Astrologer's advice: how to win the Aquarius man? How to win and keep an Aquarius man Tame an Aquarius.

An Aquarius man in love who dreams of tying the knot is a very rare thing. Usually people of this sign prefer independence, relationships without obligations and loneliness. This is probably why most of them are bachelors.

Women, in turn, do not lose hope of taming them for themselves and eventually marrying them. Only a few manage to do this.

In addition to one old wisdom that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, you also need to know how to interest a man of this sign with the help of other tricks. If you master them, then not far off will be the moment when the Aquarius man will lead his lady of the heart to the registry office.

When a woman knows how to communicate with the opposite sex, she will not have any difficulties in communicating with Aquarius. Another thing is if she wants to start a serious relationship with him. It will not hurt her to get acquainted with some recommendations of astrologers. They give women ten tips on how to win an Aquarius man:

  1. The main way to please Aquarius is to be sincere with him. The strong sex of this sign does not tolerate lies, falsehood and pretense. The more sincere a woman is, the more he will be drawn to her.
  2. You need to be patient with him and not try to tie him to yourself. Aquarius will not tolerate someone else's domination, and even more so the Aquarius guy.
  3. Friendliness is another example of how to behave with an Aquarius guy. Only in such an atmosphere will he feel comfortable, and therefore will instinctively reach out to where it is best for him to be.
  4. The Aquarius man himself is unpredictable and loves people the same as himself. Therefore, a woman who wants to interest a guy of this sign must be original in everything. Even in the most ordinary cases, she must show imagination in order to surprise him.
  5. Being curious is another surefire way to attract an Aquarius man. He himself always strives for new knowledge, and will appreciate a woman with whom he can jointly realize this desire.
  6. You can't limit his freedom. He will always strive to communicate with friends. People of this sign are generally not prone to betrayal, so it makes no sense to worry about this and try to keep him close to you.
  7. You can not flirt with his close people, acquaintances or friends. This is not the best way to get his attention. Such a situation will infuriate him and he will forever part with the woman who committed such an act.
  8. You can't make fun of his ideals. This will not help captivate him, but only offend and lead to a break in relations.
  9. You can not make fun of acquaintances and friends of Aquarius. You just need to accept them as they are. Better yet, try to love them. Communicate with them as with your friends and the Aquarius man will definitely appreciate this.
  10. Can't be bored. Boredom is what leads to the destruction of even seemingly ideal relationships.

These 10 simple commandments will help win his attention, and later his heart.

How to attract, keep and marry yourself

A real woman does not need to be explained how to seduce an Aquarius man. He is seductive like any other man. If you need the prospect of long-term relationships and preferably for life, then a slightly different tactic will be required. To attract the attention of an Aquarius man, you do not need to be afraid to take the initiative. The guys of this sign will not condemn a woman for this. This will arouse their surprise and interest. It is best for a lady to choose an interesting topic for conversation and start it. This is a good option, how to find an approach to it.

If you need to draw attention to yourself after an acquaintance and a certain period of communication, then this can be done with the help of an extravagant outfit. Men of this sign love extraordinary people, so they pay their attention to them.

After you have managed to hit him, you need to do another unusual act, for example, invite him to a museum or research trip. Attract a guy of this sign with a thirst for new knowledge, and he will definitely be interested in you.

When it is possible to charm the chosen one, he himself will take the initiative for further communication. The Aquarius man will not wait for the woman to take a step forward again. After communication, he will take the initiative in his own hands and perhaps something more.

Having dealt with the question of how to fall in love with him, the next problem immediately arises - how to keep the Aquarius man?

When a woman is interested in the question of how to win and keep a young man of this sign next to her, then she, again, needs to heed the advice of astrologers. They say that the young man of this sign does not like stability.

You can keep him only by constantly warming up his interest in yourself. You need to be an unsolved mystery for him, a mystery with seven seals. You need to let him know that you are not tameable, and then he will strive to conquer and conquer you. Such a man will no longer need to be tied, because he himself will always reach out to you.

Seducing him is easy, but how to marry an Aquarius man? This is no easy task here. Even an Aquarius in love is in no hurry to make a marriage proposal to his beloved. People of this sign, almost without exception, value their freedom very much. It is possible to achieve that the Aquarius man will lead his lady of the heart down the aisle, if you do not limit his communication with friends, allow him to engage in any hobby at a convenient time for him and diversify life.

How to get along with him? 10 rules of family life

When a woman no longer has the question of how to win a man if his zodiac sign is Aquarius, because the marriage is officially formalized, you still can’t relax. Men sometimes get married, but at the same time they do not realize what they are going for or, having married, they regret what they have done. Such a marriage may end in divorce.

Conquering a young man of this sign again does not make sense, because he does not return to his previous relationship. It won't work either. There is only one way out - to try to make family life bring him only positive emotions. Then the man will not have the desire to destroy it.

  1. Uniformity should not be tolerated. All Aquarians love change and sometimes even live in anticipation of it. Therefore, you need to constantly change something, starting with the curtains in the room and ending with your style of clothing.
  2. The Aquarius man does not allow life without provocations. He often plays with the feelings of other people, arranging various tests for them. You really need to love this person very much in order to withstand them all and at the same time you don’t need to make scandals about this.
  3. The man of this sign does not tolerate compromises. He strives to find the ideal and does not need to interfere with this. If he decided to change something, then you need to get infected with his adventurism and try to imbue his ideas. There is no need to offer him a compromise, because this can drive him into a severe depression.
  4. It is necessary to accept that his former lovers will constantly appear in his life. Aquarius can't let go of the past. He is constantly in search of an ideal, so he often compares past relationships with real relationships, and he must understand that what he now has is better than what he had.
  5. No need to throw tantrums. No man loves this, and Aquarius even more so.
  6. You can't try to bind him to yourself. He will feel it, and will instinctively move away.
  7. You should try to be a good friend to him. He appreciates when you can talk heart to heart with a woman on any topic. Just like with a friend.
  8. There is no need to prevent him from meeting with friends even after marriage. You need to get used to the idea that they will always be in his first place.
  9. You can not deprive the Aquarius man of his hobbies. If, for example, he is used to constantly going fishing with friends, then let this hobby remain after the wedding. He will appreciate it.
  10. You can’t quit your job and become a housewife, even if your husband earns well. The Aquarius man loves financially independent women.

How to get an Aquarius man back after a breakup

Breakups can happen to every couple, but guys of this sign do it more often than others. This does not always mean that the love story is over. You just need to know a few secrets on how to get an Aquarius man back or how to make peace with an Aquarius man.

Here are some tips to help you reconnect with a man of this sign:

The psychology of relationships is a complex science that needs to be studied all your life. With the Aquarius man, you also need to study astrology. Astrologers will answer the questions: how to interest him, how to marry him, how to satisfy and how to live with Aquarius. With the help of these tips, you will quickly find an approach to it.

If you met an open and extraordinary Aquarius man and decided to achieve his location, then here are some tips for winning the heart of this creative "air" sign. Remember, the more creativity, originality and quirkiness you show, the more chances you have to fall in love with this freedom-loving man. He is not interested in your branded outfit and your feminine "tricks" and lures. Your personality and your creative nature are important to him. These are the men who are not at all interested in the material world. They have different values ​​in life. He needs a self-respecting woman who will have the same values ​​​​and views on things as Aquarius. If you are such, then it will not be difficult for you to achieve the love of an Aquarius man.

The man is a dreamer. He is very attracted to everything new and unknown. He dreams of becoming the discoverer of some phenomenon or process. He really strives to do something useful for society. He dreams of becoming a part of human history. But the other side of this behavior is that Aquarius, like a child, endows himself with non-existent opportunities and abilities. And if something does not work out for him, he easily falls into a rage. He changes before our eyes and becomes a despotic tyrant, both to himself and to those around him. Therefore, be prepared that you will always quarrel. And after quarrels, you will have to calm Aquarius for a long time and convince him that he is really original and unique.

If you are not afraid of such prospects, and you decide to continue to win the heart of this difficult man, then you should know that Aquarius loves to watch science fiction films and read the same literature. Therefore, if you want to invite him on a first date, then the best option for this would be going to the cinema to see the premiere of some sci-fi tape. Aquarius will appreciate your love for this genre of cinema, he will see you as a like-minded person. In addition, after watching the film, you will have something to discuss and philosophize about the future.

If everything works out for you, as you planned, then Aquarius himself will invite you to the next date. In no case do not try to look for meetings with him again yourself, this can scare the most freedom-loving representative of the Zodiac circle. Remain an unsolved mystery for him, do not let him into the secret depths of your soul. Intrigue him with your omissions and unpredictable actions. You can’t hang yourself on his neck and immediately confess your love. This may seem to Aquarius an encroachment on his freedom, and he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis independence above all else. Therefore, you should not put pressure on him. It is better to take a wait and see position and spend more time conquering this difficult man. Although, if you do everything as recommended above, then he himself will win your heart.

Like all representatives, Aquarius is a very freedom-loving sign. Like Gemini, he has a lot of friends and acquaintances. He is very sociable and talkative. He easily makes new acquaintances. He loves to argue and discuss on a variety of topics. He likes to spend time in cheerful and noisy companies. He knows how to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere in which everyone feels comfortable and natural. Therefore, if you do not like all of the above, then you have no place next to Aquarius. If you prefer a more measured, calm and stable life, then you should look for another man. Aquarius will never become a homebody and an exemplary family man.

Aquarius can look for that ideal woman for a long time, the image of which he built in his fantasy. He firmly believes that such a woman exists. He needs a devoted companion with self-respect, who will understand him perfectly and sincerely share all his bizarre ideas and plans. She should make him feel important and appreciated. This woman should not pressure, control and criticize Aquarius. It should create around him an atmosphere of trust, independence and understanding. But remember, Aquarius will never reveal his true soul to anyone to the end. No matter how close a person you are to him, there will always be something unsaid and a certain distance between you. So if you are the same independent and freedom-loving, then Aquarius will be the perfect couple to create a lasting marriage.

How to find an approach to an Aquarius man

If you understand and accept the main leaps of your Aquarius man, then life together will bring more joy. For example, if you want to discuss a serious issue with your chosen one, wait until Aquarius stops dreaming and is adequate. Otherwise, at best, he will thoughtlessly nod his head at words, at worst, he will flare up and quarrel with you. Remember, daydreaming is sacred for Aquarius, with the help of it he relaxes and tunes in to everyday affairs, for him it is like meditation for yogis. By not letting him dream, you will deprive him of his life force.

Know that love and friendship are equal for this sign. Therefore, it is very important to have a joint hobby, heart-to-heart talk or just gossip. And by the way, that's why they agree to an official marriage without enthusiasm, why marry a friend, because we are so good.

Aquarius man understands the words literally, you will flirt or play unwillingly, he will not play along with you. Do not expect that he will persuade you to change his mind, turn around and leave to have fun alone.

The Aquarius man loves to experiment on people. And if you allow him to conduct experiments on you and do not be offended by them, you will soon win his love and respect. Since he will understand that you unconditionally trust him

Ten commandments how to behave with Aquarius

You must be:

  • original and creative;
  • freedom-loving and independent;
  • patient and restrained;
  • full of self-respect;
  • devoted and sincere.

You are not allowed:

  • restrict his freedom;
  • question his ability and originality;
  • be boring and monotonous;
  • live with material values;
  • be strict and domineering.

In fact, we note that Aquarius can usually be very impressed with romantic, open and friendly girls, who at the same time have self-esteem as well. Such a man is seduced by the independence of a girl in everything - in her judgments, in her actions, and even in her relationship with a man. Aquarians, as a rule, pay tribute to women's love of freedom and sacredly try to protect their own freedom and independence. That woman who intends to become a companion in the life of such an extraordinary man should initially let the man know that she will need, first of all, his sincere and most importantly disinterested friendship. And then it is desirable to behave in such a way as if you only feel friendly or comradely sympathy for Aquarius. If suddenly you start a conversation about sex, then it is advisable to talk about this process with a slight but not negative disdain. So it seems that it didn’t even occur to you to allow a relationship to intimacy with this man. After all, they say, your friendship can suffer from sex, because friendship and bed are usually incompatible! Believe me, it is unlikely that such a position of the young lady will not hurt the Aquarius man. Although he does not look very much like the overly temperamental hero of all romance novels, in any case he is a man, and a man is a man.

I would also like to say that, in principle, sex for all representatives of this zodiac sign is, as they say, the fifth thing. Actually, therefore, trying to count on the fact that you can drive an Aquarius man crazy with some kind of virtuoso intimacy is guaranteed not worth it. Although, of course, he won't refuse it. But it’s also not worth it to specifically try to please him, bothering yourself with the search for new forms and positions, he is unlikely to appreciate it. After all, these men adhere to this position: having sex with some pretty person is good, and if it doesn’t happen, that’s also very good. A man of Aquarius may well be satisfied with quite rare, and at the same time, intimate relationships that do not bind anyone to anything. Moreover, neither the temperament of a particular young lady, nor the experience of such in sex, a man of this zodiac sign usually cares. In any case, this man needs a woman as a special person, and not at all as a soulless sexual object. Although if it did happen, then actually, why not? So to speak, physiology, sir… Let the partner enjoy. Though he might as well.

In general, the Aquarius man usually really likes the company of a woman, but at the same time he treats even the most seductive and bright charmers in a purely friendly way. Actually, therefore, it is completely pointless for you to be jealous of a man of this sign, and even more so to throw him some tantrums on this occasion. And besides, it can be unsafe. After all, the Aquarius man may well take offense at you for such jealousy and even buck up. After all, it usually doesn’t even occur to him that he could enter into a closer relationship with one of his friends, if only because this may be required by sexual instinct. The Aquarius man needs, first of all, spiritual contact and nothing more. Interesting communication is important to him, common hobbies, serious disputes or discussions on topics of interest to him are important, believe me, all this is much more important for such a man than even the coolest sex.

Nevertheless, if a girl herself really wants to hint to a man of this sign that she expects something more from a man than simple friendship, one day it will be possible to say with some bitterness that none of the men, unfortunately, could do it before. her absolutely happy. And this means that true love simply does not exist in this world ... But sometimes you really want it to be! It is clear that this is a kind of provocation. Of course, Aquarius is an idealist, and he will probably really want to convince the young lady of the opposite, showing her what love is. And here is the main thing for the girl - and not to blunder herself! After all, finally, the bird itself flies into your cage.

Aquarius men really like a non-standard creative look at almost any thing and issue, so a woman will need to constantly adhere to a certain image of a person who is absolutely free from any traditional stereotypes and conventions. Although, of course, this will not mean that a woman will have to constantly deny all existing moral canons and rules and do literally whatever you want. It will be enough for the young lady to periodically speak out a little more boldly than is accepted by society, and to behave as liberated as possible. In addition, it is important to have your own point of view on all things, different from the previously existing and announced point of view. Although it is very important to have a position that will not radically contradict the position of Aquarius himself. Because otherwise he can start to get annoyed and even argue literally because of every little thing and trifle. But this is extremely undesirable for the development of the right relationship.

In a word, in order to finally win the love of the Aquarius man, the young lady must be a completely independent idealist with a rich and mobile emotional world. He, believe me, will not need a homemade clown or an overly loving, sexually excessive lady. The Aquarius man usually dreams of being a friend with his life partner first, and only then becoming her lover. This man is always sincere and incredibly devoted to his only woman. And of course he expects literally the same attitude from a woman.

Being really a person, extremely outstanding, the Aquarius man is always looking for an unusual girl who stands out from the crowd for himself. It is quite possible that it will not be so easy to live next to this man - after all, this strange type is incredibly capricious and, of course, likes to constantly lecture a woman on morals. Nevertheless, this man will never betray his woman, he will never humiliate her, and believe me, he will never leave her alone in trouble.

The Aquarius man is an extremely romantic, self-willed and inquisitive person. This is an active, rather sociable idealist, living by his own laws. He is truthful, open, friendly, extremely sociable and does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. And with all this, almost alone. Actually, the reason for loneliness lies in Aquarius itself. He is not able to maintain a close relationship with anyone for a long time. Love and friendship for a man - Aquarius - are abstract concepts.

He loves everyone and everyone around him is his friend. Aquarius devotes himself to the world, not to a specific person. However, the fight for a just cause is not for him. This slightly strange man lives in his own dimension. He is not a fighter. He is an observer. That is why it is difficult for women with representatives of this sign. It is difficult to understand what is happening in his soul, what he aspires to, what he dreams of. It seems to love. And it seems not. And how to conquer the Aquarius man if he is mysterious and unpredictable? Well, let's look for the answer to this question.

How to captivate a man - Aquarius

In general, love for men - Aquarius - is a source of unusual and somewhat uncomfortable experiences. He would gladly treat it as an interesting experiment, but feelings do not allow him to think logically. This oppresses Aquarius. Having fallen in love, he becomes gloomy, becomes dull and tries to get rid of such an uncomfortable state with all his might. Having fallen into such a trap a couple of times, this tricky fellow tries to avoid it with all his might. Therefore, he is not attracted to either the spectacular appearance of the girl, or her sex appeal, or her wonderful character. No, he is not against short-term, non-binding relationships with charming young ladies. But stays next to them as long as there is at least some interest. And then, not really bothering, parted without regret.

Of course, in order to initially attract the attention of Aquarius, you need to look good. Still, he is a normal man, not indifferent to female beauty. And he is unlikely to like a faceless clumsy creature with an awkward hairstyle and in ridiculous attire. However, as for the vestments, the men of this sign have a special attitude towards it.

They care little about stylish, tasteful, fashionable clothes on a girl. Even vice versa. If she dresses up in a costume of the last century or puts on a hat with a feather, this will be more significant for the Aquarius man than a dress from Lagerfeld's latest collection. Because it will intrigue. Aquarius is extremely curious and will certainly want to know for what reasons the young lady was equipped in this way.

In order to keep this elusive man next to him, it will be enough just to constantly warm up his curiosity. That is, at each meeting to be new, unique, mysterious. You will also have to behave in accordance with the image, contrary to the rules of behavior in society. You can flirt recklessly, pester strangers with tricky questions, try to sit where they usually do not sit, clap your hands inappropriately ... In a word, do something that is not very accepted. Well, within the bounds of decency, of course. The main thing is to make a very strong impression on Aquarius with its outrageousness. If he is amazed, he will not go anywhere until he completely bites his girlfriend. Such is the nature.

If the young lady's fantasy does not run out, and she begins to stun Aquarius again and again, he will definitely try to conquer her. Just to understand what kind of outlandish bird this is and how to handle it. This is where you should use all your feminine charm, while being independent and laid-back. It’s not bad to sometimes disappear for a while, letting Aquarius know that he is not yet the whole world in the window.

And at the same time hint that there are still feelings for this man. But not directly, but indirectly. Like, there is something they are, only what - sympathy, friendly disposition, love - is unclear.

To conquer Aquarius, you need to become a challenge for him. He will certainly want to answer this challenge. A girl should always try to remain incomprehensible and inaccessible. Then the Aquarius man's interest in her will increase every day. But this is just a matter of curiosity. In order for such a man to come to the conclusion that this unique person is his destiny, something else is needed.

How to get the love of a man - Aquarius

Even if a woman arouses tremendous interest in Aquarius, his feelings can sleep in a deep sleep. Representatives of this sign react to the real world more logically than emotionally. So they reflexively protect themselves from shocks. No, the Aquarius man is not an insensitive blockhead. He is responsive and compassionate. As for love, it lurks somewhere in the most secluded corners of his soul. Although Aquarius can fall in love. And not even once. But this is a passing, practically unmarked state of his psyche. A deep feeling in Aquarius can only wake up when he sees a faithful friend in a girl.

A friend of Aquarius is equivalent to a comrade in arms. Even occasionally, she should not allow herself whims, make unjustified claims against Aquarius, show some kind of intolerance. The young lady will have to treat any antics of her friend with condescending calmness. Otherwise, he will flare up, and the relationship can deteriorate significantly. This does not mean at all that a woman needs to completely abandon her own aspirations and desires. You need to achieve your goal with friendliness, gentleness, tact. Then Aquarius will make concessions, and any issue will be resolved by the world.

In general, Aquarius is very impressed by romantic, friendly girls with self-esteem. He is seduced by independence in everything - in judgments, in actions, in relationships. Aquarians pay tribute to the love of freedom in other people and sacredly guard their own freedom. The one who intends to become the life partner of such a man should initially let him know that she needs only sincere disinterested friendship. And act as if he only feels comradely sympathy for Aquarius. And if suddenly we are talking about sex, talk about it with slight disdain. It seems that it never occurs to her to allow sex with this man. Say, friendship and bed are incompatible! It is unlikely that such a position of the girl will not hurt Aquarius. He does not look like a temperamental hero of a love story, but a man is a man.

I must say that sex for representatives of this sign is the fifth thing. Therefore, it is not worth counting on the fact that Aquarius can be driven crazy with virtuoso intimacy. No, he won't give it up, of course. But he will not specially bother himself with the search for a partner. Intimacy happens with a pretty person - good, it doesn’t happen - also not bad. Aquarius is quite satisfied with rare, non-binding relationships. At the same time, neither the young lady's temperament nor her experience excites his man of this sign. He needs a woman as a person, not as a sexual object. And if it happened, why not? Physiology, sir… Let the partner enjoy. Well, he is with her.

In general, Aquarius likes women's society, but he treats even the most seductive ladies in a friendly way. Therefore, it is pointless to be jealous of this man and throw tantrums at him about this. And it's not safe, either. Aquarius can be seriously offended and buck. It never occurs to him to enter into close relations with one of his friends just because this is required by the sexual instinct. Aquarius needs first of all spiritual contact. Interesting communication, common hobbies, disputes and discussions on any topic are much more important for him than the coolest sex.

If a girl really wants to hint to him that she would like something more than just friendship, one day one can bitterly say that none of the men could make her happy. This means that true love does not exist ... And so I want it to be! Aquarius is an idealist, and will probably want to convince her otherwise. And here is the main thing - do not blunder! The bird flies into the cage.

Aquarians like a creative look at any issue, so you need to stick to the image of a person free from traditional conventions. Of course, this does not mean that one should reject all moral dogmas and do whatever one pleases. It is enough just to express bold judgments, but to behave quite liberated. And to have your own point of view on everything, different from the already existing ones. Moreover, such a point of view, which will not be too contrary to the position of Aquarius. Otherwise, he will begin to get annoyed and argue over every trifle. And this is undesirable.

In a word, in order to conquer Aquarius, one must be an independent idealist with a rich and mobile emotional world. He does not need a home whore or an overly loving lady. Aquarius dreams of being first a friend for a life partner, and then a lover. He is sincere and devoted to his woman. And he expects the same from her. Being an outstanding personality, Aquarius is looking for the same girl who stands out from the crowd. Perhaps next to him it will not be so easy - this strange type is wayward and loves to read moralizing. But he will never betray, humiliate and leave in trouble.

Talk 6

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It is interesting! You will never get bored with Aquarius, but his hobbies often cease to be manic. If you went on a reconnaissance with Aquarius, the adrenaline would just go through the roof: this sign is rarely distinguished by prudence - you would be caught because of its carelessness.

What zodiac signs are suitable for Aquarius women

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  • Nothing will work out with Aquarius: each partner will show his “I” and disagree with the opinion of the other. If at first life seems cheerful and carefree, because both sides love adventure, then family life will break all feelings with a bang.
  • Virgos attract Aquarius with mysteriousness and a completely different attitude to the world around them. A man will be interested to know your position, feelings may arise, the romance promises to be enchanting, but the likelihood of a long marriage is low.
  • With Aries and Sagittarius, the union will not be strong, although Aquarius is flattered by the energy and sociability of these signs. Relationships will quickly get bored with a man, and when it turns out that it will be difficult to find a compromise in everyday life, feelings will completely fade away.
  • A good union can turn out with Capricorn: reasonable women of this sign are devoid of emotionality, are patient with other people's opinions, and are ready to forgive many absurd acts. Marriage will be strong if the partner learns to give in and not go ahead somewhere.

Be an extravagant, unusual girl, attract attention, immerse yourself in a world of adventure and never argue. Source: Flickr (Sinu_Kumar)

How to Win an Aquarius Man

If you are interested in this air sign, the question arises, how to win the Aquarius man? You must understand that attracting attention is only a grain in achieving the goal, you also need to keep this headstrong partner next to you. To do this, follow the recommendations:

  1. Appearance does not seem to be important for such men, but in companions for long-term relationships, they are looking for charm and sexuality. If the dress sets you apart from the crowd, attracts attention and turns your head, then the task of how to interest the Aquarius man will not arise - he will be the first to approach you. You should not pay attention to secular norms, the main thing is self-expression and the desire to emphasize individuality. Vulgarity and vulgarity are not welcome.
  2. Aquarius wants a woman to be perfect in everything: he scrupulously studies her actions, asks many questions. But there is a secret: it is enough to impress only on the first date, then the image is formed in the guy’s head, and you can relax - your opinion will not change.
  3. How to conquer Aquarius? Create a comfortable life for him, be a neat housewife and learn to do several things at the same time, while being rested and ready to listen to a fun story. Share your emotions, agree with your partner in everything, be active and cheerful. It is these women who attract air signs.
  4. You should not ask about ex-girlfriends or try to reproach for something - no one is interested in your opinion, especially in an instructive way. Try to talk less, do not show your erudition or erudition if it belittles the dignity of a man.
  5. When you like an Aquarius man, how to win him over? Never lie unless it involves flattery. This sign loves to hear about their charm, attractiveness, and charm. Even in a situation where you know other guys with a lot of positive qualities, assure your companion that he is the best.
  6. Do not allow obsession, stories about marriage and death on the same day will only scare your partner away. You should not demonstrate your independence and financial stability if this is aimed at undermining the authority of a man. On the other hand, they really like the ability to achieve their goals and career heights in girls.
  7. How to conquer the Aquarius man? Strive to do everything perfectly, be on time for dates, show that you want to improve yourself and learn. However, remember that having learned many things, you will definitely outgrow your companion, which will lead to separation - he does not need competition, especially losing.
  8. Be indulgent about his hobbies, do not lag behind a single step: skydiving, kayaking, racing - in this variety you can find something for yourself.
  9. Give Aquarius time to think, when he is immersed in his thoughts and wants to be alone, periodically such situations will arise. Thinking about life, your partner will return to normal again, and feelings will manifest themselves with renewed vigor.
  10. How to charm an Aquarius man? Be ready to change your plans at any time to go to the movies or the park with him. Keep your mystery, don't get into fights. If you want to achieve something, follow the contrary: a man loves to do everything in defiance.

Important! Despite the care, the guy is unlikely to confess his love to you: you have to guess by his eyes and actions.

Questions to the astrologer

To clarify the intricacies of relations with Aquarius, the advice of an astrologer who knows exactly the features of this sign and aspects of conquering feelings will help.

How to win the Aquarius man to the Gemini woman?

Such an alliance will be funny and intriguing, although the financial side of the relationship will be in question: in this marriage, money can be tight. However, the signs are well suited to each other, being like-minded people. They will have fun together, lead a carefree lifestyle, enjoy moonlit nights and travel. A woman does not need to do anything, there is no question of how to achieve an Aquarius man: the main thing is to be yourself, love arises at first sight, and the parties receive equal rights.

How to conquer the Aquarius man to the Sagittarius woman?

This pair will be bright and original. She lives for her own pleasure, it seems as if such a union is made in heaven. The presence of common interests and hobbies does not make a marriage strong, a girl should think not only about how to find an approach to the Aquarius man, but also about the possibility of maintaining relationships in the future. Feelings will have to be constantly warmed up, give the partner more emotions, while not limiting his personal space - a freedom-loving nature will not appreciate such an act.

How to captivate an Aquarius man?

Only very strong feelings can captivate this guy: create conditions for him where you don’t need to think about the future, and today is bright and fun. How to win the heart of an Aquarius man? He is fascinated by unusual young ladies who have their own point of view on everything and do not tolerate restrictions. Be cheerful and active, do not stop for a minute, enjoy every moment of life.

It is interesting! Aquarians often suffer from vascular diseases, their diet should be filled with salt, lean meat and cereals. And they also need hot tonic tea.

How to surprise an Aquarius man?

It is difficult to impress such a person with something - he himself is ready to give odds to others. Perhaps your only opportunity is to have an extravagant passion or hobby. Be unpredictable and original, do not pay attention to secular limits and decency, surprise a man with your actions.

How to conquer the Aquarius man? This question worries many young ladies, which is not surprising: this sign does not hold charm. Be an extravagant, unusual girl, attract attention, immerse yourself in a world of adventure and never argue. Imposing your point of view is simply dangerous, but your patience will be rewarded: next to you will be a man with whom you will not get bored - a real dream of other ladies.

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