“Thank you to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood! Historian Vladislav Smirnov about the appearance of the meme “Thank you to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood Poster thanks to Stalin for our happy childhood.

) that today's neo-Banderaites should pray for the founding fathers of the USSR, who divided the state along ethnic lines. Yes, the idea was not theirs, and even the first steps on this path were taken by the Austro-Hungarians and the Poles in Galicia. But it was the Bolsheviks who did not allow these seedlings to dry out.

On the contrary, they were groomed and cherished, seated and protected by the merciless force of the party of the dictatorship of the proletariat. I don’t even want to argue that this was justified by objective conditions - that’s not the point. The main thing is that this was the work of the Bolsheviks of the Stalin period.

Yes, Ukrainization began even before Lenin’s death. The same Stalin back in 1921 X At the congress of the RCP(b) he stated: “...It was recently said that the Ukrainian republic and Ukrainian nationality are an invention of the Germans. Meanwhile it is clear that Ukrainian nationality exists, and the development of its culture is the responsibility of communists . You can't go against history. It is clear that if Russian elements still predominate in the cities of Ukraine, then over time these cities will inevitably be Ukrainized ».

But even after Lenin’s death, nothing changed and the brochure “On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination” was not burned. On the contrary, the USSR was built from a “union of nations” with the right to secede from the USSR. Moreover, when after the Victory it was possible to transform the USSR into a single state with a “new community of Soviet people,” this was not done either.

So it was the party, and it was in the USSR, that created the Ukrainians as a nation, turned Little Russia itself into a huge full-fledged founding state of the UN, gathered all the territories into this state right up to the Crimea in its composition, and, in Stalin’s style, harshly and uncompromisingly implanted the Ukrainian language even where he was not born.

Historical fact - there were no “Ukrainians” in the Republic of Ingushetia! Look at any census. You will find there all the peoples of the empire, except one... So as not to be unfounded (Census of the Republic of Ingushetia, 1897: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/ssp/rus_lan_97.php). There were no Ukrainians in neighboring countries either. There were Russians or Rusyns, Ruthenians, Little Russians, anyone. There were no Ukrainians until the First World War, even in the USA and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which cultivated Ukrainians from the Rusyns on its territory in Galicia (fortunately, Polish groundwork was made along this path). We must also pay tribute to the Russian Empire, in which “Ukrainians” were fashionable and popular (remember the reburial of Shevchenko).

However, only the World War began official Ukrainization. Pay attention to the passport of newspaper No. 61 dated October 13, 1914 and compare the passport of the next number 62 for October 15, 1914.

But these were just the beginnings.

Unsuccessful attempts to split the warring Russian Empire. And even all sorts of UPR of Grushevsky, Hetmanate of Skoropadsky and Directory of Petliura were not crowned with success. With the end of the civil war, the winners could replay everything - and the attempt to create the Donts-Krivoy Rog Republic is just one example of a different kind of construction. But for the reasons that I wrote about in the previous article (Stalin and the time bomb that destroyed the USSR), the Bolsheviks followed the principle of national division of the USSR.

This was the most brutal and all-encompassing of the Ukrainizations - Yushchenko is resting (in total, under the USSR there were at least three waves of Ukrainizations under all the secretaries general, except for Andropov and Chernenko, who ruled for a short time). It was in the USSR that the population of the Ukrainian SSR and adjacent territories of the RSFSR learned that they were “Ukrainians.” Stalin did not “destroy” the “Ukrainians” - he created them!

At the 12th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1923, Stalin, in accordance with Lenin’s ideas, made a decision on “indigenization” - replacing the Russian language with local national languages ​​in administration, education and culture. In Ukraine, as well as in the Kuban, Stavropol Territory, part of the North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions, such indigenization was officially called Ukrainization.

The same Grushevsky, head of the UPR from Galicia, already favored by the Soviet authorities, wrote: « About 50 thousand people moved to the Ukrainian SSR from Galicia with wives and families, young people, men. Many Galicians work in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine. M.I. worked at Ukrnauka. Yavorsky, K. I. Konik, M. L. Baran; the scientific secretaries of the People's Commissariat for Education were A.I. Badan-Yavorenko, and then Zozulyak; Skrypnik’s personal secretary was the Galician N.V. Erstenyuk.”

Together with them, 400 officers of the former Galician army, led by G. Kossak, the uncle of Zenon Kossak, who became the author of 44 rules of life for the Ukrainian nationalist, were also discharged from then Polish Galicia to the Ukrainian SSR. I can imagine how delighted Pilsudski and Co. were.

From Gorky’s letter to the Ukrainian writer A. Slesarenko: “Dear Alexey Makarovich! I am categorically against shortening the story “Mother”. It seems to me that translating this story into Ukrainian is also not necessary. I am very surprised by the fact that people, setting themselves the same goal, not only assert the difference between adverbs - they strive to make the adverb a “language”, but also oppress those Great Russians who find themselves a minority in the field of this adverb.”

IN1930 in Ukraine, 68.8% of newspapers were published by Soviet authorities in Ukrainian language, in 1932 there were already 87.5%. In 1925-26 45.8% of books published by communists in Ukraine were published in Ukrainian; by 1932 this figure was 76.9%. There was no market, the growth and distribution of circulation was a purely party matter and was not dictated by demand.

Here is a quote from the decision of the 4th plenum of the Donetsk regional committee of the CP(b)U: “ Strictly observe the Ukrainization of Soviet bodies, resolutely fighting against any attempts by enemies to weaken Ukrainization.” The decision was made in October 1934.

And six months before that, in April, the same regional committee made a strong-willed decision “On the language of city and regional newspapers in Donbass.” In pursuance of the party's decisions on Ukrainization, Donetsk residents decided to completely translate 23 of 36 local newspapers into Ukrainian, another 8 had to print at least two-thirds of the information in Ukrainian, 3 - in Greek-Hellenic, and only TWO newspapers (!) in the region were decided leave it in Russian.

Before the revolution, there were 7 Ukrainian schools in Donbass. In 1923, the People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine ordered the Ukrainization of 680 schools in the region within three years.

But the peak of Ukrainization of education here occurred precisely in 1932-33! On December 1, 1932, out of 2,239 schools in Donbass, 1,760 (or 78.6%) were Ukrainian, another 207 (9.2%) were mixed Russian-Ukrainian.

By 1933, the last Russian-language pedagogical technical schools had closed. In the 1932-33 school year, in Russian-speaking Makeyevka there was not a SINGLE Russian-speaking class left in the elementary school, which caused violent protests from parents. This year, no more than 26% of the region’s students could study in Russian.

Party bodies have also actively Ukrainized (well, yes, the same party that they are now trying to accuse of genocide of the Ukrainian people). If in 1925 the ratio of Ukrainians and Russians in the Communist Party of Ukraine was 36.9% to 43.4%, in 1930 - 52.9% to 29.3%, then in the peak year of the “Holodomor” (1933). ) - 60% Ukrainians to 23% Russians

Wow, while “destroying” the “Ukrainians,” Stalin for some reason implanted the language everywhere and persecuted the Russian language. Some kind of strange "destruction".

Here's another interesting document for you:

Resolution of December 14, 1932 of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On grain procurements in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and the Western Region”, quote:

d) Invite the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine and the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine to pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, to eliminate its mechanical implementation, to expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, to carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, to ensure systematic party management and control over the implementation of Ukrainization.

Read it - an interesting document. The fight against hunger and (ATTENTION!) Ukrainization are discussed! There, by the way, it is decided to cancel Ukrainization in Kuban, because The local population does not understand the language well. :)

"Confirm that Only persons who speak Ukrainian can be recruited for service, and non-owners can be accepted only in agreement with the District Commission for Ukrainization.” R-401 op.1, no. 82 Presidium of Lugansk District. executive committee: “Confirm to employees that careless attendance at courses and unwillingness to learn the Ukrainian language entails their dismissal from service.” R-401, op.1, case 72.

In July 1930, the Presidium of the Stalin District Executive Committee decided to “bring to criminal liability the heads of organizations formally related to Ukrainization, who have not found ways to Ukrainize their subordinates, who violate the current legislation in the matter of Ukrainization.” Newspapers, schools, universities, theaters, institutions, inscriptions, signs, etc. were Ukrainianized. In Odessa, where Ukrainian students accounted for less than a third, all schools were Ukrainized. In 1930, there were only 3 large Russian-language newspapers left in Ukraine.

Ukrainization of the Communist Party of Ukraine

Years Party members and candidates Ukrainians Russians others
1922- 54818... 23,3 %...... 53,6 % 23,3 %
1924- 57016... 33,3 %..... 45,1 % 14,0 %
1925- 101852 36,9 %... 43,4 % 19,7 %
1927- 168087 51,9 %.. 30,0 % 18,1 %
1930- 270698 52,9 %.. 29,3 % 17,8 %
1933- 468793 60,0 % .. 23,0 % 17,0 %

It would be a mistake to assume that Ukrainization stopped in the mid-30s. Yes, it quietly faded away in the Kuban, Stavropol, and Northern Caucasus. But without exception, all the lands that joined the Ukrainian SSR were Ukrainized harshly and mercilessly. In 1939, it turned out that the inhabitants of Galicia were also not sufficiently Ukrainized due to the prevalence of the Polish language. Lviv University named after Jan Casimir was renamed in honor of Ivan Franko and Ukrainianized in the same way as the Lviv Opera, which received the same name. The Soviet government massively opened new Ukrainian schools and founded new Ukrainian-language newspapers. It’s just that here they changed it to Ukrainian not Russian, but Polish.

De-Russification also occurred in Transcarpathia after joining the Ukrainian SSR. Approximately half of the locals, even before the First World War, through the efforts of the Austro-Hungarian authorities, who used the Terezin and Talerhof concentration camps to persuade them, chose Ukrainian identity. The other half of the Rusyns adhered to the all-Russian orientation and stubbornly considered Russian their native language. However, in 1945, all Rusyns, regardless of their wishes, were called Ukrainians by the Soviet government. Well, there is no need to talk about Crimea; its Ukrainization began as soon as Khrushchev stuck it into the Ukrainian SSR.

I won’t bore readers with a list of documents from different years - a few photocopies of newspapers:

"...to pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party leadership and control over the implementation of Ukrainization"

) that today's neo-Banderaites should pray for the founding fathers of the USSR, who divided the state along ethnic lines. Yes, the idea was not theirs, and even the first steps on this path were taken by the Austro-Hungarians and the Poles in Galicia. But it was the Bolsheviks who did not allow these seedlings to dry out.

On the contrary, they were groomed and cherished, seated and protected by the merciless force of the party of the dictatorship of the proletariat. I don’t even want to argue that this was justified by objective conditions - that’s not the point. The main thing is that this was the work of the Bolsheviks of the Stalin period.

Yes, Ukrainization began even before Lenin’s death. The same Stalin back in 1921 X At the congress of the RCP(b) he stated: “...It was recently said that the Ukrainian republic and Ukrainian nationality are an invention of the Germans. Meanwhile it is clear that Ukrainian nationality exists, and the development of its culture is the responsibility of communists . You can't go against history. It is clear that if Russian elements still predominate in the cities of Ukraine, then over time these cities will inevitably be Ukrainized ».

But even after Lenin’s death, nothing changed and the brochure “On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination” was not burned. On the contrary, the USSR was built from a “union of nations” with the right to secede from the USSR. Moreover, when after the Victory it was possible to transform the USSR into a single state with a “new community of Soviet people,” this was not done either.

So it was the party, and it was in the USSR, that created the Ukrainians as a nation, turned Little Russia itself into a huge full-fledged founding state of the UN, gathered all the territories into this state right up to the Crimea in its composition, and, in Stalin’s style, harshly and uncompromisingly implanted the Ukrainian language even where he was not born.

Historical fact - there were no “Ukrainians” in the Republic of Ingushetia! Look at any census. You will find there all the peoples of the empire, except one... So as not to be unfounded (Census of the Republic of Ingushetia, 1897: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/ssp/rus_lan_97.php). There were no Ukrainians in neighboring countries either. There were Russians or Rusyns, Ruthenians, Little Russians, anyone. There were no Ukrainians until the First World War, even in the USA and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which cultivated Ukrainians from the Rusyns on its territory in Galicia (fortunately, Polish groundwork was made along this path). We must also pay tribute to the Russian Empire, in which “Ukrainians” were fashionable and popular (remember the reburial of Shevchenko).

However, only the World War began official Ukrainization. Pay attention to the passport of newspaper No. 61 dated October 13, 1914 and compare the passport of the next number 62 for October 15, 1914.

But these were just the beginnings.

Unsuccessful attempts to split the warring Russian Empire. And even all sorts of UPR of Grushevsky, Hetmanate of Skoropadsky and Directory of Petliura were not crowned with success. With the end of the civil war, the winners could replay everything - and the attempt to create the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic is just one example of a different kind of construction. But for reasons that I wrote about in the previous article (), the Bolsheviks followed the principle of national division of the USSR.

This was the most brutal and all-encompassing of the Ukrainizations - Yushchenko is resting (in total, under the USSR there were at least three waves of Ukrainizations under all the secretaries general, except for Andropov and Chernenko, who ruled for a short time). It was in the USSR that the population of the Ukrainian SSR and adjacent territories of the RSFSR learned that they were “Ukrainians.” Stalin did not “destroy” the “Ukrainians” - he created them!

At the 12th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1923, Stalin, in accordance with Lenin’s ideas, made a decision on “indigenization” - replacing the Russian language with local national languages ​​in administration, education and culture. In Ukraine, as well as in the Kuban, Stavropol Territory, part of the North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions, such indigenization was officially called Ukrainization.

The same Grushevsky, head of the UPR from Galicia, already favored by the Soviet authorities, wrote: « About 50 thousand people moved to the Ukrainian SSR from Galicia with wives and families, young people, men. Many Galicians work in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine. M.I. worked at Ukrnauka. Yavorsky, K. I. Konik, M. L. Baran; the scientific secretaries of the People's Commissariat for Education were A.I. Badan-Yavorenko, and then Zozulyak; Skrypnik’s personal secretary was the Galician N.V. Erstenyuk.”

Together with them, 400 officers of the former Galician army, led by G. Kossak, the uncle of Zenon Kossak, who became the author of 44 rules of life for the Ukrainian nationalist, were also discharged from then Polish Galicia to the Ukrainian SSR. I can imagine how delighted Pilsudski and Co. were.

From Gorky’s letter to the Ukrainian writer A. Slesarenko: “Dear Alexey Makarovich! I am categorically against shortening the story “Mother”. It seems to me that translating this story into Ukrainian is also not necessary. I am very surprised by the fact that people, setting themselves the same goal, not only assert the difference between adverbs - they strive to make the adverb a “language”, but also oppress those Great Russians who find themselves a minority in the field of this adverb.”

IN1930 in Ukraine, 68.8% of newspapers were published by Soviet authorities in Ukrainian language, in 1932 there were already 87.5%. In 1925-26 45.8% of books published by communists in Ukraine were published in Ukrainian; by 1932 this figure was 76.9%. There was no market, the growth and distribution of circulation was a purely party matter and was not dictated by demand.

Here is a quote from the decision of the 4th plenum of the Donetsk regional committee of the CP(b)U: “ Strictly observe the Ukrainization of Soviet bodies, resolutely fighting against any attempts by enemies to weaken Ukrainization.” The decision was made in October 1934.

And six months before that, in April, the same regional committee made a strong-willed decision “On the language of city and regional newspapers in Donbass.” In pursuance of the party's decisions on Ukrainization, Donetsk residents decided to completely translate 23 of 36 local newspapers into Ukrainian, another 8 had to print at least two-thirds of the information in Ukrainian, 3 - in Greek-Hellenic, and only TWO newspapers (!) in the region were decided leave it in Russian.

Before the revolution, there were 7 Ukrainian schools in Donbass. In 1923, the People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine ordered the Ukrainization of 680 schools in the region within three years.

But the peak of Ukrainization of education here occurred precisely in 1932-33! As of December 1, 1932, out of 2,239 schools in Donbass, 1,760 (or 78.6%) were Ukrainian, and another 207 (9.2%) were mixed Russian-Ukrainian.

By 1933, the last Russian-language pedagogical technical schools had closed. In the 1932-33 school year, in Russian-speaking Makeyevka there was not a SINGLE Russian-speaking class left in the elementary school, which caused violent protests from parents. This year, no more than 26% of the region’s students could study in Russian.

Party bodies have also actively Ukrainized (well, yes, the same party that they are now trying to accuse of genocide of the Ukrainian people). If in 1925 the ratio of Ukrainians and Russians in the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) was 36.9% to 43.4%, in 1930 - 52.9% to 29.3%, then in the peak year of the “Holodomor” (1933). ) - 60% Ukrainians to 23% Russians

Wow, while “destroying” the “Ukrainians,” Stalin for some reason implanted the language everywhere and persecuted the Russian language. Some kind of strange "destruction".

Here's another interesting document for you:

Resolution of December 14, 1932 of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On grain procurements in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and the Western Region”, quote:

d) Invite the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine and the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine to pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, to eliminate its mechanical implementation, to expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, to carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, to ensure systematic party management and control over the implementation of Ukrainization.

Read it - an interesting document. The fight against hunger and (ATTENTION!) Ukrainization are discussed! There, by the way, it is decided to cancel Ukrainization in Kuban, because The local population does not understand the language well. :)

"Confirm that Only persons who speak Ukrainian can be recruited for service, and non-owners can be accepted only in agreement with the District Commission for Ukrainization.” R-401 op.1, no. 82 Presidium of Lugansk District. executive committee: “Confirm to employees that careless attendance at courses and unwillingness to learn the Ukrainian language entails their dismissal from service.” R-401, op.1, case 72.

In July 1930, the Presidium of the Stalin District Executive Committee decided to “bring to criminal liability the heads of organizations formally related to Ukrainization, who have not found ways to Ukrainize their subordinates, who violate the current legislation in the matter of Ukrainization.” Newspapers, schools, universities, theaters, institutions, inscriptions, signs, etc. were Ukrainianized. In Odessa, where Ukrainian students accounted for less than a third, all schools were Ukrainized. In 1930, there were only 3 large Russian-language newspapers left in Ukraine.

Ukrainization of the Communist Party of Ukraine

Years Party members and candidates Ukrainians Russians others
1922- 54818... 23,3 %...... 53,6 % 23,3 %
1924- 57016... 33,3 %..... 45,1 % 14,0 %
1925- 101852 36,9 %... 43,4 % 19,7 %
1927- 168087 51,9 %.. 30,0 % 18,1 %
1930- 270698 52,9 %.. 29,3 % 17,8 %
1933- 468793 60,0 % .. 23,0 % 17,0 %

It would be a mistake to assume that Ukrainization stopped in the mid-30s. Yes, it quietly faded away in the Kuban, Stavropol, and Northern Caucasus. But without exception, all the lands that joined the Ukrainian SSR were Ukrainized harshly and mercilessly. In 1939, it turned out that the inhabitants of Galicia were also not sufficiently Ukrainized due to the prevalence of the Polish language. Lviv University named after Jan Casimir was renamed in honor of Ivan Franko and Ukrainianized in the same way as the Lviv Opera, which received the same name. The Soviet government massively opened new Ukrainian schools and founded new Ukrainian-language newspapers. It’s just that here they changed it to Ukrainian not Russian, but Polish.

De-Russification also occurred in Transcarpathia after joining the Ukrainian SSR. Approximately half of the locals, even before the First World War, through the efforts of the Austro-Hungarian authorities, who used the Terezin and Talerhof concentration camps to persuade them, chose Ukrainian identity. The other half of the Rusyns adhered to the all-Russian orientation and stubbornly considered Russian their native language. However, in 1945, all Rusyns, regardless of their wishes, were called Ukrainians by the Soviet government. Well, there is no need to talk about Crimea; its Ukrainization began as soon as Khrushchev stuck it into the Ukrainian SSR.

I won’t bore readers with a list of documents from different years - a few photocopies of newspapers:

"...to pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party leadership and control over the implementation of Ukrainization"
That's it..., little ones.

I came to the reception office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Yaroslavl region and was a little shocked by the picture hanging on the wall behind the secretary's chair, I couldn't resist taking a photo...

The traditional “battle” of supporters and opponents of Stalin unfolded in the comments.

Someone came up with a story about a girl “our people, savvy to gossip, picked up these nonsense and off we go... For me personally, Stalin is a “bloody leader” and I condemn his cruel rule. But until a position is expressed and accepted at the level of the government and the President of the Russian Federation a law condemning the Stalinist regime; such portraits and posters are completely legal and do not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation. And now this all resembles a shock of air. By the way, he was not the first to hang a “leader” on the wall; width of the avenue in Moscow...

In the original photograph, the daughter of the chairman of the Buryat-Mongolian Republic. If the decorator of the workplace knew or thought about the fate of the little girl and her father, he might have been more careful in choosing the picture.

As the commissioner himself stated Mikhail Krupin in an interview with “the Insider”, not in the reception area, but in one of the offices there is actually a portrait of Stalin hanging:

I can comment on it this way: we have portraits of all the leaders of our country with children: Lenin, Putin, Stalin and so on... And only one of them is with Stalin. Do you think Lenin is also a dictator?

Mikhail Krupin previously served as deputy chairman of the regional government and was not noted for his love for the “red” ideology, despite the photo with Lenin in the background. Moreover, the Communist Party faction in May 2016 refused to support his candidacy for the post of Children's Ombudsman.

Many people have written about the fate of little Gelya Markizova in recent years. The girl, who in the 30s was a symbol of a happy Soviet child, in the 90s became a symbol of the cynical policies of Stalinism.
Literary critic Yuri Borev in the collection of intellectual folklore “Staliniad” in the sketch “Friend of Children” writes:

Since childhood, people of my generation knew and loved a photograph of a leader with a black-haired girl in his arms. The leader smiles tenderly. The girl beams with delight. This is Buryat Gel Markizova.
Her parents, not knowing who to leave their little daughter with, took her to see Stalin. The girl gave the leader flowers and ended up in his arms. All children's institutions in the country were decorated with a photograph of the leader with Gelya in his arms and the slogan: “Thank you to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood.” Thank you very much! From Geli it is especially big: after all, she was soon orphaned, her father - the People's Commissar of Agriculture of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - was arrested, and after him her mother went to the camps.
In the thirties, Stalin issued an order that children starting from 12 years old were subject to criminal liability, including execution.
Nevertheless, my entire generation knew from childhood that Comrade Stalin was the best friend of Soviet children.

Engelsina Markizova (Cheshkova) at a diplomatic meeting with Indian leader Jawaharlal Nehru.

On May 31, 1935, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks issued a resolution “On the Elimination of Child Homelessness and Neglect.” On paper everything looked smooth. But in reality...

"Tightening of legislation"

The problem of homelessness in our country became acute during the Civil War. It was not possible to completely cope with it even by the mid-30s. Street children often lived at train stations and railway stations. They took everything that was bad, robbed passengers on trains... The resolution of May 31, 1935 noted that mass homelessness had been eliminated in the country. In addition, measures of responsibility for the children of their parents and guardians were strengthened and the task was set to tighten legislation regarding juvenile offenders. As former NKVD employee A. Orlov writes in the book “The Secret History of Stalin’s Crimes”, back in 1932 Stalin’s unspoken order was issued - street children caught looting food warehouses or railway cars, as well as those found to have venereal diseases, were to be shot . Since there was no one to grieve for the shot young tramps, and this information was not made public, only a few knew about it. Thus, by the summer of 1934, hundreds of thousands of street children were destroyed in the Soviet Union.

"Capital punishment" for minors

On April 7, 1935, Resolution No. 3/598 “On measures to combat juvenile delinquency” was issued, signed by the Chairman of the USSR Central Executive Committee M. Kalinin, the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V. Molotov and the Secretary of the USSR Central Executive Committee I. Akulov. It said: “Minors from the age of 12 who are convicted of committing thefts, causing violence, bodily harm, mutilation, murder or attempts to murder, will be brought to criminal court with the application of all criminal penalties.” Also, a secret circular from the USSR Prosecutor's Office and the USSR Supreme Court dated April 20, 1935 “On the procedure for applying capital punishment to minors” was sent to Soviet prosecutors at all levels, according to which the number of criminal penalties provided for minors included execution. Articles of the Criminal Code under which it could not be applied to persons under 18 years of age were declared invalid.

"Happy childhood

These laws were very useful in subsequent years. During wartime, many children were left homeless, lost relatives and were forced to wander in order to get food for themselves. In this regard, on August 7, 1942, a resolution of the Komsomol Central Committee was adopted “On measures of Komsomol organizations to combat child neglect and homelessness,” and on June 15, 1943, a resolution of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR “On strengthening measures to combat child neglect, neglect and hooliganism” was adopted. By order of the NKVD of the USSR dated June 21, 1943, departments were created at the NKVD departments to combat child homelessness and neglect. By the end of the war, more than a thousand so-called “children’s drive rooms” operated in the USSR, where children detained on the street for vagrancy and offenses were taken [C-BLOCK] As of 1945, the Central Military Information Desk for Children in Buguruslan was registered 2.5 million children left without parental care. Children's reception centers were overcrowded, and there were not enough places in orphanages. Children were often released on condition that they not leave, and they went back to wandering. Many from the street ended up in juvenile detention centers, usually for theft. In prisons, children and teenagers often found themselves together with adult criminals who taught them wisdom. After this, they often emerged as complete criminal elements. It was also hard for those children who ended up in orphanages. There were not enough clothes and shoes. Employees of the Central Children's Reception Center, located in Moscow in the building of the Danilovsky Monastery, were forced, after sending a child to an orphanage, to take away the underwear and outer clothing issued at the reception center so that they would have something to wear for the next batch. Thus, even in winter, children sometimes remained in underwear or rags. It is not surprising that many soon ran away from orphanages where they did not have the basic necessities: it seemed to them that it was easier to survive on the street. Who doesn’t remember the slogan: “Thank you to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood!” But little is said about the fact that thanks to Stalin, millions of children were imprisoned, in unbearable conditions, and even died. Because it's too hard to believe...

) that today's neo-Banderaites should pray for the founding fathers of the USSR, who divided the state along ethnic lines. Yes, the idea was not theirs, and even the first steps on this path were taken by the Austro-Hungarians and the Poles in Galicia. But it was the Bolsheviks who did not allow these seedlings to dry out.

On the contrary, they were groomed and cherished, seated and protected by the merciless force of the party of the dictatorship of the proletariat. I don’t even want to argue that this was justified by objective conditions - that’s not the point. The main thing is that this was the work of the Bolsheviks of the Stalin period.

Yes, Ukrainization began even before Lenin’s death. The same Stalin back in 1921 X At the congress of the RCP(b) he stated: “...It was recently said that the Ukrainian republic and Ukrainian nationality are an invention of the Germans. Meanwhile it is clear that Ukrainian nationality exists, and the development of its culture is the responsibility of communists. You can't go against history. It is clear that if Russian elements still predominate in the cities of Ukraine, then over time these cities will inevitably be Ukrainized».
But even after Lenin’s death, nothing changed and the brochure “On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination” was not burned. On the contrary, the USSR was built from a “union of nations” with the right to secede from the USSR. Moreover, when after the Victory it was possible to transform the USSR into a single state with a “new community of Soviet people,” this was not done either.

So it was the party, and it was in the USSR, that created the Ukrainians as a nation, turned Little Russia itself into a huge full-fledged founding state of the UN, gathered all the territories into this state right up to the Crimea in its composition, and, in Stalin’s style, harshly and uncompromisingly implanted the Ukrainian language even where he was not born.

Historical fact - there were no “Ukrainians” in the Republic of Ingushetia! Look at any census. You will find there all the peoples of the empire, except one... So as not to be unfounded (census of the Republic of Ingushetia, 1897). There were no Ukrainians in neighboring countries either. There were Russians or Rusyns, Ruthenians, Little Russians, anyone. There were no Ukrainians until the First World War, even in the USA and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which cultivated Ukrainians from the Rusyns on its territory in Galicia (fortunately, Polish groundwork was made along this path). We must also pay tribute to the Russian Empire, in which “Ukrainians” were fashionable and popular (remember the reburial of Shevchenko).

However, only the World War began official Ukrainization. Pay attention to the passport of newspaper No. 61 dated October 13, 1914 and compare the passport of the next number 62 for October 15, 1914.

But these were just the beginnings.

Unsuccessful attempts to split the warring Russian Empire. And even all sorts of UPR of Grushevsky, Hetmanate of Skoropadsky and Directory of Petliura were not crowned with success. With the end of the civil war, the winners could replay everything - and the attempt to create the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic is just one example of a different kind of construction. But for the reasons that I wrote about in the previous article (Stalin and the time bomb that destroyed the USSR), the Bolsheviks followed the principle of national division of the USSR.

This was the most brutal and all-encompassing of the Ukrainizations - Yushchenko is resting (in total, under the USSR there were at least three waves of Ukrainizations under all the secretaries general, except for Andropov and Chernenko, who ruled for a short time). It was in the USSR that the population of the Ukrainian SSR and adjacent territories of the RSFSR learned that they were “Ukrainians.” Stalin did not “destroy” the “Ukrainians” - he created them!

At the 12th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1923, Stalin, in accordance with Lenin’s ideas, made a decision on “indigenization” - replacing the Russian language with local national languages ​​in administration, education and culture. In Ukraine, as well as in the Kuban, Stavropol Territory, part of the North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions, such indigenization was officially called Ukrainization.

The same Grushevsky, head of the UPR from Galicia, already favored by the Soviet authorities, wrote: « About 50 thousand people moved to the Ukrainian SSR from Galicia with wives and families, young people, men. Many Galicians work in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine. M.I. worked at Ukrnauka. Yavorsky, K. I. Konik, M. L. Baran; the scientific secretaries of the People's Commissariat for Education were A.I. Badan-Yavorenko, and then Zozulyak; Skrypnik’s personal secretary was the Galician N.V. Erstenyuk.”

Together with them, 400 officers of the former Galician army, led by G. Kossak, the uncle of Zenon Kossak, who became the author of 44 rules of life for the Ukrainian nationalist, were also discharged from then Polish Galicia to the Ukrainian SSR. I can imagine how delighted Pilsudski and Co. were.

From Gorky’s letter to the Ukrainian writer A. Slesarenko: “Dear Alexey Makarovich! I am categorically against shortening the story “Mother”. It seems to me that translating this story into Ukrainian is also not necessary. I am very surprised by the fact that people, setting themselves the same goal, not only assert the difference between adverbs - they strive to make the adverb a “language”, but also oppress those Great Russians who find themselves a minority in the field of this adverb.”

IN1930 in Ukraine, 68.8% of newspapers were published by Soviet authorities in Ukrainian language, in 1932 there were already 87.5%. In 1925-26 45.8% of books published by communists in Ukraine were published in Ukrainian; by 1932 this figure was 76.9%. There was no market, the growth and distribution of circulation was a purely party matter and was not dictated by demand.

Here is a quote from the decision of the 4th plenum of the Donetsk regional committee of the CP(b)U: “ Strictly observe the Ukrainization of Soviet bodies, resolutely fighting against any attempts by enemies to weaken Ukrainization.” The decision was made in October 1934.

And six months before that, in April, the same regional committee made a strong-willed decision “On the language of city and regional newspapers in Donbass.” In pursuance of the party's decisions on Ukrainization, Donetsk residents decided to completely translate 23 of 36 local newspapers into Ukrainian, another 8 had to print at least two-thirds of the information in Ukrainian, 3 - in Greek-Hellenic, and only TWO newspapers (!) in the region were decided leave it in Russian.

Before the revolution, there were 7 Ukrainian schools in Donbass. In 1923, the People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine ordered the Ukrainization of 680 schools in the region within three years.

But the peak of Ukrainization of education here occurred precisely in 1932-33! As of December 1, 1932, out of 2,239 schools in Donbass, 1,760 (or 78.6%) were Ukrainian, and another 207 (9.2%) were mixed Russian-Ukrainian.

By 1933, the last Russian-language pedagogical technical schools had closed. In the 1932-33 school year, in Russian-speaking Makeyevka there was not a SINGLE Russian-speaking class left in the elementary school, which caused violent protests from parents. This year, no more than 26% of the region’s students could study in Russian.

Party bodies have also actively Ukrainized (well, yes, the same party that they are now trying to accuse of genocide of the Ukrainian people). If in 1925 the ratio of Ukrainians and Russians in the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) was 36.9% to 43.4%, in 1930 - 52.9% to 29.3%, then in the peak year of the “Holodomor” (1933). ) - 60% Ukrainians to 23% Russians

Wow, while “destroying” the “Ukrainians,” Stalin for some reason implanted the language everywhere and persecuted the Russian language. Some kind of strange "destruction".

Here's another interesting document for you:

Resolution of December 14, 1932 of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On grain procurements in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and the Western Region”, quote:

D) Invite the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine and the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine to pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party management and control over the implementation of Ukrainization.

Read it - an interesting document. The fight against hunger and (ATTENTION!) Ukrainization are discussed! There, by the way, it is decided to cancel Ukrainization in Kuban, because The local population does not understand the language well. :)

"Confirm that Only persons who speak Ukrainian can be recruited for service, and non-owners can be accepted only in agreement with the District Commission for Ukrainization.” R-401 op.1, no. 82 Presidium of Lugansk District. executive committee: “Confirm to employees that careless attendance at courses and unwillingness to learn the Ukrainian language entails their dismissal from service.” R-401, op.1, case 72.

In July 1930, the Presidium of the Stalin District Executive Committee decided to “bring to criminal liability the heads of organizations formally related to Ukrainization, who have not found ways to Ukrainize their subordinates, who violate the current legislation in the matter of Ukrainization.” Newspapers, schools, universities, theaters, institutions, inscriptions, signs, etc. were Ukrainianized. In Odessa, where Ukrainian students accounted for less than a third, all schools were Ukrainized. In 1930, there were only 3 large Russian-language newspapers left in Ukraine.

Ukrainization of the Communist Party of Ukraine

Years Party members and candidates Ukrainians Russians others
1922- 54818... 23,3 %...... 53,6 % 23,3 %
1924- 57016... 33,3 %..... 45,1 % 14,0 %
1925- 101852 36,9 %... 43,4 % 19,7 %
1927- 168087 51,9 %.. 30,0 % 18,1 %
1930- 270698 52,9 %.. 29,3 % 17,8 %
1933- 468793 60,0 % .. 23,0 % 17,0 %
It would be a mistake to assume that Ukrainization stopped in the mid-30s. Yes, it quietly faded away in the Kuban, Stavropol, and Northern Caucasus. But without exception, all the lands that joined the Ukrainian SSR were Ukrainized harshly and mercilessly. In 1939, it turned out that the inhabitants of Galicia were also not sufficiently Ukrainized due to the prevalence of the Polish language. Lviv University named after Jan Casimir was renamed in honor of Ivan Franko and Ukrainianized in the same way as the Lviv Opera, which received the same name. The Soviet government massively opened new Ukrainian schools and founded new Ukrainian-language newspapers. It’s just that here they changed it to Ukrainian not Russian, but Polish.

De-Russification also occurred in Transcarpathia after joining the Ukrainian SSR. Approximately half of the locals, even before the First World War, through the efforts of the Austro-Hungarian authorities, who used the Terezin and Talerhof concentration camps to persuade them, chose Ukrainian identity. The other half of the Rusyns adhered to the all-Russian orientation and stubbornly considered Russian their native language. However, in 1945, all Rusyns, regardless of their wishes, were called Ukrainians by the Soviet government. Well, there is no need to talk about Crimea; its Ukrainization began as soon as Khrushchev stuck it into the Ukrainian SSR.

I won’t bore readers with a list of documents from different years - a few photocopies of newspapers:

"...to pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party leadership and control over the implementation of Ukrainization"