Method of attaching a stretch ceiling to the ceiling. Quick installation of suspended ceilings without noise and dust

Stretch ceilings are becoming more and more popular over time, gradually overtaking plasterboard structures in popularity.

The thing is that the suspended ceiling looks much more beautiful due to the wide variety of PVC color palettes and installing it is not difficult, everything is done very quickly, without clogging the room.

People often wonder: is it possible to combine stretch and suspended ceilings? After all, a multi-level combined ceiling looks richer and causes greater amazement; PVC and plasterboard sheets combine perfectly with each other in the final result.

Is it possible to make a combination of suspended and suspended ceilings?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - yes. For professionals this is not difficult. Of course, installing such a ceiling will take more time, but the result will be a spectacular look.

But there are still some nuances in fastening combined ceilings:

1. Stretch ceilings require additional reinforcement to ensure the safety of the plasterboard when the canvas is stretched.

It could be:

  • Double plasterboard sheet.
  • Plywood with plasterboard.
  • Wooden embed, which is used when lowering the height stretch ceiling.

2. It is impossible to stretch PVC onto surfaces with sharp corners or sharp bends.

How should the process work?

The whole process of creating a stretch ceiling is quite simple. Mounting profiles are attached along the entire perimeter, and a film is attached to them in several places, previously prepared to the size of the ceiling. It is heated using a heat gun and carefully inserted under the profile with a spatula. Thus, the film stretches along the entire perimeter, acquiring the desired shape.

After the gun is turned off, a natural cooling process occurs; it is very important to prevent drafts at this moment, otherwise you will get poor-quality work.

But the task becomes more difficult if stretch fabric must be attached to the plasterboard sheet. Here you need to take into account that it may not withstand the load.

How to proceed in this case?

Attaching a stretch ceiling to plasterboard

It will not be possible to attach mounting profiles to drywall with a self-tapping screw or dowel, as they will simply tear out. The only correct option would be embedded profiles to which the mounting plate. The mortgages will be responsible for the safety of the drywall and are able to withstand the load that the suspended ceiling will carry.

What are embedded profiles?

These are ordinary profiles that are made from the same material as the profiles for plasterboard systems. To strengthen the ceiling installation site, you can also use a wooden block for mortgages.

You can stretch the canvas after completing all finishing work in the room. To install a multi-level ceiling, you need to secure all the mortgages before hemming lower level drywall.

Types of PVC fastening:

1. French mount. Most complex look fastenings, since the size of the canvas must exactly match the size of the ceiling. An aluminum strip is installed around the entire perimeter into which the film is fixed.

When installing the strip on drywall, it is attached to the profile holding the sheet.

2. Dutch mount implies the ability to trim off excess ends of the film, so the canvas is made 10 cm smaller than the ceiling itself. The PVC is fixed using two strips, like in an embroidery hoop.

3. Cam fastener suitable for multi-level ceilings. The film is inserted into the fastening jaws with a spatula and, after heating, is clamped into them.

Almost none modern apartment or a house cannot do without a modern stretch ceiling. Gradually, people are moving away from whitewashed ceilings and tiled ceilings. plasterboard sheets and with the help of a decorative slab, and switch to a full-fledged seamless fabric of stretch ceilings. Let's figure out what a stretch ceiling is: it is a combination of a frame and a canvas, which can be made either from PVC film or from any synthetic fabric, which, in turn, is impregnated with vinyl impregnation. Thus, we can say that stretch ceilings are divided into two large types: film and fabric.

The stretch ceiling must be smooth and elastic, which means tensioned and attached to the base fabric according to all the rules. It would be best if the stringing is done by professionals. But even if you decide to do everything with my own hands, you need to follow all the rules and, first of all, become familiar with how a stretch ceiling is attached to the base ceiling of an apartment or house. The stretch ceiling is fastened according to a certain algorithm, which must be strictly adhered to by everyone who wants to end up with a high-quality stretch ceiling.

Algorithm of actions

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine horizontal level future stretch ceiling. Levels that come in laser and water are well suited for this purpose. Based on the results of all measurements, marks should be made showing the level of the future ceiling. This is done in order to prevent any overlays or to prevent tension inaccuracy.
  2. Then you should proceed to installation of the canvas. To do this, you first need to fix one corner of the canvas, then the same is done with the remaining three corners sequentially.
  3. Next, the ceiling continues to be fixed so that each time the fixation occurs in the middle of the resulting segment.

The ceiling is fixed from the corners to the center of the wall. Due to the fact that the attachment is sequential, the ceiling is completely fixed without any gaps in the mounting frame.

If desired, you can supplement the design decorative elements, which will serve to cover all unsightly areas, cracks, etc. between the stretch ceiling and the wall. In addition, you should decide in advance, or discuss this with the specialists who will install new ceiling, which ceiling mount will be used. As it becomes clear from the above, fixing the ceiling is not a simple matter.

Suspended ceiling fastening system: harpoon

On modern stage development of systems and methods for fastening suspended ceilings, it is customary to distinguish four main systems for fastening stretch ceilings.


  • Harpoon system;
  • Wedge system;
  • Beading system;
  • Clipso system.

Each of the systems has its own characteristics in execution, in some characteristics, during the operation of the installation itself. In addition, the decision on which methods to use from the above list of systems is decided by the customer and the installer, based on a number of indications and wishes.
Let's take a closer look at the first type. What is a harpoon system for fastening a stretch ceiling? It should be noted that this technology is considered one of the most expensive, but at the same time the most reliable methods of fastening structures. In order for everything to work out as it should, the most accurate measuring work must be carried out.

Since all calculations and the design of the future ceiling are calculated and worked out by a specialized program, the magnitude of the error is too small and when installing the ceiling it is worth remembering that adjustments within the house or apartment will not be possible.

The harpoon type of fastening of suspended ceiling sheets is distinguished by the fact that the sheet itself must be heated before installation in special recesses - grooves. At first it warms up diagonally, and after that along the entire perimeter.

It should be noted that the above scheme is also good because when it is implemented there is no need to use skirting board elements. The installation speed of this type of fastening system takes significantly less time than when using other systems.

Besides, harpoon ceilings You can always dismantle it and then reinstall it. This is a huge plus, especially in apartment buildings where leaks from upper floors may occur.

Methods of fastening suspended ceilings: wedge fastening method

Each master will advertise and advise those fastening methods that he has mastered to a greater extent and which he considers convenient and practical. There is no clear answer to this question. The question “Which is better?” completely different answers. The second practiced method of attaching a stretch ceiling is wedge.

This method of fastening has gained great popularity, because it harmoniously combines high quality and a decent price.

In order to attach the ceiling sheet, it is necessary to install a fastening profile. It is installed with an indentation, the step of which is 3 cm below the original ceiling. After this, the heated canvas is attached to profile design through the use of small wedges. The remaining excess parts of the fabric or film sheet are cut off. The joint is decorated with skirting boards, which hides all the ugly joints.

Craftsmen love the wedge type of fastener because there is no particular need for strict calculations; the harpoon system allows you to make any adjustments and adjustments right on the spot. In addition, by indenting down from the main ceiling, a suspended ceiling can help hide a protruding beam ceiling, as happens in old private houses.

At the same time, we should not forget that there are also disadvantages of this type fastenings:

  • It will no longer be possible to reinstall the structure after dismantling; a new fabric will have to be stretched;
  • Due to the fact that this manual method fastenings, over time the ceiling may begin to sag.

Features of fastening a stretch ceiling: the “Clipso” system

If it was decided to mount a suspended ceiling made on a fabric basis, then the best solution Clipso will be used. It is this system, which bears the second name “clothespin”, that was developed specifically for fabric ceilings. The system received its name due to the presence of frame profile special latches.

The main feature of fastening a stretch ceiling using the clothespin method is that there is no need to preheat the fabric base of the ceiling, which in turn reduces the time it takes to work on the ceiling.

In addition, this system has absorbed the best of two fastening systems, such as:

  • Harpoon system;
  • Wedge fastening system.

It should be mentioned that according to statistics, if we compare all types of fasteners, the Clipso system is the most expensive. This system popular with customers who are against heating interior space before fixing the ceiling.

Beading system for fastening stretch ceilings

The glazing bead system is the most accessible for modern man a system for fastening suspended ceiling fabrics, which combines not only accessibility due to relatively low prices, but also the quality of the resulting ceilings. Used to work with PVC canvas, which is made larger than the dimensions of the main ceiling.

The profile structures are attached to the walls at a distance of 1.5 cm from the main ceiling. The canvas itself is attached to the profile using skirting boards, which can be either plastic or foam, it all depends on the wishes of the customers. The canvas is held attached to the structure by special glazing beads.

The big advantage for customers is:

  • The cost of fastening suspended ceilings using the glazing bead method is quite low;
  • The work of installing a stretch ceiling sheet takes little time.

How to attach a suspended ceiling (video)

Which method to use is up to you. But, it is important to take into account all the criteria, and, if possible, consult with a specialist. Good luck with the renovation!

Installing suspended ceilings is not a very complicated process if you have instructions on how to install suspended ceilings. Stretch ceilings – modern design ceiling surface, characterized by a variety of options. They represent a specific design, including sheets of fabric or polyvinyl chloride. Possessing a large number advantages, such ceiling coverings are increasingly used in interior design.

In order to save money, many people want to independently master the technology of installing suspended ceilings. At first glance, the process seems labor-intensive, with a lot of nuances. In fact, if you know all the main points, it will not be difficult to install suspended ceilings in an apartment with your own hands.

Stretch ceilings as a ceiling surface finish are very popular due to the following advantages:

  • Beautiful appearance.

  • Wide choice color shades and textures. Using the method of photo printing on canvas allows you to solve the most complex design ideas.

  • They are much easier to install suspended structures. At the same time, there is no dust or dirt left after work.

  • Polyvinyl chloride film is capable of holding large volumes of water, which will help out when the neighbors above lose their vigilance and forget to close the taps.

  • Such coatings are not afraid of moisture, so they are suitable for installation in any type of premises.

  • Long service life (about 20 years).

How to install suspended ceilings: mounting options

The time to install a stretch ceiling depends on the type of coating and the chosen method of fastening:

  • Harpoon - used for installing ceilings made of PVC film. Hooks are welded along the edges of the sheets, appearance similar to harpoons. During installation of the canvas, these hooks are inserted into a baguette attached to the wall, which holds the main load while the canvas is tensioned.

  • The clip type provides for fastening fabric ceilings. Clips are installed along the edges of the canvases, which secure the fabric to the baguette.

  • Beading - an alternative harpoon method. However, the products included in the design are of lower quality. Due to this, over time, the fastenings weaken and the ceiling begins to sag.

How to install a suspended ceiling: features of tensioning the canvases

Tension ceiling structure presented as a kit, which includes fastening elements and the main fabric. The structure must be placed around the perimeter of the room, then material is attached to it, which is subsequently stretched, creating a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

Stretch ceilings are divided into two types:

But the fabric can be painted in any shade and a pattern can be applied. Also, such materials breathe well and are environmentally friendly.

Important! The production of suspended ceilings is carried out based on the client’s order after taking measurements of a specific room.

Installation of canvases on the frame is carried out in one of two ways:

  • Hot method. Designed for PVC film and involves the use of a heat gun, which heats the coating to the required temperature. The film stretches as it cools.
  • Fabric coverings are installed using the cold method. They are attached to baguettes and stretched, after which the seams are decorated with ceiling plinths.

How to install suspended ceilings: measurements

Before installing ceilings, it is necessary to take measurements of the room and order canvases and materials.

The room must be measured in the following ways:

  1. For a square or rectangular room, measure the lengths of the sides and one diagonal (from corner to corner).
  2. Polygonal room complex design requires measuring all walls and diagonals from one corner to other corners, both internal and external.

Accurate calculations will not only save financial resources to pay for the ceiling covering, but will also be the key to the durability of future ceilings.

How to install a suspended ceiling correctly: features of the technological process

The installation of a suspended ceiling begins with the installation of a baguette (profile) that holds the entire structure. This stage is considered to be the most important, since it is this stage that ensures the reliability and durability of the future ceiling.

Installation of the profile when installing suspended ceilings includes the following sequence of steps:

  • Using a hydraulic level, mark points along the perimeter at a distance of at least 3 cm from the ceiling surface. To do this, you need to determine the lowest corner of the room and take it as a basis. If you plan to install large-sized lighting fixtures, the distance between the rough ceiling and the canvas is increased to the required level.
  • Using upholstery cord, horizontal lines are drawn along the marked points along the entire perimeter of the room.
  • The mounted baguette must first be fixed in the most “unruly” and inconvenient corner of the room. In this case, joining profile elements in the corners is prohibited, since sharp corners material will easily tear the stretched film or fabric. To avoid this, in the corners of the room, the baguette is sawed down along the back wall, leaving the front intact. Next, the profile is bent along the cut area. The profiles are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws at 20 cm intervals. In loose walls, the self-tapping screws are screwed at a distance of at least 8 cm from each other.
  • After installing the first plank, move on to the second. It is fixed to the wall close to the previous one, and the joint must be aligned on a horizontal plane. This is done until the entire perimeter of the ceiling is surrounded by baguette.
  • To soften the sharp edges of the profile, they must be covered with masking tape.

2. Installation of canvases on the frame

Before attaching the canvas, you need to make sure that there is no peeling of the plaster on the rough surface. Otherwise, the falling parts old decoration can damage the canvas or create additional load on it, causing the stretch ceiling to sag.

Also on at this stage it is necessary to install electrical wiring under and check the operation of the electrical system.

  • PVC sheets are attached to installed baguettes using a heat gun. The room is first heated to 40 degrees, which gives the film elasticity and pliability in operation. Then the film is unrolled, hooks (harpoons) or clips are welded to the sides of the canvas, and fixed to baguettes in the corners of the room, heating the canvas to a temperature of 60 degrees.

Installation of the canvas begins from the base angle. Typically, manufacturers put a corresponding mark on the film, which is the first point of attachment.

Installing suspended ceilings using the harpoon method, it is necessary to drive the harpoons with the corresponding grooves into the profile holes using a spatula until they click. You need to move from the corner to the middle of the room, constantly heating the film to maintain a temperature of 60 degrees.

With another method of fastening, the canvas must exceed in size ceiling surface, but the sequence of its tension does not change. The main difference is in the fastening elements (harpoon, clip or glazing bead).

After installation, it is necessary to trim off the excess parts of the canvas. As the film cools, it shrinks, stretching and becoming perfectly flat and smooth.

  • Installation of fabric stretch ceilings does not require preheating. According to the method of fastening, the installation of such a ceiling is somewhat different from. First you need to fix the canvas in the middle load-bearing profile, while its parts 5-7 cm long remain as a reserve at the edges. Therefore, fabric fabric must be purchased for ceiling installation. larger size than the surface.

Important! Fabric coverings are inserted into the corners at the very end of the process, unlike PVC sheets.

The folds are straightened with a hair dryer. To do this, the jammed areas need to be warmed with rotating circular movements. The temperature should not exceed 200 degrees, and the distance between the coating and the hair dryer should be 20 cm.

Upon completion installation work excess edges are trimmed and plugs are fixed.

After the installation of suspended ceilings is completed, they proceed to the installation of lighting fixtures.

Installers mainly use two fastening methods - harpoon and clip. They provide the possibility of subsequent, in contrast to the glazing bead method.

Installation of stretch ceiling. Detailed video instructions

Stretch ceilings, as a type of decoration, have rapidly gained popularity. Many apartment owners have long appreciated their advantages. But for those who are just planning to install them, we can advise you to find out how suspended ceilings are attached, because their installation and fastening can affect the cost of work, and ultimately achieve savings and advantages in operation.

Even at the dawn of the appearance of suspended ceilings, two main methods of fastening were developed: with harpoons or the French method, and fastening without harpoons or the Dutch technology. These basic fastening methods are in turn divided into cam or wedge fastening.

Important! But before performing one or another method of installing a stretch ceiling, you need to install profiles or baguettes, which will be the basis of the structure.

Aluminum profiles are most often used. They are durable, practical and do not corrode.

The profile structure is fixed to the walls or ceiling, depending on whether there is space under the ceiling space. For low ceilings, installers of suspended ceilings recommend constructing a frame on the walls. If the ceilings are high or you plan to make suspended ceilings at several levels, it would be more rational to attach the structure to the ceiling.

To begin with, the lowest point of the entire structure is determined, from which the guide profile level setting will begin. Basically, suspended ceiling installation professionals advise installing it up to 60mm below the base ceiling.

Important! When planning multi-level suspended ceilings, markings are made for each level separately.

Aluminum or plastic profiles attached to the base using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. This is fast and eliminates additional labor costs.

The issue of manufacturing the structure to which the suspended ceiling will be attached must be approached with all responsibility. Errors in measurements and an incorrectly determined level will lead to the fact that the ceiling, instead of admiration, will cause irritation and a desire to redo everything.

Fastening using French technology (harpoons)

Important! With the French fastening technology, the stretch ceiling fabric is finished with an edging, which is attached to it by welding.

PVC edging is produced, which has increased rigidity, and is a flexible plate, which in cross section has the shape of a hook or a so-called harpoon.

The plate is secured into the groove of the profile guide with a spatula, followed by automatic locking, but not for aluminum profiles. The tension of the canvas is ensured by the fact that its size is reduced by approximately 7% in comparison with the size of the area from wall to wall of the room where the suspended ceiling will be installed.

Installation sequence

  1. When using a harpoon fastening, installation of the finishing begins with hooking the free corner with a harpoon hook onto the fastening profile.
  2. Using a heat gun, a separate part of the canvas is heated. The softened film is tucked with a spatula into the harpoon, which corresponds to the groove in the opposite corner of the room. This process is repeated on the diametrically opposite side. And only after this work is carried out along the entire perimeter of the edged canvas.
  3. To finish finishing, you need to wait until the canvas has cooled down, and then use construction hair dryer eliminate any possible wrinkles or unevenness.
  4. The harpoon method is most applicable for ceilings made of PVC film.

The resulting mount has reliable strength, does not deform and is durable.

This fastening technology has not only the advantages of strength and reliability.

When using the harpoon fastening method, you need to consider the following points:

  • almost absolute accuracy in measurements. The permissible error is up to 10mm. This is due to the fact that the harpoon hook is not made on site, but in production, and the canvas intended for installation already has an edge that cannot be altered.

The French fastening method requires experience and professionalism. Otherwise, the canvas will be damaged.

Another feature of installing a stretch ceiling using this method is the duration of the process, since harpoon technology must be performed with special care, accuracy and consistency.

Fastening using Dutch technology or without harpoons

Important! Using Dutch technology, the edges of the canvas are not processed, but tucked into the profile! Therefore, the dimensions of the canvas should be larger, up to 150mm, than the area of ​​the base ceiling.

The basic principle of this method is that when the fabric is tensioned, its excess is hidden and clamped in a baguette, for which a special strip is used.

The fully straightened and smoothed canvas is heated with a heat gun, and its edges are pressed onto a pre-prepared frame using a spacer profile. The Dutch method of installing a stretch ceiling is somewhat similar to securing fabric in hand embroidery.

The finishing touches for installing the ceiling consist of giving it a shape and cutting off the protruding edges of the fabric, both from PVC film and from polyurethane-based fabric. Trimming should be done with particular care and precision so as not to damage the main fabric.

The main advantage of the Dutch method, suspended ceiling finishing specialists believe that the fastening moldings are hidden, and the decorative plastic strip can focus attention on the style.

But this fastening method has some disadvantages that it is advisable to take into account. Namely:

  • the ceiling structure is not subject to partial installation;
  • heavy loads are contraindicated. That is, if homeowners are flooded by neighbors from above, the canvas may slip out of the fastening.

Cam fastening of suspended ceilings

With the cam method of fastening suspended ceilings, the canvas is fixed in a fastening profile, which is equipped with “cams” ​​- paired semicircular sliding surfaces, between which the canvas itself is placed directly.

When pushing the stretch ceiling fabric, the “cams” ​​first diverge and then automatically lock, pinching the edge. That is, it will not be possible to pull the canvas back out of the fastening. The fastening is strong and reliable, guaranteeing long-term operation of the product.

To the benefits cam mounting we can attribute the possibility of installing suspended ceilings at a minimum distance from the base ceiling (only 8mm), which is very important for apartments with low ceilings Soviet-style post.

But this method has size limitations. The maximum ceiling area should not exceed 20 sq.m. Otherwise, additional ribs must be used, otherwise the canvas may sag. If you cannot do without the use of ribs, then they can easily be hidden in the place where the chandelier will be located, performing the functions of supporting the canvas and lighting the ceiling.

Wedge fastening of suspended ceilings

A special feature of wedge fastening of suspended ceilings is the installation of finishing without the use of additional supports. This method can be used for various suspended ceilings, regardless of what they are made of. Besides, this method allows installation in rooms that have “impressive dimensions”, starting from 100 sq.m, as well as the use of structures in several levels.

The ceiling canvas is fixed around the perimeter with the ability to adjust the tension of the product to the desired degree. Wedge method fastening is very labor-intensive and expensive, even in comparison with harpoon fastening, not to mention other methods.

Domestic response to the Dutch and French

Our native manufacturer of suspended ceilings has developed “its own” fastening system for domestic ceilings. It is impossible to conclude that it is worse or better, it just has its own nuances, but overall the appearance finished product does not deteriorate, nor do its operational and aesthetic characteristics decrease. The basis of the method is fastening without harpoons.

Fastening the canvas using this method is performed as follows:

  1. The canvas is stretched over an aluminum profile rib.
  2. The profile with the canvas fits into the groove and is clamped with a glazing bead.
  3. The glazing bead holds the canvas tightly, preventing it from sagging, plus its own tension properties.

Tools used for fastening suspended ceilings

The arsenal of suspended ceiling installers includes the tools necessary at all stages of the production process.

  1. A tape measure used to measure the area and install the frame.
  2. A pencil or marker to mark the required measurements.
  3. Lacing used for marking.
  4. Smooth construction trowel without defects.
  5. One of the types of levels.
  6. Electric screwdriver.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Apparatus for heating the fabric.

How to avoid common mistakes in fastening suspended ceilings

Important! If you have never had to install suspended ceilings, much less fasten them, invite installers, specialists in this field! You will not only save your health and time, but will also save yourself from additional expenses!

  1. Spend everything preparatory work for laying electrical wiring for lamps, installing air conditioning or ventilation.
  2. Make sure that the frame levels match to the nearest millimeter.
  3. When taking measurements, take heating pipes into account.
  4. The fabric should be heated according to the instructions prescribing the required temperature. An overheated canvas may lose its aesthetic and performance qualities.
  5. When attaching the canvas, pay attention to its condition. Deep creases may indicate improper storage and transportation. Such defects on finished ceiling are not corrected.
  6. Stretch ceilings are aesthetically pleasing, practical and reliable. Having installed a suspended ceiling, homeowners will forget about the problem of annual repairs for many years, but only if it is installed according to all the rules, and not by a self-taught amateur with no experience!

Stretch ceiling is perhaps the most beautiful and perfect look ceiling covering. The technology for arranging such ceilings was invented in Switzerland in the middle of the last century. In Russia, stretch ceilings are sometimes called French due to the fact that this country is the leading producer of materials for their installation.

Many people dream of installing suspended ceilings in their home, but believe that it will cost them too much. However, you can save quite a lot if you install such a structure yourself. In this article we will describe what tools and materials are required for this.

What are stretch ceilings made of?

The stretch ceiling is made of polyvinyl chloride. Less commonly used is fabric made from polyester-based material (more details: ""). This fabric is stretched over a metal profile. To understand how a suspended ceiling is attached, we recommend looking at photos of such structures and reading the instructions for their installation.

Comparison of stretch and suspended ceilings

Peculiarity suspended ceilings consists in the fact that their surface is mounted from several panels. And this means that:

  1. you need to painstakingly adjust the mounting height of each plate so that they are all on the same level;
  2. it is necessary to seal the seams between the panels;
  3. The ceiling will have to be puttied and treated with a primer.

And what’s most offensive is that all the effort expended does not guarantee that the resulting surface will be flawlessly flat. At the same time, stretch ceilings provide a perfectly flat surface because they consist of a single fabric.

Advantages of suspended ceilings

Disadvantages of suspended ceilings

  1. The tension covering can be accidentally damaged by any sharp object.
  2. Fastening of suspended ceilings is carried out using professional equipment and requires special knowledge.
  3. Price tension structure higher than the cost of most other types of ceilings.
  4. Heating negatively affects the material, so either LED elements or incandescent lamps up to 50 W are installed in lamps installed on such a ceiling.

Measurements and preparatory work

Setting up a profile

  1. We already know what the suspended ceiling is attached to - to a frame made of profile slats. They are nailed with dowels to the walls at the level of a pre-drawn line.
  2. Then, using a construction fan, the air in the room is heated to 40 degrees.
  3. After this, the canvas is unwound and heated with the same fan to a temperature of approximately 60 degrees.
  4. Stretching the fabric begins by securing it in the base corner of the profile. Then the canvas is fixed diagonally on the opposite corner of the room, and then in the two remaining corners. Read also: "".
  5. Finally, the film is fixed on the sides of the profile, from the corners to the center.