lightweight concrete, the main component of which is a cement-sand mortar with the addition of foaming additives. According to experts, this is the most practical and affordable material for the construction of wall structures, enjoying steadily growing popularity.



    High strength combined with low density

    Low structural weight due to the cellular structure

    Excellent thermal insulation of interior spaces

    High degree of street noise absorption

    Fire resistance - the material does not ignite and does not support the spread of fire

    Resistance to wet environments

    Good frost resistance indicators

    Budget cost

    Foam concrete is subject to shrinkage over time, which should be taken into account during construction

    Heterogeneous structure: internal pores do not have the same size

    Difficulties in interior finishing - foam concrete is unable to hold ordinary fasteners(nails, screws)

    Low bending resistance, easy to crack

The material is often produced in a makeshift way without technology. It is almost impossible to identify a fake visually, so you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a manufacturer.

Aerated concrete material for the construction of walls

As in the previous case, gas silicate blocks have a porous structure. For production, a silicate base is used with the addition of binders and foaming additives.



    The exact geometry of each block, which simplifies the process of erecting wall structures and allows you to accurately calculate glue consumption.

    Presentable appearance.

    Ease of processing: you can cut aerated concrete with a regular hacksaw.

    High level of fire safety.

    Environmental safety: no chemically active or toxic substances are used in production.

    Large block size - allows you to reduce the time for building walls.

    Low strength - aerated block is not used in multi-story construction.

    After completion of work, shrinkage is observed up to 1.5 mm for every meter of height. According to this indicator, gas silicate blocks are considered the worst among lightweight concrete.

    Low frost resistance - only 10 cycles freezing/thawing. Therefore, walls made of this material necessarily require additional insulation.

    Dependence on humid environment. Aerated concrete absorbs water well, which leads to destruction of the structure of the block.

In terms of thermal insulation, aerated concrete blocks are close to solid brick, therefore additional insulation is prerequisite. However, the blocks have minimal weight, which significantly reduces the load on the foundation.

Sand blocks made by volumetric vibrocompression

This is a universal option, equally used in multi-storey construction and the private sector. Used in the manufacture of building materials cement-sand mixture with the inclusion of additives. Products are pressed in special forms and dried using infrared radiation.

To achieve optimal strength, blocks are stored at room temperature in well-ventilated areas.

For walls made of foam blocks, insulation costs will be significantly lower than for concrete or brick structures.

Thermal blocks - multilayer building blocks

This is a composite material with a three-layer structure.

The first layer is called the façade and is an imitation natural stone. The second is insulating and consists of high-density polystyrene foam. The third is the supporting one, made of expanded clay concrete.

Heat blocks appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but have already gained popularity among professional builders.

    High speed of wall construction. Each block is both a decorative and load-bearing structure and has a layer of insulation.

    Excellent thermal insulation performance. Block, thickness 42 cm, similar in performance to two-meter brickwork.

    Reasonable price. Good competition for gas and foam blocks.

    Light weight. You can save a lot on the foundation.

    Weight. The blocks are considered light, but laying stones can be done alone, weighing 24 kg, it will be difficult.

    Low resistance to dynamic loads. Not suitable for buildings tall more than 3 floors.

    Geometry. The correct forms are found only from trusted manufacturers. If the block is made by hand, problems are guaranteed to arise with installation.

High-quality heat blocks have absolutely correct geometry, so it is allowed finishing without additional leveling of the walls. When installing blocks, through joints are formed that require high-quality sealing.

If construction technology is violated, high thermal efficiency indicators will be reduced to zero.

Polystyrene concrete blocks

The block is a monolithic structure, where the main component is high-quality cement. Used as filler quartz sand, foamed polystyrene, plasticizers that increase the strength and frost resistance of finished products.

    The best thermal insulation performance on the market. Allows you to save on heating interior spaces in winter.

    High strength. The material is highly resistant to compression and bending and has virtually no shrinkage.

    Excellent vapor permeability. Walls made from such blocks have the ability to “breathe”, which is guaranteed to prevent the appearance of mold.

    Ease of installation. The blocks are easily subject to additional processing, have a large standard size and correct geometry.

    Frost resistance. The product can withstand up to 150 cycles freezing/thawing without loss of original properties.

    Direct dependence of quality on the manufacturer. Violation of manufacturing technology leads to the formation of internal microcracks.

    Difficulties interior decoration. The surface of the block has poor adhesion to plaster solutions.

    The porous structure “does not hold” nails and screws.

Polystyrene concrete blocks are considered a non-combustible material, but when exposed to high temperatures begin to release phenol, a substance harmful to human health.

Expanded clay concrete is a modern material originally from the 60s of the last century

The composition of such a block includes cement, expanded clay and sand, mixed in specified proportions. During production, the vibration pressing method is used, which provides the finished products with a fairly dense structure.

Despite the obvious disadvantages, expanded clay blocks are considered the most common building material in Russia.

Arbolite - a material made from wood chips and a mineral binder

Composite blocks created using cement based with the addition of water, sand and sawdust. This ratio of components makes the block resistant to any aggressive environment, wherein finished goods have a high margin of safety.

    Thermal insulation. There are no analogues to wood concrete blocks on the modern building materials market yet.

    Easy to install and manufacture. You can cope with the work on your own.

    Environmental Safety. The composition does not contain harmful or toxic components.

    Light weight. There is no need for a reliable and solid foundation.

    Reasonable price. Considered one of the most available materials On the market.

    They are destroyed by prolonged exposure to a humid environment.

    Attract rodents.

    Due to its inclusion in wood, the material burns.

Blocks are not suitable for multi-storey construction, target application: private sector.

Cinder block - there is no cheaper material

The material attracts the attention of buyers with a surprisingly low price: production waste is allowed to be used in production. The products are compacted using the vibration compaction method, the main binding component being cement.

Unlike previous materials, cinder blocks are hollow and monolithic, which significantly expands the scope of their application.



    Absolutely non-flammable even with prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

    Long service life - at least 50 years without loss of original qualities.

    A wide range of. The variability of fillers allows you to select a product for any type of construction work.

    Easy to install.

    Possibility to make at home.

    Dependence on humid environment.

    It causes inconvenience when installing utilities.

    Low rates of sound and heat insulation.

    Absence environmental safety: Slag contains sulfur and acids that are harmful to health.

Considering the significant disadvantages, cinder blocks are more suitable for the construction of utility buildings than residential buildings.

Ceramic block is a worthy replacement for hollow brick

An excellent alternative to regular brick. Blocks appeared on the market relatively recently, but are rapidly gaining popularity in the private construction sector. The block is based on baked clay, the finished products have a hollow, cellular structure.



    Absolute environmental safety.

    Excellent thermal insulation performance.

    Light weight.

    High level of vapor permeability.

    Reliable sound insulation of interior spaces.

    Ease of installation: the elements are joined with a tongue-and-groove locking connection.


    Unreliable ends.

    Relative fragility, which makes transportation difficult.

    Dependence on strict adherence to installation technology.

    Difficulties in interior finishing: the hollow structure will not “hold” screws and nails.

Difficulties may arise during additional processing: it will not be possible to split a ceramic block like an ordinary brick; you will have to use a grinder.

Thermally efficient blocks of Balaev

A relatively new building material, reminiscent of thermal blocks. The products have a three-layer structure:

  • filler;

Cement, water and expanded clay are used as the main components. During production, vibrocompression technology is used in combination with the pressing method. The result was a fundamentally new building material.

The material appeared on the market in 2009, so I didn’t have time to manifest myself with negative side. However, obvious disadvantages include high cost.

Technical characteristics comparison table

Comparison of blocks by construction cost

Often, the price issue is key when choosing a building material. The chart above shows how the prices of blocks compare to each other as a percentage. The most expensive block of Balaev was taken as 100%.

Depending on the region of the country and over time, this ratio may change.

The cost of a block is not a key indicator. For example, Balaev blocks are the most expensive material, however, do not require additional finishing and insulation. The final estimate for the work performed will be much lower than for the construction of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Brief conclusion

Ideal building materials do not exist in nature. Therefore, when choosing building blocks, you need to focus not only on the price of the product, but also on the scope of application and technical characteristics.

Until recently, one of the most reliable and traditional materials for external walls was brick. With a lot of advantages, it has obvious shortcomings. Firstly, the small size of an individual block, but at the same time high density. Secondly, the coefficient of thermal conductivity is uncomfortable, forcing you to increase the thickness of the walls. Thirdly, as a consequence of the previous theses, the need to use large quantity bricks, adding total weight structures and pressure on the foundation (it must be massive and voluminous).

The future of not only construction, but also other high-tech industries lies in the use of composite materials, which, without a doubt, are blocks for external and load-bearing interior walls. The main highlight of any of these products is its structural diversity. For example, a brick is homogeneous (homogeneous) - it consists of clay, which is given a regular rectangular shape, and then fired to fix the basic properties. Wall blocks, regardless of origin and base, contain several key components, each of which plays its own role (base, filler, baking powder, foaming agent, adhesive mass).

An obvious advantage that almost all such products have is the optimal volume-to-weight ratio. For example, an ordinary brick 1 NF, has dimensions of 250 × 120 × 65 mm (0.00195 m3) and a density of 1600 kg/m3, will weigh about 3.12 kg. At the same time, typical gas blocks differ in dimensions of 250×150×625 mm (0.02344 m3) and specific gravity on average 500 kg/m3. With these parameters, its mass will be 11.7 kg. The figure seems to be higher, but if we level the volumes, then we will have to take almost 37.5 kg of bricks (more than 3 times the excess).

Classification by structure

If we analyze a specific segment of the construction market, it turns out that various blocks are available to the buyer as external walls. First of all, their classification is carried out according to composition, that is, the combination of main components. The following types are distinguished:

  • Aerated concrete.
  • Vibropressed.
  • Foam block.
  • Expanded clay concrete.
  • Arbolite.
  • Slag.

Now let's look at each type separately.

1. Aerated concrete block.

This is multi-component building element, which includes:

  • Cement-sand water solution(the bulk).
  • Lime (used to create a highly alkaline environment).
  • Aluminum powder or paste (gassing catalyst).

The peculiarity of this type is chemical reaction aluminum and alkaline lime solution with the release of hydrogen gas. This, in turn, causes the formation of small, unconnected bubbles and, as a consequence, the porous structure of the finished workpiece.

Depending on the final hardening method, aerated concrete wall blocks are divided into autoclave and non-autoclave. In the first case, the workpieces will be treated with high-temperature steam under a pressure of about 9 atm. In the second option, a natural hardening process in drying chambers is used.

Walls made of aerated concrete blocks retain heat well, provide excellent air ventilation, and reduce the load on the foundation by almost three times when compared with brick. But at the same time, despite all the populist statements of the intermediaries, there are obvious shortcomings:

  • Low actual strength.
  • Tendency to accumulate moisture in pores.
  • Breathability in the exile wind.
  • The need to organize an additional reinforcing belt.

2. Foam concrete block.

This building material is for external and interior work in some way resembles the previous one, since the result is a porous structure, and the base is actually the same - cement, sand and water. The difference is that air bubbles are not created as a result of a reaction in the plastic mass, but are added ready-made in the form of foam. It is combined with sand-cement mortar in a concrete mixer, after which it is poured into molds.

There are three generally accepted methods of foam concrete: classical, dry mineralization method and barotechnical. Among the advantages are better thermal insulation characteristics than conventional concrete, less weight and material consumption, it is easy to process and is environmentally friendly. The disadvantages are almost the same as those of aerated concrete, due to the similarity of the structure.

3. Vibropressed wall blocks.

Another multi-component material that consists of cement, sand, water and crushed stone, like regular concrete. Manufacturing occurs by vibration pressing into special high-strength molds. Depending on this, the finished product can be solid or cellular (through chambers with partitions). The dimensions allow them to be used for both external and internal walls. They have high strength, water and fire resistance, can withstand temperature fluctuations well, reduce the load on the foundation, etc.

4. Expanded clay concrete block.

This block contains cement, sand and filler (expanded clay crushed stone) in an approximate proportion of 1:2:3. All of them are mixed in water to a paste-like state, after which they are filled into molds (by pressing), which are subjected to heat treatment. Expanded clay itself is baked balls (cubes) of clay with a size of no more than 5 mm. main feature of this component in its porosity and ability to retain moisture.

Walls made from blocks of this type have high strength, “ventilation”, resistance to temperature changes, insulate sound well, and have a low thermal conductivity coefficient.

A separate option for using expanded clay concrete is external multilayer walls. In this case, the finished products include three balls based on the sandwich panel principle:

  • Internal – expanded clay up to 200 mm thick.
  • Medium - insulation (usually 10 cm polystyrene foam).
  • External – decorative (textured) concrete tiles(up to 60 mm).

5. Arbolite block.

Domestic building composites, which were developed in the second half of the twentieth century, but have not become widespread until now. The composition of wood concrete includes:

  • Organic mass – filler in the form of wood chips, straw, crushed stems.
  • The binding solution is a mixture of cement, sand and water.
  • Chemical additives are a catalyst for the solidification process (calcium nitrates and chlorides, liquid glass).

External block walls have excellent sound barrier and strength, low thermal conductivity, fire resistance and ease of processing. The disadvantages include airflow, the need for finishing and waterproofing, as well as an insufficiently smooth surface.

6. Cinder block.

Such building stones for walls are made by vibration pressing in the form of a mixture of cement-sand mortar (binder component) and slag filler. Absolutely different materials can be used as it: ash, granular screenings, crushed stone, pebbles, brick chips, expanded clay.

They have low cost, possibility self-made and masonry, temperature resistance, sound insulation. The disadvantages are their unaesthetics, fragility, low strength and moisture resistance.

Any listed products can be further classified according to their scope of use into:

  • Wall - construction load-bearing structures and walls.
  • Partition walls – well suited for arranging partition walls.
  • Fencing – laying block fences. They can be either classic plain or colored.

Standard sizes and characteristics

Words are words, but when choosing a specific block you must rely on technical data. They can be presented in the form of a summary table for the types of wall blocks mentioned above:

Block characteristicsAerated concreteFoam concreteArbolitExpanded claycinder block
Strength (kg/cm2)20–50 15–50 20–50 50–250 35–100
Density (kg/m3)300–900 300–900 600–900 500–1800 500–1000
Thermal conductivity
0,08–0,20 0,14–0,29 0,12–0,25 0,16–0,85 0,25–0,5
Average frost resistance (number of cycles)25 30 35 35 20
Standard dimensions, mm:62,5 60 30 40 60

Difficulty of choice

Considering the fairly wide species diversity with some similarity of characteristics, a logical question arises: which blocks are best to use? How to choose the right one to buy? The main properties of each type can be compared with the terms of the future contract, based on reviews.

1. Thus, gas and foam concrete are quite light porous materials. It is quick to assemble, but it is not durable enough and absorbs moisture. If you purchase such blocks for walls, you should remember the need for facing work and perimeter reinforcement for a two-story building.

3. It becomes difficult to choose and buy other types for walls (slag or sawdust), since they are gradually falling out of mass use due to the inconsistency of their properties.

Market price trends

External walls made of concrete composites have a cost that depends on the building material itself, its properties and the supplier’s pricing policy. You can see the real situation in the table:

Supplier company (region)Material/technologyDimensions, cmPrice, rubles
LLC NZSM (Novokuznetsk)Boiler slag40×20×2053
STROYMEHSERVIS (Krasnoyarsk)Sand, crushed stone40×20×20,40×20×1240
MOSOBLTROTUAR (Moscow)Expanded clay40×20×2055
GALAXY (Belgorod)Slag, expanded clay60×20×30 60×20×40
ZZHBI (Krasnoyarsk)Vibropress40×20×2035
TISA-STROY (Omsk region)Expanded clay40×20×2035
BUILD SERVICE KHIMKI (Moscow)Foam block40×20×2038
AZIMUT GROUP KrasnodarSlag40×20×2038

Today, walls made of composites are an objective, fast-growing trend. Despite all the species diversity, they have approximately the same dimensions, but different physical and technical indicators. This affects not only the area of ​​application, but also the cost, which on average in the country is in the range of 35–55 rubles per piece - this is very inexpensive.

The appearance of masonry blocks was caused by two main reasons: the desire to reduce the labor intensity of building walls and improve their energy-saving characteristics.

Traditional clay bricks are no longer suitable for modern builders due to their size. However, it was unrealistic to increase its dimensions several times and reduce its weight without changing the technology of molding and firing. Therefore, all the efforts of researchers were aimed at searching for substances that create a large volume of gas or foam under certain conditions.

The search ended with the creation of the two most popular types of masonry blocks: and (gas silicate).

In addition to them, construction science offered the market, and. The most “ancient” type of artificial stone, the basis of which was originally blast furnace slag, was not forgotten.

Looking at the existing variety of wall materials, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to decide which blocks are better for building a house. To answer this question correctly, it is necessary to consider their main characteristics, sizes and prices.

Physical, cost characteristics and geometric dimensions of blocks

What are the most important properties of artificial masonry stone? The answer to this question is obvious:

  • Compressive strength;
  • Density;
  • Thermal conductivity;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Price.

The easiest way to compare the characteristics of different blocks is to summarize them in a common table:

Characteristics Aerated concrete Foam concrete Arbolit Expanded clay Ceramics cinder block
Strength (kg/cm2) 20-50 15-50 20-50 50-250 35-50 35-100
Density (kg/m3) 300-900 300-900 600-900 500-1800 750-800 500-1000
Thermal conductivity
0,08-0,20 0,14-0,29 0,12-0,25 0,16-0,85 0,14-0,29 0,25-0,5
Average frost resistance (cycles) 25 30 35 35 35 20
Average price, rub./m3 3800 3500 4500 3700 4500 2700

For those new to construction, we will make a few explanations. To assess thermal conductivity, you should know that the higher its coefficient indicated in the table, the less heat holds the material. For frost resistance, the opposite is true: the higher its value, the longer the block resists freezing and thawing.

Analyzing the table, it is easy to notice that the types of building blocks presented in it, with the same density, are quite similar in their physical parameters. The same cannot be said about the price, since it differs quite significantly. Therefore, the optimal one can be called this wall material, which, with strength characteristics comparable to other types of blocks, will be cheaper. About others important nuances We will describe the choice of wall stone below. In the meantime, let's look at its main geometric dimensions.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks have general standard - 60x20x30 cm (length, thickness and height) for walls and 60x10x30 cm for partitions (semi-blocks). Manufacturers produce cellular blocks in other sizes. They are needed so that builders can build walls of different thicknesses without using multi-row masonry.

Expanded clay and cinder blocks slightly smaller in size. Here the main standard size (rounded) is 40x20x20 cm for walls and 40x12x20 cm (40x9x20 cm) for partitions. Arbolite blocks They can be produced in the same sizes, but they are more common - 50x25x30, 50x25x20, 50x20x30 cm.

Arbolite blocks

Expanded clay (expanded clay concrete) blocks

Porized ceramic blocks are produced in four most popular formats:

  • 510x250x219 mm – for the construction of external load-bearing walls, which will not be insulated;
  • 250x380x219 mm - for the construction of external load-bearing walls, which will be insulated, and internal load-bearing walls;
  • 380x250x219 - for external walls 2 bricks thick (380 mm - ceramic block + brick cladding 120 mm);
  • 510x120x219 mm for the construction of non-load-bearing partitions with a thickness of ½ brick (120 mm).

Comparative analysis and nuances of choice

Before buying any wall blocks, you need to not only study their price differences, but also take into account the features of production and masonry technology.

A competent specialist will not categorically assert that some types of blocks are fundamentally better than others. He will advise you to pay main attention to their origin. Quality and durability depend most on it.

In this regard, gas silicate and porous ceramics are the most predictable. Their production cannot be organized in a handicraft way, since this process requires expensive and complex equipment. Accordingly, the quality of aerated concrete (gas silicate) and porous ceramic blocks in most cases corresponds to what is stated in the certificate.

For foam blocks, expanded clay concrete, wood concrete and cinder blocks, the picture is less joyful. These materials can be produced using primitive equipment, without strict adherence to technology. Therefore, when choosing them, the developer must be especially vigilant and attentive. Having purchased one of these materials, be sure to take several blocks to a construction laboratory, where their grade of compressive strength will be accurately determined. This indicator is extremely important, since it indirectly indicates other characteristics: durability, thermal conductivity and frost resistance.

Now let's say a few words about the specific properties of wall blocks made from different raw materials. Despite their fairly high strength (for low-rise construction), ceramic, foam and aerated blocks are quite fragile. To prevent the formation of cracks in the walls and destruction under the floor panels, they all require a monolithic reinforced belt made of concrete. It is clear that his device is an extra expense and time. In this regard, expanded clay and cinder blocks are preferable.

High-quality wood concrete (not sawdust concrete!) also does not require pouring an armored belt. This material is not only quite strong due to the presence of a cement binder, but also elastic, since its basis is wood chips. Unfortunately, it cannot be called cheap, and its strength can vary greatly depending on the integrity and technological equipment of the manufacturer.

Regarding durability, the following can be said:. If the manufacturer has not violated the technology and added as much cement or lime to the initial mixture as required, then the service life of the building from all types of blocks considered until demolition will be at least half a century. Exact date no one will tell you, because during the operation of the building the work involves whole line factors (quality of foundation, roofing and protective finishing, climatic characteristics construction area).

The least durable blocks are those based on blast furnace slag. They contain substances that decompose over time and reduce the strength of cement stone. If we consider that today, instead of slag, dozens of different materials(sand, perlite, sawdust, ash, broken bricks, etc.), then it is impossible to unambiguously determine their service life.

Geometry is another characteristic that needs to be taken into account when choosing. If the size deviations of the block are minimal, this means saving on solution, finishing compounds and reducing the labor intensity of masonry. The best geometry is characterized by foam-gas and ceramic blocks. Expanded clay stone, cinder block and wood concrete have an uneven surface and quite noticeable deviations from the standard size.

If you use to compare blocks complex characteristics“price-quality”, then preference can be given to foam concrete and expanded clay. These two materials have a low cost and at the same time quite high levels of strength, frost resistance and energy saving.

Another proven reference point is reviews from developers. Using them, you will not be able to determine the durability of the material, but you will be able to make a fairly accurate assessment of its heat, moisture and sound insulating qualities. House owners speak quite eloquently about them, talking about the microclimate in the premises (damp, dry, how much fuel is required for heating, does the house hold heat well).