Modern soundproofing materials. What soundproofing materials are there? Technical characteristics and applications Most soundproofing material

Types of acoustic materials and their properties

According to GOST R23499-79, soundproofing materials and products are divided into:

sound-absorbing materials, intended for internal cladding of premises and devices in order to create the required sound absorption in them;

soundproofing materials, intended for isolation from air masses;

soundproofing materials, designed for insulation from structural (impact) noise.

Sound-absorbing materials

The volume level is measured from the so-called hearing threshold, or elusive level, which is the minimum sound volume that can be heard by a person with normal hearing.

The sound field created by any noise source in a room is composed of a superposition of direct and reflected sound waves from an obstacle. Reflection significantly increases the intensity of the sound and changes the character of its sound for the worse.

The characteristics of some sound volume levels are given in table. 1.

Table 1. Sound volume levels
Character of sound
Sound volume in backgrounds

Hearing threshold

The rustle of leaves in a weak wind

Silence in the audience

Whisper at a distance of 1 m

Noise in the typing office

Tram noise on a narrow street

The sound of a car horn at a distance of 5-7 m

The onset of pain in the ears

Jet engine noise at a distance of 2-3 m

Sound energy, falling on the partition, is partially reflected from it, partially absorbed and partially passes through it. Materials that have the ability to primarily absorb sound energy are called sound-absorbing.

Sound-absorbing materials, reducing the energy of reflected sound waves, favorably changing the characteristics of the sound field. These materials must be highly porous.

If it is desirable to have closed pores in thermal insulation materials, then in soundproofing materials it is better to have pores that are interconnected and possibly smaller in size.

Such building requirements soundproofing materials caused by the fact that when a sound wave passes through a material, it causes the air enclosed in its pores to vibrate, and small pores create more resistance than large ones. The movement of air in them is slowed down, and as a result of friction, part of the mechanical energy is converted into thermal energy.

Sound-absorbing materials According to the nature of sound absorption they are divided into:

panel materials and structures, in which sound absorption is due to the active resistance of a system that performs forced vibrations under the influence of an incoming sound wave (thin plywood panels, rigid fiberboards and soundproof fabrics);

porous with a hard skeleton, in which sound is absorbed as a result of viscous friction in the pores (foam concrete, gas glass);

porous with flexible skeleton, in which, in addition to sharp friction in the pores, relaxation losses occur associated with deformation of the non-rigid skeleton (mineral, basalt, cotton wool).

On sound-absorbing properties materials are also influenced by their elasticity. In products with a flexible deformable frame, additional losses of sound energy occur due to the active resistance of the material to forced vibrations under the influence of incident sound waves.

In some cases, surface cladding building structures is carried out by perforated sheets made of relatively dense materials (asbestos cement, metal, plastic sheets), which provide structures, along with sound absorption, increased mechanical strength and decorative effect.

Sound-absorbing property of the material characterized by absorption coefficient, which is the ratio of absorbed sound energy to the total energy incident on the material. For a unit sound absorption Conventionally, the sound absorption of 1 m 2 of an open window is assumed.

TO sound-absorbing materials include those that have a sound absorption coefficient of at least 0.4 at a frequency of 1000 Hz (“Noise Protection” SNiP 11-12-77).

Sound absorption coefficient determined in the so-called acoustic tube and calculated according to the formula:

α sound = E absorption / E decrease

where E absorb is the absorbed sound wave,

E pad - incident sound wave.

Sound absorption coefficients Some materials are presented in table. 2.

Table 2. Sound absorption coefficient of some materials
Sound absorption coefficient at 1000 Hz

Open window

Acoustic materials:

Acoustic mineral wool slabs AKMIGRAN

Acoustic fiberboard

Acoustic fiberboards

Acoustic perforated sheets

Thermal insulation materials used for sound absorption:

Mineral slabs

Foam glass with interconnected pores


Wooden wall

Brick wall

Concrete wall

The noise level also depends on the reverberation time (the time the reflected signal plays). For example, in a room with a volume of 100 m 3 with hard surfaces, the reverberation time ranges from 5 to 8 seconds. If the surface is covered with a well-absorbing acoustic material, the reverberation time can be less than 1 second, i.e., as in a well-furnished living room.

Reducing the reverberation time to the above-mentioned level increases the sound comfort of the premises, creating an optimal working atmosphere in a lecture or gymnasium, office, cinema or studio.

Soundproofing materials

Soundproofing ability fencing is proportional to the logarithm of the mass of the structure. Therefore, massive structures have greater soundproofing ability from airborne noise than the lungs.

Since the installation of heavy fencing is not economically feasible, proper sound insulation provide the construction of two- or three-layer fences, often with air gaps, which are recommended to be filled with porous sound-absorbing materials. It is desirable that the structural layers have different rigidities, and that the building structure itself has well-sealed junctions of the elements to each other.

Soundproofing materials, designed to protect against impact noise, are porous cushioning materials with a low elastic modulus. Their soundproofing ability from impact noise is due to the fact that the speed of sound propagation in them is significantly less than in dense materials with a high elastic modulus. Thus, the speed of propagation of sound waves is:

Soundproofing materials designed to reduce unwanted harmful noise that negatively affects the human condition. Acceptable level noise is standardized by SNiP. These materials must be moisture-resistant, bioresistant, meet sanitary and hygienic requirements and retain their properties during long-term use.

Soundproofing materials according to structural indicators they are divided into:

cellular soundproofing materials, obtained by swelling or foam method (cellular concrete, foam glass);

soundproofing materialsmixed structure, for example, acoustic plasters made using porous aggregates (expanded perlite,).

By appearance(form) they are:

bulk soundproofing materials;

piecesoundproofing materials(tiles, rolls, mats).

TO sound-absorbing materials usually have higher requirements for mechanical strength and decorative, since they are used for cladding walls indoors.

Just like thermal insulation, they must have low water absorption, low hygroscopicity, and be fire and bioresistant.

By sound insulation of airborne noise (and there is also structural noise and vibration) we correctly understand the property of a structure (not a material) not to allow sound to pass through itself. Obviously, brick itself does not have sound insulation, but a brick wall. The materials themselves can be divided into sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting, depending on what predominates in them. At the same time, both are often used in soundproofing structures. In general, the principle of alternating sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing layers to increase sound insulation can be called one of the main ones in acoustics.

An example of an absorbent material is fiberglass board or polyurethane foam (foam rubber) with open pores; sound reflecting materials include concrete, glass, drywall, etc.

Therefore, the term “soundproofing materials” or “soundproofing materials” is correctly understood as materials for improving (increasing) the sound insulation of an existing barrier by installing additional design. For walls, this can be a gypsum plasterboard partition on a frame base with filling; for ceilings, it can also be a frame structure in the form of a suspended ceiling.

On the one hand, we see that to solve sound insulation problems, conventional building materials (gypsum plasterboard, metallic profile, fasteners, etc.), but in order to really get the maximum effect, it is important to understand the following. Firstly, in addition to conventional materials, it is necessary to additionally use special “sound-proofing materials” - vibration-isolating pads to reduce the transmission of structural noise, sound-proofing materials inside the frame, and much more. Secondly, it is important to know the technology of the design itself, correct location materials relative to each other. It would be appropriate to give the following analogy: soundproofing materials are medicines for a disease, but only a professional doctor knows how, using them in combination, to cure the disease without harming the patient. In our case, the doctor is an acoustic engineer who, having made the correct diagnosis, will suggest a “course of treatment” for the “patient.”

So, now we can move on to a brief overview of “soundproofing materials”.

"ZIPS" - Sound Insulating Panel System, consisting of sandwich panels (gypsum fiber board and glass/mineral fiber), fastening elements, vibration-insulating cushioning materials (Vibrosil\Vibrostek) and special installation technology. Characteristic feature system is its “vibration isolation” and “frameless” nature, which makes it possible to obtain more high values additional sound insulation at the same thickness in comparison with frame structures.

"Shumanet-BM" is a sound-absorbing (unfinished) mineral wool slab on a basalt base. In terms of physical and technical characteristics, it is comparable to basalt slabs on a synthetic binder. A distinctive feature is guaranteed acoustic properties, constant density 45 kg/m3 and a lot of experimentally confirmed data on the high sound insulation properties of structures using Schumanet-BM.

"Shumanet-100" is a rolled soundproofing gasket material. It consists of a special elastic multilayer fiberglass material, impregnated on one side with a layer of bitumen covered with polyethylene film. Unlike foam cushioning materials, also used to insulate impact noise, “Shumnaet-100” is distinguished by two important features- high acoustic efficiency and durability combined with acoustic stability, namely:

"Shumanet-100" with a thickness of 3 mm has an index of additional impact noise insulation of at least 23 dB, and with a thickness of 4 mm - at least 27 dB, respectively. The 8 mm thick extruded polyethylene foam pad has an additional impact noise insulation index of only 19 dB.

For foamed materials, after 5-10 years, due to the partial disintegration of molecules, the acoustic and strength properties are significantly reduced, and the amount of residual deformation increases. Fiberglass materials, on the contrary, do not age; their guaranteed service life is up to 25 years. In addition, additional static and dynamic loads (the weight of the floor, furniture, movement of objects and people) accelerate the aging process of foam materials (collapse of air bubbles in polyethylene foam pads), which also leads to a decrease in the effective thickness of the material and loss of elastic properties.

"Shumostop-S2" - slabs made of staple fiberglass. They are used as an elastic soundproofing gasket in building structures when installing “floating floors” with increased requirements for insulation of airborne and impact noise. See below for information on technology of use.

"Shumostop-K2" - slabs made of basalt mineral fiber. They are used as an elastic edge soundproofing gasket in building structures when constructing “floating floors” using “Shumostop-S2” slabs. See below for information on technology of use.

"Vibrostek-V300" is an elastic multilayer fiberglass. It is the basis for "Shumanet-100Super". Has the same acoustic characteristics. Used as an elastic gasket to reduce the transmission of impact and structural noise.

"Vibrostek-M" is an elastic multilayer fiberglass in rolls 100 mm wide and 30 meters long. Used as an elastic gasket to reduce the transmission of impact and structural noise. Used when installing the ZIPS panel system, as well as when installing frame structures soundproof ceilings, partitions and cladding made of gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber board.

"Lutrasil" (spunbond) is a non-woven sound-permeable fabric. Used as a cushion layer when using glass/mineral wool mats/slabs to prevent the emission of particles into the environment.

Thus, it should be concluded that soundproofing materials themselves are not finishing materials and the acoustic purpose and characteristics are completely different. In addition, their use in soundproofing structures can only be justified on the basis of the opinion of an expert in the field of architectural and construction acoustics (acoustics engineer) with extensive professional experience in this activity.

Noise stop

Soundproofing slabs for the installation of “floating” floors


The high sound insulation characteristics of the SHUMOSTOP slab system (ΔLn,w = 42 dB) for almost any interfloor ceiling design provide an impact noise level 20 dB lower than required by SNiP. This allows us to talk about real acoustic comfort, when the sound of a bottle falling on the floor in the room above is perceived in the room below as the fall of a light coin.

Application area

SHUMOSTOP slabs are used as an elastic sound-proofing layer in building structures when constructing “floating floors” with increased requirements for impact noise insulation. In this case, the Shumostop-S2 slabs act as the main working layer, and the slabs high density Shumostop-K2 performs the function of an edge layer designed to increase the stability of the floor base along the perimeter of the room and around the columns.


Shumostop-S2 slabs: hydrophobized staple fiberglass of the URSA GLASSWOOL type.
Shumostop-K2 slabs: basalt fiber

Distinctive features

  • Maximum values ​​of the impact noise reduction index;
  • Stable dynamic characteristics of the material under loads of 200 - 700 kg/m2.

Slab dimensions and physical characteristics

slabs, mm
Slab width, mm Plate thickness, mm Bulk density, kg/m3 Package weight, kg Volume
packaging, m3
Quantity per package
Shumostop-S2 1250 600 20 70 11,0 0,15 10pcs/7.5 m2
Shumostop-K2 1200 300 20 90-100 8,8 0,072 10pcs/3.6 m2

Impact noise insulation

frequency Hz 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500
14,4 19,6 23,1 21,7 27,8 32,7 34,3 33,0
frequency Hz 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200
Reduction of the reduced impact noise level ΔLn by a floating screed laid on one layer NOISE STOP, dB 37,4 35,8 40,8 43,4 45,5 50,0 57,3 61,0

Impact noise level reduction index ΔLn,w with one layer Noise stop = 39 dB, with two layers Noise stop = 43 dB

Installation technology

To ensure the stability of the floor base, made using Shumostop-S2 slabs, Shumostop-K2 edge slabs with a width of 300 mm are laid around the perimeter of the room, as well as around the columns. To prevent the leveling screed from coming into contact with the surface of the walls, a cushioning material (for example, Vibrostek or Shumostop-K2) is used along the entire perimeter of the floor along the walls, the height of which should be slightly greater than the thickness of the screed being installed. Shumostop-C2 slabs are laid on the floor slab close to each other, without a gap. A waterproofing layer (reinforced polyethylene film) is placed on the Shumostop slabs and lifted along the wall to the height of the edge of the cushioning material. Then a reinforced concrete screed is installed with a thickness of at least 60 mm (with one layer of SHUMOSTOP) and 80 mm with two layers. The construction of the finished floor is performed on the screed. The plinth is mounted only to one of the surfaces - to the floor or to the walls.

Soundproofing panel system entry level


The basic level soundproofing panel system is an effective solution to the problem of additional sound insulation of existing walls and ceilings. With its help, most problems of increasing sound insulation in residential as well as public spaces with moderate noise levels are solved: shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. (system operating range is from 100 Hz).

Application area

The sound insulation system is used in the construction and reconstruction of buildings to increase the sound insulation of single-layer building structures: gypsum, brick and concrete walls and partitions, as well as ceilings. It is used in premises of any type and purpose (for additional sound insulation in apartments, cottages, offices, etc.).


The panel soundproofing system consists of sandwich panels and finishing gypsum board cladding sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm. The sandwich panel consists of a combination of a “hard” GVL layer and a “soft” layer of basalt-based mineral fiber.

Distinctive features

  • The product is protected by RF patent No. 2140498
  • High performance additional sound insulation
  • Frameless method fastenings
  • Special vibration-isolating fastening units and tongue-and-groove joints in sandwich panel construction

Technical, acoustic and operational characteristics


Working size (excluding ridge area) of panels: 1500 x 500 mm. Panel thickness: 70 mm. System thickness: 83 mm.

physical characteristics

Panel weight: 19.0 kg. Surface density of the system: 37.5 kg/m2.

Airborne noise insulation

Acoustic measurements were carried out by the Department of Acoustics of NNGASU, Nizhny Novgorod

frequency Hz

























frequency Hz









Value of additional sound insulation using a panel system, dB









Total sound insulation of a 120 mm thick brick partition lined with a panel system, dB









Index of additional airborne noise insulation of the panel system: ?Rw = 12 - 14 dB

Installation technology: Panel system installed in strict accordance with the Installation Instructions.


Sound-absorbing board made of mineral wool


Basalt-based mineral slabs SCHUMANET-BM are one of the most effective sound-absorbing slabs building materials. Mandatory quality control of each slab ensures consistently high acoustic and consumer properties of this product.

Application area

SCHUMANET-BM slabs are used as an effective middle layer in soundproofing structures frame partitions or cladding from gypsum plasterboard/gypsum plasterboard sheets, chipboard, plywood, as well as in systems of acoustic perforated screens or suspended ceilings.


Hydrophobized mineral wool slab based on basalt rocks.

Distinctive features:

  • Quality control of each slab;
  • High acoustic properties guaranteed;
  • Non-combustible material (NG).


Plate length: 1000 mm. Slab width: 600 mm. Plate thickness: 50 mm.

physical characteristics

Bulk density: 40 kg/m3. Number of slabs per package: 4 pcs. Package quantity: 2.4 m2.
Packaging volume: 0.12 m3. Package weight: 5.5 kg.

Reverberation sound absorption coefficients

Acoustic tests were carried out by the laboratory of acoustic measurements of the NIISF RAASN, Moscow.

frequency Hz 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500 630
SCHUMANET-BM slabs without reference 0,14 0,26 0,40 0,56 0,67 0,82 1,00 1,00 1,00
0,45 0,54 0,68 0,76 0,92 0,96 0,99 1,00 1,00
frequency Hz 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000
SCHUMANET-BM slabs without reference 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,99 0,99 0,93 0,90 0,90
SCHUMANET-BM slabs with a distance of 50 mm from the hard surface 1,00 1,00 0,98 0,95 0,90 0,88 0,85 0,83 0,80

Average sound absorption coefficient NRC: 0.9

Technology of use

In the designs of sound-absorbing cladding and multilayer frame partitions, the rack profile (or timber) of the frame is mounted, as a rule, in increments of 600 mm. SCHUMANET-BM slabs are laid in the cells of the sheathing. In acoustic suspended ceiling designs, the slabs are mounted in the space between the suspended ceiling and the floor slab. SCHUMANET-BM is laid behind a suspended ceiling, or mounted to floor slabs using plastic “mushrooms” for fastening thermal insulation boards. When used in non-hermetic structures, to prevent the emission of material particles into the environment, it is recommended that SCHUMANET-BM slabs be first wrapped in a sound-permeable spunbond non-woven fabric.

Shumoplast (POLYTERM)

Soundproofing leveling coating for floating floors


The sound-proof leveling coating SHUMOPLAST (POLYTERM) is a ready-to-use granular mixture of elastic vibration-insulating material POLYTERM, which, after being applied to the surface of the ceiling, acts as a sound-proofing gasket under the leveling screed in the construction of floating floors.

Application area

The SHUMOPLAST (POLYTERM) coating is specially designed for the installation of floating floors on large-area objects for ceilings with an uneven surface. A coating with a thickness of 15-30 mm is applied manually or mechanically directly onto the ceiling and allows you to maintain the stability of the acoustic characteristics of the soundproofing floor, despite factors such as the presence of construction debris, protrusions, burrs of reinforcement, as well as shells on the surface of the ceiling.


The coating consists of polystyrene foam granulate processed using a special technology, a compensating rubber-rubber additive and an acrylic-based synthetic binder.

Distinctive features

  • The coating is patented in the Russian Federation and CIS countries;
  • Permissible unevenness of the floor surface is up to 15 mm locally;
  • Simplicity and high speed of application - complete polymerization after 24 hours;
  • Shrinkage no more than 5% under a load of 5 kPa.

Impact noise insulation

Acoustic tests were carried out by the acoustic measurement laboratory of the NIISF RAASN, Moscow.


The SHUMOPLAST mixture, ready for use, is packaged in plastic bags with a volume of 0.08 m 3.
The weight of the box (2 plastic bags in the box) is about 15 kg. Box size 1300 x 350 x 450 mm.

With a layer thickness of 20 mm, the material consumption is one plastic bag per 4 sq.m of surface.
The primer mass for treating vertical surfaces SHUMOPLAST-GRUNT is supplied in plastic buckets weighing 3/8/15 kg.
When treating a surface with a width of 100 mm, the consumption of primer mass is 120 g per 1 linear meter

Accessories and components

Vibrostek-M Tape soundproofing gasket

  • Durability

Vibrosil Vibroacoustic sealant

Silomer Polyurethane elastomer for vibration isolation

Vibronet profile Vibration-damped element of a metal frame

  • Metal thickness 0.9 mm

Installation technology

Before installation, coverings with a standard thickness of 20 mm must be removed from the surface of the ceiling. construction garbage with a fraction size of more than 10 mm. The SHUMOPLAST coating is applied to the ceiling manually or mechanically. The SHUMOPLAST coating is applied to all adjacent walls and columns to a height slightly greater than the level of the leveling screed to prevent the formation of sound bridges during its installation. To increase adhesion, the surfaces of walls and columns are pre-primed with SHUMOPLAST-GRUNT before treatment with the coating. A leveling screed with a thickness of at least 50 mm is laid directly on the SHUMOPLAST covering, and must be reinforced metal structures to give it increased mechanical strength.

Vibration stack-V300

Soundproofing substrate made of multi-layer fiberglass


The elastic properties of porous-fibrous materials, which include the soundproofing substrate VIBROSTEK-V300, are ensured physical properties the fibers of the material themselves. This determines the significantly more stable behavior of the material under static and dynamic loads and the preservation of the declared acoustic properties for a long time.

Application area

VIBROSTEK-V300 is used as an elastic soundproofing substrate when installing “floating floors” directly under the floor covering (parquet boards, linoleum, carpet), as well as under cement-sand screed when using an additional moisture-proof separating layer.


Multilayer soundproofing fiberglass LB300, based on type “C” fiberglass.

Distinctive features

  • High efficiency with low thickness
  • Stability of characteristics under the influence of static and dynamic loads
  • Durability

Roll sizes

Roll width: 1 m. Roll length: up to 450 m. Thickness: 4 mm.

physical characteristics

Surface density: 300 g/m2. Dynamic modulus of elasticity Unit: 0.18 MPa at a load of 2 kPa, 0.35 MPa at a load of 5 kPa.
Relative compression coefficient εd: 0.25 at a load of 2 kPa, 0.35 at a load of 5 kPa.

Impact noise insulation

Acoustic tests were carried out by the acoustic measurement laboratory of the NIISF RAASN, Moscow.

frequency Hz 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500
5,2 7,2 7,0 6,4 10,5 15,0 17,1 23,6
frequency Hz 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200
Reduction of the reduced impact noise level ΔLn by a PVC linoleum floor laid on a layer of VIBROSTEK-V300, dB 31,9 39,0 48,6 57,2 61,5 62,6 63,9 65,7

Impact noise reduction index using VIBROSTEK-V300 material under a layer of PVC linoleum: ΔLn,w = 29 dB

Technology of use

When installing a “floating” floor from a parquet board or when laying it under linoleum, VIBROSTEK-V300 is laid without overlap, pressing the panels against each other. The seams are glued together with 50 mm wide tape. The panels are cut along the contour of the floor and are not placed on the wall. When laying parquet boards, 10 mm gaps are left near the walls, which are then covered with plinths. This ensures moisture circulation. When installing a “floating” screed to prevent it from coming into contact with the surface of the walls, cut strips of VIBROSTEK-V300 are laid along the entire perimeter of the floor along them. A separating layer (reinforced polyethylene film) is placed on top of the substrate and placed on the wall to the height of the edge of the material. To cut and cut VIBROSTEK-V300, you should use sharp knives used for laying carpets.


Soundproofing underlay for floor coverings


"Akuflex" - specialized soundproofing fibrous roll material, developed based on modern requirements for building acoustics.


The Akuflex material is used as an elastic soundproofing layer in the construction of “floating” floors in the form of a lining under finished floor coverings: laminate, parquet boards, linoleum, as well as under a leveling screed in order to reduce the level of impact noise under the floor slab.


Polyester fiber processed using special technology to obtain durable, stable elastic properties.

Distinctive features

    • Environmentally friendly material
    • High acoustic efficiency
    • Increases the service life of the floor covering due to the circulation of air and moisture under the floor covering
    • Has low hygroscopicity compared to other synthetic fibrous materials


Roll width: 1 m. Roll length: 15 m. Thickness: 4 mm (at 1.8 kPa load)
Roll weight: 5.0 kg.

Physical and technical characteristics

  • Surface density: 300 g/m2
  • Breaking load along length and width: not less than 750 N
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient (λ), W/m ̊С: 0.036

Reduction of reduced impact noise level:
Impact Noise Reduction:

  • under a parquet board 15 mm: ΔLn,w=17 dB
  • under 8 mm thick laminate: ΔLn,w=20 dB
  • under cement-sand screed surface density 120 kg/m2 ΔLn,w = 27 dB

Tests were carried out by the laboratory of acoustic measurements of NIISF RAASN, Moscow

Accessories and components

Vibrostek-M\Tape soundproofing gasket

  • High efficiency with low thickness
  • Stability of characteristics under the influence of static and dynamic loads
  • Durability

Vibrosil\ Vibroacoustic sealant

  • Reliably seals seams and joints of any thickness
  • Has the best vibroacoustic properties
  • Neutral (does not cause metal corrosion)
  • Has increased moisture and heat resistance
  • Excellent adhesion to most building materials
  • Weather and UV resistance

Silomer\ Polyurethane elastomer for vibration isolation

  • Not susceptible to hydrolysis, as well as to dilute alkalis, acids, solvents and oils
  • Withstands long-term cyclic loads (more than 2 million load cycles)
  • Accepts significant overloads
  • When exposed to a static load, the material does not lose its properties for 10 years or more

VIbronet-profile\ Vibration-damped element of a metal frame

  • Absolutely “blind” metal profile
  • Metal thickness 0.9 mm
  • Refractory material (class KM1)
  • High degree of flatness (compared to a wooden frame)
  • Stability of geometry over time (compared to a wooden frame)

Contact our specialists and we will advise you on SOUND INSULATION issues; You can purchase the necessary materials from us.

Thin heavy soundproofing membrane (made in Spain). It is used in soundproofing structures of floors, ceilings, walls, partitions in rooms for various purposes.

Thin, heavy soundproofing membrane with a self-adhesive layer (made in Spain). It is used in soundproofing structures of ceilings, walls, partitions in rooms for various purposes.

Combined soundproofing membrane with a layer of acoustic felt (made in Spain). It is used in soundproofing structures of ceilings, walls and partitions in rooms for various purposes.

price from 1,842.00 rub. ZA M 2

Thin panels made of pressed wood-fiber sheets with a corrugated structure, filled with quartz sand. They are used as a layer in the construction of thin soundproofing systems of walls, floors, and ceilings to increase their effectiveness in rooms of all types.

Soundproofing panel with an internal honeycomb structure filled with fine quartz sand. Made from environmentally friendly natural resources. The Sonoplat Pro panel is used both for direct installation directly on a leveled surface, and in frame soundproofing systems for premises of any purpose.

Combined soundproof panel for thin frameless sound insulation systems. The presence of an elastic, lightweight backing in the combi-panel allows it to be mounted directly on the leveled surface of the insulated wall or ceiling.

price 1,611.00 RUB. ZA M 2

thin soundproofing panel for walls and partitions made of light building materials of small thickness (foam concrete, plaster, etc., 80 -120 mm thick). The thickness of the sandwich panel is 30 mm. Additional sound insulation index ΔRw = 9 dB.


thin soundproofing panel in the AcousticGyps TM line. Excellent for isolating quiet household noises from neighbors above and behind the wall, as well as for increasing the sound insulation index of interior partitions in an apartment, cottage, or office. The sandwich panel provides effective attenuation of household noise levels. Additional sound insulation index ΔRw = 11 dB.


This modification of the panels is designed to enhance the soundproofing ability of walls and ceilings to the standard values ​​​​required for residential and public premises. It is the most popular modification due to its high sound insulation performance, ease of installation and low thickness. Also suitable as an entry-level solution for commercial applications: bars, restaurants, home cinemas. Additional sound insulation index ΔRw = 14 dB.

modification of panels with the highest rates of additional sound insulation in the AcousticGyps TM line. This modification of the panels provides additional sound insulation in rooms with high level noise It is used in rooms that are located near objects under construction or operating production facilities, recording studios, concert halls. Additional sound insulation index ΔRw = 18 dB.

price 1,528.00 rub.

ZA M 2

an effective solution for additional sound insulation of interfloor ceilings in residential and public spaces. They are high quality flooring elements. In terms of application, they can be compared to traditional solid floor systems. The advantages of floor structures using AcousticGyps Yoog 30 are low weight, as well as dry and quick installation (no time loss compared to installation of self-leveling floors).

A universal and multifunctional material with shock-absorbing and noise-absorbing properties. It is used for soundproofing floors, walls, ceilings and interfloor ceilings. Super thin fiberglass mats highest quality

A line of thin viscoelastic materials based on elastomeric rubber (made in Italy). It is used in household and industrial equipment, ventilation communications, the construction industry, residential and industrial buildings.

Universal material made of needle-punched fiberglass. It is used in sound insulation of floors (including floors on joists and floating screeds), walls, ceilings and interfloor ceilings.

Sound-absorbing material in the form of panels made of softened staple fiberglass. It is used as a filler for interprofile spaces in standard sound insulation systems: frame wall cladding, partitions and suspended ceilings.

Highly effective premium sound-absorbing material. Consists of basalt fiber, produced in the form of slabs with a thickness of only 27 mm(density 65 kg/m3). Due to its small thickness, it does not steal usable area premises.

Sound-absorbing material in the form of slabs based on basalt fiber. It is used as a filler for interprofile spaces in standard sound insulation systems for walls, partitions and ceilings.

StopZvuk BP Flor - Professional non-flammable material for soundproofing floors in rooms of any type and for any purpose. Consists of the highest quality basalt fiber treated with a hydrophobic compound. Available in the form of elastic plates 20mm thick. (density 110kg/m3).

Sound-absorbing material in the form of plates based on polyester (synthetic) fiber. It is used as a filler for interprofile spaces in standard sound insulation systems for walls, partitions and ceilings.

Thin sound-absorbing material (20 mm thick) in the form of plates based on polyester (synthetic) fiber. It is used as a filler for interprofile spaces in standard sound insulation systems for walls, partitions and ceilings.

Today more and more actual problem is the soundproofing of rooms. This issue arises especially acutely in large cities, where there is a huge number of various sources noise, and it is growing every day. At the same time, the demand for high-quality soundproofing materials is increasing.

In today's hectic world, the opportunity to be in peace and quiet is a luxury not available to everyone. They can almost always protect you from sounds from the street. quality windows(we wrote about how to choose them in previous articles), but getting rid of the invisible “presence” of neighbors is not an easy task. Crying children at night, loud birthday celebrations, singing in the shower and much more can become more than just sources of irritation. If it is impossible to have quality rest in your own home, even health problems may arise - chronic fatigue and neuroses. In addition, it is impossible to fully enjoy beautiful loud music or a movie in a home theater without fear of disturbing someone.

There is only one way out - to carry out high-quality sound insulation, and it is quite possible to do this with your own hands. Today there is a wide range of these products on the market, so it can be very difficult for a modern consumer to independently understand all the nuances and technical and operational characteristics of this category of goods. How to choose soundproofing materials, which ones are better and more effective in a particular situation, and also which ones comparative characteristics possess, this material will help you understand.

They are chosen to solve specific technological problems - depending on the type of noise, the functional purpose of buildings and operational requirements. In conditions apartment buildings partitions and load-bearing walls are just a conditional barrier to the propagation of sound waves. However, in order to gain complete independence from noise and not disturb your neighbors, the problem can be solved very easily - you need to carry out high-quality sound insulation.

First you need to decide on the type of noise that affects you. They are divided into three general groups:

  • Airborne noise - it travels through the air. If an obstacle in the form of walls, partitions or ceilings occurs in the path of a sound wave, it does not go out, but causes vibrations in them. They are transmitted to air particles in neighboring rooms, which is why we hear sounds. Examples of such noise could be a loud receiver, neighbors talking, a child crying, and so on. High-quality soundproofing material can dampen vibrations, helping to eliminate the problem;
  • Impact noise – occurs due to mechanical impacts on structures. This could include rearranging furniture, objects falling on the floor, impacts, and much more. Then the floors and ceilings need to be soundproofed;
  • Structural noise - in this case, sounds propagate through the building structures. Such noises are the most difficult to get rid of; only complete soundproofing of the entire apartment will help.

There is also complete and local sound insulation. The latter method involves isolating particularly weak areas from noise.

Review of soundproofing materials

Sound waves, which are produced both by sources inside and outside the house, spread to all structures fixed to each other. As a result, sound that originates in one location is often heard in another and travels throughout the building. You can protect yourself from it not only in a closed room provided with high-quality sound insulation, but also in a properly designed open space.

The main parameters that determine the sound insulation properties of materials are Iв - the index of insulation from airborne noise, as well as Iу - the index of the reduced level of impact noise under the ceiling. IN European countries Another designation for the parameters Iв and Iу is accepted - Rw and Ln, w, respectively. The indices Iв and Iу can be converted into Rw and Ln, w using the formulas: Rw - Iв + 2 (dB), Ln, w - Iу - 7 (dB).

In the modern construction industry, the most popular and widespread are the following types of soundproofing materials, according to the generally accepted classification:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Viscoelastic membranes;
  • Foamed polymers;
  • Sandwich panels;
  • Natural cork;
  • Cellulose materials (ecowool);
  • Foam glass;
  • Rubber sound insulators;
  • Soundproofing substrates.

Each of them is worth a detailed consideration, as it has a number of advantages and limitations.

Mineral wool One of the most common materials today is mineral wool. It perfectly absorbs sounds - both shock and air origin. These characteristics allow it to remain the most popular material for these purposes. For the work, special slabs or mats made from acoustic mineral wool are used.

Such products are distinguished by high levels of sound insulation, which are achieved due to the special arrangement of the fibers. The structure creates open air cavities that perfectly dampen sound vibrations. Thanks to this, mineral wool has excellent sound insulation properties, while being characterized by low dynamic rigidity. A very important indicator of the effectiveness of sound insulation is the sound absorption coefficient ap, which depends on whether the wool is glued to the surface or separated from it by air space, whether there is a facing materials. In addition, the sound absorption coefficient ap depends on the thickness of the material. As a rule, it is in the range from 0.75 to 1.

Expanded polystyrene is the second most popular material for these purposes. However, it is capable of absorbing only sounds of impact origin, and in order for it to obtain optimal sound insulation properties, it must be slightly pressed down so that the structure is compressed. But despite this, the material is extremely common. Due to such specific parameters, expanded polystyrene is used mainly to provide insulation for floors and ceilings. If laid on the floor, it can be perfectly compressed by pouring a concrete screed 3-6 cm thick.

Reinforcement of the screed makes it possible to protect it from cracking as a result of movements on a deformed base - under the influence of such a load, the height of the material decreases by 2-4 mm, the granules are compressed, providing excellent suppression of impact noise in the range of 25–33 dB.

The material must be laid on a level base, close to each other. The seams are offset half the length of the slab, and the seams on the edges are usually made of the same material. Before pouring the screed, a separating layer of film material or roofing material is laid on the polystyrene foam base. Slabs of small thickness - up to 4 cm - are ideal for sound insulation.

Membranes. As for viscoelastic membranes, they also seem to be very comfortable material for sound insulation. They are used, as a rule, to increase the protection of frame walls from extraneous sounds. However, viscoelastic membranes are also manufactured for:

  • walls;
  • ceilings;
  • floors;
  • roofs;
  • engineering communications.

They are high-density synthetic soundproofing materials made from polymers, without the use of bitumen resins and rubber. They are characterized by high levels of elasticity, flexibility, strength, durability and fire resistance. They are also used as vibration-damping middle layers to increase the sound insulation of frame walls and prevent the occurrence of resonant effects. A viscoelastic membrane is glued onto plasterboard sheets with inside load-bearing frame. The use of such materials makes it possible to increase protection from extraneous sounds by 25-32 dB.

Polyurethane. Polyurethane is also often used to soundproof individual parts of the apartment - bathroom, toilet, kitchen, living room and others. As a rule, foamed polymers are used in studio spaces as the easiest way to ensure sound insulation of walls, ceilings and partitions between neighboring apartments or rooms.

Panels. Recently, sandwich panels have begun to gain great popularity in the market of soundproofing materials. They can be completely different in length and composition, and are usually used for soundproofing single-layer partitions. Today, more and more often, ready-made sound insulation systems have begun to be used to create additional protection for single-layer partitions (for example, brick walls) from sound waves. These are sandwich panels of different thicknesses, which consist of a combination of materials of different densities and structural characteristics. The advantages of using them include the absence of the need to install a metal frame - they are attached directly to the walls.

One of the most popular options is the combination of a dense layer (gypsum fiber sheet) and a light layer (mineral wool) - the thickness and structure of the materials can vary. They are mounted using vibration-isolating materials through special units made by the manufacturer. The thickness of such panels can be from 40 to 150 mm, and is selected based on the thickness of the load-bearing partition. The increase in the sound insulation index depends on the density and can range from 10 to 20 dB.

It is also possible to use triplex panels in the form of durable multilayer cellulose frames with mineral fillers, which use specially selected mineralogical compositions. They are mounted to the walls using dowels (possibly to the lathing), and are also laid on the floor, replacing floating floor systems and cement screeds. Each of the frame layers has its own indicators of multiple reflection and dispersion of sound waves, which makes it possible to achieve a reduction in airborne noise of up to 37 dB with a material thickness of 10 mm.

Cork. Natural cork materials have been used for a very long time to create high-quality sound insulation of rooms, however, thanks to the development modern technologies, the sound-absorbing qualities of cork coatings are constantly improving. And, if previously a technical cork with a grain size of 5-8 mm was used, today it is manufactured with better sound insulation characteristics, which are ensured by smaller sizes - 1-3 mm, but the air voids here are 3 times larger.

Ecowool. Cellulose insulation based on ecowool is also excellently used as a soundproofing material - and they can be used for different types noise and different rooms. The material is obtained in the process of processing secondary raw materials - waste paper. It consists of 80% recycled cellulose, 15% antiseptics, and 5% fire retardant. It is used not only for insulation, but also for suppressing airborne noise:

  • on floors that separate unused attics;
  • filling frame walls and partitions.

The soundproofing characteristics of ecowool are due to the structural features of the material - there is a large number of fibers separated by air space. It is blown out using special equipment and, depending on the place of application, laid in layers of different densities.

Foam glass. The material has high technical and performance characteristics– high strength, resistance to aggressive chemical compounds, fire safety, ease of processing, due to which the material has gained immense popularity in European countries. Foam glass slabs are very easy to cut - they can be mounted both outside (laid as the middle layer of the insulating “pie”) and indoors. In addition, they can be used to construct lightweight internal partitions. The 10 cm thick plate provides sound insulation protection of up to 30 dB.

Rubber. Rubber-based sound insulation materials are excellent at absorbing impact types of noise. Very often used for industrial premises, however, residential buildings can also be insulated with their help. Made from recycled rubber (sometimes with the addition of cork).

Very often used as sound insulation under household appliances, the operation of which is accompanied by the appearance of vibration waves (washing and dishwashers). They can also be applied directly under floor coverings, under a floating screed or concrete slabs, as well as under rigid floor elements on a wooden base.

Manufacturers offer materials for various types of flooring: parquet, parquet boards, laminates, carpets, linoleums and even ceramic tiles. During installation, it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps left - all layers must be tightly fixed to each other, otherwise acoustic bridges will appear at the seams, worsening the design parameters. Allows you to reduce impact noise to 15–33 dB.

Substrates. The peculiarity of flooring underlays is that they suppress impact noise, but not airborne noise. However, they will be indispensable for laying under laminate and parquet, especially if the design of these floor coverings does not include a sound absorber layer. Allows you to prevent the appearance of dull noises that are accompanied by walking on the floor and which are heard in the rooms located below. Substrates for sound insulation can be presented in the form of:

  • Elastic mats made of polyethylene foam 4 mm thick, which level out unevenness of the base, prevent the spread of impact noise and the formation of sound bridges;
  • Fiberboards made from compressed wood fibers. They are light and porous, providing a smooth and elastic base for floor coverings;
  • Cork mats that are compressible and elastic, do not absorb water and do not age;
  • Corrugated cardboard, which perfectly suppresses noise and does not allow water vapor to pass through, without shrinking;
  • Tuplex mats, the thickness of which is about 3 mm, are a two-layer polyethylene film of heterogeneous composition, separated by a layer of polystyrene foam granules, which are embedded in glue. Ideal for installation under wood or panel floors. They have high noise suppression capabilities - 17 dB. This material has moisture-proof properties, so the use of a vapor barrier is not required when laying it.
  • Polyurethane foam mats, depending on the type, can be used for laying under elastic coatings on glue, linoleum, as well as under glued and freely mounted rubber or carpet materials. They can also be laid on load-bearing structures of floors, on seamless, putty plank floors, PVC coverings, on stone and ceramic tile floors, varnished parquet floors. The thickness of the mats is 2.5 mm, and the noise suppression ability is 17–19 dB. Polyurethane foam mats improve sound insulation by 23 dB.

The fastenings on which sound insulation is installed deserve special attention. As a rule, for these purposes it is necessary to install frame plasterboard structures on the walls and ceiling. However, the presence of rigid fixation between the protected surfaces and the metal frame in the form of standard metal hangers and brackets leads to the fact that, even with the use of gaskets, noise is transmitted to the cladding and further into the premises.

Soundproofing materials: table

To solve this problem, it is necessary to use special soundproofing fasteners that are strong enough, but at the same time flexible, and also have soundproofing characteristics in a wide frequency range. Fastenings have a large number of varieties; they differ in scope, design features and type of elastic element used.

However, sound insulation can not only be continuous - there is also local insulation. In addition, very often there is protection not from external sound waves, but on the contrary - it is necessary to protect neighboring rooms from sounds, in such cases acoustic insulation is carried out.

Local sound insulation

Since childhood, everyone has known “spy” ways of listening to neighbors through sockets. Typically, these elements are between different apartments they are made through, and the builders not only do not equip them with sound insulation, but do not even install partitions. In such cases, you can simply call an electrician or fix the problem yourself, following the rules and safety precautions when working with electricity.

To do this, you need to turn off the power to the socket, remove it and then remove it. mounting box. The hole must be sealed with cement or mounting putty, after which has dried, the socket can be mounted in place. This method allows you to eliminate another source of local noise penetration - distribution boxes. As a rule, they are located in the walls or under the ceiling, hidden under wallpaper or other finishing material. They are very easy to find by simply tapping the wall, although in this case it is best to use the services of professionals, since there are a large number of electrical cables there.

Another source of local noise can be water supply, heating and sewer risers. Their sound insulation must be carried out at the construction stage - sleeves larger than the required size are inserted into the ceilings, and the space between them is filled with non-flammable sound-proofing material. It is sealed on top with a special plastic sealant (how to choose it, read the material about sealants). However, in practice, the situation is completely opposite - pipes are simply routed through the ceilings, and the gaps are sealed with simple cement, which not only conducts sound waves well, but cracks and collapses over time.

To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to clear the old cement as deeply as possible, wrap the pipe with soundproofing material, cement the dismantled section of the ceiling, and seal the joints themselves.

The last point of local sound insulation is the elimination of deep cracks between partitions and walls. To create obstacles for sound waves, you can fill the seams gypsum plaster, cement or plastic sealant.

Acoustic insulation

In most modern premises, providing a comfortable acoustic environment is one of the main functional requirements (for example, for cinemas, concerts, multidisciplinary and conference rooms, office premises and others).

The acoustic characteristics of rooms significantly influence the nature of sound reproduction in them. That is why structures intended, for example, for lectures and concerts, must have different acoustic parameters.

One of the main criteria that characterize the acoustic quality of a room is the reverberation indicators (RT60). At large values, the perception of sounds is distorted, speech intelligibility indicators decrease, at very small values, the effects of “lifelessness” of rooms and “dryness” of reproduced images appear. sound effects. In most cases, modern acoustic materials and structures, which ensure high sound absorption rates in rooms, make it possible to ensure optimal reverberation rates (or adjust them).

To ensure optimal sound absorption, the greatest attention should be paid to the ceiling space. That’s why “acoustic” ceilings that absorb sounds have been manufactured for quite some time. In large buildings where ceiling space alone is not enough to improve acoustics, it is also recommended to use special sound-absorbing panels for walls.

The technical and operational characteristics of ceiling and wall sound-absorbing panels include: acoustic and hygienic parameters, moisture resistance, fire safety parameters, impact resistance, lighting characteristics and service life. Today, there are a large number of materials that are suitable for solving not just one technological problem, but a whole set of requirements, for example, to ensure the necessary acoustic parameters in rooms with high humidity - in swimming pools. Moreover, these systems also perform artistic functions in interior design.

The choice of materials for ceilings or walls depends on various parameters: the functionality of the premises, their volumes, the cost of materials, design features and others, as well as on which frequency range needs to be adjusted. According to their absorption characteristics, they can be divided into: medium- and high-frequency absorbers, as well as low-frequency absorbers;

The first type includes:

  • porous slabs;
  • fibrous materials, which can be made in the form of slabs of mineral or glass wool, artificial or wood fibers. The front part can be treated with special porous coloring compounds and covered with fabric;

Low-frequency absorbing materials can be presented in the form of thin panels with different perforation rates, which can be made from gypsum boards, MDF, wood and other materials. Low-frequency absorbers can also include resonant structures made of porous-fiber materials, with perforated fabric screens and air gaps.

The modern market for soundproofing materials is represented by a large assortment of products, among which everyone can choose what they need - in full compliance with the technical and operational requirements imposed by the installation features. This material described in detail all materials, as well as the features of their use.

To ensure that sound can be reflected from the wall of the room and not be heard outside, a technique called sound insulation is used. Soundproofing insulation for sound insulating slabs helps prevent noise from penetrating outside the room. Typically, this characteristic directly depends on the thickness of the material - the wider the soundproofing barrier, the less likely it is to hear the sound. Also, sound insulation is used in the construction of buildings and is measured in Dicibels. Normal sound insulation characteristics are from 52 to 60 dB. Soundproofing materials reflect sound, including brick, plasterboard, concrete and others.

Sound absorption

The main purpose of the above characteristic is to prevent sound from being reflected from the wall. In terms of their structure, soundproofing boards consist of fibers or cells. The noise absorption coefficient varies from 0 to 1. If it is zero, the sound is reflected into the room, and if there is one, the sound is completely absorbed by the material. Materials corresponding to a number of 0.5 and above have noise absorption characteristics. To be comfortable, a person should be in a room with a noise level of 25 dB, since with a lower coefficient he will feel oppressive silence, and with a higher coefficient he will complain of noise and headaches. A person can easily tolerate noise up to 60 dB, but higher volumes can have a detrimental effect on health. In order to protect yourself from noise, you can use soundproofing insulation, depending on what your goal is.

This material has its own degree of hardness:

    solid material - created using granulated mineral water. The composition of this kind of raw material includes vermiculite, perlite and pumice. The optimal absorption coefficient is 0.5 dB with a mass of 300 kg/m3;

    semi-rigid material - mineral wool slabs with a cell-shaped structure. Sound absorption coefficient from 0.5 to 0.7 dB with a mass of 130 kg/m3;

    soft material - created on the basis of cotton wool or felt. Sound absorption coefficient from 0.5 to 0.95 with a mass of 70 kg/m3.

When constructing private houses, soundproofing devices of the last specified parameter are usually used. Also you should choose a soundproofing one with necessary properties depending on the nature of the noise produced.

Types of noise produced:

    airborne, emitted from televisions, receivers, animals;

    percussion, emitted when walking, repairing, drilling;

    structural, appearing in the presence of connected load-bearing structures building.

To cope with impact noise, soundproofing materials are usually used. soft materials with cell structure. Soundproofing fibrous materials are used against the air, and special gaskets that protect the joints of structures are used against the structural.

Values ​​of sound absorption and noise reduction coefficients

Table No. 1 shows the values ​​of the weighted average sound absorption coefficients (aw) and NRC noise reduction coefficients for the panel of brands under consideration.

Table No. 1

Manufacturer Soundproofing board series aw NRC
USG Sonaton GF 0,7 0,7
Sonaton Premier 0,85 0,9
Sonaton TF 0,7 0,7
OWA Finetta 0,7 0,65
Cosmos 0,7 0,65
Futura 0,7 0,75
Harmony 0,75 0,75
AMF Feinstratos 0,6 0,55
Laguna 0,6 0,6
Feinfresco 0,6 0,65
Star 0,65 0,55
Armstrong Sabbia 0,65 0,65
Ultima 0,65 0,7
Frequency 0,65 0,7
Illbruck Whiteline 0,75 -
Pyramide 0,6-0,9 -
Acoustic panel 0,75-0,85 -
Knauf Knauf-Acoustics type A, B, C, D, E 0,3-0,4 -
using glass/basalt fiber 0,7-0,8 -
Gustafs BF-panel (16 types of perforation) using glass/basalt fiber 0,3-0,9 -
Ecophon Focus 0,9< 0,9
Gedina 0,9 0,9
Harmony 0,85 0,8
Pop 0,5 0,45
Wall Panel 0,95 0,95
Rockfon Sonar 0,8 0,8
Koral 0.9 0.85
Alaska 0.85 0.8
Samson 1 0.95
Parafon Exclusive 0,95 0,95
Classic 0,95 0,95
Basic 0,95 0,95
Wall Panel 0,9 0,9

Analyzing the indicators in table No. 1, we note that the base contains mineral fibers characterized by similar sound absorption coefficients, the difference is within 10%. A product made from a material based on perforated gypsum is somewhat inferior in sound-absorbing properties to mineral fiber slabs. Soundproofing gypsum insulation can be enhanced by adding an additional insulating layer. During construction public buildings and finishing, strict standards are applied that are designed to ensure the safety of people in the premises. Fire and environmental safety requirements create a tight framework for soundproofing panels, compliance with which is strictly regulated. In addition, the materials used for finishing must be durable, easy to use, have moisture-resistant qualities and have an attractive appearance.

Characteristics of acoustic products

Soundproofing materials from different manufacturers (summary table No. 2).

Table No. 2

Density, kg/m3 Temperature resistance, °C Moisture resistance,% Environmental friendliness
Illbruck/ Pyramide 9,5-11 up to 150 - safe
Ecophon/Gedina 125-200 up to 800 95 safe
Ecophon/Focus 125-200 up to 800 95 safe
Rockfon/Koral 70-90 up to 1100 95-100 safe
Rockfon/Sonar 200-280 up to 1100 95-100 safe
Parafon/Exlusive 140-280 up to 1100 95 safe
Parafon/Classic 100-140 up to 1100 95 safe

Continuation of table No. 2

The soundproofing materials in this table No. 2 reflect the difference in performance. For example, foamed acoustic material based on melamine resin from Illbruck (Germany) has a low density and also rather low resistance to temperature changes. This suggests that it is necessary to take into account that the scope of application of such materials is very limited. Soundproofing materials and their density produced by Ecophon, Parafon and Rockfon are approximately the same level. The similarity of this parameter is ensured by the similar insulating structure of this material. Soundproofing boards of these brands have a density that is much higher than that of foam materials, and in relation to the density of gypsum panels (900-1200 kg/m3) it is lower. At the same time, products for sound insulation made from basalt fiber are characterized by fire safety, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness, thermal insulation and durability. This is quite a big advantage, allowing them to be used when installing suspended ceilings and as acoustic soundproofing materials. wall panels for all types of premises: from apartments and offices, to cinemas and recording studios.

Soundproofing products in cinema premises perform the main task - maintaining sound conditions throughout the entire area. Materials should not allow this sound to spread beyond its boundaries.

Such sound insulation is carried out immediately by a set of actions. For example, for such work several types of materials are used that absorb sound. Such materials cover not only the walls and ceilings, but also the floor.

Such coverings are called carpet. It is necessary when decorating rooms, because it has a very beautiful and smooth surface with short pile. This makes the carpet very similar to a carpet or carpet.

Also for cinema owners, soundproofing products are provided in a huge selection of colors. And there are not only standard colors presented, but also various shades that will suit almost any interior and room design. Owners can choose not only the quality that suits them, but also choose a color whose relationship to the furniture upholstery will be ideal.

Our company can offer its clients:

Soundproofing material and its technological properties?

In the cinema you need to create using additional materials unprecedented acoustic perfect sound insulation. This is necessary so that all vibration, all hum and all sounds must remain in one isolated room. Carpet, in turn, copes well with the task entrusted to him. It not only easily reduces sound conductivity, but also does not affect acoustics at all. This material is very easy to install as it is very pliable and very easy to cut and stretch. Without any problems, it can also be fixed to ceilings, thereby forming a perfectly smooth surface.

The only condition for installing carpet is the room temperature. All sound insulation must take place in a room whose temperature should not fall below 16 degrees. Otherwise, the carpet completely stops stretching, which does not allow the panels to be joined on uneven areas.

In such cases, use makes it possible to minimize noise and provide comfortable acoustic conditions for rooms adjacent to the cinema hall.

Do not forget that the soundproofing of the hall makes it possible to enjoy the film, completely immersing yourself in its atmosphere, without being distracted by loud noise from the corridor or the neighboring cinema hall.

In the modern world, to fully implement the sound insulation process, materials are used that sufficiently have noise-reflecting or noise-absorbing properties.

Priority directions for soundproofing a movie theater or bowling alley.

  1. The most important task is to isolate the sounds of a cinema or bowling alley from nearby rooms. Therefore, sound insulation is necessary not only for walls, but also for ceilings and floors. This will prevent the sound from spreading further. For a cinema, it is mandatory to soundproof all rooms in which the film is shown.
  2. An important task is to ensure acoustic comfort directly in the hall in which a movie is being watched or a game of bowling is taking place. For this, sound insulation is also necessary for technical equipment: air conditioners, fans, refrigeration machines, etc.
  3. Do not forget that sound insulation should not interfere with the comfortable viewing of movies. The actors' speech should be easy to understand and audible. In a cinema hall, sound needs to travel evenly and efficiently throughout the hall in order to reach all rows at the same time. In a bowling alley, such subtleties are not provided.